Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M157. Impossible births, (ATU 875E).


The character claims that a man, male animal, or object gave birth (or that it is menstruating) or that an animal of one species gave birth to a cub of another species, or that a woman gave birth to an animal or an inanimate object.

Luba, Kuanyama, Nyanga, Kaguru, Goose, Kamba, Nyamwezi, Yancy, Mbede, Western Pygmies (aka?) , Beti, Douala, Swahili, Hausa, Von, Kassonke, Bambara, Mandingo, Mosi, Dagomba, Moba, Dagari, Diola, Fulbe, Songhai (Zarma), Bamileke, Kpelle, Buduma, Mukulu, Maba, Lobi, Zaghawa, Fur, Nubians, Oromo, Sakho, Afara, Bilin, Tigre, Amhara, Tsamai, Meen, Masai, Malgashi, Sudanese Arabs, Mauritania and Western Sahara Arabs, Zenaga, Berbers Morocco, Kabilas, Algerian Arabs, Tunisia, Libya (Tripoli), Basques, Spaniards, Portuguese, Italians, Maltese, Ladins, French, Irish, Flemish, Frisians, Germans (Grimms, Baden-Württemberg), Palestinians, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Burmese, Vietnamese, Khmu, Sindhi, Kashmiris, Kumaoni, Northern India (Hindi), Marathi, Konkani, Sinhalese, Assamese, Oriya, Ho, Oraons, Agaria, Punjabi, Himachal Pahari, Baiga, Gondas, Condas, Bengalis, Simalur, Pampango, Chinese (Shanxi), Koreans, Chuan Miao, Lisu, Ancient Greece, Serbs, Croats, Macedonians, Romanians, Moldovans, Albanians, Hungarians, Bulgarians, Greeks, Gagauz, Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Moscow, Orel), Ukrainians (Poltava), Belarusians, Crimean Tatars, Kalmyks, Adygs (Bzhedugs), Kabardian people, Abkhazians, Abazins, Ossetians, Karachays, Balkarians, Ingush, Laki, Dargins, Aguls, Tatas, Georgians, Megrelians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Kurds, Turkmens, Yagnobes, Tajiks, Parachi, Estonians, Setu, Lutsi, Livs, Karelians, Finns, Swedes, Danes, Western and Eastern Sami, Lithuanians, Latvians, Mari, Chuvash, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Uighurs (Kashgar, Guma), yellow Uighurs, Salars, Dungans, Siberian Tatars, Teleuts, Khakas, Shors, Tuvans, South Altai Tuvans, Dagurs, Baikal and Trans-Baikal Buryats, Khalkha Mongols, Ordos Mongols, Oirats, Dolgans, Japanese (all of Japan, including northern Ryukyu).

Bantu-speaking Africa. Luba [the leopard asks the little kabucla antelope to climb the tree to pick fruit; at this time, the kabuclu goat gave birth to a goat and a goat; leopard: my goat gave birth; three types of antelopes confirm that this is possible; the iguana agrees with the kabuclu, grabbed the leopard's nose, who gave the kabucla kids]: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 92:221-222; nyanga [dwarf antelope duker asked a leopard to get his goat, she gave birth to him, the leopard said that his goat gave birth to a goat; they decided to ask the genette for a decision; she sent him to tell the leopard that her husband was giving birth, asking the leopard to be midwife; leopard: no way; duker: how did your goat give birth? since then, the leopard has been hunting dukers and goats]: Kotlyar 1973:217-218; kuanyama [the jackal asked the lion for a goat to inseminate his goat; she gave birth to a kid and a goat, the jackal returned the goat and goat; the lion He also demands to bring the kid: it was his goat who gave birth to him; the turtle agrees to be a judge, comes late, explains that her father is giving birth; everyone says that this cannot be the case; accordingly, he could not give birth and lion goat]: Nekrasova 1975:11-13; geese [childless Leo stole his 12 children from the Monkey, made him his own; The monkey father gathered all the animals, they went to Leo, but no one dared to talk about it case; the next time the Hare came and said that he was in trouble - the children were gone; Leo: you don't have a wife, where the children come from; Hare to Leo: you are also a bachelor, where do you have children; Leo had to return the children to the Monkey] : Vinogradov 1984:315-316; kamba [1) the hyena stole 7 cows and the lion stole 7 bulls; one of the cows calved, the lion took the calf, said that it had given birth to it; the hyena called the hare; he said his father gave birth; lion: men do not give birth; hare: bulls too; the lion returned the calf; 2) (=Okhotina 1962:214-215); the lion and the hyena stole the cattle, the hyena cow calved, the lion smeared his bull with blood, said that the goby gave birth ; the elders do not dare to object to the lion; the hare began to fill the calebasses with water: his father gave birth, water is needed; lion: men do not give birth; hare: bulls too]: Arewa 1961, No. 1309:79, 80; nyamwezi [owner the cows and the bull's owner graze their cattle together; the cow brought twins; the owner of the bull smeared his ass with blood, took one calf, said that his bull also calved; the old men said that the bull could not give birth, but the owner of the bull began to look for another judge; hare: I am looking for a remedy, my father gave birth; the owner of the bull: this is a lie; the hare: bulls do not give birth either]: Vinogradov 1984:332-333; kaguru [Leo has a bull, the Ox has a bull cow; when he saw that the Ox's cow was ready to give birth, he sent him for medicine, and when the Ox returned, he said that the calf had given birth to his bull; the chief ordered the calf to be given to the Ox, but Leo insisted on his own; the Hare met Leo, said he was in a hurry to bring water - his father gave birth to him; Leo: this cannot be the case; the Hare brought Leo to the leader again, Leo was forced to return the calf]: Beidelman 1974b: 250-251; yancey [ the leopard let the marten raise a rooster and then demanded that the chickens be cut; the gazelle cries: the father dies from childbirth; the leopard had to agree that a rooster can't have chickens either]: Paulme 1976:214- 216; mbede [the turtle entrusted the panther to raise two goats and the panther has a goat; the goats brought offspring, the panther says her goat brought the offspring; the gazelle (male) dressed up as a woman and said she was on her period; panther: a man can't become a woman; had to give the turtle goats and goats back]: Adam 1971:62-69 in Paulme 1976:216-217; Western pygmies (aka?) [going to war, tiger {? - lion, panther?} gives chickens to his subjects to take care of them; the antelope gets a rooster; the tiger returns, everyone gives chickens with chickens, the antelope gives a rooster; the tiger demands chickens; the elephant does not want to quarrel with him, he is silent; the turtle screams that the tiger's son is giving birth; everyone laughs; the tiger ate the antelope later]: Trilles 1932:344-345; Beti [the boy Adanfege is more famous than the chief and he wants to kill him; tells himself to have his hair cut; A. asks the mother to cook corn and feeds the leader while she is cutting her hair; the leader orders to return her hair, A. to return the corn; the chief ordered to dig a trap for A., and he made a move from it in advance to his mother's house; the leader organized a running competition and ordered the soldiers to kill the one wearing a scarlet outfit at the finish line, and the leader's son would be in white; A. convinced him to change clothes, the leader's son was killed; the leader gave A. a goat - so that in three He had three kids for days; A. cuts firewood: it is necessary to warm the waters, my father gave birth; the leader sent A. inside the palace, where his boa constrictor swallows incoming people; if the boa constrictor leaves the palace, the leader will die; A. said the boa constrictor that the chief is waiting for him; the chief is dead, A. took his place]: Paulme 1976:207-209; duala [the leopard left his goat with the monkey for three months; the monkey's goat gave birth to goats; the leopard wants to take them - this is his goat gave birth; antelope: rooster laid an egg; leopard: roosters do not rush; antelope: goats never give birth]: Lederbogen 1901, No. 5:163-165; Swahili [Abu Nuwas asked his neighbor for a pot, and returning it, put a small one in it - gave birth to a large pot; the neighbor is happy; next time the Academy of Sciences did not return the pot, said that he was dead; everything that can give birth dies]: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 191.2:463-464.

West Africa. Hausa: Olderogge 1959 [the king has three slaves, each with a son, their names are Blind, God's Gift, Wiser than the King; the king gives each a sheaf of straw, orders to bring 300 sheaves of sorghum next year; the first two bring, the MC brings a bowl of chaff - this is what grew from planted straw; the tsar gave the cow first, gave the MC a bull; a year later they bring a calf, the MC comes, begins to cut down the tree, says that he cuts wood for the father who gave birth (a bull cannot give birth to a calf either); the courtiers advise that the prince, dressed as a poor man, take the MC dressed as a prince to the robbers; he gave the prince beer on the way, changed clothes, the robbers killed the prince; the MC tells the king that he is wiser than anyone else; turns into a frog, the king into a snake, a mouse a cat, a bird a hawk; a bird flies into the old woman's eye, becomes a pupil, a hawk with an eyebrow; since then, the pupil has not left the shelter so that it is not grabbed by an eyebrow]: 251-252; Mariko 1984 [the jackal has a bull, the hare has a cow, they agree to herd both animals one by one; the jackal's queue is a cow a calf brought, the jackal claims that a bull gave birth to him; they go to the judge to a squirrel (an earth squirrel); he says he must leave - he will give birth now; the jackal says that this does not happen, the squirrel awards the calf hare]: 118-120; background [the king gave the daughter a stallion with orders to take care of the future foal; one day he sees his daughter jumping at full speed; where? - To her husband, he is giving birth. - Are you out of your mind? - Since a stallion can bring a foal, a man can also give birth]: Quenum 1935:173 in Paulme 197:193; bambara [the boy showed people the way, for which they gave him a heifer; he trusted her to his uncle mother; her descendants bred; when he wanted to pick them up, the uncle said that all the calves were born by his bull; the village elders decide in favor of his uncle; the boy asks his uncle and elders to give him oil and soap wash the newborn that his father gave birth to; the calves must be returned]: Klipple 1992:260 (=Paulme 1976:187-188); mandingo [Nyameu speaks in his mother's belly, comes out ahead of time, gives himself name; talks to a sage in the cradle; turns out to be smarter than the leader (if my father could not give birth, how did your bull give birth - it was my cow); the leader tells me to dig a hole with stakes, N. quietly removes the stakes, replaces him with straw; fails, but is alive; the leader tells him to drown; the servants leave the bag; N. shouts out of the bag that he does not want to be the leader; the leader's relative changes places with him, drowned; N. rode all in Silt, on a wet horse, says that there are many horses at the bottom, but everyone can only take one; the chief and all his relatives behave to drown themselves, N. becomes chief]: Mendelssohn 1971:181-187; cash register: Monteil 1905:26-27 [Fatoumata asked Diaba's neighbor for the pot; returned it with the baby one; said the pot gave birth to a daughter; next time F. did not return the borrowed pot, said he died; if The pot can give birth, which means it may die; retelling in Klipple 1992:386], 141-142 [a hyena bull and a pregnant hare cow graze together; when the calf appeared, the hyena said that it was given birth to her bull; they asked a rat to resolve the dispute; the rat father told them that he had just given birth and could not do business now; hyena: father cannot give birth; hare: bull too]; mosi: Paulme 1976 []: 196- 198; Sissao 2010, No. 26 [Yelkonlingma ("I will solve any problem") sees her mother crying; she says that the chief gave her millet and told her to make beer the same day; J. brought the chief stones, asked him to open them, so that people could drink beer from them; then the chief gave J.'s mother a goat and ordered him to bear offspring; J. began to cut down the dry land; replies to the chief that his father gave birth and water for the child should be warmed]: 69-70; Tauxier 1917, No. 94 [a man took a heifer to give to someone whose speeches would be smarter than his speeches; a little boy at home; a man asked for water; a boy went into the house, does not go out; man: why does it take so long? boy: water has turned into big and small grains, I take the big ones; man: water into grains? boy: at least the one who went to look for my mother; the man gave him a chick; the boy gave it to a fulba who had a goby; three years later they gave birth to a herd; boy to father: let's go get a chick; Fulbe gives an old cow: the heifer is old; the chief took the side of the fulbe; the boy left and then ran: the father gave birth to twins; the bull cannot raise a herd; the chief ordered the fulbe to give the boy whole herd]: 493-494; dagomba [the man promised a cow to someone who would give him three unusual answers; he went into the house where the mother left the newborn; began to ask if anyone was in the house; the baby became as a boy and said that he was late: his parents quarreled, their water mixed and he separated it; this is the first answer; the second: he cut the mixed fire between father and mother; third: he lingered because he was connecting a broken road; the man gave the cow to the boy; he took it to his grandfather to get calves from his grandfather's bull; when he came for offspring, the grandfather gave only half of the calves, and the worst; the rest a bull gave birth to him; the boy pretended to agree, and drove the calves home with his father; halfway back: the father gives birth, came to get water; grandfather: men do not give birth; boy: bulls too; received all the calves; it turned out that the old cow was killing his father; he began to cry, and at sunset asked the sun to wait to set so that he could finish mourning; but the sun went down; the moon agreed; in the moonlight the boy buried his father, left the sacrificial meat on a covered mound; when he came in the morning, the sun was sitting there eating meat; he grabbed the sun and hid it in a leather bag; the world fell into darkness; at the leader meeting; the eldest wife advises you to ask the boy as well; he told me everything; agreed to release the sun, but told me to close his eyes; those who began to peek with one eye went blind in one eye, and those who looked at both are completely blind; therefore, there is blindness]: Cardinall 1931:165-169; moba [one chief's son took the name his father gave him (Djabigou), but the other said his name was "More cunning leader"; the father decided to test him; here is the bull - let him have two calves tomorrow; early in the morning the son begins to cut down a tree; chief: what is the matter? son: we need to warm the water urgently, my uncle gives birth; - But men do not give birth! - Bulls too; - You're cunning like a hare; (next episode)]: Paulme 197:193-194; Lobi [of two wives, one is dumb; she gave birth; the other threw the baby into the river and said that the first one gave birth to a stone; the boy lives in the river; the husband sent the groom to mow grass by the river; the boy came out of the river and asked for grass for his toy horse; if a woman can give birth to a stone, the toy horse also eats grass; the groom tells the owner that he came, understood everything, wanted to take his son, but he refused; therefore, people live in the river]: Paulme 1976:235; Dagari [the chief orders that all women bring their newborns, he will give them a name; one suffered, the child died, but came to life when she returned home with him; so three times; the baby said he did not want to see the chief, but his name was Yã-Gãgn-Não; he grew up playing with boys, the chief hears the name; tells his mother to sow grain in a day, grow crops, brew beer; the son does everything; the leader gives his bull to the herd, demands the whole herd - it is his bull who gave birth to him; the young man begins cut wood: the water must be warmed, the father gives birth; the chief is forced to return the herd; the chief peeled off the back of a live cow, oil it, gave it to the young man, ordered the butter not to melt; the young man hid the sun in his bag, it was a long night; for the sun to rise again, the chief was forced to pick up the cow; the young man found out that the chief had dug a trap hole for him, covered it with a mat; the young man dug another hole nearby, dug a passage between them ; while the wives were pouring boiling water into the first hole, the young man got out, climbed onto the roof; the chief sent the son to find out who was there, he said it was Yã-Gãgn-Não, the leader killed him; the same with his second son; the third was not killed, but sent Yã-Gãgn-Não to his friend's funeral, giving him the best horse and his son the worst, and sending a man to kill that rider who rides in luxurious clothes on a good horse; Yã-Gãgn-Não swapped with the chief's son, and he was killed; after that, the chief and Yã-Gãgn-Não became friends]: Métuolé Somba 1991:194-198; Songhai (zarma) [the hare has a cow, The lion has a bull; the cow gave birth to a calf; the lion took the last and stuck it to the back of his bull; everyone agreed with the lion; but Mohammed the Jackal was not; he lingered: the father gave birth; the lion: men do not give birth; the jackal: and the bulls too; the lion ran away]: Calame-Griaule 2002:81-83; Bamileke [the panther brought a goat to the antelope, asked him to get caught; after a while she demanded the kids born from him, otherwise she threatens to take it away The antelope with his wife and children; they are suing in the presence of a lion; the antelope is late: it helped another male antelope relieve the burden; she is told that males do not give birth, the antelope responds: goats too; the antelope is recognized as right]: Voorhoeve 1976, No. 4:90; kpelle [an orphan pulls an egg out of a bird's nest, allows a female potter to sand the vessel with its shell; the egg broke, she gave the vessel an orphan; an orphan lends it to the manufacturer of poisoned arrows, the vessel is broken; the orphan receives an arrow, gives it to the chimpanzee, who breaks it, gives it to chimpanzee skin in return; the orphan gave it to blacksmiths to make furs; blacksmiths they tore the skin, gave the orphan a hoe; he gave it to the workers who cultivated the field with a wooden hoe; they broke the iron one, gave the orphan rice; in exchange for rice, the stream gave the orphan a jar of butter; tree branches they turned the vessel over, the tree gave branches; the orphan let their people fry the fish; they gave him the head of an ox, he threw it into the swamp, asked the traveler to help pull out the ox; the head "came off", the traveler gave the orphan an ox, he brought him to the king {it follows that it is a cow}; the orphan cow calved, the king says that his bull has calved; orphan: give me a knife, for my brother gave birth and it is necessary to cut the umbilical cord; king: is Can a man give birth? orphan: how can a bull calve? an orphan takes a calf]: Westermann 1924, No. 38:177-178; buduma [the lion and the earth squirrel (Xerus inauris) went to the market, the lion bought an ox, the squirrel bought a cow; on the way back, the cow gave birth, the lion took it a calf, put it under the ox, said that he had given birth to an ox; the jackal called to judge; he said he could not: his father gave birth, he was in a hurry to him; lion: this is impossible: jackal: an ox cannot give birth to a calf either; animals laughed, the lion rushed at the jackal, everyone ran away; the ox, the cow and the calf remained in the human village, the lion has been angry at everyone ever since]: Konrad 196:353-354; mukulu [the hyena has 7 children, the lion has one child; they got 7 oxen, son of a lion one; lion: to be equally divided, you must be 7+1 ox, my son 1+7 oxen; when the lion killed its oxen, the hyena got a skull and giblets; then the hyena caught the cows, they brought calves; and the lion had a bull; the lion said that it was his bull that calved many times; the earth squirrel said that her father gave birth, so she brought calebasses to collect water; and since the father did not give birth, so did the bull]: Jungraithmayr 1981, No. 47:230-233; mandara [Abubakar wants to receive a foal from a neighbor's mare; said that his stallion and his foal are necklaces; another chief's son comes to the mosque wrapped up, how do women do during menstruation; says he is menstruating; judges have to admit that the foal belongs to the mare owner]: Paulme 1976:189-190; diola [Diatit boy small; his father gave him a cow; she has calves; chief: my bull gave birth to calves; D. cuts a tree: the father gave birth, firewood is needed to warm the water; then the king sent mother D. a vessel of rice, which is closed with a lid, ordered to eat rice, but not to open the lid; D. came to the chief and pretended to pour liquid into the calebass, from which the core had not been removed; the leader told his entourage to drown D. into the sea, but he pushed him into the water and came to the chief on his bicycle; said that there was a lot of good at the bottom and his entourage was now busy choosing; the chief and all his men threw themselves into the sea and drowned, and D. became chief]: Paulme 1976:200-203; Fulbe []: Paulme 1976:204.

