Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M152C. A lion and a donkey settled at the crossing.

The weak companion of a large predator pretends to be strong and brave. When he is carried away by a river or drowns in a swamp and a predator pulls him out, the satellite pretends to be angry (why did he prevent him from catching fish, etc.).

Portuguese, French, Assamese, (Santals, Xo), Azerbaijanis, Kurds, Persians, Tajiks.

Southern Europe. The Portuguese [the donkey manages to imagine his failures to the lion as victories; he almost drowns and speaks as if he is fishing; unable to jump over a wall (tree), he says that he scratched his belly; while the lion is hunting, the donkey pretends to be dead and catches birds coming down to peck at its ass; brags that it only hunts birds in flight; breaks up with the lion, because the lion is (friendly, but) constantly intervenes in his affairs]: Cardigos 2006, No. 103C*: 32-33.

Western Europe. The French (Gascony) [the owners want to get rid of an aged donkey; he goes into the forest, meets a lion; the lion does not know what kind of animal it is, frightened by its roar; the donkey says it is on his head pistols, and bullets in the scrotum; the wolf tells the lion that he ate a lot of such donkeys; the lion agrees to return only by contacting the wolf with its tails; when he sees them, the donkey roars again, the lion flees drags the wolf, he dies; the lion first thinks that the wolf is laughing, and then that he died of fear; they hunt; the lion catches rabbits, and the donkey pretends to be dead, lures magpies and crows with oats, knocks down, throws it into the bushes from where they can't fly; the lion believes that the donkey killed the game in flight; they find an iron bar; the lion can hardly lift; the donkey roars to warn his brother behind the forest: he will throw a bar through the forest , let the brother be careful; the lion tells you not to throw; the lion offers to jump over the river; he jumps over, the donkey falls into the water, the lion pulls him out; the donkey pretends to be angry: he was fishing; the lion and the donkey diverge]: Arnaudin 1967, No. 12:146-160.

