Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M148. I agree to be eaten. .21.23. (.28.) .29.32.33.

One zoomorphic character asks another to agree to be eaten - he usually says that he will be resurrected and compensated for the inconvenience caused. The animal agrees.

Lavrung [pig], Ancient India (Panchatantra) [camel], (Russian written tradition [camel]), Ossetians [camel], Adygs [boar], Ingush [pig], Avars [camel], Dargins [bear], Kurins [camel], Lezgins [camel], Tabasarans [camel], Kazan Tatars [camel], (Bashkirs [camel]), Kazakhs [camel], Karakalpaks [camel], Kyrgyz [camel].

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lavrung [Hare, Sparrow, Piglet live together; there is nothing to eat; the Hare suggests telling the Piglet that they eat one of them; let the Sparrow and he say they are of little use, The pig agrees; the Bunny sends the Sparrow to steal the seasoning, kills, eats the Piglet, sticks its tail into the crack in the wall; the sparrow is beaten; when he returns, the Bunny says that the Piglet has disappeared into the wall; The sparrow pulls the tail, it falls off; the sparrow notices meat under the Bunny's bed; poisoned it, the Bunny died]: G.yu lha 2012:50-51.

South Asia. Ancient India (Panchatantra) [{many sources, but all inaccessible}; the wolf and the jackal pretend to be eaten by a sick lion; assure the camel that if he allows it now Eating yourself will be twice as fat next year; the jackal adjusts so that the lion chases the wolf away, and then gets scared and runs away; as a result, the camel is eaten by the jackal]: Bødker 1957, No. 94:20.