Sudan - East Africa. Maba [playing, the children accidentally killed the son of Sultan Lev; not finding the Lion, Leo took the Foal as his son; to help the Horse, the Jackal says that the Sultan's wife gave birth at one time, and now she will give birth Sultan himself; Leo: this is impossible; Jackal: Likewise, Leo's son cannot be a Foal; Leo returned the Foal to the Horse]: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010:203-204; zagawa [a goat has a cow, a lion has a bull; a cow calved; lion: it was my bull who brought a calf; everyone is afraid of a lion and refuses to be a judge; jackal: I don't have time, my father just gave birth; people: it can't be; jackal: so the bull could not calve; a goat took a cow and a calf]: Tubiana, Tubiana 2004 (1), No. 11:74-75; a truck [the chief gave the lion and hyena one cow for two, and the bull for a lion; while the hyena was gone, the cow gave birth to a calf and a lion put it under his bull; the chief agreed that the calf had given birth to a bull, but the elders demanded to wait for the fox; everyone saw a fox with a vessel on its head go to the river; he was called out, but the fox said that his father gave birth so he can't come right now; lion: men don't give birth; foxes: bulls too; elders gave a calf to a hyena]: Evans Pritchard, Beaton 1940, No. 21:277-278; Nubians [one person a bull, another cow; when they came to the animals, they found a calf, the owner of the bull proved that his calf was his; all the animals gathered, the fox was the last to appear; he began to say that he had no time to go to his father, he gives birth; everyone was surprised; fox: if a bull gave birth, why not my father? The calf was given to the owner of the cow]: Hohenwart-Gerlachstein 1979, No. 2:86; Sudanese Arabs (jaaaliyin) [Jiha borrowed a cauldron from a neighbor; after a while he returned three more pots: your cauldron them gave birth while he was in my house; when he took the cauldron again, he did not return it for a long time; the neighbor came for it himself; J. gave the small pot and said that the cauldron died giving birth to it]: Hurreiz 1977, No. 10:87-88; Oromo [the lion has a bull, the leopard has a cow; the lion claims that the calf gave birth to his bull; all the animals are going to settle an argument, the monkey came only in the evening; the lion asks what was going on; the earth melted near the sycamore, because she gave birth to a fat bull; an angry lion chased her; pretended to be sick; the monkey is standing at a distance, saying that he has found a deer carcass; the lion jumps up and runs there, the monkey climbed the tree]: Basset 1903, No. 30:79-81; sakho [Hyena has a cow, Leo has a bull; the cow brought a calf, the Leo took it away; all the animals replied that yes, of course, the bull gave birth to Leo; Nesna replied that before deciding, he must remove the skin from the stone; The lion asks if the stone has a skin; Nesna in response: can a bull give birth; a lion rushes at him, he manages to climb a tree]: Reinisch 1889, No. 5:183-185; Afar: Reinish 1885, No. 38 [Elephant cows give birth to bulls, they were slaughtered, and Ostrich cows are chicks, kept; both claim to be a herd; the Jackal says he has no time to figure it out - his father gives birth; to him they say it's impossible; he says you can do it - whoever has a lot wants everything else]: 106-108; Reuss-Nliba, Reuss-Nliba 2016 [a hyena found a bull and a knife, and a fox found a cow and a pile of reeds ; then they changed {mistake; it is clear that the cow belongs to the fox}; the fox cow calved and the hyena stuck the placenta to its bull's stomach; the chimpanzee judge, standing on the rock, began to do draws water; if you can't draw water from a stone, then a bull cannot calve either]: 20-22; bilin [baboons bury his mother; the fox says he buried his own in the sky; to get there, let him alone he would climb on his back, the others one on top of the other; the fox jumped out, the baboons fell, broke; the fox filled their vessel with their brains, smeared honey on top; gave the son of noble parents to try honey, ordered them to say parents that he would not eat anything but fox honey in the sky; the father called the fox, who sold him a pot for a bull and a cow, ran away; began to live with the lion, he chose a bull; when the cow was a fox calved, the lion ate the calf, then put it in the bull's ass, said that it had given birth to a bull; the antelope confirmed that it had given birth to a bull; the fox gave birth to the boar, which said it had given birth to a cow; in the end, the fox agreed that he had given birth bull, but when the lion picked up the cow, the fox lifted the meat to the tree; the lion asked him to throw it off, the fox wrapped the hot stone in the meat, the lion swallowed it and died; the hyena asked her to share the meat; the fox gave it to her bones, said the lion came to life, the hyena ran, fell into the river and drowned]: Reinisch 1883, No. 3:202-208; tiger [The lion found the bull, the Hyena the pregnant cow, they brought them home; when the cow the time came to give birth, Leo stayed with the animals, put the placenta in the bull's ass, told Hyena that the calf had given birth to his bull; the fox promised to help Hyena; came with a wineskin to ask Leo for milk, said that his father gave birth to a boy; if a bull can give birth, so can a man; Leo rushed at the Fox, he ran away; Leo hid in his hole; coming up to her, the Fox said out loud that the house always wished him good evening; Leo: good evening! The fox ran away; the lion went away and returned the calf to Hyena]: Littmann 1910, No. 9:9-10; Amhara: Gankin 1979, No. 25 [the leopard stole the goat, the jackal stole the cow; the cow calved; the leopard took the calf, said his goat calved; the gazelle, the hyena, the goat say that goats used to really give birth to only kids, but now times have changed; the baboon takes a stone, asks him to wait for him to play it instrument; since a goat can give birth to a calf, you can also play on a stone; the leopard says it's beautiful music, but others tell him to give the jackal a calf], 26 [the lion and hyena take turns grazing the cattle; when herding the lion, the hyena cow calved, the lion took the calf, said that his bull gave birth to him; all the animals confirmed that the lion was right; the monkey said that her father's land was ruptured, it must sew it up; lion: the earth is not breaks; monkey: bulls do not give birth; the lion tried to grab it, tore off its tail; ambushed the tailless; the monkey told others that the king of animals told everyone to cut off their tails, otherwise he would kill; they cut off, lion cannot recognize the culprit]: 37-39, 39-40; Ethiopian 2002 [the hyena has a cow, the lion has a bull; when the cow calved, the lion smeared the bull with blood and said that he gave birth to the calf; for fear of the lion, all animals admitted he was right; the monkey (the ape) came later, said that the earth was torn and it sewed it up; lion: it doesn't happen that way; monkey: bulls don't give birth either; and climbed the nearest tree]: 42-43; tsamai [The monkey had a herd of cows and the mole had oxen; the cows gave birth to calves, but the mole's herd did not grow; then he stole the calf from under the cow, put it under the ox, and smeared his ass with blood; everyone said that The ox cannot give birth, but the mole chose a grasshopper to judge; he lingered, said he had sewed a broken stone; a mole: a stone cannot be sewn; a grasshopper: and oxen do not give birth]: Jensen 1969, No. 8:382-383; mehan [the lion has a bull, the leopard has a cow; the cow calved; the lion smeared blood on the bull's ass, took the calf, saying that his bull gave birth to him; everyone is afraid of Leo, agrees with him; the little Monkey (Cercopithecus) comes with late, says he was busy - he sewed up the torn land; Leo: the earth does not tear; Monkey: bulls do not give birth]: Jensen 1959, No. 9:415; Masai [lions are lousy, she took the chicks ostriches and said that they were her children; the mongoose offered to gather animals from the termite mound; everyone spoke in favor of a lioness; the mongoose explained that birds could not give birth to shaggy, and shaggy birds, disappeared in a hole, quietly coming out the other turn; the lioness stayed waiting at Nora, starved to death]: Kipury 1983, No. 18:74-76; malgashi: Klipple 1992 (betsimisaraka) [two guys say Ngano is theirs insulted because he speaks in riddles; the king offers N. difficult tasks; sends him to the milk stall, but there are only oxen; N. asks the king to go to his (Ngano) father, who is pregnant (who is to be confined); says that milk cannot be obtained from oxen either; the king orders to make a boat out of stone; N. asks to fill the pot with tears to sharpen the ax; the king promises money to whoever stays in cold water overnight; N. stood, but the king refused to pay: N.'s mother burned a fire on the shore; N. pretends to cook food in a pot far from the fire]: 261; Haring 1982, No. 1.6.921 (entankarana) [two servants the chief is looking for his missing duck; they talked to the boy Ngano, brought him to the chief; he orders to repair the broken pot and mirror, N. requires a rope made of stone and a vessel of tears; the chief agrees with the audience that everyone will have an egg with them; N. crows: he is the rooster from which the chickens laid eggs; the leader orders to milk the bull, N. says he cannot - his father gives birth, he must help; the leader orders to bring four fools, N. leads; one wonders why his wife died 4 years ago; the second carries firewood himself, although he could load the horse; the third tries to milk the bull, the fourth make a rope out of smoke; the leader promises N. a reward if he stays in the water all night; refuses to give it, because N.'s mother made a fire on the shore at night; in response, N. pretends to cook food, placing the pot far from the fire; N. goes to the forest and sets up his own farm there; he is the ancestor of smart people]: 210-211.

North Africa. Western Sahara [the fox is the rabbit's husband, he has a donkey, the rabbit has a cow, she must calve; the fox returns, says that his donkey gave birth to a calf; hedgehog: it's difficult, asks you to come to him through three days later; three days later, the fox answers that he is not happy - he must give birth today; fox: but you are a male; hedgehog: so is the male donkey, so return the calf to the rabbit]: Aris, Cladellas 1991:150-151; Arabs Mauritania [the jackal and the hare met a bull and a cow; the bull is larger, so the jackal chose it for himself; but then noticed that the hare cow was pregnant; volunteered to look after her, and when he was born calf, put the placenta in the bull's ass, said he had given birth to a bull; they went to court; the judge was a palm rat; he ordered to come in the evening; when they arrived, he pretended to have labor pains; jackal: men do not there are: rat: give the calf to the hare]: Tauzin 1993:93; naked [the hare has a cow, the jackal has a bull; the cow gave birth to a calf, the jackal put the placenta under the tail of the bull, said that the bull gave birth to it; they decided that the iguana will judge them; she says she cannot: she will give birth now; jackal: but men do not give birth; iguana: bulls either]: Basset 1907, No. 80:38-39; kabila: Frobenius 1921a, No. 50 [agelitis (chief villages) requires you to buy 1) shade, 2) false mules, otherwise she will cut off everyone's heads; the old man's daughter buys a hat and wooden shoes to walk in the mud; agelite requires you to guess what a tree with 12 branches is, on 30 leaves each, 5 seeds on each leaf; girl: this is a year with 12 months, 30 days each, 5 prayers every day; agelitis tells you to come to the bazaar naked or dressed; daughter to father: wrap one thigh skin, and others will not be there - they will be ashamed to come; the old man confesses to agelitis that it is not him, but his daughter, who is smart; agelitis will marry her; sent blacks to take her fabrics, two pieces of each variety, and multicolored the handkerchief is one; the girl took a thread of different colors, tied knots, ordered to tell Agelitis that the fabrics in the sky, but here they had shrunk; agelitis understood everything, found the stolen goods, beheaded the blacks; agelitis tells the wife did not interfere in affairs, otherwise he would send her back to her father; in the dark, the little boy did not approach the donkey, but the mulitsa, her owner said that it was the mulitsa who gave birth; the donkey's owner came to complain; because the baby was already He lived with the mulica for a long time, he went to her, not to his mother, agelitis decided in favor of the owner of the mulitsa; Agelite's wife gave advice to the donkey owner: let him tell him how the fish came out of the river and ate wheat in the field; agelitis: fish do not come out of the river; man: mulitsa cannot give birth; agelitis understood everything, told his wife to leave, taking the most precious thing; at night, the wife ordered her sleeping husband to be put in the chest and taken to her father; agelitis laughed and returned his wife]: 256; Rivière 1882, No. 4 [the judge asks what kind of tree with 12 branches, 30 leaves on each branch, 5 fruits on each leaf; the daughter of the soap seller explains to him: the tree is the world, the branches are months, fruits - 5 daily prayers; after learning how smart the girl is, Kadi decided to marry, sent flour, butter and money; the messengers found the girl alone; the girl: the brother went to beat and be beaten, the mother went to see someone he had never seen, the father went to pour water into the water; (and other riddles); only Kadiy understood everything: brother went to play, mother went to give birth, father went to the mill; Kadi allowed his wife to visit his father when she will want to take what she likes best; two came to court: the mare gave birth to one, and the foal followed the other's mulic; Kadiy decided in favor of the owner of the mulitsa; Kadia's wife told the owner of the mare say that when the mulitsa has a cub, the world will end; Kadiy understood everything and told his wife to leave, taking the most precious thing; she gave her husband an opium pie, took it with her; Kadiy promised his wife to obey her]: 159-161; Tunisian Arabs [Juha borrowed a copper pot from a neighbor, bought a small pot and returned both: the large cauldron gave birth to a small one; the next time he did not return the cauldron at all: he died; the judge decided the case in favor D.]: Stumme 1893:130-131; Libya (Tripoli) [the joker took the pot from the miser, returned it with the little one: the pot gave birth; the same for the second time; the third time he took five and did not return: everyone died in time births]: Nowak 1969, No. 386:326; Moroccan Berbers: Leguil 1988, No. 12 (c.1949) [the owner of the donkey and the camel owner stopped in the same caravanserai; the donkey and the camel gave birth; the owner of the donkey brought the foal to suck it and said that it was his donkey who gave birth to the foal; king: what The foal will follow which female, she gave birth to him; the foal followed the donkey; the king's wife taught the camel owner to say that he sowed rye by the sea, and the fish went out and poisoned her; king: fish I can't poison rye; camel owner: and a donkey can't give birth to a camel], 13 (western 1950) [in pasture, one man gave birth to a cow and another man to a mare; the owner of a cow gave birth to a calf to a mare and a foal to a cow; said that it was his cow that gave birth to a foal-Almighty God whatever he wanted, he will do it; he was the first to come to the cadia with a good gift and he promised to decide in his favor; who the newborns would follow is their mothers; the foal went for the cow; the owner of the mare turned to another Kadia; he asked the plaintiff and the defendant to come later: today he has his period; cow owner: since when do men have periods? - Ever since cows began to give birth to foals]: 27-29, 30-35; El Fasi, Dermenghem 1926 (Fez) [the wife died during childbirth; the genies took care of the girl, made her a girl in three years, she is smarter; the sultan says say what the wheel that raises water from the well says; daughter teaches her father to pronounce a poem; fire when it is flooded with water (the same); bring a vegetable garden on a camel; daughter has grown various seeds in the ground laid on the saddle; come neither on horseback nor on foot, crying and laughing; daughter: sit on a little donkey, so your feet are on the ground; bow to your eyes, and laugh yourself; sultan married a girl; one man is a stallion, the other has a mare; she gave birth to a foal; but when the stallion's owner entered the stable, the foal was near the stallion; who gave birth to him and whose is it? The sultan decided in favor of the stallion's owner; the Sultan's wife advises the owner of the mare to complain that the fish poisoned his bread; sultan: fish do not poison fields; man: stallions do not give birth; the sultan tells his wife return to her father, but she can take whatever she wants; she put in sleeping pills, brought her husband to her place; he apologized and returned his wife]: 103-111; Algerian Arabs, Egyptian Arabs: El-Shamy 2004, NO. 1592B: 871-872

Southern Europe. Spaniards (Murcia) [one man's mare gave birth to a foal and the foal climbed under another man's horse; he demands a foal for himself; the Queen advises the victim to hit sea water with a stick to drive fish ashore; the king makes sure that since fish cannot go ashore, the stallion could not give birth to a foal either]: Hernández Fernández 2013, No. 875E: 155; Basques [senor looking for a clever a girl to marry; he is advised by the daughter of a shoemaker; he tells her to come to him day or night, neither naked, nor dressed, nor on horseback, nor on foot; she came on horseback, wrapped in goat skin at midnight sharp; the señor marries her on the condition that she will not use her intelligence to interfere in her own affairs; the shepherd's sheep hugged under the cart and its owner announced that he had given birth to a cart; since this man regularly supplied food to the senor and the shepherd was poor, the senor decided in favor of the owner of the cart; the senor's wife advised the shepherd to come to church with a fishing rod and pretend that he catches fish; tell the senor that it is no more surprising than getting the lamb from the cart; the senor found out who gave the advice, told his wife to leave that night, taking what she liked, provided that four men would be able to carry it away; when the husband fell asleep, the wife told her to take the bed out and carry it to her father's house; explained to her awakened husband that he was what she wanted most to take; they returned to the castle and healed well]: Tenèze, Bru 2000, No. 875:39-41; the Portuguese [the peasant found a golden mortar, brought it to the king, he demands a pestle; or the king promises to execute the minister if his daughter will not complete certain assignments; or the prince marries only the one who solves his riddles; you must come naked or dressed, neither on horseback, nor on foot, day or night, nor in shoes or barefoot; the girl asks her own answer to the prince's tasks, showing the absurdity of those offered to her; becoming the king's wife, she resolves a dispute over who owns the foal born; the king expelled his wife, allowing her to take the most precious thing; she took her sleeping husband, he forgave her]: Cardigos 2006, No. 875:212-213; Italians: Crane 1885, No. 108 [the prince got lost, went into the hunter's house, he has a wife, son and daughter; a rooster was stabbed; the prince gave his head to his master, his tail to his wife, his legs to his son, his wings to his daughter; at night he hears the girl explaining to her brother what such a division means; fell in love and, returning to the palace, sent to the girl's servant, telling her to hand over the cake in the form of a full moon, 30 pies and a fried rooster and asking if the 30th day of the month is in the forest, if the moon is full and if the rooster screamed at night; the servant ate 15 pies on the way, part of the cake and the rooster; the girl gave the answer: the moon is dead, which is only on the 15th, and the rooster has gone to the mill, and that she asks to forgive the servant for the partridge; prince to the servant: if the girl hadn't been for you interceded to be hanged; the girl's father found a golden mortar and, contrary to her daughter's advice, gave it to the prince; he demanded a pestle; the peasant: my daughter warned me! the prince orders his daughter to prepare a large amount of fabric from a tiny amount of linen; the daughter weaved 4 laces, sent them to the prince and ordered them to be made a loom; the prince came to the girl when her the mother died and the father worked; she does not unlock; he broke the door; the girl replies that the father is where he should be, and the mother mourns her sins; the prince married a girl; one day a peasant came with a cart and another and a pregnant donkey; she gave birth while both were in church, and the donkey's owner tied her to the cart; the first peasant said his baby boy; prince: so it is, because it is more likely that the donkey's owner tied her to the cart than the cart's owner tying it to a donkey; the prince's wife advised the donkey's owner to throw a net in the middle of the square and tell the prince that it's easier to fish with square than a cart to give birth to a donkey; the prince tells his wife to take what she loves more and return to her father; she put sleeping pills in the prince's wine and took him to her place; explained that he is the most for her expensive; they are reconciled]: 311-314; Calvino 1980, No. 72 (Tuscany) [=Kotrelev 1991:84-89; a peasant found a golden mortar, brought it to the king, he demands a pestle; daughter Katerina warned him in advance that so will be; peasant: she guessed it! the king gives linen, let K. immediately weave shirts to the warriors; K.: three fires fell out of linen, let the king make a loom out of them; king: let him come naked, dressed, full, hungry, or day, night, walk or horse; K. wrapped herself in a seine, ate one bean, came on a goat at dawn; the king married K.; ordered not to appear in court; if he broke the order, he would return to his father, having seized the most precious thing; the peasant tied the cow to the cart, the cow calved at night, the owner of the cart said that he had given birth to a cart; the king decided in favor of the owner of the cart; the queen advised the owner of the cow fishing with a seine in a dried lake: if the cart gives birth, the fish is also on land; at dinner, K. gave her husband a drink, ordered her to be carried to her father; told her husband that he was her dearest; the king returned wife and did not appear in court without her]: 261-266; Maltese [the man took the pot and returned it with the little one: gave birth to the pot; next time he did not return it at all: the pot died during childbirth]: Mifsud- Chircop 1978, № 1592B: 654; ladins [man found a golden bell; his daughter Mengietta: sorry without a tongue; man carried the bell to the king; that: sorry without a tongue; man: my daughter said the same thing; the king: let him appear neither on foot, nor on horseback, nor naked or dressed, day or night; he will be able to marry, he will not be able to execute; M. arrived at dusk on a donkey, dressed in front and naked in the back; the king married M.; one day the cow calved, and the owner of the donkey claimed that the calf gave birth to his donkey; the king awarded the calf to the owner of the donkey, not the owner of the cow; upon learning of this, M. advised him throw the fish on the ground and tell them to swim; tell the king that the donkey could not even calve; king to his wife: you promised not to interfere in affairs; you can take the most precious thing and leave; she gave the king a drink, brought it to sack to her father's house; said he was the most precious thing; the king brought her back to the castle]: Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 37:106-108.

Western Europe. The French [there are 600 records of the story 875 in Europe, the first most common; the example is the Basque version (apparently from French Baskonia), see above; {most likely there are French with this episode}]: Tenèze, Bru 2000, No. 875:41-44; Irish [a peasant found a golden mortar: it's on royal land, you have to give it back; daughter: no need, he will ask her to pest; but the peasant carried the mortar; the king put it on bread and water until he brought the pestle; he groans continuously: why did he not listen to his daughter; the king demanded a daughter, he liked her mind; tells her to come naked and naked, neither on horseback, nor on foot, nor in a wagon, nor on anyone's shoulders; she arrived on a donkey wrapped in a net; the king married her; 7 years later, two peasants arrived; one had a mare and a foal, the other two oxen; the foal was between oxen and their owner claimed that the foal's parents were his oxen; the king agreed; the next day the king went on business and came across the owner a foal who pretended to throw a net on a dusty road; since oxen gave birth to a foal, fish are also found on land; three days without food, water or sleep, the man admitted that he was taught by the queen; the king told her to leave, but she could take the most precious thing with her; she offered to feast together for one last time, her husband got drunk, fell asleep, and she brought him to her father's house; the husband is the most precious thing; the king returned his wife]: Kennedy 1875:91-94; Germans: Grimm, Grimm 2003, No. 94 [the king gave the peasant a plot of land; he wants to give back a golden mortar he found in the meadow; the daughter advises not to do this, they will demand a pestle; as it happened, the peasant is imprisoned, regrets that he did not listen to his daughter, the king tells her to be brought in; let him come naked, dressed, on horseback, or on a wagon, nor by way, and yet by road; the girl wrapped herself in a net, tied her to a donkey to drag her; the king married her, let her father go; the foal bothered the oxen, the peasants argued who gave birth to him, king judged in favor of the owner of the ox; the owner of the mare came to the queen; she advised him to fish in the middle of the street with a net; if oxen gave birth to a foal, then fish on land; the king tortured the peasant until he was confessed that he was persuaded by the Queen; the king drove his wife away, allowing him to take what was increasingly expensive; she gave him a drink and brought him home; the king celebrated his wedding again]: 319-321 (=Grimm, Grimm 1987:261-263) ; Hubrich-Messow 1988 (Baden-Württemberg) [the king asks the coal miner a question, his daughter teaches him what to answer; the king tells her to come not naked or dressed, not on foot or on horseback, day or night; she arrives on a goat wrapped in a net at dusk (am Mittwoch); the king marries her on the condition that she does not interfere in his affairs; the peasant's horse necklaces, the foal climbs under the cart the other, who claims that his cart is necklace; the king decides in favor of the owner of the cart; the Queen advises the first peasant to take the net and pretend to fish on land in front of the king's eyes; Upon learning that the Queen has given the advice, the king tells her to leave with what she likes; she offers to drink wine first; the king falls asleep, his wife takes him to her father; the king decides to keep his wife with him], No. 65:104-106; the Irish [a beggar came to the master with a seven-year-old girl; gladly agreed to earn money by working when the gentleman offered him a house; the master began to molest the girl and, to get rid of her father, he asked him a question: there are more rivers or banks in the world; if he does not answer, he will be executed; his daughter advised him to say that each river has two banks; then how many in the sky stars; man on the advice of his daughter: I will tell you if you put poles under them; how much sea (in quarts); daughter to father: ask him to stop the rivers flowing into the sea; the master asks the girl to marry; she agrees with the condition that if he expels her, he will allow her to take three carts of goods with him; they are married, two children; one peasant has a stallion and the other has a mare; a foal was born, the stallion owner claims that a stallion gave birth; the master offered to see who the foal would come out of the stable; he went out for the stallion, the master decided in favor of the stallion's owner; the wife pretended to fish on the shore; Mr. got angry and told her to leave; the wife put her son on two carts and her husband on the third; he hugged her, everything is fine]: Larminie 1983:174-178; Flemish, Friezes: Vries 1928:259-260.

