M176. Challenge: jump over a stream.
The characters agree to jump over a ditch, stream, etc. or cross it on a log, rope, etc. One or all fall.
Safwa [woman], maragoli [cannibal's daughters], (kinga [jackal]), ndau [woman], matumbi [hyena], mosi [hyena], dagari [hyena], bilin [fox], bari [hare], amhara [monkey], sandave [female], Sudanese Arabs [donkey], Algerian Arabs [jackal], Palestinians [human], Syrian Arabs [donkey], Iraqi Arabs [donkey], Assamese [women], Gagauz [beasts], Georgians [fox], Latvians [beasts], Lithuanians [beasts], Estonians [animals], leaders [animals], Finns [animals], Chuvash [animals], Tuvans [animals, hare falls], black-legged [Napi trickster].
Bantu-speaking Africa. Safwa [the chief brought the partridge, his wife ate it secretly; the chief tells all the villagers to cross the river by rope; the wife falls; her youngest son buried her breasts on the shore, they grew into a baobab; The chief came to look at him, he fell, running over the chief and his men]: Arewa 1961, No. 3248:158; maragoli [the ogre has 6 daughters; one was sick; she was not taken to weed the garden, but left cook the beans; she cooked them and ate them; said that another cannibal who was coming for the fire must have eaten the beans; the father led the daughters to jump over the stream; five jumped over, and while eating the beans, she fell and died] : Kavaji 2005, No. 20:244-244; ndau [the husband killed the bird, gave it to his beloved wife to cook; the unloved one stole it out of envy; the husband told his wives to cross the river on a tight rope; the unloved told her daughter after her death to take a slave, go to her sister Mgali; her beloved crossed the river, the rope broke under her unloved one, she drowned; the girl and the slave came to the river; the slave offered to change clothes, refused to change back, said M. that she was a daughter to her sister, and a slave with her; the girl was sent to chase birds from the garden; her mother's spirit came, washed her, gave her beautiful clothes; so every day, but every evening The imaginary daughter and M. take away their clothes; M.'s husband spies; M. digs a hole, covers a mat, pushes the liar there, she dies; the niece takes her place]: Boas, Simango 1922, No. 17:193-195; matumbi [the lion asks the hare to cook seven rolls of bread and go with him to his parents, the lion, his wife; there he is going to eat everything himself - let the hare bring medicine; the hare: I already have it; the lion is furious, tells the hare to eat it himself; at night the lion ate the goat, tied a piece of skin to the hare; but the hare did not sleep, bandaged the lion's skin; in the morning the hare offers to jump over the stream to identify the culprit; jumps over, and when The lion jumps, the meat he ate becomes visible; the lion has been killed]: Arewa 1961, No. 550:39-40; (cf. king [the woman has 4 children; she goes to work in the fields, the children are playing in the cave; the jackal overheard the woman calling them; said the same words, the children answered, he ate the eldest; the mother asks for a rude voice do not leave; the next time the jackal put his tongue in the anthill, the voice became thin, the children answered again, the jackal ate the second child; the next day, the third; the fourth; the woman complained to the sorcerer; he told everyone to jump over the fire; the snake, deer, etc. jumped over; the jackal was the last to fall into the fire; said that it was his tail to blame, tore off his tail, jumped again, fell again; tore off one leg again fell; so one by one he tore off all his legs; burned down]: Wolff 1905, No. 1:129-132).
West Africa. Mosi [the hyena falls into the ditch; promises the donkey not to touch it if he pulls it out; is going to eat it; the hare hits the drum, tells both to jump over the ditch; the hare jumps, the hyena falls, stays in the moat]: Klipple 1992:90; dagari [the woman has a lazy daughter Zezene; the hyena asked God to let her eat Z.; God allowed, said that it is necessary to swallow a white bone for her voice to become like mother Z.; Z. opened her voice, the hyena ate her, left her head and intestines in the yard; Z.'s mother called all the animals to throw over the fire; whoever ate her daughter will fall into the fire; the hare and the others jumped over The hyena fell into the fire and burned down; the hyena's bones were turned into whistles, the best in an orphan, and the chief gave him a wife for this]: Métuolé Somba 1991:165-168.
