M162B. Cranberry juice in a bear's eye .41.44.45.
The character pretends to rub the juice of sour berries into his eyes. The other (always a bear) wants the same thing, goes blind, the character kills him.
Helmet, Western Forest Cree (northern Manitoba), Eastern Marsh Cree, Montagnier.
Subarctic. The helmet [Súguyā pretends to rub cranberry juice into his eyes, tells the Bear that everything is now different colors for me); the bear wants the same, goes blind, S. kills him, melts fat, fills the bear's stomach with it; Muskrat suggests tying her stomach to her tail to cool the fat in cold water; dives, fat spreads through the water]: Moore 1999:418-423.
The Midwest. Western Forest Cree (northern Manitoba) [Wesukechak calls Bear younger brother, says berry juice is good to drip into his eyes; Bear goes blind, V. sticks it in his eyes hot stones, finishes it off, melts fat, asks Muskrat to cool it in the lake; he asks two trees to compress it to make room for a new portion of bear meat; trees do not let him go; Muskrat dives, fat spills out of the vessel, animals come and eat it; free V. manages to grab only the Hare, throws water on which fat floats; the hare sinks up to the neck; therefore, the hare's fat is only on neck]: Clay 1978:85-88; eastern swamps: Bird 2007 (Winisk River) [Wisakaychak asks the Bear if he sees something wali; suggests making his eyes better by squeezing juice into them sour berries; the blind Bear falls asleep, V. breaks his head with a stone; eats up, asks the trees to squeeze him to fit more; the trees squeeze, invite animals and birds to a feast, let V. go when all bear meat eaten]: 190-193; Ellis 1995, No. 19 (West Bank Hall. James) [Weesakechahk asks the Bear if he sees that spot; suggests improving his eyesight by squeezing sour berry juice into his eyes; flattens the head of a blind Bear with stones, bakes meat; to fit more, asks two trees to squeeze it; they squeeze but do not disperse; call all animals to a feast; animals eat meat, throw away giblets; when free, V. eats bear giblets]: 129-137; Skinner 1911 [ Wicágatcak asks the Bear if he sees that thing coming out of the water; the Bear replies no; V. explains how to improve his eyesight; you need to fill your eyes with berry juice, go to bed , placing a stone under his head; breaks the head of a sleeping Bear with a stone, melts fat; asks Muskrat to take a bubble of fat, swim in cold water to make the fat freeze; cuts off the fat from the Muskrat's tail to she swam faster; the muskrat used to have a tail like a beaver; the muskrat swims so fast that the bubble bursts; since then, there has been an oily trail on the water behind the muskrat; V. eats bear meat; asks for two birch trees for him squeeze to empty the intestines and eat further; birch trees hold it, call animals to a feast; The seal eats the most fat, the Rabbit the least; when free, V. twists birch trees; since then, seals oily, rabbits are lean, trees grow in a spiral]: 86-87.
Northeast. Montagnier [Mesh finds antlers, brings them to the river; people think there is a deer there, they come in a boat; M. asks to be sent a woman; they send a widow, he copulates with her; all understand that it is M., they swim to the widow to help; M. runs away; asks the Crane, then Orlan, what's new; Nothing, only M. copulated with the widow; M. asks the partridge chicks what will happen to those who will eat them; Nothing, but adult partridges will scare him; M. eats the chicks, walks, the partridges take off, he shies away; asks mushrooms what will happen to the one who eats them; Will become uncontrollable release gases; M. eats mushrooms, even sticks them in his ass; M. scares away all the game with his sounds; then he punishes his anus by sitting on a hot stone, the eruption of gases stops; flying birds M . shouts that mothers who lost them in childhood are looking for them, we will be happy to dance with our eyes closed; kills them one by one, finally Orlan opens his eyes, raises the alarm; M. invites the Bear to look lingonberries, leads further; The bear asks how he sees so far; M. suggests improving his eyesight by pouring lingonberry juice into his eyes; the bear closed his eyes, M. killed him with a stone; fell asleep by the river, telling him The anus to guard the meat; the people on the boat asked the anus to remain silent, took the meat away; see the M49 motif, the hero in someone else's skin]: Savard 1979, No. 7:26-28.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakas [the fox says he goes to that one, plays the khomys; meets a hare, wolf, bear, everyone asks her to take it with her, the wolf agrees to carry it on his back; they all fall into a hole; the fox tells the wolf that the hare laughs at him, eats the hare; the bear says the same about the wolf, the wolf is eaten; the fox hides pieces of wolf meat under it, tells the bear that it eats its giblets, he tore it his belly, died; the fox offers the birds to eat meat, they pull it out of the hole]: Ungvitskaya, Mainogasheva 1984:217-218.