Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M134C. After eating in the pantry, can't get out, ATU 41.

.10.-.17.27.-.29.31. (.34.)


zoomorphic character climbs into the cellar (pantry, garden, etc.) and eats up so much that he can't get back.

Hottentots, Suto-chwana, Canioca, Luba, Hausa, Oromo, Arabs of Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Berbers of Morocco (Beni Snu), Algeria, Spaniards, Portuguese, Italians (Piedmont, Valle d'Aosto, Ticino, Lombardy, Veneto, Lazio, Tuscany, Umbria, Rome, Abruzzo, Molise, Puglia, Calabria), Ladins, Sardinians, (Basques, Sicilians), French, Bretons, Walloons, Germans (Grimms, Schleswig-Holstein, Pomerania), Irish, Dutch, Friesians, Flemish, Arabs of Syria, Iraq, Ancient Greece, Hungarians, Bulgarians, Slovenes, Romanians, Greeks, (Russians), Ukrainians (Hutsulshchina, Ugric Russia, Kursk), Poles, Luzhitans, Turks, Kurds , Persians, Norwegians, Swedes, Danes, (Finns), Estonians, Leaders, Livonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, (Khakas).

SW Africa. Hottentots [jackal and hyena steal fat from a European's house; the jackal climbs back from time to time to make sure he can still squeeze through the hole; the hyena continues to eat and cannot get back out; beaten]: Klipple 1992:28.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Suto-chwana [The fox shows Hyena a crack in the cattle pen; after eating meat, she gets out before she gets fat; the Hyena eats everything, cannot get out; the owner of the cattle hits her with a stick, she hardly ran away; The fox pretends to be beaten harder, the Hyena agrees to drag her on her back; the fox sings "The dead man is lucky alive"; the Hyena hears, the Fox rushes into the cave, pretends to support the ceiling, otherwise the vault will collapse; Hyena agrees to hold until the Fox brings the stake; The monkeys explain that the cave will not collapse; the fox holds honeycombs in her hands, pretends to read, advises Hyena to take the book too, the bees have bitten Hyena face]: Olderogge 1959:40-42; canioca [Gulungwe antelope and Marten come to the house with a narrow door; it has a lot of food; the marten tries every now and then to see if she goes through the door; K. eats without looking back. gets fat, cannot go out; buries into the ground so that only her eyes are visible; when running away, Marten advises her to invite the owners to become their slave; a year later Marten comes, hits the drum, K. dances, she is thrown beads, she runs away]: Frobenius 1983:275-276; bast [Gulungwe antelope and Marten come to the house with a narrow door; it has a lot of food; K. eats, gets fat, can't get out; burrows into the ground so you can see only an eye; the owners' daughter takes it for a bead, pulls it out; K. wants to kill, she asks permission to dance, runs away; next time she buries so that only the horn is visible; she is killed; The marten comes, offers to wash meat, takes the best pieces, runs away]: Frobenius 1983:276-277.

West Africa. Hausa [the dog and the jackal came to the wedding, began to drink oil; the jackal kept watching to see if he crawled through the exit, and the dog kept on lapping; when people noticed them, the jackal ran away and the dog She couldn't get in and was beaten; she pretended to be dead, she was thrown away, and then she fled]: Tremearne 1910, No. 29:501f (retelling in Klipple 1992:29).

Sudan-East Africa. Oromo [two foxes sneak into the house to steal chickens; one eats moderately and leaves; the other is so full that she cannot get back through the hole; in the morning the owner kills her; waiting for the first to appear foxes, kills her too]: Klipple 1992:28-29.

