Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M174. Eats from behind .

A weaker character adjusts so that the stronger one loses the ability to move while still alive. The weak begins to eat the strong from behind, refusing to come from the front, or abstains from eating while the victim is still alive.

Kikuyu [hare eats lion], Swahili [hare eats lion], Harsusi [fox eats leopard], hwarshins [fox eats wolf], Tabasarans [fox eats lion], Rutulans [fox eats bear], Kyurins [fox eats fox] eats wolf], Lezgins [fox eats wolf], Tabasarans [fox eats lion], Turkmens [fox eats lion], Tajiks [magpie eats fox], Vakhans [fox eats bear], Sarykoltsy [fox eats bear], Kazakhs [fox eats lion], Karakalpaks [fox eats tiger].

Bantu-speaking Africa. Kikuyu [the lion, the hyena and the hare agree to cultivate the field together; whoever shies away from work will eat it immediately; the hare stops twice on the way; answers what he thinks about the riddle : where do clothes go as they wear out; why a heavy stone does not fall into the ground and the light does not fly off; a lion and a hyena do not know what to respond; the hyena also stops but is unable invent nothing, eaten immediately; the path leads through a crevice in the rock; the hare goes and returns, advises the lion to follow the same path; the lion gets stuck, the hare eats it from behind, the lion begs to come front; hare: I don't dare out of respect for the lion king; eats the lion's insides, he dies]: Gagnolo 1953, No. 26:122-123; Swahili: Ohotina 1962 [the lion, the hyena and the hare began to cultivate the field; when they went there again, the hare offered to eat someone who stops and sits down; he stops twice, pretending to think about solving unusual questions (why does the big stone not rise up, and the little one does not go down; when people put on new clothes, where do the old ones go); the hyena stops, but does not know what to say, it has been eaten; the hare enters the hole several times and comes out from the other side , suggests that the lion do the same; the lion gets stuck; the hare eats it from behind, refuses to come from the front; becomes the sole owner of the field]: 11-12; Arewa 1961, No. 1547 [retelling the same and another similar text]: 90-91.

