Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M153. Hoof recording, ATU 47B. .13.-.17.27.-.35.

Under various pretexts, the ungulate asks the predator to examine its hoof, and then kills or maims by kicking.

Amhara [lion], Berbers of Morocco [lion], Kabilas [lion], Algerian Berbers (Mzab), Arabs of Algeria [lion], Egyptians, Latins [lion], Spanish [wolf], Portuguese [wolf], Galicians [wolf] , Aragon [wolf], Basques [wolf], Italians (Molise) [probably wolf], Scots [wolf], Irish [wolf], French [wolf], Flemish [wolf], Dutch [probably wolf], Friezes [wolf], Germans (Pomerania) [ probably wolf], Palestinians, Arabs of Syria [hyena], Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq [lion], Saudi Arabia [lion], Ancient Greece [wolf], Bulgarians [wolf], Macedonians [wolf], Croats [wolf], Slovenians [wolf], Bosnians [wolf], Serbs [wolf], Albanians [wolf], Greeks [wolf], Hungarians [wolf], Romanians [wolf], Moldovans [wolf], Russians (Ryazan, Voronezh) [wolf], Ukrainians (Chernigov) [wolf], Belarusians [wolf], Poles [wolf], Kashubians [wolf] wolf], Luzhitans [probably wolf], Czechs [probably wolf], Slovaks [wolf], Crimean Tatars [wolf], Abkhazians [wolf], Abazins [wolf], Adygs [wolf], Ossetians [wolf], Balkarians [wolf], Nogais [wolf], Ingush [wolf], Chechens [wolf], Terek Cossacks [wolf], Kumyks [wolf], Avars [wolf], Dargins [wolf], Lucky [wolf], Kyurins [wolf], Archins [fox], Aguly [wolf], Tatas [wolf], Georgians [wolf], Armenians [wolf], Azerbaijanis [ bear], Turks [wolf], Kurds [wolf], Lurs [bear], Persians [bear], Tajiks [wolf], parachi [wolf], Uzbeks [wolf], Pashtuns [wolf], Estonians [wolf], Setu [wolf], Eastern Sami, Latvians [wolf], Lithuanians [wolf] wolf], Finns [wolf], Karelians [wolf], Swedes [fox], Danes, Kazan Tatars [wolf], Chuvash [wolf], Marie [wolf], Bashkirs [wolf], Kazakhs [wolf], (Yarkand Uighurs [fox]), Karakalpaks [wolf], Kyrgyz [wolf], Khakas [wolf], Tuvans [wolf], Buryats [wolf], Mongols of Inner Mongolia (?) [wolf], dagurs [wolf], northern Khanty (?).

{The reference to Tibetan texts in Uther 2004 is wrong; O'Connor has a different story, although also about a wolf}

Sudan - East Africa. Amhara [when he saw the lion, the donkey pretended to be limping, asked him to pull out the splinter; the lion came up to him from behind to eat it, the donkey kicked him and ran away]: Ethiopian.. 2002:13.

North Africa. Kabila: Basset 1903, No. 9 [the animals have agreed to eat a mule; let us ask each other who your father is; we will eat the one who does not answer, and the mule is ashamed to say that his father is a donkey; a lion replies that his father is a lion, a horse, a horse, etc.; mule: the horse is my maternal uncle; the mule is required to answer about his father; mule: he left me a note on his hoof; the jackal invites the lion to watch; the mule lies the lion dies; the jackal starts eating it from the tail; the lion reproaches him; the jackal: if you failed the mule, I would eat it]: 25-27; Rivière 1882 [jackal, lion and mule lived together; decided to eat the one who has it bad breed; it turned out that the mule had a mare's mother and father was a donkey; the mule asked the peasant if his breed was bad and told himself to be shoved; jackal: I can't understand what he had on his hooves; the lion bent down see if the mule kicked and killed him]: 141-142; Egyptian Arabs: El-Shamy 2004, No. 47B: 15; Moroccan Berbers [lion jackal: I've been starving for 8 days; jackal: a mule is nearby, we need to start talking about ancestors; when asked by a lion, the jackal replies that he was a jackal on both lines up to the one he was with Noah; mule: I'm running to my mother to find out; I came to the blacksmith himself, he shod him; when he returned, he said that his mother I wrote everything on his hoof; jackal: I can't see well; the lion leaned down himself; his mule kicked, crushing his skull]: Leguil 1988, No. 27:175-179; Algerian Arabs [lion, jackal and panther meet a mule, offer to become their friend; suspicious of evil, the mule replies that he prefers loneliness; others suggest eating someone of mixed origin; the mule says that his origin is written on his hoof; the lion leans to see if the mule kills him with a hoof blow]: Soualah, Cours, S. 20-21 in Nowak 1969, No. 32:68; Arabs (?) Tunisia: Brandt 1954:21 in Uther 2004 (1), No. 47B: 41-42.

Southern Europe. Latins [the late antique collection Romulus, containing retelling of Phaedrus's fables and texts that go back to the hypothetical Latin Aesop: "A mighty lion saw a horse grazing in the meadow. To be deceived cleverly, he approached him as a friend and called himself a healer. The horse felt deceived, but did not reject the service: without losing his presence of spirit, he immediately came up with a trick. Pretending to step on a thorn, he raised his leg and said, "Brother, I'm so glad you're here! help me, get the splinter I stepped on." The lion, holding up his deception, approached obediently; and the horse immediately hit him with wild hooves. The foe collapsed with his entire lion body and lay on the ground for a long time without memory. And when he came to his senses and saw that the horse was nowhere, he felt pain in his head, face and whole body and said: "I was right: I always came here as a destroyer, but now I'm like a friend and an imaginary doctor, when, according to my custom, it was necessary to come as an enemy" (Romulus, III, 2; per. M.L. Gasparov)]: Gasparov 1962, No. 52:77; Spaniards (everywhere) [the wolf is sure that the day will be good; did not pick up the pig leg he found; demands that the mare give him a foal ( more precisely mulina); she asks to first pull a splinter out of her back leg, kicks her hoof; two lambs ask for help dividing the meadow between them: they will disperse in different directions and whoever reaches the wolf first will receive the best part; they butt him on both sides; goats ask for permission to celebrate mass first, bleat, shepherds come running, beat the wolf; the pig asks to be baptized first by her piglets in the river; pushed the wolf into the water and took the piglets home; the wolf climbed ashore and laments: who are you to pull out splinters, divide meadows, perform church services, baptize piglets? let lightning hit me from the sky; there was a woodcutter with an ax nearby, hacked a wolf]: Camarena, Chevalier 1997, No. 122A: 199-201; Portuguese [the horse asks the wolf to pull out a splinter or remove it horseshoe, lying in the teeth]: Cardigos 2006, No. 47B: 26-27; Galicians [the wolf went to look for food; the bear told him he would find plenty of meat; the donkey agrees to be eaten, but asks to take it off first his legs are horseshoes; kicks the wolf in the face; cocha also agrees to be eaten, but first her children must be baptized (ranchiños); to do this, tells the wolf to stand on the mill wheel; lets water out; the wolf is hit under the wheel, and cocha with ranchiños came home quietly]: Contos 1972, No. 32:36-37; Aragon [the mare convinces the wolf to pull the thorn out of its hoof first]: González Sanz 1996, No. 122J: 69; Basques [a donkey asks a wolf to pull a splinter out of his leg before eating it, kicks in the face]: Barandiarán, Mente vasca, II: 149-150 in Camarena, Chevalier 1997, No. 122j: 214; Italians ( Molise): Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 47B: 16.

