Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M154B. Husband does wife's job, ATU 1408.


The husband (rarely: son) will stay at home instead of his wife (mother), but he does everything badly and inadvertently.

Amhara, Spaniards, Portuguese, Galicians, Catalans, Italians (Campania, Calabria), Ladins, Irish, British, French, Friesians, Flemish, Dutch, Germans (Schleswig-Holstein, Lower Saxony, Switzerland, Austria), Syrian Arabs, (Sikkim, Amdo Tibetans), Bhutan, Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats, Romanians, Hungarians, Greeks, Slovaks, Luzhitans, Poles, Russians (Olonetskaya, Novgorod, Vologda, Moscow, Voronezh), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Poltava, Kharkiv), Belarusians, Adygs, Dargins, Georgians, Kurds, Eastern Sami (Skolts), Finns, Karelians, Veps, leaders, Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians , Livons, Danes, Swedes, Norwegians, Icelanders, Chuvash, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Maris, Udmurts.

Sudan-East Africa. Amhara [the husband grumbles at his wife; she offers to go to work in the fields, and let him be at home; the husband forgot to close the door, the goats ate cabbage; while chasing the cattle, the dogs ate the meat, the cats they knocked over the milk; the wife did not get angry, everyone did their usual job]: Gankin 1979, No. 208:248-249.

Southern Europe. The Spanish (Murcia) [husband and wife changed places; the wife went to the fields and the husband stayed at home; or the mother leaves her son alone in the house; the wife does everything diligently, and the husband does everything inadvertently; they decide to return to their former duties]: Hernández Fernández 2013, No. 1408:211; Catalans (Mallorca included) [mother asks fool son to do household chores; he quits chickens into the well to drink; sits on eggs himself; pours oil into his hat; pours flour out of the bag for the wind to carry it home, etc.]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 1408:240-241; Portuguese [{ no detailed retelling}]: Cardigos 2006, No. 1408:295; Galicians [the wife went to the fair, but the husband stayed on the farm; tied the chickens with one rope, the kite took them all at once; brought Teslo to knead the donkey, the donkey ate the dough; the next day, the wife sent her husband to the fair, ordering him to sell the canvas to a sluggish buyer; left it in front of the statue in the church; the next day he came for the money; without receiving it, began to beat the statue, it split and the money was there; the husband brought it to his wife]: Contos 1972, No. 72:69-70; Italians (Campania, Calabria): Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 1406:310; ladins: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1408:201-202.

Western Europe. Irish [husband reproaches his wife: he would have done her duties twice as fast; his wife offers him to stay at home and she will do his job; the husband was going to whip up the butter, but at that time he cried a child; a pig climbed into the house, her husband wanted to drive her away with a hoe, but hit her and killed her; he hooked the rope on the cow's horns to prevent it from climbing onto the roof to pinch the grass, tied the other end to his belt; the cow ran, the husband hung on the rope; the wife cut her off, the husband fell; no longer told his wife that her job was easier than his]: Muller 2006, No. 69:107-109; Dutch [Jan always grumbles - wife does everything not so; the hermit advises her to change duties with her husband; Ian stayed at home; began to knock down the oil; went down to the cellar to pour himself a beer; at that time the pig entered the room; he rushed to drive her out, forget to put the plug back in, all the beer poured out of the barrel; Ian began to knock down the oil again and took the cow to water; when he leaned over the well, the tub of butter fell there; Ian got the cow to graze flat the roof, and he cooked his own food; to prevent the cow from falling off the roof, he tied one end of the rope to its horns, and put the other end into the chimney and tied it to his belt; the cow fell, pulling Jan into the chimney, where he stayed hang; his wife came, cut off the rope, the cow fell and broke her leg; Ian fell into the soup pot]: Soer 1979:129-130; British, French, Friezes, Flemish, Germans ( Schleswig-Holstein, Lower Saxony, Switzerland, Austria): Uther 2004 (2), No. 1408:201-202; Germans [in northern Germany the motive has been recorded since the 16th century]: Liungman 196:295.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Bhutan [the chicken (woman) is at home, the monkey (man) works in the field; when he returns, the chicken always sleeps; he thinks she is doing nothing, offers to change responsibilities; the chicken went into the field; the monkey did not even know how to start the fire; invited the chicken to go home again, but remained peeking herself; thinking that she found out everything, stayed at home again; she hardly started the fire; tried to sweep the floor like the chicken did with its wings, but only picked up the dust with her hands; heated the pan with butter and tried to lay the egg, but only scorched its tail; when the chicken returned, the monkey tried to kill her, but she jumped out the window; the chicken met a needle, a piece of salt, a stick; all four came to the house when the monkey was not there; the needle hid in the crack, salt in the hearth, the stick at the door; the monkey started to fan the fire, salt in her eyes; fell to the floor, the needle hit her ass; the stick started hitting her, the monkey ran out and never came back; the chicken was sitting under the roof all this time and cackling happily]: Choden 1994:27-30: (cf. Tibetans (Sikkim) [a wife named Fat always cooks fatty foods for Meaty's husband; he spies, sees her rolling in the pan to fill it; after sending his wife, the husband lies down in the pan himself, fried; the wife is looking for a llama to perform a rite on him; Dove, Magpie, Raven do not know Lamsky words, the woman drives them away; the Kite utters Buddha's epithets, the woman hands him her husband's body; when he returns, the Kite replies that she ate the body, mistaking it for a treat; she throws a cup of sour milk at it; since then, there is a white spot on the kite's head]: Krapivina 2001:41-47; Tibetans (Amdo) [Com Fat stays cooking , A Lump of Meat goes to buy firewood; spies, sees a Lump of Fat dip in boiling water and the food is ready; calls to cook, let the Fat Lump go for firewood; when he returns, he sees that the Meat Lump has been cooked]: Tshe dbang rdo rje et al. 2007:31).

