Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M169. Wolf skin medicine, ATU 50.


In the presence of a powerful character, one of the downstairs intrigues against the other. He says that the problem can be solved by crippling the former (usually using part of his body as a medicine). The schemer is killed or maimed.

Gottentoty nama [hyena], bondei [hyena], bambara [hyena], manden [hyena], vai [leopard], pajadinka [jackal], temne [ministers], wolof [hyena], fulbe [hyena], hausa [leper] counselor; hyena], Dagari [leper counselor], Yoruba [informer], Nubians [hyena], Amhara [lion-appointed watchmen], Somalis [hyena], (tigre [baboon]), kabila [heron], Moroccan Berbers [jackals], Arabs Morocco, Spanish [wolf], Sicilians [wolf], Italians (Lazio, Calabria, Puglia) [wolf], Catalans [wolf], Portuguese [wolf], French (including Upper Brittany) [wolf], Bretons [wolf], Flemish [wolf], Irish [wolf], Germans (conditionally south) [wolf], Flemish [wolf], Dutch [wolf], Lebanon [wolf?] , Punjabi [wolf], Santals [hyena], Malays [tiger ("tiger crown prince")], Koreans [wolf], Konkani [fox wife], Ancient Greece [wolf], Slovenians [wolf], Greeks [wolf], Hungarians [wolf], Ukrainians (Ugric Russia) [wolf], Russian written tradition [wolf], Adygs [wolf], Abazins [wolf], Ingush [wolf], Lucky [wolf], Georgians [wolf], Turks [wolf], Persians [wolf], Tajiks [wolf], Pashtuns [wolf], Lithuanians [wolf], Latvians [wolf], Latvians [wolf] wolf], Finns [wolf], Estonians [wolf], Norwegians [wolf], Bashkirs [wolf], Kazakhs [wolf].

SW Africa. Hottentots -nama [the jackal sees that the tracks of animals that go to visit the sick lion lead to his lair, but not back; decides not to go to the lion; the hyena complains to the lion about the jackal and he lets her go; The jackal comes and says he was late looking for a doctor; he advised that the lion wrap himself in the hyena's still warm skin; the lion skins the hyena without paying attention to its screams]: Klipple 1992:31.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Bondei [a sick lion asks a hare to cook for him; the hyena, out of envy, says that the hare knows how to cure a lion's leg; the hare: you need meat from the hyena's back and a piece of its skin; the lion calls the hyena, tears it up meat; the hyena realizes it's its own fault]: Damman 1938, No. 5:305-308.

