M149A. The contract with the tiger.
The character, frivolously or against his own will, is bound by a contract with a predator that he cannot or does not want to fulfill or violates. The predator is going to eat it, but the character remains alive.
Catalans, Banars, Kho, Zyaray, Cham, Viets, Tai (Vietnam), Assames, Kashmiris, Gondas, Oraons, Baiga, Santals, Dhanwar, Zao, Kabardian, Ossetians, Yazgulyam, Tajiks, Latvians, Estonians , Kazakhs.
Southern Europe. Catalans [a peasant swears an ox to be taken away by a wolf; a wolf appears and demands an ox; a peasant talks about his misfortune to a fox; she promises to help if a peasant gives her a chicken with chickens; the fox appears with all the cubs, the wolf is scared; the fox asks what kind of log there is; it's a wolf, but the farmer says the log; the fox: the log must be on the cart; the wolf: throw me on the cart; fox: if a log, it must be cut; wolf: pretend to be hitting with an ax; a peasant kills a wolf; a peasant gives the fox a bag - supposedly with a chicken; she opens, there are three dogs, the fox is running as best as he can]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, #154:48.
Burma - Indochina. Banar [the hunter saw a raven carry a piece of meat from under the tiger's nose; the tiger promises to share the prey if the hunter keeps silent and, if he tells him, kills him; the hunter tells his friend, the tiger hears, promises to eat the hunter and his family; he asks for 7 days of delay; the hare dresses up as a mountain spirit Yangkong: this arrow will hit the guilty; gives a bow to the hunter; tiger: of course, he will kill me; Yangkong: if innocent, there is nothing to fear; the hunter kills the tiger with a poisoned arrow; the animals run in horror, many are trampled, the hunter picks up prey]: Nikulin 1970a: 216-220; kho [the tiger began to fight with a drink, she dodged, the tiger was tired, admitted defeat; the shepherdess saw it; for promising to remain silent, the tiger began to give him fish; parents think that his son is stealing it, he has to tell him; the tiger wants to eat it, the shepherdess asks for another 6 days; tells the hare everything; he mocks the tigers, says that they can't even run around the tree (tigers collide with each other and stumble); makes sticks are something like a bittern's beak, pretends to swallow and regurgitate it; tigers admit defeat, leave; shepherdess's parents invite a hare to visit, put dogs on a chain; one puppy has been forgotten, he chased the hare, bit off its tail, since then the hare tail is short]: Nikulin 1990:230-235; zyaray [the elephant complains to the hare that it lost its argument with the tiger and will eat it tomorrow; the hare sits on its back tiger, chews something and screams: I ate elephant meat, now I want a tiger; the tiger is running away]: Nikulin 1990:247-248; tyamy [the tiger began to scoop up the pond to catch fish, he cannot grab fish with his paws; the vulture came down, pecked all the big fish; the tiger began to return, the vulture pecked at its nose; the tiger was powerless, the man called for help, he drove the vulture away; the tiger promised to bring the man goats, but warned him not to tell anyone about what happened - otherwise he would eat it; at night a man tells his wife, the tiger hears, tells him to come to eat; a man meets a hare, he promises to help; asks a tiger give him a man; he doesn't want to; then the hare promises to let a flock of vultures out of his body; the tiger runs away]: Landes 1886:63-66; tai (Vietnam) [elephant and tiger argue who has a louder voice; elephant lost, the tiger got ready to eat it, the elephant asked for a delay; the mole promises to help; sits on the elephant, gnaws something, screams that he did not have time to eat the elephant, and the tiger has already arrived; the tiger is frightened; the monkey explains that the mole should not be afraid, it leads to it by the neck to the tiger's neck; the mole: your parents owed me 99 tigers, and you only brought one; when you run away, the tiger killed the monkey]: Nikulin 1990:281 -283.
