Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M131. This is not a tail but a root, ATU 5, THr5.

.11.-. (.56.62.-.65.68.72.)

The character does not show that he is grabbed by the tail or leg. The other thinks he's grabbed the root, lets go of the first one. (The American variants are most likely of African descent, but the turtle is local as a trickster, with a hare in African versions).

Tonga [hare deceives other animals], kamba [hare deceives other animals], kikuyu [hare deceives leopard], silt [hare deceives other animals], ganda [hare deceives leopard] Zebra], chagga [man deceives Elephant], mpongwe [Rat cheats leopard], aka [rat cheats panther], kwaya [hare deceives crocodile], sumbwa [hare deceives man], bamileke [bird without feathers" deceives man], mosi [hare deceives lion], banen [dwarf antelope deceives leopard], songhai [jackal cheats hyena], zagawa [jackal deceives lion], murle [jackal deceives lions], Masai [hare deceives Elephant], kabila [jackal cheats a pig], Moroccan Berbers [hedgehog]; Berbers Beni Snu (Algeria near the border with Morocco) [jackal deceives woman], Spaniards [fox deceives Wolf], Basques [fox deceives Wolf], Catalans [fox deceives wolf], French [fox deceives wolf], Friezes, Germans (Pomerania), Palestinians (Gaza) [hare deceives other animals], Tibetans [fox deceives Turtle], Meitei [fox deceives snake], Punjabi [jackal cheats crocodile], Nepali [jackal deceives Mahadeva], bhilas [jackal deceives crocodile], marathi [jackal deceives crocodile], varli [fox cheats crocodile] crocodile], konkani [fox deceives crocodile], chhattisgarhi [jackal deceives Mahadeo)], bihari [jackal deceives crocodile], Uttar Pradesh (Hindi) [jackal cheats "Fish" {crocodile}], Assamese [fox cheats crocodile], Bengalis [jackal cheats crocodile], dhanwar [fox cheats crocodile], Veddas [turtle cheats jackal], Sinhalese [jackal cheats crocodile], oraons [jackal cheats turtle], santala [jackal deceives crocodile], haria [fox deceives crocodile], cat [jackal cheats young man], Mentawai [Monkey deceives crocodile], aceh [dwarf deer deceives crocodile], toraja [monkey deceives crocodile], dusun {probably also Sunda, Achin and Lampong in Sumatra, Minahasa, Perak Malays; check by originals} [Dwarf Deer deceives crocodile], mangarai [squirrel deceives crocodile], Sangihe [monkey deceives crocodile], galela [Monkey deceives crocodile], atoni [monkey deceives crocodile], Koreans [hare deceives man], (China, ethnicity not specified [ fox deceives turtle)), Albanians [fox deceives wolf], Serbs [fox deceives wolf], Bulgarians [fox deceives wolf], Hungarians, Greeks, Slovaks [fox deceives bear], Poles [fox deceives bear] bear or wolf], Ukrainians (Galicia, Hutsulshchina) [fox deceives wolf], Turks [fox deceives wolf], Finns [fox deceives bear; wolf], Western Sami [fox deceives bear], Norwegians [fox deceives bear] deceives Bear], Swedes [fox deceives bear], Lithuanians [hare deceives wolf], (yaruro [rabbit deceives hawk], tarian [turtle deceives jaguar], katavishi [turtle deceives jaguar], tenetehara [turtle deceives jaguar], aymara [rabbit cheats fox], rickbacza [turtle deceives jaguar], chamacoco [monkey deceives jaguar]).

