M146. The wolf was lured into a trap, ATU 35B*.
Knowing that the meat is trapped or poisoned, or that there is a trap ahead, the zoomorphic character encourages another to try the meat first or go ahead.
Hausa [jackal and hyena], Western Sahara [fox and hyena], Moroccan Berbers, Tunisian Berbers [wolf and hyena], Germans (Prussia) [fox and wolf?] , Aramaians [fox and wolf], Ancient Greece [fox and monkey], Gagauz people [hedgehog and fox], Greeks [fox and wolf?] , Russians (Pskov) [fox and wolf], Ukrainians (Hutsulshchina, Kiev, Poltava, Kharkiv, Chernigov) [fox and wolf], Belarusians [fox and wolf], Kalmyks [fox and wolf], Ossetians [fox and wolf], Terek Cossacks [fox and wolf], Ingush [fox and wolf], Kumyks [fox and wolf], Lucky [fox and wolf], Dargins [fox and wolf], Avars [fox and wolf], Tabasarans [fox and wolf], Kurins [fox and wolf], Lezgins [fox and wolf]], Tabasarans [fox and wolf], Georgians [fox and bear], Armenians [fox and wolf], Turks [fox and bear], Kurds [fox and fox], Persians [fox and wolf], Turkmens [fox and wolf; fox and fox], Uzbeks [fox and wolf; quail and fox], Tajiks [fox and wolf], Sarykoltsy [fox and bear], Latvians [fox and wolf], Lithuanians [fox and wolf], Kazakhs [fox and wolf], Kyrgyz [fox and wolf], Karakalpaks [fox and wolf?].
West Africa. Hausa [the jackal sees a buffalo's leg in the trap; tells the hyena that the trap owes him meat, doesn't give him meat; the hyena goes to demand meat, falls into the trap; the jackal eats meat]: Klipple 1992, No. 44*: 29.
North Africa. Western Sahara [hedgehog, hyena, fox go; the fox notices a trap in front, tells the hyena that it is not convenient for it to go first - the hyena is more worthy; the hyena goes, falls into a trap, says she is furious; fox: you'll be mad when the hunters come]: Aris, Cladellas 1991:136; Moroccan Berbers [the hedgehog goes ahead, the jackal is behind; seeing the trap, the hedgehog lets the jackal forward - because he is no longer young; jackal falls into a trap; jackal: try my nose - how hot; edge: yes, hot]: Leguil 1988, No. 29:193; Berbers of southern Tunisia [the wolf picked up the camel; the owner of the herd hung the gnawed tree and set a trap; noticing the trap, the wolf invited the hyena to eat meat, the trap slammed shut; the wolf ate, then advised the hyena to pretend to be dead; the hyena managed to cut off the wolf's tail; the owner freed the hyena from the trap, believing that she was dead; the hyena ran away; to prevent the hyena from identifying him by his torn tail, the wolf asked 14 other wolves to tie jugs to their tails and lower their tails in: who would bring him to a jug of water, he would give him meat; shouted that the riders were approaching; the wolves rushed, cutting off their tails; the hyena began to reproach the wolf for bringing her into the trap; he shows that all wolves tailless]: Stimme 1900, No. 21:68-69.
Western Europe. Germans (Prussia): Uther 2004 (1), No 35B*: 35.
Western Asia. Aramei: Belov, Wilsker 1960:182-183 [Tailless (a fox that has lost its tail in a trap) buys a canvas for two shrouds - his father and brother allegedly died; says he will go after the hidden ones with money, runs away; changes the canvas for a cow; the wolf ate it; The tailless sees bread and bacon in the trap, calls the wolf; says he does not eat himself, because he has vowed not to eat fat when he has lost his tail; the wolf remained trapped; in the end, Tailless fell into the trap himself, was killed], 198-199 [staying overnight at the old nightingale, the wolf and fox stole his ram, but the wolf ate it without giving anything to the fox; In the vineyard, the fox noticed the cheese in the trap; told the wolf that she was fasting; the wolf fell into the trap and the son jumped out of the trap; the wolf: why do you eat cheese? fox: the vow is over; the fox pulled the wolf out of the trap, saying that he ate the ram and she ate the cheese].
