Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M147A. The foxes will meet at the bazaar .17.27.29.-.31.

When the foxes (wolves) meet and one of them (one of the wolves) asks when they will see each other again, the other replies that it is at the fur market (at the furrier's, etc.).

Arameans, Iraqi Arabs, Serbs, Crimean Tatars, Adygs, Kurds, Tajiks, Turkmens, Latvians, Lithuanians.

Western Asia. The Arameans [two foxes caught talking to each other; first, where are we going to meet? second: three days later in the carrion market]: Belov, Wilsker 1972, No. 374:178; Iraqi Arabs [one fox offers to draw up a paper - they allegedly earned permission from the wasteland owner to owning it; with this paper, come to the wolf and take away the wasteland; two shepherd dogs chased them on the way; one fox offers to show the document; the other replies that now their skins will both be on fur market; that's what happened]: Weissbach 1908, No. 25:134-135.

The Balkans. Serbs [the fox pretends to warm up by the fire burning on the ninth mountain from here; one of the foxes says a spark has hit it; the fox: then it leaves, you are already on your own; fox: where are we again let's meet; fox: to the furrier's vat]: Eschker 1992, No. 58:230.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars [two foxes met in the steppe; after talking, one asks where they will meet again now; the second replies that it is probably in the furrier's shop]: Kondaraki 1875:124; Adygs [taking advantage of the absence of herds, a pack of wolves led by a blind wolf attacked the herd; when they began to run away, the blind wolf asked about the suit of the horse on which the herd chasing them was riding; he was told that the horse was a crow; wolf: we must run through the plowed field; the wolves ran away; next time: a bay horse, run where the stumps are; the third time: a mouse horse, run against the sun; for the fourth time: roan horse; blind wolf: the market where wolf skins are sold will be our meeting place]: Shortanov 1992:115-116; Kurds [a fox from the valley invited a fox from the mountains to visit, regretted that there is nothing in the mountains to feed; they went down to the valley, chased by greyhounds - red and black; fox from the mountains: where will we meet? fox from the valley: at the bazaar]: Jalil et al. 1989, No. 166:471.

Iran - Central Asia. Tajiks [when they meet, two foxes talk about their troubles; saying goodbye, one of them admits that their next meeting will take place at the fur market]: Levin et al. 1981, No. 42:144; Turkmens [the fox stuck a piece of candy on its forehead, told others that it had received a security certificate from the hunters; hunters appeared and this fox was the first to rush away; another fox asks that the first showed the dogs a safety certificate; the first advises them to take their feet away; the second: where will we meet after? first: at the fair in the fur coat]: Fur Fair 1980:41-43.

Baltoscandia. Latvians, Estonians (no ATU number; Estonians only have 1 record, Latvians have 7) [wolf and bear talk about their sins; hearing hunters' voices break up and say that now will meet at the furrier]: Kippar 1986:74.