Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M181A. Fire at sunset. 11.-.13. (.16.) .21.22.

The character believes that unattainable natural sites are accessible cultural sites. He usually agrees to go after seeing a red sunset, a firefly, etc.

Benga [rat], (kongo [human]), hausa [spider], (manden, mosi, anyi), songhai [jackal], kanuri [weasel], shilluk [hyena], nuers [jackal], Sudanese Arabs [girl cheats cannibal], (French), kachin [liar], khmu [liar], bru [liar], marie [fox], chuvash [fox].

Bantu-speaking Africa. Benga [The leopard goes to marry, takes the Rat as his companion; crossing the river, suggests that everyone threw a knife into the water; the Rat throws it away, the Leopard only pretends; splits nuts with a knife, says To the rat that anyone who does not have a knife will not get nuts; indicates a tree that you will have to come for bark if the Leopard falls ill; when food is served at the bride's house, the Leopard sends the Rat for bark, alone eats everything; jumps over a pre-prepared hole, the Rat falls through, the Leopard says that in the pit is the animal he brought as a ransom for the bride; the Rat is eaten; next time The leopard companions the Wild Goat - the same; the Antelope the same; for the fourth time, the Red Antelope - the same episode with the knife thrown away is the same plus: The leopard tells the companion to collect only unripe nuts, himself collects ripe ones; tells them to climb the thorny trunk, climbs the vine himself; tells them to bring fire, pointing to a firefly, the Antelope goes to catch it, the Leopard makes a fire, bakes fruits; in his wife's house, Leopard tells Antelope to eat leftovers and bones, then take out the leftovers, the Antelope falls into a hole, is eaten; the Gazelle suspects that the Leopard is killing satellites; throws not a knife, but a stick into the river; cleans it herself with a knife nuts; also climbs the vine for fruit; refuses to follow the firefly; secretly rips off the bark of a medicinal tree, offers it to the Leopard when he pretends to be sick; jumps over a trap pit; At night, he draws crayons around his eyes so that the Leopard thinks that the Gazelle is awake; changes places with the Leopard's wife, who gets up at night, pierces a hot rod into his wife, thinking that he is killing the Gazelle; Leopard decides to cook his wife, eats meat with the Gazelle, the Gazelle quietly puts all the bones where the Leopard is sitting; offers to hide so that they are not found; the Leopard climbs into the box, the Gazelle shackles the box runs away with a chain, shouting that his wife's killer is in the box; the leopard is being killed; leopards have taken revenge on the gazelles ever since]: Nassau 1912, No. 4:85-95; (cf. Congo [there was no fire, a man sent a jackal to get fire at sunset; at sunset, the jackal found so many good things that he did not return to the man]: Weeks 1914:203).

West Africa. Hausa: Ohotina 1962:261-262 [the spider invites the hyena to buy honey and go to greet the king; on the way, the hyena drank honey, filled its pot with mud; the king orders the hyena to give mats, the spider skins; at night, a hyena eats skins; a spider gets a bull, a goat's hyena; on the way, eats it, treats the spider with a liver, tells him to return a piece of liver; the spider sends a hyena for fire, pointing to the sunset, kills bull, takes the toe and the skin, leaves], 327-328 [the hyena and the weasel live together; the hyena brought meat, sent a caress after the fire, she found no fire; the hyena saw a red sunset, destroyed that there was fire, went by itself; at this time, the weasel hid the meat in her hole; the hyena who returned said that people did it; let the hyena put its tail in the hole, the weasel tie the meat to it to pull it out of the hole; the weasel tied it to the tail hyenas are not meat, but a stick, the tail came off; the hyena ran to people, the man tore off her ear, fried it and ate it; the hyena returned to caress, she gave her tail back]; songhai (zarma) [the jackal wanted to steal the kid , but he was chased; the ostrich tries to teach him how to knock fruit off the tree; the elephant opens his anus, allows the jackal to get inside and drink water; but he must not touch what hangs