M173B. Gets ahead. (.43.48.49.)
The character runs ahead of the road in front of the other again and again to get food from that person, pretending to be a different person each time.
Upper Chehalis, Maidu, Western Shoshones.
The coast is the Plateau. Upper Chehalis: Adamson 1934:176-177 [Geese don't tell XWαnä'xwαne to look down at people if he wants to fly with them; S. sees a man, scolds him, Geese leave S. on the mountain, they take their wings; he kills an owl, goes down on its wings; meets a monster woman, she carries camas tubers, he exchanges tubers for a bead, but it's not a bead, but a wand; runs ahead several times and repeats the trick, says that their five brothers look the same; the woman picks up bees in the basket, leaves them on the stump, tells the stump to close when S. gets there; the stump closes, the bees dazzle him; the woodpecker cut the hole, S. got out, made himself imaginary eyes out of dandelion flowers, came to the Snail, pretends to measure her house; that he sees unusually far away; the Snail agreed to change eyes; when dandelions withered, completely blind; S. got salmon, baked it, turned milk into two girls; S. tries to get along with the girls, they run away; the old woman shakes the baby on the swing; the girls kidnap him, replacing him with a rotten deck; his mother conceived him from a blue stone, he is the Month; she squeezes his diapers, makes the Sun out of his brother's urine; Blue Jay goes west, finds the Month; Month is the husband of those who kidnapped him women; they gave birth to him bushes and trees, the youngest is the mother of all fish; the Month says goodbye to its fish children; transforms and destroys monsters on the way to earth; rises to heaven to shine during the day, but too hot; the weak Sun Brother should have shone at night, but is afraid of ghosts, gives too little light at night; the month becomes the month, the Sun becomes the sun], 347-348 (satsop) [the old woman carries in the basket dried camas tubers; Xwəne buys tubers from her for low beads; they are actually red berries; overtakes her, goes out again and buys her; for the third time, explains that their 5 brothers all look the same; but for the fourth time she is almost sure that she is still the same person in front of her; S. suggests that his slave give her a ride in a boat, for which she gives him dried salmon caviar; one waits for a long time, then sees that the boat is just a stump; she picks up hornets, and when S. again offers to change the beads for caviar, she gives him the basket, tells him to open it where there is no wind; S. opens the basket, the hornets have bitten him, he went blind; came to Snail's house; says he is measuring her house; took her eyes away, put berries in her eye sockets; S. came to where people played with his eyes; (episode missed; S.'s eyes were somehow stolen); when their eyes were thrown at him, S. took them away; tried to find that old woman, but did not find it].
California. Maidu [the old woman put a bead in the basket, told her husband not to make a fire in the house; he lit it, the ground shook, a boy was standing by the fire; grew up, he has a second pair of eyes under his shoulder blades on his back; hears the sounds of dancing in the distance, enters the house, poisonous insects stuck to him, he rolled them into a ball, threw them into the fire, some of them escaped, the current ones come from them; he killed dangerous woodpeckers, chased a deer, who the sky, he climbed the rainbow, killed a deer, threw it on the ground, came back; the Coyote takes the guise of different people, runs ahead, every time asks the young man to share berries with him; he hides wasps in a ball of berries The coyote screams, runs away; the raccoon lived with the young man's grandmother, the young man invited him to travel; while his grandson was climbing the rock, the grandfather thought he was gone, burned himself in the fire, only one leg was left, the young man revived him; they enter to the house of the North-Wind Old Man, the grandfather slides, breaks his head; SSV offers to play with his eyes and hearts; the young man loses his grandfather's eyes and heart; comes out supposedly out of need; asks dust why lost, the dust tells the Sun to ask, the Sun says that CERV has a hole from one armpit to the other, through which it passes the dice; the Sun, with its heat, brings the fog to a vitreous state, the hole is clogged, the young man plays everything back, the grandfather comes to life; both return home, leaving the CER with one eye; the old woman on the rock offers to straighten the young man's back; with his second eyes he sees that she is going to crush him with a stone, dodges; she confesses that she killed all his brothers; he makes her lie down, kills her with a stone, returns to her grandmother; she and his grandfather die, he leaves]: Dixon 1902, No. 4:59-65.
Big Pool. Western shoshones [rings are scattered at the cliff; the Coyote does not take alone, but humiliates all his fingers; the Rock rolls after him; the Coyote asks the Nightjar for help; that rally hits the Rock, it crumbles into dust; the Coyote sees little birds make the big ones fall from the sky, they eat them; the birds explain that they throw their pubic hair into the air to do this; the Coyote pulled so much that he has The intestines have fallen out; he sees the Chipmunks lower their tails into the ground, stretch their roots; tries to do the same, but the roots are thin; the chipmunks advise to lower their tail to the ground; laughing, they run away; Coyote does not can pull his tail out, he pulls him into the ground; his brother Wolf pulls it out; says that a man will swim along the river, he has fat, you can ask only once; Coyote opens his mouth, bites off fat; runs down the river, goes out again to that person as if he meets him for the first time; when the Coyote opens his mouth, the person sees fat on his teeth, the fat melts immediately, the Coyote clicks his teeth in vain]: Smith 1993:95-97.