Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M130A. A bird saves a deer, ATU 239.


The deceiver lures the animal into the hunter's trap. Another animal advises the victim to pretend to be dead and helps to escape.

Naga Burma, Meitei, Khmer, Telugu, Uttar Pradesh (Hindi), Sinhalese, Javanese, Chinese (unrecorded), Chinese (Liaoning), (Romanians), Northern Ukrainians, Kalmyks, Kurds, Turkmens, Kazakhs, Dungans, Mongols, Oirats.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. The Naga of Burma [the fox was afraid of the tiger, began to serve him, he is happy; but she wanted to live her life and eat the meat of large animals at the same time; invited the deer to go to the clearing, where there is more herbs; there is a trap, the deer is caught; the crow tells you to pretend to be dead; it will signal when the hunter opens the trap; the deer ran away, the spear thrown by the hunter fell into the fox that was waiting in the bushes when it will be possible to eat giblets]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 9:49-50; Meitei [deer and crow are both widows; when flying away, the crow tells the deer to call her if something happens; the fox lured the deer into a trap to eat; but the deer hung too high above the ground; when the deer screamed, a crow flew in and taught me what to do; the deer pretended to be dead, the hunter took it out of the noose, it ran away; furious the hunter decided to kill any animal he found; he came across a fox waiting to live and pierced it with a spear]: Oinam et al. s.a.

Burma - Indochina. Khmer [the wolf offers friendship to the deer; leads to a trap for the deer to be caught and then eaten; leaves the deer in a trap; the crow advises to pretend to be dead; run as soon as it is croaks; the hunter takes out the deer, the crow croaks, the deer runs, the hunter throws the knife, hits a wolf who was sitting in the bushes waiting for reindeer meat]: Marunova 1972:185-186.

South Asia. Uttar Pradesh (Mirzapur) [jackal to a deer: the crow is not your friend; he traps him; says he can't gnaw through his skin - it's a fasting day; the crow tells the deer to pretend to be dead, deer runs away; asks the crow for forgiveness for making friends with her for the jackal]: Rouse, Crooke 1899, No. 38:166-169; Sinhalese [the deer helps the jackal, but when he falls into the trap, the jackal refuses help him; on the advice of the crow, the deer pretends to be dead; the hunter takes him out of the trap, the deer runs away]: Thompson, Roberts 1960, No. 139:42; telugu [brahman tells the king an edifying story about animals; seeing the birdsmen scattered the rice bait, the king of pigeons Chitramane warns others: the tiger promised the man a gold bracelet if he entered the pond, ate it; but the pigeons did not listen, got into the net; C. ordered them to take off at once, they carried the net away; Hiranayaka's rat spell gnawed through the ropes; when he saw this, the raven king Laghupathanaka asks H. to let him into his hole; he responds as a deer made friends with the jackal, but the crow doubted the jackal's honesty; he called the deer to the cornfield, the deer fell into the trap; the jackal: it's fasting now, I can't gnaw my tendons; the crown advised the deer pretend to be dead; when the owner took the deer out of the trap, he ran away; the owner saw a jackal waiting for prey and killed him; (other stories follow)]: Pantulu 1905, No. 41:105-124.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Javanese [Wild Cat envies Kanchil (deer); brought him to the garden where the trap fell into him; Snipe advised him to pretend to be dead, stained his face with droppings; the owner of the trap decided that Kanchil died a long time ago, cut the noose, Kanchil ran away; the peasant threw a sickle at him, but hit the Wild Cat, waiting for Kanchil to die, cut it to pieces]: Ostrovsky 1956:121-126.

China - Korea. Chinese: Coyaud 2012, No. 22 [the wolf fell into a trap, called for help from a deer; the deer released him, but was trapped himself; the wolf refused to help him; the raven taught him to pretend to be dead; when the hunter took out the deer, it ran away; the hunter fired an arrow at the crow, but it pierced the waiting wolf]: 68-69; Ting 1987, No. 239 [a deer or field mouse saves a wolf or partridge from a trap; but when a deer falls into the trap, the rescued one does not help it out; the crow advises to pretend to be dead; the hunter takes the deer out of the trap, it runs away; the hunter tries to take revenge on the bird; it leads it to a wolf, a hunter kills him, or a hunter kills a bird]: 244; Chinese (Liaoning, Yingkou County, Weizilou District, village. Loujiu, peasant, secondary education, 1980) [the wolf tells the deer that he has given up meat and thinks how to eat the deer; he sees a ball of meat; cannot jump; the deer picked up the noose with its horn, but himself found himself in a noose; the wolf is waiting for the hunter to kill and refresh the deer, he will get giblets; the raven advises the deer to pretend to be dead; called the hunters - supposedly, a deer died on the mountain; the hunter took it out loops, the deer ran away, the raven flew away, the hunter shot the crow and hit the wolf]: Liaoning 1994, No. 171:375.