The Balkans. Ancient Greece [the monkey is different in dancing in front of animals; for this it is chosen king; the fox is jealous; finds a piece of meat in a trap, leads the monkey to the trap, says it is a treasure that she did not take it for herself, but left it for the king; the monkey tries to take meat, falls into a trap; reproaches the fox for deception; the fox reproaches the monkey for his stupidity]: Gasparov 1968, No. 81:87; Gagauz [fox: I have a hundred minds, hedgehog: I have one mind; I found a gift, but fasting; the fox falls into a trap, the hedgehog eats lard, says that the fasting time is over; teaches the fox to pretend to be dead when the owner of the trap comes; he will throw it away, then you have to run]: Moshkov 1904, No. 142:210; Greeks: Uther 2004 (1), No. 35B*: 35.
Central Europe. Russians (Pskov), Ukrainians (Hutsulshchina, Kiev, Poltava, Kharkiv), Belarusians [Let the one who looks at the sky gray: the fox refuses to take meat from trap under the pretext of a fasting day (Wednesday, Friday); wolf falls into a trap, fox takes meat]: SUS 1979, No. 35B*: 56; Ukrainians (Chernihiv) [fox says she ate meat in advance, today Friday; the wolf replies that he would eat even if it was Friday; the fox takes him to where there is meat; the wolf falls into a trap, the fox eats meat; hanging, the wolf tells the fox that it is Friday; she replies that he is not will reach out with his heels; the fox went to steal geese to the blackheads, beaten; advises the wolf to go; when he saw the black, he rushed to run, caught his ears on the nail, since then the wolves have been eared]: Pankeev 1992:14-15 (=Petnikov 1955:22-23).
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks [the fox sees the meat in the trap, calls the wolf, says she is fasting; the wolf is trapped, the fox is eating meat; the wolf is the fox: you are fasting; the fox: I fast not for bait, but for what I have you around your neck (i.e. a trap)]: Basangova 2002:190-191; Terek Cossacks (v. Umakhan-Yurtovskaya) [the fox sees a goose lying on the road and a noose around it; says to the wolf: "Kumanek, I caught a goose and can't eat it because it's Friday, would you like to eat it?" ; the wolf agrees, grabs the goose and falls into a noose that lifts it upstairs; the fox starts eating the goose; the wolf: "Didn't you say it's Friday, you're fasting, and now you're eating?" ; fox: "It's Friday, kumanek, who can't reach the ground with his heels"; eats a goose and runs away]: Kikot 1892, No. 4:189; Ingush [the fox sees the fat tail; offers the wolf as the elder to taste it first; wolf beats in a trap, a fox eats a fat tail]: Dakhkilgov 2012, No. 64:67; Ossetians (Digors) [the wolf suggests that the ploughman bring him a lamb every day until he takes out his plow, and when he takes it out, let him give one bull; the plowman agreed, but then does not know what to do: it's impossible to plow on one bull; the fox promises to help; comes and asks what it is next to the plowman. - Bag. - If the bag, tie it to the arba; hit the top of the head; the wolf died; the fox asked for a lamb as a reward; the man put a greyhound in the bag; the fox ran away and hid, but the dog tore off its tail; the fox brought the pigs to the field but they did not give her the promised pig; the fox brought people to kill pigs; they gave her a horse; she does not know how to kill a horse; calls a wolf, teaches how to cut a horse correctly; to do this, let the horse and the wolf shove heads in one loop; both died]: Miller 1881, No. 1:83-87; Kumyks [bear, fox, boar, hare, jackal, wolf and rooster began to live together; bear became sledge, boar elder, wolf hunter, wolf, hunter, the jackal was a chavush (bailiff), the hare was a shepherd, the rooster was a mullah; only the fox was left idle; began to sing: the minted gold is our fox, the boar is our elder, the bear is our sledge, the wolf is ours the hunter, the jackal is our chavush, the hare is the shepherd, and the rooster is the mullah; why do we need