Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M179A. The owner is kicked out of the house.


One character, by deception or in the absence of another, occupies his home and refuses to return it

Temne, Banen, Vute, Masai, Malgash, Portuguese, Sicilians, Italians (Tuscany, Campania), Ladins, French, Germans (Grimms), Kachins, Uttar Pradesh (Hindi), (Condas?) , Croats, Serbs, Bosnians, Hungarians, Bulgarians, Gagauz, Slovaks, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Karelian, Vologda, Vladimir, Gorkovskaya, Voronezh, Tambov), Ukrainians, Belarusians, Ossetians, Tereans Cossacks, Nogais, Persians, Lithuanians, Latvians, Setus, Estonians, Kazan Tatars, Mari, Udmurts, Komi, Southern Selkups, Northern and Eastern Khanty.

West Africa. Dark [animals are afraid of fire, decide to take refuge in the cave for a while; snail: I'm not afraid, the shell will protect me; it climbs into the cave first; when the buffalo wants to come in and greets the spirit of the cave, the snail responds with a changed voice that it will not allow anyone to enter; the buffalo is frightened; the elephant and other animals are the same; the hare is last; he is also frightened, but enters the cave, sees the snail, throws it away, the elephant He stepped on it, since then the snail shells have been curved in a spiral]: Turay 1989:58-63; the banen [lemur (Perodicticus potto) and the rat each lived with their children in the hollow of a tree; the lemur's hollow was flooded; he moved with his children into the hollow of a rat while it was not at home, threw its children away, refused to go out; an elephant came - who is in the hollow? - It's me, if I go out and hit, you'll roll with an egg; the lemur came out, hit the elephant, it fell; the same with buffalo, antelope, and other animals; the crab grabbed the lemur with ticks, tied it with vines; for this, the rat gave it to him 9 of his daughters]: Dugast 1975:302-306; vute [the butterfly's son and mouse began to gamble; the butterfly's son won everything, including the mother's house, the mouse; she didn't let the butterfly into the house and beat it; but one day the mouse and mouse left, and in their absence, the butterfly and son occupied the house; the mouse asked the mole to drive out the butterflies, but he was frightened; the turtle was not afraid and drove out the butterflies; the mouse gave her a daughter for this]: Sieber 1921, No. 38:206-208.

Sudan-East Africa. Masai: Basset 1903, No. 61 [the worm climbed into the Lokitoyo man's house; replies that he is the most powerful; the hyena, the leopard, the lion, the rhino, the elephant are afraid to enter; the ant pulled out the worm and killed; stated that he was the strongest; the lion brought him the carcass of a steppe beast]: 149; Radin 1952, No. 26 [the centipede climbed into the hare's house, refuses to go out, says that she is a warrior who destroyed an elephant and a rhino; jackal, leopard, rhino are afraid; the frog replies that she is a warrior herself; the centipede trembles with fear, is pulled out of the house, everyone laughs]: 113-114; malgashi [takatra bird (hammerhead, builds good ones nests) and barn owl met]: Rodman owl lived in a cold crevice of the rock, called takatra to visit, she trembled with the cold; called an owl, she liked it, she refused to leave the takatra's house, drove her away; the heron came to drive her out, but the owl said that the sky turned into a desert at her sight, the tree bends under its weight; the heron was gone; the same with the other birds; the little zincing bird flew into an owl's open mouth and pecked it from the inside; got more grasshoppers for it than she could eat; now, after catching grasshoppers, she is happy that she has a small belly]: Rodman 1965:42-44.

