M157a7. Stolen children (.11.13.)
Thezoomorphic character took the character's children of a different animal species and claims that they are his own children.
Gusias, maba, Masai.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Goose [the childless Leo stole his 12 children from the Monkey, made him his own; the monkey father gathered all the animals, they went to Leo, but no one dared to talk about the matter; the next time he came The hare said that he was in trouble - his children were gone; Lev: you do not have a wife, where the children come from; Hare to Leo: you are also a bachelor, where do you have children; Leo had to return the children to the Monkey]: Vinogradov 1984:315-316.
Sudan - East Africa. Maba [playing, the children accidentally killed the son of Sultan Lev; not finding the Lion, Leo took the Foal as his son; to help the Horse, the Jackal says that the Sultan's wife gave birth at one time, and now she will give birth Sultan himself; Leo: this is impossible; Jackal: Likewise, the Foal cannot be Leo's son; Leo returned the Foal to the Horse]: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010:203-204; the Masai [the lions of the lionesses are lousy, she took away ostrich chicks and said that they were her children; the mongoose offered to gather animals from the termite mound; everyone spoke in favor of a lioness; the mongoose explained that birds could not give birth to shaggy, and shaggy birds, disappeared into the hole, quietly leaving the other turn; the lioness stayed waiting at Nora, starved to death]: Kipury 1983, No. 18:74-76.