Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

M167. A tiger mistaken for a bull, ATU 177.


In the dark, a person mistakes a tiger (lion, demon) for another person or for a pet (bull, ox).

Kera, Sarah, Nuers, Shilluk, Palestinians, Tibetans, Meitei, Shans, Khmers, Viets, Ancient India, Himachal Paharis, Marathi, Assamese, Santals, Oraons, Bengalis, Malayals, Tamils, Sinhalese, Kota, Koreans, Chinese (Sichuan, Jilin, Henan, Shandong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu), She (Funan), Yi, Dungans, Telengits, Mongols, Ordos Mongols, Japanese (including North Ryukyu).

West Africa. Kera [the crocodile and the elephant went to steal cattle from hell; only the daughter is a devil at home; in the dark, the crocodile dragged the goat's line, and it was a panther; both went back, the panther scratches; in the light of lightning saw that he was dragging a panther; the elephant was walking behind, saw, hid; the crocodile brought the panther to the elephant's house, tied it there; the elephant brought his wife and children home, told how they stole a panther instead of a goat, like a crocodile got caught; the crocodile was hiding under the bed at that time, lowered the panther; she grabbed one of the elephants and the elephant ran away; the crocodile called the hare to eat the boy (elephant); the elephant called the hedgehog, shoved it foot in a noose, and he ran away]: Ebert 1975, No. 15:147-149 (306-307) (=Jungraithmayr 1981, No. 31:153-154).

Sudan - East Africa. Sarah (mbai) [Gumba (mason wasp) called Su to collect honey from the elephants; they left a drum under the tree; G. warns Su not to throw lumps of wax, but he does not pay attention; pieces the wax rattles on the drum, the elephants come running, G. tells Su to cling to his waist, flies away; the next day, Su calls the toad for honey; tells him not to throw pieces of wax on the drum; the toad throws, elephants they come running, Su tells the toad to cling to his waist, both fall; the toad hides under the leaves, Su elephants brought home; he asks to be locked not in the house, but in a stable with goats; give him a harp; he plays, elephants they dance; he sings, talking about his situation; G. hears, makes an underground passage into the barn; Su drags a goat with him, it bleats; he explains to elephants that goats climb the harp and he drives them away; taking them all the goats, Su and G. returned to their village; Su quickly ate all of his own, and G. fed his own; Su persuaded the toad to steal G.'s goat, but he put the leopard in its place in advance; in the light of lightning, Su understands the deception. tells the toad to lead the imaginary goat, but he runs away; the leopard tells the toad to bring him to Soo's house and gets there before Su; when he sees the leopard, Su stabbed the chicken and offered to eat it by climbing a tree, or below children interfere; he picked up the branch on which the leopard was sitting with a bone, which fell and crashed to death; the leopard's brother came to take revenge; Su sealed his eye and said that he was another Su, one-eyed; leads to two-eyed Su, asks the leopard for permission to tie him, strangled him with a rope]: Fortier 1967, No. 8:191-201; nuers [the fox called his brother Tutluet to go steal a cow; they came to the cannibal village; in T. chose a cow, they led it; when the clouds cleared, it became clear that it was an ogre, and the fox ran away and hid in his house; the cannibal did not eat T., but the fox came to the house; the fox's mother hid her son in a big pumpkin and said that there were beans; the cannibal took the pumpkin; hears a voice (this is a pumpkin fox): Where do you bring mother's pumpkin fox? Put it quietly on the ground; the ogre laid it down; they stood with their backs to each other; fox: let each of us catch a man; the fox ran to his village and the cannibal to his own; fox: you, cannibal, have decided to measure with me by cunning?] : Huffman 1971:102-104; shilluk [the hare and the hyena went and stole the ox; when they chased him, the hare determined by the tail that it was not an ox, but a lion; jumped into the water, disappeared on the other side of the river; the lion punished hyena, hid in front of a hare's house; hare to his wife: didn't I kill a lion recently? and the two under the door? And now I guess we should swat that one too? the lion runs away in horror]: Hofmayr 1925:374.