Sudan-East Africa. Bilin [The fox went with the Elephant, thirsty, the Elephant lets him get in his ass and get drunk inside; the Fox eats the Elephant's inner fat, he dies; the Fox meets the oil sellers; sends them to the elephant's body on a trail from the intestines, he promises to guard the oil; eats oil and honey, leaving his crap in the vessels; when the sellers return, the Fox asks not to open the vessels until he goes beyond seven rivers; Seeing crap in the vessels, the sellers catch up with the Fox, tear off his tail; he goes to the other foxes, advises to cut off their tails - the hunters grab them; all the foxes cut off their tails; answer the sellers who come that they are all tailless; the hunters make a fire, tell them to jump over; everyone jumped over, and the Fox, who had eaten oil, fell and burned]: Reinisch 1883, No. 7:216-220; bari [when leaving, a woman tells her daughter take care of her father, she forgets, her father is thin; her mother sends her sycamore for fruit; she climbs a tree owned by animals; animals stop under a tree, decide to eat the girl in the morning; hare offers to save her for promising to give him chickens; takes him home, gets chickens, eats them, collects blood on a tray, smears the face and paws of a sleeping hyena; in the morning not everyone believes that the girl was eaten by a hyena; a hare suggests making a fire in the pit, jumping over, the fallen one is guilty; everyone jumped and fell, the hare did not jump, ran away; together with the fox began to steal fruit from the tree; the owner made a sticky figure of the girl; the hare, then the fox hits it, sticks; their owner beats, the fox screams, is killed; the hare is silent, pretends to be dead; the owner carries them in the basket along with the fruit; the hare eats the fruit, pretends to be dead again; a man puts a fox and a hare to cook in the cauldron; the hare jumps out and runs away]: Basset 1903, No. 52:142-146 (=Meinhof 1921a, No. 78:310-312); Amhara: Gankin 1979, No. 29 [the man instructed the monkey to poke honey; the monkey ate honey, filled the jug with manure, and some honey on top; said she didn't do it; the man tells all the monkeys to jump over the ditch; the culprit refused - she is wearing her mother's dress it gets under her feet; the man tied the monkey, goes to get a stick; the monkey replies to the hyena that she is being forced to eat and drink, the hyena asks to switch places; tells the person that he wants to eat and drink; that hers hits with a stick, then lets go; the hyena grabs the monkey; she says that if you throw it up, her heart and liver will fall out of it; the hyena throws, the monkey runs away], 32 [the calf is left alone, meets, takes a goat, a rooster, a monkey as companions; tells them not to speak, they do not listen, the goat was eaten by a leopard, the rooster was eaten by a mongoose, the monkey ran away from the leopard (but he tore off its tail); the calf fell into the ravine; the monkey ran away from the leopard (but he tore off its tail); the calf fell into the ravine; asks the merchants to get it, she will guard their honey; she ate honey, filled her wineskins with manure and stones; merchants are looking for a short-tailed monkey; she tells others that the Negus cut off her tail when she was his mistress; monkeys want their tails cut off; merchants tell them to jump across the river; the honey that ate fell, she was tied to a tree; she tells the donkey, the hyena, the baboon that she refused to drink or eat; the donkey and the hyena can't untie it, the baboon takes its place; he is beaten, let go; she advises him to lie in nettles and call dogs; the baboon has been torn]: 46-47, 53-57; sandave [(cf. safwa); trapped the chief got guinea fowl; he asked the main wife, then the youngest wife to fry it, they refused; the eldest wife fried it; the main wife stole it and ate it; the husband put a pole across the river, everyone must walk along it; everyone says that he did not eat guinea fowl, but was eaten by the chief's main wife; when the wife steps, she will fall into the water; in the morning her youngest child dives, massages one of the mother's breasts, on the shore: "mother's breast, verevere jo"; the breast grows, turns into a baobab, the child eats its fruits; when all people are going to watch, the baobab falls and crushed everyone; the child and his siblings went to another country]: Arnold 1984: 174-175; Sudanese Arabs [cat and fenech (vulpes zerda) fell on a goat; cat: it fell on me like a thunder; it repeats the same thing to a dog, goat, sheep, donkey; they all came to a big tree, they cooked the beans and left them until morning; at night, the donkey got up, ate the beans and lay down again; fenech suggested that everyone jump over the well and swear in the name of the sheikh that he did not eat beans; they all did it; the last to jump a donkey and fell into a well]: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 42:172-173;.
