Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M170A. A camel sinner. .

The predator accuses the herbivore of sins and eats it.

Amhara, Ancient Greece, Greeks, Bulgarians, Kurds, Kazakhs.

Sudan-East Africa. Amhara: Gankin 1979, No. 18 [lion, leopard, hyena, donkey are going to discuss why it doesn't rain; apparently one of them sinned; leopard: ate a goat; hyena: chicken; everyone agrees it's not a sin; donkey: while the owner was talking to his friend, he pinched some grass; the lion, the leopard and the hyena tore the sinner apart], 28 [the leopard and the hyena ask Gveretz to forgive them their sins; she refuses, they eat it; they confess to the baboon: they only ate donkeys and goats; the baboon refuses to let go of his sins, the hyena and the lion bind him, want to kill him; he just asks not to be thrown into the ravine; they untie him and they throw them, the baboon makes their faces; the donkey invites them to ask the monkey for remission of sins; she first asks for help her get the thing forgotten in the cave; with the help of a leopard, he lowers the hyena on a rope off the cliff leaves there; gives the leopard a hot stone wrapped in fat, the leopard dies; pulls out the hyena, says the leopard wants to kill them both; quietly sews the hyena's tail to the leopard's neck; when he sees leopard, hyena rushes to run, falls into the abyss, crashes]: 30-31, 41-46.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [Perry 1952, No. 452; the wolf invites the donkey to confess before death; if the donkey is more sinful, the wolf will let him go; the wolf talks about his victims; the donkey cannot remember sin; tells how he accidentally ate a leaf from the owner's garden, where vegetables are; the wolf calls the crime monstrous and kills a donkey, playing justice]: Gasparov 1968, No. 427:194-195; Greeks [the fox suggests that the wolf load the boat with olives, lure a donkey into it, eat it; before sailing, you must confess; the wolf easily forgives the fox's sins, and she forgives the sins of the wolf ( eaten animals); the donkey admits that when he was loaded with lettuce, he ate a leaf; the wolf and the fox want to kill him for such a crime; the donkey asks the wolf to first see what kind of letter the donkey's father is left him on his hoof; the wolf kicks, the fox jumps into the sea by itself, both drowning; the donkey got the boat with olives]: Megas 1970, No. 9:10-11; Bulgarians [during a disaster (storm at sea, famine) animals (bear , wolf, fox, donkey) decide to eat the sinner, confess; the donkey turns out to be the main sinner (ate some of the master's hay; ate salad without salt)]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. *20:44.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kurds [fox to camel and wolf: let us repent of our sins; wolf and fox say who they ate; camel: I only ate thorns; fox and wolf: you will be punished; camel asks you to remove the nail first he is out of his hoof, a wolf kicks, he is blind, the fox runs away]: Jalil et al. 1989, No. 179:488-489.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [wolf, fox, donkey repent of their sins; wolf tells how he ate a pig with piglets, a fox a chicken with chickens, are touched by each other's kindness; donkey: I stole a bunch of straw from a blanket; for this crime wolf and fox kill him]: Bosingen 1984:81-83.