(Wed. Central Europe. Russian written tradition [the Bulgarian-Russian version of the Greek Stefanita and Ikhnilat, which is a rework of Kalila and Dimna (Synodal List of 1478): a camel left by merchants on On the way, he came to the lion; he let him stay with him; while hunting, the lion was badly wounded by an elephant; the animals surrounding the lion became poor; he told them to provide for themselves and for him; the animals decided to have the lion eat the camel; they agreed that they would all come to the lion together and offer themselves to him to eat, and when one speaks to himself, someone else will answer: "You're not You come up," until it's camel's turn; crows were the first to offer to be eaten by crows; others said he was small and thin; the fox volunteered next; the wolf said that her body was stinking and unfit for food; offered himself; the raven and the fox replied that whoever eats his dog meat would have a stomach ache; the camel thought he had been rejected and volunteered too; the wolf, fox, and raven cried out that he was telling the truth, and immediately torn to pieces]: Likhachev et al. 2003:230-233).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ossetians [bear, wolf, fox, badger, camel live together; in winter, the fox offers to slaughter the camel; promises to resurrect the camel when grass appears; the camel agrees to be eaten; the fox and the badger wash their giblets, the fox eats the heart, gives the badger a piece; tells them to remain silent when the wolf and bear ask; they think that the badger ate the heart, but forgive it; they send him to singe with a camel head; fox eats brains; says they did not exist, otherwise the camel would not agree to be eaten]: Britaev, Kaloev 1959:19-20; Adygs [wolf, bear, fox and boar became friends; the boar fell asleep, others agreed to offer everyone to eat, and in the fall they will give a goby eaten; all offers are rejected, and when a boar offers itself, it is killed; the wolf goes to wash his lungs in the river, eats them; the same - spleen and liver; the bear does not believe that they were carried away by the river; while the bear is chasing the wolf, the fox hides the carcass; says that the boar has come to life and said that it will live without lungs and liver]: Kerashev 1957:302-305; The Ingush [bear, wolf, fox, pig decided to overwinter; while the pig was away, the rest agreed that everyone should eat it and revive it in the spring; everyone is revived, and when they offer a pig, it is being killed; the wolf and fox rinse their intestines, the fox offers to eat the rectum, the wolf is afraid that the bear will notice; the fox tells you to look at it when the bear asks; the bear chases the wolf, the fox tells you to look at it; the bear chases the wolf, the fox tells you to look at it hides meat; replies to those who returned that the pig came to life and said that it would live without a rectum]: Malsagov 1983, No. 151:288-289 (Sadulaev 2004, No. 30:74-76); Dargins (Hyurkilins) [winter has come, the fox offers the wolf to eat the bear; tells him to pretend to be dead and come to life when he is thrown into the water; the fox and bear carry the wolf to the water that revives the dead; the fox asks the bear to agree to be eaten, if it is revived in spring and 25 sheep are given; the bear agrees]: Uslar 1892, No. 2:234-235 (=Khalilov, Osmanov 1989:12, =Osmanov 1963:15, =Dirr 1920, No. 37:160); Avars [bear, wolf, fox, camel they live together; in winter they decide: whoever agrees to be eaten will be presented with seven lambs next winter; the camel agreed; when cutting the carcass, the fox quietly ate the heart; answers the bear that if the camel had a heart, he would not agree to be killed; the wolf ate the kidneys, the bear chased him and killed him, the fox hides the meat in the hole; tells the bear that the camel came to life and left; hides in a hole; says will meet a bear when the camel is resurrected]: Ganiyeva 2011a, No. 16:88-89; the Curins [{the text is almost identical to Lezgin's}; the camel goes to the winter, the fox says it will go with him to ride it; then the wolf, the bear; the fox promises the bear and the wolf to eat the camel; invites him to agree to be slaughtered, and for this he will receive barley next year; the wolf sends a fox and a bear wash the entrails; the fox offers to eat the heart and intestines; the bear is afraid that the wolf will be dissatisfied; the fox tells the bear to look at him when the wolf asks; explains to the wolf what if The camel had a heart, he would not let himself be slaughtered; when the wolf asks about the guts, the bear is silent, the wolf is chasing him, the fox hides the meat, the wolf climbs into the hole, he comes out from the other side, slowly eats wolf from behind; wolf: eat better from the front; fox: I'll get there too, winter is long]: Uslar 1896, No. 4:283-290; lezgins [zap. 1940; camel, fox, wolf, bear meet, go to spend the winter; fox promises to arrange for the bear and the wolf to eat the camel; invites him to agree to be slaughtered, and for this he will receive barley next year; the fox leads the bear to wash his insides, offers food; he fears that the wolf will be dissatisfied; the fox tells the bear to look at him when the wolf asks; explains to the wolf that if the camel had a heart, he would not let himself be slaughtered; the bear is silent the wolf is chasing him, the fox hides the meat, the wolf goes down the hole, he comes out from the other side, slowly eats the wolf from behind; wolf: my eyes have good fat, eat in front; fox: I'll get there too, before the end of winter far away]: Ganiyeva 2011a, No. 15:86-87; Tabasarans [camel, fox, wolf and bear walked together for the winter; the fox invited the wolf and bear to slaughter the camel; then told the camel that winter would be harsh, so they would exchange its meat for barley (the camel will have barley next year); the camel agreed, he was stabbed; the bear and fox went to wash their intestines, demands, heart and liver; hungry, They ate the heart and then the guts; the fox assured the bear that it would find something to answer to the wolf; the wolf asked where the heart went; the fox: "If he had a heart, would he kill himself?" ; the wolf asked where the guts had gone; the bear looked at the fox, which said, "You ate it, why are you looking at me?" ; the bear ran, the wolf rushed after him; the fox dragged the camel meat into its hole; the wolf came back and asked where it had gone; after chasing the fox, he got stuck in its hole; the fox came from behind and began to nibble at it ; wolf: "Eat behind my eyes, I have fat pieces of meat behind my eyes"; fox: "Winter is long and I'll eat them"]: Uslar 1979, No. XIV: 488-497 (=Dirr 1920, No. 40:164-165).

Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars [Fox, Badger, Camel, Wolf, Horse decide to eat the younger one; Camel: Allah created him with Adam; Fox: she taught children in Noah's boat; Wolf: guarded this boat ; Badger: treated people in it; The horse says she has a receipt under her hoof, kicks the Wolf, runs away; The camel agrees to be eaten when the Badger promises to resurrect him in the spring; The fox persuades The badger is eating the heart, the Wolf is chasing the Badger, the Fox is eating the best meat at the time; the Fox tells the Wolf that he teaches the children; the Wolf trusts her two cubs; she asks him to come back in six months, eats cubs; pretends to be a miller, offers the Wolf to lick the flour, lets water, the Wolf hit the wall; the Fox invites the Wolf to learn how to weave the basket, wraps it around, people take it]: Zamaletdinov 1992:22-26; (cf. Bashkirs [a camel and a donkey ran away from their owners; they were caught, a tired donkey was brought on a camel; the camel had to work even harder; he runs away, meets a fox, a wolf, a tiger; suggests that he eaten because he does not have the strength to spend the winter; the fox offers the tiger to eat its insides, and if the wolf protests, slaughter him; eats the brain, the tiger eats the heart; explains to the wolf that the camel did not have brains, otherwise he would not let himself be slaughtered; the tiger is silent, the wolf chased him; the fox hides meat; says that she is another fox, reads a book, offers to teach cubs; eats them; says again that she is different the fox, weaves the basket, promises to teach the wolf and let him get inside; hunters come, the fox ran away, the wolf forcibly escaped from the basket; the fox says that she is a miller, advises the wolf to climb into the structure for grain above the millstones; the wolf hardly jumped out; he has been afraid of the fox ever since]: Juhma 1990:115-118).