North Africa. The Arabs of Algeria [animals must feed the son of the panther; the jackal offers to kill him; replies to his parents that their son was killed by cows, elephants, mice, etc.; others say that the jackal offered it; the panther chased him, tore off his tail; the short jackal brings others to the garden, ties everyone's tails to the fence, a false tail of onion feathers, calls a gardener with dogs; all the jackals are cut off tails; the panther cannot recognize the short; invites jackals to jump over the stream, whoever falls into the water is to blame; the short one fell into the water out of fear, the panther ate him]: Lebedev 1990, No. 5:30-32.
Western Asia. Palestinians (Gaza) [there was a tree whose fruits could only be eaten by the Elephant King; someone steals fruit; the hare suggests leaving it under the vessel for the night to guard; at night he goes out, eats fruits, seeds puts a sleeping Elephant under his arms, hides back; in the morning he invites everyone to jump over the hole; whoever falls down is a thief; the Elephant falls down, he is killed; the animals move to another place, the Hare returns sings about what happened; the animals understand what is going on, they are chasing, the Hare hides in a hole; others poke there with a stick; when they hit the Hare, he does not pretend, and when they poke at the root, he screams plaintively; the animals go away The hare has been living alone ever since]: Dähnhardt 1910:210-211; Syrian Arabs [duck, dove, goose, lark, donkey live together; everyone went to the bathhouse, settled down at home, ate all supplies; said he slept and they know nothing; they climbed the minaret: whoever jumps and jumps over the pond is not to blame, and whoever falls into the pond ate; the birds flew safely, the donkey fell; promised the hyena half of his body, if it he would pull him out; the hyena wanted a head, but he explained that he could not live without it; in the end, the hyena agreed to eat her ass; bent down, the donkey kicked her hoof, she fell into the pond, drowned; the donkey returned to his friends]: Kuhr 1993:257-259; the Arabs of Iraq [a partridge, a gazelle, and a donkey complained to each other about human oppression, began to live together, plowed and planted the field; the donkey secretly ate all the wheat; to to identify the culprit, they began to jump over the Zemzem well, claiming their innocence; the gazelle and partridge were removed, and the donkey drowned]: Lebedev 1990, No. 7:33-35.
The Balkans. Gagauz people [the fox suggests putting the board through the hole to find out who is sinless; the fox, the hare, the wolf have passed, the bear has failed; but running around the hole, the first three also fell into it; first they ate themselves the little one, then the one who was drawn (the bear); the fox hid part, tells the wolf that it eats its meat; the wolf began to tear its meat, died; the eagle flew, dropped its chick; the fox promised to return if he will give her a drink; let her fly into the field, sit on the baklag, the man hit, the baklaga will tip over, the eagle bring water in her beak; the fox tells her to pull it out first, i.e. bring the rope, then laugh three times; let her The eagle will sit on the man's head; he sat down, the man's son tried to hit the eagle, killed his father with a flail; the fox laughed three times and returned the chick to the eagle]: Moshkov 2004, No. 144:213-214.