Western Asia. Harsushi [fox, wolf, leopard, hyena, vulture and raven went hunting; the vulture flew away, the fox and raven found nothing, the hyena found a basket of dates, the wolf stole the kid, the leopard killed the leopard camels; they gathered around the fire to cook meat; the hyena went to bed and told her to wake her up when everything was ready; the fox ate both dates and meat intended for the hyena, shoved bones and bones into her ass; in the morning told the hyena that she had already eaten everything herself, told her to relieve herself, bones and bones were under the hyena; the fox asked the hyena to carry it to the acacia, and then she would carry it; she jumped and started screaming that the hyena was tired; hyena: the fox was tired; but others rushed to the hyena and ate it; the fox offered to jump off the cliff - this is what their fathers did when they were circumcised; the fox and the leopard jumped safely, and the wolf broke his leg, he was eaten; the fox offers to jump off a high cliff, jumps; the leopard crashed; invites the fox to start eating it from behind and in front; fox: prefer a dead leopard; eating leopard, the fox told the donkey that she was dying of thirst; she allowed her to get inside through her ass - she had water in her stomach; the fox drank water, ate the donkey's insides, she died; the fox wanted dew has fallen, then it will fill one wadi with blood and the other with milk; the dew has fallen out, the donkey's ass is softened, the fox has got out; tells the woman and daughter that they are called to be circumcised, and she is ready to guard them herd; the fox milked the goats, filling the wadi with milk; slaughtered them, filling another wadi with blood; arranged the carcasses as if the goats were grazing; the woman and girl returned without finding anyone; the girl saw them slaughtered goats, shouted to her mother to hold the fox; woman hears hard; fox: she screams that robbers are coming, let the woman give her the necklace, she will bury it and hide it; daughter screams again; fox: she tells me you gave herself; the woman is furious, the fox runs away, taking away jewelry; hangs them on a dry tree, relieves herself by throwing sand at excrement; tells the caravan that the tree makes jewelry; he gives for the tree is his herd; warns that if he copes with the need near the tree, it will not give ornaments; the caravan waits three days, catches up with the fox; they come back, the fox tears off its excrement, says that this caravan could not resist; the fox brings its camels to places where there are many others; she is told that her camels may be trampled by local camels and horses; but the fox refuses to take her own; her camels died, she received a large ransom for them]: Stroomer 2004, No. 2:5-17.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Khwarshins [a wolf and a fox live together, each with three cubs; once they went hunting together; on the way, the fox says, "I'm worried about our cubs, I'll go see, and then I'll catch up with you"; the fox went and strangled one wolf cub; caught up with the wolf, says that one cub is missing; the wolf asks, "Yours or mine?" Lisa: "Do we have a concept of "mine or yours"? One big-headed is missing"; that day they came back with nothing; the fox sent the wolf along a long road, ran along the short road itself; ran earlier, bitten to death the remaining two cubs; the wolf got angry, climbed into the fox hole, but got stuck; the fox came out from the other end, began to gnaw the wolf from behind; replies: "I'm pulling you out of the hole, but your meat has become flabby and comes off in pieces"; the fox ate wolf]: Musayeva 1995; Tabasarans: Ganiyeva 2011a, No. 26 [the fox tells the lion that his grandfather jumped over the river; the lion does not dare to jump at first; the fox: your grandfather was also scared for the first time; the lion crashed, dies, fox eats it from behind; lion says brisket tastes better; fox: I'll get to the brisket]: 112; Uslar 1979, Nr. XIV [camel, fox, wolf and bear went together for the winter; the fox offered To slaughter a camel to a wolf and a bear; then she told the camel that the winter would be harsh, so they would exchange its meat for barley (the camel would have barley next year); the camel agreed, he was stabbed; the bear and fox went to wash the intestines, tripe, heart and liver; hungry, ate the heart and then the intestines; the fox assured the bear that she would find something to answer to the wolf; the wolf asked where the heart went; the fox: "If If he had a heart, would he kill himself?" ; the wolf asked where the guts had gone; the bear looked at the fox, which said, "You ate it, why are you looking at me?" ; the bear ran, the wolf rushed after him; the fox dragged the camel meat into its hole; the wolf came back and asked where it had gone; after chasing the fox, he got stuck in its hole; the fox came from behind and began to nibble at it ; wolf: "Eat behind my eyes, I have fat pieces of meat behind my eyes"; fox: "Winter is long and I'll eat them"]: 488-497 (=Dirr 1920, No. 40:164-165); Rutulans [The Fox and the Bear decided to raise them together children; while the Fox is hunting, the Bear ate the fox, says that one child died; no matter which one, because the children are common; ate the second; the fox offers to go to the cave to pray for sins; The bear gets stuck, Lisa she eats from behind, the Bear asks me to come from her face; Fox: and I'll get there]: Ganiyeva 2011a, No. 29:116-117; the Kyurins [{the text is almost identical to Lezgin}; the camel goes to the winter, the fox says it will go with he rides it; then a wolf, a bear; the fox promises the bear and the wolf to eat a camel; invites him to agree to be slaughtered, and for this he will receive barley next year; the wolf sends the fox and bear wash their insides; the fox offers to eat the heart and intestines; the bear is afraid that the wolf will be dissatisfied; the fox tells the bear to look at him when the wolf asks; explains to the wolf that if a camel had a heart, he would not let himself be slaughtered; when a wolf asks about his guts, the bear is silent, the wolf is chasing him, the fox hides the meat, the wolf climbs into the hole, he comes out on the other sides, slowly eating the wolf from behind; wolf: eat better in front; fox: and I'll get there, winter is long]: Uslar 1896, No. 4:283-290; Lezgins [camel, fox, wolf, bear meet, go to spend the winter; the fox promises to arrange for the bear and the wolf to eat the camel; suggests that he agree to be slaughtered, and for this he will receive barley next year; the fox leads the bear to wash its insides, suggests eat; he is afraid that the wolf will be dissatisfied; the fox tells the bear to look at him when the wolf asks; explains to the wolf that if the camel had a heart, he would not let himself be slaughtered; the bear he is silent, the wolf is chasing him, the fox hides the meat, the wolf climbs into the hole, he comes out from the other side, slowly eats the wolf from behind; wolf: there is good fat in my eyes, eat in front; fox: I'll get there too, to the end of winter is far away]: Ganiyeva 2011a, No. 15:86-87.