a mullah, we'll eat it better; then the same (why do we need a shepherd, let's eat it); the fox and the wolf remained; the fox noticed a lying bull tail, guessed it was a trap; says that she herself is fasting today; the wolf fell into a trap, the fox began to eat a oxtail - she dreamed that the fast was over; the wolf broke out; the fox began to live in the mill; tells the wolf that it licks flour when the millstones are spinning; the wolf has been torn off the tip of its tongue; the fox has settled on the shore, the wolf does not recognize it; the fox tells the wolf that it lowers its tail into the river to catch fish; the tail example; women came, killed both the fox and the wolf]: Khalilov 1965, No. 10:25-28 (similar text or other translation of the same in Ganiev 2011a, No. 22:101-104); Avars: Atayev 1972, No. 17 [the fox saw in the field a piece of meat; told the wolf that he could not eat it - fasting; the wolf rushed to the meat, fell into a trap; the fox eats meat, says it saw a young moon, the fast is over], 24 [the fox suspects that the fat tail poisoned; tells the wolf that he is guarding meat, that he is not hungry; the wolf rushes to the meat, falls into a trap; the fox eats the fat tail; the wolf: I repented and will not eat lamb anymore; fox: I heard it from a donkey, bull and horse]: 26, 32; Lucky [the fox saw the meat in the trap; calls the wolf, says she is fasting herself; the wolf falls into the trap; the fox starts eating meat, says it has seen a star, you can break your fast; wolf: you deceived me; fox: even if you couldn't deceive you, what kind of fox I would be]: Khalilov, Osmanov 1989:30; Dargins [the fox saw the bull's carcass, called the wolf, said that her fast; the wolf fell into a trap; the fox: saw a star, broke its fast; even if I could not deceive you, what kind of fox I was]: Osmanov 1963:17-18; the Kyurins [Falfaluf-Akhun fox saw a fat tail in trap; remembering his father's instructions, he did not eat, but came to the wolf, said that his father had told him to serve; told him about the fat tail; wolf: take it for yourself; fox: I'll feel; the wolf fell into the trap, the fat tail bounced, the fox began to eat it; wolf: I broke my fast; the landlord beat the wolf with a stick]: Uslar 1896, No. 6:303-311; Lezgins [the fox sees the fat tail in the trap; tells the wolf he wants to serve someone who looks like his father ; leads to the fat tail, says that he himself is fasting; the wolf falls into a trap, the fox eats the fat tail; points to the young month - time to break his fast]: Khalilov, Osmanov 1989:32-33 (=Ganiyeva 2011a, No. 17:91-92); Tabasarans: Ganiyeva 2011a, No. 27 [the fox saw the meat in the trap; told the wolf that it would not be enough for two anyway, let him take everything for himself; the wolf is trapped, the fox is eating meat; wolf: are you not uraza do you hold it? fox: lunch is early during the holidays; and your holiday will be when the trap owner comes]: 113; Uslar 1979, No. 17 [the fox found a piece of fat tail on the road with a stick; thought there was something behind it; asked the wolf to eat the fat tail, explained that she was fasting; the wolf went to the fat tail, the trap rope put on his head; the fat tail fell to the side, the fox began to eat it; the wolf: "Aren't you fasting?" ; fox: "I saw the (new) month and therefore finished fasting"; wolf: "When is Bayram?" ; fox: "Bayram will come when the owner of the trap comes"]: 527; Georgians [the fox offers to distract the shepherds, the bear grabs the lamb; eats it; the fox falls into the trap; pretends to be dead; its owner throws it away, she runs away; tells the bear where the fat tail is; the bear falls into the trap, the owner hits him; the fox is covered with flour, pretends to work at the mill, the bear asks him to teach him, she tells him to stick it tongue under the millstone; the bear freed himself, asks him to teach him how to paint; the fox puts him in the cauldron, lowers him down the mountain; the fox knits the