Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M142. Punished tail, ATU 154. .13.15.27.-.32.35.


zoomorphic character accuses his tail of only preventing him from escaping the chase (he usually punishes him and dies as a result). (ATU data has not been entered; plot 154 includes several independent motives; it is impossible to determine which of them are present in the traditions referred to by ATU without referring to primary sources).

Tigre (?) , Portuguese, Galicians, Spaniards, Basques, Hungarians, Romanians, Bulgarians, Gagauz people, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Pskov, Smolensk, Moscow, Tula, Ryazan, Tambov, Voronezh, Samara), Ukrainians ( Transcarpathia, Galicia, Podolia, Kiev, Chernigov, Poltava, Kharkiv), Belarusians, Abkhazians, Abazins, Adygs, Dargins, Georgians, Tajiks, Western and Eastern Sami, Estonians, Setu, Lutsi, Latvians, Chuvash, Mordovians, Kazan Tatars, Komi, Mansi, Southern Selkups.

Sudan-East Africa. Tigre ("Eritrea", but probably a tiger) [The fox stole the chicken, brought it to her hole, and ate it for several days. When I was hungry again, I went looking for new food and found a hat on the road. She put on her hat, went to the nearest hut and knocked. The farmer asked, "Who's there?" , the fox replied that the royal ambassador. She gave the farmer a hat to look after her. After eating, she went to bed and hid her hat at night. In the morning, the farmer begged the fox to forgive him for losing his hat. The fox said, "Give me a chicken, then I won't say anything to the king." It's the same at the next house, I let me hold the chicken, ate it at night, and got lamb in the morning. It's the same in the next house, but in the morning a farmer found the remains of a lamb and realized that the fox had eaten it. The fox asked for a sheep, and the farmer gave her a bag and said he put the sheep in the bag to make it easier to carry. There was actually a dog in the bag. Happy fox went home with a sack. At home, I said to myself: "I'm so full that I don't want to eat anything right now. Let the sheep get caught in the meadow and get fatter, then I'll eat it." When she opened the bag, the dog jumped out, and the fox barely managed to escape into the hole. I started to blame my eyes - "no, we helped you see the hole", my nose - "no, I always help you smell food, and this time the bag was tied, I couldn't know anything", my legs "no, we ran fast", the tail was "I I didn't bother you, I just followed you." Aha! The fox let the dog bite off half of its tail. The dog brought the tail to its owner, who was happy and said: "Now I know which fox I'm going to hunt next time." But the fox said to all the other foxes, "I have an important message for you! The village has a new manager, and he is chasing all the long-tailed foxes. So I cut off half my tail. If you value your life, do the same, otherwise it will be bad." All the foxes did just that. And the peasants, who went hunting soon after, were very surprised to see that all foxes had short tails]: Kahsay 1994:1-31.

Southern Europe. Portuguese [a fox helps a person (heals an ox's leg, saves him from a wolf); an ungrateful man lets dogs on a fox (instead of chickens); a fox hides in a hole; praises his legs, eyes, ears, but scolds the tail that prevented her from escaping]: Cardigos 2006, No. 154:42; Galicians [the snake was crushed by a stone, she begged the man to release it, and then was going to eat it; agreed to ask the people she met, admittedly whether this is it; the ox, the sheep answer that the man himself is ungrateful; the fox ordered to show how it happened, the snake was again under the stone; the man asked the fox how to thank her, and she asked for chickens; wife refused to give the chickens and ordered the dog to be put in the bag; the dog rushed after her, the fox ran, praises its eyes, legs, ears, scolds its tail]: Contos 1972, No. 24:31-32; Spaniards (Castilla y Leon, Asturias; the same Catalans) [the peasant scolds the ox for the bear to eat you; the bear catches him at his word, the peasant asks to let the field plow; the fox promises to portray a hunter if the peasant gives hens for her; fox: what is this under the cart? bear: say it's a log; peasant: log; fox: if it's a log, put it in a cart; tie it; stab an ax; bear: pretend to stab; the peasant hacked a bear; brings dogs rather than chickens in the bag; the fox suspects this is the case, but still picks it up and opens the bag; she manages to escape, she praises all parts of her body for helping; the tail also wants to be praised; fox: if I hadn't squeezed you, you the dog would grab it!] : Camarena, Chevalier 1997, No. 154:267-271; the Basques [the snake persuaded the man to release her from under the piled stone; he did it, she was going to eat it; the dog, the donkey say the snake is right; the fox wants to see how it happened; the snake climbs under the stone, remains to die; the man promises chickens to the fox, the wife persuaded him to put the dog in the bag; the dog is chasing the fox, which has difficulty getting away from it at the top of the mountain, he praises all parts of his body; the tail asks: what about me? fox: I almost got caught because of you]: Barandiaran 1961, No. 88-89:159-166.