West Africa. Bambara: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 84 [the lion is ill, told everyone to get together; hare: I have a cure for illness, but not for old age; the hyena reports this to the lion; the lion tells the hare to be brought, others to this time they give advice; the hare says he was looking for a healer; you need to mix the hyena's brain with salt and eat it; the lion ate and recovered]: 205-207; Klipple 1992 [the hyena tells the sick lion that only a hare of all animals did not visit him; the hare kills the ox, brings meat to the lion, says that the doctor advised to eat this meat and rub the bone marrow from the hyena's paw; the lion does so]: 32; manden (the group does not specified) [the hare offers the hyena to sell its mothers; leads his own to the bazaar on a rotten rope, quietly tells her to escape, run away, hide in a hollow; the hyena leads his own on a strong rope, sells, buys a cow, they slaughtered it together; the hare sends a hyena for fire, carries the mother's meat, buries the cow's bones, buries its head so that the horns stick out; tells the returning hyena that the Earth ate the cow ; the hyena pulls the horns, pulls out the skull - the Earth has eaten; at night, the hare's mother eats meat, throws bones at the head of a sleeping hyena; he thinks that hail is coming; then he understands, promises to bring an ostrich; she pokes get meat into the hollow, the hare throws a noose, two eggs fall out of the ostrich; hyena: one for me, one for you; the hare lets the ostrich go, says that it was the hyena who was going to kill her; the ostrich drives her the hyena in the hole, leaves a feather at the entrance; the hare and its mother take the remaining meat and two eggs, go home; the hyena is afraid to go out: when they see the feather, they think that the ostrich is watching her; an old woman walks by, saying that There is no ostrich; the hyena is hungry, she sees a lioness, she does not have milk to feed the lion cubs, says that the old woman knows the remedy; the old woman: cut off the hyena's buttocks, cook it in a pot on her head; the lioness does so, milk appears, the old woman visits the lioness, the crippled hyena runs away; the old woman meets her, the hyena cuts wood to burn the old woman, tells her to cut her own; the old woman climbs the tree; screams that the lioness is coming for a new one with a portion of the medicine; the hyena runs away; this is repeated elsewhere; the third time an old woman kills a hyena with an ax]: Frobenius 1922b, No. 53:110-114; vai [to do nasty things to the fox, the goat says to the leopard that a fox can cure his sick child; the fox agrees that this is the case, but the medicine must be put in the goat's horn; the leopard kills the goat, brings horns to the fox]: Ellis 1914, No. 25:208-209; wolof [the lion fell ill, all the animals came to express sympathy; the hyena noticed a squirrel jumping cheerfully on the trees, and when she came to the lion, said that it did not want him to recover; the lion demanded that he be brought squirrel; the squirrel explained that it was looking for a recipe for recovery for the lion, it was fresh hyena skin; the hyena was skinned, the lion wrapped itself in it and, fortunately, the squirrel recovered soon]: Reuss-Nliba, Reuss-Nliba 2018: 162-163; fulbe [the hyena tells the lion that only the jackal did not come to visit him; the hare hears this, tells the jackal; the jackal comes, says that the doctor advised the lion protein meat as a medicine for bodies, and the head can be cured by mixing squirrel bile with hyena's eyes]: Klipple 1992:32; pajadinka [the hare says his name is the Lumberjack; the jackal tells him to give this name to him, and gives the hare his own - Smoker Meat; the jackal is sent to cut down the forest, and the hare is sent to smoke meat; the jackal deliberately breaks the ax, says that the Meat Smoker can repair axes; the hare indicates the method: to wrap the axe with fresh jackal skin; the jackal runs away]: Nikolnikov 1976:77-79; dark [the tsar will give his daughter to whoever says that the amulet is inside; Tamba takes guinea fowl, goat, palm oil, peeled rice and husked rice with him, rice straw, millet; gives straw to a hungry hedgehog, a goat to a crocodile, millet to ants, rice to a royal servant, guinea fowl to a horned viper, which gives a snake bite remedy in exchange, it must be mixed with the deceiver's brains; the servant reports that he is in the amulet: the king's umbilical cord, trimmed nails and hair when he was a child; the minister accuses T. of lying, orders him to tie; the king continues to give tasks; the mower gives T. which the king lost in the grass, the crocodile is a cymbal dropped into the sea, ants separate rice from millet; ministers again order T. to be shackled; the horned viper stings the king's four wives, only T. can cure them, brains four ministers are mixed with medicine, wives recover; T. gets a wife and inherits the throne]: Schlenker 1861:87-97 (retelling in Klipple 1992:197); dagari [the chief has two daughters, the eldest is dumb; he tells the youngest to watch the eldest so that she can marry someone who can get her to talk; an orphan who has a monkey, a cobra and an ant begins to undress in front of her, she laughs and says that this is probably all because she does not speak; an orphan gets a wife; a leper adviser to the chief suggests getting rid of such a son-in-law by giving him difficult assignments; 1) separate the mixed grain of two varieties (ants share); 2) collect 10 baskets of baobab fruit (monkeys collect); 3) you must go to the funeral of the leader's sister's son; the chief sends an orphan and his own son; the snake tells them to exchange horses; (obviously , a snake bites the leader's son); at the funeral, an orphan promises to revive the leader's son with a leper's still warm liver; his liver was cut out, the leader's son came to life]: Métuolé Somba 1991:173-177; hausa [from three sons of rich Ahmadu, only the youngest Auta agree to limit his share in the inheritance with a stick and a shoe; A. meets a hunter, who asks for a stick, knocks a bird off the tree, gives it to A., and a stick remains on the tree; then A. successively me a bird for ash (the one who opened the fire did not have anything to fry on it), ash per piece of calebasa with porridge (the woman asked for ash as a seasoning instead of salt), porridge on a hoe (fed those who dug the ground), a hoe to a knife (the blacksmith forges it into knives), a knife on a white cloth (the weaver wanted to cut the fabric), the cloth on the dead girl (those who buried her needed a shroud); put the corpse, wrapped in cloth, asked the royal wives to give water to his wife, the body fell, A. accused the women of murder, the king gave him his two wives; A. settled in the forest, and sent his wives back; the Frog came to live with him, Monkey, Horse, Camel, Donkey, Three Species of Ants, Mule, Snake, Bird (crown-bird), White-breasted Crow; they filled his house with gold, silver, and slaves; The Spider reports this to the king; White Leper advises how to destroy A. in order to seize his wealth; 1) divide mixed grain of many varieties (ants divided); 2) get the fruits of a palm tree growing in the middle of the lake (the frog and the Monkey get it); 3) bring a millet leaf (there is no millet during the dry season; the crow brought it from the north, Crown-Bird from the south); the snake offered to crawl into the belly of the royal daughter; let A. say that the medicine is Bely's liver The leper; he was killed, the princess drank the infusion, the snake went out unnoticed; the young man took the gifts but returned to the forest; the Snake asked her to put a piece of meat on the anthill on Sundays; the frog ate the meat, the Snake bitten her and A., both died]: Tremearne 1913, No. 80:380-392; (cf. hausa [The Jackal says that a lie is more terrible than a spear, a Hyena of a different opinion; The Jackal buys sweet cakes, brings it to Leo, says it's Hyena's tears; Leo comes to Hyena, demands tears presses her almost to death]: Tremearne 1913, 6:195-196; Yoruba (nago) [the hunter pulled a panther, a snake, a rat and a woman out of the pit; the rat digs a passage to the royal palace and brings valuables from there; a woman reports a man, he has been chained; a snake splashes something into the prince's eyes, he is dying; the hunter cured him by mixing the drug with the blood of an informer; the king rewards the hunter and lets him go home] : Klipple 1992, No. 160:94).

