M18. Stolen tackle, D657.1
.19. (.20.) .25.26.39.-.
The hero turns into an object of fishing or hunting, exposing himself as a target for enemies. Arrows, darts, harpoons get stuck in his body without causing harm, he carries them away; the hook he uses is bitten off and carried away by him; he catches fish on his own. Usually, another or (rarely) the same character tries to repeat the trick but fails (usually caught by a fisherman).
Walman, Banks Islands, (Marshall Islands), Ilongot, Ancient China, Koryaks, Northern Alaska Inupiate, Koyukon, Upper Kuskokvim, Tanaina, Tanana, Khan, Helmet, Tlingit, Hyda, bellacula, quakiutl, chilkotin, shuswap, thompson, comox, samish, halkomelem, kurdalen, cous, upper coquil, kalapuya, klikitat, ojibwa, karok, yabarana, makiritare, arekuna, wapishana, makushi, kalinya, oyampi, chikuna, ufaina, yukuna, carijona, spike, juruna, tenetehara, urubu, tupinamba, kayabi, paresi, umotina, karazha, cracho, sherente, kamakan, mashakali, matako, ofaye, kaigua, chiripa, mbia.
Melanesia. Valman [husband throws vegetables and greens in the forest; all this turns into various animals, he returns with the prey; one day he does not turn; the wife confesses that their child wanted coconut their child wanted to coconuts into various animals, he returns with the prey; one day he does not turn; the wife is conscious of milk, she picked a nut for him from a palm tree that grew near the skull house (male house), what is forbidden; the husband hits both; the wife turns herself and her son into fish, they swim away; elsewhere she hits the top; people shoot at her until they run out of arrows; she takes out arrows, makes a bundle, tells his son to take the arrows to his father, says that he will die herself; people killed and ate fish; only husband, wife and mother-in-law did not eat; those who ate fell asleep soundly; the boy swam home in the form of a fish, became a boy, told his father ; he brought the fish, pigs and poultry that had not eaten, into houses on the top of the palm tree, told it to grow up; destroyed the rest by the flood; after the flood, the palm tree became small again, and the survivors had many children]: Becker 1971, No. 21:398-402; Banks Islands [Quat began to cut a tree to make a boat, during the night the felling disappeared; he hid under a sliver, grabbed Marawa (an old spider); he made him a boat with his nails, it was better than the K. brothers' boats; they lured him into the crab hole, pushed a stone on top; K. asked M. to move him from the pit to the village, met the brothers there; tied himself with boards, hung on a tree disguised as a flying fox; the brothers took turns shooting; each time K. spit blood, as if wounded, flew up, returned; at home he showed the brothers their arrows; the brothers invited K. to climb the tree behind nutmeg, made the trunk thick, took K. Ro Lei, sailed away with her; M. held out his hair, K. went down it; K. sailed for the brothers in coconut, cut their boat on another island; made peace with them]: Permyakov 1970, No. 68:155-159.
(Wed. Micronesia-Polynesia. Marshall Islands (Majuro Atoll) [Letao has magical powers, his brother Jemeliwut does not; both sailed to Majuro; J. took a woman, L. did not like it, he sent a poisonous beetle to bite his brother, he screamed, took off his clothes in front of everyone; tried to send a scorpion to L., but he easily noticed him; L. became a turtle, invited J. to become a dolphin; people began to throw spears at them; they bounced off the turtle shell, and J. was injured; decided to stay on Majuro, and L. returned home]: Downing et al. 1992:97-99).
Taiwan - Philippines. Ilongot [Bottong went to the open to be seen by enemies; they started shooting, B. collected arrows from his body, enemies fell to their knees; they had no property other than bows and arrows it was; B. sold arrows, bought red cloth, distributed it to the girls, enjoyed their favor]: Wilson 1947a: 70-71.
China - Korea. Ancient China ("Three Kingdoms") [Zhou Yu seeks an excuse to legally execute Zhuge Liang; tells him to prepare 100,000 arrows in 10 days for custody; CH himself insists that the term was reduced to three days and the order was issued in writing; knowing by signs that there will be fog on that day, he puts 30 soldiers on each of the 20 ships, orders to tie 1,000 sheaves of straw on the sides; Approaching Cao Cao's camp in the fog, CH tells soldiers to hit gongs and drums; CC tells his warriors to shoot; ChL ships sail away with arrows in sheaves; there are more than 100,000 of them, order completed]: Luo Guanzhong 1984, ch. 46:285-288; (cf. bo [after learning that Prince Bo was awaiting trial with food, Zhuge Liang equipped more than a dozen warships, planting straw stuffed people on both sides and commanding the soldiers in the hold to hit loudly at battle drums; Prince Bo... tells you to shoot straw stuffed animals with fiery arrows, not thinking that the set on fire will rush to his own ships and burn his caravan with provisions]: Riftin 2000:310).
SV Asia. Coastal Koryaks [little kamak (the name of evil spirits) goes to steal food to Big Crow Kikkynnyak; caught; does not want to be a roof plug, a bag, agrees become a harpoon tench; Frost people steal tench; son K. Ememkut makes a wooden whale, enters it; people try to harpoon it; he swims away, carrying a harpoon with a tench]: Bogoras 1902, No. 55:666-667; Jochelson 1908, No. 98:285-286.
The Arctic. Northern Alaska Inupiate: Ivanoff Brown 1981 (Selawik) [Nunamiu and his wife Qimmiq have four sons, they go and go; N. conceives a fifth, making a fire to fall into his wife's vagina sparks; a Qayaq son is born; his father magically educates him in strength and dexterity, gives amulets made from the bodies of insects and small nimble animals (weasels, minks, shrews); preparing a supply for parents groceries, K. goes up the Kobuk Valley in search of brothers; his father tells him to take his uncle with him, whom he meets on the way; an unfriendly man enters K.'s hut in the parking lot, he throws it away him, he turns into a woodpecker; a wolverine picks up a broken tooth at a beaver hut; a man sleeps with him, leaves in the morning, it was a wolverine; K. says to the person who came up that his thumb eats people like he; a man runs away in fear, turns out to be a trot; someone voracious behaves strangely, rushes at K. with a knife; K. offers him to die in the fire, he jumps into the fire and burns; in the village of K. he marries; In spring, the wife waits for her father to cut her to take out the child; K. teaches how to give birth in the usual way; goes on, meets a giant; he says that his two wives will come soon and fight; let K. cut both strands, first the one that comes from the sea side, because she is aggressive; after urinating, the giant flooded the whole valley; K. does this, the giantesses bandage their wounds, the husband sends them to clean the house; wives live with a giant only in spring; a giant kills a caribou with uprooted larch; K. leaves, prepares material to make a boat, wants help; spies, sees a fox girl roasting meat, Squirrel heats resin, female birds sew the boat's lining, the Beaver prepares the frame and oars, the Raven the dart for the birds, the Wolf and Wolverine scrape the edge, the Bear knocks down trees, cleans the branches; then everyone dances, Woodpecker hits a tambourine; K. jumps up, grabs Lisa, she remains human, the rest run away in the form of animals and birds; in summer K. swims down the Yukon, his wife becomes a fox again; K. meets, takes with her to their uncle; they see a man break off fir chips, they fall into the water, turn small trout into trout, large ones into salmon; thanks to this, there is fish; on the shore, his brothers' house, bones and skulls, naked woman; K. throws a lahtak's head into her vulva, her head tears the cannibal; K. buries her bones; there is a shiny ball on the tree, he attracts K., who hangs in a trap; the cannibal brings him home, his two children it is said that the game opened their eyes; the cannibals fell asleep, K. cut off their heads; K.'s boat slips between the crushing rocks, only the paddle is crushed; the giant in the boat and K. throw darts at each other, the dart K. cuts off the giant's head; enters the house, the giant's wife throws the ula, K. throws it at her, cuts off his head; the door is closed, he gets out as a mouse; turns into trout, bites off the tip of the fisherman's jail; comes to him, offers to repair the prison, pierces the fisherman; turns into salmon, climbs into the fishermen's net; the leader's son eats his head, the bone gets stuck in his throat, he dies; the bones are thrown into a hole, K. is reborn, he is shot, he runs away; they swim to the sea; his uncle has left, turning into a lynx; K. becomes a falcon; the leader of the people unalik catches him, eats him, he rises from bones, marries on the leader's stepdaughter; he wanted her for himself; sends a storm, K. steals the boat into the open sea; K. regurgitates the pebbles given by his father, the wind has subsided; K. burns the leader's face with this stone; he orders to split it into firewood log; this is how he killed many of his stepdaughter's suitors; with the help of a caress amulet, K. performs the task, the leader is surprised that K. is alive; the leader orders to shoot partridges, K. kills a huge cannibal bird there; go over the log abyss, K. falls, but returns unharmed; crawls away with a caterpillar from the community house where the leader wanted to burn it; K. dodges the arrows fired at him, kills the leader's soldiers himself; ties he is naked to a pole, leaves him in the cold; appoints a new leader, flies away with a falcon]: 40-114; Ostermann 1952 (Kotzebue) [four brothers disappear one after another; after conceiving a fifth son, the husband carves sparks, falling into the womb of his wife; lets the baby swallow hot stones, making him invulnertok; the young Kayartuarungnertok goes to avenge his brothers, meets various strange creatures; seeing a fisherman, K. turns into trout; the fisherman throws a jail at it, K. carries away the central tooth; regains his human appearance, tells the fisherman that he will repair his jail, puts the tooth in place, kills the fisherman with a spear ; turns into trout again, it is caught and eaten; the bone gets stuck in the throat of the leader's little son, he dies; K. jumps out of the corpse, runs away]: 245-246.