Turkestan. The Karakalpaks [lion, wolf, jackal, fox, camel went together, hungry; the fox offers the camel to agree to be eaten, and the next year they will each bring him one camel so that he would not feel lonely; the camel agrees; the jackal tried to pull his camel's thigh, breaks, dies; the wolf whispers to the fox that he is going to eat the kidney; lion: who ate the kidney? fox: I don't know, the wolf was chewing something; the lion chased the wolf, the fox hid the meat; the lion who returned explained that the camel had left, saying that since the jackal was dead and the lion and the wolf ran away, no one would lead him one camel; hiding his camel intestines, pretends to eat his own; the lion asks to rip his belly open, the fox asks for permission to tie him first, ripped the lion's belly, ate for a long time; chased the fox greyhound, she promised God to give him millet if she escaped; she escaped, but did not give the millet]: Volkov, Mayorov 1959:59-61; Karakalpaks (Takhtakupyr District) [camel, tiger, wolf and fox conspired to be friends and went to the desert; the fox persuaded the tiger to offer the camel to be meat to feed them and said that when the bread was ripe, they would give him money for it; the camel agreed; when his slaughtered, the fox ate the best pieces and the wolf giblets; the fox told the tiger that the wolf ate everything; the tiger chased him; the fox hid the meat in a hole, told the returning tiger that the camel said: "You're not give me my money in the fall" and ran away; then secretly came back for the hidden meat; a tiger came and asked where her gut came from; the fox replied that she had pulled out her back intestine and was now eating it; the tiger said that wants to eat his own, asked him to pull it out; the fox agreed to help only after the tiger had tied its four legs; stuck its face into his back intestine and ate it; the tiger howled, the fox pulled out its face said that she had freed his gut; while she was eating, the tiger died; the fox lay down on the road, pretended to be dead; the old woman's son put her in the arba; the fox began to throw off the shepherds (breams) lying there; the old woman's son arrived home, told his mother that he had brought her a fox on her hat; then he saw that there was neither a fox nor a fish in the arba; the wolf asked the fox where she got the shepherds; the fox replied that she put its tail in the ice-hole and caught it; the wolf went to the ice-hole, lowered his tail there, froze; in the morning he was noticed by village women; men were brought, the wolf was killed; the fox also ate his meat]: Baskakov 1951:37-39; Kazakhs: Bosingen 1984 [camel got lost, the fox offered to go together, the wolf and the lion join; they found a place in the mountains where there is a lot of grass and game; but in winter the camel found grass, and the rest began to starve; the fox offers the camel to he sold himself to them, and in the spring he will be revived and he will buy a beautiful camel; he agrees; while the wolf is resting, the fox ate the camel's intestines and eyes; complains to the lion that the wolf ate it without waiting for sharing; while the lion chased the wolf, the fox hid the carcass; the fox told the lion that the camel came to life and left, sent the lion to chase him; she and the wolf find a piece of meat, the fox provokes the wolf to take it, the wolf falls into the trap; the hunter took off his skin, the fox ate the meat; tells the lion that he saw his brother, he jumps off the cliff and grabs the prey; the lion reluctantly agrees to jump off the cliff to the wild goat, breaks; the fox ate it]: 116-119; Kaskabasov et al. 1979, No. 41 [a tiger, a wolf and a fox meet a camel; the fox persuaded him to agree to be sold, and in the spring she will buy him a camel; he agrees; the tiger has lifted him up, the fox and the wolf ripped him off, the wolf ate eye oil and rectum; the tiger chased him, the fox hid the meat; explained to the returnees that the camel refused the deal, came to life and left; she and the wolf find a piece of meat, the fox provokes the wolf take him, the wolf falls into the trap; the hunter took off his skin, the fox ate the meat; tells the lion that his father jumped off the cliff; the lion agrees to jump off the cliff to the wild goat, crashes; the fox eats behind him, a dying lion asks to start with eye fat, the fox politely refuses]: 86-90 (approximately the same Nos. 40, 42, 43, 44:83-86, 94-97, 97-99, 99-101); Kyrgyz [tiger, wolf, fox and bear We agreed to share everything we got; we took a camel as a friend; a fox to a camel: Take four sheep from us, two sheep at your expense; if everything is decided by agreement, we will slaughter you, and in the spring you will take sheep So you will be happy; let us not disassemble the sheep into pregnant and cowhide, we will give them back; if the sheep are pregnant, you will have sixteen sheep after lambing; lambs are your profit, Where else can you find such benefits for yourself? The camel agreed; "A cunning fox looking sideways where it is, there is real fun, this camel is its prey"; with these words, the fox divided the camel carcass into five parts: one part to the tiger, one part to a bear, one part to a wolf, one part to yourself. "Well, will the camel be left empty-handed?" - said the fox, prescribed another part to the camel and added it to her share of meat; the fox secretly swallowed the remaining camel buds after the section; and when she made signs to the wolf to take it for himself, the bear, lifting his hair, muttered - "but there is no heart." Tiger: Where are the camel buds? the fox squinted at the wolf, the tiger killed him; the bear and tiger packed their meat separately and went to have fun; the fox carried all the meat to the cave; the bear and tiger returned: Where is the meat? fox: The camel began to doubt, "now they are quarreling and gnawing, how can you expect sheep from them later", changed his mind, got up and walked away; the bear and the tiger believed her; brought them to a huge rock and turned to Tiger: Your late father used to jump from this side of the gorge to the other in one jump! It looks like you can't get over, you look like a coward! The tiger is ready at the top of the cliff; Fox: He steps and blows up the ground with his paws, just like his late father. Ayay-ayay, if not for cowardice, would have been like a father!.. Your father was a great brave man, if he was going to attack, did not back down, and did not give mercy to those caught. Facing the barrier, he never backed away, as he squeezed to jump, and jumped. I don't want to say that you have a fearful heart, that's all, apparently, your youth has an effect. The tiger jumped, broke his back and died; the fox: "I'll go and bury Joke (the familiar abbreviation of the Kyrgyz word "zholbors": tiger) in a clean place"; hid the corpse; lay down over the hidden meat, catching it, eats quietly; replies that she ripped open his belly, stretched out her large intestine and eats it; the bear tugs his gut, cannot finish because of pain; the fox has stretched it out, the bear died; lives well, decided to get rid of fleas; bit a piece of felt and went to the river; lowered its tail into the water; the fleas went from tail to back; the fox immersed its body in water, the fleas ran from the back to the neck; the fox and neck were immersed in water, the fleas ran over the felt, the fox let it go with the flow]: Seytaliev 1985:19-20; the Kyrgyz [the lion, fox and camel were wandering; the camel fell behind; gladly agreed to the fox's offer: slaughter it now, and revive in the spring; the lion went to the river to wash its camel's stomach; at this time the fox ate the brain, and the wolf ate the camel's heart {the wolf is not mentioned before}; lion: where are the heart and brain? fox: there was no brain, otherwise he would not have agreed to be slaughtered; the wolf is silent; the fox to the wolf: knew how to eat, know how to answer the lion hero; the wolf ran, the lion behind him, the fox hid the meat in the hole; when the lion returned, the fox said that the camel came to life and left, saying: If you quarrel over me, how will I believe you will revive it later; the fox got all the meat]: Muchnik 1944:24 (apparently the same in Brudny, Eshmambetov 1962, No. 52:48ff ).