there (heart and etc.); the jackal touches, the elephant died; they began to share meat; the jackal got out unnoticed, and the hyena threw the contents of the elephant intestines in the other direction; the jackal pretended to read the Koran and now his hyena spoiled; everyone began to cook meat on the fire; the jackal went to bed, mistaking the moon for fire; when he got up, the meat was raw; then he changed his food and that of the hyena and said that it was the hyena cooking in the moonlight and she but killed an elephant; a hyena was killed]: Calame-Griaule 2002:261-263; (cf. manden (group not specified) [the hare offers the hyena to sell its mothers; leads his own to the bazaar on a rotten rope, quietly tells her to escape, run away, hide in the hollow; the hyena brings his own to with a strong rope, sells, buys a cow, they slaughtered it together; the hare sends a hyena for fire, carries the mother's meat, buries the cow's bones, buries his head so that the horns protrude; speaks to the returning hyena that the Earth ate a cow; the hyena pulls out the horns, pulls out the skull - the Earth has eaten; at night, the hare's mother eats meat, throws bones at the head of a sleeping hyena; he thinks that hail is coming; then understands, promises bring the ostrich; she sticks her head into the hollow to get meat, the hare throws a noose, two eggs fall out of the ostrich; the hyena: one for me, one for you; the hare lets the ostrich go, says it was the hyena that was going to kill her; the ostrich drives the hyena into the hole, leaves a feather at the entrance; the hare and its mother take the remaining meat and two eggs, go home; the hyena is afraid to go out: seeing the feather, she thinks that the ostrich is watching her; by An old woman goes, says that there is no ostrich; the hyena is hungry, she sees a lioness, she does not have milk to feed the lion cubs, says that the old woman knows the remedy; the old woman: cut off the hyena's buttocks, cook it in a pot on her head; the lioness does so, milk appears, the old woman visits the lioness, the crippled hyena runs away; the old woman meets her, the hyena cuts wood to burn the old woman, tells her to cut it herself; the old woman climbs the tree; screams that a lioness is coming for a new dose of medicine; the hyena runs away; this is repeated elsewhere; the third time an old woman kills a hyena with an ax]: Frobenius 1922b, No. 53:110-114; mosi [hare and hyena were ordered to bring honey to the king; the hyena filled its vessel with crap, smeared honey on top, the hare's vessel is smaller, but it contains only honey; the king gave the hyena his main wife, and the hare a second; realizing what was going on, the king decided to teach hyena a lesson; the wives prepared hyena pancakes from rotten flour, put them on a hill, put them pancakes with meat for the hare, put them on the ground; the hyena deliberately drops pieces of its pancakes into the hare's bowl to they are smeared in sauce; the goat is tied on a strong rope, the bull is tied on a thin one, offered to choose without seeing the animals; the hyena is strong enough, gets a goat; next time, on the contrary, the hyena has a goat again; on the way back, the hyena eats the goat, gives the hare's liver (apparently in the hope that he will eat it, and she will demand the bull's liver from him); the hare does not eat, returns; he offers to slaughter and eat the bull, sends the hyena for with fire; hides meat in the skin in a baobab hollow, sticks its tail into the ground, tells the hyena that the Earth has swallowed the bull; the hyena drags its tail, eats it; the hare admits that the meat is in the hollow, promises to raise the hyena; throws rope, hyena falls, since then she has had a lame gait]: Frobenius 1922b, No. 101:233-237; Anyi [Heaven promises a daughter to marry someone who clears the forest with which it is covered without scratching it; An elephant took up the job, but he scratched the sky; the same with other animals; the spider completed the task and got a girl; got a bull; took him to a place where there are no flies; sent his son Aba-Kan to bring fire; but that took the red anus of Sleeping Death for fire; she came and swallowed the whole bull]: Basset 1903, No. 79:199-222).