Bantu-speaking Africa. Tonga [someone muddies the reservoir, the chief puts watchmen; the Varan is the first to guard; the hare suggests that he cultivate the field better, ties a hoe to his tail, stirs up the pond; brings him a drink and lets go for promising to say that he muddy the pond; the monitor lizard is killed; the same with the Antelope (the hoe is tied to the front legs, the Hare brings the Antelope to eat); the Turtle Watchman Hare offers to steal from the field sweet potatoes; The turtle hides in his bag, eats the stolen sweet potatoes while the Hare, unaware of this, carries it back from the field; the Hare invites Leo to show which of his subjects is stealing peanuts; quietly binds his mane to the tree; throws peanuts in front of him; calls the animals, says that the thief he has caught is Leo; the lion has been beaten to death; the hare puts on a lion's skin, comes to his wives, tells him to slaughter all the cattle bring the whole supply of money; the skin already stinks, the imaginary Leo goes to heal, sheds his skin, takes money; hides in a hole; pursuers pull his leg, he says it's the root, they let him go and they pull the root; he finds a pond where there is no watchman; in fact, there is a Turtle in the water, grabs his leg; he promises her a goat; then promises money left for storage to the Chameleon; the turtle comes to A chameleon blows into her eyes, she dies]: Radin 1952, No. 30:123-128; silt [a woman gives fruit, calls it munjebele; Leo, Elephant slip, fall, forget the name; The hare, on the advice of a woman, shouts the name of the fruit when he falls, does not forget; everyone goes to bed at the spring, agrees to kill the one who is in need at night; the Hare relieves the Elephant's body, the Elephant is killed; the hare carries it his head, sings about what happened; he is grabbed; he says he will not die if he is hit against a rock, but will die if thrown into a hole; he hides in a hole; he is grabbed by the leg, he says it is the root; comes out on the other hand, offers to dig himself, breaks the hoe; to get the handle back on, hits Buffalo's leg and head with a hoe; refuses to dig a well with everyone, the animals decide not to let him in to the water; The hare, promising honey to the watchman, consistently binds Wildebeest, Leo, Elephant to guard; the Turtle offers to smear it with glue, the Hare sticks, he is killed]: Smith, Dale 1920, No. 18:394-398; mpongwe: Nassau 1912, No. 1 [the rat comes to the leopard, says that no one loves him, offers to be his friend; just in case, he always sits at the exit of the house; the leopard trusts the rat, that every time he tells animals who the leopard is going to attack; the sorcerer tells the leopard about it; the leopard pretends to be dead, asks his wife to pretend to mourn him, call his friend a rat; a rat says that if a leopard is really dead, it must raise its paw and move its body; he does; the rat says it will come soon, is going to leave; the leopard rushes at him, the rat hides in the hole, the leopard manages to grab its tail; the rat: you hold the root; the leopard releases its tail; (the adventure continues, text No. 6)], 6 [The leopard marries the king's daughter, he is happy, waiting the groom and his companions; the Rat suggests that everyone change their names when they come to the place; others disagree, and the Rat tells him to be called Ajenda ("guests") now; on a visit, it turns out that they invite and feed him only Ajanda ("guests"); offended, everyone leaves without waiting for the final ceremony; the Rat, not the Leopard, gets a wife; on the way back he hides her, maids and property by swallowing them; Leopard chased him, the Rat disappeared into the hole, the Leopard grabbed his tail; the rat said it was the root; the leopard let him go; the rat ridiculed him; the leopard put the frog as a watchman, went to bring fire to smoke the Rat; the rat throws pepper in her eyes, runs away, the frog rushes into the water; the leopard wants to swallow it, tries to drink the pond, falls exhausted, asks the Crab to make a hole in his stomach, the water flows out; the Leopard calls the Crab to his home, eats the Crab's claws; he tells him to let it into the water: the claws will grow; in the end, the Leopard eats the Crab]: 13-17, 42-48; aka [going hunting Fold pigs, the turtle asked the panther to lend her spear; she refused; the turtle asked for its fingers, his little finger gave a spear, she killed the pig, and all 10 spears of the panther missed the target; when they began to fry the meat, the panther took everything for itself; at night, the turtle ate most of this meat, poured dry leaves into the fire, woke up the panther: the roof of the canopy fell and caught fire, the meat burned down; the turtle brought the panther to the tree with the bees, the panther climbed for honey, and the turtle made the tree grow to the clouds, at which time it almost finished eating its meat, left, hid in the hollow; the panther jumped to the ground began to cut down this tree, broke 5 axes, told the toad to guard the hollow, ran for new axes; the turtle threw salt in the toad's eyes, left; the toad told the panther about what had happened, also left; the panther for she chased her, she jumped into the water; the panther scooped up the pond, but the rat quietly threw the toad away, shouted about it, climbed into the hollow; the panther grabbed her tail, the rat said the panther grabbed her grandmother's pestle; the panther let go of the tail, the rat escaped]: Motte-Florac 2004, No. 5:41-51; kwaya [the hare eats crocodile eggs; when it comes to the river for a drink, the crocodile grabs it for leg; the hare says he has grabbed the root; the crocodile lets go of his leg and grabs the root]: Arewa 1961, No. 2251:116-117; ganda [the zebra's wife is due to give birth soon, he goes to her parents to tell her the news , invited the hare to accompany him; on a visit, the hare immediately ate all the meat, and the zebra carries his wife a bag of goat meat; the hare runs ahead, turns into a spoon; into a knife; both times the zebra realizes that it is a hare, not picks up items; the hare turns into two twin boys in a field near the zebra's house; he thought they were children born by his wife, put them in a bag with meat; saw that his wife was still pregnant; the hare ate goat meat, climbed a tree; the zebra followed him, grabbed his leg, the hare asked why he grabbed the knot; the zebra released him, the hare disappeared into the termite, the zebra followed, stuck, died; the hare took the zebra's wife myself]: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 86:210-211; kamba [in drought, animals dig a well, the Hare refuses to work, the animals agree not to let him go to the water; Antelope is the first to guard; the Hare says that its water is sweet, it gives you a taste of honey, it can only be drunk tied, ties the Antelope, collects water; the same with the Leopard, the Lion, the Elephant and others; the Turtle hides in the water, grabs the Hare by the leg; not believes when he says it is the root; the animals tied the Hare, but he gnawed through the ropes and ran away; he was allowed to use the well]: Lindblom 1928, No. 13:29-39 (transfer to Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 80:196-200 , in Okhotina 1962:231-236); kikuyu [The leopard picked up mushrooms, wrapped it, carried it home; Hyena asks where so much meat comes from; The leopard leads to show; the hare offers Hyena to rest, promises to bring meat; Hyena waits with its mouth open and eyes closed, the Hare rolls a stone down the mountain, the Hyena dies; the same Leopard trick fails, he opens his eyes and dodges; pretends to be dead, the Hare comes up, but The leopard tries to grab him, the Hare rushes into the hole, the Leopard grabs his tail; the hare says he is holding the root, the Leopard lets him go; remains on guard; the crow offers to watch him; The hare invites her to open her eyes wide to watch him closely; catches the ground, runs away; the leopard tells the Raven that the Hare must die]: Gagnolo 1853, No. 21:20-21; chagga [elephant hid in the warthog hole, grabbed the man by the leg; he said that the elephant had grabbed the root; the elephant let him go, the man disappeared into the termite; the elephant waited nearby for five days]: Arewa 2251:117; sumbwa [ the hare steals sesame from the field, the owner made a doll, coated it with resin, the hare began to touch, stuck; asks to cook it alive; the man left the child at the cauldron, went to the field; the hare got out, put the child to cook, dressed in his clothes; asked him to make him puree beans; the others ate meat; the hare said who he was and what they ate, ran away, hid in a hole; the man grabbed his tail, the hare said it was a root, offered to take the tail, actually let him hold the root; people went for the hoe, the hare threw sand into the eyes of the remaining guard, got out quietly, came unrecognized, offered to help dig, broke hoe; hid in a termite mound, went out unnoticed, broke his hoe again; people gave up trying to catch it]: Okhotina 1962:256-259.

West Africa. Bamileke [a little bird without feathers (MPBP) asks others to lend him feathers; flies with everyone to the tree to pick plums; tells him to collect only green ones, collects black ones himself; refuses to show his bag; the birds pick up their feathers, the MPBP stays on the tree; throws plums down piece by piece, then leaves, telling him to go down after them, but does not go down; then he jumps off, scratches painfully against the thorns; tells a passing (palm) wine collector that his back has been tattooed; he suggests that his daughters be tattooed; MPBK pulls out both navels, throws him into the fire, says he told him not throw a nutshell into the fire, leaves, asks the owner to carry it on his back, because if he touches the ground with his feet, his daughters will die; the wife shouts after her husband kills the MPBP, he kills their daughters; MPBP explains that she tells me to go faster, or it's raining; the third time a person realizes that his wife is screaming, but the MPBP jumps off; the man grabs his leg, he says that the person has grabbed the root; man, believes, lets go of his leg, MPBP runs away]: Voorhoeve 1976, No. 6:91-93; mosi [The lion has forbidden other animals to eat forest beans; the Hare (Somba) eats, tells Leo that a hurricane is expected, asks to tie him to a tree; the lion himself asks him to be tied; he is freed by termites; the hare borrows the plumage of birds, comes to Leo, calling himself Termite's son, eats, drinks, sleeps; Leo's daughter notices long ears; the Hare runs, dogs are allowed in after him; he throws them one bone at a time, the dogs are left to nibble on them; the most stubborn old dog throws a bone with meat; it still catches up with the Hare, grabs his leg; he laughs that she grabbed a branch; the dog lets the Hare go, grabs the branch]: Frobenius 1972:106-109; banen [the leopard called the animals to work; the oyster was not given the food it wanted, it hid in the river; the antelope bushbok (Tragelaphus scriptus), duyker (Cephalophus zebra), dwarf antelope go for water, everyone is frightened when they hear an incomprehensible voice from the water; the turtle starts dancing, asks to sing more; the oyster sings the turtle grabs it, brings it to the animals, the leopard swallows the oyster; for this, the animals tied it up, left it on the trail; two species of antelopes refuse to release it, the dwarf antelope frees it, the leopard for chases her, grabs her paw 9 times and lets go every time the antelope says that he has grabbed the root; left a frog and a toad to guard the hole, went to get the fire himself; the antelope asked the toad to open it wider eyes, threw dust at them, ran away; the frog also rode away; the leopard found the toad, killed it]: Dugast 1975:412-422; Songhai [Mohammed the Jackal and the lion Great Evil met; the lion coughs, the jackal promises it cure; tells the cow to be lifted up; made belts out of the skin, tied the lion tightly to the tree; began to fry meat; told the lion to open his mouth, hit him with a stick; left; ants and termites agreed to gnaw through the belts, if the lion does not eat them; when free, the lion licked the termites; found jackals; Jackal-M. has no tooth, he made an imaginary tooth out of the peel of the tuber; laughed, the imaginary tooth fell out, the lion chased the jackal, he whizzed into the hole, the lion grabbed his leg; jackal: why did he grab the root? the lion let go of the jackal's leg; the lion tells the hyena to dig out the jackal; but she bit off the lion's genitals and ran away; the jackal promised the lion to return it; went to the hyena and began to say that he had a daughter's wedding, lots of food; halfway through he said he was tired; the hyena agreed to carry it, even gave stirrups; each of the hyenyatas enters the house, where the meat, the lion's eye notices, comes out quickly; when the hyena itself enters, the lion gutted it, filled him with ash and covered his ass with a piece of lung; they ran, the younger hyeno pulled out the plug, and everything fell out of the hyena]: Calame-Griaule 2002:197-202.