North Africa. The Berbers of Beni Snou (border between the Holy Army of Morocco and Algeria) [the hedgehog and the jackal went to steal onions; the jackal filled his belly, and the hedgehog watched if he could crawl back through the narrow hole; when leaving, the hedgehog advised the jackal pretend to be dead; the fakir came in, he left his clothes behind the fence; threw away the jackal, thinking he was dead; the jackal put on his fakir's clothes, ran away with the hedgehog; met the shepherds; while the hedgehog entertained them playing the drum, the jackal stole goats; the jackal agrees to take those who are silent and leave the hedgehog who bleat; the jackal has taken many; now the hedgehog offers him to pick up the bleating; the jackal brought the goats into the cave, began to cut and eat them; the hedgehog set fire to the clothes left by the shepherds, joined the jackal; asked for only one gut; puffed it, began to hit the walls of the cave, the jackal was afraid of the noise and ran away; the hedgehog filled fat wineskin stolen from shepherds; jackal: it was you who ate all the fat; hedgehog: let's open our bellies and see who sat down; ripped his wineskin, and the jackal ripped his stomach and died; the hedgehog got everything; another jackal came, asked him to eat too; they found a saddle: who would it suit? the hedgehog is under the saddle and you can't see, the jackal came up; the hedgehog saddled him, rode the jackal; towards the dog; the hedgehog hid under a pile of horse manure, and the jackal was torn by dogs]: Destaing 1907, No. 2:246-249; Berbers Algiers (Quargla) [the jackal asks the hedgehog how many tricks he has; he replies that one and a half; the jackal has a hundred; they climbed into the garden to steal onions; the hedgehog ate to crawl back, the jackal ate full and could not get out when the owner appears; asks the hedgehog to give him half the trick; the hedgehog advises him to pretend to be dead; the owner's little son stabs the jackal twice with a thorn, he twitches, but the father does not believe his son that The jackal is alive; he throws him over the fence; the jackal ran away with his shoe; told the lion that he and all his relatives were famous shoemakers; if the lion wants shoes, let him bring two fat camels; With camel skin, the jackal wrapped not only the lion's legs, but also the lion's body; the skin is dry, the lion is suffering unbearably; the jackal ran away, but the lion tore off its tail; screams that he identifies him as tailless; the jackal brought others jackals stole that bow and tied their tails to a palm tree; the owner came, they all cut off their tails; the lion could not identify the jackal]: Basset 1897, No. 68:12-17; the Arabs of Algeria (Blida), Tunisia [while the hedgehog distracts the sheep, the wolf takes three, but refused to share the meat with the hedgehog; he requires at least a rectum, and then makes such a noise that the wolf runs away and the meat goes to the hedgehog; both climbed into the vineyard, became there are grapes; the hedgehog watches if he can still crawl through the crack in the fence, and the wolf is so full that he cannot get out; when the winegrower comes, the hedgehog advises the wolf to pretend to be dead; the owner grabbed his tail and threw it out; the end of the tail broke; seeing that the wolf was alive, the owner decided to find him and kill him; the hedgehog advises the wolf to persuade the rest of the wolves to contact with their tails, and then shout that greyhound dogs are approaching; the wolves cut off their tails, the man cannot know who was in his vineyard; they decided to make a pack saddle; while the wolf is sleeping, the hedgehog makes it the size of a wolf; climbed inside himself, and the wolf wearing it he does not know what the hedgehog is carrying with his saddle; people let greyhounds on the wolf, he ran, his heart burst; the hedgehog was saved]: Nowak 1969, No. 31:65-66; Egyptian Arabs: El-Shamy 2006, No. 41:12.

