Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M177A. It was eaten by the one who looks away. .21.29.32.-.34.

One zoomorphic character teaches another to keep quiet, look at him or to the side when a third tries to find out who ate the best piece. It's a trap: a third decides the other one is guilty.

Tibetans (Ladakh), Kalmyks, Ossetians, Avars, Lezgins, Tabasarans, Bashkirs, Kyrgyz, Western Buryats.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Ladah) [The Fox brings the Bear to the Lion, who allows them to wash and eat the goat's stomach; the Fox persuades the Bear to eat meat, and when the Lion asks who ate the meat, look at ground; Leo thought that the Bear ate the meat, killed it; the next day, the Fox went to wash his stomach, ate it, said that the "water lion" had taken away the stomach; the lion went to the river, saw his own reflection, rushed to the him, drowned; The fox caught the body, put on the Lion's skin, came to the Lioness; she leaves two lion cubs in his care, he kills them; runs away; the Lioness cries; K931, K1941]: Francke 1925:420-422 (brief retelling in Bødger 1957, No. 80:19).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. The Kalmyks [the leopard, wolf, fox and camel are starving in winter; the fox offered to eat the camel, the camel agreed; while the leopard left, the fox ate the fat scar; explains: the camel was stupid and the stupid had a scar it does not happen; the same happens with interior fat; the same is the tsagan mahan; the returning leopard believes that the foolish man did not have scar or fat; the fox teaches the wolf: when the leopard asks about the tsagan mahan, let the wolf nod at her; fox: himself ate the tsagan mahan, and nods at me; the leopard chased the wolf, the fox hid the meat in the hole; said that the camel came to life and went underground, the tail was sticking out (stump); the leopard began to pull, burst in tension]: Vatagin 1964:256-258; Ossetians [bear, wolf, fox, badger, camel live together; in winter, the fox offers to slaughter the camel; promises the camel to resurrect it when grass appears; the camel agrees to be eaten; the fox and the badger wash their giblets, the fox eats the heart, gives the badger a piece; tells him to remain silent when the wolf and bear ask; they think that the badger ate the heart, but forgive it; they send him to singe camel head; fox eats brains; says they didn't exist, otherwise the camel wouldn't agree to be eaten]: Britayev, Kaloev 1959:19-20; Avars [bear, wolf, fox live together; wolf got ram; fox and bear went to wash the demand, while the fox ate all the lard; bliss: now we are not happy; fox: if the wolf asks where the lard is, look at me; wolf: where is the lard? fox to bear: what are you staring, it would be better to look when you ate lard! while the wolf and bear were quarreling, the fox took the ram away]: Saidov, Dalgat 1965:127-128; Lezgins [camel, fox, wolf, bear meet, go to spend the winter; the fox promises the bear and the wolf to arrange this to eat a camel; invites him to agree to be slaughtered, and for this he will receive barley next year; the fox leads the bear to wash his insides, offers to eat; he is afraid that the wolf will stay dissatisfied; the fox tells the bear to look at him when the wolf asks; explains to the wolf that if the camel had a heart, he would not let himself be slaughtered; the bear is silent, the wolf is chasing him, the fox hides him meat, the wolf follows him down the hole, he comes out from the other side, slowly eats the wolf from behind; wolf: my eyes are good fat, eat in front; fox: I'll get there too, it's far from the end of winter]: Ganiyeva 2011a, No. 15:86 -87; Tabasarans [camel, fox, wolf and bear went together for the winter; the fox invited the wolf and bear to slaughter the camel; then told the camel that the winter would be harsh, so they would exchange it meat for barley (next year the camel will have barley); the camel agreed, he was stabbed; the bear and fox went to wash their intestines, demands, heart and liver; hungry, ate the heart and then the intestines; the fox assured the bear that she would find something to answer to the wolf; the wolf asked where the heart had gone; the fox: "If he had a heart, would he kill himself?" ; the wolf asked where the guts had gone; the bear looked at the fox, which said, "You ate it, why are you looking at me?" ; the bear ran, the wolf rushed after him; the fox dragged the camel meat into its hole; the wolf came back and asked where it had gone; after chasing the fox, he got stuck in its hole; the fox came from behind and began to nibble at it ; wolf: "Eat behind my eyes, I have fatty pieces of meat behind my eyes"; fox: "Winter is long, I'll eat them too"]: Uslar 1979, No. XIV: 488-497.

Volga - Perm. The Bashkirs [a camel and a donkey escaped from their owners; they were caught, a tired donkey was brought on a camel; the camel had to work even harder; he runs away, meets a fox, a wolf, a tiger; suggests that it was eaten because it does not have the strength to spend the winter; the fox offers the tiger to eat its entrails, and if the wolf protests, slaughter it; eats the brain, the tiger eats the heart; explains to the wolf that the camel does not I had brains, otherwise I would not let myself be slaughtered; the tiger is silent, the wolf chased him; the fox hides the meat; says that she is another fox, reads a book, offers to teach cubs; eats them; says again that she another fox, weaving a basket, promises to teach the wolf and let him get inside; hunters come, the fox ran away, the wolf forcibly escaped from the basket; the fox says that she is a miller, advises the wolf to climb into grain structure above the millstones; the wolf hardly jumped out; since then he feared the fox]: Barag 1989, No. 89:398-401 (=Yukhma 1990:115-118).

Turkestan. The Kyrgyz [lion, fox and camel were wandering; the camel fell behind; gladly agreed to the fox's offer: slaughter it now and revive it in the spring; the lion went to the river to wash his camel stomach; time, the fox ate the brain, and the wolf ate the camel's heart {the wolf is not mentioned before}; lion: where are the heart and brain? fox: there was no brain, otherwise he would not have agreed to be slaughtered; the wolf is silent; the fox to the wolf: knew how to eat, know how to answer the lion hero; the wolf ran, the lion behind him, the fox hid the meat in the hole; when the lion returned, the fox said that the camel came to life and left, saying: If you quarrel over me, how will I believe you will revive it later; the fox got all the meat]: Muchnik 1944:24 (apparently the same in Brudny, Eshmambetov 1962, No. 52:48ff ).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Buryats [(=Dugarov 1990:340-345); the aged Fox wants to avoid death; the fox burkhan tells her not to eat anyone; she pretends to repent to go to the Valley of Happiness; Hare, Wolf, Bear they go with her; the Fox tells the Wolf that the Hare looks at him strangely; the Wolf kills him; the Fox persuades the Bear to punish the Wolf by taking away his meat; says that the Wolf looks strangely, the Bear is his kills; the Fox lies to the Bear as if eating his ears and eyes; helps the Bear pull them out; invites the blind to lie on the edge of the cliff, asks him to move; hides the meat of the crashed Bear in the crevices of the rock so that there and mice came later; praises her burkhan for his good advice (her victims killed themselves)]: Barannikova et al. 2000, No. 1:33-43.