M166. A world among animals, ATU 62.
The predator invites a potential victim in the tree to go down (he usually tells the bird that there is peace between animals and there is no need to be afraid). The victim takes his time to descend and usually advises approaching dogs to inform about the world among animals. The predator runs away.
Hottentots, Ndhows, Soninke, Western Sahara, Berbers of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Arabs Morocco (?) , Egypt, Tuaregs (Azawah, NW Niger), Spaniards, Galicians, Portuguese, Catalans, Italians (Lazio), Sardinians, French, Germans (Pomerania), Scots, Irish, Dutch, Frisians, Flemish, Qatar, Lebanon, Iraq, Ancient India (Jataki), India (Hindi), Marathi, Ancient Greece, Macedonians, Bosnians, Serbs, Slovenes, Hungarians, Greeks, Poles, Russian written tradition, Russians (Novgorod, Tver), Ukrainians ( Ugric Russia, Galicia, Kursk), Belarusians, Kabardian, Ossetians, Kurds, Turks, Persians, Bakhtiyars, Marzbanname, Tajiks, Pashtuns, Latvians, Lithuanians, Finns, Estonians, Livonians, Danes, Norwegians, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Karakalpaks, Kets.
SW Africa. The Hottentots (nama) [the jackal convinces the rooster to come down from the tree: there is peace between animals; seeing dogs approaching, he runs away: they don't know about the world yet]: Klipple 1992, No. 62:51.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Ndau [the jackal convinces the rooster to come down from the tree: the king of beasts Leo has established a truce; the rooster says people with dogs are coming; the jackal runs away: they don't know about the world yet]: Klipple 1992, no. 62:51.
West Africa. Soninka [the fox convinces the rooster to come down from the tree to pray together; the rooster asks him to call marabou; the fox goes but bumps into the dog and runs away; the rooster: what about prayer? fox: I need to bathe first]: Klipple 1992, No. 62:52
North Africa. Western Sahara [at the sight of a fox, a sheep climbs a tree; the fox tells you not to be afraid of it anymore - all animals have made peace; the sheep notices the fox watching its shadow intently; the fox replies because she didn't sleep well, that's why she's nervous; sheep: I see hunters with dogs; fox: I have an urgent business; runs away]: Aris, Cladellas 1991:135; Tuaregs (Azawah, NW Niger) [the jackal tells the sheep what's between animals make peace, asks her to go down the cliff; the sheep looks into the distance, says that it sees an approaching shepherd with dogs, asks why the jackal is running away, since the world; he replies that the world is not with shepherds and not with dogs]: Mariko 1984:97-98; Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt: El-Shamy 2004, No. 62:26-27
Southern Europe. Spaniards [seeing a fox, a rooster flew up a tree; fox: don't you know about the king's decree that all animals live together? Come down, I'll tell you; dogs appear, the rooster asks why the fox is running away? fox: they probably don't know about this law either]: Camarena, Chevalier 1997, No. 62:125-126; the Portuguese [persuading the rooster to go down, the fox shows a new law ending the feud between animals; runs away jealous of hounds; rooster: show them the new law!] : Cardigos 2006, No. 62:30; Portuguese [fox dogs: come to us, an order has been issued for peace between animals; fox: now, I'll just ask the rooster if he knows about the order to keep us company; fox hunter: if you want chickens, come to me in the evening; released dogs on the fox, and the rooster shouts: show them the order; after running away from the dogs, the fox picked up stones so that they could climb into the barn; called donkey: go there, there's grain; donkey is full and stuck; fox to crow: do you want meat? the donkey got stuck there; the raven came down to peck at the donkey's ass; the fox met the wolf: distract people and I would steal their basket of rice; the fox ate rice, rice on his head; wolf: so tired, running away, barely alive; fox: a They broke my head, so my brain came out; they say to the old man: let's have a party; the wolf went for the lamb, the fox for the chicken, and the hare for parsley; the hare came back first, the old man killed him with a stick, and the wolf with the fox poked his spit in the ass; they thought that the old man had a hot finger; at night, the fox showed the wolf the reflection of the moon in the well: look what a cake, you need to drink water; the fox was just pretending, and the wolf drank and burst; then the fox became friends with the heron; she spread flour in the can, ate it, but the fox could not stick its face; the heron invited the fox to attend a feast in heaven, told her to sit on her back; raised it high threw it off; fox: if I stay alive, I don't go to the festival in heaven anymore; hey, boulder - part; when I fall on a stone, I crashed]: Coelho 1879, No. 7:13-15; Galicians [the fox grabbed the rooster, but he persuaded her to come for him in the fall when she was fat; the fox agreed; she came, and the rooster was in the tree; the fox says there is peace between animals; the rooster: I'll go down now, I'll just wait for the hound; the fox she started running, the dog followed her; the rooster: show her the pact of peace!] : Contos 1972, No. 8:19-21; Aragon [the fox tries to deceive a rooster (or another bird) by talking about a new law that establishes peace among animals; runs away envious of hounds: they may not have heard of law]: González Sanz 1996, No. 62:67; Catalans [seeing a fox approaching, a rooster flies up a tree; a fox offers to go down - there is peace between animals; a hound and a fox appeared fled; rooster: what about the imprisoned world? fox: the dog might not have known about it yet]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 62:34; Italians (Lazio): Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 62:19; Sardinians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 62:57-58
