Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M182. Resin doll, ATU 175, Th K741.


To catch a thief, a deceiver, the property owner puts a sticky figure to which the person who comes (usually mistaking it for a living being) sticks (usually consistently touches her limbs). Cf. Motive L38A. See Espinosa 1930; Dähnhardt 1912:26-45.

Hottentots [jackal], mbundu [hare], Kasai (bena-lulua) [gazelle], kongo [rabbit; mole], ila [hare], tutsi [hare], sumbwa [hare], isanzu [hare], suba [hare], goose [hare], ronga [ hare], nyamwanga [rabbit], nyanja [rabbit], nyika [hare], buti-bulu [ghost woman], tumbuka [hare], aunt (nyungwe?) [hare], iramba [hare], zigula [hare], mpongwe [rat], bulu [human], quiri [turtle], yoruba [turtle; hare], anyi [spider], eve [hare], kachi [spider], ikom [hare], ecoi [dormouse], soninke [hare]], baule [ hare], bambara [hare], ash [hare], mamprusi [spider], beta [spider], ashanti [spider], wai [spider], kono [spider], temne [spider], kuwaa [spider], Sierra Leone [hare], hausa [spider], borax [squirrel], sarah [tricky] ster Su], lango [hare], bari [hare and fox], anuak [boy and hyena], joluo [spider and hyena], malgashi (betsimisaraka) [monkey], kabila [jackal], Algeria [jackal?] , Egypt [jackal?] , Palestine [jackal?] , Syria [jackal?] , Jordan [jackal?] , Zhuang (Guangxi) [hare], Ancient India [monkey], Nepali [jackal], marathi [fox], konkani [fox], chhattisgarhi (Bilaspur) [jackal], baiga [jackal], Santals [jackal], ho [jackal], Simalur [dwarf deer], Malays [dwarf deer], Javanese [dwarf deer], visayas [monkey], fox [hare], lolo (bai) [hare], Chinese (Ningxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture) [hare], Tajiks [fox], Kohistani [jackal].