The Balkans. Hungarians [the fox is happy with her eyes and legs that helped her escape, but is unhappy with its tail and punishes it by sticking it out of its hole; dogs pulled the fox by the tail and tore it]: Kov√°cs 1987, No. 54*: 259; Romanians [every time a quail hatches chicks, the fox ties thorns to its tail, pretends to be pasha, demands that the quail be removed from its land; eats chicks; oh The hound found out; when the fox came next time, the hound rushed after it, drove it into a hole; the fox asks its eyes, front legs, hind legs, how they helped her escape, they answer, the fox praises them; the tail did not help; the fox stuck it out, the dog pulled the fox by the tail and bit it]: Gaster 1915, No. 94:290-293; Bulgarians [the fox tells the thrush to drop one egg after another; women promise thrush hide the greyhound in the bushes; the bunch tells the fox that there is a chicken in the bushes; the fox managed to hide in the hole; asks its legs, eyes, how they helped, promises to give them boots, a mirror; tail in response: hold, dog, fox by the tail; the fox stuck its tail out to the dog, she pulled it out and ate it]: Klyagina-Kondratyeva 1951:224-226; Gagauz people [The fox tells Lark that this is her land, she is going to sow; if he will not remove his nest from the tree, it will eat its chicks; the Lark complains to the Greyhound; she hides in the furrow, chases the Fox, the Fox is in the hole; asks his front, hind legs if they agreed to the greyhound bit them; they say that they did not agree; when the tail asks, he replies that he agreed, for the Fox "imposed a bush on him and he was sweating, plowing the ground"; the fox puts out his tail with the Greyhound, she pulls her out, kills her; Lark, as promised, feeds the Greyhound with hot pancakes; for this purpose, she distracts the woman who brought lunch to her husband in the field]: Moshkov 1904, No. 143:211-212.

Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelsk, Pskov, Smolensk, Voronezh, Ryazan, Tambov, Tula), Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, Galicia, Podolia, Kiev, Chernigov, Poltava, Kharkiv), Belarusians [Man, bear and fox: the fox helps the man get rid of the bear with cunning advice; instead of thanking, the man loads the fox with a bag in which the dog is hidden; released from the bag, she immediately tears the fox (chases it); the fox hides in the hole from the chase; asks its legs, eyes, tail, who did what; the tail replies that it interfered, it sticks it out of the hole and the dogs pull it out of the hole]: SUS 1979, No. 154:77-78; Russians (Pskov) [The man cultivates the field for turnips; the bear asks for a share; they draw lots to see who gets the bottom and who gets the top; the bear gets the upper hand; the next year the man sows wheat; the bear demands the bottom, gets roots; threatens to kill the man; he asks to say goodbye home, meets a fox, she promises to help for the chicken and the rooster; rattles in bags of iron, pretending to approaching hunters; the bear asks the man to cut off his paws and say he is dead; the man kills the bear; the fox demands the promised chickens; the man brings two dogs in a bag; dogs drive the fox into hollow; the fox asks its legs, eyes how they helped her run away; the tail replies that it was dangling and clinging, the fox gives it to the dogs; dogs pull the fox by the tail]: Smirnov 1917, No. 105:348-350; Russians (Pskov) [the fox spent the night with the man, begged for bast shoes; the next night, asked to put her bast shoes to the chickens, buried it, demanded chicken in the morning; then duck; sheep; goby; firewood for the goby; went; the hare asks for permission to sit in her sleigh; then the wolf; when the bear sat down, the gullies broke; the hare brought thin, the other fox too, the wolf brought the shaggy forest, the bear with roots; the fox went by itself; this time the animals ate the bull, filled it with hay; the fox: whoever eats the bull will fall into the hole, let's jump; everyone has fallen; the fox: let's voice, whoever does not make it, we will eat it; we started with a hare; the fox and the bear remain; the fox hid its intestines under it, now pulls it out and eats, says it's own; the bear pulled out its own, died, the fox eats it; but does not get out; the thrush threatens to eat its children if it does not pull it out of the hole; the thrush put on chopsticks, the fox got out; the fox told her to drink; the man was carrying a barrel of wine to the wedding; the thrush sat on the barrel, the man hit, the thrush flew away, the barrel broke, the fox got drunk; now laugh; two brothers they hammer, the thrush sat on one's head, the other hit, the thrush flew away, the