Western Europe. Scots: Campbell 1890 (3), No. 65 [domestic dog, wild dog, wolf and fox found a keg of oil, buried it; the fox said her name was for christening; when she returned, she said that the child was named Foveeal "under his mouth"; next time Half; then Licked to the end; they found that the oil was gone; the wolf was hung by the back legs, the fox put oil under his face as if it had leaked out from the mouth; then the wolf and fox bought land, became farmers; when they sowed oats, the wolf chose the roots, and when they planted the potatoes, the tops; the wolf began to steal potatoes; the fox advised me to read the name in the mare's hooves; she kicked him and killed him]: 108-111; Loseva et al. 1959 [fox to wolf: the ox has his name written on its hind legs, I can't read it because of illiteracy; the wolf leaned to see, the ox killed him with a blow hooves; the fox got the rabbit and was glad that there was no need to share it with the wolf now]: 39; Irish [the fox invites the wolf to read the inscription on the horseshoe; the horse lies it in the teeth]: Jackson 1936:285; French [the wolf did not eat salted bacon and then regretted it; the pig asks to baptize the piglets first, then eat; the wolf goes to get water, the pig pushes him into the pond; the sheep want to serve first Vespers, people bleat, run; cows want to dance, they almost cared for the wolf; mare: before eating, a foal must be shoved; a foal kicks a wolf; a wolf complains about his fate; sat on an oak tree a man who cut off branches, threw an ax, killed a wolf]: Lopyreva 1959, No. 11:29-31; Flemish [the horse tells the wolf that the ring he decorated is on his hoof; the wolf leans over to look, gets hoof on the head]: Meyer 1968, No. 47B: 22; friezes (oriental) [the wolf asks the fox how to find food; she advises buying a foal from a mare - the price is written on the hoof; the wolf got hit in the face with his hoof; fox: because you can't read]: Sundermann 1922:126; Dutch, Germans (Pomerania): Uther 2004 (1), No. 47B: 41-42.

Western Asia. The Arabs of Syria [duck, dove, goose, lark, donkey live together; everyone went to the bathhouse, settled down at home, ate all the supplies; said he slept and knew nothing; they climbed the minaret: who would jump and jumping over the pond is not to blame, and whoever falls into the pond ate it; the birds flew safely, the donkey fell; promised the hyena half of his body if it pulled it out; the hyena wanted a head, but he explained that She can't live without her; in the end, the hyena agreed to eat her ass; bent down, the donkey kicked her hoof, she fell into the pond, drowned; the donkey returned to his friends]: Kuhr 1993:257-259; Iraqi Arabs [translated to Lebedev 1990, No. 2:26-29; the fox invited a stork, poured the soup into a flat plate; promised to teach her how to run, put it on her back, ran over the thorns; the stork grew feathers, he offered the fox To teach her to fly, threw her off a height, she fell on the shepherd; he ran away, the fox put on his sheepskin coat; told the lion that she was sewing sheepskin coats; he asked her to sew for him too, the fox demanded 300 sheep skins; dug a hole, she hid her skins there, hid herself; the lion hung a jug at the exit, it was buzzing in the wind, the fox thought that the lion was guarding her; got out; offered the lion to feed him, brought him to the mule; the lion said that his valley, the mule - that the record of his possession of the valley is on his hoof; the lion leaned down, the mule killed him, the fox ate the lion]: Weissbach 1908, No. 28:139-145; Lebanese Arabs: El-Shamy 2004, No. 47B: 15; Palestinians, Jordanian Arabs: El-Shamy 2004, No. 47E: 15-16; Saudia [pets decided to leave the shepherd because he oppresses them so much; the lion met them, ate a lamb, a camel; a mule: my intercessor in mine hooves; raised his hoof so that the lion could read what was written there; kicked several times, then the others finished off the lion]: Juhaiman 1999:109-111.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece: Gasparov 1968, No. 187 [a donkey pretends to be lame in front of a wolf; asks the wolf to remove a splinter from his leg so as not to get hurt; the wolf examines his leg; the donkey lies in the wolf's mouth, knocks out his teeth; the wolf reproaches himself for being stupid]: 118; 1991, No. 50 (36) [the wolf is sure that he will eat today; does not pick up a pie on expensive, salted pork, sees a horse with a foal; she asks to pull it out first a splinter, lies the wolf in the forehead; two rams ask for help to divide the meadow: whoever reaches the wolf first is the owner; they butt him on both sides; the pig asks to be baptized first, pushes the wolf into a ditch, water carries him under the mill wheel; the goats ask them to serve them first; the wolf howls, people come running, hitting the wolf; he laments: why is he so proud, was his father a healer or bishop; let a sword fall on him from heaven; a man sitting in a tree threw an ax at the wolf; wolf: Lord, how quickly our prayers reach you!] : 251-253; Bulgarians: Klyagina-Kondratyeva 1951 [the wolf is going to eat two oxen; they suggest running to him from both sides in a race, who is first to eat in the morning, the other now; they butt him on both sides, the wolf is slightly alive, laments that he decided to leave the oxen until tomorrow; the mule says he has a letter under his hoof, the wolf kicks; the wolf: why did I need to read the letter; donkey: jump over me three times, sin will be said goodbye; dogs saw a wolf jumping, the donkey escaped; the pig offered to play the bagpipes first, screamed, the swineherd ran with the dogs; the fox calls the wolf to the village for a wedding, they beat him; she ate the porridge herself at the mill, smeared herself, said that his brains were flowing out; the wolf carried the fox on his back, she says that the patient is healthy; the wolf guessed, the fox disappeared into the hole, the wolf grabbed by the leg, the fox said that he grabbed the root, let the wolf let go; the wolf died of hunger and grief]: 231-235; Shereshevskaya 1957 [the foal asks the wolf to first remove his horseshoes so as not to choke, lies down; the goat offers to open his mouth wide, butts; two rams to eat the one who gets to him first, butt from the take-off on both sides; the donkey says that the wolf is called to be a godfather at a wedding; the wolf rides on a donkey's back, he gets beaten; wolf: grandfather and father were modest, and for some reason I decided to take a walk at the wedding]: 28-31; Macedonians [the wolf approached two rams; they offered him to eat the first one who he will reach him faster; they hit him with horns on both sides, the wolf is barely alive; the mule says that the royal decree prohibiting him from harming him is written from behind him; the wolf leans to see, the mule kicks him both hooves; wolf: why did I need to read the royal decree? if you find something, you need to eat! the donkey offers to jump over it three times before eating it; the wolf jumps, the owner of the donkey notices this, runs to the rescue; the pig asks permission to play the pipe first; screams at all his might, the owner comes running; the fox assures that the wolf was invited to the wedding; people beat the wolf; the fox ate porridge, smeared her head with the remnants, tells the wolf that her brains have been knocked out; the wolf agrees to carry it until her hole, she says "a beaten unbeaten man is lucky", hides in a hole; the wolf grabs the fox by the leg, she asks why he holds the root; the wolf lets the fox go; dies of grief and beatings]: Martin 1955:172-180; Croats [the wolf is going to eat the dog, which asks for permission to say goodbye to the puppies, does not return; the donkey advises to start eating it from behind, knocks out the wolf's teeth with its hoof; two rams offer the wolf jump in his mouth and ass, beat him with horns from the take-off; the horse offers to jump on her back, carries the wolf to the city, people beat him; when he returns to the forest, the wolf sticks his head into the hollow of a linden tree to hide from the rain and hail; a shepherd hiding from the rain under the same linden tree pulled the wolf by the tail and hacked it with an ax]: Schütz 1960, No. 3:27-31; Bosnians [wolf and dog walked together; seeing a ram, the wolf asks: What are we going to do with it? dog: whatever you want; ram: let's jump into your mouth myself; hit the wolf with horns; the donkey asks you to remove his horseshoe from his leg before eating; hits the wolf with his hoof; they came to town, the dog brought him to where corned beef was kept; after that, the wolf wanted to drink; the dog offered sour water, which is alcohol; the wolf wanted to sing; the dog ran away and was beaten terribly; he reproaches himself: my parents never We had dogs; didn't wait for the ram to jump into their mouths; didn't take off their donkey horseshoes; didn't drink acidic water; that's right: I deserved to be beaten! then a man came up and started hitting the wolf with a stick; wolf: don't say bad words in the forest! {rhyme}]: Eschker 1992, No. 65:241-243; Serbs [the wolf sees two rams in the meadow; they ask him to stand in the middle of the meadow to separate it; they butt from the take-off on both sides; the wolf wants to lift the horse ; he asks to remove his horseshoes first, lies down; wolf: am I a surveyor to divide the meadow, am I a blacksmith (albátin) to unleash the end?] : Zlatkovich 2005, No. 15:27; Greeks [the fox suggests that the wolf load the boat with olives, lure a donkey into it, eat it; before sailing, you have to confess; the wolf easily forgives sins foxes, and she is the wolf's sins (animals eaten); the donkey admits that when he was loaded with lettuce, he ate a leaf; the wolf and fox want to kill him for such a crime; the donkey asks the wolf to look first What kind of letter did the donkey's father leave on his hoof; the wolf lies, the fox jumps into the sea itself, both drowns; the donkey got the boat with olives]: Megas 1970, No. 9:10-11 (about the same as Hahn 1864 (2), No. 92:104-105); Slovenes: Uther 2004 (1), No. 47B: 41-42; Hungarians: Kovács 1987, No. 47B [the fox and the wolf have come to buy a foal; the mare says the price is on the hooves of its hind leg; the foal kicked the wolf in forehead, fox ran away], 47F [the fox and the wolf ask the mule about his parents; he replies that the father was a horse and the mother's name is written on the hoof; the wolf bends down to read it, gets a hoof on his forehead]: 255, 255-256; Romanians [a wolf wants to buy a foal from a horse; a horse: the price is written on a hoof; kills a wolf by kicking]: Shustova 1994:186; Moldovans [sheep ask the wolf to leave them until autumn, they will bear offspring; a shepherd came, drove the wolf away; the pig asks to take her home to the wolf, will bring piglets (the same); the donkey offers the wolf to dress up as a priest, come to the village (the wolf is beaten); the horse lies down, when a wolf comes up to her from behind]: Moldavian tales 1968:219-221; Albanians: Serkova 1989:223 [the wolf wants to eat the horse; she asks to remove the nail from its hoof first - interferes; hits the wolf with a hoof , he is barely alive], 224 [the same is to take out the splinter; the peasant finishes off the wolf], 234-236 [lion, tiger, bear, wolf, fox, mule settled in the cave; hungry in winter, the lion offers to eat the illegitimate; the fox mulu: say that your father left you when you were young, his name is written on his hoof; the bear leaned to read, the mule killed her with a hoof; the fox persuaded others to eat the bear first, ran away with a mule].

Central Europe. Czechs, Lusatians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 47B: 41-42; Kashubs [the wolf dreamed that he had a good breakfast and actually found a piece of bacon; tells the mare that he will eat her foal; she tells you to do it as soon as possible, and first pull the splinter out of her leg; hits her hoof; the pig asks for permission to baptize the piglets before the wolf eats them; came to the river, the piglets began to scream, the pig pushed the wolf into the water, and the dogs began to vomit; the goats asked for permission to pray, a shepherd ran to bleat; the ram offers to jump into the wolf's mouth, hits them with horns; the wolf laments that he is so stupid; He is good for nothing but to have his tail cut off; the peasant heard and cut off the wolf's tail with an ax]: Lifshits-Artemyeva 2017:206-208; Poles [the wolf is looking for prey; the horse advises attacking him from behind, hits his hoof; a ram offers to jump into his mouth, kills or maims; the wolf laments his stupidity; the guy cuts off his tail]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 47B: 54; Slovaks [ the wolf came to the shoemaker to order boots; he promises to sew them, but requires a heifer for his skin, then make linen and hemp a dratva, a wild boar to grease; when he gave the wolf boots, they did not fit him; shoemaker: I thought you needed special ones, you had to jump into a hole of liquid clay; only then don't enter the water; the wolf was chased, he was across the river, the boots disappeared; the wolf summoned the shoemaker to a duel, in seconds a boar and a squirrel; a squirrel from a tree: comes with two; one has red lights blazing, the other has enough stones from the ground; the wolf ran away in horror; the shoemaker was walking with a rooster and a dog that poked a clod's nose lands; now the wolf wants to eat the foal; the mare: it must be baptized first; brought the wolf to the water and kicked; the wolf wants to eat the kid; the goat: it still needs to be mourned; the wolf howled, the peasants came running they beat him; the bird promises to feed the wolf; lured the women, who left their baskets of food, the wolf ate; when he put his head in the pot to drink, could not pull it out; ran, broke the pot against the tree; the wolf: all because he chased what was unnecessary; my father did not order a boot and was not a church singer; at that time two foresters shot him, the furrier's skin hit the nail]: Gorbov 1949:71-77; Russians (Ryazan) [the animals fell into a hole, decided to eat the donkey; he asks him to read what was written on his hoof first; killed a bear by kicking him; wolf: Well, okay, the bear climbed, and why am I, because I don't know how to read; where did I go?!] : Samodelova 2013, No. 12:10; Russians (Voronezhskaya, p. Bolshaya Vereyka, 1925) Shvets goes to a foreign village, meets a wolf in the forest, who wants to eat it. Shvets asks the wolf to allow him to be measured before death, he turns, and the Swedish grabs the beast by the tail, beats him, and tears off his tail. The wolf meets the horse, wants to eat it, she asks the wolf to read the aphorism written in her ass, the wolf bends down and the horse lies down. He wants to eat a ram, which agrees to jump into his mouth, but hurts the wolf with horns. The wolf meets the fox, she says that she married the mayor, the wolf wants to see him. The fox agrees to show her husband in exchange for a ram, the wolf agrees. A bear is sitting at the fox, he climbs a tree. The cat screams that it is not enough meat, hides in the leaves, the wolf rustles