Sudan - East Africa. Nubians: Reinisch 1879, No. 1 [the lion is ill, all animals come to visit him; the hyena tells the lion that the fox does not come to him; the lion sends a hare for the fox; the fox comes and says that lingered because I was looking for a knowledgeable doctor; he advised me to eat hyena's liver; lion and fox kill hyena], 2 [the lion is sick, the wolf is left with him, the fox is gone at that time; the wolf tells the lion that the fox his health is indifferent; the fox returns, replies to the lion that it has found a cure for him - the wolf's scrotum; the lion tears off the wolf's scrotum, the crippled wolf runs away]: 198-202, 249-250; amhara [hyene lion ordered donkeys to be guarded, things to the snake, sorghum to the macaque, made the monkey a maid; the monkey saw that the watchmen were sleeping, killed the donkey, smeared the hyena's mouth with blood, pulled out sorghum, put it next to the macaque, spoiled things next to the snake; the guards were thrown into prison; they said that the monkey could sew sandals out of stone; she replied that she needed snake fat, macaque veins, hyena skin; went to prison, tore out her veins, etc.; to sew sandals, they must be soaked; when she saw her reflection in the lake, she told the lion that another lion did not allow her to do her job; tied a stone to the lion, the lion jumped into the lake, drowned; gave it to her son a red-hot stone wrapped in a piece of fat, the lion died; gave the hyena lion giblets; tied a lion's carcass wrapped in bull skin to the hyena's tail, asked to throw the garbage into the abyss; turning around, the hyena saw a lion behind her, fell into the abyss in fear]: Gankin 1979, No. 48-50; Somalis [the lion fell ill, he was visited by all animals except the jackal; hyena: he did not come because he was arrogant; jackal: looking for the cure for you is to smear hyena bone oil; the lion broke the hyena's paw and smeared it with bone oil]: Kapchits 1997, No. 27:31; (cf. tiger [monkey and baboon got into a fight; the monkey could not defeat the baboon and decided to act cunningly; invited the lion to sew up the cracks in this cave; lion: how? monkey: with baboon tendons; the lion killed the baboon, brought tendons; the monkey told the lion to wrap them around his neck to dry; the tendons dried, the lion died of suffocation]: Littmann 1910, No. 8:8-9).