basket, the bear wants to learn, the fox lowers it in the basket down the mountain]: Kurdovanidze 1976, No. 17:52-54; Armenians [The fox tells the newlywed to give her jewelry, otherwise she will reveal her sin; tells the Wolf that she took out the jewelry with her tail in the water; tells people the Wolf is being beaten; the fox falls into the water trap, pretends to be dead; man throws it away, she runs away; tells the Wolf that he has pulled too much gold, shows a meat trap; The wolf is caught, killed; the Fox threatens the Pigeon to cut down a tree, that throws off the chick, then the second; the crow tells the Dove that the Fox is lying; the fox pretends to be dead, catches the Raven; she asks not to be thrown off the cliff; next time, not to throw it into the lake as if it were eaten worms, leeches; both times the Raven flies away; hunters kill Lisa]: Bunyatov et al. 1900, No. 11:139-144; Turks [the fox sees the liver in the trap; tells the bear that she is fasting, the bear falls into a trap, the fox eats the liver; the fox is left without a tail, the bear is looking for it; it calls other foxes, throws pears from the tree, tying them by the tails - supposedly so that they do not eat all the pears before it comes down; screams that people are coming; foxes rush to flee with their tails cut off]: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 3:29; Kurds [one fox knew 40 tricks, the other only one; she asks someone who knows 40 tricks to get the meat out of trap; she fell into a trap; a hunter comes up, another fox advised me to pretend to be dead; the first one also pretended to be dead; both ran away]: Jalil et al. 1989, No. 159:463-464.
Iran - Central Asia. Persians: Marzolph 1984, No. 35B [the fox sees the meat in the trap, brings the wolf, tells him that she is fasting herself; the wolf falls into the trap; the fox eats meat and explains that her fast is over]: 39-40 ; Romaskevich 1934a, No. 62 []: 327-330; Turkmens: Stebleva 1969, No. 2 [a fox and a wolf see a fat tail on the road, a fox passes by, a wolf says it is afraid of nothing, falls into a trap; the fox promises look at his skin at the bazaar tomorrow]: 25-26 (about the same Lebedev 1954, No. 6:124); Fur Coat Fair 1980:48 [Isfahan and Khorasan foxes became friends; saw a fat tail in the trap; Isfahan advises Khorasan to step, her paw gets stuck, Isfahan eats a fat tail; advises to pretend to be dead, teases the hunter herself; he takes the Khorasan fox out of the trap, puts it on Isfahan, both ran away; before raiding the chicken coop, Khorasan offers to hold the tails in the water to make the ice freeze and look scarier; she moves her tail herself, and the Isfahan tail freezes into the ice; Khorasan eats the chickens, runs away; the owner of the chicken coop beat Khorasan to death], 60-63 [The fox sees the caravan, hides in a hole; three days later, the caravans left, throwing a broken jug into the hole; the wind is blowing in it, the Fox is afraid to go out; when went out and saw that it was a broken jug, promised to punish him; found meat in a trap, offered Wolf, he got caught, Lisa ate the meat; decided to punish the jug by drowning it; tied it to the tail, the jug pulled it to the bottom, she jerked, her tail came off; towards the Wolf with a crippled leg; Lisa said that she did not lure him into the trap - she did not have a tail]; Uzbeks: Afzalov et al. 1972 (1): 34-36 [=Konovalov, Stepanov 1986:15-17; The wolf asks the Fox to feed him; she turns into a quail, pretends to be limping, women going to the wedding put their knots of treats on the ground, run after her, the Wolf is full and had fun; asks him to scare; the fox takes him to the vineyard, he eats up, cannot get into the hole under the wall, the Fox calls the owner, he beats the Wolf, he hardly ran away; the Wolf asks to feed him without jokes; The Fox brings the Wolf to the trap in which the fat tail, the Wolf falls into it], 54-57 [=Sheverdin 1984:97-100; The fox tells Magpie to drop the chick, threatens to tear