Subarctic. Koyukon: Attla 1990 [brothers go missing one by one; younger Betohoh (then his name is K'etetaalkkaanee, "The one who rows {on a boat} among humans and animals") goes in search; many encounters with people who turn out to be different animals; B. notices a fisherman; turns into a pike, takes the hook away; realizes that the fisherman has strength, recognizes him; hides the hook in the stern of the boat; comes to the fisherman; fisherman not angry, but searches B., finds a hook; B. swims further]: 90-93; De Laguna 1995, No. 22 [a man turns into a fish, lets himself be hooked; a fisherman cannot kill this fish, brings it home; the person regains his appearance, takes the hook and the forest; continues to sail in a boat down the Yukon]: 188; tanaina [The raven turns into salmon, allows the fisherman to hit himself with a spear, swims away with a spear; turning into a man again, goes to the fisherman; he asks whose prison it is, the Raven replies that he, the Raven, wants to find a companion; refuses Moose, Caribou (they will pierce the bottom of his boat with a hoof) Porcupine (prick), Beaver (tail injury), happy with the Seal; says that the camp should be set up away from the shore; offers to eat it on its own leg; quietly lubricates its bony leg with seal fat; says that everyone should eat the other's leg, eats the seal's fins; the seal is thirsty, the Raven deliberately spills water; when he finally bends down to drink, the Raven bites his anus, kills him; in the village He cries as if his friend is dead, but people realize that he killed him himself; he is killed, the boy tears off his beak to wipe himself off; Magpie, Camprobber, Water ouzel relieve him, he comes to life; turns at a young man with a mustache; kicking a picture of a boat, creates a boat, puts bumps in it, tells them to scream like warriors; people run away in fear, the Raven finds his beak in the box, puts it in place, flies away]: Tenenbaum 1976 (2): 67-74 (=1984:125-143); the upper two sons complain to their father that their uncle Ch'ititazkane is just sitting at home asking them to melt the snow and bring him a drink; the father advises bringing it brother water with dog crap; C. is offended, leaves; a man kills beavers, bakes one, gives C.; in the morning there are no signs of a fire, it was Wolverine; C. makes a boat; takes the chest bone as a model for the frame black grouse (Dendragapus canadensis); asks who will sew the birch bark coating; hears a response from the forest and coastal willow; spies on two pretty young girls sew; in the morning sees that one has small stitches, the other has large ones, and her hair was disheveled; opens large stitches, calls again, the neat girl finishes her work; C. tries to grab her, but she flew away; C. will tar the boat, swims along the river; someone from the shore tried to grab him, C. stabbed the attacker in the eye; it was the Mouse, so the meshes have small eyes; C. sees a trap on the river, falls into it, pretends to be dead; the catcher brings him home, is surprised that the prey blows the winds; puts a baton under C. He jumps up, kills the owner, the old woman falls on the tail, so the wolverines have a flat tail; Wolverine's wife climbed a tree, began to write from there; C. left her alone, returned to the boat; the man spikes salmon; C. turns into salmon, takes the tip; this is the beak of a seagull; C. comes to that man, that asks if he did not deprive him of his tip; a girl comes to C. in the parking lot; he sees that she was making human skin; she does not agree with her, wants to know how she kills people; she spreads his legs, He sticks his wand, takes out half; thinks he killed him; but he jumps up, kills it with a truncheon; comes to people who don't know what a dream is; he falls asleep, they think he's dead; he teaches them to sleep; C. sees a bear sleeping on the shore with its blueberry-smeared ass out; C. tells him that he will not sleep like this; the bear runs away into the forest; since then, the bears have not slept at the shore]: Deaphon et al. s.a.: 74-84; tanana [Chetitalkani ("Noah") thinks his wives wanted to give him dirty water; leaves; swims across the Yukon in a boat; Black Bear spears fish; C. turns into fish, harpooned, carries the harpoon; returns in human form; The bear breaks his boat but cannot find the tip; assembles the boat again, C. sails away]: De Laguna 1995, No. 9:125; Khan (Eagle) [The bear harpoonite salmon; The old man turns into salmon, harpoons himself, breaks off and takes the tip; comes to the Bear in human form; he suspects that the Old Man stole the harpoon; the old man marries his daughter A bear; he sends to hunt bears; the old man is looking for material for arrows; 1) wood for the poles (The Bear tries to knock down a tree on the Old Man, he dodges); 2) eagle feathers; the old man climbs into a nest, there are two chicks; one replies that he will tell his parents everything, the Old Man kills him; the second replies that his mother will arrive with snow, his father with hail; the mother brings the upper half of the man, smells, the chick says it's from what he brought; the father arrives with hail, brings the lower half of the person; the old man kills the female with a spear, then the male, brings feathers; 3) resin; the bear leads to a lake of boiling resin, the Old Man picks it up with a rod, throws it into fir trees (now resin in fir trees); 4) The bear leads to a moose that kills with his gaze, his skin cannot be pierced by an arrow; the old man hides in the grass, asks the Mouse to gnaw the hair on the elk's left shoulder; The elk reluctantly allows when the Mouse explains that it needs hair to warm the young; the old man kills the elk with an arrow when he hits this place; from the tendons The old man makes a bowstring; at the Bear's insistence, the Old Man makes arrowheads out of birch bark, but then replaces them with bone ones; he injures the Bear's daughter with them when she took the form of a bear, runs away into the lake; The bear tells the frog to drink the lake, the Old Man tells the snipe to hole the frog's stomach, the water pours out; the bear puts the top on the drain from the lake, the Old Man lets a clay figure in there; the old man swims away in with his boat]: Schmitter 1910:21-23 (=1985:32-35); helmet [Kingfisher harpoons fish; Beaver turns into salmon, harpoons, breaks off the tip, swims away; sails in a boat to Kingfisher; he calls him to his place, complains that he has lost his tip; reads his mind, puts him to sleep; looking for his tip, breaks his boat; they reconcile, Beaver sails away]: Teit 1917a, No. 1:434.
