Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M155. Father's covered nudity. 11.-.13.17.29.

The father or mother (pretends to) fall asleep naked (naked). One of the children is covering for him or her, which is a sign of respect.

Cuba, (Tsonga), Somalis, Oromo, (Konso?) , Old Testament, Abkhazians.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Cuba [Mboom regurgitated the sun, moon and stars; the sun evaporated water, earth appeared; then M. regurgitated various animals and people; then the crocodile regurgitated all the snakes himself, the goat all the horned ones animals, gudgeon - all fish; one man regurgitated white ants, died, ants buried them; the second regurgitated the plants, the third the hawk; M. told everyone how to live; Mboom and Ngaan quarreled over women; N. went into the water, created harmful crocodiles, iguanas, snakes; M. gave birth to 9 sons Woot; they, acting separately, arranged the land, built rivers, invented blacksmithing; the woman relieved her need for the lake of palm wine, it dried up, palm trees grew in this place; the pygmy guessed that the wine had gone to the palm trees; King Woot's son got drunk, lay naked; his sons laughed at him, and his daughter covered him, so he handed him over daughter inheritance; W. fell ill with leprosy, retired to the forest, but his sister Mweel went with him, became his wife, they had many children, W. found signs of royalty, recovered, returned; pygmy spoke about incest, W. fled, his son too became an ancestor of the Lele people; when he left, W. was going to pass on the signs of royalty ("chicken-basket") to his son; the pygmy told Brother Voota Nyimi Longa about this; in the pre-dawn darkness W. did not notice the substitution, handed the "chicken basket" to his brother; after learning about the change, W. burned down the village, sent darkness, and his wife cursed the crops and livestock, both went up the river; later NL begged him to return light and fertility recovered; two families argued for supremacy, decided to throw an ax into the water, whoever swims, would win; Chief Byeeng ordered a wooden fake, but his wife was Chief Bushong's sister, replaced axes; bushong won]: Belcher 2005:215-218; (cf. tsonga [the ancestor of Europeans respected his father's nudity, but the ancestor of the blacks did not, so blacks are deprived of everything]: Junod 1927:352).

Sudan-East Africa. Oromo (conso?) [the first man came down from the sky, he had a penis on his finger; he met a woman on the ground, her vagina was under her arm; the woman became pregnant; asked the heavenly god Waqa to place her vagina away from her eyes strangers, between her legs; gave birth to five boys and four girls; the older brother did not have enough wife, he took his niece when she grew up; only this eldest son covered his father when he slept The veil slipped down and his genitals were exposed; when he died, the father was going to pass on grace to the elder, but the youngest heard about it, came disguised as an elder, received everything; sailed overseas, giving birth to Arabs and Europeans; the elder became the ancestor of the Oromo, the second was Gabra (non-Muslim camel breeders), the third was Muslims, the fourth was Shangalla]: Belcher 2005:143-145; konso [{same text, but it is referred to konso, not Oromo} ]: Jensen 1936, No. 1:491-493; Somalis (recorded in Arabic) [the man took an Arab wife and an Ethiopian slave; both gave birth on the same day, the slave died in childbirth; the husband gave birth to a second child to an Arab woman, said that she had given birth to both; the boys had grown up; an old woman came and told an Arab woman that one of them was not her son; offered to check: lie naked in front of the house door as if she had fallen asleep; the son who will cover the mother, the real one; the son of an Ethiopian woman (SE) told the son of an Arab woman (SA) to cover his mother; he covered it, his mother scratched him to find out who covered her later; the father tested the sons; told the mother to say that their father would give them breakfast; said that breakfast was in the stove and hid a lion in the oven; the lion bit SA, who complained to his mother; and SE killed the lion, his father praised him, gave him a sled mare; the Arab woman is offended, asked the old woman bring poison, put SE in her food; tells her son that he must eat separately today; SE gives food to the cat, she is dead; next time the mare warns SE that the poisoned needles are placed on 14 steps, you have to jump over them all at once; he jumps over; the old woman advises the woman to pretend to be sick - supposedly she will recover by eating the mare's liver; the father tells SE to sell him a mare, he demands a lot money, spear and sword; when the time comes, asks for permission to ride the mare for the last time, jumps away; planted a tree, SA came to him; SE ordered to watch the tree: if it dries up, then he is in trouble; he comes to a girl, threatens her father, he has to allow SE to sleep with his daughter; the light is on the horizon, this is the daughter of Sunrise; SE comes to the fortress, reads the Koran, gets inside; the girl says that the demon will eat them; SE teaches him to hide it, explain to the demon that the smell is from the prince who was yesterday; when the demon falls asleep, the girl explains to SE that a demon can only be killed with his own sword when his two are closed small eyes and two big ones are open; you have to hit with your left hand; SE cut off his head; the demon asks to hit again, SE refuses, the demon dies; SE has been living with Voskhod's daughter for 10 years; while swimming, she lost hair, water brought him to the king, he sent an army to bring the owner of the hair, SE killed everyone; the old woman promises to bring a woman to the king; comes disguised as a beggar; the wife does not want to let her in, nor SE insisted; she gave him coffee with poison, he died; the warriors took the women away; SA saw that the tree was dry; came to SE's first wife, sleeps at night with his back turned to her; finds SE's body; sees one raven bring a corpse revived the other by dipping it in the water; revived SE; the brothers, disguised as dervishes, came to SE's wife's kidnapper; lured the old woman to a skinned hole, threw earth; came to the kitchen, the wife recognized SE; the king offered they served as warriors; gave them weapons, offered to choose horses; SE recognized his mare; they killed the king and his warriors; SE returned his wife, and gave his first wife to an Arab son]: Reinish 1900, No. 1:259-277.

Western Asia. Old Testament [with Noah, his sons Sim, Ham, and Jayet came out of the ark; Noah planted a vineyard, made wine, got drunk, lay naked in a tent; Ham saw it, told the brothers; Sim and Japheth went backwards not to look at their father, covered him with clothes; when Noah woke up, cursed Ham, saying that he would be a slave to his brothers]: Gen. 9, 18-25.

(Wed. Mesoamerica Micah (European Castle) [before the flood, the animals came to the village, people killed them, began to cook them, but the pots burst, the animals ran away; God meets an old man who has gone for firewood, tells them to announce the flood; they laugh at him; God commands make a box, do not let others into it; an old man with children, Raven, Fox, Dove, escaped in the box; rain flooded the ground with a flood; the Dove is sent for reconnaissance, stains the paws with the blood of the dead, now they are red; when the waters have come down, there is no fertile land; the raven flies, brings land from the land of the devils three times (they shake off almost everything from it each time, a little remains); the earth grows; the fox goes to the owners fire, asks to warm up, sticks his tail into the fire, comes running; the tip of the tail is now black; the eldest son sees the father drunk and naked, tells the youngest; he beats his father, the father no longer drinks; tells his sons three in the morning swim early; the youngest bathes, brightens, becomes master; the elder is lazy, his skin darkens, he must work]: Miller, Villa Rojas 1956, No. 5:104).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians [Anam and Adam gave birth to three sons; did not work, ate air; hell gave Adam a red apple, then a second, a third; he ate them, his stomach was upset, he got dirty; the older two The son turned away disgustingly, the youngest washed his father; Adam cursed the elders to work for a century, blessed the youngest; so some people live carefree]: Zukhba 1995:61-62.