South Asia. Assames [the husband threatens to sell his wife to the nagas if she gives birth again; she gives birth, descends into the river in a vessel; the laundress pulls out the vessel, the female hawk takes the baby to the tree, raises, brings clothes; a merchant sees the girl, takes her as his wife; 7 older wives are jealous; ask her to cook, sew, etc.; all work is done by order of the hawk mother, whom the girl calls with a song; wives traced, killed a hawk; while her husband is away, the youngest wife was sold to a river merchant; the merchant hears her song, returns the woman; tells his wives to walk along a rope through a hole with thorns; 6 fall, the seventh passes ( she did not participate in the plot); the perpetrators were buried alive in this hole]: Borooah 1955:90-103.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Georgians: Kurdovanidze 1976, No. 9 [a leaf falls on the Fox, she runs, shouts to the Wolf that the sky is falling, the Wolf believes it is also running, then the Bear, the Goat, the Sheep, the Rooster; at night, the Fox says that she the oldest, and the Rooster is the youngest; the Rooster was eaten; then the Ram, the Goat, the Bear; the Fox secretly eats the prepared bear fat from the Wolf; runs away, the Wolf chases, gets stuck between two trees; one day he sees The fox, cuts off its tail with an ax; the fox tells the other Foxes that she is fat because she has lost her tail; teaches her to put her tails into the water, they are frozen and come off; the Wolf does not know how to recognize the Fox now - they all tailless; stretches a rope bridge so that his offender falls into the river like the fattest and heaviest; she falls, the Wolf wants to slaughter her; she promises to decorate it, drives him around her neck with a hot ax, The wolf dies], 12 [The fox promises the Bear to cure the cubs of scab, tells him to bring the chicken and go to pray; she cooks the cubs, takes the chicken; sends the Wolf to the Bear; he howls with grief, beats the Wolf; The fox pretends to be another Fox, weaves the basket, says that he will roll down the mountain to the chickens; the wolf asks to be lowered, bruised, beaten by shepherds under the mountain; the fox pretends to sew himself with a rope ass so as not to need food; The wolf asks him to be sewn up; suffers, tears his whole ass, relieving himself; the Wolf tore off Lisa's tail; she pretended to be dead on the road; she was picked up by the wedding train; she tells the bride to give her rings, otherwise she will spoil the air, and think about the bride; runs away, pretends to be dead again, steals the merchant's fat fish aunt; comes in bracelets and with her aunt to 40 foxes, sends catch fish by dipping their tails in the lake; the tails are frozen in the ice; leads the dogs, the foxes ran away with their tails, the Fox mingled with them, now all tailless; The wolf drives everyone to the bridge, prays for the liar fell into the water; the fox falls, the Wolf grabs it, magpies fly in; the fox explains that she made them colorful; the wolf also wants to be colorful; the fox roasts it on a spit]: 41-44, 46-49.
Baltoscandia. Latvians: Alksnite et al. 1958:55-57 [The cat knocked over the pot of milk, decided to go out to beg for sins; he is greeted, the Hare, the Fox, the Wolf, the Bear decide to go with him; the cat puts a perch through the pit - whoever passes through it will be removed; The cat crossed, the rest fell down; decide who to eat - who has the weakest voice (Hare), the rudest (Bear); The fox eats bear intestines, says his own; Wolf rips open his stomach, dies; threatens the Starling to eat his chicks if he does not fill the hole with branches; climbs along the branches; tells himself to feed himself, teaches him to waddle on the way in front of an old woman carrying a cake; the old woman runs after the starling, the Fox eats the cake; give a drink: distract the man carrying a barrel of beer; cheer: the men are threshing, let the starling sit on one's head; others hit with a flail, the starling flew away, the man fell ; the starling hid in the nest; the fox went, saw an empty jug, decided to drown it, put it around her neck, drowned], 58-62 [the fox stopped for the night, was fed peas, she took one pea with her; She put the next hut on the window, the rooster pecked on the town, she