fox laughed; now evaporate; the fox is steaming, the thrush says that the dogs are coming; the fox through the window, then into the hollow, asks the legs - how did they run? ears; eyes; tail; bolt with your tail - dogs dak her tail and ate it]: Chernyshev 1950, No. 33:73-75; Russians (Moscow) [plowman wolf: I'll eat your mare; man: lie down - I'll plow, I'll give it myself; fox: What's in between? - A stump. - If there was a stump, an ax would be stuck in it. Wolf: stick an ax; the man hacked the wolf; the man promises the fox a couple of chickens; he put two dogs in the bag himself; the fox hid in a hole, asks his eyes, ears, legs how they helped her; tail; he replies that got confused and interfered; the fox stuck it out, the dogs pulled the fox by the tail, tore it]: Vedernikova, Samodelova 1998, No. 13:43; Russians (Tambov, Lipetsk y.) [A man and a bear sow turnips together, a man asks for roots, a bear takes the tops believing that they are more valuable. When wheat is sown, the bear takes the roots, and the man takes the tops. The bear is angry and wants to eat the man, he cries, the fox sees him and promises to help him. She asks from the bushes, "Are there any biryuk wolves here, medvedev?" , the bear asks the man to say no, promises not to eat it. The fox asks what is lying by the cart, the man, at the bear's request, says that the deck, the fox says that the deck should be tied, the man ties the bear, the fox, says that the deck must be stuck an ax, a man sticks an ax at the bear's request and kills it. The man gives her a bag of white chickens as a reward, but asks her not to look, she can't stand it, opens it - dogs jump out of the bag and chase her. She hides in a hole, asks her ears, legs and tail, her ears listened, her legs ran, and her tail interfered - she sticks it out and dogs pull her out of the hole and tear her out of the hole and tear her apart]: Afanasiev (1984), No. 249 (7b) : 35-36; Russians (Samara) [the merchant's son is taken as a soldier; writes home that he has become an officer; then a general; every time he asks for money; the father has arrived - the son serves as a solbat; he gave the horses he took with him a real general, and asks his son for a wolf ticket; the son and two comrades came to the palace, where petrified people; they ate, two fell asleep, and the guy began to read a special book; at midnight three black people came out girls in wool, asking for two more nights to suffer; after the second night they are half white, after the third they are completely white; one of them, the sovereign of this kingdom, took the boy as her husband; once he rode in a carriage to his father, on the way he drank everything in the tavern, came poor, hired to herd goats; when he drives him past the balcony, the guy plays the pipe, the goats are dancing; his wife came for him, the wedding, but they are beggars {further transition to the story Kuzma Skorobogaty}; "today they were married, and tomorrow they rushed to Thomas; and Thomas has neither a stake nor a yard"; the fox told the merchant that Thomas has five herds and herds ("a horse herd, a horned herd, a herd of sheep, yes a herd of goose, yes, there is a herd of pyrino, and there is a herd of chicken"); in the village where Thomas lived, the Serpent Gorynych lived there with the Serpent Gorynovna; "these herds were theirs, and the fox boasted that they were Thomas the Rich"; "the mountain ones are coming mine", and the fox ran to Snake Gorynyvch and Zmeya Gorynovna, told them to get out of the house; Tsar Thunder and Queen Molonya are coming to your house! The king will kill and the Queen will burn!" the fox tells them to climb into a rotten deck; tells the shepherds to say that the herds of Thomas the Rich, otherwise the King will kill and the Queen will burn; when the merchant and his men arrived, the fox advised him to shoot the deck, Thomas's estate got it; after the wedding, a fox comes, asks for a lamb, then a single file; like this every day; Tom let the dog go at her, the fox in the hole; asks his eyes, legs, how they helped her escape; asks tail; "And I dragged across the floor so that the dogs would catch up with the fox and pinch"; the fox gave Serke's tail, who pulled it by the tail and tore it; Thomas the Rich began to live badly and make good money]: Sadovnikov 1884, No. 14:80 -84; Northern Ukrainians (Chernigov): Berezovsky 1979, No. 221 (Kozeletsky district) [the wolf asks to hide it from hunters and dogs; the man hides it in a bag; when he releases it, the wolf is going to eat it; the fox pretends not to believe that the wolf may have been in the bag; the wolf goes there climbs in, the man kills him; the fox asks for chickens, put a stud