Southern Europe. Spaniards [the fox climbs into the chicken coop through a narrow gap and always makes sure not to get fat, otherwise it will not get back; the wolf comes with the fox, continues to eat the chickens until got fat; when the owner appeared, the fox ran away, but the wolf could not, the owner killed him with a stick]: Camarena, Chevalier 1997, No. 41:75-76; the Portuguese [after climbing into the chicken coop, the fox ate so full that it cannot get out; she pretended to be dead, she was thrown away and she ran away]: Cardigos 2006, No. 41:26; Portuguese [fox dogs: come to us, orders have been issued for peace between animals; fox: now, I'll just ask rooster, does he know about the order to keep us company; fox hunter: if you want chickens, come to me in the evening; released dogs on the fox, and the rooster screams: show them the order; running away from the dogs, the fox trained stones so that you can climb them into the barn; called a donkey: climb there, there is grain; the donkey is full and stuck; fox to the crow: do you want meat? the donkey got stuck there; the raven came down to peck at the donkey's ass; the fox met the wolf: distract people and I would steal their basket of rice; the fox ate rice, rice on his head; wolf: so tired, running away, barely alive; fox: a They broke my head, so my brain came out; they say to the old man: let's have a party; the wolf went for the lamb, the fox for the chicken, and the hare for parsley; the hare came back first, the old man killed him with a stick, and the wolf with the fox poked his spit in the ass; they thought that the old man had a hot finger; at night, the fox showed the wolf the reflection of the moon in the well: look what a cake, you need to drink water; the fox was just pretending, and the wolf drank and burst; then the fox became friends with the heron; she spread flour in the jug, ate it, and the fox could not stick its face; the heron invited the fox to attend a feast in heaven, told her to sit on her back; raised it high, threw it off; fox: if I stay alive, I don't go to the holiday in heaven anymore; hey, boulder - part; when I fall on a stone, I crashed]: Coelho 1879, No. 7:13-15; Italians (Piedmont, Valle- D'aosto, Lombardy, Veneto, Lazio, Toscana, Umbria, Rome, Abruzzo, Molise, Puglia, Calabria): Cerise, Serafini 1975, No. 41:14-15; Italians: D'Aronco 1953, No. 41 (Tuscany) [1) fox and wolf work in the field; the fox adjusts that the wolf dips its tail into boiling water; they go to steal the royal estate; the wolf is so full that he can't get back; he's beaten to death; 2) the wolf and the fox are in the same steal the house; the wolf ate so much that he can't get out and was beaten with a stick; the fox pretends to get it too, the wolf agrees to drag it on his back; the fox pushes the wolf into the well]: 45; Keller 1981 (Ticino) [The fox invited the wolf to enter the house where the shepherds leave milk; the fox left in time, and the wolf kept drinking milk and became fat to the point of not getting out; he was beaten terribly; the fox kept drinking smeared dogwood juice as if it were covered in blood; the wolf believed that she had even more, agreed to carry it; the fox says, "The beaten unbeaten man is lucky"; they found a sheaf of millet; the fox took ears, and wolf straw; everyone began to cook in his house; the wolf's brew ran away and did not like the taste; he came to the fox and asked how it did this delicious; fox: you have to put the tail into the cauldron; at home the wolf scalded its tail, it peeled off; the fox came quietly to the door to spy and laughed]: 156-159; frets: Brunold-Bigler, Widmer 2004, No. 4 [the bear is starving, the fox is getting fat; explains to the bear that she goes to eat cream in a barn in a mountain pasture (where cows are kept and milked); she brought a bear so full that he cannot get out; asks the owners not to kill him; he was muzzled, harnessed into a cart, They told me to carry manure; once left on a leash, he escaped, he was shot]: 40-48; Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 89 [the squirrel replies to the fox that it knows only one trick; fox: I'm 7; they climb into the cellar , the squirrel takes out its plug, they drink milk; the fox is so drunk that it's stuck trying to get out; the squirrel: and where are your 7 tricks? a farmer nailed a fox]: 235-236; (cf. Basques [the fox took the wolf into the house to steal, the wolf was beaten, the fox ran away with dough (or rather a mass of milk and flour); the wolf says that his ribs were broken, the fox said that his brains came out; the wolf agrees to lead the fox on his back; realizing the deception, he rushed to the fox, which is in the hole, he grabbed its tail, it screams that it is the root, the wolf let go, the fox hid deep]: Barandiaran 1961:142-144 ; the Sicilians [the wolf and the fox went to the farm to steal food; the wolf was beaten, the fox ate the curd mass (ricotta), smeared its head with it, told the wolf that she was beaten so much that her brains came out, the wolf agreed to take her on himself; either the fox pretends to be sick, the wolf carries her, and she says "Il malato porta il sano"]: Lo Nigro 1957, No. 3, 4:3-4).