NW Coast. Tlingit [four brothers go to the end of the world; One-legged salmon harpoon; younger brother climbs into salmon skin; One-legged harpoon pierces him, he swims away with it; One-legged comes for with a harpoon, kills three brothers; the fourth revives them, lowers the dog, it kills One-legged]: Swanton 1909, No. 3, 31:22-23, 101; Haida [two Geese take off their feathers, turn into women, bathe in the lake; the chief's son hides their clothes; the eldest offers to marry her, he returns her feathers, takes the youngest; she does not eat people's food, puts on hidden feathers at night, stings the grass; when she is hungry father sends geese with edible roots; someone calls a woman a goose, she is offended, flies away; an old man, a mouse, a woman help her husband; in the form of a mouse, he climbs a pole to the sky; A half man (Master-Hopper with one arm, one leg, etc.) harpoons salmon; a young man, turning into a salmon, steals its harpoon; when he returns, he shows the way; a man comes to two people who chop firewood; chips are thrown into the water, they turn into coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch, Coho salmon, Silver salmon); he makes their wedges split, gives them what they brought with them in return; for this they They tell us where his wife; his wife and father-in-law welcome him warmly; his wife accepts her husband; he begins to miss home; the raven carries him, gets tired, throws him off, he turns into a seagull]: Swanton 1905a: 264-268 ( a brief retelling in 1905b, No. 13:192-193); Hyda (Masset) [Chief Gaogal's son wants to marry his uncle's daughter; she prefers another son to the chief; promises to marry G. if he breaks out his eyebrows, then eyelashes, hair on his head, on his body; then runs away; G. eats the devil's club plant, kills a sea otter, puts four stones in his skin, climbs himself, gains the ability to swim in the skin of a sea otter and get out of it at will; swims near his father's village and other villages; people shoot arrows and spears at him, he carries them away each time; comes to an unfamiliar village; at night he penetrates the leader's daughter; by this time his her hair has grown, in the morning the girl's father sees a handsome long-haired young man; he is delighted when he gives him a huge pile of spears and arrows; visits his father's village; all his uncle's daughters want him; he asks him to lie down a girl who made him pull out his hair; puts her foot in crap, wipes it on her; she dies of shame; stones have been found in the belly of sea otters ever since]: Swanton 1908a, No. 69:654-667; bellacula [four var.; old man Great Blue Heron spears salmon; four brothers come, the youngest turns into salmon; the heron hits him, he swims away, taking the tip away; the brothers come to the Heron, exchange it rainbow eye tip to help see salmon; continue their journey]: McIlwraith 1948 (1): 669-670, 672-675; quakiutl (neveti nakomjilisala) [Crane harpoons fish; Kanigiylak turns into salmon, harpoons, swims away, carrying a harpoon, makes ear jewelry out of it, comes to the Crane in human form; the Crane treats it to fish, tells the bones to pierce it throat; extracts bone in exchange for the harpoon returned; K. turns the harpoon into a beak, the Crane into a crane, and his wife into a woodpecker]: Boas 1895, No. XIX.1:201 (=2002:428-429).
The coast is the Plateau. Chilcotin [The seagull puts his feet like a bridge over the river, cleans when a person enters the bridge, so drowns people; hits fish with a special spear; Lendixchuks turns into fish, cuts off the tip of the prison pierced into him swims away with him; with his sons he comes to the Seagull, returns the tip in exchange for the Seagull building a steam room; teaches Chaika to give birth to his wife; he had previously ripped open his bellies to his wives, extracting the child; when the Seagull lays his legs like a bridge, L. jumps ashore, breaks Seagull's legs, turns him into a seagull]: Farrand 1900, No. 1:111-112; shuswap: Boas 1895, No. I.7 [as in Teit; the fisherman is an old man; taking his cloak, the Woodpecker tries to catch trout; this is a demon, drags it into the river; another Woodpecker saves him]: 13; Teit 1909a, No. 6 [The Red-headed Woodpecker and other Birds turn into fish to steal the Red-Nosed's magic jail; when the Woodpecker swims in the form of a fish, the Red-Nosed tells his son to hit with a spear; the Woodpecker cuts off the tench, carries the tip; the Birds appear to the Red-Nosed; he agrees change their red feather cloak to a tip; birds share their cloak, get their red plumage]: 13; Thompson: Boas 1895, No. II.2 [from the Grizzly and the Black Bear, Woodpecker has four sons each; The Grizzly killed her husband and the Black Bear; her children fled, the carrier drowned the pursuer; Qoeqtlk-OTL, the youngest of four brothers; turned into salmon, let the giant choke himself up, carried the harpoon; The brothers came to his dugout, said they found the harpoon, gave it away; Q. lay down by the fire, and his older brother threw his beaver hat into the fire; the river overflowed, but the place where K. lay was not flooded; the elders took their wives; died from a bear; K. turned into a dog, tore the bear, the villagers, revived the brothers, then they turned into stones]: 16-17 (=2002:84-86); Hanna, Henry 1996 [Grizzly marries (Black) A bear; both have four children; the Grizzly looks for his wife in her head, kills her; tells his children to bake the bears; they kill them themselves, bake the younger one, leave them where the Grizzly eats; he realizes what he ate son; chases the Bears; quarrels with the Squirrel, grabs her on the back, leaving white marks; the Grandfather of the Cubs transports them across the river; transporting the Grizzly, makes a hole in the boat; water creatures grab them through it Grizzly, eaten; A monster sits by the river, biting women in the back of the head; one of the Bear Brothers turns into salmon, harpoons himself, bites the forest, takes the jail; the monster goes home; brothers they return the prison to him; they survive the flood]: 67-71; Hill-Tout 1899 [The woodpecker marries the Grizzly and the Black Bear, loves only the second, each with three sons; the Grizzly tells his sons to feed his sons The bears are liquid broth; they will weaken from it, they must be drowned, the youngest must be fried for her; the Bear tells her sons to feed the Grizzly sons with a thick broth to make them fat; the Grizzly leads the Bear dig roots, offers to remove the lice, bites off her head; meets the Woodpecker, kills him in the same way; the Grizzly sons drown, the Bear's sons roast the youngest's corpse for his mother; the bird speaks to her that she ate her son; when the Grizzly catches up, the brothers climb a tree, throw wood dust in her eyes, wasps and ants on the load run away; while Groundhog teases the Grizzly, Groundhog's brother carries the brothers across the river; carrying the Grizzly, he puts it on a hole in the bottom of the boat, tells the fish to bite it, they tear its insides out, she dies; Sqaktktquaclt's younger brother (S.) turns into a hummingbird, flies into the ass of an elk, flies out of his mouth, the elk dies; S. drinks the lake, kills beavers with a stick; the eldest two come to a man ready to cut his wife's belly to extract the child; every wife gives birth to a girl, she grows up a person marries her, kills her in order to extract a girl, etc.; S. helps to give birth to a boy, the woman will continue to give birth; Coyote brags that he eats human, S. invites him to regurgitate her, closes eyes but peeking; Coyote regurgitates the grass, the young man turns him into a coyote; two women hold salmon behind the pond; S. throws a wooden bowl into the water, it destroys the dam; his brother opens five women's boxes, releasing their weapons into the world - wind, smoke, wasps, mosquitoes; women turn into two rocks; brothers enter the house, the elder finds a piece of wood in bed, throws it into the fire; a trace remains in the ash human figure; the owner enters, looks for a wife, cries when he sees the trail; S. carves two women out of poplar and alder, revives; one white and the other is redskinned; S. gives them to the owner of the