South Asia. The Assames [the fox ate pies intended for goddess Lakshmi, left on a brass platter with a hole in the middle; stuck her head into the hole, cannot remove the dish; therefore, she cannot to hunt; tells two cubs that their parents must be hiding from her: their father owes her money; eats the meat left to the tiger cubs; so many times; the tiger stays watching, rushes behind the fox, gets stuck in a fork in a tree; the fox to the tigress: you see what happened to your husband; the tigress becomes a fox's servant, carries meat; at the crossing, the fox almost drowns, the tigress takes her ashore; the fox: who asked me to get me out of the water, I was going to collect the debt from the river owner; the tigress drove a deer at the fox, the deer stepped on the fox, tearing his fur coat; the fox laughed so much that the deer was small that the skin burst; The cubs grew up; all the foxes began to howl; this fox stepped aside and also howled; the cubs realized it was just a fox and tore it apart]: Borooah 1955:24-30; (cf. Santals: Bompas 1909, No. 103 [while parents are hunting, the jackal comes to the baby leopards, takes all their meat; the leopard chased him, gets stuck in a crevice and died; the jackal began to live with a leopard and her children; she drove deer at him, he got scared, climbed an anthill, then explained that the deer had been driven in the wrong direction; the next time the jackal with the young leopard drove the deer, a leopard killed a deer; a jackal pretends to sacrifice meat to a dead leopard; cannot tear a deer's skin; a leopard tears a carcass, a jackal eats up; a leopard offers a jackal carry him across the river, but he rejects help, the river takes him away, he asks the crocodile to pull him out; asks him to open his mouth and close his eyes, throws a stone into the crocodile's mouth, runs away; the jackal went to the river drink, the crocodile grabbed his leg, the jackal says that he grabbed the root, the crocodile let it go; hid in the straw on which the jackal used to lie; the jackal hung a sheep bell for himself; the crocodile out loud laments that a sheep is coming; the jackal heard, set fire to straw, the crocodile died]: 340-344; Bodding 1925, No. 7 [the goat hears the owners agree to slaughter him, runs away, comes to the leopard cave, bleats, the leopard has never seen a goat, hears "Back, Back", runs away; the jackal says he has eaten a lot of goats, leads the leopard back with its tails tied together; when he sees a leopard, the goat gets up, the leopard is terrified runs away, dragging the jackal; he comes to the baby leopard, tells them that their parents owe him all the food; the leopard is surprised why the children are losing weight; when he finds out what's going on, the leopard ambushed him he rushed after the jackal, got stuck in his hole, died; the jackal came to the leopard, she took him as her husband; he chases deer at him, the jackal says he didn't catch a single one because she drove crooked; now he chases the leopard was killed by a deer; the jackal: I drove the right way; secretly ate the liver; at the river crossing he refused to let the leopard carry it; the river carried the jackal; he asks the crocodile not to eat it, promises to bring it meat, asks to open his mouth and close his eyes, throws sharp stones into his mouth; the crocodile grabs the jackal by the leg, who says he grabbed the root; the crocodile hid under the straw; the jackal tied a goat to his neck bell, started jumping around; crocodile: leaving, stupid goat, I'm in ambush here; the jackal set fire to straw, the crocodile burned down]: 93-99; ho [while the tiger and tigress are hunting, the jackal comes to the cubs, calls himself a Raja official, takes meat; so many times; the tiger sees him, chases him, gets stuck between two rocks; the jackal tells the tigress that the Raja put her husband in prison, promises to take care of her and cubs; a tigress chases deer at him, he cannot kill them, pretends to be suddenly ill; next time a jackal with cubs chases deer, a tigress kills deer; sending a tigress with cubs for a while , the jackal eats the best pieces; so many times]: Bompas 1909:456-457).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Azerbaijanis [the donkey ran away from the evil master; the fox promised to help him if he lures chickens out of the village; a lion appears, the donkey roars, the fox explains that he is the angry king of underground animals, and he, the fox is his guide; the lion pulls out the donkey that has fallen into the river; he replies that he is trembling with anger: why did the lion prevent him from swimming; the hare tells the lion that the fox and the donkey are deceiving him; the fox to the lion: my servant brought you, your life is over; the hare ran away; deciding that the next time the hare could bring the wolf, the fox and the donkey broke up]: Nabiev 1988:243-246; the Kurds [the donkey left the owner, found a good valley; When he saw the lion, he roared, said that he was Levoed; offered the lion to drive eagles at him; one sick eagle accidentally fell next to a donkey; the donkey gave it to the lion, the lion decided that he was hunting in the air; both went to swim, the donkey almost drowned, but shook the fish out of his ears, gave it to the lion; the lion thought that the donkey was a hunter in the water; the fox told the lion that the donkey had deceived him, offered to tie his tails and lead him; donkey roared, the lion ran, dragging the fox with him until it died]: Jalil et al. 1989, No. 180:489-490.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians [the lion first saw a donkey, was frightened; the donkey says that he himself is a hunter lion, taking a lion as a servant; he drives a fly off him, pulls him out of the swamp; each time the donkey pretends to be dissatisfied , promises to punish the lion (the fly purified the blood; there was his father's grave in the swamp, the donkey wanted to read a prayer); the lion runs away, meets the fox; it leads him back: the donkey is your food; donkey: thank you fox for leading an escaped servant, I will tear out his heart and liver; a lion killed a fox, ran away]: Aliyeva et al. 1958:470-474; Tajiks [the donkey goes to bow to the Kaaba, joined by a ram, a rooster, a mole, a woodpecker; a she-wolf demands meat from a donkey; a ram beats her, a rooster bakes a funeral, a woodpecker knocks - coffin boards, a mole digs a grave; a she-wolf runs away; a lion asks a donkey who he is; a donkey: a roaring lion; a lion is afraid of a donkey; a donkey it is difficult to cross the river, the water carries it, it yells, the lion pulls it out; donkey: I called you to help me pull out the big fish; the lion ran away, the wolf came, demanded meat; the donkey offered to trot it, at a gallop, a quarry; brings to people, the wolf was killed]: Levin et al. 1981, No. 354:264-266.