in "on wheels"; the man puts three dogs there; the fox opens, the dogs are behind her, she hides in a hole, asks for parts of her body, how they helped to escape; says to his tail that he just got confused, sticks her out of the hole, dogs pull her by the tail, kill her]: 256-257; Malinka 1902, No. 42 (Chernigovskaya, Nezhinsky y.) [the wolf asks to hide it from hunters and dogs; the man hides it in a bag; when he releases it, the wolf is going to eat it; the fox pretends not to believe that the wolf may have been in the bag; the wolf goes there climbs in, the man kills him; the fox asks for chickens, put a stud in "on wheels"; the man puts three dogs there; the fox opens, the dogs are behind her, she hides in a hole, asks for parts of her body, how they helped to escape; says to his tail that he just got confused, sticks her out of the hole, dogs pull her by the tail, kill her]: 324-325; Rudchenko 1869, No. 8 [the man plowed in the field; a bear came, said what the ox would eat; the man persuaded him not to eat the ox until it passed the furrow; the bear lay down on the cart; the fox ran up and asked what was on the cart; the bear asked the man to say it was a deck; the man did did; the fox said that an ax would then be stuck; the bear told me to stick in the axe; the man hacked it; the fox asked what the man would give her; he called her with him; said he would give chickens; the fox told bring them all to her; the man put three chickens and a dog in the bag; the fox said to release the chickens one at a time, caught them all; the man released the dog, it chased the fox; the fox ran into the hole; the dog got up above the entrance; the fox asked her eyes what they were doing when she ran away; they said they watched how close they would get to the hole so that the dog would not catch up; the fox said she would buy them glasses; asked her legs what they were they did; they replied that they jumped and did not stumble to prevent the dog from catching up; the fox said that he would buy them shoes; then asked the tail; he replied that he was dangling and clinging to the bush and then to the stump so that the dog caught up with her; the fox stuck out its tail and told the dog to bite it off; barely escaped in the toga; a man came, decided to dig it out; went home for a spade; left an empty jug at the hole, directed against winds; the wind was buzzing, the fox thought it was barking; looked out and saw a jug; said: "Dak se ti me? Well, I'll give you!" ; tied him with a rope to his neck, carried him to drown; the jug began to gurgle; the fox told him not to ask - it would not help; the jug filled with water, began to pull it; the fox: "Tyu is stupid! I'm crazy, but woon is already good!" ; went on, saw the balalaika, started playing, saying: "Beautiful voice, damn thought!"] : 17-18; Eastern Ukrainians (Poltava, Romny Utilities) The bear sees how they plow, sow, harvest, plows everything that remains, carries it into its hole, demands half for himself, and promises to eat all the oxen. The peasants offer the bear what the potatoes have above the ground, they don't like what they get. The fox asks if there is a bear, she is told not, and the cart has a deck. The fox says that an ax should be stuck in the deck, and the bear asks you to stick an ax into it to look like a deck. The fox says that she saved the peasants' lives, asks them for a bag of chickens, they give her two dogs in a bag, they run after her, tear off her tail, she hides in a hole, praises parts of her body, she is not happy with her tail - she sticks out outside, they tear it off. They laugh at her. She goes to the forest, invites animals to collect "oxalis". She twists the rest of the tails, screams as if she sees hunters, the animals lose their tails, she manages to type...]: Gnedich 1916, No. 1476:7-8.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians [the fox grabbed a sparrow, which tells her to sing the song Ajveipshaa, flutters out; promises to feed the fox; pretends to break its wing; the woman and the boy brought her husband lunch, put everything on the ground, ran after the bird, the fox ate lunch; asks the bird to make it laugh; the bird sits on the head of the older, middle, younger brother; they hit each other on the head, the latter hits himself with a dagger, everything they fall dead, the fox laughs; the fox wants to run, the bird leads it to the dogs and shepherds, the fox barely escaped in the tree hollow; it asks parts of its body what they did to escape the dogs; the tail only a fox smelled them; the fox stuck its tail out, the dogs pulled it out, the hunter took its skin off]: Khashba, Kukba 1935:111-113 (=Shakryl 1975, No. 6:25-27); Abazins [the fox