house; the one-legged cannibal pierces shadows passing along the shore with a harpoon, passers-by die; S. turns into trout, harpoons himself, carries a harpoon; turns his one-legged into a blue jay (grabbed it by the hair, the jay now has a cocoke); his wife goes to the partridge (mountain grouse); S. lies down in the basket, takes red and white clay in his mouth, the eagle takes the basket, throws it, takes the clay for blood and brain, brings S. to the chicks; S. has enough chicks he descends them from a cliff, puts their skins on his brothers, turns into a dog himself, placing stone knives under his skin, comes to a village where all animals are dogs; he defeats everyone, revives them, turns those humans into ants, dog animals into ordinary animals; Seals overturn boats with tornadoes, S. turns them into seals]: 195-216; Teit 1898, No. II [cannibal Landslide hits salmon with spear; three brothers come, the youngest turns into salmon; the landslide hits him, he swims away, taking the tip away; the brothers come to the Landslide house, bring the tip; the landslide gives them food in a small basket; they can't eat everything, he swallows the contents in one sip; they throw down a landslide on him, he does not feel it; they turn his dugout and basket into stone]: 42-43; coastal salish (comox et al. summary) [The crane harpoons the fish; The converter takes the form of salmon, allows itself to be harpooned, swims away with a broken tip; becoming human again, makes an ear insert out of the tip; comes to the Crane; he puts it to swallow small bones; promises to cure if the Converter returns the harpoon; shakes, the bones fall out; The converter inserts the Crane's harpoon into the nose, turns him into a crane; his wife into a woodpecker]: Boas 1916:607; Hulkomel: Boas 1895, No. 1 (Scealis, Lower Reaches R. Fraser) [1) Shals (Kels) meets One-legged, who is fishing; S. kidnaps and returns his harpoon (like other coastal salish); turns it into a rock on which the wind depends; 2) The one-legged does not allow the Converters to stick near his house; one of them turns into salmon , steals a harpoon; they compete with One-legged in witchcraft power (who will catch more fish); turn it into stone]: 23-24 (=1916:607; =2002:); Thompson, Egesdal 2008 [Grizzly's older sister has a daughter, the youngest Black Bear daughter (World Cup), son and young son; World Cup daughter notices her mother's chest in her aunt's cauldron; Grizzly replies that the World Cup will come later; World Cup children lead Grizzly children to swim, they drown (grizzly does not know how to swim); World Cup children run away, putting a rotten tree in Grizzy's children's bed, as if someone is sleeping there; they climb a spruce tree, the Grizzly comes running, the World Cup children say that her children are with him, ask her to open their eyes, dazzle her, leaving her what they scraped off the bark of the spruce; the man carried them across the river in a boat; carrying the Grizzly, he knocked over the boat, the Grizzly drowned; the older brother threw the younger brother's hat into the fire; he cried, the water in the river began get up; brother and sister ran away, the youngest stayed, the fire remained under the water; when he saw the fisherman, the youngest became a fish, bit off (tore it off?) hook; when he becomes a man, he comes to the fisherman, he complains that the hook is missing, the boy says he has found it; stays with the fisherman; finds a piece of wood in his bed with a hole in the female, throws it into the fire; the fisherman says that his wife went out and burned down; that he is the first man, and the creator forgot to make him a wife; the boy cuts down two women, from birch and alder; the fisherman replies that he wants alder, it is his color ( i.e. with red juice); the boy finished the woman, the first man got a wife]: 258-261; kordalen [the woman goes to dig rhizomes every day (probably hogfennel, Peucedanum palustre, mustard plaster marsh); her mother looks after her son; he has grown up, asks about his father, the grandmother replies that he did not have a father; he threatens to kill her with a stick, she admits that his father is a rhizome of mustard plaster; young man The Chief Son-Root (SK) leaves, summons a monstrous fish out of the water, pulls its throat out, turns it into a boat; the Pest boy asks to take him with him, jumps in a boat, the UK turns it just into a pestle; sees a burning tree, comes up, there Grouse (Foolhen, Falcipennis canadensis) touches his burnt eyebrows; SK tells him to peck raw moss, no longer build a house or cook on fire; and before Black grouse collected moss under his wing, setting fire to a tree and rushing into the fire; the rabbit jumped into the boat, the UK killed him; the Otter (Fisher) demanded its prey, threatened to hit the water with its tail, sprayed the UK with its tail ; he killed her, threw her to the rabbit; comes to the house, there are many children, the hostess tells them that their father will soon return from hunting; the children see the Otter killed by the UK, he was their father; the UK revives him; enters the house where the walls of the awl; beret is large with patterns, the awls dig into it; he sets fire to the house, says that Shilla will no longer be cannibals, but will become awls for making moccasins; the same in the house where the Combs are; where Bubbles (they will now store tobacco in them); Kingfisher dives but the fish slips out; he washes the smell of fish into the bucket, cooks soup, he likes it; he makes Kingfisher claws and beaks so that the fish is easy to grab; he should not live in a house, but by the river, eat raw fish; the same with Osprey; by the river a man with one leg is a spear; SK turns into salmon, harpoons, breaks off, carries tip; harpoons fish with it; Ostronog sharpens his tibia again; SK comes to him, says he has caught salmon with the tip stuck; Ostronog tries to cover his leg with a cloak; SK offers to play hoop and stick on capes, wins, Ostronog is forced to give his own, SK hits him on the leg with a stick, makes it normal, gives a moose horn, tells him to make moose horn tips from now on , not from their own bone; everyone goes out to meet the UK; the ugly Toad causes rain, enters the house; the UK is forced to enter her; he addresses her, naming varying degrees of kinship, and finally says "wife"; she jumps between his eyes; he can't take her off; the Coyote says he should choose the Sun and the Month; the Robin is too hot, the Coyote talks about everything she sees; the UK says it will be the Month, will go far to The toad was not so visible on his face; Toadstool's son is one-eyed, becomes a good Sun - he does not see everything so clearly and is not so hot; when the sun is less bright, he can see a one-eyed toadstool]: Reichard 1947, No. 1:57-63; cous [girl refuses all suitors; gives birth to a son after swimming; the son of an underwater chief takes her and the baby to sea; the boy needs arrows; the mother swims in the form of a sea otter, people shoot at her, she collects arrows; gives her brother otter skins; sends whales to people]: Saint Clair 1909a, No. 1:27-28; upper coquil [Coyote sees a crane harpooning salmon on the other side; not shares his catch with the Coyote; the Coyote turns into salmon, harpoons, swims away with the tip; the crane is going to make a new one out of its own leg bone; the Coyote says he found that salmon returns the tip; The crane and his wife give him dried salmon]: Jacobs 2007:266-268; kalapuya [One-legged salmon harpoonite; every time a Coyote comes, gets one salmon out of two caught, one out of three, two out of four, two out of five; angry that with an odd number of fish caught, he gets less than the fisherman himself; turns into a big salmon, harpoons himself, carries the tip away; A one-legged man brings him dried salmon home; an injured Coyote returns his tip]: Jacobs 1945, No. 3:92-96; clickitate [see K8A motif; Coyote travels to destroy or transform monsters; defecates, his two excrement sisters say that a man with one leg and one hand harpoons salmon; Coyote turns into salmon, but One-legged knows it's Coyote; hits him with a harpoon, pulls him out ashore, lets go]: Jacobs 1934, No. 28:68-69.