North Africa. Kabila [the lion's legs hurt, he limped; the jackal offered to lift up the cow: if you cover his legs with cow skin, they will recover; the lion lay on his back, the jackal covered the lion's legs, ate the cow; the skin dried up, the lion's legs fell ill unbearably; heron: hedgehog's blood will cure you; hedgehog: five drops, but must be mixed with the heron's brains; the lion called both to tear off the heron's head, the hedgehog gave 5 drops of its blood; partridge brought water, poured it on the lion's paws, the cow's skin got wet, it was ripped off; the lion caught the jackal by the tail, the tail came off; the jackal to other jackals: the lion wants to kill the long-tailed jackal, let them cut everything off and they go safely to the lion; this is how the jackal escaped]: Frobenius 1921b, No. 11:31-33; the Berbers of Morocco [the panther is sick, everyone comes to her; there are no foxes; jackal: she said that after the panther died, she would take her place; the fox came and said that she found out from the books what the medicine should be: first eat the partridge's liver, then the meat fried in the jackal's bone marrow; the panther ate the liver and felt like better; now we should tear the jackal's legs off and get his brain]: Leguil 1988, No. 26:171-173; Moroccan Arabs: Bushnaq in El-Shamy 2004, No. 50:17; (cf. the Berbers of southern Morocco [a man pulled a snake and a rat out of the well; the snake gives a piece of skin, the rat gives hair, both promise to come to the rescue, advise not to pull out the person who stayed in well; but the first man pulled him out; came to town, got married; decided to try to burn his fur; a rat appeared, a man asked her to help him get the royal treasures; she told him to leave the basket and in the morning it is full of gold; so several times; the king noticed and promises his daughter to whoever finds the thief; the Jew volunteered to find; lit a fire in the treasury and saw where the smoke came from; said that he had carried the gold a rat; the king ordered the Jew to be cut off; the one the man pulled out of the well pointed to him and was put in prison; he called a snake, asked him to be saved; the snake wrapped around the prince's neck; a man promises to save the prince if the king releases him; says that the remedy for the snake is the brain of the one he saved and who reported to him; he was beheaded, his brain was brought; the snake crawled away, the man received a princess and half of the royal property]: Stumme 1894, No. 2:394-396).

Southern Europe. Spaniards: Camarena, Chevalier 1997, No. 50 [the bear is sick, everyone visits him; the wolf says the fox did not come; the fox comes, says he will go to look for a doctor, he is in Rome; goes to rest; then he comes and says that the doctor advised to wrap himself in wolf skin; the wolf's skin was ripped off, the bear recovered]: 88; Malinovskaya 2002 [the lion is sick, calls animals to visit him, everyone eats; the fox stops before moving - all traces lead only into the lion's home; lion: everyone is sitting here, consulting how to treat me; fox: I know the doctor; tells the wolf that everyone is waiting for him, leads to a lion who kills him]: 246-247; Sicilians [all animals come to a sick lion; the wolf says that the fox is not visible; the hare reports this to the fox; she comes and says that she has found out about the cure - wolf giblets (skin); lion kills wolf]: Lo Nigro 1957, No. 50:4-5, Italians (Lazio, Calabria, Puglia) [lion, wolf, fox]: Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 50:17; Catalans [wolf speaks a sick lion that a fox knows how to cure him; fox: I was looking for a recipe and found out that the lion should be wrapped in wolf skin; animals rip off the wolf's skin]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 50:31; Portuguese [wolf tells the sick lion that the fox does not come to him; the fox appears and says it has found a cure for the lion: wolf skin]: Cardigos 2006, No. 50:27.

Western Europe. Germans (conditionally south), Friesians, Dutch, Irish: Uther 2004 (4), No. 50:45; Bretons (Tréguir) [the lion is sick, all animals visit him regularly; foxes ( Louarn Lostek, "fox with a big tail") is not there; wolf to a lion: instead of visiting you, she goes to strangle chickens; lion: you have to strangle her; the fox heard this conversation; says to the lion that she did not come because I was looking for a cure: I had to wrap myself in wolf skin and drink wolf blood; the lion killed the wolf and the fox laughed]: Le Calvez 1894:224; French: Delarue, Tenèze 1976, No. 50 [(mostly literary sources); the fox did not visit the sick lion; the lion tells the wolf to execute her; the fox comes and says that she was looking for a cure: you have to wrap yourself in wolf skin; the wolf's skin is ripped off, the fox on The lion is in good standing]: 325; Sébillot 1894, No. 8 (Upper Brittany, 1889) [the lion is sick; the fox came last; the wolf says it does not respect the lion; the fox explains that it has learned how to cure a lion: wrap themselves in freshly removed wolf skin; wolf: I am thin and old; fox: that's good; they ripped off the wolf's skin, the lion has recovered; goes with the fox, asks if she knows the man; they meet an old man, child; fox says this is not the case; hunter; lion summons him to fight; hunter shot; wounded lion thought it best not to contact a person]: 103-105; Flemish [lion He is ill; the fox advises him to use wolf skin as medicine]: Meyer 1968, No. 50:23.

Western Asia. Lebanon: El-Shamy 2004, No. 50:17.