hardly disappeared into the hole from dogs; asks his eyes what they were doing (watching vigilantly), legs (running), ears (listening), tail (rushing to distract dogs); the fox does not believe the tail, says that he clung to the bushes, sticks it out burrows, dogs pulled the fox by the tail, the hunter killed]: Tugov 1985, No. 19:38; Adygs (Kabardian people) [the fox escaped from the dog in the hole; asks organs and parts of its body how and what they helped; tail: rushed to the sides to distract the dog; fox: you lie, you clung to thorns; the fox stuck its tail out of the hole, the dog pulled the fox by the tail]: Aliyeva 1978, No. 75:346-347 (Aliyeva, Kardangushev 1977:38); Dargins [two older brothers brought honey, the younger fool is at home; the fox asked him to give her some honey, ate everything, spoiled the vessels; finally, the brothers found the fox, hung it over the hearth; she She ruined a pile of coals collected by the fool with her tail; he cut off the rope in his hearts, the fox ran away; so twice; the third time they beat the fox, it escaped; asks at her feet, eye, what they did for her salvation, they praise themselves; tail: told you to be caught stealing honey; the fox started biting it, trying to gnaw it off a cliff]: Osmanov 1963:44-46; Georgians [the fox says it goes to Kaaba pray for sins; a rooster joins her, geese are ready to go, but then dogs attack; sitting in a hole, she asks what her legs, eyes, ears did; everyone explains how they helped to escape from dogs; tail says he was confused in his legs; the fox stuck it out of the hole to the dogs, they pulled it by the tail]: Kurdovanidze 1988, No. 10:44-45.

Iran - Central Asia. Tajiks (Angren, Fergana Valley) [the fox tells the sparrow to throw off its chicks; the sparrow promises to feed it with fish; the arbakesh was carrying a barrel of fish, the sparrow flies, the arbakesh tries to hit him with a stick, hits him on the barrel, the fish fell out, the fox began to eat it; next time the sparrow promises to feed it with honey; two girls carry a bucket of honey; the sparrow jumps, distracts them, the fox ate honey; the third time the fox tells her laugh; the old woman milked the cow, the sparrow sat on the old woman's head, the old man wanted to hit him, hit the old woman on the head with a stick; the fox tells her to frighten her; the sparrow brings hunting dogs; the fox hides in the hole, asks what she would do without her eyes and legs; but her tail was not needed; she stuck her tail out, the dogs ate it]: Levin et al. 1981, No. 320:255.

Baltoscandia. Western Sami (Karasjok, North Sami dialect) [seeing a man with a sledge caravan, the fox pretended to be dead; the man put it on the first sledge, the fox slipped off; put it on the second one, etc. .; once on the last place where the fish was, the fox threw it off and jumped on its own; tells the bear that it caught the fish with its tail in the ice-hole; when the tail froze, the fox began to call people; the bear cut off its tail , ran away; the fox also ran away, hid under the root, asks its dicks how they helped; leg: ran fast; ear: listened sensitively; nose: sniffed well; tail: showed to run here; the bear pulled the fox by the tail, carries it to eat; passes by the motley woodpecker; fox: that was the time when I painted birds! the bear also wants to be colorful; fox: to do this, you must tie you first; the fox tied it and burned it, put the bones in a bag, they rattle, the person he meets with deer pulled into sledges believes that gold and silver in the bag; gives deer for a bag; fox: you can open it by passing five or six mountains; wished a person's skis to break; they break; for the remaining deer to break their legs; broke; when the fox came to the deer received for the bear bones, the fox called his assistants to kill them: bear, wolverine, ermine, mouse, fox, snake, snake, snake, frog; the bear shot in the chin (now deer spot - "bear arrow"); wolf - in the back leg (there is a "bear arrow" spot); wolverine - in the back of the head ("wolverine arrow" spot); ermine - in the throat, mouse - in the hoof, even in the ass (everyone has the same), fox - at the base of the ear (there is now a "fox arrow" bone), in the intestines (a sign on the interior fat), the frog is in the heart (there is a "frog arrow" cartilage under the fat); so they killed all the deer; the fox went to wash the intestines, disappeared behind the stone, screamed as if she had been captured; the animals were frightened and ran away, leaving only an ermine and a mouse; at that time a deceived man came up; fox: it was my assistants who swapped gold with bones ; the man hit the tip of the tail with a pot hook over the fire, the tip