Western Asia. Palestinians [the old woman's roof is leaking, dripping from the ceiling, she says out loud that she is not afraid of a leopard or a lion, but she is afraid of a "dib-dib dib dib"; a leopard who comes up hears; thinks she knows what there are oak (bear) and dib (ox), but dib deeb does not know; a water merchant who lost his donkey came up, mistook the leopard for a bull, beat it and rode it, and he thought it was a dib deeb; in the morning the merchant realized that he was riding a leopard; clutching branches, he climbed a tree; the leopard met a fox; it led him back, agreeing to contact the leopard with its tails; a fox peasant: why did he make it so wait a long time, bring the leopard here; the leopard ran, dragging the fox, it died]: Hanauer 2009:256-260.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Sichuan) [a widow with a daughter and a maid, they have a bull, a tiger is rampant in the neighborhood; the widow tied a tiger outside the house: let the tiger eat the bull but not touch them; the widow baked for her daughter a cake in butter and for the maid on the water; it burst miserably; widow: if a tiger came, he would also be afraid of "fluff"; the tiger was standing outside the house and thought there was someone worse than him; at that time the thief came to steal a bull, threw a rope around the tiger's neck in the dark; the tiger thought it was fluff; the thief led the tiger and then rode it; in the morning he saw that it was not a bull under him, grabbed a branch, and the tiger set off run; but it was not a branch, but an ogre snake; when the thief grabbed it, it split in two; when he learned that the thief had saved the country from the tiger and the snake, the king married him to his daughter; the ruler of Dende attacked ("soft earth"); the son-in-law asked for an 80-fathom iron chain and a wheel with swords instead of spokes, but decided to run himself; he sat on his horse, carried the horse; the rider shouts in horror "Drop me on soft ground!" ; Dende's army fled, the people became convinced of the king's son-in-law's courage]: Potanin 1914, No. 17:414-415 (reprinted in Komissarov 1997:192-194); Meitei [the owner has many horses; the tiger climbed to the stable; hears how the hostess calms the child: the cat has come; the dog has come;... the tiger has come; the child does not react; tapta has come (an onomatopoeic word associated with the sound of rain on the roof); the child paused; the tiger thought that the tapta was some animal stronger than him; the thief came in; the tiger mistook him for a tapta and the tiger thief for the best horse, threw on a bridle and rode it; when dawn, the thief realized that Under him, a tiger saw a tree, jumped and climbed into the hollow; the tiger ran away, met a fox; she asked him to be brought to the place where the tapta was; let them tie with a rope to drag each other if necessary ; when they saw someone in the hollow, they both ran, but the fox could not keep up with the tiger; he dragged her and died]: Singh 1985:286-289 (about the same in Oinam et al. s.a.).

Burma - Indochina. Shany [Town Tway and Town Maun are thieves; a mother frightens a crying baby with a tiger, he does not react; frightens thieves by naming their names - he falls silent; a tiger who climbs into the pen hears it, decides that TT and TM were stronger than him; the thieves also came, TT mistook the tiger for a fat cow, dragged him on a rope, the tiger was frightened, did not give a vote; when dawn, the TM walker saw the tiger ran away; TT continued to drag tiger; when he saw who he was dragging, he ran without letting go of the rope, tied the tiger to the fig tree, climbed it; the bear from the hollow: what are you doing here? TM: I'm from a tribe of freaks, looking for something to profit from; bear: what kind of animal are you, show me your tail; TM holds out a knife, the bear hurts its paw, decides that the tail bites, rolls to the ground, sees a tiger, starts running; the tiger cut off the rope, also started running, the rope whipped; since then, the tigers are striped, the bears have scars on their paws, the fig trees lean to one side (the tiger bent when it was torn); TT and TM decided do honest work]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 199:558-560; Khmers [blind and lame run away from their owners in a boat; they row all night, sitting facing each other; in the morning the owners see their boat on the shore; a lame man puts a blind man on his back, they run away by land; a blind man takes a tiger for a bull, throws a rope through his nostrils, the tiger runs away in horror; the honey collector gives them manure instead of honey; the blind hears a knock, thinks it's a collector, but on a woodpecker tree; people are forced to give the Yakka princess (an ogre giant); blind and lame come to the yakka house; a yakk comes, demands that the visitor show his liver heart, hair; the blind man throws the basket, the turtle, the ropes, the yakk runs away in horror; at night the Yakka wife comes in, the blind man cuts off her head with a sword; sharing jewelry, friends fight; from blows, the blind saw the light, lame straightened up; the former blind gets the princess and the kingdom, makes the former lame chief adviser]: Gorgoniev 1973:78-88; the Viets [two thieves and a tiger climbed into a rich house; the first thief stayed waiting at fence; then went to look for a friend, ran into a tiger, began to shake him on the shoulder; both ran; the first thief thought that the owner had raised the alarm, ran too; the second thought that a tiger was running after him, and the first to try to catch up with a friend that they were being chased; in the morning they got to know each other and decided to live honestly]: Karpov, Tkachev 1958:161-162.

