M144A. Burnt straw on the tiger's back. 21.22.26.
The character asks a large and dangerous animal (tiger or elephant) to carry a bag of straw and sets it on fire. Then he or someone else advises the victim to run not to the river, but to the mountain.
Kachin, Shans, Thais, Cavas, Viets, Tyams, Fox.
Tibet - St. India. Kachin [Man-Bya and the tiger went hunting; MB hid in a supply bag carried by the tiger, ate everything on the way; they killed a deer, carried it on a pole; MB carried the smooth end and the tiger was prickly; MB tells the tiger not to scream in pain - the meat will go rancid; MB sends a tiger with a leaky bamboo vessel to fetch water, while roasting venison, adding bile to the tiger's share; says that the meat is bitter because the tiger is bitter screamed; the tiger built a house for himself, and MB slept under a tree, came to the tiger to hide from the rain; told the tiger that his own house was not completed, but there were diamonds and gold on the roof; the tiger saw the moon and stars and believed it, agreed to change houses; stayed on the lawn; MB says he does not dare to sit on a cow cake, and whoever can will get wiser; the tiger sat down and smeared himself; MB says that a snake is royal staff, it's better not to take it; the tiger takes it, is stung; the hornet's nest is the gong that gives victory; the tiger is bitten; MB jumps into the hole, tells the tiger that the sky is falling, we must hide; he gets out of the hole himself he falls asleep with brushwood, sets it on fire; the tiger jumped out, horses and cows were advised to run to the mountain, buffaloes to jump into the river; the tiger escaped, but since then on the skin of the strip; villagers gave MB of poisoned vodka; Before his death, MB put bees in the flute, sealed it; a sound is heard, people think that MB is alive and playing; they also drank this vodka and died]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 39:129-134.
Burma - Indochina. Shana [the hare and the tiger agree to cut the grass for the roof; the hare pretends to have a fever, the tiger agrees to carry it on their backs; the hare sets fire to the grass carried by the tiger, runs away; the cow runs away advises the tiger to run uphill, the flame is only hotter; the buffalo advises running down to the lake, bringing the tiger there on his back; since then, tigers hunt cows and do not touch buffaloes; the fire causes the tiger's skin turned striped, and the buffalo's neck shows the place where the tiger held its paws; the hare sits next to the bee nest, says he is guarding the grandfather's gong; allegedly reluctantly allows the tiger to hit the gong, he runs away, or his grandfather will come and punish him; the tiger has been bitten by bees, since then the tigers have brown spots on their faces; (other episodes follow, missed in the text); the hare falls into a hole, the tiger jumps after him, the hare climbs the tiger, jumps out, the tiger stays in the pit]: Milne 1910:242-245 (about the same in Barnes, Griggs 1903:58-66); Thais [before the rainy season, the hare invites the tiger to prepare grass cover the roof; loads it on the tiger and sits on top to spread the thorny branches; carves fire with flint (says he knocks his teeth out of fear); straw lights up, the hare runs away, the tiger has managed to tear it off tail (now hares are tailless); the cow advises running into the forest on the mountain (the branches will shed straw); the tiger is worse; the buffalo tells him to rush into the river; since then, the tiger has striped skin; out of gratitude, he drew there is a white circle around the buffalo's neck with chalk and usually does not hunt him, but, as he sees, rushes at the hare]: Coyaud 2009, No. 8:78-81; cava [the tiger chased the hare; the hare stood by a pile of cow droppings; each once he replies to the tiger that he was not the one the tiger was chasing, he was white and he was gray; he says that the pile is his chair, that you can't sit down, his parents scold (then the same every time); the tiger sits in the manure; the nest of earth bees is water; the tiger is bitten; a pile of straw is clothes; the tiger throws straw at himself, the hare sets it on fire; the tiger is looking for water, the cow sends it to the mountain, the buffalo sends it to the valley; the tiger is burned and has become striped; promised to eat all the cows; the cow went to complain, the judge allowed the tiger to pick up one cow a year; the quail was sent to notify the tiger while he was flying, forgot what to say, said that the tiger's case was settled ; the tiger realized that he was allowed to kill every cow; and the cows were ruining quail nests; the buffalo that saved the tiger received two necklaces that hang around his neck]: Lin Lin, Ustin 1959:173-175; Viets [The Hare and the Tiger went to cut the grass for the roof, the Chicken stayed cooking, laid the egg in the boiling water, fed the Hare and the Tiger; the