M152. Why only one wolf? ATU 1149.
.10.11.14.-.17.21.-.24.26.-.34. (.36.)
Seeing an approaching predator (giant, etc.), the weak character pretends to thank the person who leads the predator for his kept promise to bring prey, or his wife and children ( rarely: he himself) begin to say out loud that they are going to eat a predator or ate its brethren earlier.
Hottentots, Ovimbundu, Hehe, Arabs of Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, (Italians), Spaniards, Irish, French (Gascony), Germans (conditionally south), Tibetans, Lepcha, Meitei, Burmese, Arakans, Khmers, Viets, Thai Vietnam, Ancient India, Kumaoni, Kashmiris, Punjabi, India (translated from Hindi), Marathi, Konkani, Bengalis, Assamese, Santals, Ho, Malayali, Telugu, Tamils, Sinhales, Malays, Javanese, Chuan Miao, Chinese (Jilin; no other places of recording), Serbs, Croats, Romanians, Hungarians, Bulgarians, Greeks, Slovaks, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Karelia, Vologda, Voronezh), Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, Hutsulshchina , Podolia, Yekaterinoslavskaya, Poltava, Kharkiv), Belarusians, Crimean Tatars, Eastern Turkmens, Kalmyks, Adygs, Kabardian, Abazins, Balkarians, Ossetians, Chechens, Avars, Kyurins, Aguls, Azerbaijanis, Georgians, Megrelians, Turks, Kurds (Talysh), Persians, Baluchis, Pashtuns, Turkmens, Uzbeks, Tajiks, Mountain Tajiks (Karategin), Rushans, Latvians, Lithuanians, Finns, Veps, Karelians, Counselors, Mari, Chuvash , Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Udmurts, Kazakhs, Karakalpaks, Kyrgyz, Salars, (Khakas), Dagurs, Tuvans, South Altai Tuvans, Buryats, Khalkha Mongols, Mongols of Ordos and Inner Mongolia, (central? Yakuts).
SW Africa. Hottentots [the leopard saw the ram for the first time; it bleated, the leopard was frightened; the jackal explained that the ram should be eaten; the ram and the cub go out to meet; the leopard was frightened again, the jackal tied him with a belt; ram: thank you jackal for leading the leopard, or the cub wants to eat; the leopard ran, dragging the jackal with him]: Olderogge 1959:10-11 (=Pozdnyakov 1990:65-66; =Klipple 1992:73).
Bantu-speaking Africa. Hehe (translated from Swahili) [the hare sees a leopard building a house; comes when the leopard is gone, continues to build; the leopard is happy and surprised that the house is being built by itself, brings his wife; the hare to A bunny stings at home, he yells, the hare says not to cry - we'll eat a fat leopard soon; the leopards are running away; the baboon laughs at them, but the leopard agrees to return only if they contact the baboon with a rope; hare: my friend baboon is already leading the leopard on a rope; the leopard runs away, dragging the baboon, he dies; the hare gets the house]: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 82:202-205; ovimbunda [leopard saw the ram, which fell on its feet, the leopard ran away; the hyena explained that the ram was not terrible, they went to eat it; the ram's wife told him to go out to meet him with the child; when he saw the ram, the leopard asked for a hyena tie them with a rope; a ram: a hyena brought us a leopard for lunch; the leopard ran, dragging a hyena with him]: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010:303-304.
North Africa. Arabs of Morocco [when it got hot during the day, a goat went into a cave and there was a lion; a goat: I'm one of the angels, the Lord told me to select 7 lions, 7 hyenas and 7 jackals for sacrifice; no, you're not wearing signs that indicate what would be meant - live in peace; the goat left, and the lion was frightened, met the jackal, told him what had happened; the jackal: according to the description, it looks like a goat; he led the lion to the goat; goat jackal: bastard, you're bringing me this lion I've already examined again; the lion, running away, threw the jackal into the air and it crashed to pieces]: Bushnaq 1987:138-139; Arabs of Algeria, Egypt : El-Shamy 2004, No. 1149:709.
Southern Europe. Spaniards: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1149:50-51 (Italians are also named there with reference to Cirese, Serafini 1975, but they only have a link to the Tuscan index where such an episode is Could not be found).
Western Europe. The French (Gascony) [the owners want to get rid of an aged donkey; he goes into the forest, meets a lion; the lion does not know what kind of animal it is, frightened by its roar; the wolf tells the lion that he is many of them ate; the lion agrees to return only by contacting the wolf with its tails; when he sees them, the donkey roars again, the lion flees, drags the wolf, he dies; the lion first thinks that the wolf is laughing, and then that he died of fear; they hunt; the lion catches rabbits, and the donkey lures magpies and the crows with oats, knocks them down, throws them into the bushes from where they can't fly; the lion believes that the donkey killed the game in flight; they find iron timber; the lion hardly picks up; the donkey roars - to warn his brother behind the forest: he will throw the timber through the forest, let his brother be careful; the lion tells not to throw; the lion offers to jump across the river; himself jumps over, the donkey falls into the water, the lion pulls him out; the donkey pretends to be angry: he was fishing; the lion and the donkey disperse]: Arnaudin 1967, No. 12:146-160; Germans [the village teacher went to the haymaking ; the devil wanted to grab him; the teacher squeezed the cheese, and said that the stone would also flow water from the devil; the devils offer a bag of gold coins if the teacher agreed to serve them for a year; they sent to bring water, he pretends to dig in and bring the entire well; they tell him to bring an oak tree, the teacher pretends to cut down the entire forest; the devils decided to get rid of the worker before the deadline; they had to pay the money and bring it themselves; the teacher taught the students what to say; the children started shouting, "I want damn meat," the hell threw the bag, ran away; the young devil came to figure it out; the teacher to fight with his grandfather (a bear in a cage), the hell is a little alive; run with his grandson (let the hare out); throw a hammer into the sky; teacher: I have a relative in heaven as a blacksmith, he will need a hammer; then the hell offered to throw a stone, the teacher released a goldfinch; whoever clicks louder; the devil clicks the whip; the teacher tells him to blindfold, hits him with a club; fight with swords; the teacher drew a long line, and took a short one himself, the line ran out; then the devil asked for a short one; the teacher advised him to climb into the pigsty, stuck it through the crack; scratch (the teacher took the brushes); the hell blew, the teacher was under the ceiling; says that darns holes so that when it blows, the hell doesn't fly to the moon]: Cerf 1992:105-110; Irish: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1149:50-51
Western Asia. Palestinians [the old woman's roof is leaking, dripping from the ceiling, she says out loud that she is not afraid of a leopard or a lion, but she is afraid of a "dib-dib dib dib"; a leopard who comes up hears; thinks she knows what there are oak (bear) and dib (ox), but dib deeb does not know; a water merchant who lost his donkey came up, mistook the leopard for a bull, beat it and rode it, and he thought it was a dib deeb; in the morning the merchant realized that he was riding a leopard; clutching branches, he climbed a tree; the leopard met a fox; it led him back, agreeing to contact the leopard with its tails; a fox peasant: why did he make it so wait a long time, bring the leopard here; the leopard ran, dragging the fox, it died]: Hanauer 2009:256-260.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans: Krapivina 2001 [Zhijingma has 7 sheep, he took care of them; a raven flew into the yurt to drink milk, could not fly out, died; C. laughed so much that his liver burst and he died; 7 sheep decided carry his body to Lhassa; they came across a wolf; promised to come to him with the lambs on the way back; the wolf missed them; on the way back, 7 sheep and 7 lambs met a hare; asks why some people cry, and others laugh; sheep: we know that the wolf will get it, but the lambs don't know; the hare tells the sheep to carry it, picks up a ring that is threaded into the yaks nose, a bed of black goat hair, a piece of paper; Having reached the wolf's area, the hare orders to cover the ring with litter, stands at it and, looking at the paper, supposedly reads out the emperor's decree: whoever harms the sheep who went to Lhassa should cut their heads; wolf runs away; the bear leads him back, ties the wolf by the tail so that he is not afraid; the hare: why did he bring a skinny bear, and not a fat bear, as promised; the bear ran, dragged the wolf with him, he died]: 115-123; O'Connor 1906, No. 13 [the jackal family has found the tiger's lair; the jackal tells his wife and children to eat the meat left by the tiger calmly; when the tiger comes up, he says loudly: let the children not cry, they will soon receive tiger cubs; tiger runs away; monkey explains that jackals should not be afraid, leads the tiger back with its tails tied; jackal to monkey: why only one tiger, you promised two or three; the tiger rushed to run The monkey was torn into thorns]: 76-79; Shelton 1925, No. 2 [an old tiger named Tsuden was hunting; the frog was scared of him, but climbed on the bump and asked where he was going; tiger: I'm hungry and I guess you eat; frog puffed up: I'm the king of frogs and I can jump any distance; we'll compete to see who jumps across the river; quietly grabbed the tiger's tail and when he jumped across the river and began to search the frog in the water, called out to him; the tiger is amazed; the frog offers another test - to compare vomiting; the tiger has not eaten anything for a long time and only regurgitated some water, and the frog regurgitated the tiger's hair (she's only that she was holding on to the tiger's tail); said that just yesterday she killed and ate the tiger; the tiger ran away; towards the fox; when she heard the tiger's story, she laughed and said that she could easily press down the frog with her paw; tiger I agree to come back, but only if they contact the fox with their tails; frog fox: you did not repay the debt and did not bring meat; are you taking this dog to me for lunch? the tiger fled, dragging the fox with him; if they don't die, they still run]: 21-25; lepcha [tiger and toad are friends, they take out lice from each other; the tiger suggests comparing vomiting to find out who has eaten what in recent days; doesn't take into account that both swallowed what they licked; the tiger regurgitates pieces of leaves and clay, the toad regresses the tiger's hair; the tiger is scared (the toad eats tigers!) , runs away, meets a jackal, he wants to look at the toad, agrees to go only if the jackal is tied to him with a rope; toad jackal: it's been three years since you promised to bring me tigers, and now you only lead one thing; the tiger rushes to run, dragging the jackal, he dies; since then, jackals and tigers have not lived together]: Stocks 1925, No. 9:366-367; meitei [the fox has a pregnant wife; asked for fish; the fox caught the crocodile by jumping on the head; tried to do the same again, but the crocodile tried to grab it; when he returned, the fox told his wife to leave home immediately; she gave birth on the way, in a cave; she lived in it tiger; fox agreed with the monkey; when the tiger came up, the fox spoke to the monkey in a changed voice: when your son was born, I gave you 10 tigers, and how many tigers will you give me when my son was born to me? the tiger ran, ran into a monkey, which died from the blow; the fox and his family live and rejoice]: Oinam et al. s.a.; meitei [birds choose a king; vulture: I am stronger, I must be king; pebet bird (smallest): I'm the smartest, so I must be king and you're a fool; the vulture rushed to the bird, got stuck in bamboos and died; pebet became king; the tiger is approaching; pebet has agreed with wife; pebet asks loudly why children are crying; wife: tiger cubs want; pebet: give them what we have; wife: they want fresh; the tiger heard and ran away]: Oinam et al. s.a.