Sudan-East Africa. Zaghawa [the fakir went down to the water; the jackal flopped in front of him, he got scared and ran away; the jackal went to the donkey, the Koran, and the fakir's clothes; he explains to the lion how to study to be a fakir; of course, but it's worth a try; kill a big bull, make a wineskin out of the skin, stuff it with thorns and get inside; the jackal rolls his wineskin, the lion is barely alive; the jackal ate the bull, changed the donkey for 6 rams and left; the lion asked termites gnaw through their belts; then ate them all; went to look for the jackal; in the first village they say that the jackal drove 5 rams and carried one skin; then 4 and 2; etc.; when the lion caught up with the jackal, he asked permission to leave out of need; began to scream that the rock was falling on him, let the lion hold; the lion stayed to hold the rock, the jackal ran away; the old man to the lion: let the rock not fall; the jackal in the hole, the lion grabbed his tail; jackal: why are you holding the root; the lion let go; the jackal got out through the other exit, came from behind, helped expand the hole to catch that jackal; lion: look, cows! the lion turned, the jackal warmed him with a stick, disappeared into the hole; the lion's throat: what are you doing? lion: there are two jackals in the hole; the lion left his throat to guard the hole, went to smoke jackals for the fire; the jackal to the throat: the watchman must keep his eyes wide open; threw sand into her eyes, ran away; the lion wants eat a turtle, but it teaches you better to put it on your paw and say: be the size of a camel! I'll be there and you'll eat me; the lion put its throat on its paw, it flew away]: Tubiana, Tubiana 2004 (1), No. 13:79-86; murle [the jackal caught the fish, let it into the pond to grow, left the hammerhead bird ( Scopus umbretta) to guard; a lion came, began to beat the bird, it had to tell me where the fish was; the lion took it away; the jackal returned, began to beat the bird, it had to be helped; ordered to make a grass ring, it rolled the jackal after him, came to the lion village; there was a bird in the cauldron, and there was a blind woman with a child next to him; the jackal ate a bird, killed the child, cooked it, put his head on top; came to dance with others; when everyone ate the imaginary fish, the little boy said his sister did not want to eat; no one understood; sent for a soothsayer crane; he said what happened; sent for the jackal: she comes, here she is sick; they put the woman in jail, smeared her clay, as if in boils; jackal: go away, pus splashes; killed a woman, ran; chased him; jackal: you grabbed not a tail, but a bunch of grass; hid in a hole; the pursuers followed the hoes, leaving a marabu stork watchman; the jackal pretends to chew something with relish; marabu asks for it to be given to him; jackal: open the key, look up; threw sand in his eyes, ran away; the lions left the girl in the house and said Jackal, what's for him; he came at night, lay down with her, took off her jewelry and put it on; lions came in and killed the unadorned one; the imaginary girl was taken out and the house was burned down; jackal: I'm here; ran away]: Lewis 1947: 141-143; Masai [the elephant carries wineskins with honey to his wife's relatives; the hare asks the elephant to transport him across the river, eats honey, putting the stones that the same elephant asked him to give in his wineskins, runs away, hides in a hole; the elephant grabs its tail, ripping off its hair, then by the leg; the hare says it is the root, the elephant grabs the root and tries to pull it out for a long time; the hare runs away, the elephant chases him again; the hare tells the shepherds that the elephant is chasing them, the shepherds are running, the elephant thinks they are also running after the hare, runs after them, the hare has run away; the same applies to women; with antelopes; tells other hares that the elephant is chasing hares whose tail is not peeled off; hares ripped off their tails, the elephant could not find its enemy]: Kipury 1983, No. 17:72-74 (retelling began in Arewa 1961, No. 2251:116).

North Africa. Kabila [The Jackal pretends to read; the Wild Pig asks him to be the teacher of her seven children; he eats a pig a day, flies flock to the skin, buzz; the pig comes, the Jackal tells her Listen, she believes that the buzzing of flies is the muttering of her children; comes 8 days later, the Jackal runs away through the other turn; the pig sees the piglet skins, chases the Jackal, he hides in the hole, Pig grabs his leg, the Jackal asks why she holds the root; the pig releases his leg, but grabs the Jackal by the tail, tears it off; tells all pigs to look for the tailless; the Jackal leads the other jackals to fig tree, advises to be attached to the trunk by the tail to eat safely, calls the peasant, all jackals cut off their tails; they eat pepper, and the Jackal only pretends to eat; the pig tells them to drink water, everyone dies , The Jackal runs away]: Frobenius 1921b, No. 2:7-11; the Berbers of Beni-Snu (NW Algeria near the border with Morocco) [the partridge nestled on the rock; the jackal demands to give him a chick; consistently ate everyone, stayed last; upon learning of this, the stork grabbed the jackal and threw it into the sea; he climbed ashore; replies to the woman that he was trembling because he was repeating the surahs of the Koran; the woman asks him to teach her children; the jackal eats them One by one; answers the woman that the children went for brushwood; disappeared into a hole; the woman grabbed his tail; the jackal asks why she is holding the root; the woman let go of the tail, the jackal disappeared]: Destaing 1907, No. 3:251-252; Moroccan Berbers [hedgehog]: Laoust in El-Shamy 2004, No. 5:2

Southern Europe. The Basques [1) The Bear, the Wolf and the Fox began to compete; the Bear was the strongest, the Fox jumps best, her voice is the most heard; jumps, blows the winds, the Bear tears off her ear, they chase with the Wolf; The wolf grabs her tail, the Fox says it's the root of the tree, the Wolf lets go; 2) The wolf sees the reflection of the moon, wants to eat it; the fox advises drinking all the water; the water pours out from the other end, the Fox fills the hole; the peasants come up, beat the Wolf; the Fox pretends to be beaten, her brains out; believing that the Fox's wounds are more serious, the Wolf agrees to carry it on his back; then the Fox hides in a hole, Wolf grabs her leg, Lisa says he grabbed the root, the Wolf lets her go]; Barandiaran 1962b [The wolf chased the Fox, she climbed the tree, shouted that the Wolf did not grab her tail, and beech root]: 144-145; Spaniards [the fox offers the wolf to eat the cow; ties it to the cow; the cow runs away, dragging it with itself; the fox pretends to be dead, it is picked up by the person taking it donkey wineskin with honey; fox gnaws through its wineskin, eats honey, smeared all over, fell in fallen leaves, came to the river to drink; the wolf does not know what kind of animal it is; the fox says her name is Fallen Leaves; runs away , the wolf is chasing her, she is hiding in a hole; the wolf grabs her leg, the fox says he has grabbed the root, the wolf lets her go]: Camarena, Chevalier 1997, No. 47C+74F+5:79/150-151/28-29; Catalans [the wolf grabs the fox by the tail; the fox says it grabs the root, the wolf lets it go]: Oriol, Pujol, 2008, no. 5:23