The Midwest. Ojibwa [Nanabojo turns into a sturgeon to tease fishermen; pierced by a jail; waking up, he takes on his former appearance and leaves]: Radin 1914, No. 1:5.
California. Karok [The heron harpoons the fish; the Coyote turns into salmon, harpoons himself, carries the last harpoon; returns, gets the Heron's wife in exchange; feeds her snails and lizards; she only pretends to eat this stuff; runs away with his Heron husband]: Kroeber, Gifford 1980, No. II34:186-187.
Southern Venezuela. Yabarana [the first human couple's body is not dismembered below; Mayawoka went to look for Brother Ochi; saw the first man catch a piranha, was going to finish it off with a club; realized it was O. trying to steal a man's golden hook; M. turned into a vulture, distracted man's attention, O.-Piranha jumped into the water, M. pulled the hook; returned to the fisherman in the form of a man behind the sun bird; he kept it in the basket; while the bird was in the basket, the sun was at its zenith; the fisherman saw that M.'s ear pendant was a stolen hook; agreed to give the bird for M. making legs for him and his wife; since then people can walk and leave offspring; giving the basket, ordered not to open it; M. asked O. to get the fruit; O. said he was still weak from his wounds; M. climbed himself, O. opened the basket; the sun bird flew out from with a disgusting cry; 12 days of darkness, a hurricane, the ground was covered with mud, both people drowned; O. sat on a rock, cried, M. flew under the clouds in the form of a bat; O. created four-legged animals for food, M. - birds and monkeys; M. sent the conoto bird to catch the sun; it found it at the edge of the earth; the sun bird flew from one side of the earth to the other, so day and night appeared; konoto bound the sun with a white cloud- cotton, threw it to the white monkey, who placed it in the basket; the sun returned to its zenith for a while, M. found O.; O. began to live in the west, M. in the east]: Wilbert 1959:56-59 (=1963:150-154); makiritar [The White Heron catches fish with an iron hook; does not give it to two brothers; they turn into piranhas; the youngest bites off the hook, the eldest is caught; the youngest turns into a kingfisher, stains the fish Herons; while he washes it, the elder jumps into the water; the heron gives the brothers a thorn hook; they pretend to catch it, but in fact with stolen iron hooks; agree to share the catch; The heron carries a basket of fish home; brothers turn into cockroaches, eating everything along the way]: Civrieux 1960:122-123; 1980:70-73.
Guiana. Arekuna: Armellada 1988, No. 40 [Makunaima's three brothers come to the Heron, who is fishing; they take turns diving, grabbing the hook, the Heron thinks that the Aymara fish is biting; the youngest of M. cuts hook; Heron returns to his wife, says Aymara bit off the hook]: 107-108; Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 5 [Makunaima made a wax hook, caught nothing; fisherman catches large predatory aymara fish ( Macrodon Trahira); M. turns into aymara fish, tells Brother Chiké to ask the fisherman for it when he catches it; he catches it twice; the third time M. turns into piranha, bites it off and takes it away hook; brothers fish with it; one day a real Aymara bites off and takes the hook away; the fisherman no longer has hooks, he goes to the other side of Mount Roraima; the brothers become crickets, hide in it bag, they also find themselves on the other side of the mountain; on the way, M. turns all the people, animals, birds he met into stones and trees; people ran from the dance to drink kashiri; M. also turned them and the dancers into stones]: 40 -42; vapishana [Heron catches piranhas; Mauare warns Duidi not to try to bite off the hook by becoming a piranha; D. is caught but comes to life; the brothers bite all the hooks; the Heron goes to buy English hooks]: Wirth 1950:165; tops [Heron catches fish with a good hook; brothers Anike and Inskir have bad hooks; I. turns into piranha, bites off the Heron's hook; the Heron catches him for the second time; A. comes to the Heron, asks for fish for breakfast; the Heron allows you to take any, A. takes piranha, revives his brother]: Soares Diniz 1971, No. 3:80-81; kalinya [two brothers Veyumako (sons of the Sun) dive and steal fishing hooks from Kurupi; Kurupi knows what's going on, catches brothers, makes them dance on a rock, hits it; they fly out of their brains doves, turning into constellations]: Magaña 1987, No. 68:249; 1988a, No. 144:250; oyampi [people beat fish with onions; Yaneya turns to fish, is caught, his head is cut off; he comes to life and sails away]: Grenada 1982, No. 7:83.
NW Amazon. Tikuna [Epi, turned into an otter, wants to free the demon fisherman's hook entangled in mud; Dioi comes to the demons, throws poison into the drink; one comes later, sees corpses, runs away; D. revives brother from bones]: Nimuendaju 1952:126; ufaina [four brothers saw oil floating on the water - someone soaks Micrandia Spneceauna poison; sailed on the trail The fruit is a bait in a basket that the fish can easily swim into but cannot return; Imárika Kayafikí became a fish, swam, began to eat; three others said that the owner's children were suitable, but he could not get out; they took the fish, but it jumped into the water; the children replaced the bait; the brothers warn that IR should not swim anymore, but he swam, the children caught the fish, gutted it; the brothers forced the children with the power of thought throw giblets into the water, bake the whole fish without breaking bones; in the guise of grillos, the brothers picked up all the bones; revived IR from bones and giblets]: Hildebrand 1975, No. XXI: 352-354; yukuna [ Karipulakena (four first-ancestor brothers) went up Apaporis; they saw a fisherman; Lamuchí (the youngest of them) turned into a lechero fish, grabbed the line and began to pull it; but the fisherman himself pulled out, pulled out their guts, threw them into the water; the brothers became fish, gathered to eat what was thrown away; the fisherman invited the brothers to a meal; they put wasp larvae in the fried fish; the fisherman thought that the fish was wormy, gave it to his brothers to throw it into the river; they revived L.]: Hammen 1992:258; macuna [The sloth soaked wajü (Micandra spruceana) fruit in the poison basket; four Ayawa brothers, led by Ayawa bük & #252; (elder) sailed to the basket on an oil trail (the poison is in the oil); when the oil stopped trickling, the brothers turned into fish and began to eat the fruit; the Sloth's daughter told her father that the basket was empty; he replied that these are the gods who created the world, that they came to destroy them; there was one fish in the basket (this is Brother Bokanea; when cutting a tree with water inside, he remained in the sky; the brothers introduced the seed into the fruit, let it eat Romi-Kuma, she gave birth to B. again); The Sloth did not tell her to eat, but the children baked her and ate her; the fish encouraged her not to break her bones; the grillo (grillo, A. himself) began to pick up bones; the gods revived B.; The sloth went for the fruit, telling his daughter to poison the gods with manioc poison; bayukaya brother, she sang about it; the brothers heard, found out everything; asked the Sloth's daughter where her father was, to find out from him where to get it bird feathers for hats; B. gave Sloth's children a cake with manioc poison, they died; they came to a tree from the top of which Sloth threw fruit directly into the basket; the brothers closed the basket, the fruits became fall to the ground, Sloth had to go down; older A. wanted him to cry to the ground, but B. thought they would kill him anyway; the Sloth began to go back; the brothers threw fruits that turned into nests ants, but Sloth climbed upstairs, grabbed the rays of the Sun, it became dark; he began to write, the world began to pour boiling water; the brothers first hid from the boiling water under tree mushrooms, then became worms in mushrooms; the tree grew above the flood; the brothers told the monkey to taste the water, the water was hot, the monkey's hand remained white; the pauhil lowered the end of the tail into the water, it was now white; the flowers on the tree were women they have grown up, they have children, they blew gas on some fruits, now they stink; the brothers throw fruit at the Sloth without success, only the elder A. hit his hand, now the sloths have only two fingers; others hit the tail, it fell into the water, became a different kind of sloth, it appears if someone dies; the body becomes the current sloths; dawn]: Århem et al. 2004:458-462; carihona [mother says Tukuč imobi (The Sun) and his little month-old brother, who dies, tells her