Western Europe. The Irish [Fox tries in vain to capture the Rooster, claiming that there is peace between animals]: Jackson 1936:285; Germans [the lion king issued a decree proclaiming peace between animals; the fox put on a cassock, assured the rooster that he had become a hermit and refused meat; the rooster took the children out of the monastery fence, the fox began to strangle them one by one]: Goethe 1972, song 1:7; Scots, Irish , French, Friesians, Dutch, Flemish, Germans (Pomerania): Uther 2004 (1), No. 62:57-58
Western Asia. Lebanon, Iraq, Qatar: El-Shamy 2004, No. 62:26-27
South Asia. Ancient India: Bødker 1957, No. 391 (jataka 383) [the cat unsuccessfully persuades the rooster to come down from the tree, promising marriage, youth, beauty, etc.], 392 (jataka 187) [jackal in vain tries to convince birds to come down from the tree to sing for him]: 48; India (Hindi) [the dog became friends with the rooster; hunger began and they went to other places; while the dog was looking for food, the rooster hid in the forest; the jackal came up, invited the rooster to go down and have lunch together; he cried, the dog heard and ran; the rooster to the jackal: where did you run, there's still a neighbor who would love to have lunch with us; jackal: I didn't wash my face before dinner]: Starling and pea 1956:18-19; Marathi [the cat calls the pheasant to come down from the tree - there is peace between animals; the pheasant talks to her until dogs appear; asks a fleeing cat - isn't the world concluded?] : Bødker 1957, No. 390:48
The Balkans. Ancient Greece [a fox invites a dove to go down: a letter of eternal peace has been announced; a dove: two people on horseback and with dogs on the road; a fox: where to hide? it is not known whether dogs have heard about literacy; dove: although written, the letter is not signed]: Gasparov 1991, No. 22 (51): 234-235; Hungarians, Slovenes, Serbs, Bosnians, Macedonians, Greeks: Uther 2004 (1), No. 62:57-58
Central Europe. Poles [the fox tries to assure the rooster that he should not be afraid of it: there is peace between animals; they flee at the sight of dogs approaching, because they may not yet know about the world ]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 62:55; Russian written tradition ["Jesop" by Simbirsk captain Pyotr Kashinsky (1675, of the two surviving lists, one dates back to 1684 and the other to the first third of the 18th century), which consists of three books and is a free translation of fables from the collection "Przypowieśći Aezopowe, z Łacińskiego na Polskie z pilnośćiů przeł ozone. Przydane sů k temu przypowieśći z Gabryela Greka y Laurenthego Abstemiusa", published in Krakow around 1600: the fox saw a rooster sitting high; said that all the animals at the meeting made eternal peace; the rooster began to stretch his neck; the fox asked who he saw; the rooster replied that there were two dogs; the fox ran away; the rooster screamed after the world; the fox replied that those two dogs were There have not been meetings and are unlikely to know about eternal peace (Book 2: "The Proverbs of Gavril the Greek")]: Tarkovsky, Tarkovskaya 2005, No. 43:419-420; Russians (Novgorod, Tverskaya), Ukrainians (Ugric Rus, Galicia, Kurskaya), Belarusians [Animal peace: a fox lures a black grouse (rooster) to it, reporting on the seemingly established world among animals; when it hears (sees) dogs, it runs away; they do not yet know about it]: SUS 1979, No. 62:61.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kabardian people [the fox persuades the pheasant to go down and talk; he replies that he will hear it while sitting on a branch; fox: animals have made peace; pheasant: I'll go down now, by the way, hunters with dogs on the way; the fox ran away]: Kardanov 196:103-105; Ossetians [Animal peace: the fox invites the rooster to its place, but when it sees the dog, it runs away: it does not yet know about the world]: Byazyrov 1958, No. 11:314; Armenians [the rooster looks into the distance - you can't see what is beyond the mountain; the dog agrees to go to see together; in the forest the dog lies down for the night in the bushes, the rooster sleeps in the tree; in the morning the fox invites the rooster to go down, that she also became a good companion; rooster: I don't mind, just ask my friend; there's a dog, a fox ran, a rooster screams after you: where are you, we're going too]: Tumanyan 1984:107-108; Turks [the fox asks the rooster to come down and read the letter: she forgot her glasses; the rooster says he sees a man with a gun, the fox runs away]: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 2:28; Kurds: Druzhinina 1959:11 f in Uther 2004 (1), No. 62:57-58.