Iran - Central Asia. The Turkmens [the fox, the lion and the wolf got the wild goat, jackal and hare; the wolf began to divide, gave the goat to the lion, the hare to the fox, took the jackal for himself; the lion killed the wolf and ripped off his skin; the fox to the lion: eat the goat, jackal, and if you don't get enough, then a hare; lion: stupid fox, who did you learn to share from? fox: seeing the red meat of the wolf under the torn skin; the lion ate everything, they moved on, the fox cries: I remembered your father, he always jumped over this ravine; the lion jumped, fell into the ravine; the fox began to eat it with tail; lion: eat from the head; fox: I'll get to the head]: Stebleva 1969, No. 12:38-39; Tajiks (Darai Mira) [The fox threatens to knock down the plane tree, the bird throws its chick, then another; Magpie explains that The fox could not burn the tree; the fox pretends to be dead, Magpie put her head in her ass, the Fox grabbed her; Magpie asks to eat it on the mountain, tell her name; flies away; the fox jumps after her, breaks; The magpie bites her from behind; the fox asks for food from her ears; the Magpie replies that he will start under her tail and get to her ears]: Levin et al., 1981, No. 34:139-141; the Wakhans [the fox fraternized with the bear; flew in the sky bird; fox: "Look, bear, a bird is flying in the sky and does not say hello to me!" ; bear: "Why should she bow to you, fox?" ; fox: "After all, I gave her these wings!" ; bear: "If you have wings for her, I'm your brother, since you know how to do it, then make me fly the same way!" ; fox: "Go, bring me branches from the forest, I'll make you the same wings"; when he picked up branches, told me to bring a stone slab; the bear brought it, lay down on the top of the mountain; the fox attached branches to his back, and She tied the stove to his belly; then told him to rush down; the bear jumped and crashed; the fox clutched the back of the bear with its claws, started eating it; bear: "You, fox, would start with the earlobe, it's very sweet meat!" ; fox: "I started from this side, and I'll get to my earlobes too"; after milking the bear's meat, I climbed into its skin and fell asleep; the skin hardened; the fox prayed: "Oh God, free me from this skin, I'll be like this thankful!" ; it rained, the skin got wet, the fox got out; pretended to be dead on the road; the merchant who was passing by picked it up and tied it over the pack of apricots; the fox made a hole in the bag, began to pour apricots out of it; rope weakened, the fox untied and ran away]: Pakhalina 1975, No. 1:135-136; Sarykoltsy [The fox asks the Bear if he wants to fly, he answers what he wants; she ties his wings from branches, suggests jumping off a cliff, broken but still alive, eats off the tail; Wolf leads to where mutton fat tail, Wolf falls into a trap, Fox eats fat tail]: Pakhalina 1966:192-193.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [a tiger, a wolf and a fox meet a camel; the fox persuaded him to agree to be sold, and in the spring she will buy him a camel; he agrees; the tiger has lifted him up, the fox and the wolf ripped him off, the wolf ate it eye fat and rectum; the tiger chased him, the fox hid the meat; explained to the returnees that the camel refused the deal, came to life; she and the wolf found a piece of meat, the fox provokes the wolf to take it, the wolf falls into the trap; the hunter took off the skin, the fox ate the meat; tells the lion that his father jumped off the cliff; the lion agrees to jump off the cliff to the wild goat, crashes; the fox eats it from behind, a dying lion asks to start with eye fat, the fox politely refuses]: Kaskabasov et al. 1979, No. 41:86-90; Karakalpaks (Takhtakupir District) [camel, tiger, wolf and fox have conspired to be friends and went to the desert; the fox persuaded the tiger to offer the camel to feed them and said that when the bread was ripe, they would give him money for it; the camel agreed; when he was slaughtered, the fox began to eat the best pieces, and the wolf giblets; the fox told the tiger that the wolf ate everything; the tiger chased him; the fox hid the meat in the hole, told the returning tiger that the camel said: "You will not give mine in autumn money" and ran away; then secretly returned for the hidden meat; a tiger came and asked where her gut came from; the fox replied that she had pulled out her back intestine and was now eating it; the tiger said he wanted to eat hers, asked to pull it out; the fox agreed to help only after the tiger tied its four legs; stuck its face into his back intestine and began to eat it; the tiger howled, the fox pulled out its face, said it had released it his gut; while she was eating, the tiger died; the fox lay down on the road, pretending to be dead; the old woman's son put her in the arba; the fox began to throw off the shepherds (breams) lying there; the old woman's son reached home, told his mother, that he had brought her a fox on her hat; then he saw that there was neither a fox nor a fish in the arba; the wolf asked the fox where she got the chabaks; the fox replied that she put its tail in the ice-hole and caught it; the wolf went to the ice-hole, lowered his tail there, froze; in the morning it was noticed by aul women; they brought men, killed the wolf; the fox also ate his meat]: Baskakov 1951:37-39.