demanded that the rooster be given to her; so she changed the rooster for a ram (she let the rooster into the barn, the ram hurt him), a bull, a horse; tells the trees became a sleigh, the sleigh fell from the sky, the fox harnessed the horse, went; a hare, a wolf, asked her; when the bear sat down, the sleigh broke; the fox tells me to bring the pole to fix it, everyone brings the wrong thing ( a thin twig, a whole tree); the fox goes by itself, tells the hare to watch out so that the wolf and bear do not eat the horse; they threaten the hare, eat the horse, fill the skin with straw, leave; the fox has fallen a new sleigh from the sky, but no horse; she caught up with the culprits: whoever jumps across the river is innocent; everyone jumps, drowns; the fox jumps by itself drowns]; Aris 1971 [the fox stays in the house, wraps her bast around the rooster's neck, says that he ate her bast, gets a rooster; then a ram; a cow; a horse; a sleigh and a harness to the horse; a hare, a wolf, a bear are asked for a ride; the gulf is broken; the hare brings a twig, the bear is a snag, the fox goes bring a suitable pole yourself, the rest ate the horse; the fox: whoever falls off the perch, crossing the river, ate it; the hare, the wolf, the bear stumbled, but crossed, the fox fell into the water, asks the starling to sketch in the river is brushwood, gets out; asks her to feed; the starling distracts the old woman, she puts a bag of bread on the ground, the fox has eaten bread; asks for a drink; the old man carries a barrel of water, the starling sits on the plug, the old man tries to hit him, the plug falls out, the water pours out; make him laugh; the starling sits on the back of his head, his son tries to hit the starling with a flail, hits his father; the fox laughs]: 46-51; Lithuanians: Kerbelite 2014, No. 35 [the cat knocked over the sour cream, the mistress kicked him out; answers the fox that he is going to confess; the fox is with him, then the wolf; the cat offers to cross the hole on the perch, whoever crosses is without sin; crossed, and the fox and the wolf fell; the wolf managed to jump out; the fox threatens with a sparrow: if you do not help me get out, eat the chicks; the sparrow brought the birds, they threw chips into the pit, the fox got out; threatens with a sparrow, tells her feed; the sparrow distracts the shepherdess who was carrying food, the fox ate everything; demands her to laugh; father and son are threshing; the sparrow sat on his father's bald head, the son hit, the father fell, the fox laughs]: 79-81; Löbite 1965:18-20 [The farmer dug a wolf hole, the wolf fell into it; then the hare; the fox laughs, jumps over the hole, falls too; offers to sing; then pretend to be dead; the farmer throws the first fox away, she runs away; then a peasant kills a wolf and a hare in a hole], 35-37 [an old cat, wolf, fox, hare decided to confess; the cat threw a perch over the hole, whoever crosses has no sins; crossed, the rest fell; the fox offers to sing, the hare does not stretch, is eaten; the next one, who has a thinner voice, ate a wolf; the fox hid the meat, tells the bear that it eats its intestines; the bear ripped its belly apart, died; the fox asks the starling to sketch branches into the pit so that it can get out and admire his children; when he gets out, asks to bring the chicks, eats it one at a time; the crow says this to the starling; the fox pretended to be dead, the crow came down, the fox tore it]; Estonians: Jakobson 1954 [The cat knocked over the cream pot, went to repent of his sins; he is joined by the Hare (ate oats in the field), the Fox (stealing geese), Wolf (stabbed a cow), Bear (ate a horse); The cat offers to cross the hole on the perch, whoever crosses will be removed; the cat crossed, the rest fell into the hole; The fox offers to eat the one who has the voice is weaker (they ate the hare), louder (the bear); the fox suggests to the Wolf that whoever knocks a stone out of the edge of the hole with his head will eat another; the Wolf breaks his head, dies; the Fox threatens the Starling to eat his chicks if he will not help her get out - fill the hole with branches; when she gets out, tells her to feed her; the starling distracts the woman, the Fox eats the porridge from that pot left; give her a drink (Starling flies around a