South Asia. Himachali plowmen [after slamming 5 flies, the weaver called himself the Killer of the Five; the Raja tells him to drive away enemies; he sits on a donkey, takes two millstones, is about to sneak away; millstones roll down the mountain in the dark , the enemies are fleeing; he is told to defeat the tiger; he is going to escape again, takes the donkey by the ear in the dark, ties it to a pole; he sees in the light that it is a tiger, but the tiger himself is so frightened that he does not try resist; however, when he saw the jackal, the weaver died of fear]: Dracott 1906:56-58; Marathi [on a stormy night, a tiger approaches the old woman's hut; she mutters: let it be an elephant or a tiger, and this is eternal dripping the worst thing from the ceiling; the tiger thinks that "eternal dripping" is the beast that is scarier than him; a tipsy potter searches for his donkey, sees an animal next to the hut in the lightning light, grabs the tiger's ear and scolds him; the tiger thinks he has been grabbed by "eternal dripping", allows the potter to ride him; at his house, a potter ties a tiger to a pole, goes to bed, in the morning his wife sees that it is a tiger; a raja arrives, does brave commander-in-chief; attacked by an enemy, the Raja gives the potter the best horse, his wife ties him to a horse so as not to fall; the horse rushes to the enemy camp, the potter tries to hold on to the tree, pulls him out root; enemies flee, leaving a letter offering peace; the potter is generously rewarded]: Frere 1868, No. 16:206-214; Ancient India (Panchatantra) [King Bhadrasena has a daughter, Ratnavati; Rakshas is not could kidnap her, but he came to enjoy her, and the princess felt chills at that time, etc.; the princess talks about this to her friend, uses the word "vikala" ("evening"), Rakshas understands this as a name rival; taking the form of a horse, hides in the stable; at night, the horse thief chooses this particular horse; Rakshas thinks it is the same Vikala, flees; the horse thief realizes that this is not a horse, but a Rakshas, according to paths grab the root of the fig tree; the monkey shouts to Rakshasa: why are you running, man is your food; the thief grabs the monkey's tail with his teeth; she decides that the horse thief is stronger than Rakshasa, wrinkles his face in pain; Rakshas monkey: Vikala grabbed you, run]: Syrkin 1962:444-446 (narrated in Goswami 1960:112); northern India, Jalaun County, Hindi [the laundress has 4 donkeys, one is missing; wife tells you to be wary of tigers; husband : I don't care about tigers, but it's bad that it flows (I don't mid a tiger, a am more afraid of a wetting; tapakwa); the tiger hears and thinks tapakwa is some kind of demon; went into the stall, saw an animal, hit him with a truncheon, sat on it and went to look for the missing donkey; in the morning he saw that he was riding a tiger, jumped and hid in the cave; the tiger told the hare about his terrible adventures; the hare called others, they came to the cave; whoever has the longest tail, let him put it inside; the man tore off his tail, the hares ran away; that missing donkey towards the tiger; tiger: I am a tiger; donkey: and I am one and a quarter (apparently a play on words); when crossing the river, the water carried the donkey, the tiger pulled it out; donkey: I rushed into the water to catch fish; the tiger ran away, the owner saw the donkey and returned it to the stall]: Crooke 1895, No. 257:104; Assames [The poor woman has several cows, the roof is leaking; when she goes to bed, she says: God grant that a long-legged woman does not attack" (referring to the rain; this is heard by thieves who come to steal a cow and who do not know each other and tiger; in the dark, a thief touches the tails of cows: whoever jumps is healthier; the tiger bounces, the thief pulls its tail, sits on it; the tiger is sure it is Long-legged, runs away; the thief also thinks that he grabbed not a cow, but a Long-legged one; grabs the tiger by the tail, falls down, the tail comes off; the tiger thinks it's not Long-legged, but the Tail Breaker; realizing that he is holding a tiger's tail, the thief climbed on tree; the tigers decided that the Tail Breaker should be killed, otherwise it's a shame; they noticed a thief in the tree, climbed one on top of the other to get him; the tailless tiger