Western Asia. Syrian Arabs: El-Shamy 2004, No. 1408:791; Aramaics: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1408:201-202.

The Balkans. Bulgarians [the lazy man has gone through two furrows, promises his wife to plow to the pear tomorrow; draws a furrow at the pear, pours all the seeds into it, goes to bed; so three days; the wife goes to plow herself, tells doing household chores, my husband is confused: the kite took the chicken with the chickens attached to it, the laundry has floated away, etc.; the wife drives him away so that her eyes will never see him; he goes, repeats," never, never," the fishermen think he wants them to never catch fish, they hit them, tell them to say "5-6 at a time," he says this to the funeral procession; you need to: "eternal memory," the fool says it wedding train; you have to dance, "gay gay"; a fool dances in front of a pot cart, oxen carried, pots are broken]: Klyagina-Kondratyeva 1951:156-159; Hungarians [husband tells his wife she is all day sleeps at home and he works; wife offers to change duties; husband does bad things and damages the household]: Vöö 1986, No. 1408:299; Serbs, Croats, Romanians, Greeks: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1408:201-202.

Central Europe. Poles [the husband sends his wife to the field, but he stays at home, does everything he should not; pigs eat sour cream, beer has spilled, etc.]: Krzyżanowski 1963, No. 1408:59; Luzhitans [husband angry that lunch is not ready; the wife is called to go to the field and leave him home; did not lock the barn, went to the cellar, took out the cork from the beer keg, there is noise upstairs, he did not plug the barrel, pigs are lying in the house sour cream, beer poured out in the cellar; began to knock down the oil, leaned over the well, the shift poured out there; there was grass on the roof, the man drove a cow there, tied it to his belt, a rope through the chimney, a cow slipped off, hung strangled, the man in the chimney roasts; the wife ran, cut off the rope, the man fell into the brew and drowned, the cow also hit]: Romanenko 1962:88-90; Slovaks [husband remains homely and does everything inadvertently]: Gašparikova 1991, No. 1408:527; Russians (Olonetskaya, Novgorod, Vologda, Voronezh, Kursk), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Poltava), Belarusians [The husband does his wife's job: stays at home instead of his wife, does everything inadvertently - he misses beer, overturns the dough (sour cream), lets the cow graze on the roof]: SUS 1979, No. 1408:296-297; Russians (Moscow) [husband scolds his wife if something is wrong; she offers to change jobs; husband stays at home; began to knead the dough, and tied a jug of sour cream at the back so that he too strayed; tied the chickens to the chicken; the kite took everyone away at once; the husband ran, broke the jug on the lintel; the pig broke in, spilled the dough; the husband stopped scolding his wife]: Vedernikova, Samodelova 1998, No. 83:213-214; Russians (Kursk, Fatezhsky District) Taras believes that his wife is unable to do her job and invites her to exchange classes with him for one day. One goes to the field to mow rye, he heats the stove, ties the chickens and releases them, ties himself to the cradle in which the baby sleeps, kneads the dough. The hawk takes all the chickens, the man rushes into the yard, the child falls and crashes. He throws an ax at the hawk, misses it, the ax falls into the river, Taras undresses and searches for him unsuccessfully, the wind blows his clothes away. He's ashamed to go through the village. His mother-in-law comes to the house, Taras runs and hides from her on the ceiling. She tries to correct his mistakes, he bends down to follow her actions and falls, she gets scared and runs away, thinking it's Satan. He runs to his wife - she takes him for evil spirits until he confesses who he is and talks about what happened in the house. She brings his clothes, he promises to never take over her work]: Aristov, Pavlov 1939:58-60; Ukrainians (Kharkiv, Valkovsky, Lyubotin) [Melashka leaves Khveley's husband alone to study household. He ties the chickens, watches them, ties a pot of sour cream to his belt - whips up butter, pushes millet into a mortar. The kite grabs the extreme chicken, takes everyone away, Khveleley runs after him, drops the pot, spills oil, and when he returns home, finds that the pigs have eaten millet. He decides to seize new chickens, puts eggs in the sieve, and