Southern Europe. The Portuguese [the rabbit went to the garden for cabbage, while the goat occupied his house, threatens to tear to shreds (eu sou a cabra cabrez/que te salto em cima/e te faço en tres); yuyk, dog they refuse to help - they are afraid of a goat; an ant tells the goat that it will tear its stomach and release its guts; broke into the house, killed a goat and opened the door to the rabbit, they cooked cabbage and began to live together]: Coelho 1879, No. 3:7-8; Sicilians [the goat took the fox's house, she complained to the dog; the dog was afraid of the goat (she says she has a sword, it will tear it with its horns); the same sheep and other animals; mouse: I have spit, I'll heat it, put it down your tail; (the goat returns the house to the fox); in another version, the goat drives the cricket away]: Crane 1885, No. 81:254-255; Italians: Crane 1885:255-256 (Naples) [old lady swept the church, found a coin, bought flour, baked pudding, left it in the church on the table; the goat came in, did not let the old woman in; various animals try to drive the goat out, but they are frightened; the mouse threatens to scratch it out eyes, goat leaves], 256 (Florence) [the widow left the house telling her son to close the door; he went out leaving the door open, the goat with an iron mouth occupied the house; the old woman, the old man cannot drive her out; the bird threatens peck out her brains, the goat leaves; the hair had to give three bushels of millet]; ladins [the blacksmith was going to slaughter the goat; stunned it with a hammer, went to breakfast with his wife and neighbors who came; the goat woke up and ran into the forest; went into the house, closed the door from the inside, lay down; it was the fox's house, she went to visit the wolf; when she returned, she began to knock, the goat snaps: eat you; the fox goes to call the wolf for help; says about the bird that happened; the bird breaks the door with a stick, throws the goat out of the house together with the fox; the blacksmith finds a goat, it is used to make sausage]: Wildhaber, Uffer 1971, No. 59:213-218.

Western Europe. The French [a person sends goats to herd; one of them lies every time as if she has been starved all day; a person expels, maims, etc., his pets; makes sure that a goat is false, after herding her himself; breaks her leg, rips off her skin and puts it on her head, etc.; the goat runs away, occupies someone's temporarily empty house, does not let the owner in; the hare, wolf, bear, etc. are powerless, they are afraid of threats from a goat, a wasp or bee stings and expels it]: Delarue, Tenèze 1976, No. 212:442-446; the Germans [the tailor's eldest son grazes the goat; she replies that she has eaten enough, and his father that remained hungry; the father beat and drove her son away; the same with the middle son, with the youngest son; the tailor herds the goat himself - the same; then he shaved her, beat her with a whip, she ran away; the tailor was left alone, and his eldest son got a magic table for his job as a carpenter; the hotelier replaced him; the middle one received a donkey from a miller who spits and defecates gold; the same; the youngest studied with a turner and received a club; she hits the hotel owner, he gave her donkey and the table; the goat occupied the fox hole and does not let the fox go there; the bear could not drive her out, but the bee kicked her out]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 36:124-132 (=Grimm, Grimm 1987:110-118 ).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Kachin [Man Bya and Tiger went hunting; MB climbed a bag of groceries, Tiger carried it without noticing it; they killed a deer, carried the carcass tied to a pole, MB cleaned the thorns from its end, Tiger all wounded; MB sent Tiger for water with a leaky vessel, added bile to his part of the meat; MB: you screamed, so the meat went rancid; Tiger built a house, MB comes to him every night; says he has his house, but there are gold and diamonds on the roof; Tiger sees stars, thinks they're diamonds; they changed houses, Tiger is homeless; MB: no one has ever sat on a cow cake; Tiger sat down, got dirty; MB shows a snake: this is a royal staff; the snake has stung the Tiger; on the gong tree; the Tiger takes it - it's a wasp nest, it's bitten; MB: the sky will split; the Tiger asks to hide it in a hole; MB covered it with brushwood, set it on fire; since then, stripes on tiger skin; villagers gave MB of poisoned vodka; before his death, MB put bees in the flute, sealed it; a sound is heard, people think MB is alive and playing; they also drank this vodka and died]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 39:129-134.

South Asia. Uttar Pradesh (Pilibhit County, Hindi) [goat and pig live together; goat went looking for happiness; went to a grain merchant, ate everything, hid in the back room; the owner sent his daughter to bring sugar; goat: you're almost dead, girl, my horns will soon pierce you; the girl tells her father that there is a demon in their house; the father sent for the clergy, the goat frightened them in the same way; the owner himself turns to asks her what she wants; she demands to weigh her with jewelry and sweets and, having received them, leaves; when she found out everything, the pig also came to the merchant's house; but when the girl saw her, she only grunted; The pig was slaughtered, guests were summoned, eaten]: Rouse, Crooke 1899, No. 17:123-126; (cf. condas [the fox told the tiger that a delicious goat lives in the cave; in front of the cave they saw a bear trembling with fear; he said there was a monster in the cave; the fox laughed and suggested that the tiger be tied one end of the rope around her neck and the other to his tail; when the tiger entered the cave and saw a goat with a beard shaking (also in fear), he got scared and ran, dragging a fox with him; fortunately, the rope broke; a Muslim met the tiger, screamed in fear, the tiger and frightened him, mistaking him for a terrible goat; the tiger king heard and came to find out what kind of competitor he had; saw the hare; he said that the goat had sent him to scout; the king of the tigers ordered him to go with him; the hare leaned to the well and said that the king's rival was there; when he saw his reflection, the tiger rushed into the well; the bear and the fox began to descend the rope to help him; the hare cut off the rope, they also died; the hare told the sick and old goat that there was rejuvenating water in the well; she came to the well, fell there; going home {to that cave?} , the hare saw a Muslim; he threw a stone at him; the hare showed him the corpses in the well: this is what he did to save the Muslim's life; he was frightened; the hare got rid of all enemies and lived happily ever after]: Schulze 1922, No. 4:37-39).