to cut off her hand, put it in the basket with cassava, hang it over the hearth; when the sons return from hunting, the food will be cooked; said that the garden was ruining Aguti, went to set a trap, turned into an agouti, died deliberately trapped; on her paw there was a trace of the place where T. took his mother out of his mother's leg the day before sand flea; the brothers did as his mother told him, but T. did not believe that Aguti's paw was preparing the food; tells the kuckuck bird to scream to warn if women appeared; but the brothers were far away, did not have time to run; with a woodpecker (the brothers noticed the tracks of two women); the third time the cacambra bird warned in time, the brothers grabbed two women, both wanted a lighter and younger one; T. managed to grab the eldest before she put on her vulture outfit, and the youngest put it on and flew away; because the eldest's clothes were torn, she remained human; in order to take possession of her brother's wife, Month asks T. to get the parrot's chicks; exposes her penis instead of a pole; the erection stops, T. stays on the tree, falls into the hollow; all the animals were looking for T., the mouse found; rodent animals gnaw a hole; T. creates a pond, grew a Reventillos tree ( Hura crepitans), carved two large fish ("whales"; originally catfish) out of wood, fish of all kinds appeared from chips; T. created a dry season for Hura crepitans fruits to burst and fish to eat them; turned fetuses himself, let the fish swallow himself, went out through the gills, so he caught fish, brought it to his wife and children; The month is ashamed; he went to catch it in the same way, the fish swallowed it; T. cut many fish before finding it one of them has a brother; the Month began to beat the fish with a harpoon; tied the tench to an ordinary tree rather than a particularly strong tree, two fish, a male and a female, dragged him away, forming the Caquetá River; therefore, it has a wide channel, many islands; T. tried to stop them by creating rapids; T. caught a piece of the Month's leg with a net; the rest of the Month crumbled, so there are so many stars in the sky; the jaw, head, and bones are visible separately in the sky legs of the Month; people are children like Sun-T. (with lighter skin) and Months (darker; while T.'s wife was owned by his brother, she also gave birth)]: Schindler 1979, No. 1:44-54.
Central Amazon. Parintintin: Kracke 1992 [Mbaira revives his companion Itariáno every time he misses to repeat his tricks and dies; B. lives on earth with his people in a big stone; fishes out of the river for her daughter, who was in the guise of a catfish; catchs arrows, swimming behind the village in the form of fish and provoking people to shoot at her]: 136-137; Pereira 1980 (2) [Baira swims wearing image of a fish (var.: snakes); carries away arrows that pierce him; his companion tries to repeat the trick, is killed; people fry this fish; Ba. asks them for seeds, restores his friend, but he does not walk and does not speak; throws away bones, they turn into different birds; B. turns falling fruits into jaguars, kills them; another shaman tries to repeat the trick, the jaguar eats it]: 557-560; munduruku [y Karusakaibö ran out of arrows; he turned into a tapir, went to the village, left traces; in the morning the men noticed them, went hunting; K.-Tapir was sleeping, the hunters fired many arrows at him; the tapir ran to In ambush, where the other hunters were sitting, they also fired arrows; he broke away from his pursuers, took a human form, took arrows out of his body, and brought them home]: Murphy 1958, No. 1:71-72.
Eastern Amazon. Kuñarima is the son of Kumafyari (=Marušawa, from morubišaba, "chief"); the beginning is not recorded; M.'s wife, Kamādu, came to Mukura's opossum, who climbed onto the roof above her hammock (and apparently conceived a second son, Aruβiata); as punishment for the twins breaking the water vessels from which rivers flowed out, M. decided to burn the brothers and set fire behind them, but when they slept, fire also stood; K. extinguished the fire with a feather panicle; then M. told the brothers to maintain the pan on which M.'s wife fried manioc flour; A. turned white and said that he could no longer stand it, but K . spat on him, he became crax again; they went swimming, A. could not dive because the water around him was boiling; K. blew, his brother cooled down; the brothers went hunting birds, M. warned to be afraid of Awa; A. decided try to take the hook away from Av, became a fish, Ava and his friend caught it, fried it; K. became a wasp, collected blood and giblets, revived his brother; he himself became a fish, bit off, took the hook; the stork harpoons the fish with its beak; A. became a fish, the Stork harpooned it, ate it, K. revived it (like the previous episode); K. became a fish, dodged, Stork's beak got stuck in a tree, K. brought it to his father, he, like other trophies of his sons, gave it to his wife; an old woman with a sharp leg sits by the path, asks passers-by to take out the sand flea, pierces him with her foot; A. is pierced, the old woman fried him, ate him, his brother collected blood, revived him; when the old woman asked him to take out the flea and struck, he dodged, his leg was stuck in a tree, he cut it off, brought it to his father; the brothers came to Adji ("wild"), they do not have an anus, they defecate through their mouths; K. showed how to defecate, they also wanted to themselves anus; K. began to pierce their anuses, killing them; A. did it less well, those placed on the stakes began to scream, others ran away; the brothers fried the dead, brought meat to his father; M. was happy, ate meat with his sons, gave Like a hammock]: Nimuendaju 1920:1016-1022; juruna [Sinaá's father is a giant jaguar; like S. himself, he sees a pair of eyes on the back of his head; he conceived S. by sticking his penis into the hole where S.'s mother urinated; y S. has three sons, the youngest is not his, their mother conceived him with an animal; S. tests his sons, wanting to make sure that they are his children; there is no water, the pigeon juriti brought it, once did not bring it; the eldest son decided to go break a container of water; S. warned that there was a dangerous fish in the water; the youngest son broke it, but did not bounce to the side, the fish swallowed it, his legs were sticking out of his mouth, the fish was rushing with a stream of water; the brothers were running, dams are made, the stream blows them away; the last one was not demolished, the elder brother snatched the youngest out of the mouth of the fish, revived it; he lost his memory, he had to be taught everything again; S. warned his sons to be careful with the stork Jabiru; the brothers decide to grab his beak; the youngest turns into a fish, swims up, is swallowed; the elder turned into a fly, collected blood from his beak, revived the youngest from it; he became a fish himself, swam, became human, broke off his beak, brought it to his father; S. warns that there is someone who can cut it in half; they come to that man's house; he asks them to take sand fleas out of his leg; the youngest comes up, that kicks him with his foot, cutting him in half; the elder turns into a wasp, collects blood, revives the youngest from it; approaches that creature; when he tries to kick, breaks off his leg, brings it to his father; S. warns that there are dangerous wild Indians; brothers find them; the youngest turns into pirarara fish to bite off the hook, caught, fried, eaten; the elder turns into a wasp, picks up blood, revives youngest; becomes a piranha, bites off, takes the fisherman's hook, brings it to his father]: Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:232-236; tenetehara [Maira leaves leaving her pregnant wife; she follows him, sleeps in the house of the Possum, conceives a second son; a woman comes to the village of Jaguars, dies, her children kill the Jaguars; his mother's son (SM) encloses the spirit of the one who ate him in a bamboo vessel, gives it to Meira; he demands proof that the brothers are his children; 1) kill the female spirit Azang; SM sets fire to her long hair, dries the lakes in which Azang tries them extinguish, Azang burns; 2) kill the male spirit Azang; he cuts down a tree to make a bow and arrows that hit all animals; SM pierces a sharp hand of spirit into the log, leaves it die; 3) kill Azang the fisherman; SM in the guise of a surubim fish takes the bait off his hook; brother gets hooked, caught, fried, eaten; SM asks Azang to give it to him bones, revives his brother; asks his father to break a rock with an arrow; he can't, SM breaks, he is stronger than his father; both are now in the Village of Gods]: Wagley, Galvão 