Western Asia. Palestinians: Hanauer 2009 [Juha borrowed a copper pot from a neighbor, returned it with a small one - the pot gave birth to a daughter; the next time he took the copper pot, did not return it; said that the pot was dead and his hyenas ate]: 92-93; Schmidt, Kahle 1930, No. 117-118 [one farmer has a cow and another has an ox; the cow gave birth and the calf was under the ox; the owner of the ox claimed that it was his ox that calved; came jackal, listened to both sides and pretended that he had no time to figure it out: he was in a hurry because his father gave birth; ox owner: men don't give birth; jackal: oxen either; cow owner got a calf]: 161; Syria: El-Shamy 2004, No. 875E: 510-511; Lebanon, Iraq [the joker took the pot from the miser, returned it with the little one: he gave birth to the pot; the same for the second time; the third time he took five and did not return: all died during childbirth]: Nowak 1969, No. 386:326; Iraq: El-Shamy 2004, No. 1592B: 871-872.

Burma - Indochina. Burmese: Aung 1957 [Foolish's mare gave birth to a foal, Smart's cow gave birth to a calf; Clever changed newborns; Rabbit promised to resolve the dispute, came late; explained that he had been flooding all day burning sandbank carrying water in a basket; Smart: it's a lie; Rabbit: cows don't give birth either]: 19-21; Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 85 [=Nikulin 1988:448-449; after the death of his parents, the brother took a bull, and sister cow; cow calved; brother took the calf away, put it under the bull; the judge reprimands the rabbit, who protects his sister, for being late; he justifies: the ground caught fire, he dragged water from the basket seas; the judge praised the rabbit and decided the case in favor of his sister]: 244-245; Vieta [the king orders to bring him the wisest man; nobleman ploughman: how many times a day your buffalo will cross the field; son plowman: how many steps does your horse take in a day? The king sent the boy three baskets of rice and three male buffaloes: let there be an offspring of six buffaloes in a year; the boy tells his father to arrange a feast for the village; comes to the king and cries: the mother is dead, and the father does not want to give birth to him a brother; the king tells the boy to divide the sparrow into three parts to feed three people; the boy tells the king to forge a knife out of a needle to cut the sparrow; the neighboring king tells thread the thread through the twisted shell; the boy orders her to be tied to an ant; the king orders that the boy be placed in adjacent chambers and given the rank of Highly Scientist]: Nikulin 1976:62-66; ahem [orphan buffalo, the chief has a buffalo; the buffalo gave birth to a calf, and the boss said that he had given birth to a buffalo; the lizard came to court and others, but the king of toads was still gone; when he came, he said that he was late, for his father gave birth; boss: this does not happen; toad king: what about your buffalo?] : Lindell et al. 1980, No. 15:118-119

South Asia. Sindhi [cows were grazing in the grove; when the cow calved, the jackal ate the calf; the man was going to kill the jackal, he asked for mercy, he would repay kindly; the man's cow gave birth to a calf, he ran away The mullah put him to his bull as if the bull had given birth; those who came agreed; the man called the jackal his witness; he was late, pretended to fall asleep; he and the other jackals extinguished the burning one all night river; king: you are lying! jackal: if the water doesn't burn, how can a bull give birth; the king gave a calf to a man]: Schimmel 1995, No. 33:214-216; Kashmiris: Haughton 1913 [Muslim associates envy Hindu Bal , who is favored by King Akbar; when the king fell ill, they told him that he would be cured by bull milk; A. told BB to bring it; BB's daughter comes to the BB garden to wash; answers him that she is from BB's house, who is only that he had a son; A. was surprised, the girl replied that if a bull can be milked, why can't a man give birth; A. understands everything, elevates BB again]: 294-295; Knowles 1888 [the two eldest wives have daughters, the youngest childless for a long time, then she is going to give birth; older wives put the newborn boy in a box, let him down into the river, replace him with a puppy; the boy is picked up by a gardener; the same a year later with the second newborn; the king sees boys letting a wooden horse eat and drink; explains that it is inanimate; they reply that a woman cannot give birth to puppies either; the king expels his older wives, returns the youngest and sons]: 405-408; Punjabi [the queen died leaving her two daughters, the king took another; she hates stepdaughters; they find food at the grave of their deceased mother; the stepmother sends the cat to find out what is going on; tells them to dig the grave; a tree grows in this place, the girls feed on its fruits; the cat reports it again; the stepmother tells us to cut down and burn the tree; get rid of the stepdaughters; the father took them to the forest, hung them on a pole wrapped in the fabric is a vessel; he knocks on a tree, the girls think that the father is washing his turban by hitting him against stones; when they saw this, the girls climbed the rock, noticed the castle, came to the giantess; she hid them from her son -cannibal; in the morning the girls ran away, began to live in the forest, eating deer milk; Lal Badshah hunts; sent the vizier to fry the partridge; he sees his older sister in the tree, is shocked by her beauty, partridge burned down; the girl gave another, telling her not to be extradited; the king orders to tell the truth; the vizier does not confess, he is buried alive, but at the last moment he confessed; the king married the girl; the flower from the youngest the sisters withered; they realized that something had happened to their sister, followed her trail of mustard seeds; the courtiers were jealous of the king's new wife; they threw her child away, changed her basket with coals; the king asked wife in prison; younger sister raised a baby; he plays with a wooden horse, tells her to drink water; king passing by: how can a wooden horse drink? My aunt teaches: next time, answer: can a woman give birth to a basket of coals? the king returned his wife, made his son an heir, rewarded his wife's sister]: Swynnerton 1892, No. 81:331-342; himachali plowmen [7 royal wives childless; he takes the eighth, she becomes pregnant; envious wives they replaced the child with a stone; the king made the eighth wife a maid; the wife's child was given to the cobra, but she raised her hood to protect him from the sun; the elephant gently touched him with its trunk; then they put the baby in an iron box was thrown into the river; the box went under water, but the fisherman caught it; the young man grew up, his name was Gulel; he went to the river, where 7 wives and a maid came for water; smashed the jugs of seven wives with arrows, and his mother shot the flower that was left in her hair; the next day he stopped the women and said that he should give his wooden horse a drink first; wives: wooden ones don't drink; he broke the jugs of 7 wives and filled his mother's jug; the king called him to account: wooden horses do not drink; G.: If so, women do not give birth to stones either; the maid hugged her son; he begged the father not to execute his wives, they were sent to a distant rest palaces; soon G. became the mighty and just king of Kumaon]: Seethalakshmi 1960, No. 16:58-60; Kumaoni [the wanderer spoke contemptuously of the fox, but she warned what else he would need; in the village he tied his pony to an oil mill; people said that their crush gave birth to a pony; the man had to carry (so that dogs would not attack) the fox to court as a witness; she dozed off in court: she extinguished all night a burning sea; a pressure can't give birth; a man got a pony back]: Upreti 1894:189; Uttar Pradesh (Hindi): Crooke 1895, No. 32 (Etah district) [14 pandits at the Raja court are jealous Kali Das; Raja asks who his mare and cow will give birth to; K. replies that the mare will give birth to a foal and the cow to a calf; the pandits swapped newborns, the Raja threw K. into prison; the parrot K. tells his wife to moisten coal dust and spread feathers on him, flies to the Raja; he is surprised: like a parrot, but black as a crow; the parrot explains that it extinguished the sea; Raja: the sea cannot burn; a parrot : the mare still unable to give birth to a calf]: 30; Rouse, Crooke 1899, No. 4 (Mirzapur) [the merchant stayed overnight at the miller; in the morning he reported that the merchant's mule had run away; the merchant saw that he was tied to a mill; miller: this is my mule, whom the mill gave birth at night; the jackal promises to resolve the dispute, only go to wash; came back in the evening and said that the water caught fire and he extinguished it; the miller had to return the mule]: 21-24; Marathi (Mumbai) [during the forest fire, the sparrow flew away and the sparrow carried water to moisten the nest, the chicks survived; the sparrow and the sparrow began to argue who should be after the incident to belong to the chicks; the king said that to the father; then the pardhan girl (Dravidians) demanded from the king a foal born to a royal mare from her father's stallion; the king gave the foal, but demanded bovine milk; the girl went to wash, said she was washing the sheets: her father gave birth; the king ordered the roof to be made before the house was built; she had an equally absurd request (something with weighing peas}; the king decided to marry a girl, but keep her alone for 12 years in a specially built palace, where she will have the necessary supply of grain to eat; she promises that at the end of her term she will show him his son, oh which he would not know existed; the girl took rats with her to the palace built by order of the king, who went to another palace, where she had everything she needed; there the king met her, but did not recognize her fell in love; she was ready to give birth, asked the king for a souvenir ring; when 12 years were over, the king's wife moved back to her intended palace, showed her ring and son; everything is fine]: D'Penha 1894, No. 18:134-139; konkani (Goa) [the father asks his seven daughters if they were born to fulfill his or their own destiny; all answer is fatherly and the youngest what is their own; she is deprived of a share in inherited and sent by the maid to the kitchen; the prince rides by, hears each of the sisters promising to do something for her husband (sew beautiful clothes, etc. - not specifically mentioned)]; the youngest promises to give birth 20 sons and a daughter; the prince takes her; leaves, leaving her pregnant; she says that if she gives birth to children, it will rain pearly, and if not, a prickly vine will bloom; the sisters lowered the children in the box into the river, they replaced them with frogs; the pearl rain was pouring, but the prince was shown frogs and he believed; the priest picked up the children; they grew up; the maid came and gave them poisoned cakes; the girl refused to eat, boys ate and died; the priest moistened his ring, sprayed the bodies, the brothers came to life; brought their wooden horses to the river, put their faces in the water as if they were drinking; 6 sisters came to wash and asked: did Can wooden horses drink? Brothers: Can a woman give birth to frogs? the prince saw his children and suspected something was amiss; the priest advised him to call them to his place; if they were the children of his rejected wife, her milk splashes into their mouths; so it happened; the prince brought his wife and children to his father; her sisters punished (not said how)]: Rodrigues 2020:164-169; Sinhales: Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 46 [the servant bought a horse for the rich man; after spending the night near the oil press, tied her to the press; the owner of the press took the horse, said that his abs gave birth to it; the judge agreed; the jackal promised to help the servant; came to court two days later; one day looked at the sky (it is unreliable - sun, then rain), the second to the ground (the same - pits, hills), and today I looked at the fire, you can believe him; yawning because I did not sleep - watched the fish come out of the water, split into two teams, played on the plain; referee : this is a lie; jackal: but the press cannot give birth to a horse either; the judge returned the horse to the servant], 131 [the king sends letters, whoever does not answer what is in the letter cuts off his head; the daughter of the village chief explains; the king promises to marry her, demands to milk the bulls, make yogurt out of their milk, squeeze oil out of the sand; the daughter carries her father's dress to the laundress, says that her father is menstruating; the king: where is the butter in the sunflower flower; girl: where were you at the time of conception; the king married a girl]: 92-96, 316-317; Assamese [while walking along the road, the prince came across a lying fox; asks to get off the road, but she does not pay attention; prince spent the night at the oil squeezer, tied the horse to the press; in the morning the owner says that the prince's horse is the foal of his crush; the king refuses to support the prince - he has no witnesses; the prince remembered the fox; the fox was lying in the ash and came to court late: it extinguished the burning sea; the king sued the prince's horse]: Goswami 1960:81; oriya [a pair of turtlenecks in the forest are waiting for offspring; a fire broke out, the male flew away, the female remained, the fire spared this tree, she gave birth to two children; the male found a new wife, demanded his old children, the king decided in his favor; the female drowned, asking her to become a new rebirth the child of a merchant's wife who wants a daughter; the merchant took the bull to the king's cows, took offspring; the king ordered the calves to be returned; the merchant's daughter: if you decide in favor of a male pigeon, you must also in favor of our bull; king : move your pond to ours; girl: our pond is a girl, let yours come to her and invite her; king: move the mountain; girl: only an immaculate woman can do it, let the queen tell the grief to move ; the queen says, the mountain is in place, the king executed the queen; took the merchant's daughter, locked her; the mongoose brings her food; the king sees her, does not recognize her, she calls herself a heavenly fairy, he builds a palace for her, gives her a crown and diamond for the future son; the wife disappears, gives birth in the merchant's house, calls the king to look at her son; when he understood everything, he remarried the merchant's daughter; everything is fine]: Mohanti 1975:3-16; oriya [7 The poor brahmana's daughters ate the cakes made by their mother; the parents decided to get rid of their daughters; the father took them, supposedly, to their uncle; walked away, taking the rice bags; the girls opened their own - there was only one husk; climbed a tree; the king drove up, a tear fell on him; the older sisters promise to cook rice for the whole palace, bake cakes, etc.; the youngest promises to give birth to 7 sons and a daughter; the king married her; when she gave birth close, gave a flute, ordered him to blow to summon him; she strangled him to test; and when she actually began to give birth, the king decided that he had not come again; the wife gave birth to 7 sons and a daughter, sisters they replaced them with wooden dolls; the king sent her to the stable; the sisters buried the children in the garden, they were dug up and swallowed by a dog, belched into the pond, raised by the Goddess of Waters; the children play in shallow water with wooden horses, telling them to drink water; gardener: a wooden horse cannot drink; boys: can a woman give birth to dolls? then the Goddess of Water turned the boys' children into trees, the girl into a blooming tree; the gardener wanted to pick flowers, the brothers told her sister not to give them, the tree grew to the sky; the same minister, the king himself; only The mother brought from the stable was able to pick the flowers; the king returned her and the children, the sisters were hanged]: Mohanti 1975:109-113; Agaria (Chokh) [the jackal asked a man riding a horse to help him reach him to a dead calf lying in a stream; promised to repay well; the man helped the jackal; in the city he tied a horse to a pole; the owner of the pole said that his pole gave birth to a horse every year, and this is his horse; everyone agrees with him; the jackal pretends to fall asleep in court: he did not sleep last night because the lake was burning and he ate fried fish all night; he is told that the lakes are not burning, he says that the poles are not give birth; man got his horse back]: Elwin 1944, No. 8.5:247-248; ho [dakua (junior police rank) sees that his boss salutes another rank and understands that another is more important; asks to become an assistant to this higher rank; in the same way he goes to serve the king; then to the fox when he thinks that the king has nodded to her; the fox is tired of the annoying servant, she gave him an ox as wages and told him to leave; for the night, the dakua tied the ox to the butter mill; its owner said that the ox gave birth to his butter mill; it came to the king, and the king sent for the fox; the fox pretends to be difficult struggling with sleep: the sea caught fire and it put it out all night; king: the sea cannot burn; fox: an oil mill cannot give birth to an ox]: Halder 1918, No. 24:327-329; Oraons: Hahn 1906, No. 17 [man bought oxen at the bazaar, spent the night near the village on the way back, tying oxen to a butter press; in the morning the owner said that his oxen were born to them; the village council agreed with the owner; the jackal first asks why the person let dogs on him; then agrees to help; when he comes to the advice, he says that he was late: the pond was on fire, he collected and ate fried fish; he is objected, the jackal replies that the presses do not give birth to oxen; the owner took them], 28 [six wives are infertile, the seventh gave birth to twins, others put Gewürtzstein and a broom on her, threw the children into the pit; the king rejected the wife; the children were found by a potter with wife, they grew up, he sculpted a horse out of clay for a boy, a bird for a girl; by the pond, children tell them to drink; the king's wives: toys cannot drink; boy: a woman cannot give birth to a stone and a broom; wives pretended sick, they will be cured by the blood of the potter's children; the king ordered the children to be killed; the potter buried them, a tree with flowers grew; the wives could not pluck them, but they fell to the king themselves and became children; the king stayed with children, executed wives]: 32-33, 54-55; baiga [raja hunts, the tears of the Queen of the Forest sitting on the tree fall on him; he brings her home; when she gives birth, she forgets to ring the bell he left; six former wives throw the child to buffaloes, then to goats, lay a stone; the Raja exiles his wife to scare crows in the fields; the cowgirl finds a boy in the barn; his name is Lal; the Raja wives ask why he drinks wooden horse; L. answers the question whether a woman can give birth to a stone; L. and his mother lead to raja, mother's milk rushes into her son's mouth; six wives are kicked out]: Elwin 1944, No. 5:209-212; gondas [two given (demons) spent the night; at night the horse gave birth to one, and the foal climbed under the ox of another given; they argued who owned the foal; the tiger and the bear refused to solve such a difficult matter; jackal: I don't have time, my water has caught fire in the well; does the water not burn? the ox will never give birth to a foal; the Raja called the animals, put the jackal in a chair; the jackal's tail reached the ground; the Raja was indignant: I raised you for wisdom, and your tail was on the ground; shortened the jackal's tail]: Elwin 1949, No. 28:224-225; conds [the Mohammedan drove into the village for the night, tied a mare at the butter mill; she got necklaces; in the morning the owner of the press said that his press gave birth to a foal; it came before the trial; the fox was called to judge as the most knowledgeable; he rubs his eyes - he did not sleep at night, extinguished the sea with straw; the elders awarded the foal to Mogomethanin]: Schulze 1922, No. 15:87-88; Bengalis [disguised The king wanders around the city, eavesdropping on the conversation of the three sisters; one wants to marry the royal gardener, the other wants to marry the cook, and the third wants to marry the king; when the queen gives birth, the sisters replace the child is a puppy, lowered in a pot along the river; the same a year later, a kitten; in the third year, a daughter is replaced with a wooden doll; the queen is driven away, the brahmana and his wife picked up the children, named Arun, Varun, Kiranmala; after the death of foster parents, siblings build a house; a hermit advises going to Mount Maya for golden trees with diamond flowers; A., K. come there, turn into stone; sister learns about this, seeing rust on the blades left; puts on men's clothes, walks without paying attention to the monsters, sprinkles the statues with live water, everyone comes to life; what to do, she was taught by a golden parrot; brothers with They return with a sister and a parrot, invite the king; he says that he cannot eat the gold served to him on the plate; the parrot asks how a woman could give birth to a puppy, a kitten and a doll; everything is explained the parrot also finds the queen; the sisters were buried alive]: Porozhnyakov 1990:16-26; Hindi (Ganga Valley) [Padishah Akbar tells Birbal to get cowhide, the doctor needs it to prepare the medicine; B.'s daughter went to wash clothes at night, hitting him on the river against rocks; the noise woke A. up, the girl was brought to him, she explained that the clothes needed to be washed urgently because her father had a child; A.: this is impossible; girl : just like milking an ox; when he learns that the girl is B.'s daughter, A. rewarded her]: Bloodless, Chelishev 1978:37-40; India (translated from Hindi) [after changing clothes, the king goes to town at night; hears one sister says that if the groom married her, she would eat peas, which are fed to horses; the second, if she married the king's cook, she would get something; the youngest, if the king married her, she would has become a real queen; the king marries the youngest, passes him off as a groom and cook; the queen gave birth to a son, his sisters threw him in a jug into the river, replaced him with a puppy; the second with a kitten; the daughter with a wooden doll; The king ordered the queen to be put on a donkey and driven away; the brahmana picked up the children, the boys Arun and Varun, the girl Kiranmala; the brahman died; the king got lost and went to his house; when the king left, K. advised the brothers build a palace, they build; the hermit says that a golden bird, a silverwood and a pearl spring are missing, all on Mount Maya; A., then V. leave, turn into stone; houses are saber rusted, the bowstring broke; K. came to the mountain, the bird ordered the brothers to be sprinkled with water, they came to life; at home, the bird ordered the king to visit; the king is served gold, he says it should not be eaten; the bird asks how a woman can give birth to a puppy; the king returned his wife and children, the sisters were buried alive]: Zograf 1964:302-310.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Simalur [there are only buffaloes left all over the country, and only the Raja has a buffalo; he demanded some of the calves he had born; the neighboring Rajas advised to judge a smart poor man; he sent son say that his father is giving birth so he can't come by himself; Raja: men don't give birth; boy: buffalo males too]: Koehler 1964:100-101.

