Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M13. God does as asked. (.27.29.32.) .44.-.46.

A person makes a request to the deity, and he fulfills it according to the letter, not the meaning. Cf. M13A motive.

(Serbs, Bulgarians, Macedonians, Abkhazians, Terekemens, Armenians, Udmurts, Chuvashes), Menominee, Winnebago, Marsh Cree (Eastern), Western and Eastern Ojibwa, Steppe Ojibwa, Fox, potauatomi, mikmaq, passamaquoddy, malesit, delaware, assiniboine.

(Wed. The Balkans. Serbs: Moshkov 1901 [the sky opens for baptism]: 65; Potanin 1899 [a man leaned out the window on Christmas Eve so that when the sky opens, ask God for gold from a barrel; by accident asked for his head from the barrel; his head became big, stuck in the window]: 505; Jankovich 1951 [the sky opens on Epiphany, Ivanov's Day]: 25; Bulgarians: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 775 [on The orphan's Annunciation looked at the sky without blinking and wished everything he touched would be gold or silver; food, pets, wife would also turn metallic], 775* [on Epiphany (Transfiguration), the man stuck his head out the window to ask for a cauldron of gold; after saying, he asked his head like a cauldron; his head became big, stuck in the window]: 274, 274-275; Nenov 2004 [for Easter ( Introduced to the Savior) the sky opens, the Lord descends to earth and takes the souls of the dead]: 75; Macedonians [the sky opens to Vojordan; then wine flows from the springs instead of water, and any desire will come true; one man screamed that he wanted great fame, and the Lord heard that the chapter gave him a big head; one woman saw the sky open when she put her head out the window, wanted to ask a barrel (shinik) of money, and said "shinik head", her head became like a barrel, she could not get it out of the window]: Tsenev 2004:28-29).

(Wed. Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians [sometimes the sky opens; the lucky ones can see this; I must say quickly, Lari, Wari, Khazi, Jhuari ("Dog, people, serum, hominy film left at the bottom and the walls of the cauldron"), then any wish will come true; at this time the waterfall may freeze; one person asked for goats, there were so many of them that he exclaimed, God, kill me; died immediately]: Chursin 1956:156-157 (retelling in Zukhba 1995:51); Terekemens [Terekemens, like all Muslims, believed in gadir geje (happy evening), leilat al-Qadr (night predestination); plea addressed To God this evening, I will be satisfied; this evening was considered to be the 27th of Ramadan; at a certain hour of this evening, the water in the river stops, then you can ask for anything; one miller saw it asked God to make him big-headed (in the sense of authority); he had a huge head; asked him to make his head small, like a bird; barely had time to ask him to do what the head was]: Hajiyeva 1990:195; Armenians [once a year two star spouses meet, everyone is happy, you can ask for what you want; one person wanted to say, "Let my shovel be golden", but accidentally said" wooden"; so it became]: Ganalanyan 1979, No. 856:274).

(Wed. Volga - Perm. Udmurts [if the sky lights up at night, it opens the sky door; if you wish anything at this time, the wish will come true; the woman instead of "make me happy" said "do it bearded", she grew a beard; the man said "give me a beard" instead of "give me a beard", his beard grew to his knees; the beggar asked to close all his holes (in his clothes), his holes in his body were closed, he died]: Kelmakov 1978, No. 6:119-120; Chuvash: Ashmarin 2003 [only a happy person can see the northern lights; they appear early in the morning, shimmer like the glow of lightning, quickly fades out; if anyone If he sees and has time to ask for something, it will all come true; others do not have time to ask out of fear; one person asked to close all the gaps, his mouth, nostrils, eyes are closed]: 299-300).