with leaves, the cat decides that it is a mouse and rushes at it and scratches it. A wolf and a bear run out of the fox's house frightened. The rooster hears a conversation between a wolf and a bear, runs to the fox, shouts "point, point my braid, I want to cut a fox!" The fox and the cat leave the hut. The wolf breaks in, eats the rooster]: Baryshnikova 2007, No. 20:114-116; Russian written tradition: Tarkovsky, Tarkovskaya 2005, No. 6 ["The Spectacle of Human Life" by A.A. Vinius (1674, dozens lists of the last quarter of the 17th century, a printed edition of 1712, read and rewritten in the same 18th century), which is a translation and retelling of the collection of fables "Theatrum Morum", published by E. Sadeler in 1608 in Prague in German: a lion approached a horse walking in the field and called himself a healer; the horse realized that the lion was cunning and asked to examine the hooves of his hind legs, which allegedly disturbed him; when the lion did this, hit him in the head and killed him]; No. 23, 108 ["Jesop" by Simbirsk captain Pyotr Kashinsky (1675, of the two surviving lists, one dates back to 1684, and the other to the first third to the 18th 18th c.), which consists of three books and is a free translation of fables from the collection "Przypowieśći Aezopowe, z Łacińskiego na Polskie z pilnośćiů przełozone. Przydane sů k temu przypowieśći z Gabryela Greka y Laurenthego Abstemiusa", published in Krakow around 1600:1) an aged lion wanted horse meat; he pretended to be a healer to deceive the horse; he understood everything and asked him to remove the stuck bone from his leg; when the lion looked at his leg, the horse hit him in the forehead with a hoof and ran away; the lion began to reproach himself: "I endure so much for my cunning. And as the horse is not to blame for this, he gently repulsed the trick, if he wanted to be healthy"; 2) a bone stuck in the donkey's leg; he saw a wolf, said he wanted an easier death, and asked him to remove that bone; when the wolf did this, the donkey kicked him with his hoof and knocked out his teeth; the wolf to himself: "It was better for me to be an animal butcher than a liar" (Book 1: "The Parable of Jesop Franzky")]: 304, 372-373, 397; Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians {in addition to the "hoof note" motif, the plot includes others; original publications are required to clarify the occurrence}: SUS 1979, No. 122A: 71; northern Ukrainians (Chernigov, Borznensky district) [the priest's tailor went to work in the city; at this time the wolf asked God for food; he said that the wolf would meet the popov - this is his food; the wolf met the mare, asked whose it was; the mare replied that Popova ; the wolf said he would eat it; the mare replied that she was in town and brought the papers; invited the wolf to look at them; while he watched, she galloped off; the wolf thought, "What a fool I am: am I a pan or a writer, why Should I look at papers?" ; then he saw the ram, asked whose it was; the ram replied that he was a priest; the wolf warned that he would eat it; the ram said that he would climb the mountain and jump into the wolf's mouth; as a result, he accelerated and hit him in the forehead ; the wolf began to think, "What a fool I am, am I pan or something, since I wanted light bread"; met pigs, asked whose they were; the pigs replied that they were pops; the wolf warned that he would eat them; they asked for permission sing a song; while they were singing, people came and drove the wolf away; he met the tailor, asked whose it was; the tailor replied that he was priests; the wolf said he would eat him; the tailor asked for permission to finally wash his face with his tail wipe off {the intention to measure the wolf is not said}; wrapped the wolf's tail in his arms, "yak letting go of three arshini"; then ran away, climbed an oak tree; the wolf called for help from other wolves; they stood on top of each other; He was tailless downstairs; when the wolves almost reached the tailor, he smelled tobacco; smelling, he sneezed: "Achhi!" ; the wolf from below thought that the tailor was shouting: "Arshin!" ; ran; other wolves hit; caught up with the tailless and tore it]: Rudchenko 1869, No. 2:5-6.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars (steppe Crimea, Deir, now Amber) [the wolf tied a turban and told the calf that he was going to the Kaaba; tells the sheep that he wants to apologize to them; the same goes for horses; 10 days later the wolf could not stand hunger, ran back; the horse asks to pull the thorn out of its leg first; kicked at the nose; the rams first ask for help to divide the site, run away on both sides and butt; the calf asks sing to him first; dogs ran to howl; the wolf disappeared into the cave; laments: why did I take out the thorn, since I was not a blacksmith; that I am a royal surveyor to divide land for rams; folk singer to sing; if a man was sitting behind me, he would take me by the tail and knock me down; a man was sitting in a cave, heard everything and knocked down a wolf]: Zherdeva 2020, No. 58; Abkhazians [the wolf wants to eat a horse; she asks first take the thorn out of her back leg; the horse kicked, broke the wolf's jaws]: Bgazhba 2002:90-91; abazins [the wolf wants to eat the horse, but it offers to live better together; meets a fox - the same ; when it snows, the wolf offers to eat the horse, the fox to find an excuse; tells the wolf to say that he is 100 years old; the wolf says the fox is crying: on this day her son drowned a hundred years ago; the horse speaks that her mother wrote her birthday on her hoof; the fox says she can't read, the wolf was hit by a hoof]: Tugov 1985, No. 14:33-34; Adygs: Aliyeva 1978, No. 70 [horse wolf: tkha (supreme god) allowed you to eat; horse: it is more convenient to start from behind; hits the wolf with a hoof; tha sends the wolf to the goat; the wolf chooses to eat it from the head, opens its mouth, the goat butts him with a run; tha sends him to pick it up a rib of dried lamb; it's salty, the wolf went for a drink, the old man who dropped the rib picked it up; the wolf wants to eat the calf; he takes it to the elder shepherd, you can eat it; people killed the wolf], 72 [=Hut 1978:298-299; the lamb asks the wolf to first let him jump three times; runs away; the horse advises him to eat it from the back; the wolf sits on the horse's back, he throws it off; the other horse asks to read it first what is written on her hoof, knocked out the wolf's teeth; the wolf laments: let someone take a stick and kill me; the old woman took a stick and killed the wolf]: 338-340, 342-343; Aliyeva, Kardangushev 1977 [the wolf asks Tha help, he allows him to eat the horse; the horse advises him to start with the tail, kicks his hoof; the second time Tha sends the wolf to the goat; he promises that he will jump into its mouth, butts; both times the wolf: why am I so silly? the third time to the calf; the calf advises riding it, the wolf will be the chief shepherd; the calf carries the wolf, moos, people kill the wolf]: 105-107; Ossetians [the wolf goes to repent, sees a horse, decides to eat; she says that first you have to remove the nails from the horseshoe, hits the wolf on the head with his hoof; when he wakes up, he sees two rams; they offer to run to him from both sides - who falls behind, he fatter; sheep butt the wolf, he is barely alive; calves ask for permission to sing first, the meat will taste better; shepherds run, kill the wolf]: Kapiyeva 1991:370-371; Balkarians: Aliyeva, Kholaev 1983 [ the horse runs away from the owner, asks the wolf not to kill him, it is better to