barrel of beer, the owner hits the plug, the Fox drinks pouring beer); laugh (father and son are threshing, the Starling curls at the father's head, the son beats him, they quarrel, the Fox laughs); make him jump; the Starling calls the hounds, the Fox hides in a hole; asks his dicks who helped escape; the tail only clung to the bushes; the fox stuck it out of the hole as a hound as a punishment; the hound ate both the tail and the fox]: 119-129; Järv 2016 ( Kirbla) [the man was driving from the tavern, fell asleep in the forest; the bear, the wolf, the fox and the hare threw him out of the sleigh and drove by themselves; the horse exploded, the sleigh broke; the fox went to the village for the tool, at which time the wolf the horse failed; the fox: let everyone cross the hole on the perch, the culprit would fall; all three fell; the fox began to dance on the edge and also fell; the wolf lifted the hare; the fox decided that now it was her turn, persuaded the bear to eat the wolf; when the lupus is over, it pretended to eat its giblets; the bear tore itself, died; the meat began to deteriorate; the fox to the crows: fill the hole with spruce legs, then I'll give you something to eat; the crows filled, the fox got out, began to live in the forest]: 25-27; counselors [the fox spends the night in the house, leaves its bast in the chicken coop, the chickens are disheveled, she gets the chicken; this is how she changes the chicken to the sheep; the calf; horse; the fox harnesses it, rides a sleigh, a wolf and a bear sit in the sleigh, then a hare; the glob is broken; everyone brings material to make a new one is not good; the fox goes to choose a pole by itself, the animals ate the horse , filled the skin with bones; the fox repairs the sleigh, the horse is out of place; the fox tells you to jump over the hole, the guilty one will fall; all three have fallen, the fox remains]: Kippar 2002:80-83; Finns [squirrel, ermine, hare, fox, wolf, bear think who to eat; fox: smaller; so they ate a squirrel, an ermine, a hare; in order not to eat it, the fox offers to jump over the tar pit - who is a hunter; the bear fell, the wolf and the fox ate it, the fox hid her guts; tells the wolf that she eats her own; the wolf asks to rip his intestines out, dies; the fox ate him]: Rakhimova 2000:164-165.
Volga - Perm. Chuvash [The cat went to confession; she is joined by the Hare (chewing apple trees), the Fox (killed chickens), the Wolf (killed sheep), the Bear (killed people and cattle); on the way there is a hole, the Cat jumped over, the rest fell; the fox catches a maple leaf, says that this paper says eat a hare first; then a wolf; the fox has stored meat, tells the Bear that it eats its guts; the bear ripped its belly apart; the fox ate bear meat until the snow fills the hole and it gets out]: Sidorova 1979:39-40.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tuvans [Ak-Kandazy's animal khan hears the voice of the khan of trees and herbs: a certain animal stings the grass and bark of trees; if you don't find the culprit, you will no longer use herbs and trees; AK called the animals, ordered them to dig a hole: let everyone jump, and whoever falls is to blame; the wolf is sure that he will fall (wolves have been howling at night since then), but jumped safely, followed by the rest; the hare jumped last , fell, begged for forgiveness; AK pulled him out by the ears; the hare rushed to run, squinting his eyes back to see if there was a chase; since then, the hare has been long-eared and cross-eyed]: Calzan 1964:128-130.
Plains. Blackfooted [Napi (Old Man) defecates on a sleeping girl's clothes; she asks him to remove excrement; he demands a fee for it; she consistently offers various items , his relatives, parts of his clothes, eventually agrees to surrender herself; asks not to insert the penis completely; The old man ties it up, but then inserts it in, killing the girl; changes penises with a bird; father the girl tells everyone to jump across the river, the bird can't, explains that her long penis is from the Old Man; he promises to cure the girl; puts two old women with hammers and two men with spears on the way out quits fat, old women and men kill each other; The old man runs away]: Josselin de Jong 1914:23-27; Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. 18:34-35.