The Balkans. Croats [the old man sends his younger daughter-in-law to herd the goat; he says that he was not grazed, put a noose on his face; the same with the elder daughter-in-law, the youngest, the eldest son, the old woman; the old man goes by himself - the same answer; the old man peeled off the goat, put it on a spit, began to fry; the goat jumped off the skewer, disappeared into the fox hole, did not let the fox in; she calls the hare to help, the goat from home: I am a hitting goat, cut alive- uncut, salted alive, fried alive, undercooked, my teeth are like stakes - I'll gnaw like a thread; wolf, bear, lion - the same; hedgehog: I'll curl up, I'll give a cuff; the goat runs away]: Arkhipova 1971:223- 224 (=Golenishchev-Kutuzov 1991:193-194); Serbs [the old man sent his younger daughter-in-law to herd a goat; the goat returned early, the old man asks what happened to him; goat: my daughter-in-law put a noose in my face, did not let me eat; then But with another daughter-in-law, with each of his sons, with an old woman; the goat says that the old woman stuck branches down his throat; the old man went by himself, but the goat also began to lie to him; he stabbed the goat, peeled it off, put it on a spit, and began to fry; the goat jumped off the skewer and disappeared into the fox hole; the fox is afraid to enter, brings a hare, they both hear: "I am a goat, cut alive, uncut, salted alive, under-salted, alive roasted, undercooked! My teeth are like stakes, I'll gnaw you like a thread"; wolf, bear, lion - everyone is afraid; hedgehog: I'll curl up in a ball, let me give you a cuff; the goat jumped out and ran away]: Tesic 2017:26-28 (Serbian text in Zlatković 2005, No. 17:28 [the old man began to tear the skin off the goat; he ran away and climbed into the fox's hole; when she tried to enter it by herself, the goat began to scream: I am a fat goat, cut - not cut, baked - not baked, salty - I'm not salted, my teeth are staked, I'll kill it; the bear went - scared; the hedgehog himself began to threaten the goat {rhyme}, he ran away]); Bosnians [the woman grazed sheep and kids; the man asked for a kid, she gave it; he put it in the oven alive, but he jumped out and walked away; the man caught him, put him in a jar of hot water and left it; the kid escaped again, hid in the hole where the wolf lived; the wolf came back and asks who occupied his hole; the kid replies (poems) that he is a fried and boiled goat, his teeth are like a pitchfork, if I eat it, the scraps will fly; the wolf was frightened, complained to the fox; she came to the hole - the same answer; the bear is the same; the hedgehog (also rhymes) promises to drive out the goat, he got scared and ran away]: Eschker 1992, No. 47:210-211; Hungarians [the man sent his son to herd the goat; when she returned, she replies that she did not eat anything; the father expelled the son; the same with the second son; the same with his wife; he led himself, the goat is dissatisfied again; the owner tied her up, began to rip her off alive; the half-torn goat fell off, climbed into the fox's hole, does not let her in ; wolf, bear afraid, hedgehog kicked the goat, wolf and bear tore it apart]: Ortutai 1974, No. 64:437-440; Bulgarians [old man (pop) consistently tells his family members to herd a goat; every evening a goat he complains that he was starved; the old man drives his children and his wife away, goes to herd the goat himself, makes sure that he is lying; wants to slaughter him; he runs away, drives the fox out of her house; a bear, a wolf, etc. they consistently try to drive the goat out, but are frightened; a bumblebee (brambar) or mosquito bites the fox down the tail, it runs away; the fox cooks porridge (picks nuts) to treat the hero, he drowns in a pot or is crushed]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 212:77-78; Gagauz people [the goat occupied the fox's house; the wolf, the bear are afraid of the goat, the cancer infringes on his scrotum, the goat runs away; the cancer asks the fox to take it to the river; the fox refuses, goes to bed; cancer grabs the fox by the scrotum, the fox runs for three days, asks the person where to drink, rushes into the river, the cancer lets the fox go]: Moshkov 1904, No. 146:215-216.