1949, No. 14:140; urubu: Huxley 1956 [like a tenetehar; see motive J9; Mair leaves his wife, who first goes to Oposuum, has a second child with him, then to the Jaguars, dies; her children kill the Jaguars, come to M. ; he gives them bows and arrows; in resentment for their mother, the brothers throw them into the forest, they turn into snakes; M. wants to know if his children are in front of him; tells 1) to remove the bait from the hook Anyang 'a; Mair's son takes the bait, then pulls the forest for laughter; Opossum's son takes the hook in his mouth, is caught , eaten; in the form of an ant, Mair's son collects his bones, revives him; 2) go to Grandfather Wind; he is not at home, Mair's son tickles his wife, her husband hears her laughter, blows, a tree falls on the brothers; The son of the Opossum dies, is revived by his brother; 3) walk between two converging and diverging grating stones; Mair's son passes, the Son of the Possum is crushed, revived by his brother; M. realizes that the youngest of the brothers is not his son, he tells him to go back between the stones; the son of Possum is crushed again; Mair's son rises to heaven in anger, taking the stones with him; from now on produces thunder; Opossum's son goes up to his brother]: 217-220; Ribeiro 2002:210-215 [Maïra inserted his penis into the gap because he did not have a wife; the tree was swollen and came out of it a pregnant woman, a baby in her womb spoke, pointing the way to her father; asked her mother to tear flowers for him; one day she reached for a flower, she was bitten by a snake, she slapped her stomach, reproached son; he fell silent; she came to Mukura's house (i.e. the opossum); he offered to spend the night with him; it was raining at night, Mukura made a hole in the roof over the hammock by a woman, she was forced to lie in his hammock; in the morning told me to go left from the fork, but she turned right and ended up in a jaguar village; the jaguar wives told her to leave as soon as possible, but she stayed; she was hidden under a vessel; the jaguars turned the vessel over; Maira's son turned the mother became an animal, it ran away, he was caught up, killed; two embryos were given to an old woman; she began to fry them, but burned her hands; the embryos turned into agouti; the old woman began to raise them; the jaguars wanted to eat them; they became boys, ran away, went looking for Meira, stayed with him; Maira's son offered to steal the fishing hook of a forest demon; Maira's son bit off and took her away; Mukura's son was caught in piranha guise; the demon ate her , threw away the bones; Maira's son turned into ants, they collected bones, Mukura's son came to life; Mukura's son took the hook safely from another forest spirit; Maira praised them; the brothers turned into hummingbirds, they flew, set fire to the beard of a forest demon, his head burned down; the brothers killed the hummingbird {real}, found a man in his stomach; when they approached the wide river, they began to shoot arrows one in the tail of the other, it turned out the bridge, they crossed it to the other side, killed many bakers there; called the jaguars to pick up the meat; when they crossed the bridge with arrows, the brothers destroyed it; all the jaguars drowned because they were carrying cargo meat], 398-406 [Maira took his wives three times, left him each time; turned the branch into a woman, married her; she asks where the water came from in the vessel, the flour in the pot, M. tells me not to ask; you can hear the sound of axes on on the site, M. does not tell me to go there; the wife goes, sees the ax working by itself; when the axe returns home, the woman grabs it, he stops working by himself; M. is angry, leaves; the child from the woman's womb tells you to follow, shows the way; a woman sleeps in Mukura's house (possum), at night the roof leaks, she goes into Mukura's hammock, conceives her second son; comes to a jaguar village; their mother hides her, jaguars they find, the old woman asks to give her embryos; they jump out of the pot, the old woman raises them, the brothers grow up in a few days; Maira's son invites his brother to avenge his mother's death; makes rivers cuts off and throws pieces of wood into the water, which turn into piranhas, snakes, caimans; Maira's son creates peka (cariocara) fruits; leads the jaguars to collect them; the brothers lay the vine as a bridge, cut them off on both sides when the jaguar walks along the vine; two escaped, the rest were eaten by aquatic creatures; the brothers come to Meira; his {current} wife is angry that he has children with another woman; Meira decides to check if they are his children; throws a fishing rod with a hook, his son bites off the hook, Mukura's son is caught, leaving a drop of blood; Maira's son is angry with his father, rises to heaven, becomes thunder and lightning; Meira and his wife go to south]; tupinamba [Mayre-ata goes to travel, his wife cannot accompany him due to pregnancy; follows, the son from the womb shows the way; she does not give him any fruit, he gets angry, falls silent; goes astray, gets to the Possum; at night she conceives his second son; the opossum turns into an opossum; a woman comes to the village of Jaguars; a Jaguar eats her, the twins are thrown away for a pile of garbage; one woman picks them up; twins hunt for her; show the Jaguars an island in the sea, where they will find many fruits; Jaguars sail there; twins cause a storm; Jaguars drown, turn into jaguars and other cats; twins come to MA, he tests them; 1) walk between the crushing rocks; Opossum's son dies; MA's son revives him, both pass; 2) take the bait off the hook Agnen 'a; Opossum's son is caught, A. tears him apart; MA's son resurrects him, both take off the bait; MA recognizes them for his sons]: Thevet, 914-915 in Metraux 1932:135-136.
Southern Amazon. Kayabi: Grünberg 1970 [Panyeavi has Mu'tawit's eldest son and younger Yai (or Me; Month); father turned into fish, everyone started shooting at it, he took away arrows; M. wrapped in bark and leaves, repeated the trick; M. did not wrap well, he was killed and eaten, his father revived M. from bones]: 168; Pereira 1995, No. 2 [Kuewma'up is the elder, Me is the younger brother; their father is a Month; their mother died in childbirth, her mother died in childbirth, her mother threw the twins into the forest, but they are shamans, they are back; she is happy; tells them not to go down the river; the brothers want to kill the mutum bird, which tells them not to shoot, says that their father lives downstream; they come to him; his new wife is old and ugly, but after swimming, she becomes a young beauty; the father of the Brothers Month leaves the ax to cut on the site; K. repeats the trick, M. begins to cut himself {since then the ax Doesn't he cut it himself?} ; in the Month, the arrow, which kills monkeys itself, returns in the form of a snake; K. also uses it; M. finds, sees a snake, cuts it in half; The Month finds pieces, turns it into three types of snakes; its top full of fish, K. has only small fish; the month wraps in bark and leaves, turns into fish, people shoot arrows at it, he brings arrows home; K. repeats the trick; M. wrapped badly, he was killed, eaten; his father turned into a cricket, took away a bone, revived M.; took shelter in a tree covered with thorns, lured wild pigs with a flute, killed a pig; the same K.; M. made a shelter between the two trees, one of them is not prickly, the pigs knocked down the shelter, ate M.; his father revived him from a drop of blood; went to another village, crushing stones on the path; he slipped between them, the same on the way back, then K.; M. crushed, his father revived him]: 28-34; paresi [see M81 motif; episodes from a series of adventures on the way home); Enore came to caboré-do-sol, there are only children there; E. hid in the water , covered with a piece of bark like a fish; the children fired all the arrows at it, the last one threw a bow; in the evening E. came to their house; the children recognized the arrows, E. claims it was his; while swimming, the children speak E., which of them would eat what part of his body when their father killed him; E. replaced his spear, which hit without a miss, flying by; caboré-do-sol missed, E. killed him; he also changed his spears in the Turtle House, killed them all]: Pereira 1986, No. 17:274-277; Umotin [the Karamã stork has good arrows to fish; the Míni sun turns into surubim fish, K.'s arrows get stuck in it without causing harm; he swims away, takes possession of arrows; his friend Hári (a month) tries to repeat the trick, is killed, fried, eaten; M. comes to K.'s children, squeezes pieces of meat out of their bellies, revives X.]: Schultz 1962, № b: 229-230.