get food together; the fox also asks the wolf to eat the horse, he doubts; she advises to say that today he, the wolf, 100 years old; cries, says that her favorite fox died that day; the wolf recognizes her seniority; the horse says that his date of birth is written on his hoof; the wolf leans to see the horse kicked the wolf, killed it; the fox ran away]: 10-13 (=Malkonduev 2017:717-718); Malkonduev 2017 (western 1978) [the wolf wants to eat the ram; he says he is skinny; he will catch up with the herd and separate the wolf a hundred fat rams; the ram has escaped; the buffalo is in the mud: let's wash myself first; swam across the river and disappeared; the horse: of course, Just tear off the horseshoe on my hoof; the horse kicked the wolf and killed]: 724-725; Nogais [a skinny goat tells the wolf that a fat ram is following her; a ram that the foal is stuck in the swamp; the foal advises approach him from behind, hits him with his hoof; the crow laughs]: Ganiyeva 2011a, No. 45:149-150; Ingush: Kibiev, Malsagov 1965 [=Sadulaev 2004, No. 17:47-48; the wolf decided to go to Mecca, but returned halfway through; the horse thinks that the wolf has really become a hajj; the wolf wants to hug the horse; he asks to remove the horseshoe from his leg first, lies; the wolf refuses to take off the second horseshoe; the ox asks to remove a piece of rope from his horns, butts; donkey asks for permission to sing a song in honor of farewell; people came running, shot a wolf]: 31-35; Malsagov 1983, No. 153 [=Sadulaev 2004, No. 16:44-45; the wolf saw two rams; they invited him to stand up between them, and they will look at each other before they die; the rams hit the wolf with their horns, broke their ribs; the ox decided to eat the horse; he first asked to pull the nail out of his horseshoe, knocked out the wolf's fangs; the donkey asked him to be allowed to scream before he died, people came running, began to beat the wolf; he fell into a hole, two robbers fell there; began to beat him, grabbed him by the tail, the wolf pulled them out, they threw him back into a hole; the wolf thinks: Yes, clean me up, God. What am I, my son-in-law who came to see the Shuryaks, or did I come to talk to my sister-in-law? Was I a veterinarian to pull nails out of a horse's hooves or was a dentist checking a horse's teeth? This is what I need it]: 290-300; Chechens [the wolf decided to repent and perform the Hajj, but returned halfway; said he was so weak that he decided to die at home; asks the horse to allow him to be hugged goodbye; horse asks to tear off the horseshoe from his back leg first, kicks the wolf; the ox asks to remove a piece of rope from his horns, butts the wolf; the donkey asks for permission to sing first; people who came running shot the wolf]: Kapiyeva 1991:450-454; Terek Cossacks (no place of recording) [the short wolf is going to eat the tailor; he promises to sew a fur coat for him; the wolf agrees; the tailor tells him to turn his back to measure ; grabs the wolf for the rest of its tail and hits with an iron arshin; the wolf runs away; complains to other wolves; they chase a tailor together; he climbs a tree; wolves stand on top of each other to get it; the short wolf stands at the very bottom; the tailor threatens; the short wolf gets scared, starts tossing and turning; the rest of the wolves fall; rush at the short; he breaks out; complains to St. George to the tailor and wolves; says he is hungry; St. George tells me to eat the Popov pig; the wolf finds it; the pig: "It's better to grab my ear and go to the village together - there you will be appointed judge and feed you piglets"; the wolf agrees; in the village he is beaten; he complains again to St. George; he tells me to eat the Popov sheep; the ram: "Just stand under the mountain and open your mouth, and I'll run into it - you will swallow me"; the wolf agrees; the ram runs away and hits him in the forehead; the wolf complains to St. George; he replies that he is tired of the wolf and tells him to eat the Popov horse; the horse: "But you'd better skin me first, and then pop me: grab my tail and pull me!" ; the wolf grabs her tail; the horse hits him with its hind hooves; the wolf dies]: Baranov 1899, No. 1:197-200; Kumyks [the donkey asks the wolf to start eating it from behind, kicks his hoof; the goat asks first allow the goats to be fed, the ram to the lambs, they do not return; the camel asks to sit on it to eat; runs to the bazaar, the wolf is beaten, he fell on the rocks, crashed to death]: Khalilov, Akhundov 1989:33-34; Avars: Atayev 1972, No. 3 [the wolf announced that he repented; did not touch the donkey, the bull; he was hungry, he was going to eat the horse; she says that she has a will on her hoof, according to which he will receive a whole herd; wolf kicks; bull: I have a will for bulls in the right horn, the wolf butts; the donkey goes home for his will, people come, beat the wolf]: 13-15; Ganiyeva 2011a, No. 43 [the wolf is old, saw a bull; that offered to kiss his forehead first, butted; the foal asks him to shove him first, without a horseshoe he will go to hell; kicks the wolf; the donkey advises not to eat his old one, promises to lead him to a young donkey; sings on on the road, people beat the wolf; the wolf sings: am I my mother-in-law kissing the bull? Shove a foal, am I a blacksmith? sing a song with a donkey, am I a singer?] : 146; Khalilov, Osmanov 1989 [Wolf, Fox, Mule are comrades; Lisa offers Wolf to eat Mule; tells me to say that he is many years old; they agree to eat the youngest; Fox: during the wedding of Adam and Eve, I raced; Wolf: When Noah built the ark, I helped carry boards; Mule: My age is written on the horseshoe of my hind hoof (The Fox persuaded him to say so); Wolf leans over to see Mule kills his hoof]: 35-36; Dargins [winter has come, Horse, Wolf and Fox decide to eat the youngest one; Fox says she was born during Noah's time; Wolf, that he was a young wolf cub at that time; The horse says that his birthday is written on his hoof; Lisa says he can't read, the Wolf bends down, the Horse kills him with his hoof; Lisa praises her parents who did not send her to school]: Osmanov 1963:16 (=Ganiyeva 2011a, No. 21:98); Lucky [the donkey answers the wolf that his meat is poisonous in the evening, it should be eaten in the morning; the wolf goes to bed, the donkey runs away; goat: my meat needs seasoning; he supposedly goes for seasoning, runs away; buffalo: he is dirty, first he must swim in the sea, runs away; horse: before he died, my father bequeathed me to know how old I am, the record is on the hoof; the wolf bends down, the horse kills him by kicking]: Kapieva 1991:290-291; the Curins [the wolf wants to eat the fox, she offers to eat a mule together; the wolf doubts - he is our old friend; while the wolf is gone, the fox teaches the mule to say his age recorded on his hoof; the wolf returns, the fox offers to eat the younger one; says that Adam and Eve participated in races during the wedding; wolf: when Noah built the ark, he helped carry boards; mule: mine hoof age; fox to wolf: I'm old, I can't see anything, see for yourself; a mule kicks a wolf to death, a fox is killed]: Lionidze, Sultanov 1892, No. 3:188-189 (=Khalilov, Akhundov 1989:35-36); Archins [ when the fox came to the ram to eat it, he advised him to bring the cauldron to cook its meat, ran away himself; the goat advised me to go get a razor to shave it; the fox met the wolf, complained that it was dying from hunger; the wolf decided to show how he would fail the horse; - Do the eyes spin? Is there wool on the back of the neck? the fox got its part for itself and