South Asia. Punjabi [the lion is ill; the wolf reports that the fox did not come to him; upon learning of this, the fox ran to the lion and said that it was late because it was looking for a prescription; this is the liver of the one who had just been killed wolf; lion pulled out the wolf's liver and ate it]: Sheikh-Dilthey 1976, No. 44:149-151; konkani (Goa) [the lion fell ill; when he learned that the fox only said that he was going to pay a visit and stole chickens himself, his fox wife reported this to the lion; he sent two tigers to bring the fox; the fox collected scraps of paper in a bag, pretended to study them carefully; explained that the medicine was hiccups; the fastest: cut the fox's skin into three inches from the back, put a lion on the head; rub hot pepper into the fox's wound; the lion has recovered and the fox has become afraid of her husband]: Rodrigues 2020:193-195; Santals [the tiger ate the man, feels like bad; told the hyena to be close to him, to call animals; they send a crow; everyone immediately appeared except the jackals; the main jackal promises not to let them disappear; comes and says that they have found a cure, but no One component: after taking the medicine, one must lie on the skin removed from a live hyena; the hyena was ripped off, the tiger recovered because his illness was not serious]: Bompas 1909, No. 119:335-336.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Malays [the tiger king is ill; the tiger crown prince advised to call all animals - they should be eaten, then you will recover; the dwarf deer is gone for a long time; finally he comes and says he has found out medicine: you have to eat the one closest to the king; the tiger eats the crown prince, recovers, the deer takes his place]: Skeat 1901:3-4.

China - Korea. Koreans [the tiger is sick, everyone visits him, there is no fox; the wolf has been given permission to kill the fox; the fox comes and explains that it was looking for a cure: the wolf's liver; the tiger kills the wolf, eats the liver]: Choi 1979, No. 30:13.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece: Gasparov 1968, No. 273 [When old and ill, the lion lies down in a cave; all animals except the fox come to visit the king; the wolf slanders the fox; the fox hears the last words wolf; asks for an excuse; says she has found a cure for a lion: wrap himself in fresh wolf skin; the lion freshens the wolf, wraps himself in the skin]: 142; 1991, No. 49 (35) [the fox answered the wolf that the fish he can catch it himself: let him bring a frying pan, tie it to his tail, enter the river; fill the pan with stones, says that there are a lot of fish, he must bring helpers; reports in the village that there is a wolf in the river; his they beat, he cut off his tail, ran away; tells the sick wolf that he will be cured if he skins a live fox; the fox overhears, comes, says that he has found out about the remedy: you have to peel off the skin from the tailless, but leave it on his head and paws so that he can escape alive; the unfortunate wolf runs away, the fox laughs]: 249-251; the Greeks [the lion was elected king; he fell ill in old age, everyone goes to visit him; the fox speaks to the white wolf that he does not go; he tells the lion about it; the fox overhears, appears, explains that she was looking for a doctor; the doctor advised to cut the white wolf, turn into his skin; they did so]: Megas 1970, No. 5:5-7; Hungarians [the wolf advises the sick lion to put fox skin on his stomach; the fox smeared himself with mud, ate garlic and told the lion that she was looking for a cure for him in the far lands, so she appeared so dirty; let the lion put a wolf's skin on his stomach; the lion ripped off the wolf's skin, leaving it only on his head and legs; fox to the wolf: well, are you wearing gloves and a hat now?] : Kovács 1987, No. 50:257; Slovenes: Uther 2004 (4), No. 50:45.