Araguaia. Karazha [1) Alobiadari and his brother marry two daughters of the Sun; A. does not dare to sleep with them, they may have piranhas; brother suggests turning to the Howler Monkey; he shows how to copulate; A. drags him by the forelock, believing that it is enough; since then, monkeys have a bare forehead; brothers sleep with their wives, leave them; turn into pirarucu fish; storks let Jabiru fish arrows; A. is unharmed, has a firm body, brother is soft, killed, eaten; 2) Idianakatu and his brother marry the daughters of the Sun; he inserts them into the bosom of piranhas; brother is bitten; I. asks the Monkey to have sex first; since then, monkeys have a red penis and testicles half bitten off; I. asks Ghabir for a branch of the timbo vine, inserts it into vaginas, piranhas die; one remains, causes women to have periods; wives they tell their husbands that the trees are more beautiful than them; the insulted brothers are leaving; the Sarakura bird invented the boat, the brothers asked for it; they row oars with the handle; Miriti's dove explains that it is necessary to row with an oar; I. kills trees with arrows; brothers turn into pirarucu fish (the origin of these fish)]: Baldus 1952-1953:214-215
Eastern Brazil. Cracho [Schultz 1950:129-133; two fish, Iú (husband or godfather) and Krotí (wife or goddaughter) swim, dodging arrows and then collecting them; more and more people gather fish carry more and more arrows; finally, K. got into the eye and killed, ate; the boy drops a leaf into the water, the leaf asks I. on behalf of K. to take care of her son]: Wilbert 1978, No. 150:356-360; line [( Nimuendaju 1944:183); Waptokwá (sun) and Wáirie (month) put on the bark of two types of trees, jumped into the water, became fish; the woman noticed them, people started shooting; when they released everything arrows, V. and V. sailed away, became human, brought them to the village; people began to regret not having come with arrows earlier, they would have helped to catch two big fish]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 3:33.
SE Brazil. Mashakali [The sun picked up larvae, threw fish into the river, the Sun caught one, brought it home (she became a woman), the Sun loved her; the Month rushed into the water for the fish, they swam away; he became poison them, caught them half-alive, brought them home like a wife; the Sun covered itself with bark, appeared disguised as an animal in front of people, carried away the arrows fired at him; trying to repeat the trick, the Month took the soft bark, arrows pierced him; the Sun and the Month went to heaven; the Month gave teeth to snakes, stung hornets; The sun sometimes turns into a jaguar to kill and eat its brother (eclipses); the Sun is ahead, the Month is behind]: Popovich 1971:29-59; kamakan [The month is stupid, does irresponsible acts (mischief-maker); his brother The Sun revives him several times; in one episode, the Sun, to get arrows, turns into a capybara, puts himself under the arrows of the villagers, carries away arrows]: Metraux, Nimuendaju 1946b: 551-552.
Chaco. Matako [(Metraux 1935; The sun dived into the river, turned into a big yellow dorado fish; people throw spears at it, they pierce it but do no harm; The sun takes away their spears; The month tries repeat the trick, killed, cooked, eaten; The sun turned into a dog, came to the village, collected and carried away the bones of the Month; something is missing; the Sun finds the heart, then the gallbladder, revives the Month; but since then since it's yellow]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 10:51.
Southern Brazil. Ofaye [The sun became a dorado fish, wearing strong scales; people started shooting arrows at the fish, then throwing bows, the Sun took it all away; The month decided to repeat the trick, but put on a thin scales, was killed; The Sun came to people, collected the bones of the Month, revived (exactly how, the informant does not remember)]: Ribeiro 1951, No. 2:121; caigua [Anyay is fishing; Nyanderike-y pulls in the forest, A. pulls out an empty hook; the younger brother also wants to play a joke on A.; N. warns not to take the hook in his mouth; brother takes, caught in the guise of a dorado fish; eaten, the bones are left whole; N. revives brother of bones]: Strelnikov 1930:308; chiripa [see motif J8; Ñanderú Guazú came from the west, placed the earth on a wooden cross (palo cruzado); with him Ñanderú Mbae Kua; they they found the first woman under a clay pot, both met her; NG went to the site, returned, told his wife to go pick corn; she did not believe that the harvest was ripe for her; NG got angry, left, promised forgive his wife if she finds her way to him; from his mother's womb, their son Kuarahy (the future sun) showed her way; asked to pick flowers, the woman was bitten by a wasp, she scolded K., he fell silent; the woman came to to the old woman, she hid it under a pot from her nephews Añag; she herself told them that they killed and ate the woman; the old woman asked for fruit from the womb to eat, but neither cook nor bake it; K. considered the old woman a mother, shot butterflies, called them after birds, since then birds have names; the old woman does not tell me to hunt on Blue Mountain; K. goes there, finds his mother's bones, mixing them with cornmeal makes Brother Yacy (next month); brothers destroy Añag jaguars and demons; K. gave Y. power over cultivated plants and crops; K. created honey, but Y. asked to leave some of the hollows empty; the fire was at urubu vultures; K. was afraid to approach them himself, created a cururu toad, which swallowed the coals, brought them, regurgitated them; K. made sugar cane, Y. imitated, a snake came out; K. and Y. saw A. fishing; K. bit off and took the hook, Y. got caught; A. caught him in the form of a bagre (the first fish); K. asked for bones, I revived it. (moon phases); the brothers came to Saria (this is also Añag); Y. said that he had many sisters, A. asked them to marry, Y. ordered K. to ask permission; he told A. to bring fish for his wives, gave the girl, from his feet which the fish is dying; A. began to beat the girl, she turned into a timbo vine; K. gave A. a crown of feathers, it caught fire, A. burned down; a partridge flew out of his stomach, the ashes turned into mosquitoes; I. got together with a married woman; on a full moon, the Month copulates with girls, causing menstruation; K. did Venus; after copulation, Y. tells Venus to wash it, so it rains on the new moon; K. and Y. did a chain of arrows to go to heaven to my father; I wanted to climb first to become the sun, but K. was the first to climb himself]: Bartolomé 1977:16-40 (the hooking episode on p. 35-38); mbia [see motif J9; a woman gets to Mbae-ypi creatures, they eat her; the baby in her womb cannot be killed, it is Pa-i, the Sun; he grows up, lives with an old woman, makes a brother out of a leaf (next Month) ; brothers kill Mbae-ypi, one pregnant woman escaped, jaguars come from her; Charia is fishing; Pa-i's brother dives (to remove the bait?) , caught in the form of a fish, fried, eaten; C. Pa-i gives it a taste, who revives his brother from bones; these death and resurrection are lunar eclipses]: Cadogán 1959:70-83; Cadogán, Lopez Austin 1970:74-85.