the foxes; met a hare, decided to show him how to kill a horse; the horse suggests that it is better to take a piece of gold out of its hoof and sell it; hit the fox with a hoof; fox: why am I Did you go to get the boiler? why shave a goat? why does the fox need gold? and then the shepherd threw a stone and hit it; there is no happiness; the fox ran away]: Dirr 1920, No. 33:155-157; aguly [hunger has come, Lisa decides to go to Shirvan; Wolf, then Loshak joins; when he reaches the borders of Dagestan, they decide to eat the youngest; The wolf says he was born under the prophet Noah; Fox: when God created man, she already had a white beard; Loshak says that his birth time is master wrote to him on his hoof; Fox says short-sighted, let the Wolf look; Loshak killed him by kicking him; Fox: I said lying would not be good; she and Loshak did not go further, Lisa began to eat the victim Wolf]: Dirr 1920, No. 39:163-164 (in another translation Maysak 2014, No. D1:468-469); taty [the donkey tells the wolf that his meat can only be eaten in the morning, otherwise you will die and go home; the kid asks allow me to bring seasonings, does not return; buffalo: I am dirty, I go to wash in the sea, does not return; the horse asks for permission to know before he dies how old he is, his date of birth is written on his hoof; kills a wolf by kicking him]: Ganiyeva 2011a, No. 42:143-145 (=Miller 2013:587-592); Georgians [the wolf decided to go to Jerusalem to become a monk; he does not touch cattle on the way; but he was not allowed to enter the church, he returns; the donkey asks to first remove his horseshoes, kicks, knocks out his teeth; sheep first ask for help to divide the meadow, run from both sides, butt the wolf; the chick asks her to sing first, butts, the wolf falls from cool, barely alive; after each episode regrets not doing his job]: Chikovani 1954:385-387; Armenians: Orbeli 1956, No. 19 [the donkey asks the wolf to take out the nail before eating it, who pierces his leg; breaks the wolf's head with a hoof], 140 (according to Vardan Aigektsi, 13th century, Kilikia) [the wolf, fox and horse did not find food, decided to eat someone under the age; wolf: I am the wolf Noah took him into the ark; fox: I am 10 generations older, I am a fox created by God; horse: "My year of birth is recorded on my hoof"; the fox tells the wolf that he went to school - let him see; the horse hit him hoof in the forehead, the wolf is barely alive; the fox is to the wolf: there is another line here, read it; wolf: we are from the family of butchers, we don't know the letter]: 65, 141; Azerbaijanis [the bear dreamed of meat, he woke up and saw a goat; he asks for permission to sing before death; shepherds and dogs run; a bear meets two rams; each asks him to eat his first; the bear invites them to collide with the foreheads of whoever the horn will break, then it will start; both rams butt the bear, run away; the bear sees the horse; he asks to start eating it from behind, lies with his teeth knocked out; the fox advises not to see meat in a dream anymore]: Nabiev 1988:246- 248; Turks (western in Constantinople from a native of Izmit) [a fox and a wolf met a mule, wanted to tear it to pieces; mule: "I am skinny; listen: I have been appointed ruler and I can send you fat mules"; wolf: "No, we will eat it: how do we know if he is telling the truth or not"; mule: "If you are literate, then read what is written on my hoof"; the wolf went to the mule to read the firman; the mule kicked him so that the wolf gave up his breath; the fox ran ahead to the mule and noticed: "Well, it's a good thing my father didn't teach me to read!"] : Gordlevsky 1961, No. 40:294; Kurds: Jalil et al. 1989, No. 161 [seeing the horse hit with its hoof, the fox pulled back; the wolf: I saw a Persian inscription on its hoof, I'm afraid to spoil it with my blow; wolf rushes at the horse, which ripped its belly with its hoof], 179 [the fox to the camel and the wolf: let us repent of our sins; the wolf and the fox say who they ate; camel: I only ate thorns; fox and wolf: you will be punished; The camel asks to take the nail out of his hoof first, kicks the wolf, he is blind, the fox runs away]: 467, 488-489.

Iran - Central Asia. Lura [the bear wants to eat a lame goat; she says she is tired of living, but asks to be allowed to bleat; a shepherd came running with his dogs, beat a bear; the same camel; he asks him to look at hooves, it says what kind of animal he is; he kicks a bear; the same donkey asks him to ride him on horseback, brings him to people, the bear was beaten half to death; he laments: did my father tell me to disassemble lame goat cases? Did he send me to school to read what was written on a camel's hoof? Did he know how to ride a horse? the bear went to the cave, and before that a man hid from him; grabbed him by the eggs and threw him off the mountain, the bear died]: Amanolahi, Thackston 1986, No. 8:41-43; Persians [the bear dreams that he got it three fat pieces; when he wakes up, he goes to look for them; the kid says that he was the court singer of the bear's father, bleats, a shepherd comes running with shepherds, beats a bear; rams: we'll face, let the bear the winner will eat first; the bear is butted on both sides, he is barely alive; camel: I am your father's messenger, his letter is on his hoof; the bear lies, he is barely alive]: Aliyeva et al. 1958:445-446; Tajiks: Amonov, Ulug-zade 1957 [The goat advises the wolf to let him eat a young bow first, runs away; the horse says he has an important letter on his hoof, he lies down; wolf: what do you care about letters, if you see a horse, grab it soon!] : 23-24; Levin et al. 1981, No. 31 (Kuhnabaljuan {where is it?}) [the camel grew wheat and barley, the wolf and the fox came; the wolf came to the camel: why eat our wheat? camel: I have a letter under my tongue; the wolf put his head in, the camel chewed it, the fox ran away], 76 (Gissar district) [the goat promises to bring him and his children to the wolf, ran away; the sheep promises to bring rice, lard and carrots to cook pilaf; also did not return; the horse asks to first remove the horseshoe from her leg, lies it]: 135, 162; parachi (p. Pachagan, Kapisa Province) [the donkey ran away and was walking along the steppe; ran into a wolf who decided to pick it up and eat it; the donkey begged for nobility and asked: "A thorn pierced my leg. I'm suffering a lot, my soul is ready to leave my body. I hope you'll pull it out and do me, poor man, such a favor. Although, of course, this sharp spike can hurt your throat"; the wolf brought its mouth closer to the donkey's hoof; the donkey kicked him in the face so hard that he knocked out all his teeth, and thus saved himself from death]: Efimov 2009, No. I. 16:125; Uzbeks [the wolf is going to eat lamb; he advises making a barbecue out of it, going to the shepherds, getting their peppers, hands, skewers; the shepherds beat the wolf; he is going to eat the key; she says that the wolf's father was going to eat it, but left it to his son, for this purpose he put a seal on his hoof; the wolf leaned down to look at the seal, the mare kicked him, he killed him dead]: Afzalov et al. 1972 (1): 63-64; Pashtuns (Bannu District, Pakistan) [wolf and jackal hunt together, but the jackal stays away; the lamb asks the wolf to sing first, bleats, shepherds come running; jackal to wolf: did your father or grandfather love music so much? The donkey promises to teach him how to ride, carries a wolf, shepherds hit the wolf with sticks; the camel tells you to look at the amulet under his chest first, tramples to death]: Thorburn 1876:221-222.