below; the thief turns to him, he rushed in horror away, the tigers fell, thought they were attacked by Tail Breakers, ran away; the thief no longer stole]: Borooah 1955:61-66 (=Goswami 1960:84); Santals: Bodding 1927, No. 25 [Bajun is the older brother, he married, Jhore is the youngest; B.'s wife is ill; he tells D. to cook food with three cups (rice) in a pot; he cooks cups; B. tells him to go plow if the plough catches on the roots, cut it with an ax; D. cuts oxen's legs; B. tells the patient to be washed with warm water, he scalds her, she dies; B. chases D., he picks up his goat's stomach, hides in a hollow; B. pokes a stake, his stomach falls out, B. thinks it's D.'s stomach, leaves; when B. offers memorial food, D. climbs onto the roof, tells him to give it to him; takes all the food, runs away, offers it to everyone; thieves take it to their place; enter the house, and D. beats the drum; next time they climb into the stable, and a tiger also climbed there; thieves saddled horses, and D. rode a tiger, which ate it in the forest (translated to Zograf 1971, No. 75:275-281)], 39 [the tiger climbed into the barn to steal the bull; A thief also climbed there, chose a fatter bull (it was a tiger), threw a rope, dragged it, hit him on the head; in the morning he saw a tiger, both ran in different directions; the jackal went to see the "gunfighter", he grabbed the jackal by the tail, began to twist, threw it away; the bear went, the man climbed the tree, the bear followed, both fell, the man fell at the bear, the bear rushed away, told the jackal that it was not tail twist, and overcotton; (translated into Zograf 1971, No. 6:44-45, =197:48-49)]: 3-19, 113-117; Oraons [merchant to son: don't go, in the yard of twilight (Bikal); tiger hears, fears that Twilight stronger than him; the thieves stole a bag of silver, went to the barn, there was a tiger, they loaded it thinking it was an ox; in the morning they saw it, ran away, the tiger got stuck in the ravine, started screaming, the shepherd took off his bag; tiger: fold money in a basket of leaves, say you are carrying beef, never remember the name Twilight, otherwise I'll eat it; the shepherd's wife is going to her parents; shepherd: don't go, in the yard of Twilight; the tiger took the shepherd, that asked me to wait for the sun to come out and it would soften; the shepherd's wife dressed strangely, took the drum, came; tiger: who is this? shepherd: Twilight; tiger: hide me; wife: shepherd, have you seen tigers? ; what's on earth? shepherd: a bunch of rags; wife: hit her with a rock; shepherd bales gently; wife: stronger; shepherd killed a tiger]: Elwin 1944, No. 19. 1:410-411 (translated to Zograf 1971, No. 11:52-53); Bengalis: Mitra 1894 [ the author heard the story as a child, but does not remember the details; the poor man's son wanted a horse and bought a horse egg, i.e. a pumpkin, but did not get a horse; one day he went outside the village to relieve himself and saw a tiger , mistook him for a horse and galloped; eventually the tiger threw him off]: 55-56; Mode, Ray 1967 [an old woman lives in a hut at the edge of the forest; her husband was picked up by a tiger; one day in the rain and thunderstorm, when the roof was flowing, an old woman says out loud: this drip-cap would take me to the grave; the tiger overheard and thought that Cap-cap was a terrible beast; at that time, the potter was looking for the missing donkey and mistook the tiger for a donkey, and the tiger thought he was grabbed the Cap cap; the potter came to his house in a tiger, strained himself and tied it to a pole; in the morning the wife saw a tiger tied up...]: 320-327; Malayali [the old woman's house fell apart, the plot was overgrown, he has wild animals; old woman: I'm not afraid of tigers and leopards, but I'm afraid of uttal (rain pouring through the roof into the room); the leopard heard, worried - who uttal is, but then fell asleep; at night the owner the horse went looking for it, came across a leopard and sat on horseback, believing it was a missing horse; pulled his ears; the leopard thought he was riding it, rushed into the forest; realizing who he was riding, the man grabbed a branch and hung; saw a leopard and a fox approaching; the leopard started screaming at the whole forest: save yourself, uttal is coming! the man fell, rolled down the slope and