Sudan-East Africa. Shilluk [a lion and a hyena killed a gazelle, there is no fire to cook meat; a hyena sends a lion for fire, points to the sunset; at this time (eats meat, head and tail, sticks it into the ground; to the returned explains to the lion that God ate the gazelle]: Artin Pacha 1909, No. 9:33-34; kanuri [Hyena got meat, brought Laska to fry; Laska sent Hyena behind the fire, she goes to sunset, at which time Laska hides meat in a hole; says that two people who came put the meat in the hole; suggests that Hyena put her tail in the hole, she will tie meat to it; ties her tail (to something else); Hyena pulls, the tail comes off; The hyena met two people, decided that she would now get meat; the man tore off her ear, fried it and ate it; the Hyena returned to Laska, made peace with her]: Koelle 1854, No. 5:166-168 (translated into Okhotina 1962:327-328) ; nuers [the jackal caught fish; the hawk asked to share the meal; the jackal pointed to something shiny in the distance, sent for fire; he made a fire himself, cooked the fish, caught and fried the turtle, ate everything, leaving the hawk's bones; he came back and said it was a lion's tooth glittering in the sun; ate the remnants of the jackal meal, believing that nothing else happened]: Verhusson 1924:108; Sudanese Arabs [lion and hyena killed a gazelle; fire needs to fry meat; hyena sends a lion for fire, pointing to the sun; when the lion returns, only the head and tail from the gazelle; hyena: God buried the gazelle, left its head and tail on surfaces, the rest is underground]: Artin Pacha, p. 33 in Nowak 1960, No. 28:65; Sudanese Arabs [by the river, Fatma's older brother's horse slipped on locks of hair; brother promised to marry whoever it is hair, even if it was F.; F. persuaded seven girls to run with her, or their brothers would do the same; before the wedding night she went out to pee, pierced a pre-prepared wineskin with water, you can hear the murmur of the stream, the girls managed to leave; they came to the cannibal in the desert; she offered them milk and one of the girls tasted it; at night F. replies that she is awake; asks them to go to calm the dogs in a distant village ; and other tasks (unnamed); in the morning they asked the cannibal to bake bread for them on the fire that was burning there; it was the sun; she tried it, but did not bake the bread; when she returned, she found only the one that tasted milk; she broke her neck and ate it; the girls asked the tree to become small, climbed it, then asked it to rise tall again; stuck knives around; lowered the cannibal's rope, picked it up and threw it several times; knives pierced her and she died; the girls moved on; F. began to look for the old man in her head; asks how to kill him; old man: stab a thorn into the crown; F. did so, put on old man's skin; the girls began to live in the cave; merchants passed, their camel began to chew the straw that closed the entrance; the merchants dismantled the girls; one of them was crooked; says to the merchant: they took a curve, and the flower left; the Sultan's son heard, came back, took the imaginary old man; when they were going, F.'s jewelry rang; "These are my bones"; F. chose to herd geese, not sheep, to be able to swim; the slave sees how she removes old man's skin; she makes him speechless (apparently by witchcraft); at home he points to F. but can't say anything; F.: he is crazy, he should be burned with iron; burned to death; so they died almost all slaves; the Sultan's son went to spy himself, climbed a tree, stole F.'s ring; offered to play checkers at home: the winner would take off the other skin; F. won twice, but did not use her own right; then the Sultan's son won; married F., but hid her from people; one day F. came out, people fell breathless from her beauty; she sprayed them with blood from her little finger, everyone came to life; everything is fine]: Al- Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 21:114-118.

(Wed. Western Europe. The French (Gascony) [the wolf caught the ram, began to eat, noticed the rising moon; decided that it was fire; began to fry it, leaving the leg of lamb, turning it one side or the other; I didn't notice much difference - the meat is good both raw and fried]: Arnaudin 1967, No. 2:42).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Kachin [Man-Bya and the tiger went hunting; MB hid in a supply bag carried by the tiger, ate everything on the way; they killed a deer, carried it on a pole; MB carried the smooth end and the tiger was prickly; MB tells the tiger not to scream in pain - the meat will go rancid; MB sends a tiger with a leaky bamboo vessel to fetch water, while roasting venison, adding bile to the tiger's share; says that the meat is bitter because the tiger is bitter screamed; the tiger built a house for himself, and MB slept under a tree, came to the tiger to hide from the rain; told the tiger that his own house was not completed, but there were diamonds and gold on the roof; the tiger saw the moon and stars and believed it, agreed to change houses; stayed on the lawn; MB says he does not dare to sit on a cow cake, and whoever can will get wiser; the tiger sat down and smeared himself; MB says that a snake is royal staff, it's better not to take it; the tiger takes it, is stung; the hornet's nest is the gong that gives victory; the tiger is bitten; MB jumps into the hole, tells the tiger that the sky is falling, we must hide; he gets out of the hole himself he falls asleep with brushwood, sets it on fire; the tiger jumped out, horses and cows were advised to run to the mountain, buffaloes to jump into the river; the tiger escaped, but since then on the skin of the strip; villagers gave MB of poisoned vodka; Before his death, MB put bees in the flute, sealed it; a sound is heard, people think that MB is alive and playing; they also drank this vodka and died]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 39:129-134.