Iran - Central Asia. The Bakhtiyars [seeing the fox climb into the chicken coop, the dogs chased it; a piece of paper clung to its tail; the fox tells other foxes that the paper is the king's order for dogs not to touch the foxes; foxes they believe they are going to steal chickens; when they see foxes, hunters and dogs chased them; first fox: anyone who can read will understand the order; other foxes: well, we're in trouble]: Lorimer, Lorimer 1919, No. 47: 306-307; Persians [when the rooster saw the fox, the rooster flew up to the elm tree; fox: don't you know that the padishah ordered all animals to live in peace, let's go for a walk; rooster: OK, but let's take with us those two dogs that flee to us; the fox, running away: they may not have heard of the order]: The Ottomans 1958:441-442; Marzban-name [a collection of folklore texts, no later than Middle Persian times]: Marzolph 1984, No. 62:43; Tajiks (Dukoni, next to Nurek) [when the rooster sees the fox, flew higher; replies to the fox that no, he is not afraid of it; but looks into the distance because dogs are coming; fox: they probably did not attend the meeting where decided that foxes should go with roosters, and wolves with rams; rooster: I wasn't either - only you and your wife were]: Levin et al. 1981, No. 54:154 (about the same in Amonov, Ulug-zade 1957:25; in Ulug-zade 1967:308-309); Pashtuns [the rooster and dog went hunting, did not have time to return before dark; the rooster climbed the tree, the dog ran to the village; when the fox sang before dawn asked him to go down to pray; the rooster asks him to wait for the whole society to gather; so several times; when the fox sees the dog returning, says that she must first take a bath, runs away]: Thurburn 1876:222-224.
Baltoscandia. Norwegians [the fox tries to trick chickens and ducks, but they scare her with dogs; she believes chickens who lie; she does not believe a duck that tells the truth and is eaten]: Hodne 1984, No. 62:32-33; Latvians [The fox tells the rooster that there is peace between birds and animals. The rooster, looking into the distance, says that a hunter is coming with a dog. The fox runs away]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 62:254; Estonians [rooster on the roof; fox: go down, there is peace between animals; rooster: pooch (hunter with dogs) is approaching; fox (running away): they may not know about signing the peace]: Kippar 1986, No. 62:70-71; Lithuanians, Finns, Livons, Danes: Uther 2004 (1), No. 62:57-58.
Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars: Zamaletdinov 2008a, No. 11 [The fox tells the Rooster that the padishah has declared peace among animals, suggests going down; the Rooster says that a dog is running to them; Fox: she may not know about the decree; runs away], 12 [the fox invites the rooster to go down from the tree to pray together; the rooster: the imam sleeps behind the tree, wake him up; the fox looked around, saw the dog and ran away; the rooster: where are you going? fox: I'll come back, I forgot to take a bath]: 47-48, 49; the Bashkirs [a leaf fell on the mouse; she rushed to run, tells the people she meets that her cores are falling, she is fleeing the war; she is followed by a bear, a wolf, a fox, a corsak, a hare, a ferret; the bear offers to stop; says: the bear is everyone's uncle, the wolf is the elder brother, the fox is the sister, the corsak is the nephew, the hare is the younger brother, the ferret is the great-grandson, and who is the mouse? the animals ate it; then they ate a ferret (neither a godfather nor a matchmaker), a hare; they wanted to eat the fox, but she offered to distract the approaching hunters, and then return; running away from the bear and the wolf, the fox offers the rooster go down from the fence; under the new law, all friends; rooster: that's good, a man is coming here; the fox immediately runs away - in a hurry to visit the geese]: Barag 1989, No. 86:393-395.
Turkestan. Karakalpaks [the rooster sits too high, the fox assures that a decree has been issued to all animals and birds to live in peace and friendship - the rooster probably did not hear him; the rooster: you are right, that's why you're not afraid approaching dogs; fox runs away]: Volkov, Mayorov 1959:187-188; Kazakhs [the fox invites the pheasant to go down, he is afraid; fox: ordered not to violence each other; pheasant: report this good news and dogs getting closer; fox running away: they may not have heard of this order] :Bosingen 1984:108.
Western Siberia. Kets (zap. Alekseyenko, 1960, lake. Nalimye) [The fox advises Capercaillie to sleep on the ground; he replies that a man is coming with a dog; the fox immediately ran away; invites people to take her to the boat, jump ashore wherever he says; jumps over the quagmire people get stuck, she eats their faces; finds dry glue in the boat, gnaws, tells the Bear what she got from the bottom, advises them to take off their skin and dive; gnaws their skin; runs away through the thickets, the naked Bear is ripped off, died ; Lisa eats fat]: Alekseenko 2001, No. 145:257-259.