Taiwan - Philippines. Pampango [the royal servant had a clever daughter, Marcela; the king told the servants to take M. a little bird and tell her to cook twelve different dishes from the same bird; M. replied:" If the king makes twelve spoons out of this pin, I will make twelve dishes out of this bird"; the king ordered that the sheep be taken to M. and told her to sell the sheep for six reais and together with She returned it with money; M. sheared the sheep and sold wool for six reais, and then sent the money to the king with the sheep; the king told the servant: "Go to Marseilles and tell her that I am unwell and my doctor advises I should drink a cup of bovine milk. Let Marcela get me this medicine, otherwise her father will lose his seat in the palace"; M. and her father stabbed a pig and covered it with blood on pillows, sleeping mat and blanket; in the morning M. took the laundry soiled linen on the river, above the place where the king bathed; the king shouted; M.: "In our country, it is a custom to wash mats, pillows and other things stained with blood immediately after the birth of a child. Last night my father had a baby"; King: "Does it happen that a man gives birth?" ; M.: "This does not happen as bovine milk does not happen"; the king said he marries her son for her intelligence and virtue]: Rybkin 1975, No. 64:166-167.

China - Korea. The Chinese (Shanxi) [the emperor tells the minister to bring a cock egg; he is desperate; his 12-year-old son Kan-lo with an ugly face came to the emperor himself, said that the father had given birth to a child and was lying in beds; emperor: a man cannot give birth; K.: and roosters do not rush; the emperor appointed him minister]: Serruys 1946, No. 11:251-254; Koreans [the landowner tells the peasant to bring a mulenque, otherwise his wife will take him away; the wife came to the landowner: the husband gave birth, is it possible to occupy seaweed - there will be milk; the landowner orders to make a boat out of river pebbles; wife: let the sand twist the rope to tie the boat; landowner: in Worms got bronze pillars; peasant wife: split the ax with a knife, pull the bone marrow out of it, lubricate the column]: Riftin 2007:286-288; Chuan Miao: Graham 1954:231-232 [three sons are stupid wives; father tells daughters-in-law that he lets one go for half a month, the other for 15 days, the third for two weeks; they do not understand anything, the girl explains; the father marries her youngest son; official: make a cloth the length of the river and grow up to be a pig weighing a mountain; younger daughter-in-law: here are the scales to weigh the mountain and the ruler to measure the river; official: let the stallion give birth and the rooster lay eggs; younger daughter-in-law: today the father gave birth; official: bring thunder liver and dragon heart; younger brother's wife prepares an explosive mixture, puts a candle in a box, tells her husband and brothers to take it to an official; he dies from the explosion]; (cf. 230-231 [smart a relative wants to pick up a rustic wife, offers difficult questions; the wife tells you what to answer every time; 1) a potty bob, what is it? Wife: no husband, a Chinese man cut down a stone stupa and 120 people carried it; 2) 6 ducks swim in the dyer's cauldron for 7 days and cannot swim to the edge; wife: no husband, because the thief took the Chinese bamboo tree; three they drag the tree for a day, but the top of the head has not yet been taken out of the forest, the husband and others ran after the thief; 3) if you hit the drum, it sounds half a month; wife: a Chinese cow reached out her head across the river and swallowed it our younger sister; 4) I must cook 58 demon skins for the emperor, cook 24; my husband hid under the basket, a relative picked it up, he was covered in coal dust, the relative ran away in horror]); the fox [the peasant is rich; the king tells him to bring three cock eggs, otherwise he executes him; his 13-year-old son came to the king and said that his father could not come by himself because he gave birth to a boy; the king said canceled the order]: Zapadova 1977:168-169.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [Phanagoria has the famous sanctuary of Aphrodite Apaturos. To explain the original meaning of the epithet, the goddess cites a myth about how the goddess, when she was attacked here by giants, called for help from Hercules and hid him in a cave; then, accepting giants one by one, she gave her enemies to Hercules to deceive them]: Strabo XI, II, 10; Moldovans [the king tells the shepherd to sell the sheep and come back with a flock and proceeds; The daughter advises to shear the sheep and sell their wool; after that, the king gave the shepherd a heifer; she wandered to the boyar, who took it for himself; the king promises the heifer to the one who answers what is fatter, faster, sweeter; boyar: our pig, our greyhound, our honey; shepherd's daughter: earth, thought and look, dream; when he learns that the shepherd's daughter gives answers, the king gives a spindle, hemp, tells us to hide the canvas on the whole army; the girl sends make a machine, reel, etc.; the king gives 10 boiled eggs - let him raise the chickens; the girl cooked two handfuls of seeds, sent the king to grow corn to feed the chickens; the king sent the boyar to find out about the girl; she apologizes: the house has no ears; the brother went to change the name of the seeds; she will go straight - she will be late, and all around she will come quickly; the mother went out of two old women to do one young; explained: a house without a dog like without ears; the brother went to the mill, the grain will be flour; if he goes past the tavern, he will stay; the mother makes two old shirts a new one; the king tells the shepherd that his daughter come neither on horseback nor on foot, neither on the road, nor across the field, neither dressed nor naked, nor with a gift, nor without a gift; the girl wrapped herself in a net, saddled a stick, a hare under her arm, two pigeons in her hand, one leg on the edge of the road, the other on the field; Dogs rushed to the gate, she let them out a hare; gave them pigeons to the king, they flew away; the king married her on the condition that he would be the first to judge people; the mare gave birth; the other two say that the cart gave birth to him; his harness; queen: first lock the foal and then release it; he went to the mare, not to the cart or harness; the king decided to drive his wife away, but agreed to feast first and let him take what is most important to her; the king became drunk and fell asleep, his wife took him to her place; after that they lived together]: Botezat 1981:325-332; the Greeks (Syros) [in the evening at work, the older sister says she would like to marry the king's cook, the middle one for the treasurer, the youngest for the prince and give birth to him three children, the Sun, the Month and the Morning Star; the prince in disguise stood outside the window and heard and fulfilled the wishes of his sisters; went to war, leaving his wife pregnant; mother-in-law told the midwife to throw the children into the river, changing them with a puppy, kitten and mouse; the midwife put the babies in the basket; the shepherd noticed that one goat was returning with an empty udder; found raised three children, put them in a tower; mother-in-law sent his daughter-in-law to the chicken coop, but the prince did not ask about his wife again; once he saw a tower, a girl in the window, near the tower two young men taming horses; the prince thought that his children should be like that; the mother told the prince that he had seen the elves; scolded the midwife and ordered the survivors to be killed; she came disguised as a beggar and told the girl that she was missing branches that produce music; the brothers went in search; the monk he met explained that two dragons were guarding the branch; at midnight they would fall asleep and should be shot in their mouths; the brothers killed the dragons, brought a branch; When he saw the young man, the king rejoiced, and his mother again said that they were elves; the midwife persuades the girl to ask her brothers to get an all-seeing mirror; the monk: he is guarded by 40 dragons, they take turns sleeping; their brothers killed them all, brought a mirror; midwife: Dikjeretto is missing; when she looks in the mirror, she talks about what all people in the world say in any language; the brothers left her sister shirt: if they turn black, they are in trouble; the monk refused to help - why does the girl send her brothers to death out of a whim; they went to the bird and she turned them into stone; the shirts turned black, the sister went to look brothers; monk: we must undress naked, go to the bird from behind and grab its legs; the caught bird told me to go for live water between the crush rocks; the girl slipped, the rocks tore off only a piece of her dress ; the sister revived the brothers, they all returned, the shepherd had a feast; the prince came, the girl showed him a branch, a mirror and a bird; the prince called them to his place; the bird ordered him to take her with him and let the girl will invite the prince to try what she cooked: eggplants, and diamonds inside; prince: how can eggplants contain diamonds; poultry: how can a woman give birth to a puppy, a kitten and a mouse? the bird told me everything; the prince returned his wife from the chicken coop; the midwife was beheaded, the queen was burned]: Hahn 1864 (2), No. 69:47-58; Gagauz [four men came to the bazaar; at one mare, another cart, the third has a whip, at the fourth arc; at night the mare necklaces, the companions tell the owner that the foal gave birth to a whip, etc.; the cadi tells the foal to be let in, he will come to the mother; the owner of the mare received a foal, the rest were dissatisfied]: Moshkov 1904, No. 58:103; Hungarians: Ortutai 1974, No. 44 [King Matyash demands to peel off the stone; the girl tells her father to ask to release it from the stone first blood; the king gave two nuts: let the daughter come when the nuts sprout; the girl understood that this is about breasts; the king orders to make bonnets for the royal court out of two hemp stalks; the girl gives two make chips a loom and a shuttle; the king orders to come neither by road, nor without a road, nor naked, nor dressed, with or without a gift; the girl wrapped herself in a net, followed the donkey's trail, holding on to the donkey's tail, gave sparrow, he immediately flew away; the king married her; the peasant had a horse necklace, the foal climbed under someone else's cart, the king awarded her in favor of the owner of the cart; his wife tells him to pretend to catch fish in the field; the king tells her to leave, she asks permission to take what she wants; she tells her to move the feather bed with the sleeping king; he faces his wife]: 412-414; Benedek 1884, No. 875 [the king commands subjects to refresh the millstones; demands that the peasant who brought the golden mortar bring the pestle to it; the rich and the poor peasant quarrel, the king will decide in favor of the one who says that the fastest in the world , fat and soft; intelligent girl: let the king first remove blood from the millstone; warns the father in advance that the king will demand a pestle from him; says that the quickest thought, the fattest, is the earth, the most soft is the hand of a man; the king tells the girl to weave a cloth out of a handful of threads; she asks that the king make a spindle and a spinning wheel out of a piece of wood; the king orders to repair the leaky jug so that there is no left footprints; girl: let the king first turn the jug inside out; the king tells the girl to come to him and not come, to come naked or dressed, not on a wagon, or on foot (nor on horseback), nor on the road, nor on the road, nor on the road off-road, with or without a gift, greet him and not greet him; the girl wrapped herself in a piece of cloth, rode a donkey or goat along the side of the road, bringing a bird hidden between two bowls, twilight, bows to the king, but does not say a word; the king marries her on the condition that in his absence she will not interfere in affairs; otherwise he will leave the palace, but may take with him the most precious things; one person claims that the calf (foal) did not give birth to another cow (horse), but to his bull, or the owner of the cart says that she gave birth to it; the king decides in favor of the owner of the bull (cart); the queen replies that her husband is not there - he chases fish from the millet field; or advises the victim in front of the king to fish in the sand; the queen leaves, but takes with her the king, to whom she gave sleeping pills; when he wakes up, he returns his wife]: 388-390; Bulgarians [the judge tells an intelligent girl to appear naked, dressed, barefoot, or shod, with a gift, or without a gift, neither on horseback nor on foot; she wrapped herself in the net, put on one leg, came riding a goat or goat, brought two pigeons (hares) as a gift, which immediately flew away (ran away); the judge gave an egg to raise a chicken by morning; the girl gave millet - grow grain to feed the chicken; the judge marries the girl, orders him not to interfere in his affairs; in his absence, the wife resolves a dispute over who owns the foal born (calf, lamb): catches on a hill fish and says that since a male animal could give birth, the fish also live on the hill; a person who was required to peel off the skin from the stone is advised to offer to slaughter the stone first; when he learns that the wife does not complied with his demand, her husband tells her to leave, allowing her to take the most precious thing with him; she brings him sleeping to his parents' home; her husband returns his wife]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 875:303-304; Romanians [the poor man dug a hole to make a dugout, and the neighbor's sheep fell there and died; the boyar does not know who is right; promises to decide in favor of whoever says the fattest, fastest, best; rich man: my pig , my horse, the judgment of your mercy; poor man: land, thought, truth; the boyar decides in favor of the poor man; he admits that his daughter taught him; the boyar tells her to come neither naked, nor dressed, nor on horseback, nor on foot, nor on foot, nor on foot the road, not the outskirts; the girl wrapped herself in a net, drove next to the road on a goat, dragging her legs along the ground; the boyar let the dogs down on her, but she released the cats, they chased them; the boyar married her with on condition not to interfere; one peasant borrowed a cart wheel from another; his mare necklaces; the other says that his wheel was necklace; both came to the boyar; the wife says that he went to see if the frogs had eaten the corn; the peasants were surprised; the wife: the wheel still cannot give birth; the boyar tells his wife to leave, taking the most precious thing; she gave him drink, brought him to her father; said that he the most expensive for her; the boyar returned his wife]: Vazhdaev 1962:364-371; Romanians []: Bîrlea 1966:466-467; Serbs, Croats, Macedonians, Bulgarians, Albanians, Greeks: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1592B: 326; (cf. Albanians [the cruel vizier summoned Mullah Nasreddin; he crumbles into flattery; the vizier gives him a mule for a year on the condition that in a year he returns him with offspring; N. gladly accepts the condition; explains to friends that in a year either a mule or a vizier will die]: Serkova 1989:304-306).