Burma - Indochina. Burmese [Tiger and Elephant argue which of them is worse; Tiger's roar shuddered, but not when the Elephant sounded; the Elephant is preparing to die; the Rabbit promises to save him; tells everyone to shout "Mighty The rabbit has defeated the Elephant and is now looking for the Tiger"; The rabbit rides the Elephant, eats bananas, says it's the Elephant's brains; the Monkey and the Tiger are waiting, tied their tails; The monkey says they're just bananas; The rabbit Monkeys: Why did you bring such a skinny tiger? The tiger runs, dragging the Monkey, their tails are cut off]: Aung 1957:14-17; the Arakan people [the tiger tells the elephant that he dreamed that he was eating an elephant heart; the elephant recognizes the tiger's right to eat it, but asks for a delay of 7 days; the frog tells the elephant to lie down and inflate its stomach; at the sight of the tiger: the elephant is not enough, here's the tiger, really skinny; the tiger ran away; the jackal tells him to return, they tied their tails; the frog: thanks to the tiger for bringing his son; the tiger and the jackal ran, but because they were tied up, they crashed to death]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 64:198-200; Khmers [the hare pretended to be dead; his banana merchant picks it up, puts it in its basket; the hare eats bananas, runs away; the snail tells the hare that the water belongs to it, let the hare not drink from the pond; the hare: if you swim across the pond faster than I run it, you're right; the snail places other snails along the coast, they respond to the hare; since then, the hares drink only dew; the hare promises to cure the crocodile of skin disease if it transports it to the other side; by jumping on shore, insults the crocodile and runs away; climbed into the buffalo's belly; under the sun, the skin has dried up and shrunk; the hare asks the man to pour water on the carcass; jumps out, screams that he will not thank his savior; crocodile pretends to be a log; hare: if you are a log, swim against the current, if the crocodile goes with the flow; the crocodile swam with the flow; crawled ashore, pretended to be dead, the hare came , the crocodile swallowed it, the hare began to fiddle with his intestines, the crocodile had to regurgitate him; the hare sat on a resinous stump and stuck; does not tell elephants to drink water from the pond, he himself, the hare, is a watchman put by In6dra ; the elephant grabs the hare and throws it aside, the hare is released again; trapped by a gardener, begged the toad to release him - he will save it from warts; once free, insults the toad; in next time the toad freed the hare for promising to give his daughter for her son; the hare runs away again; says he ate five elephants and wants to clean his throat with the tiger's liver; the monkey assures the tiger that the hare is not dangerous ; tiger agrees to come back by contacting the monkey's tails; hare: are you leading this lousy tiger to pay off the debt? the tiger ran, dragging the toad; when he saw the grimace of a dead toad, he thought it was laughing at him; the hare was trapped again, pretended to be dead, the peasant took it out, he ran away; the peasant caught him again; the monk predicts that today the farmer will have normal food; he thinks that the predictor is bad: he has a hare and a fish at home; a hare teaches a fish to pretend to be asleep; it will be thrown into the water, it will swim, master will try to catch it with the top under which the hare; both escape]: Gorgoniev 1973:115-126 (=Marunova 1972:165-170); Viets: Cadière 1955 [the elephant suggests to the tiger: whose voice will scare the birds, that would kill another; the birds were afraid of the tiger's voice; he promised to come to eat an elephant in 3 days; the hare promised to help, told the elephant to lie down; when he saw the tiger, he said that the elephant was for food, but there was not enough dessert; the tiger runs away; monkeys lead him back, and so that he is not afraid, they contact them with a vine; hare: mean monkeys, you promised me three fat tigers, and you lead one skinny one; the tiger runs away, dragging monkeys; seeing them muzzles grinned after death, the tiger thinks they are laughing at him, ate everyone]: 242-243; Gil 1906 [the toad tells the tiger to get out, mocks him; the tiger offers to compete: who will be faster on across the river; the toad grabbed his tail, the tiger waved it, the toad flew to the other side, in front of the tiger; who could eat more; tiger: wild boar and dog; toad: and I'm a tiger; the tiger is terrified ran away; the monkey leads him back, the tiger tied his tails to her for courage; toad: your grandfather owed me a lot of tigers, ten would not be enough, and you only drag one; the tiger dragged the monkey; looking around and Seeing her mouth grinned after hitting a tree: and laughs again!] : 82-88; Thai Vietnam: Nikulin 1976 [the tiger suggested to the elephant: Whose voice is louder will eat the other; the tiger's voice is louder, the elephant went to say goodbye to the family; the mole promised to help; sat on the elephant's back; at the sight tiger: I didn't have time to eat one, and the other is here; the tiger ran; the monkey tells me to come back, let the tiger tie her by the neck; mole: owes 9 tigers and brought one! the tiger ran away and killed the monkey]: 241-243; Degeorge 1925 [the tiger asks the toad if it can drag a tree to build a house; in response, the toad offers to jump long; clings to the tiger's tail, he believes what she is in front; asks what the toad eats to be so strong; suggests regurgitating what she has eaten; the toad asks the tiger to regurgitate first; this is meat; the toad regurgitates something green, white red; says that white is elephant tusks, red is tiger pupils; the tiger runs away; the monkey convinces him to come back, offers to tie him with a rope; toad: monkey, you promised me nine tigers, why only one? the tiger runs, dragging the monkey; the dead monkey grins as if laughing; the tiger is furious; ate a monkey]: 972-973.
South Asia. Ancient India [recorded in Sanskrit Suka Saptate]: Elwin 1944:409; Kashmiris [the tiger agrees not to eat the ploughman's oxen for promising to give the cow; the wife tells the tiger that she will bring a cow herself; she sits on a pony, puts on a man's outfit, comes, asks if there are any tigers here - I ate three for breakfast, now I'm hungry; the tiger runs away; the jackal says that was it only the wife of a peasant; ties her tail to the tiger's tail, leads the tiger back; wife: thanks for the tiger, you jackal will get bones; the tiger started running, dragging the jackal with him, he was torn into stones]: Steel, Temple 1884, No. 15:132-138 (retelling in Elwin 1944:409); Kumaoni: Minaev 1968, No. 2 [a lion comes to the jackal's lair; the jackal climbed the mountain, taught his wife what to do; she scrapes puppies, jackal asks why the children are screaming; she replies that yesterday's lion has already been eaten, but there is no fresh one yet; the lion runs away, the monkey shames him; the lion agrees to return, if the monkey goes with him, she leads him on a rope ; everything repeats itself: the wife replies to the jackal that the children of yesterday's lion do not eat and have not yet had enough fresh food; the lion runs away, dragging the monkey with him, she suffocated]: 30-31; Upreti 1894:12 [the goat went into the forest, met the jackal, said he had killed several lions; the leopard ran away; the jackal began to prove that it was just a goat, offered to tie with a rope and go together; goat: thank you jackal, I was just looking leopard; the leopard fled, dragging the jackal, both crashed, falling into the abyss], 91-92 [the fox's wife asks him to make a new hole for her and her offspring; the fox chills, every time he says she builds them home; when her wife is born, she takes her with her foxes down the tigress's hole; teaches children to speak loudly: don't cry, you will get tiger meat now; when the tigress hears this, she runs away; the monkey leads her back, but the fox says loudly: thanks to our friend the monkey for bringing the tigress; the tigress runs away and does not come again]; Gujarati [the king chased lions, they fled; when the jackaleha was ready to give birth, the jackal took the lion's lair; and then the lion comes; the jackal agrees with his wife that she will call him the lion killer; the lion runs away; the monkey laughs at him, tells him to return; the lion agrees only after how they tie their tails; the jackal loudly thanks the monkey for leading him a lion; the lion ran, dragging the monkey, and she was pulling the lion, both crashed to death on the rocks]: Hertel 1921, No. 66:292-293; India (translated from Hindi): Zograf 1962 [the jackal and his family settled in a lion's cave; a lion comes up; jackal: son, where did this lion's meat go? if it's over, go kill the other; the lion leaves; the monkey explains that the jackal should not be afraid, offers to contact his tails; they approach the cave; the jackal to the son: go kill both; the lion rushes away, Tearing off the monkey's tail]: 68-70; Beck et al. 1987, No. 85 [the jackal occupied the fox's house and does not let her in; she complained to the lion; tied him with a rope; seeing the fox and lion approaching, the jackal agreed with his wife: children should cry and want lion meat; he says that his friend the fox promised to bring a lion - here they are; the lion rushed to run, dragging the fox]: 255-256; Punjabi [the tiger demands an ox from the peasant, he asks to agree to a cow; his wife tells the tiger that she will bring a horse now; she dresses as a witch, picks up a sickle, comes on horseback; says to her husband: you said that four tigers, one is not enough for me; the tiger runs away; the wolf overheard the peasant's conversation with his wife, told the tiger that he was deceived; the tiger agrees to go with his tails tied to the wolf; the farmer's wife turns to the wolf: you promised to bring four tigers, and there was only one; the tiger ran, dragging a wolf with him, he died]: Zograf 1964:88-94; Marathi [a rich man brags about his intelligence and shooting accuracy; knocks out an arrow every morning a pearl from under his wife's nose; the wife's brother advises her to answer her husband: there is smarter than you; the husband goes in search; meets a strongman who also brags about his mind, except for knocking out a pearl from under his nose wives are smarter; they come together to the pandita, who also hears about the mind of knocking a pearl; at night, the strongman slowly carries a heavy cauldron out of the pandita's house and hides it at the bottom of the river; the pandit noticed that his the guest washed and guessed who took the cauldron; they laughed and the pandit asked the strongman to bring the fattest goat in the herd to have a feast; the demon took the form of a goat; the pandit understood this; begins to scold the strongman: I told you to bring a goat, and you brought this skinny demon; my son eats one a day, my wife three, I'm twelve; the demon is scared, released and brings gold; says other demons are angry with it him; the pandit and his friends walk with the demon; the shooter knocked the earring out of the demon king's ear; the branch on which the friends sat broke off, they fell on the king; they shouted that they would be the first to eat it, then the others; received a lot of gold; the one who shot the pearl did not do it anymore and lived well with his wife]: Sheorey 1973, No. 9:53-58; Konkani: Consiglieri Pedroso 1882a (Goa) [the fox is the wolf's wife, she needs to give birth; she had to choose a tiger cave for this purpose; the fox gave birth and the wolf figured out how to scare tigers; pretend they are lions; the wolf will ask why children cry; the fox will answer: they do not want to dried tiger meat, although eat a live tiger; tiger scared; rabbit to tiger: yes, there is only a fox with foxes and a wolf; the rabbit led the tiger to the cave; the wolf to the fox: our friend rabbit promised four tigers and here is the first already leads; the tiger ate the rabbit]: 73-74; Gangeyee 1975, No. 5 (Mulwanee dialect, Maharashtra) [the fox, his wife and cubs decided to settle in the tiger's lair; when he came to the entrance, the fox gave his wife a sign and she pinched the young; then asked loudly what had happened; the fox replied that they wanted tiger meat; when the tiger heard this, he got scared and ran away; told the monkey about the incident; the monkey stood above him laugh; offered to go to the lair together; the tiger agreed to return only by tying the monkey's tails; when they came to the lair, the fox said: "This monkey's father promised to give me 12 tigers for I saved his life. Apparently he sent one of them along with his son"; the tiger thought that the monkey had deceived him and ran away; the monkey eventually died]: 30-33; the Bengalis [the goat and the goat with the goat and the goat and the goat left the people into the forest; climbed into the hollow, the goats began to bleat; a tiger came up; a goat: five tigers, three bears, elephants, etc. are not enough for you; but here comes another tiger, now you'll get it; the tiger is running away; the monkey explains that there is nothing to fear, just in case, offers to contact with its tails; goat monkey: bastard, only one tiger all day, eat you with him; the tiger runs away with his tail, the monkey hides in the depths forests, because everyone laughs that its second tail is a tiger]: McCulloch 1912, No. 28:305-311; Assames [when a goat stumbles upon a tiger, promises to eat it; the tiger runs away; the fox persuades the tiger come back, and so that he is not afraid, they tied their tails; goat: did you go to bring another one? well done! the tiger runs away again, dragging the fox with him; the fox is dead]: Goswami 1960:95-96; oriya [the goat is behind the herd, climbed into the cave, the tiger comes up; the goat asks who he is; tiger: I am a tiger, the king of beasts; goat: I am a fig, king of kings; the tiger runs away; the jackal leads him back, offering to contact him with his tails for courage; goat: I told me to bring me 12 tigers, why only one; the tiger rushed to run, dragging the jackal over the stones, he died; in the morning the shepherd found a goat]: Mohanti 1975:115-116; Santals [the goat hears the owners agree to slaughter him, runs away, comes to the leopard cave, bleats, the leopard has never seen a goat, hears "Back, Back", runs away; the jackal says he has eaten a lot of goats, leads the leopard back with its tails tied together; when he sees a leopard, the goat gets up, the leopard is terrified runs away, dragging the jackal; he comes to the baby leopard, tells them that their parents owe him all the food; the leopard is surprised why the children are losing weight; when he finds out what's going on, the leopard ambushed him he rushed after the jackal, got stuck in his hole, died; the jackal came to the leopard, she took him as her husband; chases deer at him, the jackal says he didn't catch a single one because she drove crooked; now he chases, the leopard was killed by a deer; the jackal: I drove the right way; secretly ate the liver; at the river crossing he refused to let the leopard carry it; the river carried the jackal; he asks the crocodile not to eat it, promises to bring it meat, asks to open his mouth and close his eyes, throws sharp stones into his mouth; the crocodile grabs the jackal by the leg, who says he grabbed the root; the crocodile hid under the straw; the jackal tied a goat to his neck bell, started jumping around; crocodile: leaving, stupid goat, I'm here in ambush; jackal set fire to straw, crocodile burned]: Bodding 1925, No. 7:93-99; ho: Halder 1916, No. 10 [man bought a big goat to sacrifice; left to graze; during a downpour, a goat climbed into a cave where the tiger's lair was; the tiger came and asked the goat who he was; goat: I have already eaten your offspring, now I'll try your meat; the tiger ran away; the jackal called him a coward and led him back, and so that the tiger would not be afraid, he tied his tail to the tiger; goat: good luck - two instead of one for dinner; the tiger rushed to run dragging the jackal; he died, and the tiger left these places and the goat got the cave]: 283-284; 1918, No. 29 [the pregnant jackalikha asks her husband to prepare a house for the family; he asks him every day for good food and tells how he digs a hole; does nothing himself; when the jackaliha gives birth, he brings the family to the tiger's cave; a tiger comes up; the jackalikha makes the cubs voice and begins to speak loudly, as if addressing them: gluttons ate the liver of seven tigers! Now I'll kill another one for you, he just came up; the tiger runs away, the monkey stops him and leads him back with his tails tied; jackalikha: I told you to bring seven tigers - why only one; the tiger ran, dragging the monkey, but fortunately for her, the rope was untied; sitting on a tree, the monkey tells the tiger that he is preparing an ointment for bruises; the tiger asks for it; rubbed himself, and the ointment burns badly; next time there is a bee nest next to the monkey; the monkey says that this is her drum, with which she will go to play for the king; pretends to only reluctantly agree to let the tiger try; she departs away; the tiger is barely alive from the bites; next time the monkey says it is healing its wounds under the healing rays of the sun; she came down from the tree and the tiger climbed there; the monkey started the fire with friction, the tiger burned down]: 339-342; Malayali [the jackal came to the village and married a dog; when she was about to give birth, he decided that it was safer to give birth in the forest; they occupied the tiger cave; the tiger comes up, you can already hear a roar, the dog trembles from horror; jackal: don't cry, honey, the tiger will definitely come back and we'll have a good dinner; the tiger left and met another jackal; he talked about the jackal and the dog and took the tiger back; the first jackal to the dog: look, honey; I've placed my relatives all over the forest and one of them is already leading the tiger; the tiger has run away, the jackal persuaded him to come back again, this time with his tails tied; the first jackal to the dog: well, now it's mine his brother won't miss him; as soon as the tiger looks into the cave, I'll kill him right away; the tiger and the second jackal ran together, both crashed and died]: Menon 1995:14-16; Telugu [Balaramaya was a village strongman, Madhavaya is weak but smart; the village chief wants to marry his son to the daughter of a rich man; he replies that his daughter will not be able to pull the jug out of a deep well; everyone laughs at the rich man; he suggests the elder should make a rope out of sand to tie a jug for it; M. advises to say that he will make a rope if the rich man's daughter scoops water with a sieve, otherwise the rope will not stand it; the wedding took place, Madhavaya was respected; in the vicinity of devils pishachi; M. teaches his wife to tell the children not to cry, for the father will soon bring them pishachi; the pishachi run away]: Zograf 1964:267-272; the Tamils [Clever and Skillful decided to steal a sheep; shepherd, leaving, put a stick in his place, put his clothes on it, and said out loud: if a bhuta (evil spirit, dev) - or kuta - comes, drive him away; (there is no word kuta, but they say bhuta-kuta, "multicultur"); The skillful did not understand the deception, but the Clever understood; at the same time, Bhuta came for the sheep; he thought that the kuta was someone stronger than him and, just in case, chipped in as a sheep; the thieves chose her because it is heavier than others; bhuta caused Skillful body pain, and the Clever offered to rip open the sheep's belly and cut it in half; bhuta ran away, told others what bhuta had experienced; they laughed at him and went to the thieves' house; Skillful in horror, and Clever agreed with his wife: I'll ask you what to eat; you will say that vegetables, and he had already eaten three bhuts with his son killed by his son; the bhuta ran away in horror; later the friends went through the forest and spent the night banyans; bhuta were just gathering under him; The skillful fell in fear, and the Clever started shouting for him to grab the biggest bhuta; they ran away]: Natesa Sastri 1884-1888, No. 7:91-98; Sinhales [while the leopard hunted, a female dwarf deer climbed into his cave and gave birth to two deer; the leopard got wet in the rain and went to the cave; the deer began to beat the children to scream and cry: well, where is the leopard! She replied: everything has already been eaten, from where I will get the fresh one for you; the leopard has run away; the jackal tells him not to be afraid - let him tie himself to his neck with a rope for courage; deer to the children: don't yell, the jackal is already leading fresh leopard; jackal: I told you to bring 7, and you only drag one leopard; the leopard rushed away, dragging the jackal; when I looked around, I saw the jackal smiling with his teeth exposed (he had long been strangled with a noose around his neck and died hitting rocks)]: Parker 1910, No. 31:213.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Malays [an elephant and a tiger bet that whoever makes a monkey fall off a tree can eat another; the roar of an elephant made the monkey fall to the lower branches, and the tiger's roar to his feet; an elephant asks for a delay of 7 days; a dwarf deer tells the elephant to pour molasses, pretends to eat it, shouts that there is not enough meat, a fat tiger is needed; the tiger runs away; the orangutan explains that it is just dwarf deer, leads the tiger back; deer: you promised to bring two tigers, why one; tiger runs away, wants to kill an orangutan, but he jumps up a tree]: Skeat 1901:41-48; Javanese: Ostrovsky 1956:34-45 [The canchil goes fishing, meets and companions a wild boar, an elephant; the boar is the first to guard the catch, the giant threatens him, eats all the fish; the same with the tiger, with the elephant; the canchil weaves bark bundles, tells the giant that Suleiman will cause a flood today, he must become attached so as not to be carried away; the giant allows him to be tied up, hanged; wants to take all the fish for himself, the tiger is furious, chases him; kanchil hid in the hollow of a tree; the tiger followed the bear to help him get the kanchila out; when he sees both, the canchil shouts to the tiger why he borrowed a polar bear and returns the black and dirty one; the bear and the tiger began to fight, killed each other], 65-81 [the monkey tells the tiger that he is friends with the buffalo in vain - it is better to eat it; doe, deer, bull, rhino, kentus refuse to help; the kid falls down rotten a banana trunk, the tiger says that the kid is strong; the monkey convinces him that this is not the case, the tiger agrees to go with her tails; the kid asks the monkey why it leads only one tiger; the tiger runs away, tearing the monkey into pieces against bushes and thorns; since then, monkeys have been drawn by lot to the tiger every day, and the kid is friends with the buffalo].