Central Europe. Ukrainians (Ugric Russia) [Sick lion: a fox advises him to skin a wolf for healing]: SUS 1979, No. 50:58; Russian written tradition ["Parables, or fabulousness, Jesop Frigi" by Fyodor Gozvinsky (1607, more than 20 copies of the 17th - early 18th centuries, including The Book Verb Jesop), which are a translation of the younger edition of Aesop's fables published around 1479. Bon Accurus in Milan: an old and sick lion was lying in a cave; all animals but the fox came to visit the king; the wolf began to rebuke the fox; the fox came heard his last words; said to the lion, that she found a cure for him: wrap himself in freshly torn wolf skin; laughed at the wolf lying in front of a lion]: Tarkovsky, Tarkovskaya 2005, No. 68:233, 279-280.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Adygi (Kabardian people): Aliyeva 1978, No. 79 [the wolf tells the sick lion that the fox does not come to him because it is waiting for him to die; the badger warns the fox; she explains to the lion that others are still They groaned stupidly, she found out about the right medicine - this is an alchik from a live wolf; the wolf's skin was ripped off his back leg and his alchik was taken out]: 352-353 (=Aliyeva, Kardangushev 1977:35-36); Kardanov 1961 [forty says to the wolf, that the lion is sick and all the animals are at his bed; the wolf comes running, the lion scolds him fiercely; the wolf says he hunted and knew nothing, and that the fox was gone either; the magpie told the fox about this; she caught a crane, brought it to the lion: crane and wolf's ankle soup will heal the lion; the wolf's leg was torn off; when the crane was cooked, the fox hid it, and poured hot broth into the lion's mouth; he died, the animals decided that the lion fell asleep, parted]: 113-117; Abazins [the bear fell ill; the hare and the wolf say that only the fox did not come to visit him, insulted him; the fox came and said that she could not come with empty with my hands, and now I have learned the medicine: the heart and spleen of a hare and a wolf; the bear killed them and ate their heart and spleen; died soon]: Tugov 1985, No. 7:25-26; Ingush [the lion fell ill; animals visit him; wolf: The fox is waiting for your death, that's why it does not come; the fox found out about it; said that she was looking for a cure: to be covered with fresh hot wolf skin; the lion ripped off the wolf's skin]: Sadulaev 2004, No. 2:16; varnishes [when the lion fell ill, all animals except the fox visited him; the wolf said, "All the animals have come to visit you, but this wretched fox has not yet appeared"; the lion became angry and promised that at the first At the meeting, the fox would be torn to pieces; upon learning of this, the fox came to the lion and said that it was looking for and found a cure for him - a wolf's leg; the lion immediately grabbed the wolf and gnawed off his leg; the fox: "Who says what to him don't say, he usually wears red clothes like this"]: Omar-ogly 1868:65-66; Georgians [all animals come to a sick lion, the wolf says there is no fox; fox: I was looking for a healer, it is necessary to tear off the wolf's leg, pull out the ankle bone, let the lion eat it; the wolf leaves, waddling on three legs]: Kurdovanidze 1988, No. 14:50-51; Turks [the lion is sick, everyone comes to visit him; wolf says that only a cunning fox is missing; the fox comes and says it has found a cure: you have to eat the wolf's right leg; the lion does it; the wolf waddles on three legs, the fox laughs]: Dor 2002, No. 20:63-64.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians [a fox tells a sick lion that wolf meat will cure him; or eats lion cubs and says they were eaten by a wolf]: Marzolph 1984, No. 47B: 41-42; Pashtuns [all animals come to the sick the tiger is looking for a cure; the wolf told him that the fox did not come; the fox comes, says it was looking for a cure, it is hidden in the wolf's heel; the tiger is grateful, the wolf waddles on three legs]: Lebedev 1955: 148 (1958:154-255); Tajiks (Kashka-Darya) [the lion fell ill; the fox was getting food for him, and the wolf was waiting for the lion to die to eat it; upon learning of this, the lion asks the fox to bring the wolf; the wolf asks fox, isn't it a cure for the disease, and the fox says it's wolf's skin; the lion pulled the wolf out of its skin]: Levin et al. 1981, No. 372:281.

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians: Uther 2004 (4), No. 50:45; Latvians [the lion is sick; the fox advises him to wrap himself in warm wolf skin]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 50:253; Estonians [fox advises a sick lion]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 50:253; Estonians [fox advises a sick lion to skin the wolf - then he will recover]: Kippar 1986, No. 50:63; Finns [the lion is sick; the wolf told him that the fox is not working, he is idle; the lion summoned the fox; she said she was looking medicine for the lion, the spider promised to tell her what to do; he runs, supposedly, to the spider, comes back, says that the lion must put the skin removed from the wolf to the body; the wolf has been skinned]: Salmelainen in Schreck 1887, No. 5:226-228, in =Concca 1991:312-313 (=1993:162); Norwegians [the lion is terminally ill; the fox tells the rest of the animals that it knows the cure: wolf skin; wolf is killed, fox is saved]: Hodne 1984, No. 50:31.

Volga - Perm. The Bashkirs [the lion is sick, the animals visit him; the fox comes later than anyone else, says that it was looking for a cure: to eat the wolf's left leg; the lion did so; the fox told the wolf that it was revenge for what she ate cubs]: Barag 1989, No. 88:397-398.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [animals visit an old and sick lion; wolf: the fox does not consider you, has not yet come; the fox comes and says it was looking for a cure: peel off a live wolf and attach it to body; lion ripped off the wolf's skin]: Bosingen 1984:91 (=Sidelnikov 1971 (3): 210).