fell into the hole; the fox: it's not uttal, but urulicha (a rolling) - save yourself who can; the monkey wanted to see who was in the hole; and the man couldn't get out; leopard advised the monkey to put its tail into the hole; the man grabbed it; the leopard dragged the monkey, the tail broke off, the monkey howled: this is not urulich, but valuri (tail-peeler); in the morning the man got out - the forest was empty]: Beck et al. 1987, No. 81:248-251; the Tamils [Clever and Skillful decided to steal the sheep; the shepherd, when leaving, put a stick in his place, put on clothes over it and said out loud: if any bhuta ( evil spirit, dev) - or kuta - will come, drive him away; (there is no word kuta, but they say bhuta-kuta, "culture-multur"); The skillful did not understand the deception, but the Clever understood; at the same time bhuta came for the sheep; he decided that kuta - it was someone stronger than him and just in case chipped in with a sheep; the thieves chose her because she is heavier than others; bhuta let Skillful body pain, and Clever offered to rip open the sheep's belly and cut it in half; bhuta ran away, told others bhuta about his experience; they laughed at him and went to the thieves' house; Skillful in horror, and the Clever agreed with his wife: I'll ask you what to eat; you will answer that vegetables, and He had already eaten a bite with three bhuts killed by his son; the bhuta ran away in horror; later his friends went through the forest and spent the night in a banyan; the bhuta had just gathered under him; the skillful fell in fear, and the Clever began to scream, for him to grab the biggest bhuta; they ran away]: Natesa Sastri 1884-1888, No. 7:91-98; the Tamils [late in the evening the shepherd told his son to watch the goats while he ate; but the boy decided to take one goat away and sell; the tiger also came to steal goats, and in the dark the guy grabbed not a goat, but a tiger; he brought it to Ganesha's temple to hide; when he saw his paw, he exclaimed: clawed paw," rushed to hide himself; the tiger decided that The "clawed paw" is a terrible beast and rushed to run; the jackal told him not to be afraid and led him back to the temple; the jackal put his tail in the crack, and the guy grabbed his tail and hit him in the ass with a broom; a tiger and a jackal ran away]: Blackburn 2005, No. 45; Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 13; Singals: Parker 1914a, No. 160 [=Volkonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 13:48-49; gamarala (village elder) tells his son tightly close the door to the pen: leopards and other animals (botiyo cats - "bonapard leopards") may come; the leopard heard and began to think who Botia was; at night he climbed into the pen and hid among the calves; At the same time, the thief climbed in, tried which calf was heavier, chose a leopard, mistook it for a calf, carried it; the leopard did not move, believing that Botia was carrying it; the thief realized who he was carrying, he also pretended that everything was fine, began to think about how to escape; when he saw the abandoned house where the monks lived, the thief shoved the leopard down the slope and locked himself in the house; the jackal, hoping to profit from leopard meat, advised him to stick his tail into the hole - the door would open; the thief wrapped his tail around a pole; the jackal called the people, they skinned the leopard, and the jackal got the meat], 161 [the man looking for the missing person A donkey and a leopard, unaware of each other, come to the old woman's house in the dark and hear her say that she is not afraid of an elephant, a bear, a leopard, or Yak (an evil spirit), but only Dabukka (a drop of rain); the leopard is terrified - who is it? The man mistook the leopard for a donkey, started hitting it and rode it; the leopard thinks it is Dubucca; when it dawn, the man realized he was riding a leopard and hid in a tree hollow; the jackal became persuade the leopard to come back, tied himself by the waist and the other end of the vine by the leopard's neck; climbed into the hollow, the man knocked out his teeth, both ran away; the bear led them back, put his face in the hollow, the man pulled out his hair; all three ran away again]: 393-394, 396-398; cat: Emeneau, Kota, II, No. 19:303-305 in Thompson, Roberts 1960, No. 177:35.