Western Europe. The Bretons [in winter, the hungry wolf chased the fox, and in the summer she decided to take revenge on him; invited him to the sheepfold; crawl through a narrow gap; in the morning the fox ran away; the wolf, having eaten three sheep, got stuck; his they tied up, put a hot rod under their tail and let them go; the fox climbed the rock; the wolf called the other wolves to stand on top of each other; they almost took out the fox, but it shouted: shove iron to the little down the drain; this wolf, who was the lowest, ran and did not show up again in these places, while others were hit and maimed]: Sébillot 1910, No. 62:221-223; French: Delarue, Tenè ; ze 1976, No. 3 (southern France, Tarn-et-Garonne) [the fox and the wolf climbed into the church through the hole and began to eat honey; the wolf was so full that he could not crawl back; fox: grab the rope and hit the bell; will come running the people and you will jump out as soon as the door is opened; but when the wolf jumped out, the door slammed, tearing off its tail; fox: there are hemp flutters; I'll shout, "Wolf, wolf!" , everyone will come running, while you grab a hemp and make yourself a new tail; they laughed at such a tail; the fox advised you to set it on fire; after that, the wolf got completely angry at it, it disappeared into the hole; the wolf grabbed the fox's paw and the fox asked why it was holding the root; the stupid wolf let go of his paw]: 112-113; Ménard 1908, No. 79 (Upper Brittany) [the fox brought the wolf to the ram; he ate so full that he did not return was able to crawl in; the owner put hot iron under his tail; escaping {tearing off his tail?} , the wolf decided to take revenge; when he met the fox, he chased it, it jumped on the rock; the wolf called the other wolves, they stood on top of each other; fox: put hot iron behind the kutsema; the short one rushed in fear, wolves hit, scattered]: 91-92 (=Dähnhardt 1919:495); walloons [the fox's life is hard and she asks for the wolf's protection; he agrees with the condition that the fox will serve him; the fox brings the wolf lamb; the wolf goes to the sheep himself, but is attacked by dogs and is barely alive; the fox stole the cake, the wolf went again and was beaten; the fox brings the wolf into the hole, where the pig is caught; the wolf is so full that he could not get out back]: Laport 1932, No. 41:26; Germans [the fox is in the service of the wolf, he demands that the fox feed him; the fox teaches him how to steal the lamb, the wolf comes back for the second, is beaten; teaches him how to steal pancakes, the wolf wants also, he knocked over the bowl, beaten; the fox leads the wolf through a narrow hole to the cellar, where there is a barrel of salted meat; every now and then sees if it can get out; the wolf decides to eat until he eats everything; the owner appeared, the fox ran away, the wolf could not crawl through the narrow hole, the owner killed him]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 73:258-259 (=Grimm, Grimm 1987:217-219; Germans (Schleswig-Holstein, Pomerania), Irish, Dutch, Friesians, Flemish: Uther 2004 (1), No. 41:38-39.

Western Asia. Arabs of Syria, Iraq: El-Shamy 2006, No. 41:12.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece (Horace, Babry, Gregory of Tursky have a story): Lingman 196:9; Hungarians [the wolf calls the fox to steal chickens; the fox invites the wolf to climb into the chicken coop, calls the dogs herself; while the wolf is being fought, the fox runs away, carrying the rooster; after eating it, lubricates its head with blood and lies in clay; doubts whether the wolf's beatings are so terrible: even her bones rattle (these are dried up clumps of clay stuck to the coat]: Kovács 1983, No. 3:249-250; Bulgarians (entry 1) [the fox brought the wolf to the cellar; he was so full there that he could not get back out and was beaten]: Daskalova-Perkovska and others 1994, No. 41:48; Slovenes, Romanians, Greeks: Uther 2004 (1), No. 41:38-39.