sits down. His mother-in-law comes, invites him to visit on Saturday, he goes out the gate, meets his wife, says that his mother-in-law is waiting for them to visit now. She is surprised that Khveleley offers to help, he is asked to cut down firewood, and decides to cut a large oak tree so that he falls on the wagon himself. An oak tree falls, destroys a wagon, kills a horse, he walks past the pond with an ax, wants to kill a seagull, throws it at birds, it sinks. He runs after ducks, loses sight, returns to the pond, undresses, dips, looks for an ax, while his clothes are taken away, at night he returns to the village, sleeps in a pigsty, falls into a puddle, his wife goes to the pigsty, he asks me to bring his father's clothes. He goes into the hut, asks for food, he is offered to get dumplings from the oven, a cat gives birth to kittens on the stove, he eats them, takes the cat itself, it meows and runs away. He praises the dumplings, says that the biggest one ran away, they explain to him what he ate. A few days later, they ask him to put kvass in the cellar, a dog looks in there, he mistakes her for a demon, throws a plug at it, he has nothing to pour kvass into]: Manzhura 2003:92-93; Ukrainians ( Poltavskaya, Romensky u.) The husband offers his wife to work in the fields, believing that she is not doing anything at home. She gives him tasks - to knead dough, chop firewood, herd chickens/chickens, bake bread, and make butter. He ties the chickens together and tries to cut down the yards at the same time, the cake ("shulika") carries all the chickens, followed by an ax into the well. The husband tries to knead the dough and cook butter, heats the stove, the mother-in-law appears, he is surprised that the house is heated, but there is no one inside. The husband tries to understand what she is doing, slips on his hand, smeared with dough, falls into the canopy. The wife comes back and her husband asks her to stay at home at all times]: Gnedich 1916, No. 1478:9-10.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Adygi [husband stays at home instead of his wife and cannot cope with household chores, harms the household; recognizes the complexity of women's work and returns to men's work]: Tkhamokova 2014, No. 1408:201; Dargins (Kubachi) [husband dissatisfied with his wife; she went to haymaking, left her husband to go home; the husband got up late; dragged the cow to the roof where the grass was; kneaded the dough, but the bread burned; tied the chickens to each other so as not to get lost; he tied a rope to the cow, lowered it down the chimney and tied it to himself, began to whip the butter, the cow fell off the roof, hung, pulled the owner, who got stuck in the chimney, the jug fell out of hand, broke; neighbors cut off the rope, the cow fell to the ground, the owner fell to the hearth]: Aliyeva 2013, No. 116:493-494; Georgians (Pshaviya) [the wife tells the lazy husband to do the housework, in the field herself went; he tied the chickens so that they would not run away, the kite took everyone away at once; the husband chased the kite, carrying a bag of flour, a sieve, milk, to sift the flour and knock down the butter at the same time; scattered and spilled everything; decided sit on eggs like a chicken to raise new chickens; his wife drove him into the field again; put on men's clothes, appeared as if from the king: the prince fell ill, he needed a lazy liver; he squeezed everything in a day; he did not want to slaughter a pig - let fat climb out of it; the wife oiled the pig, she was slaughtered; the last ham remains, the wife does not give it; the husband: then I will die; the deceased has already been brought to church and left; the wife shouts: to her, dead, a new temple is being built in the sky, everyone should wear bricks! a lazy man jumped up and has since started working]: Chikovani 1954, No. 74:350-353; Kurds [husband says his wife lives without worries; she offers him to stay at home and she will go herd sheep; husband tied a chicken and the chickens to the same rope, the kite carried them all at once; while he was running after the kite, the water in the cauldron boiled away, the cereal burned; he tied the pot of pellets to his back to whip the butter; bent down, it all poured out to the floor; while milking the goats, the lavash in the tendura burned down; the goat knocked over the milk pot; the wife returned in the evening, the husband went to herd the sheep in the morning]: Shamilov 1967:95-98.