out the tree; this is how it eats four out of five chicks; Quail tells you not to believe Lisa; she grabs her sleeping; Quail promises to help Lisa steal food from the wedding; pretends to be hit, distracts people; now the Fox demands to make her laugh; Quail sits on horns to the cow, the owner throws a stick, breaks the horn, the cow overturns the milk; to get rid of the Fox, Quail invites her to grab a piece of meat on the road; the fox falls into a trap, killed]; Tajiks: Levin et al. 1981, No. 32 (Darai-Miri village, Khovaling District, Khatlon Province) [(about the same as Amonov, Ulug-zade 1957:18-19); the fox ruins the vineyard, the owner puts a trap with a fat tail in it; the fox calls the wolf, he fell into the trap, the fox ate the fat tail, and the owner decided that he was to blame wolf, killed him, sold his skin], 215 (Sokh, Ferghana Valley) [the fox saw a meat trap, told the wolf that he was fasting, offered to eat, the wolf got caught; fox: now you are fasting; took the meat]: 136-138, 225; Sarykoltsy [The fox asks the Bear if he wants to fly, he answers what he wants; she ties his wings from branches, offers to jump off a cliff that has crashed but is still alive, eats from the tail; Wolf leads where the mutton fat tail is, the Wolf falls into the trap, the Fox eats the fat tail]: Pakhalina 1966:192-193.
Baltoscandia. Lithuanians: Kerbelite 2014, No. 2 [the wolf asks the fox why it does not take meat suspended from the tree; the fox replies that it is in the middle (fasting day); the wolf rushes and hangs in a trap; the fox grabbed the meat and carried it; wolf: where are you going, because the middle; fox: to the middle who does not have enough land with his feet]: 34-35; Lebite 1965 [the fox sees a goose in a snare; tells the wolf that she has a fast; the wolf rushes at the goose, hangs; fox eats goose; wolf: after all, you are fasting; fox: fasting for someone who does not reach the ground]: 7; Latvians [the fox, afraid of falling into a trap, refuses to take meat under the pretext of a fasting day (Wednesday), encourages the wolf to do so; the wolf falls into a trap, the fox eats meat, saying: "Let the one who does not reach the ground fast"]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 35B*: 252.
Turkestan. Kazakhs: Bosingen 1984:116-119 [the camel got lost, the fox offered to go together, a wolf and a lion join; they found a place in the mountains where there is a lot of grass and game; but in winter, the camel found grass, and the rest began to starve; the fox offers the camel to sell himself to them, and in the spring he will be revived and he will buy a beautiful camel; he agrees; while the wolf is resting, the fox ate the camel's intestines and eyes; complains to the lion that the wolf ate it without waiting for it to be shared; while the lion was chasing the wolf, the fox hid the carcass; the fox told the lion that the camel came to life and left, sent the lion to chase him; she and the wolf find a piece meat, the fox provokes the wolf to take it, the wolf falls into the trap; the hunter took off the skin, the fox ate the meat; tells the lion that he saw his brother, he jumps off the cliff and grabs the prey; the lion reluctantly agrees to jump off the cliff into a wild goat, breaks; the fox ate it], 123 [the wolf and the fox see meat, the wolf gives it to the fox, which says it is fasting; the wolf takes meat, falls into the trap; the fox eats meat, says it's hers fasting passed to wolf], 158-159 [the fox persuades the wolf to eat the fat tail, knowing that he is poisoned; advises to drink water; the poison is stronger, the wolf dies]; Kyrgyz [the fox found a fat tail, but noticed a trap; tells the wolf that she has left half a fat tail for him; the wolf suspects something is amiss, but the fox says that then she will finish it on its own; the wolf falls into the trap, the fox eats the fat tail and sings about how the wolf will be skinned]: Brudny, Eshmambetov 1981:276; Karakalpaks: Uther 2004 (1), â„– 35B*: 35.