Burma - Indochina. Khmu: Lindell et al. 1977, No. 5 [the couple has a son Aay Caa Laay ("liar"; A.); while his parents are working in the fields, A. stuck a bunch of crap with feathers, asked his father to catch the bird, he smeared himself; parents left it to be eaten by the tiger; A. asks the tiger not to eat it - he will show where to steal the pig; they carry the pig on a stick; A. let the tiger carry the part of the trunk where the thorns are, told him not to moan, otherwise the food will become bitter; the tiger moans; A. points to the sunrise, sends the tiger there for fire, at this time he makes a fire himself, cooks meat, lays it for himself, puts it in the tiger's part bitter fruits; A. prepares pig testicles, says he has cut off his genitals; the next day the tiger agrees to have A. cut off his testicles; A. runs away; tells people who cut straw that a tiger is coming; puts on the clothes they threw, the tiger does not recognize him, he pokes his wound with a sickle; elsewhere he sprays hot juice there; runs and falls into a hole; tells the tiger that the sky is falling, even if he jumps off; stabs The tiger with a needle, who pushes A. out of the pit, calls the peasants; they ran to the pit, A. burned the village, hiding meat and rice; says that wherever his spear and arrow fall, there is meat and rice; the old woman has a golden stick, A. exchanges it for wooden food, which supposedly creates food (it is hidden in advance); A. runs away, carries brushwood to the house for a long time, the unrecognized says that this pile was brought by A.'s son; people: if the son is so strong, then A. we must be afraid]: 41-46; 1978, No. 3 [a childless woman wants to go to the monks to ask for a child; everyone refuses to transport her across the river; she builds a stupa by a tree out of sand, asks a tree to give her three children to take revenge on those in power, monks and elders; gives birth to three children, dies; the eldest is Aay CaaLaay ("liar"; A.); he was adopted by husband and wife; he feathered a bunch of crap, asked the adoptive father to catch the bird, he smeared himself; the same with the adoptive mother; they left it to be eaten by the tiger; A. asks the tiger not to eat it - he will show where to steal the pig; they carry the pig on a stick; A. gave The tiger should carry the part of the trunk where the thorns are, told him not to moan, otherwise the food will become bitter; the tiger moans; A. shows the star, sends the tiger there for fire, at this time makes a fire himself, cooks meat , lays it aside, puts bitter fruits in the tiger part; the tiger returns without fire, A. sends him to make spoons for leaves, poured white on the leaves himself so that the tiger thinks it is from birds (and He looked longer); the tiger eats bitter meat - this is because he moaned on the way; A. prepares pig testicles, says he has cut off his genitals; the next day the tiger agrees to have A. cut off his testicles; when A. climbs a tree, the tiger sees that everything is in place; A. throws the fruits away while the tiger picks them up, manages to go down and run away; tells the girls that the tiger is coming, they threw away their clothes, A. hers put on, the tiger did not recognize him; the same with women and children; with men who cut straw; every time A. asks to show the wound, pokes hot smut at it, sprinkles hot juice, stabs with straw; jumps into a hole; tells the tiger that the sky is falling, let him jump; but let him not push him upstairs, or the sky will crush him; stabs the tiger with a needle, he pushes A. out of the hole, A. stoned him; says to the peasants, that a tiger was caught in the hole; they ran to the pit, A. burned the village, hiding meat and rice; says that wherever his spear and arrow go, there is meat and rice; shows that people believe they throw spears, but nothing else they find; they catch A., hang them in a basket on a tree to then knock the tree into the river; a man with a gong was walking by, his eyes hurt, A. convinced him to change places - his eyes would recover; people knocked down the tree, the man drowned; A. says he met his deceased parents in the river, they offered him to take what he wanted, he took a gong; everyone jumped into the water and drowned except an old woman with an empty calebass; A. smashed Calebas with a stone, the old woman also drowned; A. told the governor that his wife had fallen off the roof, and his wife that her husband had been wounded by a boar; they ran to look for each other, collided with their foreheads; the governor expelled A. at a distance three blows to the slit gong, and A. measured three lengths of the gong, built a house there; the governor's children relieved themselves at A.'s house; A.: either poop or pee, but