China - Korea. Chuan miao [the toad invited the tiger to fight, clung to its tail; says it can jump 10 times further than he does; the tiger has run away; the fox tells him to return, offers to contact him with a vine; toad: Do you think you alone are not enough for lunch, brought my brother? stand still, I'll come now; the tiger ran, dragging the fox, it died]: Graham 1954:223-224; Chinese (Jilin) [the hare met the tiger at the watering hole, scared and said he was eating tigers and wolves; The tiger, who did not see the hares, believed it; when the monkey tried to dissuade him, the hare slandered her {owed two tigers, and you lead one - something like that}]: Zhou Yang 1992, No. 260:388-389; Chinese [ French sinologist Julien translated 45 fables of Indian origin from Chinese; one tiger grabs a monkey, and she promises to show him more valuable prey and leads to a mountain where deer grazes; deer: You promised me 10 tiger skins, why are you only carrying one? the tiger ran away; "didn't think the monkey was so treacherous"]: Dennys 1876:148-149.
The Balkans. Romanians: Nortines 1935 [a shepherd named Stan-le-Roc has no children; he met God and St. Peter, they are ready to fulfill his wishes; he asked for children three times; when he returned home, he saw a house full of children, everyone was hungry; he sold everything, left; the shepherds say that they are tyrannized by the dragon, ready to give a third the herd to the one who kills him; S. tells the dragon that he is stronger than him; the dragon offers challenges; S. squeezed the cheese, the water has flowed, the dragon could not squeeze water out of the stone; the dragon hired S. to serve, promising gold; the dragon threw an iron club; S. pretends to wait for the moon to be gone, otherwise his brother, a blacksmith, will take the club; the dragon tells him not to throw; tells him to bring water, S. begins to dig in the well, to take everything at once; refuses to carry a tree, but begins to tie the forest with a rope to take everything at once; hears the dragon negotiating with his mother to hit him at night with a club; puts himself under the blanket is a log; in the morning he says that the fleas have bitten; pretends to stay for another two years; he is given not 1, but 3 sums of gold; the dragon agrees to take him to S. home; when they approach, S. explains that children scream because they want dragon babies; the dragon ran away; those S.'s children who did not die still live]: 113-124; Mirener 1958 [shepherds complain that the dragon is stealing sheep; Stan promises it win; the dragon offers to squeeze water out of the stone; S. squeezes a piece of cheese; the dragon takes S. to serve for three days, promises gold; the dragon's mother offers to test the servant's power first; the dragon throws the iron a mace beyond 5 mountains; S. looks closely to throw the mace on the moon; the dragon asks not to be thrown; S. pretends to dig a well so as not to carry water in the wineskin; ties the forest with a rope to carry all at once; at night he puts a stump in its place, covers it with a blanket; the dragon hits him with a mace; in the morning S. says that flies tickled; the dragon pays money for the year and carries it himself; S.: my kids love dragon meat; the dragon comes up, the kids scream what they want to eat; the dragon left the gold, ran away]: 19-26; Romanians [the wife saws her husband for drunkenness; he pushed her into a dry well; the priest also drove the line there; the man decided to pull his wife out, but the devil got out; when he found out that this monster was the wife of his savior, the devil ordered her not to be pulled out for anything and gave her a bag of gold; the man asked the hell to carry it himself; said that the roof of his house is covered in damn skins, one is just missing; hell threw the bag and ran away, the man married another woman]: Bîrlea 1966:463; Hungarians [every week a thin old lady goes to the market; the ox met her and is about to eat her; she convinced him to wait until tomorrow: she will bring all her children with her; the old woman has fulfilled her promise, but the children scream that they want lupus; the frightened wolf ran away]: Kovács 1987, No. 122:270; Bulgarians [the deceiver tells the dragon (the devil) that his house is covered with dragon (damn) skin (that he has an ax hanging on the wall to kill people, etc.) ); the dragon or devil meets the fox (priest); it exposes the deceiver and leads him back, and so that he is not afraid, they tie with a rope; when they see the deceiver, the dragon (hell) runs away again, dragging with him fox (priest), she dies]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, № 1149A*: 389; Greeks [shoemaker Lazarus loved honey; flies flew in and he slammed 14 with one blow; ordered a sword with the inscription "14 with one blow" and went on a journey; after walking for two days, he fell asleep at the well; the Dragon came to get water, read the inscription on his sword, decided to fraternize with the hero, brought him where other dragons were; he was given a huge the wineskin, ordering him to bring water; L. began to dig in the well, pretending to bring it in its entirety; when they sent the tree to bring it for firewood, he tied the forest with a rope to bring it all at once; the dragons agreed to slaughter L. at night with batons; he overheard, lay down elsewhere, said in the morning that mosquitoes were biting; the dragons asked if L. wanted to return to his wife and children, they would give him gold; L. ordered one of them to carry the gold; warned the children to shout "We want dragonyats!" ; the dragon ran away; the fox: yes, I'm stealing their chickens; if you're afraid to go alone, tie yourself to my tail and let's go; L. shouts to the fox: you promised to bring all the dragons, but you're only dragging one! the dragon rushed away, the tied fox crashed against the rocks]: Hahn 1864 (1), No. 23:173-176; the Serbs [9 giants have a mill; whoever goes there will not return; the peasant has three sons in the village, the youngest fool ; decided to go to the mill, taking a bag of ash, cheese and a drill; a giant came in, the guy threw ash into his eyes; the giant offered to measure his strength; crushed the stone with his hand, but did not squeeze the water; the guy squeezed the cheese; the giant offers to make holes in the log with his finger; the guy drilled 5 holes in advance; the guy climbed the cherry tree, and the giant tilted and held it; decided to collect it too, let go, the guy flew away far and fell on the hare; brought it - they say, caught it; to make a cow pen, the guy breaks branches, and does not pull trees - says it will be stronger; fried a cow - who will eat more; the guy quietly throws meat behind him; who will throw the stone next; the guy pretends to throw over the ninth mountain; giant: no need, this is my house; brought me home; the guy was supposed to climb into the vat for the night, but hid behind the vat; at night, the giants poured a pot of boiling water into the vat; in the morning the water cooled down and the guy lay down in the vat; the next night the guy was sent to the stable, and he hid behind the stable; the stable was set on fire, in the morning the guy was unharmed; on the third at night, the giants blasted the cannon to where the guy was supposed to sleep, but he lay down elsewhere; on the fourth night, the giants poured boiling water over the vat, and the guy slept inside the vat; the giants loaded the guy with ducats and let go home and then chase after them; guy: 9 giants robbed and rob nine more; the giants returned to their homes]: Eschker 1992, No. 12:68-73; Croats: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1149:50-51.