Western Europe. The French (Gascony) [in winter, the fox and the wolf went to chop wood; when the loggers were gone, they took their axes; the wolf does not know how to split a large block; the fox teaches him to stick his paw into the crack, she would take out the axe and hit again; the wolf's paw was pinched, the fox laughed, left; the loggers came back, began to beat the wolf, one cut off his clenched paw; the wolf ran to the fox hole, grabbed the fox's leg; she said that it was the root, the wolf let her go; made a fire at the entrance, but the fox promised to feed the wolf with honey and they reconciled; in the cold, the fox piled up a pile on the ice, steam from it, the fox said that it was possible to warm up there; the wolf went, failed and drowned]: Arnaudin 1967, No. 5.3:88-96; Delarue, Tenèze 1976, No. 3 (South of France, Tarn-et-Garonne) [the fox and the wolf climbed into the church through the hole and began to eat honey; the wolf ate so full that he could not get back; fox: grab the rope and ring the bell; people will come running and you will jump out as soon as the door is opened; but when the wolf jumped out, the door slammed, tearing off its tail; fox: there are hemp flutters; I'll shout, "Wolf, wolf!" , everyone will come running, while you grab a hemp and make yourself a new tail; they laughed at such a tail; the fox advised you to set it on fire; after that, the wolf got completely angry at it, it disappeared into the hole; the wolf grabbed the fox's paw and the fox asked why he was holding the root; the stupid wolf let go of his paw]: 112-113; Friezes, Germans (Pomerania): Uther 2004 (1), No. 5:25-26.

Western Asia. Palestinians (Gaza) [there was a tree whose fruits could only be eaten by the Elephant King; someone steals fruit; the hare suggests leaving it under the vessel overnight to guard; at night he goes out, eats fruits, seeds puts a sleeping Elephant under his arms, hides back; in the morning he invites everyone to jump over the hole; whoever falls down is a thief; the Elephant falls down, he is killed; the animals move to another place, the Hare returns, sings about what happened; the animals understand what is going on, they are chasing, the Hare hides in a hole; others poke there with a stick; when they hit the Hare, he does not pretend, and when they poke at the root, he screams plaintively; the animals go away The hare has been living alone ever since]: Dähnhardt 1910:210-211.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [deer complain to the fox that a huge turtle grabs them when they come to the river to drink; the fox advises that deer come to drink not in one place, but in different places at the same time, the turtle will be confused - who to rush at; the turtle decided to take revenge; when the fox came to the river, grabbed its leg; fox: the stupid turtle grabbed the snag; the turtle let go of its leg; in next time pretended to be dead; fox: if the turtle is really dead, it must press its paws; the turtle presses; next time it hides under the rock where the fox lives; fox: sacred rock, eat Is there anyone in the house? the rock is silent; the fox: so the one who came is afraid to tell you; the turtle: never today; the fox is a cunning turtle]: Coyaud 2012, No. 26:71-72; meitei [the Kundopa fox often sang on the banks of the Naga River; king The naga wanted K. to teach his two sons to sing and teach them; K. and his wife and son ate them; when he came 10 days later, the naked found neither sons nor K.; began to watch for him; once he chased K. through the reeds, grabbed the tail; K.: this is not the tail, but the root of the reed; the naked unclenched his grip, K. broke out: This is not the root, but the tail]: Singh 1985:400-401; meitei [the fox promises to teach children astrology boa constrictor; when they come, the fox grabs and eats the last one every time; when everyone is eaten, the boa constrictor hid in the fox's hole to eat it; the fox felt it and, like a hole, says loudly: hello home! The boa constrictor decided that the house should respond and says: I'm here, come in! the fox ran away; then the boa constrictor pretended to be a drowned cow; the fox from the shore: swim, drowned cow, here! The boa constrictor swam; next time the boa constrictor grabbed the fox by the tail; the fox: it's not the tail, but Toura; the boa constrictor believed and released the fox's tail; the fox ran away]: Oinam et al. s.a..