(Wed. The Balkans. Romanians [the fox climbed into the chicken coop; next time she called a hedgehog with her, although he doubts his success; both fell into a trap pit; each invites the other to strain his brains; as a result, the fox pushed with the hedgehog's nose, but she stayed in the hole; the hedgehog advised me to pretend to be dead; people threw away the fox, it ran away]: Gaster 1915, No. 111:322-323).

Central Europe. Northern Ukrainians (Rivne) [the deer got into the net, called the turtle for help; it slowly began to gnaw through the threads; a hunter is walking with a bag, bow and arrow; the bird rushed under his feet, he is for her, the turtle managed to free the deer; the hunter adjusted the bow to shoot at the bird, but the turtle grabbed its leg; the bird flew away, and the hunter put the turtle in the bag; stopped to eat on the way; the deer crept up, picked up the bag and took it away, the bird tore the bag and released the turtle; this is how three friends saved each other]: Berezovsky 1979, No. 450:457 (in SUS 1979 it is designated as story No. 239**).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks [the motive corresponds to the fairy tale "The Fox, the Maral and the Crow" {without details}]: Ubushiyeva, Damrinjav 2020:13 (with reference to: Halmg Tuuls. Kalmyk tales/Comp. V.D. Badmayeva. Elista, 2009. P. 435); Kurds [a fox who knew one trick suggests that the fox, who knew 40 tricks, get meat out of the trap; she fell into the trap; the first tells you to pretend to be dead; the hunter takes it out; the second too pretended to be dead; the hunter goes to her, both run away]: Jalil et al. 1989, No. 159:463-164.

Iran - Central Asia. Turkmens [Isfahan and Khorasan foxes became friends; saw a fat tail in the trap; Isfahan advises Khorasan to step, her paw gets stuck, Isfahan eats a fat tail; advises pretend to be dead, teases the hunter herself; he takes the Khorasan fox out of the trap, puts it on Isfahan, both ran away; before raiding the chicken coop, Khorasan offers to hold the tails in the water so that the ice intended and looked scarier; she moves her tail herself, and the Isfahan tail froze into the ice; Khorasan eats chickens, runs away; the owner of the chicken coop beat Khorasan to death]: Fur Fair 1980:44-48.

Turkestan. The Kazakhs [fox, kulan, magpie promised to help each other; the kulan was trapped, the jackal refused to release him, it would be better to eat his meat; the magpie advised him to pretend to be dead; his hunter took it out, he ran away, the hunter shot, hit the fox and killed]: Kaskabasov et al. 1979, No. 59:122-123 (=Bosingen 1984:36); Dungans [the raven noticed that the wolf fell into the trap, said to the deer, he broke trapped with horns; next time the deer fell into the trap; the wolf told the crow that he would now eat reindeer giblets; the raven agreed with the deer: it was as if he would come to peck the deer's eyes, the hunters would believe that The deer is dead, taken out of the trap; the deer ran away, the hunters shot the crow, which pretended to fall into the reeds; there the hunters came across a wolf, killed it, and the raven flew away]: Riftin et al. 1977, No. 40:213-214.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Mongols [the fox decided to replace the deer with a trap - supposedly there is good grass on the other side; a friend of the raven deer advised to pretend to be dead; the deer ran away; the fox went to eat deer giblets, but by itself was trapped]: Mikhailov 1962:7-8; Oirats (Xinjiang) [the motif corresponds to the fairy tale "Three Brothers" from the collection "Betege caγān boqširγ", published in 1981 in Urumqi in the series "Xinjiang Oirat Folklore" {no details; original verification required}]: Ubushiyeva, Damrinjav 2020:13.