Central Europe. Czechs: Nemtsova 1977 [Manka, the daughter of a poor brother, works for a rich man for a heifer; he does not want to give it back; the father went to the judge; he asks what is faster, sweeter and richer; M. tells me to answer like eye, sleep, earth; gets a heifer, but the judge tells his daughter to arrive night, day, dressed, naked, or on foot, or on a cart; M. put a bag, a stocking on one leg, a shoe on the other, at dawn rode a goat; the judge married her on the condition that she did not interfere in his affairs; one man brought a stallion, the other a mare, arguing whose foal; M. advises the owner of the mare to fish with a net on grief; if the stallion can necklace, then there is fish on the mountain; admitted to the judge that M. taught him; the husband tells his wife to leave, taking what is most important to her; M. gave him a drink, told him to go with the bed take her to his father's house; the judge forgave her and stayed with her]: 41-48; Talova 1956 [the shepherd found a golden mortar, the daughter advised her not to tell the king; the shepherd said, the king demanded a pestle; the shepherd : my daughter told me correctly; king: Let your clever daughter arrive neither on foot nor on horseback, naked, dressed, day, night, noon, or morning - then I will marry her and forgive her pest; daughter wrapped herself in the net sat on the goat, walking on the ground, arrived at dawn; the king married her, but promised to divorce if she gave advice to others; at the fair, the man's mare necklaced, the foal approached the man who has a gelding; the king agreed: gave birth to gelding; the Queen advised the first man to fish on the road; "How could a gelding necklace"; the king drove his wife away, allowing him to take the most with him dear; she gave her husband a drink, brought her to her house, explained in the morning that he was the most precious thing; the king returned the queen to the palace]: 114-116; Slovaks [a rich peasant has 10 sows, and the poor peasant has 10 sows, and the poor - one thin mumps; she often goes to feed on a rich man; he hit her and killed her; the poor man complained to the local manager, the rich man filed a counterclaim - the poor man's pig ate him; the manager promised decide in favor of the one who says what is the fattest, fastest, cleanest; the wife of the rich man told her husband to say: our pig, which we fattened for three years, our horse, our well; the daughter of the poor man to the father: earth, moon (he goes around the earth and sky in four weeks), the sun; the manager rejected the rich man's lawsuit and gave the poor man his fat pig; but guessed that the answers were not invented by the poor man himself; gave a bunch of flax and told his daughter in three of the day, process him and sew him a wedding shirt; in response, the girl sent a branch: to make all the weaving and spinning tools out of it; the manager told her to appear day, night, on foot, on horseback, or in the wagon, neither naked nor dressed, with or without a gift; she arrived at dawn riding a goat, dragging her legs, wrapped in a net, handed two turtles that immediately flew away; the manager takes her to wives with the condition not to interfere in his affairs; once a mare gave birth to one person, and a foal climbed under someone else's ox; the manager awarded it to the owner an ox; his wife advises the owner of the mare at sight the manager should start waving a sickle in the water and throwing a net on the shore; the manager gave him the foal, but told his wife to leave, allowing him to pick up the most precious thing; she gave him a drink and brought him to her father's house; When the husband woke up, the wife said that he was her dearest; the manager brought his wife back and took her father to live with him as well]: Dobšinský 1970, No. 37:199-203; Poles [1) peasant found a golden mortar in the field and, contrary to his daughter's warning, gave it to the king; he tells me to bring a golden pestle; 2) the judge asks what is more pleasant, stronger and richest; the daughter of a peasant: spring, winter, autumn; 3) the king (judge) marries a girl who fulfills absurd requirements; appear naked or dressed (wrapped in nets); get the chickens out of boiled eggs (let the king grow millet from boiled eggs) grains); the king (judge) marries a girl on the condition that she does not interfere in his affairs; she decides who should own the foal (advises the owner of the mare to sow boiled peas , fish in the field); an angry husband tells his wife to return to her father, allowing him to take the most precious thing; she takes her sleeping husband; he forgives his wife]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 875:267-268; Russians: Burtsev 1898, No. 23 (Arkhangelsk, Kola Uyezd, recorded from Fr. Konstantin Shchekoldin) [The Tsar allows the Queen to attend the trial. He deservedly punishes his wife and acquits her husband when his wife disagrees with him, her unborn child (from the womb) says that "the harlot pulls the harlot." She is afraid of her son and when he is born she orders him to kill him to eat his heart. The servants do not dare to kill the child and bring her the heart of a lamb, which replaces her son as a blacksmith. The king is surprised that his son is fond of blacksmithing, working only with hammers and forging iron with them. A shepherd's son is elected by his peers as a child king: all the children stood up with candles in their hands facing the east and the shepherd's prince's son lit a fire. He judges fairly, and adults who are wrongly judged by the king and queen also turn to him. While the poor woman carries flour in her dish, the wind blows her away. She goes to the king for justice. He laughs at her and refuses to judge the wind, she decides to turn to the child king, and the king laughs at her again. The child king listens to the woman and finds out which captains landed on the shore that day. He asks them if they needed the wind to stick, and they confirm that they wouldn't be able to do it without it. The child king tells them that the wind took away the poor woman's flour and the captains not only compensate her for the loss, but also give a bag of flour to everyone and everyone is satisfied. The king learns about the boy's trial and wants to check it out. He sends him three bulls and asks him to give them back with offspring. The boy eats bulls' meat, insulates the roof with skins. When the king asks where the offspring is, he sends a man to the king who takes off his pants and shouts "I want to give birth", the king calls him crazy and the man points out that the bull also cannot give birth. The child king sees that the king and queen go for a walk. It fills one rolling pin of the scale with feces, and it grows larger over time. He explains to the king that a woman's mind is just as easy and costs nothing. The king understands that this is his son and takes "so the queen did not have to triumph over the truth"]: 107-112; Onchukov 2008 (1), No. 46 [Tsar Davyd has a blind brother, he has a wife, his wife has a friend; Soló ; man in Davydov's wife's belly: They cover the damn thing and the hood; D. saw the light; his wife gave birth without him; she was afraid that her son would kill her, since he said so about her, took it to the blacksmith, and passed off the blacksmith's son as her own; wanting to test his son, D. tells him to come not naked, not in a dress and stand out, not in the hut; he does not know what to do; the blacksmith's son, i.e. a real prince, tells him to impose a maticha (?) , on your feet - skis, heels to the doorstep in the hallway, socks to the doorstep in the hut; D.: this was not your idea; now D. demands that the bull calve; the imaginary son of a blacksmith advises screaming as if he is giving birth; if a man does not give birth , how the bull calves; the wind took away the old woman's flour; D.: what can I do; imaginary son of a blacksmith: give me a scepter and porphyry, I'll reason; asks who was begging for the wind at that time; sailor: me; so give me back flour for an old woman]: 164-166; Russians (Moscow, Moscow, St. Ruza, 1903) [rich brother gave her poor daughter a chick; A seven-year-old (name, not age) raised her and she brought a chick herself; S. is ready to give the chick, but the rich brother demands to give the cow; the judge will decide the benefit of the one who gives the right answer; what is the fastest (rich: my horse; poor at the suggestion of my daughter: thought); what is the sweetest (my wife/sleep); fatter (my pig/land); the judge awarded the cow poor brother; tells the Seven-year-old not to come and come, not wearing a shirt or naked, would not bring gifts or giveaways; S. wrapped herself in a net, came on a goat, brought pigeons, which immediately flew away; the judge marries her on the condition that he would not interfere in matters; once there was no judge, two men argued; one mare got necklaces, and the foal climbed under the other's cart, he thinks he his own; S.: whoever the foal goes to, that mother; the foal went to the mare; the judge tells his wife to leave, let him take the most precious thing; she offers to arrange a farewell party; she gave her husband a drink, brought her to her father: I took the most expensive thing; and I was there, I drank honey beer, it flowed down my mustache, it got a little into my mouth]: Vedernikova, Samodelova 1998, No. 68:190-192; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Orlovskaya), Ukrainians (Poltava ), Belarusians [Dispute about a foal: a poor man had a mare necklace, another man (St. Nikolai, god, master) sues him, claiming that his stake (crutch) was necklace; the judge decides the dispute in favor of the mare's owner]: SUS 1979, No. 875E*: 221; Belarusians [a rich man has a calf, The poor wife gave birth to a girl; the rich man's wife decided that the calf would die and threw it away, and the poor man picked it up; after 7 years, the calf became a fat chick, and the newborn became a smart girl; the rich man demanded give the chick to him; the pan will give it to the one who guesses the riddles: what is fatter, richer, faster; the wife of the rich man: our boar, ourselves, our horse; the daughter of the poor man: earth, God, thought; the pan gave the heifer to the poor man; came to his home, daughter at home; asks what to tie the horse to; girl: at least by winter, at least by summer (to a cart or sleigh); pan gives a basket of eggs: let pana chickens be for breakfast by morning; daughter sends father to Mr. asking her to immediately sow the field, grow millet and pour grains into the pot to feed the chickens; the pan tells the girl not to appear on horseback, on foot, naked, in a shirt, with or without a gift ; she came on horseback on a stick, wrapped in a net; the pan released the dogs and she was a hare, the dogs ran after the hare; the pan married her, telling her not to dare judge the serfs; two men went to the fair, a mare one necklaces, the foal climbed under the other's cart; Mr.'s wife tells one to drag the cart, the other to tell a mare: whoever the foal will run after, she gave birth to him; when she learns that the wife has begun to judge herself, pan decided to drive her out of the house, allowing her to take what was nice; she gave her husband a drink and brought him to her father's house; the lord returned his wife]: Vasilenok et al. 1958:257-261; Belarusians (village Stovbtsy, Lisichenskaya vol.) [There were two women, one (beyond A) had wheels, and the other (further B) had a mare. And they were friends. We went to buy firewood. I went And the mare gave birth to buy firewood while she was cutting. She came back, hid the foal, returned the mare. B. saw that the foal was gone and went to A.: "Where are the foal going?" - "Then my wheels are necklaces." The women also quarreled. Let's go to court with the queen. They let the wheels down the mountain, the foal escaped after them. The queen said the foal was A., not B.. A. cries and called the queen prodigal. B. replaced the queen's son with the son of a blacksmith. The blacksmith brought godfathers and priests. They baptized their son, and named him Ivan, and the cotton replies: "Give me the name Solomon!" "Name your son Solomon, his wife gave birth to him in straw." That's what they called it. My son began to grow up. He became a shepherd. He became the oldest there. Divided the cows between shepherds by color. The cows became well-fed. I began to teach them how to read and write, and he learns himself. "Who taught you," my father asked. "I'm my own mind!" - Solomon answered. The king found out about that. And he says to his wife: this is not my son, but mine lives with a blacksmith - call Solomon. He calls the blacksmith to his place: "Come tomorrow, but not on horseback or on foot, dressed or naked, full or hungry, and if you don't do it, I'll blow my head off!" Solomon fed his father in the morning with jelly without bread, dressed him online instead of clothes, put him on a goat, and sent him to the king. The king let him go home. The king sent his own son to the farrier, and he went to pick up Solomon himself, and he had already left, but it is not known where. He began to chase his son, send servants to look for. The queen found a shop, they sell chandeliers there, bought the largest one, and left a receipt. The king went to that shop where Solomon was. He called his mother a harlot, and the receipt says that it would be "a sin to compose" with her son. He began to live with the tsar: he set up a school and put things in order. I've decided to get married. He went to bed with his wife, and the dove appeared to him: "Do not lie down with your wife, for you will not enter the kingdom of heaven!" And Solomon didn't go to bed with her. My wife ran away. Solomon lived without her for a year. I asked my father's soldiers to go to King Davidon for his wife. Davidon has decided to kill him. Solomon played the flute three times, and everyone fell asleep. He called his army and told them to cut everyone except the black people. Woke Davidon up. He looks - his army is dead. Solomon hanged Davidon, his wife, and the maid-all three. And he took the kingdom for himself, and went to see the tsar-father. Christ meets him. He took everyone's souls. And Solomon's in the heat. He occupied the heat, the church on the left, the Catholic church on the right, and the statue of the Virgin Mary in the middle. He outsmarted the devil by locking him and found himself in the kingdom of heaven before Christ. And before the end of the world, the devils will gnaw through the castle and the devil will be released]: Romanov 1901:447-462; Ukrainians (Poltava, Romensky y.) [The brothers go to the fair - the mare belongs to one, the cart to another. They leave the cart with the horse and leave when they return, they see a foal under the cart, argue whose it is (from a horse or a cart). They hire a lawyer to resolve the dispute, he says that crayfish from the river scattered and ate his millet, but his second brother does not believe him. The lawyer says that he also does not believe that a foal can be born from a cart]: Gnedich 1916, No. 1533:65-66.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars [the poor have a wise daughter, the padishah decides to test her; he and the vizier dressed as wanderers came to her house and asked where her father and mother were; girl: mother went to turn nothingness into being , and the father was in oblivion; a few months later, the padishah called the girl and asked if she remembered him; girl: you came to a crazy house; crazy means without a dog; mother went to give birth, father to cut trees for firewood; then the padishah gave the girl 40 rams and ordered her to return them with lambs a year later; she told her father to slaughter sheep, and a year later she brought chebureks to the padishah as a gift for the occasion that he gave birth to an heir; girl: if you can't give birth, then sheep can't either; the padishah recognized the girl's victory and let her go]: Useinov 1992, No. 17:229-234; Crimean Tatars [man sees like a neighbor's wife, who has a large family, cooks food in a small cauldron - there is no other one; brings her big one, and the little one promises to return it soon; borrowed a large cauldron from a mullah, and returned together with the little one: this is the offspring; the next time the mullah gladly borrowed a large cauldron, believing that the fool would return it with the little one again; but a few days later the man lamented: big the cauldron is dead: whoever can give birth may die]: Emirsuinova et al. 2013:83-88; Kalmyks: Vatagin 1964 [three brothers share property; sister advises the youngest to take only her and a black cow; only this cow is cash; older brothers complain to Khan that the division is unfair; Khan: what is the most beautiful, sharp; older brothers: mother's dress, bay horse; sister teaches the younger: the moon, but the sun is still more beautiful; the wind, but the thought is faster; the youngest has to admit that his sister taught him; the khan tells her to come and sit neither in the kibitka nor outside; the sister sat between the bars and the felt of the yurt; the khan married girl; the merchant tied the mare to someone else's cart, the mare necklaces, the owner of the cart claims that she gave birth to his cart; the khan agreed, because the owner of the cart is his countryman; the wife tells the owner of the mare to ask Khan has a thread to weave a net to fish near the palace; khan: fish do not live on land; merchant: the cart does not give birth; the khan makes him admit that the hansha taught him; the khan tells his wife to leave, taking the most precious thing ; his wife got him drunk, took him to the steppe - he is the most expensive for her; the khan returned his wife]: 235-238; Dzhimbinov 1962 [khan wants to find an intelligent wife for a fool's son; it rained, two girls ran home, the third covered him with beshmet dung and drove the calves away from the cows (so that they do not suck milk); beshmet got wet, but I'll dry it by the fire; khan: how many dung are there in the bag? girl: as long as your horse stepped from the palace to our kibitka; the khan orders to make koumiss from bovine milk, sew the kibitka with ashes; the girl covered the kibitka with matting and burned it, put up a pole ( it means that someone is giving birth in the house); Khan: How can a man give birth? girl: in the khanate, where koumiss is made from bovine milk, maybe; the khan orders to ride a two-headed horse not along the road or along the steppe, upon arrival, sit not inside the kibitka or outside; daughter tells her father to come on a stallion mare, ride along the side of the road, sit outside at the doorstep with kibitki felt over his back; the khan ordered him to come next time with a bag for gold and an arcana for horses; the bag will not be filled in any way, You can catch as many horses as you want with an arcana; girl: a bag of human eyes, you have to add sand to fill it; a lasso from a human vein; to shrink it, you have to burn one end; khan married son on this girl; fell ill; told his son to catch up with the tumbleweed, ask him where he would spend the day and night; the wife ordered to answer: we must ask the ravine and the wind; the khan tells his son to bring a horse with two heads that look in different directions; wife: bring the stallion mare, the foal's head is pointing back; the khan died quietly]: 149-152 (=Vardugin 1996:471-473); Egorov 1978 [Khan Tsetsen married his son, took he was hunting; when he saw a deer lying down, he said: "Run quickly, catch the deer by the horns"; the son ran, the deer rode away; the khan killed the deer with an arrow, beat his son with a whip; the son told his wife everything, who decided that the old man went crazy; went hunting again, the khan asked his son to cook meat in a wooden cauldron; the son hollowed out a pot from a piece of wood, poured water, crumbled meat and started a fire; the cauldron burned down; the khan beat his son ; he told his wife everything, who said that the old man was crazy; the khan asked his son to catch a horse with one head south and the other north; the son caught two horses, tied them by the tails, and brought him to the khan; the khan beat his son, sent his daughter-in-law to his parents; began to look for a new wife for his son; met an intelligent girl, told her father to make koumiss from bovine milk; the next day rode again; the girl put her father to bed, told him to moan; the khan asked for koumiss made from bovine milk; the girl says that the father is giving birth, so he has not cooked it yet; khan: "Do men give birth"; girl: "Why do men give birth" milk comes from a bull"; the khan decided to marry her son, told her father to come to the palace; the girl gave the old man a purse, when he met the khan, he offered him gold; began to fill the purse, the purse stretched out, held the entire treasury; they had a wedding, the khan took his son hunting; noticing a deer lying down, said: "Rather catch the deer by the horns"; the son did as before; the beaten returned home, the wife explained: "Shoot soon"; they went hunting again, the khan asked to cook meat in a wooden cauldron; the son did as before; the beaten man returned home, the wife explained that it was necessary to pick up the phone from the khan, fill it with tobacco, light it and give it to him; the khan asked to catch a horse in the herd, with its heads facing one south and the other north; the son did as before; the beaten man returned home, the wife explained that you need to bring a mare that is about to necklace; a neighboring khan sent Khan Tsetsen a wooden whip handle with the same thickness to determine where the roots were and where the top were; daughter-in-law: "If we put this stick into the water, the root, since it is denser than the top, must go deeper into the water"; the neighboring khan sent the same mare and foal to Tsetsen to determine which of them is who; the daughter-in-law said we should not give them food for three days, and then both pour oats smaller than one horse in size, and see which of them would shovel and move the oats to the other while eating with their lips, that - mother; a neighboring khan sent two identical snakes to Tsetsen to determine which one is male and which is female; daughter-in-law: "We must keep them in the dark, and then lay down which one on the way at the entrance some wide velvet for them to crawl on it. As soon as the snakes are on the velvet, the female one will immediately curl up and lie quietly, and the male one will crawl around the sleeper, with her head raised high, as if guarding her dream"; the neighboring khan invited Tsetsen to visit; he came, chained him to a cart, given bread and water; Khan Tsetsen: "Write a letter to your own so that your whole kingdom will be chained here to one soul, and there I will find that wise man myself {who solved riddles}"; Tsetsen wrote to his wife: "The kingdom of our neighbor Khan turned out to be a real paradise. There is no suffering, no death, no illness; there is also no winter, and everything smells like spring; there is no summer either, and everything is cool in autumn. People here live on allowances in all four seasons and do not know what work is... I sleep on a soft feather bed. I eat fatty lamb and drink strong aromatic tea, dress in blue velvet. There are no limits to my pleasure, entertainment and fun... It all happens 24 hours a day. There is no way to leave this country even for one minute. When you receive this letter, all your heart and soul come here. Remember: you, my old lady, are trusting; there is an unfortunate piebald foal in my herd, but it is gratifying that there is a piece of fragrant oil in my chest... Everybody wander around. I miss you a lot"; a letter was sent with a messenger to the Tsetsen Khanate; daughter-in-law: "Everything he writes must be understood in the opposite sense. Tea and mutton are water and crackers; feather bed is earth, blue velvet is sky. Fun around the clock - suffering around the clock. And the fact that there is no way to be away even for one minute means that he is shackled... "You, my old lady, are trusting" is a warning not to believe the letter; "An unfortunate piebald foal in the herd" is the khan talking about a son who still does not understand anything, "a piece of butter in a chest" - it's me... The call "all wander here" means "go to war against the neighboring khan and free me"; they went to the neighboring khanate, told the khan that they were happy to wander to him; he freed Tsetsen, asked feast; by morning, the daughter-in-law brought the army, found the enemies sleeping, captured them]: 19-31; Abkhazians: Bgazhba 1983 [the poor man took the bull from his neighbor, and when he returned it, he died a month later; the neighbor demands compensation; the judge asks questions; the poor man's daughter answers correctly: the fastest thought, the fattest is the earth, the sweetest dream; the judge refused the rich man, married the poor man's daughter on the condition that in his absence she will not judge people herself; the rider and the owner of the arba came; the rider's mare necklaces, the foal was under the arba, the owner of the arba said that he was given birth to an arba; the judge's wife: I was late because she extinguished a burning stream with dry leaves; debators: the fire is extinguished with water, not with leaves; woman: and the arba does not give birth; the judge tells the wife to take everything she needs and leave the house; she wants to have lunch with him first; got drunk and I brought it to my place; in the morning: you are most needed; they returned to the judge together]: 245-247; Khashba, Kukba 1935 [the prince tells the old man to slaughter the stone, peel it off, make food out of stone; daughter the old man gives his father a knife: let the prince cut their throats with a stone; the prince married a girl; she turned out to be smarter than him and he decided to divorce her; forbid them to interfere in affairs; a guest arrived on a pregnant mare; she gave birth, the foal hid under the arch; its master said that the foal had given birth to an arba; they called the princess; she was late, said that the river caught fire and she extinguished it with dry leaves; the prince told his wife to leave, allowing him to take what he needed; she gave him a drink, took him on the arba to her relatives; when the prince overslept and found out what was going on, he returned his wife and lived happily with her]: 88-89; Shakryl 1975, No. 68 [poor and rich man came to judge; he promised to decide in favor of the one who guessed what is faster, fatter, sweeter; the poor man's daughter teaches: thought, earth, sleep; the judge orders to weave a cloth from the flax stem and sew clothes; the daughter threw the stalk at fire and sent a sliver to the judge: let him make a loom; the judge married the girl, forbidding her to interfere in affairs; at night, the rider's horse necklaced, and the crook let the foal go to his buffalo; wife judges: the husband took cotton wool, went to put out the ice on the mountains; if this does not happen, then the buffalo cannot give birth to a foal either; judge to his wife: you broke the agreement, leave, taking the most precious thing; she gave him a drink and brought him home ; the judge admitted defeat, returned his wife]: 314-316; Adygi (bzhedugi) [the guest tied the horse to the owner's arba, because the owners did not have horse riding; went to bed; at night the mare necklaces; in the morning the owner said that his arba was necklace; gouache (Psha's wife, who went out to the debators instead of him), listened to them and asked them to wait for her husband: he went to drive the sea fish out of his millet field; how could fish get out of the sea? - Can an arba be necklaces? Pshi told how his wife resolved the dispute - she insulted her husband by interfering in men's affairs; he drove her away, allowing her to take whatever she looked at; his wife asked for an arrangement before leaving A seven-day feast; Pshi fell asleep, she brought him to her parents because she looked at it and did not need anything else; Pshi and his wife returned home]: Huth 1987:278-279; Kabardian residents: Aliyeva , Kardangushev 1977 [Bataraz's mare necklaced when he was visiting; the owner said that his arba and his foal were necklace; B. called the animals for advice; the hedgehog was the last, said that he was extinguishing hay fire in the mountains; in response to objections, he said that the arba could not necklace either; B. received a foal]: 111-112 (=Kapieva 1991:203-204); Kardanov 1961 [a rich man and a poor man spent the night in the inn; a mare the poor man gave birth to a foal, and the rich man says that an ox gave birth to him; the bear is a judge, gave the rich man a fox as protector and the poor man a hare; the fox decided in favor of the rich man; the hare came late: snow caught fire in the field, I had to extinguish it with straw; the foal had to be given to the poor man]: 131-133; Abazins [Khoja took a cauldron from a rich neighbor and returned it with a small pot - a large cauldron gave birth to a small one; then took borrowed the fur coat, he did not return it, saying that it was dead; if the cauldron could give birth, then the fur coat could die]: Tugov 1985, No. 156:354; Ossetians [two horsemen went hunting; at night, a mare one necklace and the foal crawled under the gelding; these people went into the same house to be judged; the hostess said that her husband went to the mountain, where they had a field and were trampled by fish every night; the gelding owner had to agree that the foal is not his]: Byazirov 1972, No. 62:284-285; Balkarians [=Malkonduev 2017:622-624; the mare belongs to one and the cart to another; while the owner of the mare went to get water, the mare necklaces; the owner the cart said that his cart was necklace; the owner of the cart took a fox as witness and the owner of the mare a hedgehog; the fox awarded in favor of the owner of the cart; the hedgehog came last; said that he was late because he fell out deep snow; fox: it's summer now; hedgehog: since the cart could give birth, why can't it snow in summer; the animals decided in favor of the mare's owner]: Aliyeva, Kholaev 1983:17-18; Karachays or Balkarians [Khozha occupied the cauldron, it burst; Khozha gave it away with a small pot: the cauldron cracked because it was born as a small pot]: Aliyeva, Kholaev 1983:180; Ingush [highlander came to the mullah, tied the mare to the van, she necklaced, the mullah said that his van gave birth to the foal; they sent for an intelligent man; he came late, said that the river caught fire, he extinguished it; since the river could not burn, the van cannot give birth]: Malsagov 1983, No. 103:254-255; Lucky (Western 1932) [The king ordered the three nukers to carve a clearing; the shepherd's daughter advised me to ask the king for scissors; the king tells the shepherd to guard the sheep while they lie down; the daughter told her father to slaughter the sheep and go to bed; said to the king that the father gives birth - since the rams can lie down, the man can also give birth; the king married the shepherd's daughter; when leaving, he forbid her to interfere in affairs; two young men got into a fight, one smashed the other's face in blood; the king's wife told him to take hot coals with his hands; explained that the heat would burn his hands and the blow bleed; two men came; one said that his horse was necklace, and the other that his arba, under which it turned out to be a foal; the queen explained that the mare's owner was right; when she learned that his wife was judging people, the king told her to leave, allowing her to take what she wanted; she brought her sleeping husband to her father's house: I like you most of all; the tsar returned his wife]: Khalilov 1965, No. 75:236-239 (=Khalilov, Osmanov 1989:202-203); Dargin residents: Aliyeva 2013, No. 10 [the rich brother gave the poor brother a cow, later decided to take it away; he replied that his cow; the judge (talhat) promises a cow to the one who says that it is the fattest, softest, most delicious; the daughter of the poor man: answer that the earth, the flesh of the meat, sleep; the judge orders to remove chickens from a hundred eggs by tomorrow; from The daughter made eggs, and ordered the judge to sow millet and squeeze it tomorrow so that there was something to feed the chickens; the judge came to the girl and found her kneading dough; girl: May Allah punish the house where there is no ears; she is asked where to tie the horses - if you want to the plain, you want to the mountain; then she explains through her father: there must be a dog in the house that will warn you about guests; horses can be tied to an arba or to sleigh; the judge married a girl, ordering not to interfere in affairs; the owner of the cart and the mare argued who owns the foal born at night; the judge's wife: the sea is burning; since the sea cannot burn, then the cart does not necklaces; the judge tells his wife to take what she wants and return to her parents; she brought him sleeping; the judge returned her]: 66-68; Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 28 [the older sister promises to feed the village with one sakha of flour, the middle one is to sew clothes from half a meter of satin for everyone, the youngest is to give birth to a talkhan boy with a golden pigtail, on one side the moon, on the other the sun; Talkhan marries her, leaves, his first wife tells her to give birth to chimney, replaces the boy with two puppies, throws the boy in a chest into the sea; invites the returning Talkhan to sew his new wife into the skin of a cow, put it in the doorway to wipe his feet on her; he does; the sea grandmother raised a boy; he hunts, comes to the talkhan, his stepmother recognizes him, pretending to be sick, asks her husband to get 1) a rejuvenating honey-oil tree; the sea grandmother tells throw oatmeal to snakes, bagels to Azhdaham; a young man brings a tree; 2) a cat playing the zurna; a marine grandmother says that the cat lives on crushing rocks, it is necessary to hit the rocks with a whip; the young man brings cat, rocks only cut off the hairs from the horse's tail; 3) the girl Arts-Izdag ("arts" is silver); sea grandmother: whoever calls her is stony; we must first mention the golden pigtail, then the moon and the sun; AI comes with him, 40 previously petrified sledges come to life, AI carries wealth with him; a young man makes wax dolls; tells his father that both dolls cannot eat, and a woman cannot give birth to puppies; the father ties the eldest wife to the tail of the mare, tells them to overcook, grind the bones, the young man's mother scattered them downwind, the young man marries AI]: 281-284; Osmanov 1963 [Khan married an intelligent girl on the condition that she will not give advice; but two people came, one had a mare, the other had a bull; at night the mare necklaced, and the foal was next to the bull; the owner of the bull said that the bull had given birth; Khan's wife: the sea is burning; since the sea cannot to burn, then the bull cannot necklace; the khan drove his wife away, but allowed him to take the most precious thing; she took the ottoman with the khan who had slept; the khan returned his wife]: 38-39; Dargins (Hyurkilins) [Nasreddin borrowed from a neighbor the cauldron, but returned it, putting a small one in it: he gave birth to the cauldron; took it again and did not give it back, said that the cadiy judged in favor of Nasreddin]: Uslar 1892:249 (=Khalilov, Osmanov 1989:249); aguly [ Molla Nasreddin took the boiler from his neighbor for a while and returned two; the next time he took the boiler and did not give it back, saying that he was dead; if the boiler could give birth to another boiler, it could die]: Maysak 2014, No. M24:481- 482; taty [Mullah Nasredin took the boiler and returned it, putting a small one in it: he gave birth to the cauldron; next time he took the pot and did not return it, saying that he was dead]: Miller 2013:697-698; Georgians [ the peasant plowed, found a golden mortar; the daughter does not order to give it to the king, the peasant gave it, the king demands a pestle; the peasant laments, the king orders his clever daughter to be brought to him; tells her not to come naked, undressed, neither on foot nor on horseback; the girl wrapped herself in a net, tied her to a donkey; the king returned the mortar, took the girl as his wife; the shepherd's mare necklaced, the other stole the foal, tied it to his bull's leg; the king decided in favor of the thief; the wife advised the victim to start throwing a net in a dry place in front of the palace: if there are no fish on land, the bull did not give birth to a foal; the king decided to separate from his wife, but allowed take what she cares about; she drank him, brought him to her father's homes: you are the most important to me; the tsar did not leave his wife]: Kurdovanidze 1988 (2), No. 109:189-193; Megrelians [when he saw how the shepherd corrected the decision of the four viziers, the king told him to be the judge himself; the shepherd agreed that he would be blinded; the owner of the mule said that the calf was his and the woman that her cow had a calf and when the owner of the mule came with him, the calf poked over the mule as if under a cow; the shepherd ruled in favor of the woman and everyone marveled at his wisdom; the woman wiped the shepherd's eye socket's handkerchiefs and he saw the light again]: Wardrobe 1894, No. 7 : 138-140; Armenians [shepherds chose a king for fun; he is wise and fair; one man sent precious stones with another wife; he appropriated them and brought witnesses; the shepherd king asked witnesses should bring ordinary stones of the same size as the precious ones; each brought different ones, the thief had to more than return the stolen goods; the shepherd king asks the king to blind him in order to be completely impartial; to test the shepherd king, Jesus looked like an old man, drove past an old woman chasing calves; one of the calves followed him; the old man said that the calf gave birth to his mule (boat); the shepherd king: not I can resolve the dispute today, fish came out of the sea and ate my wheat; - Fish don't eat wheat; - But mules don't give birth to calves either]: Bogoyavlensky 1892b, No. 2 []: 78-82; Azerbaijanis (Borchalinsky Uyezd Tiflis Province) [the widow fisherman is married, the stepmother orders to take three stepdaughters to the forest; the sisters decide to eat the one who is behind on the run, but the youngest digs a way to the royal stable, where horses are fed raisins; Shah Abbas is surprised why horses are losing weight; the courtier caught the girls; the eldest replies that he can weave a carpet on which the army can fit, and the middle one can cook scrambled eggs in eggshells for the entire army, the youngest will give birth to two children with golden and silver hair; SHA marries the youngest; the wife gives birth to a boy Ibrahim and a girl Gullizar; the witch advises the older sisters to let the children down the river in a box, replace with puppies; SHA tells him to poke out his wife's eyes, throw him into a hole, give a piece of bread and a mug of water a day; the worshiper catches the box, saved the children; dying, ordered him to go up the river; the gardener takes the children to him; they knit bouquets, SHA is happy, calls the boy to her, talks to him; the aunts are in panic; the witch persuades G. to ask his brother to get 1) a talking, singing tree (uprooted, brought it); 2) a bird, who translates the words of a tree (brings); 3) marry King Guria's daughter; the king of demons gives a flying carpet, a stick (hit a stump that blocks the road), an invisible hat (they will order you to enter a hot bath, you have to become invisible, hide), a tablecloth (they will order to eat 40 pilaf boilers, the tablecloth will eat everything); SHA invites I., that: eat, my sleeves; SHA: can sleeves eat? I.: Can a woman give birth to puppies? The Tsar executed his wife's sisters]: Bogoyavlensky 1899, No. 11:95-104; Azerbaijanis [Molla Nasreddin took the cauldron and returned it, putting a small one in it: he gave birth to the cauldron; next time he did not return it at all: the cauldron died; if the cauldron could give birth, it could die]: Tahmasib 1984:271-272; Turks [Khoja borrowed the boiler from a neighbor; when returning it, he put a small frying pan inside: it was your cauldron that gave birth; Khoja again took the cauldron, the neighbor was waiting; came for the boiler; Hoja: the sad news: the cauldron died; if he could give birth, why could not die]: Gordlevsky 1957, No. 24:26; Kurds [for wisdom and honesty, the padishah wants make the son of a tailor kazi; he then tells him to blind him so as not to distinguish between rich and poor; God felt sorry for the young man and sent Jebrail to restore his sight; J. came on a mule, went to an old woman whose the cow was supposed to calve; the mule caressed the newborn calf, J. said that the calf gave birth to his mule; they came to the kazi; he says that the man who had guests J. is happy; J. was amazed, returned vision for a young man, and a calf for an old woman]: Jalil et al. 1989, No. 24:250-251.