turned black; the mouse hit the smut so it turned black; the fox came to the man who made the boat; I also want like this; in response, a man threw a fox into the river, it climbed onto a stone; each fish offers to transport it ashore, the fox rejects each; the pike is slippery, I can't resist; the perch - the dorsal fin scratches ; trout did not fit either; salmon; fox: swim closer; the fox grabbed it, threw it ashore, made a fire on its own, began to fry salmon; the branches are cracking, the fox thinks people are coming; then I realized; threw a stone at the salmon, fat splashed into her eyes, the fox went blind; she goes, asks the trees if they have an extra pair of eyes; the birch refuses to give, the aspen agrees to borrow for a while; the fox took it forever her eyes; the aspen only managed to hit her tail, it turned white]: Poestion 1886, No. 1:7-15; Eastern Sami: Yermolov 1959:40-43 [the fox is so cunning that all the animals are angry with her; bear, the wolf, the marten, the fox and the hare came to her; the fox: let's eat the smallest; ate the hare, then the marten, the fox and the wolf; the bear is going to eat the fox; the fox: not here, carry it across the mountains; pointing to the woodpecker: painted his back well; the bear agrees to be painted by the fox; collects branches and willow branches; tied with branches, covered with branches, covered with branches, the fox burned him alive; carries bones in the bag; answers the man who carries the bones of his uncle and grandfather; the man gives a vazhenka for them; the fox cannot kill her, calls for help from the bear and the wolf, they gave her stomach; the fox stepped aside, began to scream that the vazhenka was not she killed, and the wolf and the bear; they ran away, leaving the meat; began to fry it; fat drips on the hot stone, hisses; the fox hit the stone with meat, the spray burned her eyes; pine, alder, birch did not give her eyes (theirs in spring it fills with resin; fragile; narrow), oak dal; the fox asks his eyes if they see far; eyes are far away; ears (they hear far); legs (run fast); tail (I will cling to trees, bushes); fox got angry at her tail, returned to the lair, made a fire there, began to warm up, and put her tail out to freeze], 57-58 [the fox got into the habit of climbing into the barn for fish; a man came in, the fox pretended to be dead; the man took the fish, put the fox with the fish; it threw the fish away and ate it; the man let the dogs go; the fox hid in the hole; asks his ears and eyes what they did; the tail replies that he prevented him from running; his fox put it out, the dogs pulled the fox by the tail and tore it]; Lviv 1916 [the fox goes to eat fish in the barn; the owner came in, she pretended to be dead, he threw it into a keryozha (sleigh) with fish, on the way she threw the fish away, ran away; the man chased the dogs; the fox disappeared into the hole, asks its ears, eyes, legs what they did (listened, watched, ran); tail: prevented him from running; the fox kicked him out of the hole to the dogs, those pulled the fox by the tail, tore it]: 85-86; Estonians: Jakobson 1954 [The cat knocked over the pot of cream, went to repent of his sins; he is joined by the Hare (ate oats in the field), the Fox (stole geese), Wolf (stabbed a cow), Bear (ate a horse); The cat offers to cross the hole on the perch, whoever crosses will be removed; the cat crossed, the rest fell into the hole; the fox offers to eat the one with a weaker voice ( ate a hare), louder (bear); The fox suggests to the Wolf - whoever knocks a stone out of the edge of the hole with his head will eat another; The wolf breaks his head, dies; the fox threatens the Starling to eat his chicks if he does not help her get out - fill the hole with branches; when you get out, tells her to feed her; Starling distracts the woman, the Fox eats the porridge from that pot left; give her a drink (Starling flies around a barrel of beer, the owner hits plug, Fox drinks pouring beer); laugh (father and son are threshing, Starling curls at his father's head, son beats him, they quarrel, Fox laughs); make them jump; Starling calls hounds, Fox hides in a hole; asks its members who helped escape; the tail only clung to the bushes; the fox stuck it out of the hole as a hound as punishment; the hound ate both the tail and the fox]: 119-129; Kippar 1986, No. 154 (many records, in including at the set) [the person in his heart calls his horse a bear food; the bear came and demanded a horse; the fox promises to help; makes the bear agree to be put in the sleigh in the manner a log, a man hacked him; instead of the promised chickens or geese, a man brings a bag containing dogs to the fox; the fox can