Central Europe. Slovaks: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1149:50-51; Russians (Arkhangelsk, Karelia, Vologda, Voronezh), Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, Podolia, Yekaterinoslavskaya, Poltava), Belarusians [Children want damn meat: a man scares the devil with his children]: SUS 1979, No. 1149:267-268; Russians (Arkhangelskaya: Pinega) [the snake arrives in the village, has already eaten everyone, the last one left man; a gypsy came, went to the snake's hut; he offers to whistle; whistles, the hut shuddered; the gypsy blindfolded the snake, warmed him with a club; the serpent sends the gypsy to bring water in reindeer clothing; he became dig in a well, the snake brought water itself; tells me to uproot and bring a tree; the gypsy pretends to bring the whole forest; let's go to the gypsy's house; gypsies: my children are hungry, you will be eaten; snakes ran away; the carriage and three horses went to the gypsy]: Nikiforov 1915, No. 15:149-150; Russians (Zaonezhye) [Snakes are used to eating people in the village. There's only one guy left. A gypsy came, met a man, found out about a snake. A serpent flew in and began to measure their strength with the gypsy. The serpent squeezed the stone, and the gypsy squeezed a piece of cheese, that whey flowed out of it. The serpent fearfully offered friendship. Then we decided to cook dinner together; the snake tells us to bring the ox, the gypsy ties everyone with a rope to cook everyone at once, the snake asks not to do this; bring water - the same, digs in the well; bring oak - binds the entire forest. The gypsy does not eat, is dissatisfied with dinner, invited him to his place. The gypsy children met: "Dad came and brought the snake for dinner." The serpent got scared and ran away]: Karnaukhova 2008, No. 33:104-105; Russians (Voronezhskaya, p. Bolshaya Vereyka, 1925) [A gypsy stays with an old man in a village where Pakarym ate snakes. The serpent arrives to eat the last old man and is greeted by a cunning gypsy. The serpent shows its strength by breaking a stone, the gypsy squeezes water out of the cottage cheese, as if out of stone. The snake whistles so that leaves fall from the oak tree, the gypsy blindfolds the snake (otherwise they will jump out) and hits the forehead with a club, the snake's ears ring. The serpent sees the power of the gypsy and offers to put up, invites him to visit him. The gypsy kills the bull, removes the skin, the snake flies for firewood, the gypsy realizes that he cannot bring water in the bull's skin, tries to "dig the well around". The serpent arrives and brings water in its burden by itself, saying that one is enough. The gypsy accidentally spills a quarter of the vodka, tells the snake that he drank it. The gypsy pretends to drink and eat, actually pours out vodka and throws away pieces of meat. The serpent is surprised at the gluttony and strength of the gypsy. The gypsy is going home, warns the snake that his children are hungry and can eat it. The serpent arrives with the gypsy to the village, sees the gypsies "black, smeared, torn off", gets frightened and flies away, leaving three horses. Gypsy tells his wife about his adventures]: Baryshnikova 2007, No. 35:156-158; Western Ukrainians (Hutsulshchina) []: Zinchuk 2006a, No. 107:343-347; Eastern Ukrainians (Poltava, Piryatinsky y., c. 1878) [The gypsy falls asleep on the grave, kills a hundred flies with his hand, asks the clerk to write a table "Ivan the Great Warrior beats a hundred souls in one fell swoop" (not a quote). He lies down on the road, the king passes by, demands to move, he does not move, telling him who he is. The king asks to beat the overseas army, he agrees if there is lard. Gypsies are fed, given a regiment of soldiers, everyone has an armful of straw in their hands, when they set fire to them, enemies see a fire army, flee into the sea, and drown. The king rewards the gypsy, asks to defeat three dogs, he asks for bacon, he is fed. He lies down at the gate, the dogs cannot enter, they notice the gypsy, they recognize him and invite him to go with them, he agrees on the condition that he becomes the main one, he blindfolds them in front of the river, as if He's going to order the river to cross them, kills them. The king rewards the gypsy, asks to exterminate the snake, he eats up, lies down at the gate, the snake recognizes him (the text of the sign). The serpent offers to be comrades, says that he is Luta (evil spirits), the gypsy says that he is Pra-Luta. They come to the Serpent's father, he offers to compete in the run, the gypsy exposes his "son" - the hare, who overtakes. Father Snake offers to compete in throwing a mace, the gypsy barely carries the mace in the field, the Serpent throws it up - it returns in 2 hours, the gypsy is afraid that if she does, she will not return. The serpent discourages him from throwing: his father has only 2 maces, it's a pity to lose. Father Snake offers to compete in whistles, the Serpent whistles - leaves fall from the trees, the gypsy blindfolds him - so as not to get out of his whistle, hits his forehead, his eyes come out of his orbits. The gypsy realizes that the Serpent wants to kill him, puts a bag of straw where he sleeps, covers him with his robe, the snake hits the bag, the gypsy says "the mosquito bit". The serpent collects a bag of money for the gypsy, he is met by gypsies, the gypsies say that it was the devils who came for the soul of the Snake. He throws the bag and leaves, the gypsy receives an award from the tsar]: 185-187: Rudchenko 1870, No. 45; Eastern Ukrainians (Kharkiv, Lebedinsky, Vorozhba, until 1890. [The snake eats all the people of the settlement except one grandfather, asks the gypsies to spend the night with the latter, who promises that the snakes will not be able to eat them. The serpent appears, getting ready to eat two instead of one. The gypsy declares his power "Look, don't choke!" , a snake squeezes a stone that crumbles in flour, a gypsy takes a bag of cheese, squeezes it, and water flows out. The serpent offers to go after an older friend, offers to bring an ox for lunch, the gypsy goes, cannot even lift one leg of the ox, ties several animals with tails - as if he will have one few, snakes do not wait, they are angry, they carry them themselves. He takes off his skin from the ox and lets the gypsy bring water, the gypsy cannot lift the full skin, sees the children "piggy" digging, starts digging around the well, says the snake will not wear one at a time the skin, the snake is angry, carries itself. The serpent sends the gypsy for a dry oak tree, who says he would bring 20 at once, brings the snake himself, cooks, the gypsy does not eat lunch, gets angry, tries the last spoon, invites the snake to his mother for dumplings. The serpent eats first, the gypsy puts food in his pants. The snake offers to "spin on the stone", the snake "yak I'm spinning" - fire comes out, the gypsy presses the dumplings - water is pouring, the snake builds a gypsy hut on the outskirts, wants to burn it with his mother, the gypsy hears their conversation, hides, then extinguishes the fire and sits in a burnt down hut with a barrel of water, tells the snake that he has taken a good steam bath, the snake wants to visit the gypsy. His children run towards the gypsy, he tells the snake that it was the devils who came for his soul, the snake runs away, leaves the stroller and money]: Manzhura 2003:105-106.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars: Kondaraki 1875, No. 5 [Mezula is a lazy and coward; his wife threatens to leave him; M. went on a journey; the shepherd complains that every three-headed monster coming from the clouds the day eats one shepherd and a thousand sheep; M. buried sheep intestines and milk, took hard cheese; offers the monster to squeeze water from the stone, the intestines out of the ground; the monster asks for mercy; tells him to catch a wild goat; M. hid in the hollow, the deer accidentally got entangled in the branches, the monster believes that M. caught him and hung him; asked for firewood; M. entangles the trees to bring the whole forest at once; the monster brought M. to his mother ; M. overheard them agree to overturn a 4-bucket of boiling water on him at night; M. lay down on a high shelf and in the morning said that the insects were biting; the old woman advises the monster to play with M. father's golden young; M.: I've already thrown it into the sky alone, now it's burning with a star; the monster gave me gold and agreed to bring it home himself; M.: wait: I'll tie my wife and children, or they'll eat you; the monster disappeared beyond the sky]: 46-52; Mirer 1940 [Ahmet-Achay Ozenbashsky was afraid of a mouse, his wife swears; but killed 40 flies with one blow; went to look for work; Kosh has one shepherd crying (7-headed deva with goat feet with a horse's tail will eat it today), the second laughs (eats tomorrow), the third dances (eats the day after tomorrow); AA: I am hero Ayu, son of Buke-Bugai, who keeps the ground on his copper horn; buried a ram's skin with a roll, a head with a beard and legs separately; suggests a deva 1) to hit the ground for the katyk to go, 2) for her legs to jump out, 3) a beard pops out; dev called for a visit, carried it to the mountain; whose stone core will fly higher; AA: I'll throw 7 cores with the gun, it'll stay at the top; dev: no need, the gun is expensive; deva's mother advises letting AA raise the deva's father's iron stool; AA: throw it on moon or sun? deva's mother: no need, the lights will fade; asks for water in a 40-bucket vessel; AA begins to dig in a well; dev takes AA home to Ozenbashi, gives you three bags of gold; why are you so light? AA: I keep my strength in the air; dev: show strength; AA stabs it with an awl; dev: better in the air; AA tied his three children with a rotten rope, tells them to shout "eat" and his wife "have lunch with a deva"; dev runs away; fox leads him back; AA fox: that's when I caught you; dev killed the fox, ran away]: 226-236; Stavropol Turkmens [when I got to the divas, Jesus the hero (Ica-Behlewan), with the help of various tricks - pulling out trees in the forest, devouring an entire calf, squeezing brains out of the ground (jer meillici), extracting the earth's stomach and intestines, digging an entire well of water - misleads divas about their strength ; the divas could not kill I. with boiling water or a hammer and decided to get rid of him, giving him a bag of gold and letting him go home; the hero pretended to throw a heavy bag right from the forest into his house, but to him offered to go on the diva's back; this diva was surprised at the hero's lightness, but begged "not to impose weights", as soon as the hero began to poke his back with an awl; having taught his wife to intimidate the diva, when he arrived at the house, I. turned him to flight; the fox wanted to help the diva, but she also died from the hero's cunning]: Samoilovich 1914, No. 16:; Kalmyks: Dzhimbinov 1962 [grandfather in a quarter, beard in Four-quarters buried the goat's brain, asked seven Musas to bet: who would get to the earth's brain; the Muses admit defeat, invite them for gold; they gave them an iron tourniquet, sent them for firewood; the old man begins to tie all the trees to supposedly bring everything at once; begins to dig in a well to bring it whole; when the meat is ready, he sends mousse for salt, throws the meat into the river, says that everything ate; the same with soup; at night the old man covers a stone with his fur coat, the Musa tries to stab this place with daggers, in the morning the old man says that the lice have bitten; negotiates with his wife to say as if There are no supplies, but he will advise you to take Musa's giblets; my husband came, heard, started running; the fox leads Musa back with his tails; old man: my beloved yellow son is leading Musa to death; the mousse killed the fox; the same with the wolf (gray son); the old man made fur coats out of wolf and fox skins]: 57-60; Bessonov 1941, No. 58 [Dyurmyan went to put his snare on black grouse; his black grouse was taken away by pyariy; suggests squeezing oil out of the stone; crushed the stone, but the oil did not appear, and D. crushed the egg; the pyarius offered to catch birds, D. took out the magpie he had caught earlier; M. said he slept in the form of brushwood, and the pyarius, which was from his mouth and nose fire comes out; D. covered the brushwood with his caftan, D. threw a stone at him; when he saw D. in the morning, the pyarius was frightened and gave gold; D. ordered him to take the gold home; agreed with his wife; wife: no meat, only his head big diva and little chest; pyariy ran away, the fox leads back; D.: fox friend, this pyariy almost ran away from me; pyariy killed the fox, D. got rich]: 283-285; Adygs: Andreev-Krivich 1957 [three brothers consistently go to shepherds to the frost; work until the first cuckoo; if the worker is angry, he will cut three belts from his back; if he gets angry, he will give the bull; the elder brother went; the other tells him to find a bench neither wooden, stone, nor clay; while he was looking, he ate a goat; the worker became angry, the other tore off his skin; the same with his middle brother; younger Kuytsuk sat on his hat, ate more than a bunch; torments bison with work, they complain to frost; hoarder planted his one-eyed mother on a tree to cook, K. knocked her down with a stake; killed a frog's wife with an ax; killed bison; stabbed all the rams (they are all they threw their heads); says he wants to kill the frost; he ran away; fox: stop, K. is weak; K.: fox, persuade him to stop; the other man ran away, took all the good K.]: 321-327; Kerashev 1957 [Bald sees on the other side of the river is a giant; tells him to be carried across the river; giant: whoever is stronger will carry the other; crushed a stone, squeezed water out of the other; Bald shows a handful of flour, squeezes water from a piece cheese; ate cheese, but the giant could not eat the stone; the giant carries Bald, intending to drown it, he stabs it with an awl, the giant quickly crosses the river with him, brings giants into the house; Bald hid his a share of meat, the giants think they have eaten; at night, giants throw stones at the Kunatskaya, Bald waits in the attic, says that the Kunatskaya has been filled with hail; the giants offer a competition in running, Bald lets in his younger brother, a hare; offers to fight with his older brother, the bear; the giants pour boiling water into the kunatskaya, Bald waited in the attic, said it was raining; the giants agreed to take it Bald to his house, to give treasures; he persuaded his mother to say that there was nothing to feed the guests: there were only bones left from the former gnawed giants; the giants ran away, the fox led them back; Bald: thank you, but the ones I lent you were fatter; giants kill a fox, run away]: 248-254 (=Maksimov, Kerashev 1953:168-176); Kabardian people [the old woman has three dwarf sons; the first is hired by a giant; he tells him to bring something to sit on from the yard, but that the thing is not made of stone, wood or earth; the worker hesitates, does not know what to do, the giant alone ate lunch, and then the worker; the same with the second brother; the third brings an iron rod, quietly dumps the meat into the hole, says that he would like to eat the giant as well; the giant and his wife agree to throw a stone on the worker at night; he puts instead a bunch of reeds, says in the morning that the pebble tickled him; the giant put the promised payment in the chest and carried the dwarf home; he sat on the chest himself; the giant bent over the pear tree, and when he let go, the dwarf flew over it and fell on the fox; says that he flew over and caught the prey; ran ahead, agreed with his mother; they discuss what to feed the guest - giant meat; when he heard this, the giant ran away]: Lopatinsky 1891a: 137-141; Abazins [the fox takes food from the shepherd Kabizhchikun each time; he sees a giant (Ainizh) on the other side of the river; pretends to squeeze water out of the stone (a piece of cheese), rubs the stone into dust (a handful of flour); the giant carries it across the river, wonders that it is light; to show that it is actually heavy, K. sticks an awl into the giant; brings it to himself; K. pretends that eats a few bulls (throws meat into a hole), begins to tie the forest trees with a rope when he is sent for firewood; digs a ditch from the river when sent for water; leaves a stone under the burka, when the giants agree to pour boiling water over it ("it rained warmly at night"); throw stones ("thunder rattled all night"); the giants send K. home, he demands gold, refuses to carry so little himself, the giants bring it; K. negotiates with his wife, let him say "how much giant meat to take"; Ainizh hears, runs away, the fox drags him back; K.: thank you fox for returning this Ainizh; Ainizh killed the fox, ran away]: Tugov 1985, No. 98:288-295; Balkarians: Baranov 1897, No. 2 [wives put the cowardly husband out the door; when he found out that the fox was running, he fainted; when he regained consciousness, the husband decided to show that he was not a coward; meets emegen, who sewed up cracks in the ground, invites him to go to extract wealth; emegen wants to compare their strengths, throws a rock far away; a man squeezes juice from a piece of cheese, emegen believes it stone; man squeezes ayran out of a buried wineskin, emegen cannot squeeze water out of the ground; emegen leads a man to his cave; a person says he has vowed to eat little, otherwise there would be a ram for him not enough; emegen poured a bag of gold to a person; man: according to our