Baltoscandia. Estonians: Mälk et al. 1976, No. 12 (Poltsamaa) [the wolf came to eat the horse; it asked to come the day after tomorrow - he will get fat; next time tomorrow; the wolf said he would definitely eat it tomorrow; the horse complained to the owner, who nailed its new horseshoes, tied its tail in a knot; the horse invited the wolf to start eating it from behind; the wolf grabbed the tail and could not pull his teeth out of the knot; the horse rushed, the wolf dead; the hare laughed so much that his lip burst], 13 (most of Estonia) [the wolf asks the mare how much her foal is; she replies that the price is on her right hind hoof, the wolf bends down, she kicks him, the wolf is barely alive]: 39-40, 41 (same in Kippar 1986, No. 47B [including the setu]: 62-63); Eastern Sami (Inari): Kecskeméti, Paunonen 1974, No. 47B: 218; Latvians [hungry wolf, wishing get close to the horse, pretends to pet it; the horse pretends to be sick, asks to examine its back leg; kills a wolf]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 47B: 253; Lithuanians [12 options; wolf said that he was a doctor and would cure the horse's legs, came up, the horse would lie down; either the wolf came up and the horse asked her to heal its legs; or the horse asked him to start eating it from behind - during this time it would eat more; or asks to see the document under her hoof]: Kerbelite 2014, No. 15:49; Finns: Salmelainen in Schreck 1887, No. 9 [people lost pieces of roast pork, the wolf found it, but the pork is salted; wanted will eat a pig, she asked for permission to baptize the piglets first, rushed with them into the river, swam across to the other side and did not return; the bull asks for permission to try on the field first, runs away to the village; the horse says you can't eat her foal because this land does not belong to a wolf, you can see a record of it on her hoof; wolf kicks; wolf: am I a pastor to baptize children, am I a surveyor?] : 232-234, in Concca 1991 [the wolf wants to eat the piglets, she asks permission to baptize them first; they flopped into the river and swam across; the wolf wants to eat the goat; he asks for permission first cross the field, ran away to people; wants to eat a foal: the mare does not have permission to graze in these meadows; she tells me to look at permission under her hoof, lies down; wolf: because I'm not a pop to baptize not a surveyor to make furrows, not an official to check the certificate]: 314-315; Karelians (Tver Karelians) [the wolf asks St. George, what does he have; he sends him to kill the mare, but not to touch the foal; mare: do you have permission? wolf: from St. George; mare: and I have it from St. Mykola, look at it; the mare raised its tail, the wolf came up, she kicked him; the wolf came back to St. George, he allowed him to pick up the ram; the ram: I'll jump into your mouth myself; hit you with horns; for the third time St. George offers to eat a tailor with an iron arshin; he demands that the wolf first allow him to be measured; grabbed his tail, beat him with arshin; the tailor left and climbed the tree; the wolf gathered others wolves, and called the bear; the bear is below, the wolves stood on top of each other; the tailor sneezed, the wolf was frightened, the animals were gone]: Makarov 1963, No. 40:55-58; Swedes [the fox asks the mare to give her a foal; that invites the fox to wash itself first and then wipe it off with a towel, i.e. tail; kicks with its hoof; the fox asks the ram to allow it to eat; the ram puts the fox on a stump to jump down its throat, butts; the fox asks the pig for piglets; she wants to sing a waste on them first, a boar comes running, the fox flees; the fox asks the goose for geese, she leads them to wash them first in the lake, does not return; sitting under a tree, the fox wonders why she was so foolish; a man sitting in a tree dropped an ax on her tail]: Stier 1971, No. 45:181-182; Danes: Uther 2004 (1), No. 47B: 41-42.

Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars: Zamaletdinov 2008a, No. 5 [=1992:22-26; Fox, Badger, Camel, Wolf, Horse decide to eat the younger one; Camel: Allah created him with Adam; Fox: she is in Noah's boat taught children; Wolf: guarded this boat; Badger: treated people in it; Horse says she has a receipt under her hoof, lies Wolf, runs away; Camel agrees to be eaten when Badger promises in spring to resurrect him; the Fox persuades Badger to eat his heart, the Wolf chases the Badger, the Fox eats the best meat at the time; the Fox tells the Wolf that he teaches the children; the Wolf trusts her two cubs; she asks him return six months later, eats cubs; pretends to be a miller, offers the Wolf to lick the flour, lets water, the Wolf hit the wall; the Fox invites the Wolf to learn how to weave the basket, wraps it around, his people they take it], 26 [the ox wants to eat the horse, it asks to pull the golden hair out of its tail, kicks the wolf; wolf: where did you see the golden hair on its tail?! the bull asks to remove the gold watch from his neck, butts (the same thing); the goat says she is a muezzin, asks for permission to climb to the roof, calls the owner; the wolf wants to eat the lych; she says she is a teacher, offers to teach cubs; ate them; said they would come soon; offers to eat flour from the millstone, lets water in; wolf: when was the fox a teacher? the fox promises sheep to the wolf, tells him to hide in ricks, sets fire, the wolf is burned; wants to eat a man; he promises to sew clothes for a naked wolf; beat him to death with an iron arshin]: 31-35, 74-78; Chuvash : Chuvash tales 1937 [a man sends a hungry wolf to eat a ram; he offers to jump into his mouth, butts; the same with a mare (offers to eat it from behind, lies down); with a pig (asks permission sing first); when a person sends a wolf to the dog, the dog says that it has honey and meat under the floor, the wolf climbs there, the dog slammed the lid]: 120-121; Aisin 1993 [the wolf wants to eat the tailor; that offers to sew a fur coat for him, take a measure; holds his tail and hits him with an iron arshin; the horse offers to show an interesting picture, lies with his hoof; the ram - to jump into the mouth, butts from the take-off; the pig - to sing a song, people scream, run; the dog is brought to a feast; in the underground, the wolf drinks and eats, starts singing; he was killed]: 39-40; Marie: Bakulevsky 1973 [the wolf wants to eat the man; he offers to sew him fur coat; to do this, the wolf must be measured; the wolf lies down, the man starts hitting him with a stick; the wolf believes that he now has a warm red coat; wants to eat the ram; he says that he will jump into his mouth; after running away, butts; the wolf believes that he has swallowed the ram; the horse tells her to count the hair in its tail before eating it, the wolf lies; the dog asks her not to eat, but calls her to the wedding; the wolf sings under table, they didn't find him; then he went out to dance, they beat him, barely left]: 39-42; Wichmann 1931, No. 8 [the wolf is going to eat the tailor; he suggests sewing his clothes first and taking a measure for this; enough for tail and hits with arshin; the wolf wants to eat the ram, he offers to jump into his mouth, butts with a take-off; wants to eat a bull, he asks the wolf to stand backwards first, also butts; wants to eat a mare, that suggests starting from behind, kills by kicking]: 166-167; Bashkirs [the wolf wants to eat the merchant, he suggests measuring him first - whether he will fit in the belly; hits with an iron arshin; the goat asks permission shout Azan before death, its owners beat the wolf; the foal says that he has a ticket under his tail so that the wolf does not eat it, kicks the wolf; every time the wolf asks himself why he did it, allowed something and that's what you should have eaten]: Barag 1989, No. 110:427-428.