South Asia. Punjabi: Zographer 1964 [The crocodile grabs in the Jackal River; he does not move his paw, asks the Crocodile to grab his leg, otherwise his legs are bogged down; the crocodile thinks he has grabbed the root and releases the Jackal; The next day, the Jackal says loudly by the river that yesterday fish swam, bubbles were blowing, but today the water is smooth, perhaps it should not be drunk; The crocodile begins to breathe and blow bubbles, the Jackal realizes that Crocodile water, does not drink; Crocodile hides in a bunch of mango fruits; Jackal says that mangoes used to jump into his paws; Crocodile throws mangoes, Jackal realizes he hid there; Crocodile hides in Nora Jackal; he says that his hole used to sing herself; The crocodile sings; The Jackal makes a fire at the entrance, the Crocodile dies]: 75-78 (=197:38-40); Steel, Temple 1884, No. 31 [The jackal sees plums across the river; praises the beauty of the Crocodile, promises to marry her, asks for a plum for the wedding feast; she brings; he supposedly goes to the hairdresser, disappears; the crocodile realizes that she is deceived; the Jackal comes to the river, The crocodile grabs his leg, he screams that he is drowning, asks him to let go of the root, grab his leg; runs away; she hides in his hole; he says out loud that his wife always sings when he comes; The crocodile sings; says out loud that she must have died, but why doesn't she move her tail then; The crocodile moves her tail; the Jackal laughs and runs away]: 243-246 (=Siddiqui, Lerch 1998:55-60); bihari [ The jackal and the crocodile were friends, but they had a fight; the crocodile grabbed the jackal's leg when it came to the water; the jackal: why are you holding the root? the crocodile hid in the jackal hole; he smelled it, began to think out loud: my house had always welcomed me before; the crocodile gave a voice; the jackal began to live under a pile of dry leaves; the crocodile got in there; the jackal said the leaves should rustle; the crocodile rustled; the jackal set fire to the leaves and the crocodile died]: Grierson 1903:236-237; Uttar Pradesh (Hindi) [the jackal sees that melons and cucumbers have ripened across the river in the peasant's field; promises a wife to the crocodile if he takes him across the river; both reached melons; after eating, the jackal began to howl; the peasant ran and began to beat the crocodile, The jackal ran away; the crocodile also reached the river; the jackal tied the old buffalo bones with a woman's shawl and put it on the shore; the crocodile believed that the bride was ready for him, but she was very timid, she would not fit herself; the crocodile moved the jackal back, then went to the bride, found the deception; grabbed the jackal by the leg when he came for a drink; jackal: why are you grabbing the root? the crocodile let go of his leg and actually grabbed the root; one day the crocodile pretended to be dead; the jackal to his wife: the dead usually blow the wind; the crocodile did it; the jackal ran away]: Beck et al. 1987, No. 86:257- 259; India (ethnicity not specified) [every day the jackal asks the crocodile to transport him across the river and back; on the other side he eats melons; promises to get a wife for the Crocodile for a favor; disguises himself as a woman's the figure is a stone on which the laundresses are washed; runs away; the crocodile discovers the deception; the jackal approaches the river, the crocodile grabs his leg, the jackal says it is a piece of wood; the crocodile grabs the root, the jackal runs away ]: Taylor 1896:87-88; bhilas [a person sees a crocodile in the field asking him to be taken to the river; asks him to go deeper; grabs his leg; buffalo, horse, cow answer that the crocodile is right; jackal: you fool, the crocodile did not grab your leg but your staff; the crocodile let go of his leg and grabbed the staff; the man escaped]: Grierson 1907:101-102; Marathi [the jackal comes to the river to eat crabs, the crocodile grabs him for paw, the jackal asks why he grabbed the reeds; the crocodile lets go; next time the jackal says that crabs are gurgling; the crocodile begins to gurgle; then hides under a bunch of figs: jackal: why don't figs roll? the crocodile moves; hides in the jackal's hole; the jackal asks why the house does not welcome him; the crocodile greets him; the jackal: thank you house, now I'll bring firewood to cook dinner; burns the crocodile in the hole]: Frere 1868, No. 24:309-314; Nepalis [the jackal shouted "hawk" while he was stealing chickens; people agreed to see if the jackal was captured, dragged to execution; when dragged along the grass, he screams" it hurts" when he pretends to be happy at the stones; he is deliberately dragged along the grass; hung, beaten, he swells; a bear walks, the jackal pretends to be happy; apparently reluctantly lets the bear untie it, hangs it instead of himself, runs away; the bear is heavy, the loop immediately strangled him; the jackal found the elephant's soaked carcass, climbed inside and eats; the sun came out, the carcass dried up, the jackal could not get out; they came up Mahadeva is with Parvati; the jackal shouts from the elephant's carcass that he is M., and if he wants to prove the opposite, let it rain; the rain poured in, the carcass is wet, the jackal ran away, climbed into the hole under the wall; M. grabbed him by the leg, the jackal asked why he grabbed the root; M. let go of the jackal's paw, he ran away; M. put a figure covered with bird glue in his way, gave sugar in his hand; the jackal began to ask for sugar, the figure was silent, he hits her, sticks with all his limbs; at the request of P., M. freed the jackal, made her companion]: Heunemann 1980, No. 24:166-169; Varley [The crocodile hid under a pile of ripe berries, left it next to him green; the fox came up, said he would eat green today; the crocodile waits in the water, the Fox gently went down for a drink, slipped, the Crocodile grabbed his leg, the Fox said he was holding the root, Crocodile let him go; the fox went to ask Mahādeva for another meal; he said that the cakes were under dry cow manure; the fox got there, was bitten by a scorpion, he died]: Satyawadi 2010:49-51; konkani [ the fox collected crabs, he was caught by the tide, the crocodile offered to transport him across the river; when the fox was on the other side, he called the crocodile names; one day she grabbed his hand, but the fox became laugh and said that the crocodile had grabbed the root; she unclenched her mouth; the fox decided to pick not crabs, but figs; the crocodile hid under a pile of fallen ones, the fox noticed its trail; the next time she climbed a fox went into the house; he noticed the trail again; wondered out loud why the house did not welcome him; the crocodile greeted him; set fire to the hut and the crocodile died]: Rodrigues 2020:183-185; chhattisgarhi (Bilaspur) [the elephant invited the jackal to ride it to find something to eat; he noticed a sugar cane field; the jackal was full and thirsty; the elephant offered to see if the cranes could be seen (they are where water), but the cranes are not visible; then he offered to get into his belly, there is water; warned him not to look up; the jackal climbed through his nose, got drunk, saw his heart, liver, etc., started eating; the elephant died, The jackal continued to eat it from the inside; the carcass dried up, the jackal could not get out; Mahadeo and Parbati were walking by; M. said he was M., asked who was inside; jackal: and I'm Sahadeo, M.'s father; if you are M., call heavy rain; the rain soaked the carcass, the jackal ran away; M. decided to take revenge, hid in the water, the jackal came up, M. grabbed his leg; the jackal said that he was holding the root, M. let him go; pretended to be dead; jackal: the corpse must let out gases; M. did it, the jackal ran away; M. made the figure of an old woman out of wax, a basket of sweets in his hands; the figure hit him with his hand, then another, he stuck; M. tied the jackal in his hand in the yard, whipped him every day; another jackal came; the first said that he was being fattened here, the other swapped seats with him; M. began to beat him; when he found out that he was mistaken, M. let the jackal go and made him his own as a guard; when the jackal howls at night, he serves for M.]: Gordon 1908:61-64; the Assamese [the fox stole the brahman's book, sat on the shore as if reading; the crocodile asked her to teach his three children; for this he brings fish to the fox; every time the crocodile wants to see the crocodile, the fox says that they are walking or something else; realizing that the fox has eaten them, the crocodile hides near the shore and grabs the fox by the leg; she says he grabbed a stick (ratan) with which she wanted to measure depth; the next time the fox began to drink water from the river and the crocodile grabbed her tongue; the fox groaned: I'm the one who washed my dirty diapers his children; the crocodile released it again]: Goswami 1960:81-82; the Bengalis [the jackal set up a school, the crocodile taught his seven children; the jackal ate them; the crocodile hid in the water, grabbed them jackal by the leg; he put a bunch of reeds in him: both my legs are in place, you grabbed the reeds; the crocodile released the jackal's leg; next time he pretended to be dead; jackal: the crocodile is alive, for the dead must move his tail and ears; the crocodile does so; the jackal ran away, the shepherds saw the crocodile and drove it away; the jackal began to eat eggplants from the bush, pricked his nose; asked the barber to pull out the thorn, he cut it his nose; for this, the jackal took away his iron tool; the potter dug clay, the jackal gave him an instrument to test, he accidentally broke it, got a pot; the participants in the wedding procession accidentally broke it a vessel, the jackal got a bride for it; went to pick up a clergyman for the wedding, leaving his wife and drummer's wife; she cut vegetables and accidentally cut the girl in half; the jackal demanded her drum in return husband; climbed a tree, began singing about his adventures; fell into the canal, the crocodile ate it]: Bradley-Birt 1920:186-190; dhanwar [The fox went to the river to drink, the crocodile grabbed his leg, the fox said that he was holding the root, the Crocodile let go, grabbed the root; the crocodile hid under the mango fruits that had fallen into the water; the foxes came to eat them, the Fox said that all the mangoes belonged to him, others had to leave, so he saved them; The crocodile wanted to grab the Fox sleeping in the chaff; he slipped into the hole; the Crocodile followed, the Fox jumped out, brought fire, set fire to the chaff, the Crocodile burned down]: Elwin 1944, No. 3:461-462; haria [the crocodile agreed to transport the man across the