South Asia. Kashmiris [the tiger agrees not to eat the ploughman's ox for promising to give the cow; the wife tells the tiger that she will bring the cow herself; sits on a pony, puts on a man's outfit, arrives asks if there are any tigers here - I ate three for breakfast, now I'm hungry; the tiger is running away; the jackal says it was just a peasant's wife; ties her tail to the tiger's tail, leads the tiger back; his wife : thanks for the tiger, you jackal will get bones; the tiger started running, dragging the jackal with him, he was torn against stones]: Steel, Temple 1884, No. 15:132-138; Assamans {cf. dhanwar} [tiger and crab together they cultivate the plot; when rice is planted, the tiger chooses stems, and the crab chooses ears, when eggplants, crab fruits, tiger stems; the tiger invites the crab to visit, cooks tasteless food from the stems, the crab pretends to eats; calls a tiger to him, cooks deliciously, but the dishes are small; invites the tiger to put his tail in the hole, he will tie food vessels to it; clamps his tail; the tiger asks the person to release him, promises not to eat; he cuts off the tiger's tail; the tiger promises to bring deer to a person, but tells anyone not to tell anyone about this case, otherwise he will kill him; the person is ill, the fortune teller said that he will recover if he organizes a party; the guests who came refused to eat when they saw a bunch of bones in the yard; the peasant had to tell us what was going on; a tiger appeared and took him to the forest; the man began to rumble in his stomach; he explained what his mother had given he swallows 120 crabs, half is out and the other will come out now; after hearing about the crabs, the tiger ran away]: Borooah 1955:31-39; (cf. Kashmiris [the wife promises to feed her husband only after she has cut wood; the bear promises to do the job if he is fed; has cut a lot of wood, and the couple has eaten everything during this time; the bear takes it empty pot, climbs a pear, collects pears in a pot; wife sneezes in the attic, the bear thinks it's a shot, the bear drops the pot, falls, runs away]: Steel, Temple 1884, No. 4:40-46); santals [ hares used to eat tigers; the tiger asked the blacksmith to hide it; by launching an ax, the blacksmith killed the hare; the tiger ordered not to tell anyone about the incident; the blacksmith told his wife, the tiger overheard, dragged the blacksmith into the forest, which is shaking in fear; explains that he just swallowed the hare, and now he asks to go outside; the tiger asks to hold the hare, runs away]: Bodding in Zograf 1971, No. 8:47-48 (=1976:46-47); oraons : Elwin 1944, No. 1 [merchant to son: don't go, it's dusk in the yard; the tiger hears, fears that Twilight is stronger than him; the thieves stole a bag of silver, went to the stable, there's a tiger, they loaded him thinking it was an ox; in the morning saw, ran away, the tiger got stuck in the ravine, started screaming, the shepherd took off his bag; tiger: put money in a basket of leaves, say you're carrying beef, never remember the name Twilight, otherwise I'll eat it; wife the shepherd gathered to her parents; the shepherd: don't go, in the yard of Twilight; the tiger took the shepherd, who asked him to wait for the sun to come out and it would soften; the shepherd's wife dressed strangely, took the drum, came; tiger: who is this? shepherd: Twilight; tiger: hide me; wife: shepherd, have you seen tigers? ; what's on earth? shepherd: a bunch of rags; wife: hit her with a stone; the shepherd bales gently; wife: stronger; the shepherd killed the tiger]: 410-411 (translated into Zograf 1971, No. 11:52-53); Hahn 1906, No. 26 [the man did not kill the lizard, that promised to help; watched the herd; a tiger came, got into his stomach, agreed to go out at the man's request, and the tiger brought deer every day for this; but warned: if a person talks about What happened, he would eat it; one day the neighbors persuaded him to tell him; the tiger heard it, took the man with his bed shortly at night; the man asked for permission to take tobacco, took out a snuffbox, said that it was inside it lizard; tiger ran away]: 50-52; gondas [old baiga: if a tiger bit off my arms and legs, I wouldn't have to work on the field; the tiger is ready to bite them off; the baiga asks him to come when the harvest is ripe and he will grow fat; Baiga's wife pretends to be a hunter; wife: old man, haven't you seen a tiger? tiger: who is this? old man: hunter; tiger: hide me; old man hid it in straw; wife: find me a tiger; tiger: shove my head away; the old man cut it off with an ax; the old man offers to slaughter a rooster in joy; wife: I'd better sell a rooster, buy bracelets for myself]: Elwin 1944, No. 2:412-413 (translated into Zograf 1971, No. 10:50-51); baiga [the crab grabbed the tiger's nose; the tiger asked the young man to remove the crab from him; when he took it off, threatened to kill him if the young man told anyone; at night he told his mother, the tiger heard him, the tiger took him with his couch, but the young man clung to a branch and climbed a tree; Surigai lived under him, for a lot a mountain of bowel movements formed for years; the young man cleaned everything out; for this S. gave him plenty of milk and he began to clean her cows; S. gave him two flutes, one for grief (Dukh), the other for joy (Sukh); if he will play S., the cows will immediately come to the rescue; once he tried it, the cows rushed, S. told him not to do so again; when the young man was swimming, one of his hair swam away, the princess picked him up, fell in love, sent for him; but the king wanted to kill him; the young man called the cows, they surrounded him and his wife; he took the princess away and lived with her in his mother's house]: Elwin 1939, No. V: 487-489; dhanwar [the tiger came to the stream drink, the crab grabbed his nose; the old man agreed to help; the tiger agreed not to eat the old man unless he told him what had happened; the children demanded to tell him, laughed, the tiger heard, caught the old man, let him go when he gave him his daughter]: Elwin 1944, No. 4:462-463 (translated to Zograf 1971, No. 7:45-46).