Central Europe. Slovaks [a half-sheared goat climbed into a fox hole and refuses to go out (rhymes rhyme); the fox calls the wolf, he hears the goat's answer, runs away in fear; the same bear; the hedgehog himself answers, rolled into a hole, stabbed a goat to death with needles; the goat was eaten, everything is fine]: Dobšinský 1970, No. 33:178-181; Russians (Arkhangelsk, Karelian, Vologda, Vladimirskaya, Gorkovskaya, Voronezh, Tambov), Ukrainians (Hutsulshchina, Kursk), Belarusians [Bast and Ice Hut: a fox builds an ice hut for itself, a wolf (bear, hare) - a bast hut; in spring, a fox hut melts; she tries to take possession of a bast hut]: SUS 1979, No. 43:57; Russians (Arkhangelskaya) [Bast and Ice Hut (Fox Thief): the wolf has a "clumsy" and the fox has an ice hut; in spring the ice hut melts; the fox wants the wolf to let her live first on the porch of his hut, then into the yard, into the hut itself, etc.; after deceiving the wolf, the fox steals oatmeal and butter from him]: SUS, No. 43*: 57; Russians (Arkhangelsk, Karelian, Tver, Moscow, Voronezh, Kursk, Tambov), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Galicia, Hutsulshchina, Transcarpathia, Podolia, Pokutye, Kievskaya, Kursk, Poltava, Kharkiv, Chernihiv), Belarusians [Goat luplena: father sends his sons (daughters) to herd the goat one by one; the goat always says that he is not full; the father is angry and He drives his sons out of the house, but when he is convinced that the goat is deceiving, he tries to slaughter her; the hacked goat runs away into the forest, takes the hare's house; various animals help him, but they cannot drive the goat away; a rooster (bee, cancer) drives out a goat; cf. No. 43]: SUS 1979, No. 212:86-87; Russians (Karelia, Sennogubsky Village Council, Kizhi) [The old woman, the old man, their son and daughter lived poorly. At the request of his wife, the old man went to the bazaar, bought a goat there, commanded the old woman: "Feed and sing and the goat so that he was full, so that the milk would give more milk." She took the goat to the forest and it ate and drank, but when she came back and the old man asked, replied that she did not eat or drink, only "ran across the bridge - grabbed an aspen leaf, ran across the river - I grabbed a drop of water." The son went to herd the goat, the story repeated itself, then the old man himself. When he returned, he hid himself and asked if she ate and drank, and the goat replied again that he did not. The old man tried to slaughter the goat, but the knife turned out to be stupid, and she ran away and hid in a hare hut. When the hare returned, he did not let him in: "I'll notice with my tail, I'll trample on my hooves." The hare complained to the fox, who offered help, but when she heard the goat's threats, she was so frightened that she "almost stomped the hare." The hare began to cry again, met the rooster, he went to the hut, but was not afraid and sang that he wanted to kill the goat "sew a hat for himself, a hat for all the chickens, a camel for all the chickens." The goat got scared and rushed out, and the hare and rooster went into the hut]: Onegin 1986, No. 8:58-60.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ossetians [the old man tells his daughter to herd the goat to her fill; in the evening he asks the goat, she says that they grazed her badly, the old man drives her daughter away; the same goes for his wife; he herds himself, wears old clothes in the evening, asks the goat, she replies that they did not graze well, the old man ties her up, sharpens the knife; the goat cut off the ropes, ran into the forest, climbed into the hare's house on the stove; the hare cries, the bear, the wolf, the fox can not help; the rooster screams, the fox falls off the stove, broke its legs, died]: Dzagurov 1973, No. 23:50-51; Terek Cossacks (v. Naurskaya) [the old man sends a worker to herd a goat; when she returns, she says: "No, grandfather, I didn't drink, I didn't eat: I ran across the bridge, grabbed a maple leaf; ran across the river, grabbed a drop water"; the old man beats the worker; sends his granddaughter to herd the goat; when he returns, the goat says the same thing as the first time; the old man beats his granddaughter; sends an old woman to herd a goat; the situation repeats; the old man goes to herd the goat himself; drives it to where the grass and spring water are juicy; in the evening he hears the same answer from it as before; ties the goat to a pole, begins to skin it; it runs away into the forest; shouts in front of the hare's mink: "I'm a wolfberry goat, bought for three pennies, beaten halfway; tops, tops, legs, cut you with horns; top top with a leg, cut you with a horn: come out of here, who lives here"; hare runs away, cries under the bush; the wolf, bear, fox alternately call to help him; when they hear the goat's words, each of them runs away in fear; the cockerel also offers help; shouts: "And I'm wandering on my heels, on my heels, I carry a braid on my shoulders, on my shoulders: I'm going to kill a goat, ruin its soul"; the goat runs away in fear; the cockerel stays with the hare in his house]: Vostrikov 1907, No. 1:42-48; Nogais [three daughters ask the old man to buy a goat; he sends his eldest daughter to herd the goat; when he returns, the goat replies that she did not even get a blade of grass; the father expelled the eldest daughter; the same with the middle, the youngest, with his wife; the old man leads the goat himself graze, gets the same answer, wants to slaughter a goat, it runs away, occupies the hare's house; the hare complains, the fox, the wolf can't help, the mosquito flies into the house, digs into the goat, it runs away]: Nogai 1979, No. 5:16-18 (= Kapiyeva 1991:342-344).

