Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M162C. The skin removed has been eaten. (.35.)

The fox persuades the Bear to take off the skin, eats it, the Bear dies.

Western Siberia. Kety: Alekseyenko 2001, No. 145 (zap. Alekseyenko, 1960, lake. Nalimye) [The fox advises Capercaillie to sleep on the ground; he replies that a man is coming with a dog; the fox immediately ran away; invites people to take her to the boat, jump ashore wherever he says; jumps over the quagmire, people get stuck, she eats their faces; finds dry glue in the boat, gnaws, tells the Bear what she got from the bottom, advises them to take off their skin and dive; gnaws their skin; runs away through the thickets, the naked Bear ripped off, died ; Lisa eats fat]: 257-259; Nikolaeva 2006 (village. Yartsevo, Turukhansky District) [(just like in the south)]: 59; Yugi [The fox answers the Bear that she caught fish in the water, tells him to leave the skin on the shore, enter the water; replies that she licks the skin so that it does not dried up in the sun; eats it, runs away; The bear rushes after, dies, pricked on branches]: Werner 1997, No. 8:250.