custom, the giver must carry the gift himself; a person runs up to the house before emegen; wives are taught to shout from afar to cook a kebab from emegen meat; emegen runs away in horror; the fox assures that the man is a coward, offers to contact with his tails; wives are taught to thank the fox for bringing emegen; emegen killed the fox, ran away, gold got person]: 13-18; Kapiyeva 1991 [The cowardly cunning man decided to leave home to earn respect; took a wineskin with ayran and cheese; invites emegen to squeeze oil out of the ground; stepped on a buried wineskin; crush the stone - the cheese presses; tells the emegen to bend the apple, catches on the branch, the apple tree has straightened; says he has climbed to support the rock; the emegens ask for water, he pretends to be going bring the river; got a chest of jewelry, emegen carries it; the man taught his wife how to answer; emegen hears: now I'm finishing emegen's thigh; emegen ran away; the fox leads him back, he holds her tail; cunning: why are you leading so thin? emegen killed the fox, all the emegenes are gone]: 114-116; Malkonduev 2017 [the miller has 5-6 rams; he does not cut them, saves paying dowry for his wife; the fox comes to visit every day; insists that everyone miller once he slaughtered a ram for her, promises to marry her; she comes to the khan, praises the groom for his daughter; promises to bring the groom with a huge dowry; told him to climb into the river, and she set fire to the bridge herself; said to the khan, that the bridge collapsed, people drowned, good was gone, only the groom himself was saved; the khan sent the best clothes; the groom still looks around his clothes; the fox explains to the bride that he was better, so he sent him shy; the fox told the people accompanying the groom to his house to make noise and shoot; ran to the giants: the army is coming, you will be killed; the giants ran away, the fox stayed with the young; then came to the giants and said that a cowardly miller lived in their house, whose sheep she ate; the main giant went, afraid; the fox told her to hold her tail; the man agreed with his wife; told him to carry an ax and a knife; the fox: lead him rather, it's been a long time since giants were slaughtered; the giant smeared the fox on the ground, ran away; the giants left and are still going]: 561-564; Karachays or Balkarians [the boy takes cheese and wineskin with ayran; suggests that emegen squeeze oil out of the ground (presses the wineskin) and squeeze water out of the stone (presses cheese); emegen promises to do his will; the boy tells him to be transferred across the river, he brings it to the emegenes; they they ask for a huge wineskin of water; the boy inflates his wineskin, releases air at the cave; at this time it rained; the emegens believe that the boy brought all this water; at night, emegenes pour boiling water over Kunatskaya , throw stones from above; the boy is unharmed under (magic?) burka; the boy demands gold, tells emegen to drag it; after agreeing with her son, the boy's mother says loudly that she will fry the guest's leg with emegen; frightened emegenes have left the valley]: Aliyeva, Kholaev 1983:68-71 ; Ossetians: Dzagurov 1973, No. 24 [poor Tsupara has 7 chickens; a fox comes to live with him, asks not to be afraid for chickens; promises to marry Aldar's daughter; Aldar asks dowry: a hundred pieces from each breed of animals; in The fox shouts to the forest that war is coming, let the animals run after it, hide in a hole that she points; gathers the animals to Aldar's stable; painted C.'s rags with flowers, from a distance it seems that the clothes shine; on the bridge, he pushes him into the water, asks Aldar to send new clothes to his son-in-law; at the house, Aldar C. looks around himself, the fox explains that the groom's own clothes were better; when the young went home, the fox resorts to seven Waigs, says that troops are coming, asking permission to hide under the straw; the Waigi are hiding themselves, the fox has set fire to the straw, the Waigi have burned down; the fox drives their mother away, the young settle in them palace; the fox asks C. now to marry the bride for her as well; C. refuses - he has no money for this; the fox tells the Waig mother that a bad man has settled in her palace; the Waig mother does not believe; the fox offers to put a rope around her neck, leads to C.; that fox: I told you to bring a male, not a female; the Waig mother hit the fox on the ground and ran away], 47 [the husband became lazy, stopped leaving the house; wife put the soup outside, and when her husband left, locked the door; he asked for a bag of ash, cheese and an awl; sees how on the other side of the Waig River you put stones in your mouth and spit out dust; the man put son, blew out ash; squeezed another piece of cheese - water flowed; told Waig to carry it across the river; what, light? my weight is tied to me with iron chains; Waig asks me to let go a little; the man stabs him with an awl, the waig tells me to lift the weight back; at night, the Waigi cut down the deck on which the person was supposed to sleep, but he was supposed to sleep in advance lay down in another place; the same when they threw stones on the roof and collapsed it; the Waig carried the treasure into the man's house; the fox led him back; the fox man: I told him to bring the ram, and you lead the goat again; Waig grabbed the fox by the tail and killed it; the man made a collar out of skin]: 51-53, 193-196; Christensen 1921, No. 8 []: 25-35; Chechens [Prince Bigaldi went broke; the fox offers him to marry the prince's daughter; asks the prince for a measure, catches mice with it, and before returning it, he leaves a silver coin in it: B.'s birds are thrown not with stones, but with silver; next time he leaves a ruble: B.'s stove is heated with money; on the way to the prince, the fox pushes B. into the river, calls for help - that's why B. is naked; at the feast he tells you not to climb into the plate with his hands - I'll feed you myself, I'll say that I've been used to it since childhood; B. examines the palace - He seems lower than mine; on the way back, the fox is in front, then the young, then the prince's men; the fox tells the shepherds of sheep, camels, horses that Gur-Gur is riding; the Sarmak (dragon) lies around the golden palace; fox: save yourself, jump to the mountains; Sarmak jumped, hit a rock, knocked out his eye; the young live in the palace, the fox wants to test B.'s loyalty, pretends to be dead; B. tells you to throw the smelly fox on the dung a bunch; the fox brings Sarmak; B.: did you talk about this with one eye? I'll bring mine now; Sarmak killed a fox, ran away]: Malsagov 1983, No. 49:190-194; Avars [young Rakukirsh ("rummaging through the ash") is idle; the mother said they were giving out sweets outside the door, and locked it there is a door behind him; he asked for a bag of ash, an awl and a head of cottage cheese; came to the river, on the opposite bank of the sledge; R. made a hole in the bag with an awl, a stream of ash reached for him; the sledge was surprised, offered squeeze water out of the stone; R. squeezed out of cottage cheese; R. suggested that the sledge carry it across the river; he is surprised that R. is light; R.: I'm holding on to the sky; sledge: let go; R. plunged an awl into the sledge, he screamed - let R . holds on to the sky again; the sledge asks R. to turn the bread in the pan, she falls, R. stays under it; explains that his stomach is sick, he begins to warm it; digs a barrel of wine dug into the ground, saying that it makes no sense to walk with a ladle; one sledge sneezed, R. flew to the ceiling beam; says to the sledge: how dare you sneeze in my presence, I'll hit you with a rod (points to the beam); the sledges are scared, gone; the fox tells the first sledge that R. is an insignificant man; he agreed to return with his fox tied to his belt; R.: liar, you should have brought all nine sledges, not one; the sledge ran away, dragging by the a fox; R. and her mother settled in his house]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 74:600-602; Kyurins [the fox steals pears from the pear king's garden; is trapped; asks not to kill, promises to marry Lalinsky's daughter king; borrowed the measure, left a coin in the crack; the king agrees to give her daughter; the fox says that when crossing the river, the groom lost everything; at the feast explains that the groom therefore looks around the new dress, that his own was better; on the way to the groom's house, he told him to tie thorns to the tails of animals; tells the divas that an army is coming - dust is visible; one diva hid in the forest, and 6 in an adobe; the fox set him on fire, The divas burned down; one day the fox fell ill, the young wife took her by the tail and threw her into the yard; she promises to avenge her ingratitude; she went to bring the diva out of the forest; he is afraid of deception, tells the fox agreed to contact him with a chain; king of pears: why only one diva out of seven? the diva ran, the fox died, his mouth was grinned; the diva first thought she was laughing; the king of pears healed happily]: Lionidze, Sultanov 1892, No. 1:165-167; aguly [the miller fed the hungry fox, and she responded decided to thank him; went to the king twice and asked for a measure to measure gold; each time a gold coin remained in the measure; the king decided that the fox served a rich man; the fox married the miller the king's daughter; when the king invited the miller to his place, she asked the king for clothes for him on the pretext that the groom's clothes were soaked in the rain; after the wedding, the fox told Azhdakha that an army was coming to kill him; Azhdaha ran away, a miller and his wife settled in his house; when the fox came again, the miller asked his wife to drive her out; the fox persuaded Azhdaha to drive the miller out of the house; they joined with a rope, and when Azhdaha frightened the miller and ran into the forest, the fox died]: Maysak 2014, No. M29:477; Azerbaijanis: Nabiev 1988:243-246 [the donkey ran away from the evil owner; the fox promised to help him if he lured him out of the village chickens; a lion appears, a donkey roars, the fox explains that he is the angry king of underground animals, and he, the fox, is his guide; the lion pulls out a donkey that has fallen into the river; he replies that he is trembling with anger: why did the lion prevent him to swim; the hare tells the lion that the fox and the donkey are deceiving him; the fox to the lion: my servant brought you, your life is over; the hare ran away; thinking that next time the hare can bring the wolf, fox and donkey broke up], 249-250 [the son advises his father not to be afraid of the lion, but to pretend to hunt him himself; the old man asked the lion to squeeze the stone, and he squeezes an egg with the stone; the lion believes that he squeezed the juice from stone; the lion sees that the old man cannot pull out a tree; he replies that he specially checked the lion and now he will hunt the lion; the fox explains to the lion that the old man is deceiving him, leads to the old man; he asks why the fox leads such a skinny lion; the lion runs away]; Georgians [the lazy man does nothing but blow ash, nicknamed Zoloduv; on Easter, his daughter-in-law did not let him into the house; he left, taking from her a bag of ash, an awl and cheese; when he saw a deva across the river, he pierced the bag, the ash rose in a cloud, the devil was frightened; Z. invited the deva to squeeze water out of the stone, squeezed it out of the piece of cheese himself; ordered the deva to carry himself through river; dev is surprised that Z. is light, he replies that he is holding on to the sky; dev asks to let go of the sky, Z. stabs him with an awl, dev asks him to hold on to the sky again; in the house, Deva Z. knocked over a stone frying pan, told the devas that his stomach was warming, let them remove the frying pan now; the devas sent Z. to the yard for wine, he could not pick up the scoop, he pretends to bring the whole vat; one dev sneezed, Z. flew to the ceiling, grabbed the beam: how dare you sneeze in front of me, I'll take this whip and hit it; the devas ran away in horror, the fox says that this Z. ruined his chicken coop, leads the deva back, he fear tied himself to her with a rope; Z.: you drag one deva, but promised 12; dev ran away, dragged him, crippled the fox]: Kurdovanidze 1988 (2), No. 128:251-253; Megrelia [father-in-law does nothing, He is sitting by the hearth, his daughters-in-law kicked him out of the house; he asked for a vessel of flour, an egg, an awl; on the other side of the Demi River; he crushes the stone into dust; the man first broke a jug of flour, then crushed an egg; Demi is amazed at his strength, agrees to carry him across the river; asks why he is so light; man: holding the sky with one hand; stabs Demi's awl - it's him supposedly lying on him with all the weight; demi asks you to hold on to the sky again; demi: I will chase animals at you; the man was scared, picked up a dead bird; says that Demi drove the animals wrong; he would easily kill them, even if a bird was in flight grabbed his wing; Demi offers food, the man slowly dumps meat, millet and pours wine into the river; the wolf and the jackal tell Demi that his guest did not eat anything, but threw the meat into the river, they are his picked up; 10 wolves and jackals went along with Demi; man: you owe me more than 10; wolves and jackals thought Demi deceived them to give them to a man and tore him apart]: Wardrobe 1894, No. 5:129-132; ( cf. talyshi [mother left the cowardly son alone in the field; he went on a journey, picked up an egg and horsehair; met a deva; he clenched the stone so that water flowed; the young man crushed the egg; dev pulled his hair out from under his arm, the young man showed his horsehair; the dev ran away in horror, the young man returned home; the fox told the deva that the young man had deceived him; led him, tied with a rope; invited the young man to kill the deva ; the young man came out with a gun, the dev ran away, breaking the rope]: Lopatinsky 1894:21-22); Turks [cowardly Lust Back is afraid to leave the house; his wife pushed him out; he went into the forest, came across 40 beds, left a stick with the inscription: I kill 40 with one blow, went to bed; the devas came, believed; UN says that he fought against the strongmen of the Moscow king, threw one into the air, he still did not fall, now I'm looking for him; the devas put him in their place, feed him and water him; he overheard that the devas were going to kill him, put a block of wood in their place; they put axes into the block, and in the morning UN complained that the mice were rustling; the same the next night, the devas threw a millstone on the bed; UN: the genies rolled the millstone at night, I want to throw it up the mountain; the devas gave him a bag of gold, sent him home, one of the devas drags the bag; on the opposite ways Satan tells deva that UN is a coward; they come back; UN to his wife: Shaitan kept his word, drags the deva, whom I will now cut off his head; dev killed Shaitan, gold remains with UN and his wife]: Stebleva 1986, No. 32:128 -130; Kurds: Jalil et al. 1989, No. 180 [the donkey left the owner, found a good valley; when he saw a lion, he roared and said that he was Levoed; offers the lion to drive eagles at him; one sick eagle accidentally fell next to the donkey; the donkey gave it to the lion, the lion decided that he was hunting in the air; both went swimming, the donkey almost drowned, but shook the fish out of his ears and gave it to the lion; the lion thought that the donkey was also a hunter in the water; the fox told the lion that the donkey had deceived him, offered to tie his tails and lead him; the donkey roared, the lion rushed to run, dragging the fox with him until it died]: 489-490; Farizov, Rudenko 1959 [Kezerkanun was afraid of the fox; to lure him out of the house, his wife told her son to throw pies from the roof, sent K. to pick him up and locked the door; K. asked for a bag of flour and an awl, went on a journey; came to house 7 Devas, called himself a hero; having buried an egg, offered to test his strength - who stomps so that yellow clay splashes from under his heel; going for firewood, he pretends to tie all the trees in the forest with a rope, to bring it at once; inflating his wineskin, pretends to fill it with water from the river and immediately drinks (the devas are afraid that he will drink their river); K. overheard that they want to hack him with an ax, put it in his place a block on the bed, complains of insect bites in the morning; devas give K. treasures, carry them to his house; dev is surprised that K. is light; K.: I don't want to fall all the weight; dev: try; K. pierces An awl in the back of the deva, he asks not to fall down anymore; at home, K. loudly asks his wife to let the mace deal with the devil, who runs away; the fox says that K. is afraid of her, ties the devil with a rope and leads him back ; K.: holds the deva, I will help now; dev runs, dragging the fox, she died]: 73-78; (cf. talyshi [mother left the cowardly son alone in the field; he went on a journey, picked up an egg and horsehair; met a deva; he clenched the stone so that water flowed; the young man crushed the egg; dev pulled his hair out from under his arm, the young man showed his horsehair; the dev ran away in horror, the young man returned home; the fox told the deva that the young man had deceived him; led him, tied with a rope; invited the young man to kill the deva ; the young man came out with a gun, the dev ran away, breaking the rope]: Bayramalibekov 1894:21-22).