Iran - Central Asia. Yagnobtsy: Andreev, Peschereva 1957, No. 12 [the vizier's son rejected the poor man's two daughters, took the youngest; her sisters replaced the children with puppies, took them to their aunt, she raised them; the vizier asks why the boy needs He gives water to a wooden horse; he asks how he could believe that his wife gave birth to puppies; the vizier returned his son and daughter, the aunts were tied to the horse's tail], 20 [the youngest of seven daughters gave her father crap instead of eating; he drove everyone away; leaving the sisters in the steppe, the youngest came to the old woman; she tells her to take food to her husband, the girl takes it to her sisters every time, says that the dog has eaten; kills the old woman and her husband, sister they settle in their house; the older sisters go to a feast, the youngest is left; she follows, loses her shoe, the king promises to marry whoever he suits; suits that girl; she has given birth to a boy and a girl, another wife replaced them with puppies; the husband tells them to leave her on the roof, throw her bread like dogs; (the old woman is raising children); the boy gives water to a wooden horse; when the king is surprised, he asks how a woman can give birth to puppies; everything is explained; the other wife played goat, tore it apart]: 90, 111-114; Tajiks [Afandi borrowed a cauldron from a neighbor, returned it with a small pot: he gave birth to the cauldron; the next time he did not return the boiler: he died]: Amonov, Ulug-zade 1957:419; Turkmens: Kekilov, Kosayev 1962 [Sultansoyun saw the wife of a man named Karakuduk and decided to get rid of her husband; Mirali promised help K., taught me what to do; S. tells you to receive offspring from a horse, a couple of bulls and a dozen rams in six months; six months later, his wife came: her husband gives birth; S. realized that this was M.'s advice]: 54-55; Stebleva 1969, No. 76 [Sultansoyun saw a beautiful woman; Mirali: Is it possible to take someone else's wife away? S.: I will find an excuse; tells the husband of a woman named Karakuduk to receive offspring from 90 rams in 5 months; K.'s wife tells the sheep to slaughter or sell, she takes care of the rest; when the padishah arrives, the wife says that K. is giving birth; the padishah rode back]: 350-352; parachi (b. Shutul, Panjshir Province) [Mullah Nasreddin asked a neighbor for a pot to cook meat; a few days later, he took a small pot and gave it to his neighbor; he asked why he brought it; MN: "Your pot brought a baby to our house, that is, he gave birth to him"; the neighbor was happy; after a while MN came back to the neighbor; he thought that the boiler had given birth again and asked: "Why are you sad? What happened to the boiler?" ; MN: "The poor cauldron died during childbirth"]: Efimov 2009, No. 9:157-158.

Baltoscandia. Estonians [the master wanted to take away the farm from the peasant; judge: let both come up with a riddle that they can't solve is right; the farmer's daughter tells the judge how old the sun is and how much it weighs moon; answer: the sun is one day every day, the moon weighs a pound, both have four quarters; when he learned that the question was invented by the peasant's daughter, the judge married her; a peasant's mare necklaces in the pasture another; he said that the foal was from his stallion; the judge decided in favor of the stallion's owner because he was his friend; the judge's wife advised the mare's owner to fish in the sand; the judge laughed the peasant explained the meaning; the judge threatened his wife to send her away, but she continued to interfere in his affairs; the judge ordered her to return to her father, allowing her to take the most precious thing; the wife called the guests and gave her husband a drink, brought him home; the judge asked for forgiveness and brought his wife back]: Mälk et al 1967, No. 120:393-395; Seto [the king wants to marry an intelligent girl, none fit; the poor man's mare wandered into the royal field; the king demands to answer questions, otherwise he will not give up the mare and even beat; the daughter teaches to answer; 1) what size the moon is four quarters; 2) how much from earth to sky - on foot day and night; 3) what the fastest is a thought; the king returned the poor mare to the poor, came to his daughter; asks questions where her father, mother, brother, sister are; she answers with a mystery every time and explains it; the king tells her not to come to him naked and undressed, neither on foot nor on horseback, enter and not enter the house; the girl wrapped herself in a net, sat on a goat, stepping on the ground with one foot, stepping over the threshold with one foot, not with the other; the king married on condition that the wife would not communicate with her parents and interfere in affairs; one day her father came to complain that his foal came to another man's stallion and he took him away; king: so the stallion gave birth; while the husband no, my wife went to her father, taught me to take the net and sieve, go to the king, start sifting the sand first through the net, then through a sieve; the king will ask, I must answer that I am fishing; king: does the fish live in sand? How can a stallion get a necklace? The king understood who had taught the poor man - his wife broke the agreement, let her leave, but she could take the most precious thing with her; when parting with his wife, the king held a feast; the wife offered her husband a glass of vodka to drink goodbye put a sleeping pill, brought it to her place; when he woke up, she said that it was her most precious thing, so she took it with her; the king took his wife back and had a feast again]: Vanahunt 2015:140-142; Karelians: Konkka, Tupitsyn 1967, No. 46 (South Karelia) [poor brother's horse, a wealthy stallion; a foal was born at night, climbed under his rich brother's cart; he says that he was necklace cart; the king promises to judge the brothers if they answer that they are softer, sweeter, fattest; the godfather advises the rich to answer that our down jackets, grandson, pig; the seven-year-old daughter of the poor: her fists, sleep, land; The king sends her 500 eggs - let the chickens be tomorrow; the seven-year-old tells her to send millet to the chickens so that they can be plowed, sown, squeezed, threshed in a day, and they will not eat anything else; King: let him appear neither dressed nor naked, neither on horseback, nor on foot, nor with a gift, nor without a gift; the seven-year-old wrapped herself in a net, sat on a hare, brought a quail that immediately flew away; Seven years old: my father is fishing on the dry shore, I'm hem I carry and cook; king: it cannot be; Seven years old: and the cart cannot be necklace; the king married the girl]: 343-347; (cf. Concca 1963, No. 57 [when the old man dies, tells the old woman to sell the horse; a buyer came from another village; the old woman advises to stay with her overnight; the mare necklaces at night; they argued whose foal; buyer: I bought it only for the foal; there was no king, the queen decided in favor of the old woman; the boy from her womb: b.. in favor of b.. and judges; mother to son: then judge for yourself; son: let the old man lead the horse, and old sleigh; whoever the foal follows will get it; the buyer took the foal; mother to son: when you are born, I will take revenge; tells the maid to change the boy to the son of a blacksmith; the boys have grown up; the tsarev plays a blacksmith, the son of a blacksmith, all with books; one day, the son of a blacksmith plays a judge and the king's son plays a blacksmith; the son of a blacksmith: he must be hanged; king: this is our son; queen denies everything; the general went to look for his son, went where only the king himself could enter, the blacksmith's son shot him; fled to another village; the king sent a golden carriage for him; he was sitting by the road: old I reduce, I add new things, I am waging a war with the enemy; he is asked how much a carriage costs; boy: who needs thousands of darkness, and I would not take it for nothing; the sent returned, but the king sent them again; the boy grazes 40 cows, they are knee-deep in the river; replies that the water is 160 ruts (each cow has 4 legs); the boy has left for a long time, grew up, returned to an old widow; the wind dispelled her flour; the boy tells an idtik ask the king for compensation and let her ask him to be a judge; the one who went to sea is guilty (he needed the wind); the king recognized his son and handed him the throne, and the old woman was given torment for life]: 371-374); Finns [two peasants went to St. Petersburg on the same horse; the cart belonged to the rich man, the horse to the poor; at rest, the horse gave birth, the foal climbed under the cart, the rich man says he necklaces the cart; they went to the emperor; the poor man's daughter advises her father to say that the cart can certainly give birth; his fish came out of the sea and ate bread in the field two versts from the shore; the emperor appreciated the answer and awarded the foal to the poor man, but ordered him to come not day or night, not on foot or by horse, not on the road or on the side of the road, not wearing a shirt or naked; the daughter tells me to wrap yourself in a net, sit on a goat and move through the ditch, to appear at sunrise; the emperor sent the girl 10 boiled eggs to raise the chickens; she responded by sending steamed oats to sow the field to feed the chickens; the emperor sent 10 handfuls linen - weave shirts for 300 soldiers; a girl sent a spruce branch to make a loom]: Konkka 1993:145-146; Western Sami (Sweden) [the owner of the stallion or gelding claims it is his the cattle is necklaced or calved]: Vries 1928:259; Eastern Sami [the king's evil wife interferes in his affairs; the queen is pregnant; they judge, the king acquitted the husband, the queen the wife; the son from the womb: on his own and justified; when the son was born, the queen tells him to take him to the forest, and she bring any other; the maid put the king's son in a shaky fisherman, and brought the fisherman to the queen; the king's imaginary son thinks only how to go to sea as soon as possible; the imaginary son of a fisherman makes a fair trial against his peers; the children chose him their king; the old woman's wind took a handful of torment; the king refuses to judge the wind; the child's king called ship captains; since the wind helped them enter the bay, let each give the old woman a handful of flour; to test the wisdom of the child king, the king sent him three ox deer and ordered them to be brought through a famous period with reindeer; the child king sent an old man to the king and persuaded him to lie on the ground and scream as if he were giving birth; king: men do not give birth; child king: ox deer too; the child king pretends that the woman's mind weighs: it weighs nothing; the king realized that it was his son; let the fisherman's son go and returned his own]: Patsia 1990:81-85; Swedes [the poor man found a golden mortar in the field; the daughter advised not to take it to the king, but the father did not listen; the king demanded a pestle, put the poor man in a hole; he regrets out loud that he did not listen to his daughter; the king tells her to appear day, night, horse or night on foot, neither naked nor dressed, nor on the road, nor near, nor full, nor on an empty stomach; after eating an onion at dawn, the girl wrapped herself in a fishing net, tied her to the horns, which dragged her along the rut; the king let her go poor man, married his daughter; the man's mare necklaces, the foal stood next to another man's bull, who demanded a foal for himself; the queen advised the owner of the mare to stand dry with a fishing rod place; he replies to the king that it is no more difficult to catch a fish on land than to necklace a bull; the king is angry with his wife, told him to go to his father, taking his favorite with him; the Queen drank with the king, after giving him a sleepy potion, she took him to her father's house; in the morning she said that he was the most important to her; the king returned his wife to the palace]: Suritz 1991:148-149; Lithuanians [the king went out into the city in the evening; hears conversation between three seamstress sisters; if the royal footman took her, she would eat pies; medium: if the royal chef took it, she would eat different dishes; youngest: if the king took it, I would dress well done; the king passed off his older sisters to a footman and cook, married his youngest; the king went to war; the queen had a son, his sisters threw him into the river, swaddled the dog; the gardener saved the baby; the king ordered the dog to be released; the same next time (kitten); the third time a daughter was born; the gardener took her too; the king was told that his wife gave birth to a tree; he ordered her to be enclosed in a glass pole passing by don't care about her and tease her; the gardener is dead, the children are grown; a nun to a girl when she is alone at home: you miss a talking bird, a tree singing and playing, yellow water; you have to go 12 months before the old man on the road, he will tell you what to do next; his older brother went; the old man gave a ball, we must follow him, climb the mountain, don't turn around if they frighten him; he turned around, turned into a coal pole and rolled down the mountain; middle brother is the same; sister went, did not turn around, there is a bird with a long neck on the mountain, the girl threatens to strangle her, she tells her to bring water from a spring under the mountain and revive the petrified ones with it; girl revived many people, the last brothers; the bird ordered to break off the twig - the tree would grow out of it; there will be a lot of yellow water; the king meets the brothers three times, asks them to talk to them sister, they forget twice, he gives them three golden bullets, they fell out of their jackets, the brothers remembered; the sister tells the king to come to visit; the bird tells them to serve cucumbers, but take out the seeds from them and replace with beads; the king is surprised; the bird in the cage: if cucumbers with beads cannot grow, then the woman cannot give birth to a dog, cat and tree; the king returns the queen and children to the palace; older sisters torn by horses; cannons were fired at the feast; they put me in a gun, shot, I flew here]: Kerbelite 2021, No. 29:204-212; Lutsie (4 records, 1 from Russian and 1 from a latgalka) [ the straw king took the boy as a blacksmith, was pleased with him, ordered him to marry, went to war; the queen and wife of the blacksmith were giving birth; the blacksmith's mare gave birth to a foal; the blacksmith and his wife went to visit the Queen, foal next; blacksmith's wife: a cart gave birth to a foal; blacksmith: no, a mare; queen: who is the foal following - for a cart or for a mare? blacksmith's wife: behind the cart; {it is clear that the queen took her side}; the Queen's unborn son: he's judging in a damn way, a mare gave birth to a foal; the queen hated her son and, when he was born, told kill him to the cook, cook his heart and let her eat; the cook killed the puppy; the queen: the dog smells like a dog; the old woman advises leaving the baby in a pile of straw in the field; from the king a letter: who was born? the queen tells the blacksmith to give her his son, otherwise he will kill; offers any price; cook: ask for a bunch of straw; the blacksmith found a boy in the straw; he grows by the minute; came to the shepherds, stamped his foot, everything animals jump; tells frogs to be silent - they are silent; says he will become straw king; on the third day he tells all trees and bushes to bow to themselves; the king begins to guess that the blacksmith has - his son, and he has a blacksmith's son; tells the blacksmith to come without eating or on an empty stomach; son: make a chatter out of oatmeal and take three sips; king: who taught me? no one; king: then arrive not on foot, on horseback, not on the road, not on the side of the road; son: sit on a goat, go where the railroad rails are; same; come naked or naked; son: wrap yourself in a net; then But; king: since no one taught me, let your son come to me tomorrow; but he ran away; the king told me to send a golden carriage and ask everyone how much it costs; on the road there is a boy: in good times, unthinkable much, but nothing for bad; the servants said, king: this was my son; the straw king went to return his fleeing wife; {apparently, she is another king's mistress}; she wants to hang him on a copper gallows; king: I don't even hang dogs; they put him in a chest, his wife sat on the chest; then they hung him on the silver gallows (the same); on the gold one; he asks for a pipe to play; he began to play, he appeared the army, everyone was beaten, the wife was brought, tied to the horse's tail, the horse scattered her]: Annom et al. 2018:63-69; Lutsie (recorded in 1931 in Russian from a gypsy woman) [two cousins, the poor only has a goose ; told his wife to fry, took it to the pan; the pan demands to divide into 6 parts; poor man: panu - head, lady - heart, daughters - wings, sons - legs; And for me, as I am a stupid man, let the whole corpse remain; man awarded; the rich decided to take five geese, he does not know how to divide them into six; they called the poor man; he divides so that he almost gets it himself; the pan is happy, ordered the rich to be flogged and taken from him a hundred rubles, rewarded the poor again; "As if I don't have geese myself"; pan calls both to him again; what is the most pleasant thing, fast, fat and strong? poor man's daughter: pleasant - sleep, strong - water, greasy - earth, quick - thought; the wife of a rich man advises to answer this way: pleasant - my wife and I, fat - our hog, strong - our horse, fast - our hound; the rich is punished again, the poor is rewarded; the pan tells the poor to make his wife weave clothes for six from a bunch of linen; the daughter tells him to take three sticks: let him make a loom; pan tells him to take out chickens from boiled eggs; the poor man's daughter asks him to grow peas by sowing boiled peas; the pan tells him to come unfed, not on an empty stomach, naked or dressed, not horse, not on foot, not on the road, not in the field; the old pan died, and the son was driving past the poor man's house and asking for a drink; he liked the poor man's daughter, he married her; the poor man had a mare necklace, the rich man says that it is his cart; the pan decided in favor of the rich; his wife: if the cart is cabbage turned over, and the heads of cabbage rolled into someone else's garden, whose are they? pan: the one who was carrying them; wife: which means the mare's foal; the pan got angry and ordered a divorce; the wife offers to drink tea for the last time, added sleepy remedy, brought her husband who fell asleep to her; pan recognized his wife's wisdom, did not quarrel anymore]: Annom et al. 2018:70-74; the Livs [the poor man has children; to prevent them from going to the rich man's plot, he dug a deep ditch; the rich cow tried to enter it go down for a drink and broke her leg; the rich man sued; the judge: the one who can answer what is the richest, fastest, sweetest is right; the poor man's daughter told him not to worry; the rich man replies that the richest - he, the fastest, is his stallion, the sweetest is his honey; bndnyak: God, thought, dream; when he learns that the answers are suggested by her daughter, the judge tells her to come not naked or dressed, not on horseback, on foot, not on the road and not by the side of the road; let the horse be tied between winter and summer; it wrapped in a net, came on a goat walking with one foot along the road and the other along the side of the road; tied the goat between the sleigh and the cart; the judge ordered to dress up the girl as a servant, but when he saw her beautifully dressed, he married himself; when he left, he forbid his wife to interfere in court cases; two came; one lent the other a cart wheel, and at night a mare necklace; wheel owner: if he hadn't borrowed it, there would be no foal, then his foal; the judge's wife ruled; the judge ordered her to return to her father, taking what she wanted; the wife offered for last have a feast; the husband got drunk and fell asleep, his wife brought him to his father's house; her husband brought her back, they began to live well: Löwis of Menar 1927, No. 88:287-289; Danes [the prince is handsome and smart; promises to marry only to a girl who is neither smart nor beautiful to him; once he got lost in the forest, went into a lonely poor house; there is a girl of his dreams; he goes home; after a while he comes back for her and takes her as a wife on condition not to interfere in his affairs; once a peasant had a horse necklace in his inn; the foal got up and was under the master's horse - not a mare; the prince, who by then had become king, decided in favor of the owner; the Queen advised to fish in a dry place, where the king usually passes; the king understood everything and made the peasant say who taught him; told his wife go back to her parents, taking with you what she cares most; she did not argue, gave her husband a drink and brought her home; the king said his wife was even smarter than he thought, brought her back]: Grundtvig 1879:160-178; Latvians, Lithuanians: Vries 1928:259-260