not both; governor: try it yourself! A. emptied his bladder, tied his penis, put a pile in the governor's house; he ordered to go where the earth turned upside down; A. built a house on the field where they plowed with a plow; hunchback came, carrying the vessel to back; A.: Look, there are two suns in the sky; she looked, the vessel fell and broke; people filled bamboo vessels with intestinal gases, came to A. not knowing it was him; he fed them buffalo manure and arranged it so that they opened their vessels under their noses]: 50-62; bru [liar Tan says that a doe has climbed into his field; everyone rushed to catch, there is no fallow deer, T. was driven into the forest; T. to the monkeys: I will climb a tree, drop fruits, and you will cut off the trunk so that the fruits pile up on the slippery trunk; you can't climb slippery monkeys; T. eats ripe fruits, throws green fruits to monkeys; T. ran across the river, shouted that the flood was beginning, advised the monkeys to tie stones to their backs; the monkeys crossed the reed bridge, T. brought it down, they drowned; T. collected them, began to fry them; a tiger came, T. threw him a few monkeys; the tiger agrees to carry T. on his back if he catches monkeys; towards him a boar; T. tells the tiger to hide; tells the boar that the tiger wants to attack him, so it's better attack yourself; after the fight, the tiger killed the wild boar; T. suggests taking the tree to carry the carcass: he will grab the top, and the tiger by the butt; thorns dug into the tiger's neck; by the river T. sends a tiger to fry a wild boar for fire, points to the setting sun - this is the fire in my grandmother's house; a day later, the tiger returned - there is no wild boar; T. says he brought fire from his grandmother himself; instead of meat, he gave the tiger a pipe - the meat went rancid due to your scream; the next day T. invites the tiger to eat its ears, gave the boars; cut off the tiger's ears; he saw that T.'s ears were in place, chased him; T. fell into a hole; says his ears grew; that the sky falls; pokes a stick in the tiger's ears, tells the turtle to be thrown out of the pit - the sky will flatten it; then asks him to eat it here, but not to throw it away; the tiger threw it away; T. threw burning guns into the pit, since then the tiger was striped; came to the village, lied again about the doe, climbed onto the roof; threw pepper into the eyes of the audience, ran away; stood on the old woman's shoulders to get honey from the hollow for her; he eats everything himself; the old woman bent down; T. hung his head in the hollow; people set fire to the tree; T. went up to the moon with the tree, can be seen there]: Nikulin 1976:212-220.

Volga - Perm. Marie: Bakulevsky 1973 [the fox and the bear found the cake; at night the fox ate the bear's share; he is going to eat the fox; she suggests cooking it first; bear: nothing to light the stove with; fox: there's fire out ( points to the moon); you can get it from a tall Christmas tree; the bear climbed to the top of his head, began to pull his paws to the moon, fell and crashed]: 43; Tudorovskaya, Eman 1945 [a bump fell on the hare, he rushed to run, answers to the squirrel, that the war was going on; then the fox, the wolf, the bear; the animals ran to the hut and began to live; the fox went to look for meat, met a strange beast; told others that she would invite him to lunch just to make him fat meat; let the hare meet, the rest will hide; the bear under the bench, the wolf behind the stove, the squirrel on the crossbar, the fox on the floor; the cat climbed onto the table where the meat was, saw the fox tail move, snorted; the animals ran away in horror; the cat left, the meat ran out; decided to eat each other; ate the squirrel, the hare; the fox: let's stab the one who wakes up in the morning with fat lips; greased the wolf's lips; the bear crushed him; not there was fire; the fox showed the bear the moon, told him to climb the spruce tree, take a splint and light it; teaches him to jump, then he will get it; the bear fell, crashed, the fox ate it]: 95-97; Chuvash [the acorn fell on the rooster on head, he rushed to run; hare: what's the matter? rooster: wedding, noise and din, something fell on their heads; let's go together; fox, wolf, bear join them; went into the hut; ate a rooster; then a hare; at night the fox greased the wolf's lips; in the morning: who finished eating a rooster? The wolf has oily lips, it was eaten; the fox extinguished the fire, sent the bear to go for the fire - the grandmother lit it (points to the stars); the bear climbed the oak tree; the fox tells him to climb higher; the bear fell, ripped his stomach; the fox eats bear meat, lives in the house]: Chuvash tales 1937:213-214.