China - Korea. Zao [the lame tiger always takes the prey of a young hunter; he is fishing; the tiger is interested in how to fish; young man: there is a huge dangerous fish in the river; it is better if the tiger is will climb to a big peak - a big fish will not swallow it, and a small fish will swim inside; the tiger agrees, the young man pushes him into the river, the tiger can hardly get ashore; the hare promises to help escape from tiger; when the tiger is about to rush at the young man, a terrible cry is heard from somewhere above: I have been sent by the deities to execute you terribly; the tiger asks the young man to take the trouble away, he promises; answers the hare: this is not a tiger, but a rotten stump; hare: if it is a stump, I command it to fall to the ground; the tiger falls and rolls on the grass; the hare: if it is a stump, why does it roll on the grass; young man: this is my basket of rice; hare: if a basket, then tie it more tightly to a tree; the tiger asks to tie it; the young man ties it tightly, takes it off the lower branch of the hare, both leave]: Nikulin 1990:219-222.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kabardian residents [=Aliyeva, Kardangushev 1977:26-28; bear to an old man: why don't you answer the greeting? old man: I wondered if one bear's skin would be enough for a fur coat; bear: I'll get you firewood for the winter, but if you tell me, I'll be your enemy; the old woman made me tell you who brought the firewood; the bear took it away; the old man went to get firewood; the fox tells me to wait for the bear to knock the ax, explains what to do next; fox: my hunters missed a bear; old man: I haven't seen it; fox: why does it turn black? bear: say it's a stump; old man: stump; fox: why don't you put it in a sleigh? bear: pretend to put it down; old man: I'll put it down now; fox: why don't you tie it up? bear: pretend to tie; fox: why don't you cut the stump with an ax? bear: swing; the old man killed a bear with an ax; the fox received honey from the old man]: Aliyeva 1978, No. 73:343-345; Ossetians [the wolf tells the ploughman that as long as he plows, he will become daily drag him a ram, but then the plowman will have to give him a bull; without a bull, the peasant is afraid of going broke; promises the fox a lamb in a bag; she agrees how the person should answer her; the fox: hi; person: have breakfast with us; fox: I'm afraid of your dog (i.e. wolf); man: it's not a dog, it's a leather bag; fox: then tie it to the arba; hit it; wolf: only lightly; man crushed the wolf's head with a yoke; instead of a lamb, he puts a dog in a fox bag; the fox hardly ran away; in the fall she brought bears, they ruined the oats sown by man; the man regretted his betrayal]: Dzagurov 1973, No. 2:17-20.
Iran - Central Asia. Yazgulyam residents [the grandmother told her grandson to herd two goats; the wolf demanded that one be given to him; the grandmother did not order to give it back, gave her a bundle of food; the fox asked for this food, promised to help; became shout in a terrible voice: orphan, did you see a wolf? boy: no; who's behind you? boy: supply bag; fox: why does he have a tail? wolf: cut off my tail as soon as possible; fox: why ears? wolf: cut off your ears; why legs? wolf: cut off the legs; after cutting off the wolf's legs, the boy returned to his grandmother]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 68:494-495; Tajiks (Muminabad): Levin et al. 1981, No. 17 [the bear spoiled the rice field dekhanin; then began to demand to divide the harvest: he drove away sparrows; the dekhanin is forced to agree, sends the bear to bring dishes, he refuses - there are dogs, the dekhanin goes home by himself; tells him to plant children on a horse with a bag of dust, walk in front herself, scream if anyone has seen a bear, the padishah's daughter needs medicine; the wife does everything, the bear asks to hide it; peasant: ears will stick out; bear : compartmentalize them with a sickle; wife: bear's legs; bear: their compartments; wife: whose head; bear: bran it; a deckhanin killed a bear, brought rice home], 25 [every time a fox comes to the den in absence bears, asks the cubs where their mother is; the bear chased her, the fox disappeared into the mill gutter, the bear got stuck, the fox put a stick in her ass; the bear asked the man to release her, became bring sheep, but promised to kill if he told him about it; the man tells his wife, the bear hears; comes to the field; the man's stomach rumbled, he said that hunters were coming, suggested hide the bear in a bag, beat her to death]: 124-125, 133-134.