China - Korea. Koreans [a tiger came to a house in the village; a mother tries to calm the child; - Shut up, a tiger is standing outside the window; then - Don't cry, you see, there's dried persimmon on the shelf; the tiger thinks persimmon is the name a terrible creature, went to the barn to steal a cow; a thief just climbed in, mistook the tiger for a cow in the dark, sat on it; the tiger thought it was dried persimmon, rushed to run; at dawn the thief saw who was sitting on a tiger, jumped and ran away; the tiger thought he was saved; in one version, the thief hid in the hollow, a bear came up, the thief cut off his penis, fried it and ate it; the tiger asked for it; the man heated a red-hot stone, gave it to the tiger, he died; the thief gave bear and tiger skins to the king, received an award, became an honest man; or he brought the bear to the owner of the cow, he gave him a cow as a reward, the thief improved]: Choi 1979, No. 50:21-22 (first part in Pak 1991:346-348); Chinese (Jilin) [the tiger is believed to be afraid of the Gaoenjiu beast; one day, when it got dark, he went down the mountain and entered the courtyard of a house; heard a baby crying; one of the parents tried to scare the child and said, "Stop crying, look - there's a big tiger!" The tiger heard this and wondered how did this family know I was here? The baby continued to cry; the adult began to frighten him again and said: "Don't cry, look - Gaoenjiu has come!" As soon as the child heard Gaoenjiu come, he immediately fell silent; the tiger thought Gaoenjiu was even more ferocious than he hid in the barn; that evening a thief crept into the house and opened the door to the barn; the tiger thought that Gaoenjiu had come to eat it; when the thief touched him, he trembled, and the thief thought the calf was timid and sat on horseback; the tiger ran to the Changbaishan Mountains; in the moonlight, the thief realized that he was going to tiger; at dawn he grabbed a branch and climbed a tree; the tiger sat down to rest on a tree; the thief climbed into the hollow; the hare saw someone hiding in the hollow, and the tiger caught his breath sitting under the tree; when the tiger told him everything, the hare laughed: he is a man, look into the hollow; the tiger saw a man but could not reach it; the hare advised to put a tail into the hollow; the man will grab his tail and the tiger will pull him out; but the man only tied his tail to a tree with his belt; got out and beat the tiger with a stick; wanted to kill the hare, but he pretended to have planned everything to help the man; ran away]: Chen, Wang 1989c: 429-325; Chinese (Sichuan, St. Huaying) [an old man and an old woman in a hut, they have a cow; in the evening it started raining, the wind blew; the tiger wanted to eat a cow, waited for dark; a thief hid nearby; an old woman: "In this weather, tigers descend from the mountains, to eat a cow, you have to be wary of thieves!" ; old man: "What tigers, what thieves, I'm only afraid of a leak!" ; tiger: "I'm the king of animals, can the leak be stronger than me?" ; frightened, decided to run; the thief saw a black shadow running away and thought it was a cow, jumped on it; in the light of lightning, he realized that he was sitting on a tiger; jumped onto a tree; the tiger met a monkey in the mountains; she I began to doubt: "Why haven't I heard about leaks before? let's tie our tails and see; if it's a person, I'll catch him and let you eat him, and if it's a leak, I'll blink, you'll pull me out and run away"; when the monkey climbed the tree, the man peed, the drops fell the monkey in the eye; the tiger saw a blinking monkey and thought that there was a ferocious "leak" on the tree; rushed to run, dragging the monkey; looked at the cave: the monkey's head was broken, his mouth was grinned; the tiger: "How do you like it don't be ashamed to laugh!"] Zhou Yang et al. 1998b, No. 358:472-473; Chinese (Henan, St. Luoyang) [At night, the tiger went to the peasant house; was going to steal a cow; heard a man say: "Hey! I saw a tiger on the mountain today, so I was scared!" ; woman in response: "I'm not afraid of tigers, I'm afraid of pot leaks!" ; the tiger thought that the pot's leak was stronger than him; at that point, the thief who was about to steal the bull thought that the tiger standing by the pen was a calf; tied a rope around his neck and took him away; the tiger thought his caught a "pot leak"; outside the village, the thief saddled the tiger, he ran; but in the moonlight he found that under it was not a bull, but a tiger; grabbed a branch and climbed a tree; the tiger met a monkey, everything said; she did not believe it and asked to show her the "pot leak"; just in case, she tied herself to the tiger's tail with a rope; when he saw the tiger, the man fell right on the face of the monkey, which screamed; the tiger rushed to run; when he looked around, he saw that the monkey was left with only bones tied to its tail; thought it was eaten by a "pot leak"]: Zhou Yang et al. 1998b, No. 324:373-375; she (speaking in shehua, not on she of the Miao-yao family; Fujian, wu. Fuan, She Kantsuo District, village Nanping) [the monkey and the tiger were friends; it was raining, the tiger came to the poor house to steal a pig; the shack was under a rock canopy