river; he was going to eat in the middle of the river; the man suggested that the fox should judge who was right; the fox told both to go ashore; the man ran away, the crocodile promised take revenge on the fox; hid at the shore, grabbed the fox by the leg; fox: grabbed the root instead of my leg; the crocodile released the fox's leg; next time he comes to the river, the fox says: it's strange why on the surface crabs don't swim; the crocodile sticks out his nose, the fox ran away; the next day, the fox wonders why the crabs don't make gurgling sounds in the water; the crocodile gurgles; the crocodile piled up the fruits of the tree and hid under them; fox: weird, the fruits are always scattered, but here in a heap; the crocodile has begun to scatter fruits; hides in a fox hole; fox: hello, nora! It's weird that Nora doesn't say "What?" ; the crocodile answers; the fox promises to bring crabs to the burrow, brings dry grass, makes a fire, the crocodile suffocated]: Roy 1937:438-441; the cat [Ajav and Ajayn have four sons; A. and A. took into the house a pig and a jackal, were told to cultivate the field; the wife noticed that the pig was working, and the jackal was catching crabs and ruining his work; when the jackal returned, pretended to praise him for his work, seated him on a hot bucket , the jackal ran away; squeezed pus into the pot, the wound closed; covered the pus with leaves, said it was ghee, exchanged it from the young man for an ox; the young man brought the pot, opened it, the father broke the pot on his son's head; The jackal drove the ox, which fell into the ravine, soon died; the jackal ate it, climbed inside, the carcass slid lower, the jackal could not get out; the young man came to fresh the ox; the jackal: bring the rooster and bring the dog, you will receive the reward; the young man did it; the jackal: tie the dog to your leg, let the rooster go, pull the carcass; the young man freed the jackal, he took the rooster, the dog pulled the young man, both fell into the ravine, the others pulled them out; when the jackal was inside the carcass, the young man put his hand to grab his tail; grabbed his leg; jackal: you grabbed the root of the tree; the young man let the jackal go; the jackal bit him; to prevent the young man from going crazy, teeth are needed jackal; jackal met Ajayn, wants to eat; woman: I'm thin, I'll be back in a week, after eating, bring other jackals; she came, in the basket of ash, told the jackals to bend down, squeezed the bellows they had brought, ash Jackals in the eyes, they made medicine from their teeth; the young man was married; they said: hit with a stone, hit with a club (figuratively); he killed his wife with a stone, a club; the mother drowned the corpse in the pond, drowned the goat there; the young man's uncle came - The father of the victim; the young man climbed into the pond; began to ask: did your daughter have horns? udder? etc.; uncle is gone, the fool drowned]: Emeneau 1944, No. 16:233-251; Veddas [the pond is almost dry; the turtle asks two storks to figure out how to move to another; they tell her to grab his mouth a wand, and they will take its ends in their beaks and fly; the jackal sees a shadow in the field; shouts that the storks have an unpleasant companion; the turtle: an unpleasant companion for your mother; falls; tells the jackal that it needs it soak it first, then eat it; the jackal brings the turtle to another pond, puts it in the water and holds it with its paw; the turtle: now I'm wet, but the dry place is left under my paw; the jackal raised its paw, the turtle almost swam away, but he grabbed her paw; turtle: grabbed the root; the jackal let go of his paw, grabbed the root, the turtle swam away; the jackals tried to lure the turtles out of the water by inviting them to the wedding, but they immediately jumped back into the water]: Parker 1910, No. 36:234-239; Sinhales [crocodile asks the crab to sprinkle flowers on it, call the jackal; jackal: dead crocodiles wave their tail; crocodile waves, jackal runs away; the crocodile falls to the bottom, the jackal enters the water, is grabbed by the paw; the jackal: why should crocodiles grab the roots of trees? the crocodile releases the jackal's paw; since then jackals and crabs are enemies]: Parker 1910, No. 75:380-381 (translated to Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 21:58-59); Santals: Bompas 1909, No. 103 [while parents are hunting, The jackal comes to the baby leopards, takes all their meat; the leopard chases him, gets stuck in a crevice and dies; the jackal lives with the leopard and her children; she chased the deer at him, he got scared climbed an anthill, then explained that the deer had been driven in the wrong direction; the next time the deer was driven by a jackal with the baby leopard, the leopard was killed by deer; the jackal pretended to take the meat to victim to a dead leopard; cannot tear his deer skin; the leopard tears the carcass, the jackal eats up; the leopard offers the jackal to carry him across the river, but he rejects help, the river takes him away, he asks the crocodile to pull him out; asks him to open his mouth and close his eyes, throws a stone into the crocodile's mouth, runs away; the jackal went to the river for a drink, the crocodile grabbed his leg, the jackal says he grabbed the root, the crocodile let him go; hid in the straw on which the jackal used to lie; the jackal hung a sheep bell for himself; the crocodile laments out loud that a sheep is coming; the jackal heard, set fire to straw, a crocodile died]: 340-344; Bodding 1925, No. 7 [the goat hears his owners agree to slaughter him, runs away, comes to the leopard cave, bleats, the leopard has never seen a goat, hears "Back, Back", runs away; the jackal says he has eaten a lot of goats, leads the leopard back with its tails tied together; when he sees a leopard, the goat gets up, the leopard runs away in horror, dragging the jackal; he comes to the leopard cubs and tells them that their parents owe him, they give him all the food; the leopard is surprised why the children are losing weight; when he finds out what was going on, the leopard ambushed him, ran after the jackal, got stuck in his hole, died; the jackal came to the leopard, she took it by her husband; she chases deer at him, the jackal says she did not catch a single one because she drove crooked; now he is driving, the leopard has killed a deer; jackal: I drove right; secretly ate the liver; the leopard refused to cross the river; the river carried the jackal; he asks the crocodile not to eat it, promises to bring meat, asks him to open his mouth and close his eyes, throws sharp stones into his mouth; the crocodile grabbed the jackal by the leg, he says he grabbed the root; the crocodile hid under the straw; the jackal tied a goat bell to his neck, jumped around; the crocodile: leaves, stupid goat, I'm here in ambush; the jackal set fire to straw, the crocodile burned]: 93-99; Oraons [a poor brahman (Priester) caught a turtle to kill and eat it; it asked to let it go, promised to transport it across the river; in the middle the rivers are about to drown; the tree replies that it should be so; the jackal (a fox in the text, but means a jackal) pretends to hear hard, asks him to swim closer, tells the brahmana to jump ashore; a turtle promises revenge; the jackal comes to the water, the turtle grabs his paw, he says it has grabbed the root, the turtle lets go of its leg; tells the children to go to the jackal to say that the turtle is dead; the jackal comes and says that the deceased must have his eyes open; the turtle opens his eyes, the jackal breaks her head with a stone]: Hahn 1906, No. 33:62-64.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Mentawai [when the Monkey was crossing the river, she was grabbed by a Crocodile; the monkey asked why he was chewing a bamboo stem; the crocodile let the Monkey go, actually grabbed the stem; The monkey climbed on a tree; advised the crocodiles to all line up so that she could count how many of them she would eat; ran over their heads to the other side]: Loeb 1929, No. 14.9:124; aceh [about like bare'e toraja]: Adriani 1898:348; dusun [Plandok (dwarf deer) wanted to cross the river; told the Crocodile that he would bring his relatives to battle, let him lead his own; trampled on the shore, told the Crocodile that his relatives were tired of waiting, parted; invited the Crocodile to lie next to him to count them; crossed them across the river; the next time the Crocodile grabbed his leg, P. pretended that he grabbed a stick; the crocodile let go of his leg]: Evans 1913:475; Java [to cross the river, Kanchil (the dwarf deer) told the crocodiles that the king had ordered them to be counted; they lined up he ran down their backs, counting; when he reached the other side, laughed at their stupidity; then the Crocodile watched K. by the river, grabbed his leg; he said it was a branch, not a leg; the crocodile grabbed the outstretched he suk, K. ran away]: Brandes 1894:39 in Dixon 1916:190, 332-333 (note 11) [same: Sunda, Achin and Lampong (Sumatra), Minahasa, Malays (Perak)]; toraja: Adriani 1898:344 [nggasi, Tarsius fuscomanus) invites the Heron to look for insects from her, pulls out feathers itself; Heron suggests N. move it to the island, dumps it into the sea; N. says to crocodiles , who wants to count them, runs down their backs to land; one grabs her leg, she says he grabbed the branch; the crocodile grabs the females, N. runs away; then other tricks], 347 (bare'e) [the crocodile wants eat N.; she asks to call other crocodiles, he can't eat alone; runs down their backs to the other side, counting three; hides in a tree; crocodiles gnaw trees one by one, N. hides in bamboo, they can't gnaw it]; sangihe, galela [about toraja, the trickster is Monkey]: Adriani 1898:345; mangaray [The crocodile grabbed the Squirrel by the leg, she says this is the root, it unclenches its jaws; The squirrel goes to catch crabs, says loudly that there are no crabs here; The crocodile moves like crabs in the water, the Squirrel laughs at him; the crocodile tries unsuccessfully hide under a pile of fruit under a tree; climbs into Belka's hole; she comes up, makes a fire at the entrance, the Crocodile burned down]: Burger 1941, No. 7:265-266; Athoni (Amanuban district) [the old woman brought it from the river crocodile, began to raise, became attached to it; he grew up; when she went to get water, the crocodile followed, climbed into the river; refused to go out, invited the old woman to go into the water herself; Monkey dissuaded her, the old woman returned home; the Crocodile managed to grab the Monkey by the leg; the monkey said he had a root in his teeth, the Crocodile unclenched his jaws; since then, crocodiles and monkeys have been at odds]: Middelkoop 1959, text D: 173-175.