Iran - Central Asia. Persians: Aliyeva et al. 1958 [the lion saw a donkey for the first time, was frightened; the donkey says that he himself is a hunter lion, takes a lion as a servant; he drives a fly off him, pulls him out of the swamp; every time he settles pretends to be dissatisfied, promises to punish the lion; he runs away, meets a fox; she leads him back: donkey is your food; donkey: thank you fox for leading the runaway servant, I will tear out his heart and liver; lion killed a fox, ran away]: 470-474; Osmanov 1987 []: 217-221; Romaskevich 1934a, No. 70 []: 387-394; Baluchi: Zarubin 1949, No. 7 [the old man walked, picked up 4 eggs, a pheasant, a rope; buzlangi wants to swallow it, the old man offers to bet; the buzlangi crushed the stone in his hand into powder, the old man clenched his eggs, the buzlangi believes that he squeezed water out of the stone; the buzlangi took his hair out of his bosom and threw it at the old man; the old man threw a rope at him; the buzlangi took out and threw the louse, the old man released the pheasant; the buzlangi invites the old man to eat meat from the cauldron; the old man warns that if he does not like it, he will eat; ate, and then said he didn't like it; in the buzlanga's house, the old man went to bed; put the deck in his place, lay down elsewhere; at night he hit the buzlangi three times with a club, not knowing that he was hitting the deck; old man in the morning: I asked so that you can take me to a place where a louse does not bite - bite three times; buzlangi blow the winds, lift the old man up, hit the walls; he said he closes holes in the walls so that the buzlangi do not run away; the buzlangi set off run; the fox leads him back, wants to make friends with them; old man: I demand 40 buzlangas from your father, and you only lead one thing; the buzlangi hit the fox to the ground; the old man moved his whole house {where?} and became king]: 61-64; Dames 1892, No. 5 [the tiger wants to eat the ploughman; he asks for permission to harvest first; the peasant's wife changes into men's clothes, shouts in a rude voice: the king sent to hunt tigers, did you see any tracks? tiger: who is this? peasant: king's vizier; tiger: hide me; wife: what's under the covers? peasant: burn a piece of wood for coal; wife: cut off a piece of it for me; tiger: cut off my ear; wife: cut off more; tiger: and second; what pieces, bigger; peasant cut off the tiger's tail; wife: must cut off half; the tiger runs away; the jackal: there is no vizier and no army, let's tie with a rope, let's go back; wife: promised to bring 14 tigers, but you're leading one crazy and tailless; the tiger ran away, dragging the jackal, he died]: 522-524 (=Porozhnyakov 1989:86-88); Pashtuns [foxes and their family come to where the tiger lives; the monkey in the service of the tiger tells him that the fox claims this place; the tiger doubts; when the tiger comes up, the fox tells his wife to make the children cry: they want fresh tiger meat; the tiger ran away; the monkey led him back; the fox: my monkey friend promised to bring the tiger; the tiger killed the monkey]: Lebedev 1972, No. 35:243-244 (=Nikulin 1988:589-591); Turkmens: Kekilov, Kosayev 1962 [Aldarkose went for brushwood; the fox offered to collect firewood for him if he gave her his churek; after receiving a churek, she ran away; after the fox, A. picked up a pheasant, pheasant eggs, a turtle, a dead donkey's tail; came across devas; they suggest comparing lice, A. shows a turtle; fleas releases a pheasant; hair - donkey tail; squeeze oil out of the ground - tramples on pre-buried pheasant eggs; the devas offered him food, left the cauldron with meat; A. ate, threw the rest of the meat into the hole, said that he was still hungry; A. put his fur coat on the bush, but he hid himself; the devas threw stones at his fur coat, A. was unharmed; he was sent for firewood, given an ax (which he could not lift); A.: I collect firewood without an ax; began to tie trees to pull out all at once, the devas ask not to do this; at night, the devas poured a pot of boiling water on A.'s fur coat; A.: it rained warmly at night; the devas rushed to A., (the wind lifted him from their nostrils to the ceiling of the cave; A.: I think whoever of you would break your anger; dev raised A., his eyes are bulging: I see where to throw; one dev carried A. and the hum of gold that the devas gave him; wonders how easy man is; A.: I hold on for heaven; dev: let go of the sky; A. stuck an awl in the back of his head; wife at home: there were only devas heads left for lunch, which one should I serve, black or white? the devas rushed to run; the fox led them back, offered to tie them with a rope so they wouldn't be afraid; A.: why are you leading only two devas, your father owed me 40; the devas ran again, dragging the fox, it was torn apart to shreds]: 88-93; Stebleva 1969 [Aldarkose (Bezborody) went to look for a job, met a deva; he said that if A. hadn't greeted him, he would eat him; wanted to fight; A. offered to squeeze him out of the water handfuls of sand; A. squeezes an egg along with the sand; dev takes him to his house, wants to kill him at night by throwing a piece of rock at him; A. puts something in an empty bed for himself, thanks him in the morning for Dev covered him with something from the cold at night; Dev is afraid ready to give A. a jug of gold, A. says that the guest must carry his gift himself; at home he agrees with his wife to say: we are the old devas already eaten, it's good that you brought a new one; dev ran away; the fox explains that A. is weak, undertakes to go with Dev together, let him put a rope around her neck so she can't run away; A. screams that the fox's father owes him three devas, and they lead only one; dev ran, dragging a fox; parts of her body were left in water, fire, on every blade of grass]: 36 (=Fur Fair 1980:12-18); Uzbeks: Rogov 1980 [people they ask Aldar Kusa to protect them from divas; he went to his married sister, took a bottle of sour milk with him, picked up a rope, a bird's egg, and a turtle along the way; when the divas appeared, AK buried a jar of milk in one place, a rope in another; tells the diva that he is Azrail and came for his soul; suggests measuring strength; 1) knock the brain out of the ground (hits the place where the pot is buried with a stick); 2) squeeze oil out of the stone ( presses an egg); 3) make a rope out of clay (pulls out a buried rope); a diva pulls out a louse the size of a locust, AK shows a turtle; a diva leads AK to him, divas offer to destroy rocks; AK pretends to thinks: if it hits, either the mountain will block the way for the rising sun and the world will fall into darkness; or it will block the way for the setting sun, it remains in the sky and will burn everything; or the way for the cold will close to the wind, everything will go out; either warm, everything will freeze; either the earth will fail, or the sky will fall to the ground; divas ask not to do anything like this; at night AK puts a wooden stupa instead of himself; the divas hit club; in the morning AK says that the flea bit; the divas collected gifts, brought them home AK; AK to his wife: give roast from yesterday's divas; divas run away, meet the mullah, he leads them back; AK: mullah liar, you took I have 10 oil divas, and now you're only driving three! The divas pulled out the mullah's tongue and fled to the desert]: 193-198; Afzalov et al. 1972 (1) [the poor old man brings brushwood to the bazaar, the Fox eats the cakes his wife gives him on the road every time; the old man decides to go on the other road, he reaches 40 genies; the old man says that he is Azrail, has come for their souls; they give him a golden mortar and pestle, the old man pretends to hardly agree; after getting rid of the old man, the genies animals are called to pilaf on the occasion of his father's death; Lisa wonders why now, although his father is long dead; Lisa leads the genies to make sure that it is just a poor old man; the old man shouts to Lisa that he does not need genies to pay for old debts, let them carry money; genies kill Lisa, run away, decide to leave the area altogether]: 70-73; Tajiks: Levin et al. 1981, No. 100 [the deer saw a leopard and realized that he had never seen deer before; he said that his horns were tearing the leopards apart, and when he ate the leopard, a new white spot appeared on his skin; the leopard ran away; the fox explained that the deer was not terrible, told me to go back on horseback; deer: thank you fox for leading the leopard, just in time for lunch; the leopard tore the fox and ran away]: 172; Osmanov 1989 [the old woman sent her bald son herself to get food for himself; he sat down to rest, began to eat cakes, saying "One is gone", "The second is gone", etc.; the divas in the cave think that it is the hero who considers them; they take wealth to the house of Pleshivets , bring him firewood; the fox explains that she steals chickens from the mother of the pleshivets, leads the older diva back, he is afraid, the fox offers to tie her to the diva with a rope; the mother of the pleshivets: promised to bring seven divas, and if you lead one thing, I won't give your daughter for you; the diva runs away, dragging the fox; when free, the fox lies in a haystack of straw: I deserve the worst fate because I took up other people's business]: 384-386; mountain Tajiks [caravan threw the exhausted donkey and camel; the camel asks the donkey not to sing, he sings, the lion comes; the donkey offers to get his brains out of the earth's head, pulls out a hidden pot of sour milk, says he will eat the lion, he runs away; the wolf leads him back, the lion is afraid, the wolf ties himself to him with a rope; the donkey screamed in fear, the lion rushed to run, dragged the wolf, he died]: Semenov 1900:21-22 (=Rosenfeld, Rychkova 1990, No. 34:135-136); Rushans [Afandi took an egg, went to the forest for firewood; the divas are going to eat it; he offers them to squeeze oil out of the sand; they can't, he took an egg and a handful into a fist sand, yolk flowed; the divas brought it to their place, laid it on the suf; A. put a block in his place, climbed the tree himself; the divas cut the block at night; A. in the morning: fleas bit; A. loaded the treasures on took the lame diva to his house; ahead of him, ordered his wife to say: We ate those four divas in front of you, and we ate the leg that was left in the evening; the divas rushed to run, the man stopped him, said that A. beats every day; let them contact and go back to A.; A. man: you have a healthy diva, not a lame one; the diva ran, dragged the man, he fell to pieces]: Sokolova 1959, No. 3:12-14.