and when it rained, there was a danger that the rock would collapse; the pigs began scream; wife: "I don't understand, is there a tiger outside?" ; instead of the word "tiger", the husband heard "heavy rain" and said: "I'm not afraid of heavy rain, I'm afraid of falling"; the tiger decided that the "collapse" was stronger than him; at the same time, the thief came to steal the pig and opened the bag , the tiger hit him and carried it; when he opened the bag and saw the tiger, the thief climbed the tree; the monkey agreed to climb there if he and the tiger contacted the tiger with a vine; the "collapse" peed in fear, urine drops fell the monkey in the eye, she blinked; the tiger ran, dragging the monkey; when he turned around, he saw the monkey covered in blood; since then, the monkeys have no chin and cheeks, the monkey and the tiger are no longer friends; the elderly are not approve marriage between people with tiger eyebrows and monkey eyebrows (according to traditional Chinese physiognomy)]: Zhou Yang et al. 1998b, No. 389:530-531; Chinese (Shandong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu) [someone says out loud that he is afraid of a hole in the roof through which rain is falling; when he hears this, the tiger believes that there is a predator worse than him; at this time, the thief came to steal a calf and accidentally grabbed the tiger; afraid to move because he thinks it's the same animal; the tiger runs away or dies]: Eberhard 1937, No. 10:18-19; Chinese (Zhejiang, wu. Xiangshan, Huangbi'ao County, Dalin, 1987) [a husband and wife lived in a cave in the mountains; it was raining one dark night; a tiger came to the barn and heard a conversation; "Oh, I'm not afraid of the sky, I'm not afraid of the earth, everyone I'm not afraid of wolves, tigers and leopards, but I'm afraid of leaks"; the tiger decided that he was talking about a ferocious beast; a thief came up to steal a cow; the thief mistook the tiger for a cow and jumped on it, and the tiger thought his saddled the "leak"; realizing who was under him, the thief jumped and climbed the tree; the tiger came across a monkey; she told her to show her the "leak"; she was also afraid, so he took the vine and tied it at one end to the tiger's scrotum and the other to his neck; "If I start blinking, drag me and run away"; the thief peed himself in fear, urine fell into the monkey's eyes, she blinked, the tiger ran; when he looked around, he saw that his eyes the monkeys are closed and the mouth is smiling; "You smile, my scrotum is crippled"; wanted to hit the monkey, but noticed that it was not breathing]: Zhou Yang et al. 1997, No. 477:576-576; yi (Sichuan, wu. Yutian, village Tuanze, 1986) [a tiger came to carry the horse away at night; at that time a child was crying in the house, his mother persuaded him: "Stop crying, or the tiger will come"; child: "I'm not afraid of tigers, I'm afraid of boiling water; tiger decided that boiling water was worse than him, decided to run; at that time a horse thief was hiding nearby; mistook the tiger for a horse and jumped on its back: the tiger thought that boiling water had jumped on him; when dawn, the horse thief saw who was riding a tiger, grabbed branches and climbed a tree; the tiger met a black bear; he asked him to be brought to the tree to see what kind of "boiling water" it was; when he went to the tree, the tiger realized what it was an ordinary man is sitting; a bear climbed a tree, a man peed himself in fear, a black bear caught his eyes, he fell from a tree; the tiger asked the bear to guard the man, and he went for help; brought a wolf, fox, rabbit, mouse and bee; the latter two were unused, they were offended by the tiger and decided to help the person; tiger, bear, wolf, fox and rabbit tried one by one get to a person, but urine came into their eyes every time and the bee stung; the mouse gnawed at the roots, the tree fell and crushed all the animals on the tiger's side]: Zhou Yang et al. 1998b, No. 634:839-840; Chinese (no recording location specified) [in the evening, one person in the hut tells another that he is not afraid of a tiger or a damn thing, but only if the drip-cap drips from the roof; the tiger heard and thought that the drip-cap was worse than him; ran away to the village, climbed into an empty hut; when he came up, he saw a thief with a lantern, thought it was a drip-cap; the thief climbed into the same hut and mistook the tiger for a cow; in the morning he saw a tiger, climbed a tree; the tiger speaks The monkey who met the cap is now in the tree; the monkey ties its paw to the tiger's paw, climbs the tree to prove that it's just a human; and if it's a drip-cap, it shakes its head; the thief he let him in his pants out of fear, the monkey began to shake off, the tiger decided that he was nodding, rushed to run, dragging the monkey, she died; went to look for the deer without knowing what it looked like; asks the deer what his name is ; deer: Honorable tiger, I want to eat tiger meat; tiger: what do you have under your belly? deer: wine kettle - I'll eat reindeer meat, then drink wine; tiger: what's on my head? bamboo cart, I put half-eaten tiger meat in it; out of fear, the deer peed himself and shouted that the drip-cap had come; the tiger ran away]: Riftin 1972:45-47.