hardly escape, asks its dicks how they helped her; the tail was of no use; the fox sticks it out of the hole, the dogs tore it]: 112-115; Kippar 2010, No. II.3 (eastern Estonia, Maarja-Magdalena) [bear to the man: for guarding your field, my roots; the man collected oats; Next time the bear wanted tops, the man collected turnips; the fox to the man: will you give me two bags of chickens for not letting the bear eat you? the man agrees; the fox taught me how to answer; makes noise; man: these are the royal rangers looking for wolves and bears; bear: climb on the cart, I will say that there is a thick log; fox: why not tied; man tied up a bear; why don't they stick an ax? the man hacked the bear; brought the fox two dogs in bags; untied it, the fox disappeared into the hole; began to ask his eyes and legs how they helped to escape; tail: and I clung to the bushes; the fox stuck him out of the hole, dogs they pulled the fox by the tail and lifted it up]; Lutsie (western 1927) [the old woman answers the hare that she is looking for a shepherd for her three geese; towards the wolf; old woman: how do you sing? wolf howls; old lady: no, you will scare all geese; the fox sings a song, the old lady is happy; the fox ate the goose, the feathers are under the threshold; says that she is called for christening, to the attic herself, there is a barrel of oil; what was the name? fox: Beginning; ate another goose; again for christening; called Half; ate the third, again for christening, ate butter, called the hostess to the cold bath and told everything; her mistress with a broom - she stuck, with Since then, the fox has a tail; it pretended to be dead, the fisherman carried the fish and picked it up; the fox threw it all off, eats, says to the wolf that it caught, putting its tail into the well; the tail froze, the fox called the people, they ran to beat wolf, fox head in sauerkraut, full, head in the test; tells the wolf that the brains have leaked; the beaten unbeaten is lucky; the wolf: how beautiful the woodpecker is; the fox: I'll do the same, get into the haystack; set fire to the haystack, the wolf burned; the fox carries bones in a bag, tells the man that she exchanged the money for his horse; open the bag when you go beyond that blue forest; the fox killed the horse, eats; says that if anyone gets to this horse meat faster than her, she will cry; cancer caught on the fox's tail; when she runs up, he is already eating horse meat; the fox has tears from her eyes; old woman: you will recover if you eat the meat of a 9-year-old bear; the fox walks, knocks on the Christmas trees, on each bear, she asks how old she is; 3, 6 are not needed; 9; well, turn around; the bear turned, fell, the fox eats it; the fox tells the people she meets that she is going to repent of their sins, asks what sins they have; the cat ate sour cream, the hare poisoned the sheep, the wolf ate the sheep, the bear lifted the horse; the fox: we cross the hole on the perch; the cat crossed, the rest fell; whose voice is weaker, we will eat it; ate the hare, then the bear; the fox hides under giblets himself, tells the wolf that he eats his own; the wolf pulled out his own, died; the fox ate the wolf, spring has come; the fox to the woodpecker: you can't pour sawdust, eat your chicks; the woodpecker poured, the fox got out; the fox demands for the woodpecker to make her laugh; the husband carries bread, the wife carries porridge with eggs; the woodpecker pretends to be knocked down, they rushed to catch, the fox ate everything; asks for water; the woodpecker punched a hole in the beer keg; asks her to mock; father and sons are threshing grain; woodpecker on their heads; sons wanted to hit the woodpecker, killed their father; the fox laughs; climbed into a hole, asks body members what they did; everyone helped, only the tail behind the bushes clung; she stuck it out to the dogs, they pulled out the fox and tore it]: Annom et al. 2018:289-298; Latvians [the man sowed turnips, the bear demands part of the harvest, agrees to pick the tops; next year demands roots, and the man sows wheat; in winter the man goes for firewood, the fox asks why it's so quiet; man: so that the bear does not hear; fox: feed chicken, I'll explain what to do; the man cuts wood, a bear comes up, a fox pretends to be coming to beat bears; bear: hide me in a cart; fox: what's in the cart; man: log; fox: why not tied with a rope; man tied a bear, killed with an ax; the man leads the fox towards him, dogs rushed at her, she climbed into the hole, asks parts of the body how they helped escape; tail: I was confused under my feet; the fox stuck its tail out to the dogs, they pulled it out and killed]; Arys 1971:31-33.