The Midwest. One of the petitioners wants eternal life, turned into stone. Menominee: Bloofield 1928, No. 87 [four men come to Menapus for witchcraft herbs; one wants eternal life, turned to stone; the rest come home in four days], 88 [Menapus calls a young man to him, tells him to take nine more virgin youths with him; there is a narrow stream on the way; one looks down, jumps over, falls into the abyss; four years later, young men they come to M., who promises to fulfill their wishes; they want to be 1) a lucky hunter, 2) a warrior, 3) a healer, 4) a runner, 5) also a hunter, 7) be successful with women; the latter wants eternal life, turned to stone; others soon find themselves at home; lover loses weight from exhaustion]: 253-255, 255-265; Hoffman 1896 [eight men come to Myanyabush; one wants hunting charms]: 206; Skinner , Satterlee 1915, No. 52 [ten men go to the sunset to Nashpatyao, Myanyabush's brother; one asks to be a good hunter, the other a healer, the third a prophet, the fourth a warrior, and the fifth long-lived, etc.; they get what they want; the latter asks for eternal life, is turned into a boulder; tobacco is still being donated to him]: 485-488; winnebago [the old man asks his grandson not to fast for so long; grandson says he wants to be immortal; Ma-on (the Creator) decides to grant his request; the young man dies suddenly, a tree grows on his grave, and more is being done every year]: Smith 1997 : 59-60; Eastern Swamps: Bird 2007 (Winisk River) [Wisakaychak goes far west, turns into stone; a pine tree grows on his forehead; when the earth ends, it will rise again will go; one day two people reached him; one asked for eternal life, V. turned it into stone; the other wanted to live a long time, V. turned it into larch]: 193-197; Ellis 1995 (west coast of the bay James), No. 7 [during the flood, Weesakechahk lowers Beaver on a rope to get the ground from the bottom, he pops up dead; the same Muskrat, but there is some land under his claw; V. revives the Muskrat, creates land, asks Wolverine runs around the earth; she returns three years later; V. says the land is not big enough; next time Wolverine does not return, the earth is big; V. went north, leaving heaps of stones in place spending the night (these are his barriers from the wind); there he sits, Christmas trees grow on his forehead, partridges nest in his eyebrows; one day two Indians came to him; one asks for a life long enough for children have become adults; the other wants eternal life, V. turned him into stone], 28 [Weesakechakh left, a pine tree grew on his head; two people came to him; one asked and received an average life duration; the other wanted to become immortal, V. turned him into stone]: 35-39, 171; Western Ojibwa: Jones 1916, No. 60 [several men come to Nyanaboz; one asks for eternal life, the second is success with women, the third is to become a great warrior, the fourth is a hunter; everyone gets what they ask for, the first is turned into stone]: 389; Densmore 1929b (chippewa) [Winabojo lives in the West for a big water with his grandmother and daughter; 10 men went to him; his grandmother's voice comes from a moss-covered stump; V. pulls a bear bone out of the bag, she turns into a half-alive bear, and those who come cook food for herself; a beautiful daughter brings spoons and bowls; V. promises to fulfill wishes; the first wants eternal life, V. makes him a stone; the second asks for eternal success, turned into a fox; the rest ask for healing together medicine; V. sends them home, tells them to take his daughter with him and choose a fiancé from among them; otherwise she will return and the power of the medicine will be lost; on the last night, men try to find out who The girl likes them, but she disappears with the medicine]: 99-101; (cf. chippewa [the man's daughter died; five shamans agreed to go with him to Wanabojo; asked their friends' spirits at the graves, who replied that V. was still on earth; people had reached the island on the lake. Upper, at sunrise; V. grew a cedar on his head, the roots braided his body; one asked if he could live forever, V. replied that only the stone is eternal, the one who asked to turn it into stone, became with a stone, stayed with V., the rest went to the land of spirits; V. said that when the spirits began to dance, the father should put his daughter in a bag, not untie it; on the second day, one of the shamans untied this V. the "snake chain" immediately became a spirit; on the fourth night, the father grabbed the daughter, put it in a bag, they returned to V., who, when he returned home, ordered him to put the bag with the man's daughter in the steam room; she came to life] : Densmore 1928:384-386); Eastern Ojibwa (Southern Ontario)] [four people walked for two years and came to Nanabush; he tells his daughter to cook meat with blueberries; one of the visitors thinks what it is He can swallow the amount of food in one gulp; but they eat, and the food in the pot does not decrease; N. promises to fulfill the wishes of those who come; one wants to be a lucky warrior so that bullets do not harm him; the second so that the game always goes out to him; the third is his wife (N. gives him his daughter); the fourth wants to live forever, N. turned him into a block of granite; N. tells the woman who received his wife not to talk to her until they got home; on the last day he broke the ban and his wife went missing]: Laidlaw 1915, No. 17:15-16; Ottawa [five young men and a teenager decide to go to the sun, head east; a European ship transports them across the sea; they come to a place where the sky beats against the ground; Manabozo invites them to fulfill their wishes; two want eternal life, turned into stone and cedar; two want life longer ordinary and military success; two want to hunt enough animals for their parents and relatives to eat; they slip under the sky when it rises; the other two are crushed; the moon is old a woman, the Sun is her brother; he leads guests across the sky, stops at noon, between sunrise and noon and sunset; people come home and meet their fathers]: Schoolcraft 1999: 144-154; Fox: Jones 1907, No. 16 [six men go to Visak; walk under shooting stars, one is killed; across a chasm that opens and closes, one falls; four achieve the goal; one wants to live forever, is turned into stone; the second wants to be brave, the third wants to be a good hunter, the fourth wants to easily succeed with women; all three get what they want]: 333-337; 1911 [ as in 1907; one falls into the abyss, five come to V., sitting next to their grandmother, the Mother of All Earth; desires: 1) the ability to choose a wife and pass this ability on to others (gets); 2) a long life ( turned into a granite boulder); 3) win competitions (gets); 4) quickly follow where they play (V. halves his way home, and at the same time the rest); (apparently, the fifth asked to do it a good hunter); everyone who crosses his path falls ill, people leave him alone]: 209-211; potauatomi [six go to the Sun; one asks and receives the gift of clairvoyance, the other two want eternal life, another is to always be by the sea; the Sun leads them west, says goodbye; one turns into cedar, the other into a boulder, the third into an aquatic man (p.47: perhaps sturgeon); the sixth says that he did not want anything, but went to the company]: Skinner 1924:363-365; Steppe Ojibwa: Skinner 1919, No. 12 [Nanibozhu asks the manita for immortality; he turns him into stone], 14 [four people they come to N. when they hear the sound of his tambourine; receive drugs; three ask for life to gray hair; the fourth wants eternal life; N. turns him into one of the stones of the kind on which water is poured in the steam room]: 290-291.