Baltoscandia. Estonians [the bear was hired to guard the field, asks for what is in the ground; the wheat is ripe, the bear has roots; the next year he asked for what is above the ground; the owner sowed turnips, the bear leaves; the bear told the fox that he would kill the peasant; the fox: I will help if you give chicken with chickens; the peasant agrees; the bear meets the peasant; the fox barks, the bear believes that a hunter is coming with 10 dogs; the fox is rude voice: what's dark; bear: say it's a stump; if it's a stump, why don't you load it on the cart; bear: I'll climb it myself; fox: why don't you tie it; man: the ropes are bad; fox: I'll help with the dogs now; bear: tie it well; fox: why don't you cut a stump with an ax; bear: hit lightly; a peasant killed a bear; brought three dogs to the fox in a bag instead of a chicken; she opened the bag, threw herself into the hole, tail outside; dogs pulled her out and killed her; fox: why did I dig a hole for a bear, I got into it myself]: Jakobson 1987:111-115; Latvians [the peasant scolded the horse: for the bear to lift you up; the bear comes; the peasant asks for let him plow; the fox agrees to help for the chicken; knocks on trees; the peasant: they are hunters; the bear asks to hide; the peasant: climb into the cart; the fox in a rude voice: what is on the cart? peasant: firewood; fox: so take them home; a peasant killed a bear with an ax; a fox and cubs are already at home in the chicken coop; the peasant slaughtered them all]: Alksnite et al. 1958:22-23.
Turkestan. Kazakhs: Kaskabasov et al. 1979, No. 39 [The fox met two cubs, says he wants to have love with their mother; the bear is furious chasing the Fox, who slips through a crack in a tree, The bear gets stuck, the fox comes up to her from behind, makes love to her, runs away; the bear asks the shepherd what he saw; the shepherd replies that nothing, only one fox had love with the bear; The bear gave the shepherd gold for his silence, he brought gold, told his wife, the Bear heard; the fox tells the shepherd to bring a bag, awl and ketmen; raises dust, tells the Bear to explain to the Bear that the princess sick, the royal people go for bear bile; the Bear asks to hide it in a bag, the Fox kills her with an awl and catman; as a reward, the Fox demands to give him one of the two (testicles?) shepherd; his stomach grumbles, he says he swallowed the dogs and now they want to get out and attack the Fox; the fox runs away, the shepherd grabs his tail, kills him], 48 [The fox says to the cubs, that she wants to have love with their mother; next time the Bear rushes after him, gets stuck in a hole in a stone; the Fox raped her, the Bear has a hard time getting out; asks the shepherd if he saw anything ; he replies that it is nothing special, only one fox raped one bear; the bear gives the shepherd gold for silence, and if he speaks, she will kill; the fox overheard, promises to save the shepherd from The bear demands the opportunity to use any part of his body as a reward; the fox set fire to the reeds, the shepherd told the Bear that it was the Khan's servants who were sent to get the bear's liver as medicine for the khan's wife; offers to hide the Bear in a bag; hits her there, kills her; the shepherd undressed, his stomach began to rumble; he said that as a child he swallowed two little kumai (a winged dog), they grew up and the fox feels close; the fox ran away], 49 [The bear chased the Fox, that one into the house, she got stuck in the door, the Fox went out, raped her; the bear asks the shepherd what he saw; What could I see? A fox raped a bear, that's all; the bear threatens to kill the shepherd if he tells; the shepherd spoke in the village, the children began to sing about it; the bear came for the shepherd, he asked say goodbye to his relatives for three days; the fox offered to raise dust, as if the Khan's son was following a bear's heart for his wife to eat; the shepherd invites the Bear to hide her in a bag, kills her; the fox demands help the shepherd's kidney; his stomach is rumbling, he says he swallowed the hound puppy; the fox runs away]: 80-81, 109-111, 113-114.