Iran - Central Asia. The Persians [the tailor tells the eldest son to herd the goat; in the evening she replies to the young man that she has eaten enough, and his father that the young man tied it on bare stones; the tailor drives the son away; the same with the middle one, with youngest sons; the tailor himself leads the goat to graze; in the evening she habitually replies that she is hungry because he brought her to the salt marsh; the tailor shaves the goat, ties it to a pole, hits it; she pulls out a pole, runs away; the eldest son is hired by a tinker, who gives him a magic pot; the owner of the caravanserai replaces him; the middle son worked for a miller, received a donkey from which gold is poured; the owner of the caravanserai replaces him; the youngest son worked for a turner, received a baton that hits himself; he does not sleep in the caravanserai, the baton hits the owner, he is forced to return the cauldron and the donkey; all the sons have returned to their father; the goat hid in a fox hole, the fox got scared, the bear came with it, got scared too; the bee dug into the goat, it ran into the desert]: Rosenfeld 1956:23-33.

Baltoscandia. Setu [the goat made a stone hut for itself, and the wolf is icy; in the spring it melted; the wolf asks first to go to the threshold, then further, occupies the hut, drives out the goat; she complains to the old woman; the old woman tells go to the swamp, make a honeysuckle stick, smear it with viburnum juice, go around the hut and shout: once I killed other wolves, I'll kill this one; the wolf ran away, the goat returned to its home]: Mälk et al. 1967, No. 11: 37-38; Estonians: Jakobson 1954 [the wolf built a house out of ice, a hare made of moss; in the spring, the wolf's house melted, he asked the hare to let it go, kicked it out of the house; the hare brought a cat, a dog and a rooster; the cat's demands and dogs did not work on the wolf; the rooster screams that he ate one yesterday, eats the other now, there will soon be room for a third; the wolf is scared and ran into the forest]: 133-135; Normann, Lätt 1968 [the goat built a stone house, an icy wolf; in the spring he asks him to let go (first his nose, paw, then drives the goat away); the old woman teaches me to walk around the house with a stick, say: I killed a hundred wolves, I'll kill this one; the wolf is frightened and ran away]: 114-115; Latvians: Alksnite et al. 1958 [the hare had a birch bark house, the fox had an icy house; in the spring the fox's house melted; the hare let the fox in, the fox drove him out; the wolf and the bear are frightened by the fox's threats , run away; the rooster threatens the fox himself, the fox runs away, the rooster and the hare remain in the hut]: 50-51; Aris, Medne 1977, No. 264 [The lying goat. The goat, returning from the pasture, complains that it is hungry. The owner drives the shepherd away and grazes the goat himself. The goat is still hungry. The goat is going to rip her skin off. The goat runs away into the forest, climbs into the hare hut. The wolf, bear, fox chase her, but they can't drive her out. The rooster (bee) expels]: 212; Lithuanians [the goat stopped obeying, the old man began to rip it off alive; he ripped it off one side, the goat ran away, occupied the fox hole; answers the fox "I, an old goat, a torn god, tattered side, with golden horns, flint legs, oak ears, horns, trample my legs, notch ears"; bear, wolf, boar, hare are afraid, the bee tells them to return, stings the goat in the tattered side; the goat ran away, the hare laugh so much that the lip burst]: Lebite 1965:57-61.

Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars [the grandfather sent his daughter to herd a goat; in the evening the goat replies that he ate one leaf, drank a spoonful of water; the grandfather became angry with his daughter, went to herd himself; the same; the grandfather went to cut a knife the goat, the goat ran away, occupied the hare's house; the wolf, bear, fox are afraid of the goat, they can't drive it out; the rooster hits the goat, it ran away]: Zamaletdinov 2008a, No. 31:85-87; marie [while the hare is not at home, he climbed into the house cricket, gives a voice, the hare is frightened; the bear, the fox are afraid, the rooster pecks the cricket, shouts "Let's cut off my head!" ; the hare was frightened of him, ran into the forest, does not build any more houses]: Aktsorin 1984:259-260; Udmurts: Potanin 1884, No. 10 [the hare built a house from a fire pit (stiff parts of the stem of spinning fabrics), and the fox was made of ice; in the spring the fox's house melted; she asked for the hare, he did not let him in; then she climbed to the stove with a log and drove him out; called the crane to visit, treats him with peas; the fool bites, the peas he was rolling; returned home, put sour cream and butter in a narrow tub, called the fox, decided that the fox would not reach it; and she climbed into the tub, ate it]: 235; Wichmann 1901, No. 20 [the hare and fox were built in a hut: the fox made itself icy, and the hare made of chips (Schäben); in the spring, the fox's hut melted; she asked the dog to let her in and kicked her out of the house, throwing splinters at the hare; the hare brought the wolf, the fox threw it into his splint, the wolf ran away; when the hare brought the rooster, he drove the fox out]: 109-110; Komi: Gren 1924 (Zyryans) [the fox built its house out of ice, the hare out of wood; when the fox's house melted, it became ask for the hare; he let her go, but she ate the bunny and drove the hare out; the brave rooster screamed the fox away]: 48; Korovina 2012, No. 43 [the fox is building an ice hut for himself, the wolf (bear, hare) is building a bast house; in spring, the fox's hut melts, it tries to take possession of the bast hut], 43* [the wolf has a clumsy hut and the fox has an ice hut; in spring the ice hut melts; the fox ensures that the wolf lets her live first the porch of his hut, then into the yard, into the hut itself, etc.; having deceived the wolf, the fox steals oatmeal and butter from him]: 74.

Western Siberia. Southern Selkups (Verkhneketsky District) [the hare made a house out of wood, the fox made of ice; in the spring her house melted, she asked for a hare, drove him out of the house; the hare is crying, the dog went to help, barked, the fox ran away, the dog and the hare began to live in the house]: Porotova 1981:142; northern Khanty (village. Staroakasomsk on the Ob) [the hare returned to the hut, and someone is inside, shouting, "Zarublyu"; the fox, the wolf are afraid; the bear breaks in, there is a frog, she has a wooden knife and an ax; they ate it]: Kulemzin, Lukina 1978, No. 72:50 (=Lukina 1990, No. 96:252); Eastern Khanty (b. Agan) [The chipmunk hears that someone is shamanizing in his house; calling the Hare, the Fox, the Bear; the frog shamanite, the Bear throws it outside; the Fox offers to arrange a sacrifice to Toruma; the bear sings and dances, The fox calls him names at that time; says it is the Hare, then that the Chipmunk, then confesses; the Bear kills the Hare, grabs the Chipmunk with his paw, he dodged, but there are stripes left on his skin; The bear climbed behind A fox in a hole, stuck; The fox went out, heated the foot, killed him, ate for a long time]: Kulemzin, Lukina 1978, No. 74:51-52 (=Lukina 1990, No. 97:252-253).