next time the Chicken and Tiger went to work in the field, the Hare stayed cooking, he spoiled him in boiling water, the Tiger beat him; when the Tiger went with the Hare to get grass, he asked him to lie down to pour grass on the Tiger, set fire, since then the Striped Tiger; the Hare invited the Tiger to stick his tail between bamboos, there will be a beautiful sound; offered to hit the wasp's nest - this is a drum; bamboos cut off the Tiger's tail, the Tiger is bitten by wasps; the hare tells the Tiger that the sky is falling, telling him to hide in the well, called people, they killed the Tiger; the hare ate sweet potatoes, he was caught, he pretended to be dead, he was thrown away; the hare asked the Crocodile to transport him across the river, promised to give him his sister; he has no sister; next time the Crocodile grabbed the Hare; he offered to say "Ha", then he will be frightened; the Crocodile opened his mouth, the Hare ran away]: Landes 1886, No. 45:115-117; tyams [tiger, hare, otter, chicken, elephant are cutting straw for building a house and cooking one by one (tiger - meat, otter - fish, chicken - eggs); when it's the hare's turn, he cooks his excrement with more spices; pretends to be sick; everyone has eaten, he He sings indistinctly, others realize that they ate hare excrement; everyone went for sliced straw, loaded it on an elephant, the hare says he is very ill, he is allowed to sit on the cart, he sets fire to straw, tells the tiger and otter to lead the elephant against the wind; finally, the otter brought the elephant to the river; the tiger went to look for the hare, wrapped around the boa constrictor; the hare says it is a belt of flowers, reluctantly agrees to have the elephant wear it , asks for a thorn; stabs the boa constrictor, he spreads rings, wraps around the tiger, the tiger has difficulty chewing it; the hare pretends to have a drum, the tiger also wants to knock; this is a nest of earth wasps, the tiger is bitten; the hare climbs a tree, it makes a noise in the wind, the hare says it is a musical instrument, the tiger also wants to play; the hare tells the tiger to stick its tongue between the branches, the tongue is pinched; the hare calls people, the tiger runs away, cutting off his tongue; the hare jumped into a dry well, says that the sky is falling; asks the tiger for a wand; the tiger also climbs into the well, the hare tickles it with a stick, the tiger throws it away; the hare calls people; they run away looking at the tiger, the hare eats cooked holiday cookies, runs away; the hare is caught on the road, pretending to be dead; the woman picks it up, puts it in a basket of sweets; the hare eats everything, runs away; the elephant and the tiger competed to see who would make a louder sound; the elephant lost and now the tiger would eat it; the hare promised to save the elephant; when the tiger, the hare came up, having prepared a betel in advance, as if attacking the elephant, he fell covered in red spots; the tiger thought it was blood, ran away in fear; the turtle told the tiger to get a vine, she would lead him, tied by the vine, to eat a hare; the hare rushed to them, the tiger ran away, dragged a turtle, it hit a stump, bleed from its mouth; the tiger thought it was a betel and started chewing]: Landes 1987:50-60.
China - Korea. The fox [the hare called the tiger to dig a wild yam; the tiger dug up a lot, but the hare almost nothing; told the tiger that the yam should be washed in the stream, looking at the sky and trampling the tubers with its feet; the tiger yam swam to the hare; he said that the yam ate the acorn, offered to burn it and look with his eyes wide open; the acorn burst into the tiger's eyes; the hare went to the supreme god Vusa for advice, who ordered him to wash his eyes with tree juice; the hare to the tiger: with pepper and salt; the tiger went by himself, V. said that the hare was deceiving him; from now on, the tigers will give birth to 9 cubs a year and eat hares; the hare suddenly asked the tiger what V. had told him; he mistakenly answered that tigers would give birth to one cub at the age of 9 and eat their young; the hare came to the tiger, said he was another hare; offered to cut down dry grass to cover the roof; piled all the grass on the tiger, set it on fire; a cow and a horse are advised to run to pasture, a buffalo is advised to lie where buffaloes drink; since then, tigers are striped and do not attack buffaloes; the hare says that that hare has run far away, and he is another, guarding grandfather's gold and silver bench (cow cake); the tiger wants to sit on it; the hare pretends to go to ask his grandfather's permission; grandfather: you have to sit down sharply; the tiger sat down, a sliver pierced him; next time the hare says he is guarding his grandfather's gong (wasp nest); "grandfather" tells me to hit hard, the tiger hit him, wasps bit him]: Dessaint, Ngw√¢ma 1994:293-300.