Volga - Perm. Chuvashi [the fox fell into the hole; answers the woodpecker that he is digging a well, he asks him to dig it too, she tells him to sketch out the branches to fold the log house, gets out by branches, asks her to drink kvass; woodpecker cut a hole in a barrel of kvass, pecked the owner, pretended not to fly, the owner followed him, the fox drank kvass; asks her to laugh; the woodpecker sits on the head of the merchant's son, bites, he screams, comes running a farmhand with a flail, beats, the merchant's son falls down like a knockdown; the fox laughs, asks her to scare; the woodpecker called the dogs, the fox jumped into the hollows, the dogs bark around; the fox asks at his feet, ears, they answer that they were not afraid, rushed forward; the tail replies that everyone thought they were about to grab it; the fox sticks it out angrily to the dogs, they drag the fox by the tail, tore it]: Aisin 1993:40-42; Mordovians (Erzya): Evseviev 1964, No. 6 [old man plows; bear: eat your horse; old man: let the pen plow; bear lay under the cart; fox: old man, did you see a bear? bear: tell me you didn't see; fox: what's under the cart? bear: say that a burnt stump; fox: you would pick it up on the cart; bear: pick it up; fox: if there was a stump, you would stick an ax; bear: stick it; the old man hacked it; promises the fox a club with chickens; instead, I brought a dog in a bag; the fox hid in the hole; - Eyes - how did they take care of me? - We watched so as not to fall. - I'll buy you glasses. How did your legs run? - All go ahead. - I'll buy boots. Tail, how is my shore? - I was confused between my legs; the fox stuck it out, the dog pulled it out by the tail, ate it], 55 [the bear invites the old man to plant turnips together; chose the tops; the next year they sowed wheat, the bear chose the roots; tells the old man that when he comes for firewood, he will eat it; the old man has come for firewood; the bear threatens to eat; the fox: did you see the bear? I'm chasing to the service; bear: tell me you didn't see; fox: what's next to you? bear: say it's a stump; fox: if a stump, he would stick an ax; the old man hacked the bear; promises the fox a basket of chickens; put two greyhounds in the basket, took the chicken in his hand; the fox hid from the greyhounds in the hollow; asks their eyes and legs, what did they do; they showed the way, they ran; and the tail? He got confused between his legs; the fox stuck it out, the dogs pulled it out and ate it], 7 [the fox pretended to be dead, the crow came down, the fox grabbed her, she promises to feed her pancakes; she descended in front of the woman, she left the pancakes, ran after the crow, the fox ate pancakes; asks her to laugh; the crow sat on the old woman's head; the old man waved his flail, killed the old woman; the fox laughs, tells her to scare her; the crow began to knock on at the gate, dogs ran out, the fox hid in the hollow; asks its eyes, legs, tail how they helped escape; eyes watched, legs ran, tail tangled between her legs; the fox stuck it out to the dogs, those hers pulled by the tail and ate]: 41-42, 45-46, 367-370; Mordovians [the fox pretended to be dead, the crow came down, the fox grabbed it, the crow promises to feed it; the Tatar woman carried a bucket of salma; the crow pretended to be unable to fly, the Tatar woman followed her, the fox ate salma; now she promises to laugh; the Tatar and the Tatar are threshing; the crow sits on the head of either the Tatar or his wife; the Tatar swings his flail, hit his wife on the head, killed; cries, the fox laughs; the crow promises to make the fox cry; leads to a rich house, croaks; dogs jumped out, after her; fox in the hollow; tail outside: interfered when ran; dogs pulled the fox by the tail, tore it]: Yurtov 1883, No. 7:15-19; Kazan Tatars [the bear invites the old man to sow turnips together; chooses stems, gets one leaf; next year the old man sows wheat, the bear chooses roots; promises to kill the old man; the fox tells the old man, who promises her chicken; she finds out where the den is, people killed the bear; the old man brought the fox to the village - allegedly for the chicken; lowered the dog; the fox ran to the hole; asks his front, hind legs, ears how they helped escape; asks the tail, he says he moved to be caught; the dog noticed a moving tail, grabbed a fox]: Zamaletdinov 2008a, No. 25:71-73; Komi [the fox helps the man get rid of the bear with cunning advice; instead of thanking, the man loads the fox with a bag in which the dog is hidden; released from the bag, it chases it; the fox hides in the hole from the chase; asks its legs, eyes, tail, who did what; the tail replies that it interfered, she sticks it out of the hole, and the dogs they pull the fox by the tail]: Korovina 2012, No. 154:76.

Western Siberia. Mansi [the hare hardly ran away from the dog; asks his nose, eyes, ears, paws, skin, back how they helped escape; everyone says; the tail replies that he could not help, because his hare is like a rod straightened it up; the angry hare ran, screaming, Pu-ur-pur, my tail! The dog bit it off, so the hare has a short tail]: Rombandeeva 2005, No. 34:275-277; Southern Selkups (p. From tepanovka, Verkhneketsky district) [the fox hid from the dog in the hole; asks its ears, legs, eyes what they did to escape; they praise themselves; the tail replies that it interfered; the fox stuck it out of the hole, to punish, the dog pulled the fox by the tail]: Porotova 1981:141.