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [the wolf asks the fox to feed him, she brought him lamb; the lamb says it is better to eat it when he gains weight; the fox brings a ram; he tells the wolf that he is not the only one eat, let him bring friends; the wolf follows friends, the ram runs away; the fox brought the wolf to the horse that fell into the hole; the horse asks to pull the nail out of its hoof first, kicks the wolf; the fox takes off his skin and leaves]: Bosingen 1985:33; Karakalpaks [the goat replies to the wolf that he is the leader of the herd, the ram is that he is a Khan's tightrope walker, the mare tells you to read the message on the tag on its tail first, hits a wolf with his hoof; when he dies, he sings a song: why did I feel sorry for the tightrope walker, am I an artist; why did I go to read, because I am illiterate]: Volkov, Mayorov 1959:65-66; Kyrgyz [wolf wants to eat a cat with broken wings advises you to take sausage lying on a hill; sausage: eat a goat better; goat: I'm skinny, eat a goat; goat: you can't get enough of me, a mare is stuck in the swamp; mare: pull me out first and then write your name on my hoof; wolf kicked; wolf: what a fool am I and why did I sign my hoof, am I a competent mullah?] : Brudny, Eshmambetov 1981:270-271; Kyrgyz [wolf wants to eat a goat; she promises to bring him a goat left at home as well, does not return; sheep; she says she dances well; wolf agrees to look; the sheep leaves, making big circles and moving further away; the horse; the horse; she tells me to know first if he can eat it - there is a note on its hoof; the horse kicked the wolf, he howled]: The Muchnik 1944:50; (cf. The Uighurs (Yarkand) [the monkey and the fox came to steal grapes; the monkey ate, and when the fox climbed into the vineyard, told the owner that a thief had climbed; the fox ran to the ploughman: eat you or your ox? ploughman: eat my wife; the fox ran to his house, the ploughman's wife hit her with a stick; the ploughman: eat my ram; the ram hit the fox with its horns; the fox came back again, asked if I should start eating the ploughman in front or behind; plowman: behind; gassed the fox in the face, the fox ran away]: Jarring 1946, No. 6:139-140).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakas [the bay horse is stuck in the swamp, the wolf is going to eat it; he asks the wolf to first pull it out of the mud and wash it so as not to eat dirty things; enters the water, faces the wolf and kills with a hoof blow]: Ungvitskaya, Mainogasheva 1984:213-214; Tuvans: Samdan 1994, No. 19 [the wolf wants to eat the foal; he suggests riding it first when he is running in a small amble; the wolf does not knows what it is, rides, falls asleep, the foal leaves it in the steppe; wolf: am I changi or hondyu (categories of officials) who ride a small amble; the same is a large amble; the same - go mixed running; the foal suggests reading the inscription on his hoof; the wolf bends down, gets hit by his hoof; "Am I a literate scribe, it would be better to eat it"; the wolf dies]: 365-367; Taube 1978, No. 8 [the foal tells the wolf that he can always eat it; but he is an unusual foal, riding a large amble; offers to sit on it; an intrigued wolf sits on a foal, falls asleep, the wolf throws him off; wolf: am I a shepherd to ride a large amble; the same twice more (in a small amble; in a trot); the foal invites the wolf to read the decree on his hoof; when hit hoof, the wolf laments: am I a scribe to read decrees; dies], 59 (Mongun-Taiga) [old man Tosandai has sons Dondai, Chandai, Dandey and Sharganday; T. wants to eat mangys; he says he tough, let the mangys take a knife from Dondai; Dondai sends mangys to Chandai for a whetstone; the whetstone is so large that you have to go to Dendey for the cart; to pull the cart, you have to take an ox from Sharandai; S. teaches Mangysa lean back to the ox and shout, "Hi, Hi, Hi!" , otherwise the ox will not move; the ox kicks in fear, six mangys heads scattered around]: 23-24, 285-287; Buryats (Bokhansky District, Irkutsk Region, 1946) [The foal is stuck in the mud, the wolf is stuck in the mud, the wolf he is going to eat it, he asks him to pull it out first, then wash it - not to eat dirty; and then let it dry - not to eat wet meat; then read the inscription on the gold seal under his right hoof; the wolf lies and runs away; the wolf: what inscription did I want to read if I don't understand the letters? ; the bull asks me to ride it first, rushes home, the wolf hits the crossbar; the wolf: I will never sit on horseback again; pigs want to sing, people come running, hit the wolf; wolf: why did I need pig singing? the dog offers to eat not her, but a fallen horse; the wolf falls into a trap, the hunters finished him off]: Barannikova 2000, No. 16:79-83 (=Dugarov 1990:354-357; =Eliasov 1959:134-135); Inner Mongols Mongolia {in Ikeda 1979, a reference to a Japanese publication without specifying the place of recording; in Ting 1978, according to the references, the "Mongolian peoples of China"; these may be Dongxians or Mongors, but "Mongols Inner Mongolia" is more likely} [the wolf is going to eat a horse; it asks to pull a splinter out of its leg first, kicks its hoof in the face]: Ikeda 1979:15; Dagurs [wolf found a stomach on the side of the road sheep; the stomach said, "What am I with all my contents, wouldn't you be better off going to a place where a one-year-old foal is stuck in the mud?" ; the wolf ran to the foal, who said to him: "It doesn't matter if you eat me. But before you do that, you get me out of the mud, lick me with your tongue. Wouldn't my meat taste even better then?" ; the wolf pulled out the foal, licked the dirt on it; the foal asked, "Wouldn't it be better to look at the sea lettering on the hoof of my back leg before eating me?" ; the wolf bent his neck to look at his hoof; the foal hit him on the forehead and ran away; the wolf met the bull; he said, "If I am so unhappy, let me be eaten. But would you like to test me how I can ride before that?" ; the wolf agreed, the goby told him to sit on horseback, turning in the opposite direction; the wolf sat down and grabbed the tail of the bull; the goby ran to the village; the residents beat the wolf; he barely escaped, said: "What am I Literacy that you decided to read the foal inscribed on the hoof? When did I learn to ride a horse to decide to ride a goby? What a fool I am, how ignorant I am!"] : Todayeva 1986:101.

Western Siberia. Northern Khanty {check if Uther 2004 has erroneous links}: Rédei 1968, No. 38 in Uther 2004 (1), No. 47B: 41-42.