Baltoscandia. Latvians [Husband does housework instead of his wife]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 1408:352; Norwegians: Dasent 1970 [husband is always dissatisfied with his wife; she suggests going to her instead haymaking, and let him be at home; the husband prepared the container to knock down the oil, went down to the cellar to pour ale from the barrel; heard the pig enter the room; rushed upstairs, forgetting to put the plug back; the pig was already knocked over the trough, the man chased it and killed it; remembered the beer - the whole barrel had already leaked out; the husband tied a container of the remaining cream behind his back, bent over to collect water, the cream poured into the well; he drove the cow to graze on the roof, tied it by the neck, lowered the rope into the chimney, tied it to his leg; the cow fell, hung by the neck, the husband hung over the stove where the porridge was cooking; the wife came running, cut off the rope, the cow fell, the husband fell his head into a pot of porridge]: 269-272 (translated to Vazhaev 1962:335-338); Hodne 1984, No. 1408 [the wife goes to do her husband's job, and he remains at home; drives the cow to the roof, pours beer, etc.]: 250-251; Swedes [husband is dissatisfied with the way his wife manages; wife went to the meadow, husband stayed at home; making cheese, spilled everything on the floor; making butter, took the butter mill on his back, went for water, spilled everything into the stream; went down to get a piece of meat and pour beer; the dog grabbed the meat, he ran after it, leaving the tap open, all the beer poured out; drove the cow to the roof, tying a rope around its neck , lowering the other end through the chimney into the house and tying it by the leg; the wife found a hanging cow and a husband hanging]: Schier 1971, No. 80:243-244; Estonians [M.J. Eisen; husband reproaches his wife for her it is too easy to live; the wife suggested that she should go mow, and let him manage; the husband began to cook porridge, forgot about the cow; decided to add water to make the porridge cook longer, filled the fire; tied the cow to cellars, went to finish cooking porridge; on the way he began to knock down the oil, went down to the barn to drink kvass; a pig with piglets entered the kitchen; the husband ran to drive her out, did not close the barrel, the kvass poured out; in the house there was a pig in sour cream; throwing a log into it, her husband killed her; went to get water, dropped the butter churn into the well; the porridge was already burnt; went to look for butter, fell into a barrel of flour; the wife returned, put the house in order, her husband was no longer scolded]: Yakubinskaya, Turkina 1965:220-224; Finns, Lithuanians, Livons, Danes, Icelanders: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1408:201-202; Eastern Sami (Skolts, Neiden) [ returning from the forest, the husband is dissatisfied that the food is not ready; the wife suggests that tomorrow she go to the forest herself and her husband stay at home; he hung a cream krinka on his back to break the butter, went down to the cellar to pour beer; heard that the pig entered the house and there was a jar of oil on the floor; rushed after the pig, forgetting to close the tap in the barrel; went to the well, bent down, the crinka with sour cream fell into the well; was afraid let the cow graze, let the grass on the earth roof of the house eat, tied a rope to the cow, and passed the other end through a hole in the roof and tied it to his leg; the cow fell, hung; the husband also hung for leg; the wife came, cut the rope, the husband fell his head into the pot; in the cellar, the wife found an empty barrel and beer on the floor; decided to send her husband to the forest tomorrow]: Lagercrantz 1961, No. 301:159-163; counselors: Kecskeméti, Paunonen 1974, No. 1408:255; Karelians: Concca 1959 [the husband thinks his wife is idle; she suggests going to the forest instead of him, and let him be at home; the man went to grind flour, tied a shaky rope to his leg, put a purse with sour cream by the shoulders; put the child in a gang of wet clothes, he turned over and suffocated; a pig ran in, knocked over the sour cream, the man threw a barrel at her with kvass, he crashed, the pig died; the man bent over to the water, the cauldron fell, the sour cream flowed out; the man pulled the cow to the roof, it fell, pulled the owner by the lasso; the wife came in - the husband hangs over the boiler; promises Do not scold the hostess]: 171-173; Onegin 2010, No. 58 (Kalevalsky district) []: 481-482; Veps [the husband is jealous of his wife; she suggests going to the field instead of him, let him be at home; the man's dough ran away; the kite ate the chickens; the sour cream hung from the belt (to whip itself) spilled, the pig ate, the dough overturned to the floor; the man promises his wife not to try to manage anymore]: Onegin, Zaitseva 1996, No. 40: 152.