Baltoscandia. Latvians [damn scared of human children who supposedly want to eat damn meat]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 1149:342; Lithuanians, Finns, Veps, Karelians, leaders : Uther 2004 (2), No. 1149:50-51
Volga - Perm. Chuvash [the old man knocked down a birch tree, an imp came out from under the stump; the old man tells him that he will carry a tree on his shoulders, that he is not afraid of devils; the devils tell the imp to invite the old man to visit them; for the night they put hot iron for him; he pushed it away, said in the morning that the fleas were biting; in the morning the old man pretends to stay for a long time; the devils give him gold; the old man dug a hole, put a bag in it, in a hole in the hat; the devils think they have poured a hat of gold, and the old man took a full bag; the imp carries the old man home with his gold; the old man sees a millstone: let's grab an old woman's ring; an old woman at home knows what to say: the imp cooked the last rib; the imp ran away, the devils did not bother the old man anymore]: Sidorova 1979:152-155; Marie: Bakulevsky 1973 [at the lake shore, the man began to weave a rope, to climb a linden tree and get honey; hell got out of the lake, asks why the man needs a rope; man: I'll cover the lake with a loop and take it away; hell asks not to do this, runs for advice from his mother; she advises call a man to a running competition; a man rides a horse, overtook the line; damn mother: you have to run through the woods through the vallezhins; the man exposes his younger brother: you have to call him, Agach, Agach! hell calls, the hare jumped out and ran away; damn mother: we have to fight; the man exposes his grandfather, the bear, the hell escaped; damn mother: who will throw the club next; the man is going to throw a club on the cloud hell asks not to do this - a club is needed; who whistles louder; the man shot a gun, the hell fell off the Christmas tree in fear; the damn mother advises to pay off; the man asks for a hat of money, put a hole in his hat into the hole, three pounds of money came out; the man tells him to take him home with all the good things; at home tells his wife to cook dinner; wife: nothing; man: at least from this line; hell ran away]: 72-75; Chetkarev 1948 [old man Miron was fishing, an imp came out of the water; M. says he winds a rope to pull all the devils out of the lake; the imp told his grandfather, who sent him to offer M. to race around the lake; M.: in a bush near my younger brother Ahat - go to him, shout, gasp, gasp, he will run; the imp did not catch up with the hare; M.: who will carry a mare around the lake; the imp hardly picked it up and brought it, and M. rode on horseback; M. pretends to take the money, fill his hat, hole it, fill it, the money filled the kul, the imp carried Kul M. to the house; M. also tells him to take a millstone and a harrow - a spinning rod and a comb for his grandmother; M. agreed with his wife; wife: nothing to cook dinner from; M.: I'll cut off your head and legs of the line; hell ran away]: 168-170; Kazan Tatars: Bashirov, Yarmukhametov 1956 [Gulnazek went hunting, met a diva , said that he was not averse to laying the diva with an arrow; he was frightened, led towards him; at night G. put logs in his place; divas and his wife throw a stone there, in the morning G. complains that cockroaches fell from the ceiling; divas carried gifts to G.'s house; he agreed with his wife - let him say that only the meat of yesterday's diva is left; the diva runs away, the fox leads him back; G.: promised two divas why only one and skinny; the diva killed the fox, G. sold the skin]: 67-71 (=Yarmukhametov 1957:103-105; similar text in Nasyrov, Polyakov 1900, No. 4:34-37); Zamaletdinov 2009, No. 67, 72 [the gypsy suggests that Azhdaha whistle - who is louder; tells you to blindfold, hits with a club; Azhdaha crushed a stone, and a syuzma gypsy squeezed out water; Azhdaha sends a gypsy to catch a wolf, the gypsy pretends to catch 40 wolves, Azhdaha catches one himself; orders to bring an oak tree, a gypsy pretends to bring 40 oaks; to bring water - he digs in a well; did not eat lupus; they came to the gypsy; gypsies: what we will eat; gypsies: ajdaha; ajdaha ran away, three horses went to a gypsy]: 277-280, 294-296; Bashkirs: Barag 1992, No. 9 [Altynbay hit a pile of manure, killed 68 flies, wrote "I am a batyr, I killed 68 souls with one blow"; the du-pyarias called him to their place; gave him lasso bring firewood; A. pretends to bring all the forested mountain; go fetch water; pretends to bring the river; they put gold in his bag, he made a hole, gold filled the hole; dew -Pyariy brought gold to A. home; A. mother: if there is no water, we will spit into the cauldron, we will slaughter the du-pyaria; he ran away], 10 []: 37-39, 39-41; Bessonov 1941, No. 36 [the old woman tells the old man to twist a rope on the lake; the diva comes out of the lake, asks what the old man is doing; the old man: view the rope to drag the lake to his home; the diva brought the mare, put it on his shoulders, carried it around the lake; the old man rode on the mare: carried it between his legs; The diva gave gold for the old man to leave the lake; he carried the gold himself to the old man's house; the old man goes forward, negotiates with his wife; asks her if the meat of the slaughtered diva has already run out; the diva has run away; the fox leads him back; old fox man: thank you, this diva ran away from us, let's slaughter him; the diva killed the fox and ran away], 57 [the hunter met five on the same ski; later the hunter lit a fire, came up again {the same?} pyarius; pyarius: how do you sleep? - In the form of brushwood. - And lights fly out of my mouth and nose; at night, the hunter put brushwood in its place; pyarius threw a huge stone there; in the morning the hunter: at night a bump fell on me; pyarius suggests hang down; his whistle almost made the man unconscious; asks the pyaria to blindfold his eyes and ears; hit his teeth with a club; now threatens to shout; Pyariy gave gold, the hunter told him to carry it; speaks to his the old woman who brought the pyaria; he decided they wanted to eat him ran away]: 202-203, 281-282; Udmurts: Kralina 1960, No. 10 [a man helped Alangasar kill a deer; asks for help to drag an oak tree; sits on a butt , and alangasar drags the whole oak; at home, alangasar tells the man to split the oak into logs; he tells the children of Alangasar to do this; at night he puts a bunch of splints in his place; at midnight this place was burned, in the morning a person says that fleas have bitten; next time they throw millstones at the place where he was supposed to sleep (a shard fell off the shelf); alangasar asks the person to leave, he tells him to give him the skin of gold himself carry; teaches his wife to say loudly: lunch can be cooked from water brisket or alangasar head; alangasar ran away, dogs followed him, he thought they were man's younger brothers], 74 [the snake offers the gypsy measure strength; whistles; the gypsy blindfolded the snake, hits the forehead; the serpent asks to cook the bull, the gypsy ties them by the tails, pretending to pull everyone at once; the snake tells them to bring water, the gypsy pretends to pull everyone at once; the snake tells them to bring water, the gypsy pretends to pull everyone at once is going to bring a well; to bring firewood - connects several trees; they go to visit a gypsy, a serpent in a carriage, a gypsy as a coachman; they hear the rumble of children, explains that they are happy - the father brought food; snakes ran away, the gypsy got the carriage and horses]: 50-52, 222; Wichmann 1901, No. 1 [a little man came out of the lake and asked what Votyak was doing on the shore; he replied that he was weaving a rope to throw it into the water and pull everything out; the water promises gold; the man made a hole in the hat, the water began to pour gold into the hat, there was not enough gold; the waterman suggests throwing an iron bar across the lake; the man pretends If he wanted to throw it on the cloud, the waterman took the bar and threw it back into the water; took a horse out of the lake, dragged it on his back around the lake; the man rode the same way on horseback; went home and told the waterman carry the bag of gold himself; when he sees the millstone, the person says that it is his mother's spindle; the harrow is my mother's comb; the plow is my mother's chopper; the waterman picked it up and carried it all; at the house the man told him to wait he will tie the servants (i.e. dogs); negotiates with the mother; she replies loudly that there is no food, only the head of a big devil and the legs of the little ones; when he heard such an answer, the waterman ran away, tore off the door, and the dogs cut off clothes for him]: 54-55; (cf. Udmurts [Ivan killed 40 flies with a club, called himself Ivan-Nushi ("baton"); he met three heroes in the forest; refuses to drag the cauldron, cutting down a spruce is too insignificant for him; the heroes are afraid stay alone with him, go to buy bread all together; IN eats fat pieces, throws away the rest; the heroes think he ate everything alone; the same again; IN agrees to be given gold and taken home; whoever carries it is surprised that he is light; IN says he is holding his hand to the sky; pretending to be unhooked for a minute, stabs a knife at the hero, he asks the sky not to let go; the fox explains to the heroes that they were afraid in vain, let them take their gold; the fox comes in first, the IN shouts that he will shoot her; the fox rushed to run, the heroes killed her]: Kralina 1960, No. 73:219-222).
Turkestan. Kazakhs: Bosingen 1985:55-57 [The donkey invites the camel to pretend to be exhausted when the owner is lucky to put their luggage on them; both fall to the ground, but the camel could not stand the beatings and got up; the owner loaded a donkey on him and drove on; the donkey went, met the tiger, screamed, the tiger ran in fear; the wolf told him it was just a donkey; tied one end of the lasso around the tiger's neck and the other - at his own, took him to the donkey; he yelled again, the tiger fled, tearing off the wolf's head; the donkey pretended to be dead, the magpie came down, he held it between his knees, beat her tail; she flew to the tiger, that completely frightened; the donkey still lives on the lawn], 163-164 [the lion padishah's vizier is a monkey; in his absence he performs his functions, but no one is afraid of it; the fox says that the earth is his; it is approaching lion, fox says to his wife: why do children cry; wife: they want a lion meat kuyrdak; the lion is afraid, leaves; the monkey leads him again; the fox and his wife repeat the previous conversation, the fox adds: now my friend- the monkey will bring a lion; the lion tore the monkey and ran away]; Nasyrov, Polyakov 1900 ["Collection of materials for statistics in the Syr-Darya region, vol. 6, Tashkent, part 2, p. 107"; the poor old man offers a wonder compete; knock the brain out of the ground (buried a jug of milk, stomped); compare the size of lice (pulled a turtle out of his sinus); uproot trees (if it vomits and throws it up, the sun, divas, will also destroy asks not to do this); the diva brought the old man to his home; the old man overheard the conversation between the diva and his wife, lay down elsewhere; at night the diva cut with a sword, in the morning the old man says that the fleas bit; the diva gives gold, the old man tells him to carry it to his house himself; teaches his wife to ask whether to cook the old diva's brisket or the head of it; the diva runs away, the fox leads back - she gives out the old man's goat and then is not afraid; the old man fox: are you leading a diva about your parents' old debt? the diva ran, hit the fox on the ground, killed]: 92-93; Potanin 1916, No. 39 [the fox lay down on the road, pretended to be dead, the old man was carrying fish, picked up the fox, she ate the fish and ran away; the old woman beat the old man; dhow goes, pulls trees; the old woman told the old man to tell dhow he was looking for a rival; buried his fish intestines; the old man suggested: whoever removes the earth's brain is stronger; dhow stamped - nothing, old man - buried intestines came out , dhow recognized him as the strongest; goes to visit the old man; the old woman teaches the old man what to say; the old woman: give nothing to the guest; the old man: cook the head of the first dow or the chest of the last, or the dhow itself; dhow ran away]: 143-144; Sidelnikov 1971 (1) [old Kanbak ("tumbleweed") decided to move to a new place; left his property, the wind carried it to the mountains; the giant hits each other mountains; threw a huge stone; K .: I'm afraid to throw: the sky may turn over or the earth split; the giant tells not to throw; K. suggests gutting the belly of the earth; drowned where he buried the fish demand; the giant recognized the power of K., K. called visit him; negotiates with his wife; three giants come; K. wife: cook one's head, another's brisket, and our friend can be fried; the fox leads the giant back; K.: your father owed me, and yours grandfather, do you want to pay off with one giant; a giant killed a fox]: 129-132; 1971 (3) [=Potanin 1916, No. 55:172-173; Bayashal suggests not to fight, but to pull out trees; dyau could not; B.: I can pull it out, but then I'll knock out the sun or moon's eyes with a tree; dyau asks not to do this, suggests squeezing water out of the stone; B. clenched the egg; B.: who will squeeze the intestines out of the ground? buried lamb's intestines in advance, dyau is amazed, gives gold; B. tells him to bring gold himself, agreed with his wife, invites her to cook yesterday's head and the brisket the day before yesterday; fox diau: hold on my tail and went back; B.: thank you fox for leading diau; dyau killed a fox and ran away]: 37-40; Sidelnikov 1964 [Kurai grandfather is fishing; every time he sees a fox; swat a hundred mosquitoes, decided that he is daring, he went on a journey; found and buried duck eggs; says to a one-eyed giant he met that he killed a hundred with one blow; offered to knock the brain out of the ground; stomped where the eggs were buried; the giant brings it to his yurt, it is the size of a mountain; K. refuses to eat (just ate 10 bulls); offers to bring the entire water well at once; puts a stupa in its place at night; the giant hits with an ax; in the morning K.: fleas did not let you sleep; K. brings the giant to his house; wife: nothing to feed; K. I left you 7 one-eyed giants; the giant ran away, the fox leads him back, K.: thank you for brought it; the giant killed the fox; K. began to skin it, could not turn it over on the other side]: 112-117; Karakalpaks (Takhtakupyr district) [the old man caught two scavengers; met a fox, was frightened, threw the catch; pulled out a hair from the goat, said that he was now "a lion of men"; saw a diva fishing with a fishing rod, offered to fight; he agreed, told him to hold the fishing rod; the old man shouted like a fishing rod there was some trouble; the diva checked, saw only the bait; the situation repeated; the diva said that the trouble must be an old man; promised to bring him a piece of gold; the old man went on, met the diva, who was pounding two trees against each other; offered to fight; he said: "Whoever of us moves (raises) this tree will be stronger," then pulled out the tree; the old man warned: "Be careful with by the mouth of the moon, beware of the eyes of the sun"; the diva did not understand, the old man explained: "If I don't tell you so, the moon will swallow you and take you away (raise) the sun"; the diva asked to save him and promised a piece in return gold; the old man went on, ran into another diva; said he was extracting oil from the ground; the diva offered to do it together; began to crush a handful of earth - oil did not appear; the old man took a handful of eggs sparrow, pressed, eggs broke, oil appeared; the diva called him a terrible man, promised to bring a piece of gold; when three divas came to the old man, he told his wife to prepare the head of the main diva, the chest an average diva and, if the pot was not yet full, cook the blind diva; the divas jumped up and ran away; met a fox; she said that she had taken the old man's fish and told her to take her to him; the divas did not believe her; the fox told them to hold on to her tail and go with her; when they approached the old man's house, he said, "Hey fox, your father doesn't have three divas, but nine divas, you won't get off with three of your own divas"; the divas scolded the fox and grabbed it and dragged it; then hit the ground so much that it died; the old man was happy]: Baskakov 1951:31-33; Kyrgyz: Brudny 1954 [Macmuth herds goats, the giant wants to take them away; they agree that everyone should knock down the mountain; the giant will knock down; M.: my mountain is in the center of the world, it cannot be touched; the same is to break down trees; M.: my poplar is the padishah of trees, if break, all the trees will fail; they agreed to drown so as to break through the ground; M. buried a bag of sour milk; said that he had knocked out the earth's brain; the giant invited M. to his place; at night M. put it on his the place is a block, the giant hit him with a club; in the morning M.: at night the mosquito bit; M. agreed with his wife, called the giant to visit; tells his wife to cook the brisket of two other giants; the giant ran away; the wolf and the fox lead him back; M.: thank you for leading the fugitive; the giant killed the wolf and the fox; the giant jumped off a cliff in shame and crashed]: 65-68 (=Ledenev 1987:48-52); Brudny, Eshmambetov 1981 [the tiger is afraid of the donkey's roar, that says that he is batyr Mankan; the tiger offers him to drive the deer out of the forest; the deer are afraid of the donkey's roar, ran, the tiger is full; now the tiger is chasing animals, the donkey chases the hare, scratched; he has become the magpie pecked, the donkey crushed it; told the tiger that he did not like animal meat, preferred poultry meat; the tiger tried to catch the birds on his own, could not, respected the donkey; both decided to jump across the river, the donkey fell into the water; explained that he saw fish drown, wanted to save them; wolves tell the tiger not to be afraid of a donkey; donkey: thank you wolves, you owe me three tigers, this one must be due to debt; the tiger killed wolves ran away]: 181-182; Kyrgyz [an old man is fishing; a huge hero comes up, offers to fight; old man: I can accidentally kill you, it's better to pull trees out of the ground; the hero cannot pull an oak tree out; the old man feels the roots: if you pull it out, you can knock out the eyes of the moon and the sun; suggests squeezing water out of the stone; the old man crushed the egg, the hero could not squeeze water out of the stone; squeeze the intestines out of the ground; the old man buried the fish intestines in advance, began to stomp, the intestines came out; the hero gave a piece of gold; the old man asks to bring the gold to his house so that they would not think that he had stolen it; coming to the house, he tells the old woman to cook the head of yesterday's hero and the thigh of the day before yesterday; the hero ran away; the fox laughs and leads him back, and so that he is not afraid, tells him to hold on to her tail; old man: thank you, fox, if at the expense of debt; giant grabbed the fox by the tail, threw his head against the tree, ran away]: Muchnik 1944:91-92; salars (Ujirem, Xunhua-Salar Autonomous County) [the white hare was cooking glue at the foot of the white mountain; a wolf, a hare, came to him said, "If you put this glue on your eyes, you can eat a lot of sheep!" ; then he smeared the wolf's eyes; the wolf went to catch the sheep, the shepherds beat him; the hare settled under a red rock; the wolf did not recognize him; the hare made a saddle and said: "With this lower back saddle you will be able to eat a lot sheep"; the wolf demanded this saddle, the hare put it on his lower back; the shepherds beat the wolf again; the hare decided to pick poisonous grass on the river bank; told the wolf who came that he could not pull it out; the wolf tore the grass and flew into the river; the hare met a lamb that the wolf wanted to eat; they found a white string, then a black one, a piece of white felt and a piece of paper; when they met the wolf, the hare told the lamb spread a white and black nightmare and give him a letter; began to read: "The wolf, so-shakoy, is largemouth, in different places all the wolves died, but you are the only one left," and told the lamb to bring a white and a black chain for the wolf; the wolf ran away, told the fox about what had happened; she offered to go together; they tied their tails and went to the lamb and the hare; the hare said to the wolf: "Sell me what you promised. Is that your yellow cow?" ; the wolf and the fox ran away; the hare came to the tiger, asked if he had an enemy in his house; then he pointed to the river and said: "That (that is, the enemy) will now eat you in the river!" ; the tiger rushed after the one in the river and fell into the water; the hare and the lamb went to the bear's house; the hare told the bear that someone was coming; he was frightened and said that his silver was hidden behind stove, and gold was under the cane; the hare told him to throw himself into the river; the bear did this and died; the hare dug up gold and silver, got his wife for the lamb; the lamb was not a lamb, but a young man]: Tenishev 1964, No. 13:30-32 .