Turkestan. Dungan [the old woman tells the old man she is most afraid of go lu (that is, that the cauldron does not leak); this one is heard by a thief on the roof and a tiger; both come to steal a calf; the thief jumps and gets on tiger; the tiger thinks he has attacked go lu, runs away, taking the thief; the thief clings to a tree; the monkey persuades the tiger to come back and eat go lu together, but falls victim to the tiger himself]: Riftin and dr. 1977, No. 9:508.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Telengits (Chuy Steppe) [the old man and the old woman have five cows; someone stole one or the other; the old man went on guard, sees a tiger (bar) with the cows; at this time a thief came and mistook the tiger for the cow, sat on it, the tiger ran; the thief grabbed the tree, it broke away; grabbed the snake, it stole it; the next night each of the remaining two cows calved and the tiger lies between again them; two foxes went to tell their mother Shulmus that the most colorful calves were; they brought the tiger to the hole; he ran away, and the shulmusikha gave birth to a boy; he went to live with the tiger; at this time the foxes ate the cows and an old man with an old woman; the thief decided to take revenge; sat on a tiger, made a whip out of a snake, went to Shulmus; asked if he would crawl through a hole pierced by an iron stake in nine layers of the earth; shulmus climbed there and the man stacked him; forced the fox to return the elderly and cows]: Potanin 1883, No. 91a: 354-355; Khalkha-Mongols: Yegupova 2012 [Mongol Ardyn Ulger, ed. P. Horloo. Sub. 1969:141; old people have a cow, a tiger came and ate it; it rained the next night; old woman: the tiger will eat us now; old man: the tiger is nonsense, but the drops that fall on the barn door are much worse; tiger thinks that Drops is a creature that is stronger than him; at this time, a thief snuck in place of a cow, fell on it; the tiger ran, the thief lost consciousness in fear]: 15; Potanin 1883, No. 91b [the old people have a cow; the tiger decided to eat it and the thief to steal it; he decided that there were two cows, sat on the tiger, which ran; the thief grabbed the tree, but uprooted it; drove into the Khan's yard, mistaken the thief for a llama , who tamed the tiger; he ordered the tiger's tail to be cut off, promised to save the khan from six tigers; climbed a tree; the tigers stood one on top of the other, short below; man: are you, short, you didn't get enough? the little one jumped back, all the tigers fell and crashed]: 355; the Mongols (Ordos) [Saihan-hoo ("beautiful boy") went west; decided to spend the night between the cows; jumped on the cow to steal; rode on all night long; in the morning it turned out to be a tiger; tried to grab a branch, tore it off, but it turned out to be the head of the Abyrga-Mogay snake; in the city every new king dies the next day; lama: will be king who came in a tiger that drives him with a snake Abyrga-Mogay; people stole S. from the tiger with a noose, he grabbed the tiger's tail and tore it off; S. became king; someone spoils bread on arable land; S. went and saw a tree, Under him, the tigers stood on top of each other to eat apples; the lowest tiger without a tail; S. called him short, he fled, the others fell and crashed; Father S. and then became impoverished; caught a goose, broke his leg, the goose promises three lands; S. let him go, the goose disappeared into the sea; an old man came out of the water: this is not a goose, but Losun Khan; we must ask him for a black black donkey; this donkey is littering gold; his Chinese changed; then L. gave a broken kettle, he cooks any food, the khan took the kettle; the third time the old man received bones, they ask who to beat; old man: except for the black donkey and the broken one, beat everyone; bones everyone was killed; the old man took the donkey and the teapot back]: Potanin 1893, No. 21:181-184.

Japan. The Japanese (all, including North Ryukyu) [the wolf (in Tohoku, Kyushu and Ryukyu, the tiger) hear older spouses say at night when it rains that they are more afraid of a leaking roof than a wolf; thinks that This is a terrible beast or cannibal named Leaking Roof; at this time, the thief climbs to take the horse away, jumps on the fleeing wolf, thinking that it is the horse that is running away; the wolf thinks he has been grabbed The leaking Roof; realizing that there is a wolf under him, the thief jumps or falls into a hole; the wolf tells the monkey about his adventure; she goes to the pit, lowers her tail into it to find what is there; the thief grabs tail; the monkey pulls, since then its ass and face are red; then comes the rabbit, lowers its ears, the thief pulls them, they have been long ever]: Ikeda 1971, No. 177:44-45.