Volga - Perm. Marie [the king is blind, the queen has a lover; the son from the mother's belly speaks of this; the king saw the light; when the queen gave birth, she ordered the maid to kill and bring the son's heart and liver; the baby tells me to bring the queen is the heart and liver of a dog, and put him on straw in the forge; the boy has grown up, strong, beats others if they touch him; they complain about him; the king gives the blacksmith 100 boiled eggs, tells him to be tomorrow chickens; the boy advises you to go to the middle of the street and cook rye; tell the king what to sow; if rye does not grow from boiled seeds, then there will be no chickens from boiled eggs; the king sends 100 rams, let by morning everyone will give birth to a lamb; the boy teaches his father to lie on the stove, and let the mother answer the king when he comes that her husband is giving birth; if a man cannot give birth, neither can the sheep; the sheep must be slaughtered, leave only one; tell the king that the rams ate each other, the last one is left; the king tells us to chop firewood and count how many chips have flown off; the boy tells me to ask: how many times the wheel has turned your carriage before you got to us? The king tells the blacksmith to come neither on horseback nor on foot, naked or dressed; bring what you love and don't love, stay neither in the yard nor on the street; the boy tells you to ride a goat wrapped in a net; take with you a dog you trust and a wife you don't trust; stop with one foot in the yard and the other on the street; the blacksmith whipped his wife and dog in front of the king; the wife ran away, and the dog ran away and returned; the king promised to come for the boy in the morning; he left; sat down out of great need, eats and presses lice himself; answers the king's servants that he releases the old, renews others, kills the people; what does the carriage cost? the last piece of bread; the servants give everything to the king; he explains that it was that boy, tells him to be brought; he is building a king, and moss is already on it; king: again they did not recognize him; next time he digs a pond; tells me to tell the king: you want to kill me, and I am your son]: Beke 1938, No. 41:362-375; Marie [the poor and rich brother went to town; at night in the inn, the poor mare gave birth to a foal, and he climbed under the rich man's cart; the policeman and the judge, having received money from the rich, decided in his favor: a cart gave birth to a foal; the king promises to decide in favor of the one who will correctly answer the questions: what is the most in the world gently; fat; fast; the godfather of the rich teaches him: down pillows, our pig, our horse; a 9-year-old daughter teaches the poor: a hand (a man puts it under his head), earth, thought; the king decided in favor of the poor; having learned that his daughter gave answers, tells her to weave and sew a shirt out of silk threads; the girl pulls a twig out of her broom: let the king make a loom out of it; the king gives 10 eggs: let the girl for they will eat chickens for a day; the girl tells her father to ask the king for wheat that will ripen within a week after sowing: the chickens will only need this grain; King: let the daughter come neither on foot, nor on horseback, nor with with a gift, not without it, naked or dressed; the daughter tells her father to get her a hare and heron alive; she arrives on a hare, wrapped in a net, gives her a heron, which immediately flies away; the king asks: how Is the sky high and the earth deep? the tsar could not answer, let the girl go, rewarding her; (then the girl grew up, got married - another story)]: Beke 1938, No. 46:409-418; Chuvash [Gordey is rich, his neighbor Artemy is poor; the mare G. gave birth, The foal lay under A.'s cart; he says that it was his cart that was necklace; the king promises to decide in favor of someone who says that everything in the world is sweeter and more pleasant; G.'s wife advised me to say that honey; Orina, daughter A. - what is a dream; king: what is stronger? wife G.: our piebald mare; daughter A.: water; who is faster than everyone else? wife G.: hare; daughter A.: thought; king: how much from one end of the earth to the other? G.: You can't pass in a century; A.: the sun passes in a day; how much from earth to sky? G.: no one can get up; A.: no more than a mile - when the lights in the sky turn on in the evening, you can see, and when you drive through the clouds, you can hear thunder; how far is it to the bottom of the earth? G.: fathom; A.: the father left 30 years ago, has not yet sent a letter; the king gave the foal to A.; marries his daughter, but gives the bull: let her calve as a heifer, she will grow up and give milk for the wedding; O. ordered the bull should be slaughtered, and when the king came, she replied that the father had gone to give birth; the king ordered that a wedding dress be sewn from a flap; O. ordered that hemp be grown from the seed and threads made in three days; the king orders that O. came neither in the field, nor by road, nor on foot, nor by horse, with a gift that is visible but not accessible to her hands; O. appeared on horseback, gave a pigeon as a gift, which immediately flew away; the king married O.; orders do nothing against his will; two argue whether the cart or the mare is necklace; O.: Whoever the foal will follow is the mother; the tsar executed his wife]: Sidorova 1979:165-168; Tatars: Zamaletdinov 2010, No. 24 [the padishah feeds the poor man; he answers every time that he has eaten and continues to eat; the padishah tells him to explain; the poor man's daughter filled the bucket with pebbles, then sand, then water - everything fits; the padishah tells come neither hungry, nor full, nor naked, nor dressed, neither on horseback nor on foot; the daughter sews clothes for her father from the net, puts seeds into her pocket, puts them on a goat; the padishah gives less thread, tells her to sew a shirt and pants; the old man's daughter handed a twig: let the padishah make a loom; the padishah gave a ram - let him hug tomorrow; the padishah came himself; daughter: the father gives birth in the bathhouse; the padishah married a girl; tells his absence cannot be decided; three beggars came; one mare necklaces, but blood fell on the cart; the owner says she gave birth to a cart, the owner of the bag was like a bag; the padishah's wife: he went to guard wheat, which is poisoned by fish; the padishah has returned, tells his wife to leave, taking with her what she wants; she gave him drink, took him to her place; explained that she wanted him; the padishah told him to return home], 25 [the king orders sew a shirt out of stone, otherwise she will kill everyone; the old man's daughter tells me to ask for a measure - let the king hide it; the king orders that the girl come to him not on the way or without a road, with or without a gift, dressed and naked; the girl wrapped herself in a net, crossed from one side of the road to the other, brought a sparrow, and he flew away; the king married a girl; ordered his wife not to judge in his absence; three people came: a horse, with a cart, with an arc; a foal appeared - whose he is; wife: who will the foal run after (ran after the horse); the king tells his wife to leave, taking the most precious thing; his wife put him to sleep and brought him to her father; said that her husband is the most important thing to her; they returned home]: 85-91, 92-93; the Bashkirs [Khan Turakhan's stallion, Khan Yanebakhan threw out the mare 60 versts from T.; Y. accused T.; bald boy Taz undertakes to resolve the dispute; crossing the river, he puts on boots - not to spoil his legs against the stones; taking his peers, he begins to kill dogs. I. - They did not come to the rescue when wolves strangled the sheep 60 versts away; I . requires a wiser sage, Taz exposes the bull - lives with his mind; then the goat is gray-bearded; Y. gives Taz the name Erense-sesen; T. adopted him; E. went to look for a bride, caught up with the old man; offers to while away time, make a cauldron out of the ground; says that the straight road is winding and straight; E. comes to the old man's daughter, says that the stove is good, and the pipe is crooked (the girl has a humped nose); girl: but the craving is good; explains E.'s words to his father: he offered to start a conversation, bake a teter in a hole; the straight road turned out to be uncomfortable; the old man asks for 6 identical mares for his daughter, E. sends 6 rays - the main thing is that they are the same; T. tells the girl to sew galoshes out of stone; girl: let her send sand threads; T. sent a bull to calve; girl: my father gave birth, cannot go out; E. married a girl; for Altyn receives every word from Khan (since he helped resolve the dispute with Y.); they want to execute Brother E. for lying: an arrow through his leg hit the hare's ear; E.: the hare scratched his ear; his brother was released]: Barag 1990, No. 1:14- 19; Bashkirs [Khuzha Nasretdin took a cauldron from the bay, returned it with a small cauldron: the cauldron brought offspring; next time he did not return it at all: the cauldron died; if he could give birth, he could die]: Barag 1992, No. 110 (128): 182-183.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Daurenbekov 1979:277-279 [Girenshe married an intelligent girl; Khan wanted her for himself, ordered 1) to sew boots out of stone; his wife tells me to ask for a butter drink and a wax awl; 2) cook the bull, so that he has nothing in his intestines and is not slaughtered (drive for two days, give them only salt water to drink); 3) let 9 sheep be brought lamb each; the wife ordered them to be slaughtered, smeared her hands covered in blood, said that J. gave birth to a boy; Khan called J. to hunt, his wife brought koumiss from her milk with her - let Khan drink; now J.'s wife has become Khan's mother], 365-369 [poor Zhirenshe-Sheshen is smart; asks women about the brod; Karashash: the one to the right is far, but close, and to the left, on the contrary; ZhSH understood, went to the right; the other horsemen went left to a close ford and almost drowned; it started raining, all the women brought wet dung, and K. dry covered it with her body; K.: father will slaughter a ram for you, and not get two sheep; Father K. asked for a ram from the bay, he did not give it, he slaughtered the only sheep that was waiting lamb; in the yurt, ZhSH and K. talk with gestures, the father gave her; the khan tells the ZhSH to serve him, intending to take his wife away; tells him to catch up with the tumbleweed, ask him where he is going; JSH: tumbleweed answered what is known to the wind, from where the ravine comes from; Khan tells you to come day, night, on foot, or on horseback, stop either in the palace or outside; K. advises to come at dawn on a goat, stop under at the crossbar of the gate; Khan gave sheep, orders them to hug like sheep; K. orders to slaughter sheep in the fall; Khan came in the spring; K.: the husband went to milk the hand quail, he will return soon; when K. is old and died, while the news also died]; Zhanuzakova 1977 [(episode of a long text); Khan gives Girensha 40 rams, orders them to hug by spring; wife J. Karashash tells them to be slaughtered; Khan came in the spring; K. tells him that her husband went to the steppe to milk a hand quail; Khan does not believe, K. reminds of sheep]: 266-267; Potanin 1916, No. 9 [Az-Janibek demands destroy camels from Yusuns and Congrats, because mares throw out foals because of their scream; Jirenshe Sheshen was still a boy, volunteered to go to the khan, let them bring with him a big camel, a goat with a beard and gun; dogs barked, J. started shooting them; says that Yusun Kongrat camels throw camels away when these dogs bark; khan: your camels can't hear our dogs; J.: and your mares our camels; Khan: Didn't you find you higher to send me an ambassador? J.: No one is taller than this camel; Khan: is there no elder? J.: This goat has the biggest beard; Khan gave J. a horse and a nice dress; one day J. suggested that his companion make a wooden cauldron boil and replace thin horses with fat ones; he mistook him for a fool; River J. said: I saw two fords, one close but far away, the other far but close; on the close there was a swamp, the satellite barely got out; the companion's daughter explains to him: J. meant to smoke a pipe, feed horses; J. and the girl Kara-Shash exchange signs, then negotiate; J. has only one bull; he stabbed him, hid the meat in the yurt of his future father-in-law, accused him of stealing, eventually got K.; Khan wants it for himself; gives 40 rams - let them bring lambs; when the khan arrives, K. says that J. gave birth to a child; then the khan ordered the bull to be cooked alive; K. teaches how to water the bull with brine; when he was stabbed, there was no blood ]: 67-70; Mongolian Kazakhs [Akkaishy ("white scissors"); there was Khan Alip, he had an ugly, stupid and weak-willed son; the khan was afraid that after his death his property would fall to ashes; viziers advise marrying son on an intelligent girl; the khan tells the artist to depict everything that is in our lands animated and inanimate; the khan ordered the painting to be hung at the beginning of the gorge, through which people descended from mountain pastures; the khan ordered to see if anyone found a flaw in the picture; the daughter of a poor old man: the artist forgot about the leopard and the moon; the khan came to the old man when the girl was not at home; tells him that tomorrow when the khan arrived, she fermented a roll of ox milk; when the khan arrived, the girl says that you can't go to the kibitka - the father has just given birth; the khan admits defeat; orders to make fetters from the ashes; the girl ordered father to make a lasso out of dry grass, burned it on an iron sheet; the khan tells the old man to arrive not on foot or on horseback, not to enter the house or stand in the yard; the daughter tells her father to come on a baptized goat, to climb between the upper felt cloth of the yurt and the inner mats; the khan married his son to a girl and gave them Akkaisha, in the sense that she has a sharp mind; once tells his son to come on a two-headed horse; A. orders the mare to be saddled for birth; when the son arrived, the head of a foal appeared from the mare's belly; the khan orders three red horses to be prepared for the race, they must send them directly to the pasture, tie and they cannot be confused; A. tells the horses to pull their tongues; the khan ordered to bring three immense four-year-olds, giving only one belt into a fathom long; A.: drill hooves, thread the belt through; attacked a large army of another khan seized land, the khan was captured; a foreign khan tells Alip to make all his people forced; A. promises to write a letter so that everyone migrates, let the khan send him with three reliable people; Khan Alip wrote to the vizier: "I live among this people in prosperity and pleasure. I put black silk under me, cover myself with blue silk. Ten people support me when walking behind me; the property allocated to me by the khan here does not count; so move all here; relocate all the people completely; three poplars that are planted in front of with a palace, cut down one and burn it as soon as these three messengers come to you; burn another poplar on the way, bring the third to me, I must see it with my own eyes; when migrating, all cattle let it go ahead; after reading the letter, the khan's wife, his son and viziers were happy; Akkaishy was sad, secretly gathered the khan, viziers and the most worthy people as his wife, explained the meaning to them; lay down for themselves black silk means that he has nothing to lay under him, he sleeps on bare ground, covered in blue silk, means that he has nothing to hide with, he sleeps in the open air. The fact that 10 people support him from behind when walking means that his hands are tied and he holds 10 fingers behind his back; three poplars in front of the palace; kill one right there, another on the road, and the third bringing Khan Alip alive; letting cattle in front means that heavily armed warriors must enter first; the army was led by Akkaishi herself; suddenly attacking, it took possession of a stranger khanate; Alip freed himself from captivity, handed over the throne to Akkaisha]: Babalar Sozi 2011 (79): 71-75; Uighurs (Kashgar) [the padishah wants to test his son, goes hunting with him, offers to catch gazelle; the son rushes after the gazelle; the padishah hit the gazelle with an arrow, beat his son for being stupid; the vizier advises marrying his son to an intelligent girl; the padishah and the vizier see girls fleeing the rain; everyone is covered with empty bags, one Gulinur took off her clothes, covered the bag with dung; the padishah asks where G. lives; in a hut with 60 windows; the padishah realized what was wrong with the holes; tells Father G. to make a katyk from bovine milk; in the evening, G. says that the order has not been executed: the father is giving birth; the padishah decides to marry his son to G., tells her father to come for gold; S. tells him to take not the bag, but his eye, he will fit more into it; after the wedding the padishah tells his son to bring meat cooked on a stick; the stick burned down, G. tells him to bring a barbecue to his father; the neighboring padishah sent a planed stick, tells him to answer where the butt was and where was the top; G.: in the water the butt will descend; distinguish the mare from her adult foal; G.: the mother will shovel her daughter's oats and take the daughter for herself; the neighbor took the padishah prisoner, ordered him to write a letter so that his army surrendered; The padishah writes: "I am visiting a neighbor. His kingdom turned out to be a true paradise. There is a yellow silk canopy above me, I sleep on a soft feather bed, eat fatty pilaf, drink strong tea, and the khan drinks red wine. We have fun day and night, we have no strength to leave this kingdom. After receiving the letter, come with the entire treasury, and slaughter three lambs who come from the steppe. There is an unfortunate black foal in the herd - don't take it with you. And be sure to grab a smart fox." The padishah's wife believed that everything was so; G. orders to kill the messengers, led the army, freed the padishah]: Kibirov 1963:28-34; Uighurs (Guma) [Nasreddin borrowed the kettle from his neighbor, returned it, adding little pot: the big cauldron gave birth to a small one; the next time he occupied the cauldron again and did not give it back: the cauldron died; if the cauldron could give birth, it could die]: Jarring 1951, No. 13:108-109; Dungans: Riftin et al. 1977, No. 47 [the emperor orders two dignitaries to bring a cock egg; a 12-year-old son of one came to the emperor and said that the father is giving birth; since a rooster lays eggs, a man can also give birth], 57 [official told the guard to bring two cock eggs, otherwise he would kill to death; a wife came instead of a guard: her husband gave birth; if a man cannot give birth, the rooster does not lay eggs either]: 230-231, 253 yellow Uighurs : Malov 1967, No. 73 [the father sent three sons to study skills; they reached the estate, where there were three roads; each went his own way; the eldest learned carpentry, the middle learned to forge iron, and the youngest was to sing songs and play the kobyz; after three years they returned home; the father praised the first two sons, and called the youngest poor; he went to the lake to drown himself; when he reached the shore, he began sing; the khan of the lake caught him and kept him with him {hereinafter referred to as the text is confused}; the khan ordered the stallions who gave birth to foals to be brought in three days; after the expiration of the term, the younger brother told the khan who had come from the khan to the messenger: "Go and tell your boss, "I have been lying for a month and have given birth to a baby, so say"; Khan: "Oh, who, if anything, has a man giving birth to a child?" ; younger brother: "Who had it for stallions to necklace?"] , 85 [the father sent two sons to earn money; the eldest learned to sew shoes and returned with silver; the youngest learned to play the balalaika and sing and returned without shoes; the father became angry with him; the youngest came to the seashore and decided, after playing the kobyz and singing, to drown himself; the water burkhans took him to the main burkhan; there he sang for three days; the burkhan offered him gold and silver as a reward; the young man refused, said he wanted a red bowl; it was the daughter of a Burkhan; he agreed, gave it; on the way back, the young man found that the bowl gave everything you wanted from it; the young man asked for good clothes, pacer and silver; returned home with all this; the father was frightened, thinking that his son had robbed someone; the khan issued a decree stating that he would take one hundred and eight stallions to give birth to foals; the young man said that he will complete it in three days; as a result, he was drunk, did not look for horses; when the deadline expired, the khan asked where the horses were; the young man: "{I had no time:} I gave birth to a child myself"; Khan: "What kind of man can give birth to a child? " ; young man: "Whose stallions could give birth to foals?" ; Khan could not object]: 60-61, 79-80; salars (Eishe Ahvar, Xunhua-Salar Autonomous County) [the rich had a mare, the poor had a cow; they grazed them together; when the poor man's cow brought a calf, a rich man took it and said: "It was my mare who gave birth to (letters. calved)!" ; the poor man complained to the prince; the rich man gave the prince money, the prince awarded the calf to the rich; when another prince was sent instead, the poor man went to complain again; the prince invited the rich man; the rich: "Mine the mare gave birth (letters. calved)!" ; prince: "Do men look like women?" ; rich: "Men don't look like women!" ; prince: "Well, since men don't look like women, the mare can't give birth to this calf either. A poor man's cow gave birth to him!" ; then gave the poor man a calf]: Tenishev 1964, No. 43:81.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Siberian Tatars [the judge tells his wife not to judge without him; one man came riding a mare, a foal behind him; the other is on a cart; the foal caught up with the cart, its owner said that it was necklace; went to the judge; wife: he went to the place where the fish leaves the lake and eats bread in the fields; the owner of the cart: it can't be; wife: and the cart cannot give birth; the judge told the wife to leave, I agree comply with the last request; the wife asks for permission to take what she likes; gave her husband a drink, brought her home in a chest; the husband returned home with his wife]: Lukina 2004, No. 4. 10:92-93; Teleuts [Eren Checheng wants to marry a stupid son to a smart girl; it's raining, all the girls sat on their bunches {?} ; one undressed, covered the firewood with her clothes, covered her breasts with her hands; EC: why? I will have to start a fire at home immediately; my father and mother saw my genitals, but no one saw my breasts; EC married her son; Yara Checheng decided to take my daughter-in-law, ordered me to make boots out of stone; daughter-in-law collects sand: I want to make a rope; YACH: is it possible? daughter-in-law: and boots made of stone? YACH: let the bull give birth to a calf, treat the bull with milk; daughter-in-law tears the grass: father-in-law gave birth to a child, grass must be laid; YACH tells you to arrive neither in a shirt, nor naked, nor on horse, nor on foot, nor expensive, not without a road, stop neither in the yurt nor outside; the daughter-in-law tells you to put on a net, ride between two furrows on a stick, step into the yurt with one foot; YACH threw EC into the hole, sent seven to his son ambassadors with his letter; EC: I'm lying on 6 layers of white silk, covered with seven silk blankets, playing checkers, drinking sweet light wine; I have 7 rams at home; kill 6, prick out the seventh's eye, break his arm , let the daughter-in-law read the letter; daughter-in-law: wine - tears, silk - snow, checkers - stars, 7 rams - ambassadors; six were killed, the seventh's eye was gouged out, he led them to the YCH, they killed him, EC took his place]: Potanin 1983, No. 100:362-364; Khakas [the pop went to the forest out of need, at which time the mare with the cart went home; a peasant drove up on a horse, they spent the night; the mare necklaces at night; the pop says his birch tree necklace; they came to the old man; he says that he sowed bread in the sea, but nothing grew; pop: bread is not sown in the sea; elder: birch does not give birth to foals; pop invited the peasant to his place, got drunk with mead, said in the morning that he borrowed money from him for mead, now he must work for a year, start with roosters; the rooster sings earlier; the peasant put a stick down his throat; in the morning it turned out that Popova's mother died - she was screaming like a rooster; the pop ordered her mother to be buried; the peasant put her in a barn, held a stick to her hand; the pop believes that the deceased came to guard the barn; next time the peasant planted the deceased on his horse, put a stick in his hands; the pop thinks that the deceased is chasing him; for the fact that the peasant promised to bury her so that she would not return again, the pop paid him well]: Balter 1986:93-97); Shors [older brother Maas ("gadfly") is rich, younger Arychak ("bee") is poor, he has a daughter Sholban ("Venus"), M. agreed to give her a calf, he gave a big offspring, M. demanded back no other a calf, and the whole herd; both brothers came to the khan, who tells them to solve riddles; M.'s wife gives stupid answers, S. is wise (mother earth is fatter than fat, the sun is faster than fast); Khan tells Sh. mosquito skin, which in response demands a thread of sand; Khan orders the bull to calve; S. collects grass, says that for the newborn, because her father gave birth; Khan marries Sh. Son to make him wiser; Khan goes with his son, tells him to shorten the road, he starts drawing on the ground; S. explains that the khan asked to talk in order to shorten the path]: Funk 2011 (2): 248-252; Tuvans: Orus-ool 1997 (Süt- Kholsky District, 1962) [part of an epic tale; Khan tells the old man to find out how old a black bear from the Kara-Khem River and a white hare from the Ak-Khem River; his adopted daughter advises attaching two skulls to his shoulders and sprinkling salt; bear came and saw an old man; bear: I have been living for 50 years, I have never seen such a nasty old man; hare: I have been living for 60 years, I have not eaten such delicious salt; they caught a bear and a hare, they began to try, the old man's words were confirmed ; now the khan orders to bring a whole baked ox so that there is no sewage inside and wool outside; the girl: give the ox salt water to drink, drive for a long time; then bake it in hot sand; then the khan orders make tarak from bovine milk; when the khan comes, the girl says that you can't enter - the father gives birth; khan: how much hair do you comb on your head? girl: How many steps did your horse take? Khan married a girl; tells her not to say many ordinary words; she is expressed in allegories]: 449-461; Samdan 1994, No. 9 (Toja) [old man SMeldey tells his daughter that he will go to Ai-han's drink milk; she teaches what to do and how to answer; A.: 1) "In the middle of a blue lake, a sandalwood without a top, 15 branches are raw, 15 are dry"); if S. does not guess, A. tells him to cut off his arm and head (moon in first and second half); 2) count the years of a polar bear with a black head (the daughter sewed three dried human skulls to her father's clothes on the right and left; the bear says he is 110 years old, and this I did not see a seven-headed creature); 3) weave a rope of ash (weave it from a sedge, pull it between the poles, set it on fire, it will be covered with ash, but will remain tight); A. tells S. to drive home 6 oxen, milk, cook tarak; daughter tells me to drive them into the pen, sits down in the morning to comb her hair; A. comes and asks how much hair she has; she: how many steps your horse has taken; forbids entering the yurt - there her father gives birth; if the father cannot give birth, then how to get milk from oxen; A. tells S. to come with his daughter; writes the names of all living beings on the pole, and deliberately misses the falcon and the kite; S. I did not notice this, the daughter noticed; A. married daughter S. to his son; he came to Saryg Khan, who put gold and silver under his pillow, accused him of theft, crucified him on four stakes; sent him to his camp four soldiers; crucified A. asks to convey obscure words; daughter-in-law understands, orders to kill three soldiers, let one be a guide, go with the army; they release A., Saryg Khan was captured]: 307-321; South Altai Tuvans [Haraat Khaan and Jechen Haan hate each other; DH has an unfit son; he left a sign on the ovaa with the inscription; the poor girl read it and said: If an eagle is painted, why write "kite" if a woman is drawn, why write "man"; khan decided that she is fit for daughter-in-law; khan: how many times did she stretch out her skin under a leather stick? girl: how many steps did your horse take? khan orders to latch a rope from the ashes; the girl burned the rope; khan: make tarak from bull's milk; girl: the father is now having labor pains; since a man cannot give birth, then the bull does not milk; khan: let the father will come and be neither inside nor outside, naked or dressed; the girl tells her father to wear pants, shirt and stockings and climb between the wooden lattice wall and the felt of the yurt; the khan tells the girl's father to count years of a bear's life; daughter tells me to bring her two skulls that have turned white in the sun; painted them red and tied them to her father's shoulders; bear: there are 75,000 trees on the mountain, and I'm 75 years old, but I've never seen one; find out hare age; daughter: smear honey and sugar on trees in a hare meadow; hare: 60,000 trees on the mountain, and I am 60 years old, but I have never tried such sweets; XX married my son to a girl; was captured; two heroes and XX was tied to iron stakes, XX was given one louse a day, heroes two lice; XX said that his people were warlike; to take prisoners, you must send his son a letter: you need to gather people with the lower reaches of a large river and from the upper reaches of a small river; the droppings of a sheep and a neutered goat are a value, it cannot be left; daughters-in-law say: let sheep and goats with horns go ahead, and without horns follow them; in front 4 iron poplars with my doors; let two cut down and uproot two and bring them here; I win, I lie on 9 blue silk carpets, lean on 4 iron backs on all four sides of the world and eat every day sheep soup; son is going to saw poplars; daube: gather warriors, they will need weapons sent to kill two at once, take two with them; the soldiers freed the khan and brought the loot]: Taube 1978, No. 50: 254-259 (=Taube 1994, No. 39:255-258); Dagurs [seven brothers have Temuodi's servant, he has a Yamadi son; brothers tell T. to cook porridge with bovine milk; I tell my father to pretend he is giving birth, so don't can cook; answers his brothers that since a bull gives milk, a man can also give birth; the brothers took Y. hunting, put up a tent for him by the river; he carried his brothers' saddles there, and he stayed in the saddle tent; At night, the brothers pushed the tent into the river, thinking that they had drowned Y.; in the morning they saw that they had made a mistake; fearing revenge from the brothers, I fled with my father]: Bender, Su Huana 1984:174-176; Western Buryats: Bardakhanova, Gympilova 2008, No. 4 (Okinsky District of Buryatia) [Bardunay is rich, he has three sons; his younger brother Balamja is poor, he has a daughter; the youngest came to the eldest to ask for a cart; seeing that the youngest mare He would soon necklace, said that his cart would be necklace - do not dare to take the foal; Taisha promises to award a foal to whoever says sharper, fatter, fastest by morning; Bardunai's sons: a razor, pig, horse; Balamja's daughter: noyon power, land, thought; Taisha gave the foal to Balamja, ordered him to arrive neither on foot, nor on horseback, nor on the road, nor without a road, nor dressed, nor naked, neither with a gift nor without a gift ; Balamja came on a goat along the side of the road, gave the bird, which immediately flew away; Taisha tells us to milk the bull, cook tarak; Taisha came, the daughter went out, said that the father gave birth; Taisha sent two people, a daughter Balamji offered to tie horses to winter or summer; Taisha married his son to Balamja's daughter]: 26-29; Khangalov 1890 (Unginsky) [Gurgaldaev's three brothers ask the girl if her father and mother are at home; "They went to a neighbor, not being properly, in debt, not sick, left to get sick"; the girl did not allow them to spend the night, they went to the steppe, ordered them to milk the bull by morning, cook tarak; girl: no time, I collect chips, father has given birth to a son; do men give birth? - Do bulls calf?] : 20-21; Trans-Baikal Buryats (Selenginsky, Borgoy Ulus of the Dzhidinsky District of Buryatia, 1969) [Bagsha met girls playing on the road, asked why they were building a house on it; one of the girls told him not to break it; bagsha came to her old father; he plowed the land; bagsha: "Old man, how many Did you take steps in the furrow in a day?" ; old man: "I didn't count"; bagsha: "I'll come in the morning, count it"; the old man was upset, his daughter reassured him: "Bagsha will come on horseback. You asked him, "How many steps did your horse take to this point?" ; the old man did so; bagsha: "By tomorrow morning, milk two bulls and make fresh yogurt. I'll come and eat it"; the daughter told her father not to go out and said that she would meet him herself; Bagsha, who arrived in the morning: "Did your father milk the bulls? Is yogurt ready?" ; daughter: "I didn't have time. He's giving birth right now"; Bagsha: "Don't be stupid! Do men give birth?" ; daughter: "Do bulls milk? How can you get curdled milk from them?" ; Bagsha thought, "Which one of us is the real teacher - me or this wise girl?"] : Tugutov, Tugutov 1992, No. 100:262-263; Mongols (probably Khalkha) [Khan had a stupid son; officials advised: "Choose a smart wife for him so that she could conduct public affairs. Tell me, Khan, to draw all the animals in the world, written signs, plants, the sun, the moon and stars, put these pictures on the main roadway, and make all your subjects worship them images. An intelligent person will immediately notice the shortcomings in the drawings"; the Khan approved this, and a decree was read out everywhere: "A prayer has been posted for the faithful at the pass. I command everyone, without exception, to come to that pass within three days and pray. Whoever does not pray will be severely punished"; all subjects prayed; when the old man and daughter passed through the pass, his daughter dissuaded him from praying: the drawings are inept, the artists forgot to depict a hare, the text of the prayer lacks the "huvm" sign; the khan found out, wanted to see the girl; when she was collecting argal, he came to the old man, ordered him to milk the bull by morning, and cook tarak from milk; in the morning, daughter she scattered manure on the west side of the yurt, put her father on a mattress, and at the entrance to the yurt she drove two stakes and held a hairrope between them (this is done when there is a sick or newborn in the yurt); when the khan came for a cockroach, the girl went out and said that it was impossible to enter the yurt - the father was giving birth; the khan asked where it had been seen for a man to give birth; the girl: "Didn't you, O Your Lordship, /You saw that eccentric, /What makes yogurt/From bovine milk? /If he has appeared like this now, /Why not give birth to a man?!" ; khan returned home; when the girl went to get the argal, came to the old man, ordered him to twist the horse fetters from the ashes by morning; in the morning the girl weaved fetters out of hay, set it on fire - it turned out to be fetters of ashes; showed them to Khan , he left; she went for the argal, the khan came back, told the old man that he would come again tomorrow, and ordered the old man not to let his daughter go outside or leave her in a yurt; he came in the morning and could not find her (she stood between the wall and the felt tire of the yurt); when she went out, she returned to the palace; the girl went for the argal, the khan came to the old man again: "Ride a double-headed horse and come to me at the turn of day and night, between today and tomorrow. But you can't go on the road. If you do otherwise, don't blow your head off." The girl told the old man to catch a mare about to get necklaces and explained: "When you arrive, say: "The sun is setting there, it's night here , and it's dawning in the west." When asked which way you went, say, "On the grass between two roads." When they ask: "Did you come on a double-headed horse?" , say yes. When they look at your mare, she will already have two heads"; the old man came to the khan, answered as his daughter told her; the khan married his son to her; went hunting with him, said: "Go, son, in front of his father, so that the horse's tail moves"; he jumped off the horse, began to twist the horse's tail; the khan scolded him, beat him; killing and cutting the beast, ordered him to make a fire, prepare a wooden cauldron and fry the meat; the son made a fire, knocked down the tree, sawed off the lower part and began to hammer it; told the khan what he was making a wooden cauldron; the khan beat him again; killed another beast, the khan asked him to start a fire, fry the meat and spread the black litter; the son made a fire, roasted the meat on a spit, tore the felt off the saddle and spread it; the khan beat him; at home, the son complained to his wife, who explained what was going on; khan went hunting again, took his son with him, repeated his previous requests; when he heard the first, the son went in front of his father in a quiet trot; when he heard the second, he made a wooden spit and fried meat on it; when he heard the third, fried the meat, and when the ground from the fire turned black, he removed the ash from it so that he could sit down; the khan sent his son home, decided to continue hunting himself; went to a foreign state, was captured; for three years I was lying in a dirty yurt; when they decided to execute him, I asked permission to send a letter; wrote: "I show mercy to all relatives and friends, /I write to my homeland with a low bow /And I inform you that in a foreign country/ My life is nice and free./Will I ever come back? - I don't even like the thought of it! /It's so wonderful to sleep under a canopy blue/On an emerald silk bed! /I lie in scarlet pillows day and night, /I drink goat milk in large bowls, /And eight servants in an eight-story palace/They serve me so respectfully and important! /I live here as a master, not a guest, /I'll die, let my bones decay here./If you want to share my happiness, /Well, pick up the cattle and come./And the first person to go to my country/ Let him drive him cattle in front, /And lead hornless cattle back./Take your belongings, - it will do on the road, -/ Carry everything... Yes, I almost forgot: /The foal was scabies /And the mare in our herd./You can part with them/Leave them, scabies, in place: /A contagious horse will not bring us honor./Two my sandalwood trees/They shine with a hat of gold leaves. /You need to leave one in place, /Try to transport the other. /Go deep into my large rooms. /Gold scissors hang there/At the head in bedroom, for a nightmare, /You must definitely take them with you..."; the messengers handed a letter to the khan's son, who believed and was happy; my wife deciphered: "A great trouble has happened to me./I ask my relatives; to me show mercy. /Find out: I'm captured in a foreign country, /And I'm in danger of dying here every hour./My fate is incredible, /Will I ever come back? /I sleep and eat in the open air, /Bed is earth, and I'm completely waste./Eight guards out of an eight-walled yurt /They don't even let me into the steppe; /I won't die today or tomorrow/And bones here in someone else's the country will decay. /But if you want to save me/Then come with the army as soon as possible: /Armed in the lead squad, /And let the unarmed man walk behind. /The messenger who rode with my letter, /Make him walk behind. be a guide on the way/And if there are two of them/And kill one on the way./So that your son and khansha mother do not interfere with you/You hardly need to take them with you on a camp./There is no smarter than my daughter-in-law in the khanate./ Ask her for advice on everything, /She will always find a solution./So let her boss go camping!" ; daughter-in-law gathered an army; one of the messengers was killed, the other was forced to be a guide; they seized the lands of the neighboring khanate, freed the captive khan]: Mikhailov 1962:78-86; the Mongols (Ordos) [ Shurguljin Khan wants to marry a stupid red-faced son to an intelligent girl; gathers people, asks questions; a tree with 12 branches, 360 flowers looking up, 360 down; the old man's daughter explains to her father that this is a year; five myriads of yellow hares led by a hare with a white spot on its forehead (stars and moon); ten myriads of bushes and a red stump (mountains and Mount Sumeru); bring three measures of meat wrapped in bone, two measures of bones wrapped in meat (egg and yuyuba); when he learns that the old man has a daughter, S. promises to come, tells me to cook koumiss from the milk of a castrated bull; girl: father gives birth, I am going to get a midwife; S. married his son on this girl; tells her son to greet him on a horse about two heads (wife: pregnant mare); greet him neither in the yurt nor outside (between the bars and the nightmare); prepare ashes fetters (weave fetters from dry couch grass, set fire, an ash trail will remain); S. decides to seize the neighboring kingdom, the son chatted everything; the enemies seized Sh., put him in a well, he eats his own lice; the neighboring king sends a nobleman bring the people Sh.; Sh.: they will go if they find out that I live well; asks me to tell me: I live happily in a house dark as a coffin; I eat only goat meat and lamb; the carpet on which he is sitting is made of colorful brocade and striped yellow silk; I spend my days contemplating five jewels - turquoise, corals, mother-of-pearl, ruby and lapis lazuli; lying on a piece of blue silk that has no boundaries; when you come, let it go in front of you your cattle, and let the horned ones go ahead, followed by hornless; there is one red ram with curved horns that is always behind everyone - kill him; at the head lies a black rough file - take it with you; at your feet there is a pair of sharp scissors - take it with you; there is no need to go in large numbers, it will be enough if three go; the daughter-in-law understood everything: the file is Sh., the scissors are herself; the ram is the son of Sh., kill him; horned - an army; the enemy was defeated, S. was released; he gave his daughter-in-law to the son of his younger brother, handed over the kingdom to him]: Mostaert 1937, No. 9 in Solovyov 2014; Oirats (merchants) [Argachi turned to the rich man named after Rich Amban with a request to borrow a large pot; the BA set a condition: "Take my pot for three days. But he's about to give birth. Will you give it back to me with my baby?" ; A. agreed; three days later, the BA servant came and demanded that the boiler be returned; he was told that the pregnant boiler had a stomachache, sent the servant back; BA became angry; soon A. brought him a small cauldron and said, "Your big cauldron delayed childbirth. He passed away. Here is the little son he gave birth to"; BA: "Where have you seen that the cauldron had a delay in the afterbirth?" ; "But if there was no afterbirth, how could your boiler even get pregnant?" - A. answered and went home]: Nosov, Setsenbat 2020:79.