Central Europe. Ukrainians (Hutsulshchina, Ugric Russia, Kursk) [Fox (cat) and wolf (ferret) in the barn (cellar): the wolf is so full that it cannot get out; he is killed]: SUS 1979, No. 41:57; (cf. Russians [only entry in Orenburg Gubernia]: SUS 1979:57); Poles [a fox brings a hungry wolf to a wedding or tavern; he is so full that he cannot crawl into a hole through which they broke into the house; he was beaten badly; the fox put her head in the dough, ran away; tells the wolf that she was beaten even worse - her brains leaked out]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 3:52; Poles [the fox brings the hungry a wolf for a wedding or tavern; he is so full that he cannot get into the hole through which they entered the house; he was beaten badly; the fox put his head in the dough, ran away; tells the wolf that she was beaten even worse - brains leaked out]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 3:52; the Luzhitans [the fox and the wolf climbed into the pantry; when the owners showed up, the fox escaped and the wolf was so full that he got stuck and beaten; the fox at this time ate a rooster and covered her with blood; said she was so beaten that she could not walk; the wolf carried her on his back; the fox says "The beaten unbeaten man is lucky"; the wolf did not understand that she was muttering there]: Veckenstedt 1880, No. 45.2:423.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Turks [the fox and the wolf go to steal grapes (the fox tells the wolf that the vineyard is hers); they agree to eat until the grapes come out of their nostrils; seeing that the wolf continues to eat, the fox calls the watchman ; the wolf cannot crawl through the fence and is beaten; sometimes instead of a wolf, a bear or a pig; then the wolf and the fox steal honey and agree that it will be eaten by whoever wins the stick fight in the well; from the wolf the stick is too long, the fox defeated it; for this, the owner (of the vineyard?) promises her five chickens; the owner's wife replaced them with dogs; they ripped off the fox's tail; the wolf and the fox quarrel on the bridge and both fall into the water]: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 1:27-28.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians, Kurds (Kurdistan, Azerbaijan, Khorasan, Markazi) [the fox leads the wolf through a narrow passage to the room where it eats until it can get back; the wolf eats can't squeeze too much back through the gap]: Marzolph 1984, No. 41:40.

Baltoscandia. The Norwegians [the wolf and the fox climbed into the cellar and began to eat meat; the wolf ate so full that he could not get back, he was shot]: Hodne 1984, No. 41:29; the Swedes [the wolf was persuaded to climb into the cellar, and he was so full that he could not get back; the story is in the earliest publication of Swedish fairy tales in 1603; Danes have it]: Liungman 1961, No. 41:9-10; Estonians [childless woman wished a son even the size of a finger; the father cuts firewood; the son carries them sitting in the horse's ear; three want to buy a boy, he tells his father to agree; refuses to sit in the bosom of those who bought it (hot), in his pocket (dark), sits on the floor of his hat; ran away, hid in a rat hole; climbed into the landowner's pantry; thieves came, he raised the alarm; found himself in a barn, the cow swallowed it; the maid hears a voice from a cow belly; the cow was stabbed, his stomach was thrown away, swallowed by a wolf; the boy tells the wolf to go to the house where the father and mother have plenty of food; the wolf is full, overweight, cannot get out; the boy's father killed him, found a son, made a fur coat out of wolf skin]: Mälk et al. 1967, No. 103:339-340; leaders, Livs: Kecskeméti, Paunonen 1974, No. 41:217; Latvians [the wolf makes his fox feed; she brings the wolf to the hut where cakes have just been baked; the wolf makes a noise and is beaten; then the fox leads the wolf to the closet where the meat is stored; the wolf is so full that he cannot get out; him kill]: Arys, Medne 1977, No. 41:253; Lithuanians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 41:38-39; (cf. Finns [the fox lured the wolf into the hut to eat supplies, closed the door outside; the hostess beats the wolf, he jumped out the window; the fox says that her brains have leaked, the wolf agrees to carry it on him, she sings "The patient drags the healthy one, the buxom laughs"; the wolf grabs her, she asks her to tell her where the wind is blowing; pretends not to hear, the wolf screams, "From the West", opens his mouth, the fox runs away]: Rakhimova 2000:168-169).

(Wed. Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakas [the fox invites the wolf to climb into the barn; the fox starts eating fish, the wolf drinks araka; the wolf is going to sing, the fox does not advise, it strings rolls on its tail; the wolf starts singing: If with run mountains to mountain - /my fast run will be ahead of everyone, /hares/I eat hares/I eat quickly./If I jump from hill to hill - /forty tricks of mine will surpass all, /if I meet forty hares - /immediately I want to eat them./{Araka} is not water if you scoop them up from the river,/{Araka} don't drink if you drink it without talking. The fox rolled over herself and put fish in her mouth and ran away; she sings at the wolf in great fun; when people heard this singer, they shot him]: Torokova et al. 2014, No. 5:61-63.