Volga - Perm. Chuvashi: Sidorova 1979 [the old man asks his wife to bake a cake with a rope (i.e. with a twisted pattern on the edge); the old woman witched the rope all day; then he sent her to the field, took care of the housework himself; became smelling butter, went to get water, the korchaga around his neck, he leaned down, the oil flowed into the well; tied the chickens to the hen, the kite took everyone away at once; the cake in the oven spread and burned; the man decided not to do women's affairs study and go look for people as stupid as his wife; a cow is pulled to the roof of the bathhouse where weeds grew up; a pig is dragged to a chicken perch; people carry smoke out of the hut in a canopy, the man teaches him to open the windows; returned to wife]: 211-212; Chuvash tales 1937 (western 1937) [the husband returned from the arable land; tells his wife that he did one thing, but she did not do her hundred; the next day the wife went to the field, and the husband stayed to run the household; tied the chickens to one rope, the hawk carried away all at once; the husband ran, knocked over the sour cream (he tried to smell and rip off the cereal at the same time); tries to hatch eggs himself; his wife and his father-in-law came to the party, the father-in-law sent his son-in-law for meat, he gave everything dogs; sent to the cellar for beer, he took out his plugs, the beer spilled out; the son-in-law lay down on the drying canopy, failed]: 135-137; Kazan Tatars [the spouses argue which of them works more, decided change duties; the husband tied the chickens to the chicken so that the hawk would not carry it away; began to knead the dough, and hung the pot of sour cream from his belt to make the butter go astray; the hawk carried away the entire brood; the husband rushed into the yard , caught on the threshold, fell, spilled everything; the calf knocked over the sauerkraut, began to lick the dough off the floor; the fire in the oven went out; during this time the wife plowed the field; told her husband not to reproach her anymore]: Zamaletdinov 2009, No. 124:431-432; the Bashkirs [the husband is angry that the wife did not prepare chatters for the horse; the wife suggests that tomorrow she go to the field and the husband stay at home; the husband tied the chickens together so that they are not took the kite, it took everyone away at once; hung a pot of sour cream around his neck so that while he was kneading the dough, he would get butter; when the chicken stir began, everything spilled, the clothes were covered in sour cream and dough; the sheep became there is dough, he wanted to kick them, fell, the sheep ran away]: Barag 1992, No. 26:66-67; marie [husband is dissatisfied with his wife's demands; she suggests: she will go for firewood herself, and he will be housekeeper; husband starts Pinch the grass on the roof, tied it by the neck, and lowered the other end of the rope through the chimney into the house, tied it to his leg; put the milk to boil; the cow fell, hung by the neck, the owner hung by the leg above the stove, the boiling milk spilled, burned, the husband suffocated from the smoke; the returning wife cut the rope; the cow fell, broke her neck; the husband's wife did not leave her husband on the farm anymore]: Ramstedt 1903, No. 5:184-186; Udmurts [the wife tells her lazy husband to do women's work, she will go to plow herself; the husband kneaded sauerkraut, went out for firewood, tied the chickens with one rope so that the hawk would not drag away; pig entered the house, the dough was on the floor; the hawk dragged all the chickens at once; the next day, the wife put her husband to incubate new chickens; a day later, the husband went to plow: it's still easier than incubating chickens]: Kralina 1976:313-314.

(Wed. Western Siberia. Northern Khanty (Obdorsk, 1992) [The raven goes to cut wood, the Deer Bone heats fat at home; the Raven peeks through the chimney, sees the Deer Bone boiling water, climbs into the cauldron, fat it is heated, she collects it; offers to change roles; the Raven jumped into the cauldron, cooked; Deer Bone began to buy firewood and heat fat, she lives in every home]: Nikolaeva 1999, No. 22: 219).