Eastern Siberia. Dolgans [the king tells the poor man to answer what is faster and sweetest; the poor man's daughter tells me to say that gaze and sleep; the king orders to bring the bull with offspring; the daughter orders to slaughter the bull, take it to the king hooves: the hoof is the mother, the bone inside is the child; the poor man confesses that his daughter gives answers; the king tells her to mend the leaky iron bucket; the daughter asks the king to turn him inside out first; the king took girl as a wife; she decides everything; tsar: there are no two kings, we will divorce, but you can take the most precious thing; she brought him sleeping to her; the tsar returned his wife, taking her parents as well]: Porotova 1980:99-103 ( =Efremov 2000, No. 13:227-233).

Japan. The Japanese (all of Japan, including northern Ryukyu, but it is not clear whether all the episodes are everywhere) [the owner of the province tells the man to pick berries in winter; his little son comes to the owner instead of his father; he says that my father could not come, he was bitten by a snake; - But there are no snakes in winter! "Berries too; or the samurai asks the peasant how many times he hit the ground with a hoe." How many steps did you take? Among the tasks in different versions are: Bringing Mr. a pregnant bull; the son says that the father cannot come, he has just relieved himself of the burden; or bring a drum that makes sounds without touching drumstick; bring a rope of ash; which half of the cake is sweeter? which hand made a sound when clapping your hands?] : Ikeda 1971, No. 922:206