China - Korea. Nai-Tung Ting 1978, No. 5. Biting the Foot. Turtle seizes fox's leg. Fox: this turtle is grasping a stick. Turtle lets loose; Koreans [The rabbit ruined the beanfield; the old man lay down, put dates in his eyes, chestnuts in his ears, dried persimmons in his nostrils, fresh persimmons in his mouth; the rabbits carried him to bury him; he jumped up and brought him The rabbit went home; he escaped, the old man grabbed his leg, the Rabbit said he was holding a fence stick; the old man unclenched his hand, the Rabbit ran away]: Choi 1979, No. 51:23.

The Balkans. Albanians [The fox threatens the bride to tell "something bad" about her, takes her golden monisto; tells Wolf that she caught him in the pond with her tail down; Wolf's tail clings to the snag, he cuts it off, chases the Fox to her hole, she says that the Wolf did not grab her leg, but the root; the Wolf lets go of his leg]: Serkova 1989:262-263; Serbs (Pirot, West 1939) [The fox tells Wolf that he grabbed the root; when he grabs the root, he pretends that he has now grabbed it by the leg]: Zlatkovich 2005, No. 10:25; the Macedonians [the wolf came to the two rams; they offered him to eat the first one who he will reach him faster; they hit him with horns on both sides, the wolf is barely alive; the mule says that the royal decree prohibiting him from harming him is written from behind him; the wolf leans to see, the mule kicks him both hooves; the donkey offers to jump over it three times before eating it; the wolf jumps, the donkey's owner notices this, runs to the rescue; the pig asks permission to play the pipe first; screams at full can, the owner comes running; the fox assures that the wolf was invited to the wedding; people beat the wolf towards her; the fox ate porridge, smeared her head with the rest, tells the wolf that her brains have been knocked out; the wolf agrees to carry her to her hole, she says "the beaten unbeaten man is lucky", hides in a hole; the wolf grabs the fox by the leg, she asks why he holds the root; the wolf lets the fox go; dies of grief and beatings]: Martin 1955: 172-180; Bulgarians: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 5 [the wolf chases the fox; the fox hides in the hole; the wolf grabs its leg or tail; the fox says he has grabbed the root, the wolf lets go of the fox's leg and the root is grabbed]: 41; Klyagin-Kondratyeva 1951 [the wolf is going to eat two oxen; they suggest running to him from both sides in the race, the first to eat the other in the morning, the other now; they butt him from two sides sides, the wolf is slightly alive, laments that he decided to leave the oxen until tomorrow; the mule says that he has a letter under his hoof, the wolf kicks; wolf: why did I need to read the letter; donkey: jump over me three times, sin will be said goodbye; dogs saw a wolf jumping, the donkey escaped; the pig offered to play the bagpipes first, screamed, the swineherd ran with the dogs; the fox calls the wolf to the village for the wedding, his they beat; she ate the porridge herself at the mill, smeared herself, said that her brains were flowing out; the wolf carried the fox on his back, she says that the patient is healthy; the wolf guessed, the fox disappeared into the hole, the wolf grabbed it by the leg, the fox said that he grabbed the root, let the wolf let go; the wolf died of hunger and grief]: 231-235; Hungarians, Greeks: Uther 2004 (1), No. 5:21-22.

Central Europe. Slovaks [The Fox and the Bear came to the dance, a fight broke out, the Bear was beaten, the Fox disappeared, lay in the fire pit, pretended to be beaten even harder, all the bones were sticking out; the Bear felt sorry for her , carried it on his back, she says, The beaten unbeaten man is carrying her; the Bear threw her off, the Fox hid in the hole, the Bear began to pull her out with a snag, hooked her leg; the fox says he grabbed the root; The bear let go, hooked the root; left]: Gorbov 1949:181 (=Bogatyrev 1955:180-181); Poles [a bear or a wolf grabs a fox hidden in a hole by the leg; the fox laughs: you grabbed the root; that lets go of his leg]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 5:53; Ukrainians (Galicia, Hutsulshchyna) [The wolf grabs the fox by the paw when it hides from it under a tree (in a hole); the fox: "You grabbed the root wood"; the wolf releases its paw]: SUS 1979, No. 5:53.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Turks [fox and wolf (sometimes also bear or camel) make supplies (honey, chicken, lamb); every time the fox says its name is to give birth, eats supplies; when the wolf (wolf and bear , wolf and camel) finds out that supplies are gone, he and the fox are lying in the sun; the fox has honey on its stomach, it smears the wolf's belly; the wolf chases the fox, it hides in the hole, the wolf grabs it tail; fox says he grabbed the root]: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 6:31.

Baltoscandia. Finns: Rakhimova 2000:165-166 [the chicken cooked barley lunch for the rooster, his stomach hurt, the chicken went to the well to wash its stained pants, a leaf fell into the well, the chicken said to the rooster that the light has begun; they run towards a hare, wolf, fox, bear successively; when they learn about the death, they run with the chicken and the rooster; they stopped in the forest, and decided that You need to eat the one who started this first; started with a chicken; then a rooster, a hare, a wolf; the bear wants to eat the fox, it hid in a hole, the bear grabbed its leg; the fox: you hold the root; the bear let go, grabbed the root, the fox screamed feigned; the bear did not get it], 166 [bear, wolf, fox, hare picked berries, the bear left half for breakfast; the fox ate them, put one berry in the wolf's mouth, the bear killed him, ate half; the fox ate the remaining half, put a piece of meat in the hare's mouth, the bear killed him, ate half, warned the fox that if it eats the remaining half, he would kill it; the fox ate it, she dug a way out of the hut, the bear has time to grab her paw; she says he grabbed a stick, put a stick on him, ran away herself, told people there was a bear in the hut, they killed him]; Dähnhardt 1912 [ bear, fox, hare, cat went for berries; only the bear brought a full basket home, the rest packed it in their mouths; the fox ate the berries, smeared the hare's mouth with juice, the bear ate it; the same with the cat; on the third once the fox made a hole where the basket was; the bear caught the fox, it rushed back, the bear grabbed its paw; the fox: you took the root; the bear released the fox's leg, the fox ran away]: 246; Salmelainen s Goldberg 1957 [=in Concca 1991:301-303; the wolf's wife died after giving birth to three cubs; the wolf is looking for a babysitter; rejects hazel grouse, partridge, hare - I don't like the voice; happy with the fox singing; she remains in the hole, tells bring meat to the wolf, eats them and cubs; when the wolf wants to look at them, asks to release it first, runs away, climbs under a stone; the wolf manages to grab her paw; she asks if the wolf knows what was missing; the wolf lets go of his paw, the fox hides]: 44-48; western (?) Sami [The fox pretends to be dead, the man with the sledge caravan picks it up, throws it on the first sledge, it slips off; stays lying only when thrown on the last one in which salmon; drops salmon from the sledge, runs away; to the Bear, Wolverine, the Hare replies that she caught fish in the ice-hole; ties one salmon to the tail, says that it has pecked; shouts that a man is coming, others jump up, tails cut short (Wolverine has it in the middle); the fox hides under the roots of a pine tree, the Bear tries to get it, she says that he did not grab her leg, but the root, and when the Bear grabs the root, the Fox pretends to be him grabbed her leg; yet the Bear took out the Fox, carried it, she sees the motley Woodpecker, says that she painted him at one time; the Bear also wants to be specked, promises to endure; the fox binds him, leaves it in a hole with burning brushwood; the bear is burned, the fox carries his bones in a bag, hits one in the bag, replies to the passerby that her parents are in the bag; the shepherd agrees to buy it, gives it in exchange a reindeer team; the Fox hired Stallo, the Wolf and the Mouse, told them to slaughter the deer, told Flea and the Hare to cook the meat; went to wash her stomach, hit them against a stone, shouting that it was not her who killed, but the workers; Stallo and the others were afraid that the owner of the deer had come, ran away; the fox threw hot guns at the Hare (hit the tips of her ears) and Flea (burned her tail), they ran away; that shepherd came, Lisa said that everyone it was eaten by workers and relatives, one of them is Laska; the shepherd threw his head at him, the tip of his tail turned black; the fox on the shore calls fish to transport it to the other side; successively rejects everyone (listed), accepts salmon's help; calls it to the shore, grabs it, carries it to fry in an empty plague; the roast hisses, the Fox thinks that people have come, jumps out; realizing what's going on, beats salmon, splashes of fat burned her eyes; The fox walks asking the trees if they would lend her eyes; two types of pine trees do not give, the birch tree gives, the fox runs away, the birch has time to hit her tail, since then the tip is white]: Klaus 1995:3-10; Norwegians [the fox enraged the bear (climbed into the hole), the bear grabbed her leg; the fox: let go of the root, grab the leg better; the bear released the fox's leg]: Hodne 1984, No. 5: 22-23; Swedes [when a bear grabs a fox by the leg, it asks why it is holding the root with its teeth; the bear lets go of the fox's leg]: Liungman 1961, No. 5:6; Lithuanians [the hare deceives the wolf]: Balys 1936, No. 5:4.