Northeast. Mikmak: Leland 1968:69-72 [three men come to Gluscap; the first asks the flute to lure game (gets it); the second wants a lot of women (gets a bag, warned not to untie it) the third wants to blow the winds so that everyone laughs (gets a spine, is warned not to eat on the way); both prohibitions are broken; hundreds of girls jump out of the bag, copulate with a person he dies; the one who has eaten the spine constantly emits gases, frightens the game, people drive it away from themselves, he commits suicide], 94-97 [the young man comes to Gluscap; on the way he slips between the heads of two snakes; under the Wall of Death, which rises like a cloud above the ground, then falls, crushing everyone; asks for a cure for all diseases; G. does not tell you to open the bag along the way; the young man opens, the medicine disappears; three men come to Gluscap; one wants to be taller than everyone else, the other to live in his own land, the third to live a long time; the earthquake lives in a nearby teepee; when he walks, the earth trembles; Gluscap tells him to turn three petitioners into trees]; Parsons 1925, No. 7 [two var.; seven come to Uglutchopt; he has been lying on his side for centuries; one wants to live long, turned into a tree; others receive various shamanic drugs; on the way back, thunderbirds carry them quickly back]: 69-72; Wallis, Wallis 1966, No. 6 [two men come to Gluscap; one asks and gets hunting luck; another wants to live long, turned into a tree]: 238; passamaquoddy [a woman bites off a branch, gives birth to a boy, lets him down the river in a measles boat; another woman finds him, adopts him; children they die in the village; at night the baby carves their tongues, fries them, eats them; he is burned, he is born again; becomes an adult healer; has no bones, lies on the ground; one person asks him for a love spell potion; then returns because there is no end to women; the other wants to live as long as the world; turned into cedar]: Fewkes 1884:273-275 in Edmonds, Clark 1989:323-324; malesite [Gluscap lives with his a grandmother on the southern edge of the world; he is young and his grandmother also rejuvenates every time she gets old; seven men went to him for seven years to tell him their desires; one asked for eternal life, G. it is a cedar of a species that is useless, so no one will cut it; a witch doctor lies next to G.; every seven years he turns to the other side, and medicinal herbs grow in the same place; how to use them, told the one who came who was a shaman; G. showed the way back, who came home in four days]: Jack 1895:193; delaware [three young men come to the manita; one asks Good luck at war, the other hunting, the third in love; this third is killed by women in love]: Bierhorst 1995, No. 161:67.

Plains. Assiniboine [after Sitkonsky left the people, he began to live on the island; four Cree Indians (Var.: Ojibwa) go to him, hear the sound of a drum every day, but get there only four days later; the first asks for eternal life (turned into stone), the second asks daughter S. for a wife (receives, he is told not to sleep with her for four days, he sleeps on the third, the girl disappears); two asked witch doctor roots and herbs; came back four years later, thought it was four days]: Lowie 1909a, No. 35:123-124.