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Dagurs: Bender, Su Huana 1984 [a black bear sees a grazing goat, he pretends not to be afraid of it; the bear does not know what kind of animal it is, the goat pretends to be surprised - he is a mountain goat ; the bear points to the horns, the goat replies that they are double-edged swords; the tail is an ax; the beard is a napkin to wipe bear fat from the mouth; the bear runs away; the fox explains that fears are in vain, suggests go eat a goat together; when the goat sees them, the goat shouts to the fox: thank you for bringing the bear even earlier than promised, today we'll eat bear paws and drink wine; the bear kills the fox, runs away; the goat returns from the pasture to the owner]: 183-186; Todayeva 1986 [a lion approached the old man and the old woman's home; the old woman to the old man: "Take your lasso and go meet the lion. When the lion asks you where you are going, you will say that you promised to catch one lion by lunchtime"; the old man did so, the lion laughed; the old man offered to face off - whoever loses will serve the winner; the lion agreed, the old man gave him a pebble raised from the ground and told him to squeeze out the juice; the lion tried to do so in vain; the old man took out a duck egg from his bosom, crushed it; the lion went to him to the service; the old man began to ride it, went to the forest; could not cut down the branches he needed; the lion asked where his strength had gone; the old woman began to teach the old man: "When tomorrow is the time to come Lion, do you ask me what kind of food do you cook for dinner?" ; the old man did so; the old woman replied that there was a brisket from the lion he killed yesterday, and there was a sacrum from a lion he stabbed the day before yesterday; when he heard these words, the lion was frightened, ran away; he met a fox, She said that he was deceived; went together to the old man's house; the old fox man: "Didn't I tell you to trick you into bringing a fat lion? And you brought some thin lion"; the lion ran to the mountains]: 104-106; (cf. khakas [goat meets wolf; says that her forked hooves are a meat fork, beard is hair; the wolf is frightened of the monster, the bear teaches him not to be afraid, tied the wolf to him with a rope; rushed to the goat, pulled the wolf, he gave a voice, the bear decided that the wolf was laughing at him, pulling the rope more, the strangled wolf grinns his teeth, both got tangled in a rope, died]: Ungvitskaya, Mainogasheva 1984:219); Tuvans: Samdan 1994, No. 17 [a wolf comes to a goat left in an abandoned camp; asks what is on his head; - Pointed sabers kill a bear and a wolf; what is below? - Put a bag on the kidneys and glands of a bear and a wolf; what is below the mouth? - Wipe the handkerchief after the bear and the wolf are eaten; the wolf runs away, the bear tells him to return, they tie with a rope; the bear asks the same questions, when he hears the answers, runs, dragging the wolf on a rope, that suffocated; the kid took the dead wolf, came to the plague of the seven wolves; sings that seven wolf skins are enough for a fur coat; wolves take turns coming out, disappearing; the last two go out, see the wolf killed, run away]: 359-361; Hadahane 1984 [wolves ate goats and seven goats, there are copper horns left; asks the wolf to come eat it when he grows up and becomes fat; replies that he has swords on his head, under his chin wipe off the handkerchief, eating bear meat and lupus; the wolf ran away, does not believe the fox that the goat is not terrible; does not believe the bear; the bear tied it to his leg and led him to the goat; the goat shouts to the bear that he is he needs it; the bear ran, the tied wolf suffocated]: 92-94; Taube 1978, No. 16 [old man Kara Möge pulled a tiger out of the swamp; he brought him to his tiger cave; gave him cowhide, asked fill it with water {like a wineskin} and bring it; KM began to dig in the well, pretending to bring all the water at once; the tiger asked not to do so; at night, the tigers agree to kill KM; he put it on his own the place is a stone; one of the tigers hit so that the stone split; in the morning KM says that he dreamed that his cat hit his paw at night; the tigers gave the old man gold and sent me home; KM: seeing me with with a bag, people will think that I'm asking for alms, let one of the tigers carry the bag; he came back earlier and made an agreement with his wife; she shouts that there is nothing to give to the guest, KM ate everything himself, only the head of that remains a big tiger; the tiger threw gold and ran away; KM tells his wife about his adventures; the fox overheard, told the tiger how KM deceived him; then ran to KM and said that the tiger was going to kill him; let him go to the forest right now for firewood; a tiger comes up; a fox: we are hunters, looking for predators, who is next to you? tiger: say it's a stump; fox: if it's a stump, hit it with an ax; KM hit it lightly; fox: load it into the cart; the tiger climbed into the cart by itself; fox: tie the stump to the cart; now split with an ax; KM killed the tiger; others tigers decided that humans and tigers should not live close to each other]: 37-40; South Altai Tuvans [an old man herded 7 black cows, saw three black mangys; they suggest throwing a stone; old man: there (i.e. in the sky) a place where he can get stuck; the old man buried his gut with blood, suggests playing the game "Crush the stomach of the frozen earth"; when the old man beats, blood flows; brought the mangys, agreed with wife: where is the back of the middle mangys, where is the ham of the last one? Mangys undertakes to bring water in a huge wineskin instead of the old man; he blew the winds, the old man is thrown away, he clung to the stump; "I want to shut up your ass with them"; the mangys are gone, the wolf tells them to come back, they are pretending put a leash around his neck; old man: wolf, hold the mangys tight; the mangys ran, dragging the wolf, he's dead, his teeth grinned; mangys: he's still laughing!] : Taube 1978, No. 58:282-285 (=Taube 1994, No. 31:240-244); Buryats: Barannikova 2000, No. 12 [the bear sees a goat for the first time, asks what it is, pointing to the horns; goat: peaks to pierce a bear; the same - scrotum: a lead whip braided with veins to hit a bear in the face; bangs: when I hunt a bear, I cover my eyes from the sun; beard: wipe my mouth after bear fat; bear: whose son are you? goat: goats with bone peaks; the bear has run away; the she-wolf leads him back to eat the goat; the bear is afraid, the she-wolf ties herself to him; the goat boldly meets halfway, the bear runs, drags the she-wolf, she is dead ], 14 [the lion is going to eat the old man; the old man to his wife: bring the brisket of yesterday's lion and today's sacrum, let's give it to this lion; the lion runs away, meets the wolf, he leads him back, tied by the necks; the old man: you, a lion with a short tail, must be killed; a lion runs away, drags a wolf, he is dead]: 65-69, 75; Gomboev 1890, No. 7 [leopard to man: stronger is the one who knocks down a tree with a blow of his fist; a man sawed a tree in advance; the leopard takes him to his home, sends him for water with a huge vessel; the man begins to dig the well, says he is going to bring it in its entirety; the leopard brings water himself; at night, the person puts it instead a foot and a pestle; in the morning: who stabbed me at night? the leopard gives the man a bag of gold; man: you will bring your gifts yourself; negotiates with his wife; the leopard comes, the wife asks what to cook for the guest; man: the sacrum of the leopard before the killed, the gut after the killed; the leopard threw gold, ran away; the wolf leads him back (apparently tied to the leopard); the man to the wolf: where did he bring this powerless man from? the leopard runs away, dragging the wolf; the wolf is dead, the mouth is open, the leopard thinks the wolf is laughing]: 61-63; Bardakhanova, Gympilova 2008, No. 7 [old man Hunehan got lost, went to Mangadhai's home; goes to sleep outside; hears him talking to his wife: I will cut off the guest's head, there will be meat; laid out a figure of stones, mangadhai hit it with an ax; in the morning H. says he has scratched or a fly bit; mangadhai is afraid of him; H. leads him to him; asks his wife to reach the thigh of yesterday's mangadhai; he runs away in horror; H. came back for him, he had to bring an elk and build a house for the elderly]: 41-43; Mongols: Mikhailov 1962 [tiger invites the old man to measure his strength; the wife teaches him to cut a tree in the forest, then offer to fight with big trees; the old man pushed the tree, it fell; the tiger could not cut down the tree; suggests squeezing the brain made of stone; the old woman gives her husband sheep cheese; the tiger calls to him, leaves it for the night; the old man puts a copper mortar on his head, the tiger breaks his sword against her; the tiger sent for water, the old man pretends to bring it the whole well; the tiger gave a bar of gold, the old man asks the tiger to take it to his house himself; the tiger brought the bar, went back; the old man loudly to the old woman: catch up with the tiger, tear out the guts, fill them with meat; the wolf explains to the tiger that the old man is not afraid, offers to tie with a rope, leads back; old man: wolf, you owed me a tiger, do you repay the debt? the tiger ran away, dragging the wolf]: 17-20; Potanin 1883, No. 123 [towards the old man arslan; the old woman teaches: answer that you are going to kill Arslan for lunch; we agreed that whoever squeezes oil out of the stone is stronger; arslan he took a stone and the old man an egg; the old man began to ride an arslan, but he realizes that the old man is not strong; the old woman teaches me to come and shout: what did you cook for me? old woman: the remnants of old arslan and a little new; arslan ran away, the fox leads him back; the old man to the fox: promised a fat arslan, and you are driving the one I drove; arslan killed the fox, ran away], 167 [starved the sorcerer replied that a lion would come, devour everyone; everyone ran away, the old man and the old woman were left; there was a lion, a fox was in front; the old man was a fox: why are you leading such an old and low-fat lion? old woman: do we have lion meat? old woman: from the white lion the ass and from the old sacrum; the lion scolds the fox, runs away, the khan rewarded the old man]: 405-406, 551-552; the Mongols (Ordos) [the old man is lazy; to force him to leave the house, she carried a jar of oil on the mountain, sent the old man to see why the magpies had gathered, he brought butter; next time she scattered coppers; then the old man went to the prey himself; the mangus wants to eat it; the old man: that will eat another who will knock the giblets out of the ground with an arrow; the old woman teaches him to bury the inside of a goat; fearing that the old man will eat it, the mangus runs away; the fox leads him back, tired, the mangus drags her by the belt; the old man wife: cook the mangus's stomach from the west, the lungs of the mangus from the east, the head of what has appeared; the mangus runs again, dragging the fox; the mangus is outraged that it grins its teeth, but then sees that the fox is already dead]: Mostaert 1937, No. 22 in Solovyov 2014; the Mongols of Inner Mongolia [a wolf takes one ram from an old man every day; the old man meets a tiger, who offers to face off; they agreed meet in the same forest; the old man drank the trees in advance, easily knocked them down in front of the tiger, could not knock down his tiger; squeeze his brain out of the stone; the old woman gives the old man a piece of cheese ("yogurt"), the tiger believes that the old man squeezed his brain out of the stone; leads to himself, sharpens his spear; the old man puts a stone mortar in his place, at night the tiger breaks his spear against it; in the morning he is amazed at the strength of the old man; asks for water; the old man begins dig in a well; the tiger gives the old man gold and agrees to carry it himself; the old woman says that their meat is left with yesterday's tiger's throat and the back of the day before yesterday; the tiger runs away; the wolf says The old man is not scary, he leads the tiger back with a rope; the old man to the wolf: are you leading the tiger you owe? the tiger runs, dragging the wolf; the dead man grins on his teeth; the tiger: still laughing]: Coyaud 2012, No. 64:137-140.
(Wed. Eastern Siberia. Central (?) Yakuts [Torbos and Tysagas hunt, and Mogus devours everything they bring; Loni rolled a stone onto the roof, covered hare and partridges with blood; M. decided that it was prey, went into the house; Tasygas Torbosu: bring the back stegus, because now we only eat mighs; hunters roll a stone, Mogus runs in horror, he was finished off with spears hidden in the snow in advance]: Shurtakov 1983:93).