The rarity of South American versions and the presence of undeniable Euro-African borrowings in the texts make it likely that the post-Columbian spread of motives in the New World

(Wed. Llanos. Yaruro [The Hawk chases the Rabbit, who hides in a hole, says the Hawk grabbed the root; then calls him, throws sand into his eyes]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990c, No. 58:86).

(Wed. NW Amazon. Tariana [the turtle asked the jaguar to pick up the fruit; he threw off a couple of fruits, the turtle wants more; the jaguar invited her to climb the tree herself; she can't, he picked it up, cried himself, refused lower it; then the turtle jumped on the jaguar and killed it; hid in a hole; the other jaguars asked if it had killed their comrade; one grabbed the turtle by the paw, and the turtle said that he had grabbed the root; The jaguar let her go; other jaguars started scolding him]: Brüzzi 1994:177-178).

(Wed. Central Amazon. Katawishi? (Lake Teffe) [The turtle kills the tapir by biting it on the testicles; the jaguar steals the meat; the turtle asks the monkeys to lift it up the tree; the jaguar tells the Turtle to go down; she asks him to close his eyes, jumps breaking his head with a shell; making a flute out of his tibia; hiding in a hole from another jaguar; makes him believe that the leg sticking out of the hole is the root of a tree; the jaguar leaves, leaving the frog as a watchman; a turtle throws sand into her eye, runs away; a jaguar eats a frog]: Tastevin, p.265-268 in Lévi-Strauss 1966, No. 284:249).

(Wed. Eastern Amazon. Tenetehara [The male turtle asks the Monkeys to drop its fruit; they lift it up a tree, leave it; the turtle promises the jaguar to throw its fruit, jumps on its nose, leaves, sings about what has happened; The jaguar regains consciousness, the Turtle claims that he sang about how he broke the Deer's nose; next time the jaguar hears well, wants to have sex with the Turtle by inserting his penis in his ass; the Turtle offers to commit the act takes turns, he is the first because his penis is small; the act lasts hours, the Turtle's penis is big, the jaguar hurts; the turtle slipped into the hole, the jaguar grabs his leg, the Turtle says it's the root, the jaguar releases his leg; waited at Nora until he starved to death]: Wagley, Galvão 1949, No. 21:155-156).

(Wed. The Central Andes. Aymara [The rabbit is sitting in the bushes, the Fox grabs his leg, the Rabbit says he has grabbed the root, the Fox lets it go]: Paredes Candía 1957:68)

(Wed. Southern Amazon. Rickbacza [jaguar sees two tiranídeos birds pulling out each other's eyelashes to make pastinha on their heads; asks him to do it too; they tell him to close their eyes so they don't get into them his hair, pulls out his hair on his head, pulls out and swallows his eyes, climbs a tree; the jaguar grabs the Turtle's tail; he stops laughing, the jaguar thought it was a piece of wood, let it go (then caught and ate); caught a bird; he asks to pull out only short feathers, leave long feathers, promises to jump into his mouth; relieved his need; Odontophorus guayanensis birds insert a jaguar into the eye sockets of the bones inaja fruits (or tucum); the jaguar sees again, chased the agouti, his eyes fell out; the birds glued them with resin; chased the tapir, fell out again; glued them with fresh resin; a grateful jaguar painted them with genipa, He no longer hunts them; he began to fight the anteater, the forces are equal; to find out who eats what animals, we decided to compare the excrement; the anteater changed, the jaguar does not believe, but is afraid, they parted]: Pereira 1994, No. 8:93-99).

(Wed. Chaco. Chamacoco [Doxóra and jaguar agree to shoot two tapirs; the jaguar missed, D. killed the tapir, the jaguar changed arrows, began to fry meat; told the Butterfly to bring water; D. told her carry water in a leaky vessel; the jaguar has to go by himself to drink; D. puts meat on a platform on a pole, tells the pole to grow; the jaguar makes a fire, floods it, tries to cut down a pole, breaks axe; D. wounds a jaguar with a bone, saying he is throwing meat at him; the jaguar is dead; D. pulled out two fangs for him, revives the jaguar; the Kingfisher dives for fish screaming ëlebiché, offers to catch a jaguar; he too ëlebiché screams, falls his head into the clay, gets stuck, the Kingfisher takes out two more fangs from him; the jaguar takes the crab for an eel, tries to dig it out of the mud, decides to kill it by defecating on it; The crab grabs it with its claws, pulls out his ass {penis?} , then pulls out a few teeth; the monkey pretends to be sick, the jaguar agrees to carry it; before that, the Monkey wanted to get along with the jaguar's wife Deer, said that the jaguar is her horse; the jaguar agrees to put a harness on him; the monkey leaves with the jaguar's wife, but he remains attached; the monkey tells the jaguar that he climbed the tree backwards, pours boiling water on it; the jaguar guards at the watering hole, but The monkey is covered with honey, pasted over with leaves, the jaguar does not recognize it; The monkey says that the whirlwind will take everyone away, the jaguar allows itself to be tied, the Monkey hits him; the fox unties it, the jaguar eats it; The monkey hid in the hollow, the jaguar grabbed her tail, the monkey says he grabbed the root, the jaguar let go; he went after the stick, leaving the Vulture to guard; the monkey threw dust into his eyes ran away; the jaguar found a Toad in the hollow, tells me where the Turtle is; the Toad says he is not afraid of fire, he is afraid of water; the jaguar threw it into the water, it swam away]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 98:385-392).