SW Africa. Hottentots: Klipple 1992 [animals build a mound to allow water to gather inside; the jackal refuses to work, but comes to drink and swim; the turtle smears glue, the jackal sticks to it; asks shave his tail, grease him, then hit his head against a rock; a hyena tries to do it and the jackal runs away]: 35; St. Lys 1916 [in drought, a lion calls a baboon, a leopard, a hyena, a jackal, a hare and a turtle to dig a well; the jackal refuses to work, and when the well is filled with water, he comes to drink and swim; the baboon remains on guard; the jackal promises to give him honey, he allows himself to be tied; the jackal bathes, does not give the baboon honey, hits it with a stick; next time the turtle smears the shell with glue, hides in the water, the jackal thinks it's a stone, sticks, tries to beat, bite the turtle, sticks even more tightly; the turtle brings the jackal to the animals, the lion sentences him to death; agrees that the jackal himself propose the type of execution; the jackal: shave the tail, grease it, take the hyena by the tail and, untwisted, hit his head against the stone; the tail slips out of the hyena's hands, the jackal runs away, the lion chases; the jackal pretends to hold the rock ready to fall; asks the lion to hold it, goes to bring the pole himself; disappears]: 59-63.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Mbundu [a monkey and a hare steal vegetables from the leopard garden; the sorcerer advises cutting out female figures, greasing them with glue, hanging them on a branch; the monkey and the hare think they are girls, they stick; the leopard puts them in a bag, leaves his wife to cook, goes to the funeral; the hare convinces the leopard's wife that he told them to go to the funeral too; she lets them out; they wear military suits, come to funeral, it is said that the ruler of Angola demands that the leopard be arrested, tied up and carried away; they feast in his house; they let him go and confess who they are; since then, the monkey has been hiding in trees, the hare does not sleep at all ]: Anpetkova-Sharova 1975:226-230 (a short version in Klipple 1992:101); Kasai (bena lulois?) [the animals dug a pond, but the gazelle refused to work; comes to use the water, deceiving the guards; the sorcerer made a sticky doll; the gazelle began to ask what the doll was doing here, hit, stuck, died ]: Lambrecht 1963:67; lulua (?) [the leopard's wife asks for a gazelle; he makes a sticky doll, puts food next to him; the gazelle sticks, the leopard brings it to his wife; the gazelle kills and cooks the leopard's wife, says he ate his wife, runs away; since then since the leopard is looking for his wife]: Lambrecht 1963:73-74; Congo: Dennett 1898 [The rabbit offers food when they finish work; leaves every now and then - supposedly his wife is giving birth; replies that the child was named Unfinished, Half-finished, Finished, eats supplies; explains that Wild Cat ate everything; Antelope does not believe, offers a laxative, Rabbit's tail is wet; Antelope forbids him to use water from open water; Rabbit violates the ban; Antelope places a figure near the reservoir, smeared it with a sticky mass; The rabbit hits it, sticks, the Antelope kills him]: 90-93 (translated into Kotlyar 1973:42-45); Struyf 1936 [ The Gazelle and the Mole are swimming; The mole digs an underground passage, enters the house, eats food; when they come together in the evening, there is no food; the Gazelle leaves the fetist; The mole enters, touches it, sticks, falls into the hot ash, dies]: 43-47; Weeks 1909b: 209-210; silt [a woman gives fruit, calls it munjebele; Leo, Elephant slip, fall, forget the name; The hare, on the advice of a woman, shouts the name when he falls, he does not forget the fetus; everyone goes to bed at the spring, agrees to kill the one who goes out of need at night; The hare relieves the elephant's body, the Elephant is killed; the hare carries his head, sings what happened; he is grabbed; he says he will not die if he is hit against a rock, but will die if thrown into a hole; he hides in a hole; he is grabbed by the leg, he says it is the root; comes out on the other side offers to dig himself, breaks the hoe; to get the handle back on, hits Buffalo's leg and head with a hoe; refuses to dig a well with everyone, the animals decide not to let him go to the water; The hare, promising honey to the watchman, consistently binds Wildebeest, Leo, Elephant to guard; the Turtle offers to smear it with glue, the Hare sticks, he is killed]: Smith, Dale 1920, No. 18:394-398; Tutsi [owner put a scarecrow in the cornfield, smeared it with glue, touched it, stuck, threatened to kill, hit him with his other hand, legs, completely stuck; the owner gave the Hare to his son, sent him home to fry the Hare; The hare explains to the boy that his father ordered him to fry the chicken, feed it; ate, ran away]: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010:427; sumbwa [the hare steals sesame from the field, the owner made a doll, coated it with resin, the hare became touch, stick; asks to cook him alive; the man left the child at the cauldron, went to the field; the hare got out, put the baby to cook, dressed in his clothes; asks him to cook bean puree; the rest ate meat; the hare said who he was and what they ate, ran away, hid in the hole; the man grabbed his tail, the hare said it was the root, offered to take the tail, actually let him hold the root; the people went after the hoe, the hare threw sand into the eyes of the remaining guard, got out unnoticed, came unrecognized, offered to help dig, broke the hoe; hid in the termite mound, went out unnoticed, broke the hoe again; people left attempts to catch him]: Ohotina 1962:256-259 (briefly in Klipple 1992:100); isanzu [The hare hits the ground with its paw, the millet on the field turns into grass; the owner puts a scarecrow, the Hare's paw sticks; he asks the Jackal to stick him off, hit the scarecrow; the Jackal sticks with four legs; the Hare advises the field owner to throw him into a pile of ash (hits his nose so that blood can be seen), and the Jackal against a stone; the Jackal is killed; the hostess begins to cook the Hare, he makes sure that the water does not boil; the hostess goes out, the Hare jumps out, puts the owners' child to cook; when the meat is eaten, she shouts to the hostess that she has eaten her child]: Kohl- Larsen, Allensbach 1937, No. 48:66-67; suba [Hare steals sesame from a field, a man makes a wooden girl, smears resin, a hare sticks; a man puts the Hare to cook, leaves the patient guard the child, the hare gets out of the cauldron, cooks the baby, puts on his clothes, shouts to his parents that they ate, runs away; hides in a hole, the man grabs his tail, the hare says that this is the root; people go behind the hoe, the watchman The hare throws sand in the eyes, runs away; comes when people dig a hole, breaks their hoe; hides in a termite mound, runs away; breaks the hoe again; people stop pursuing]: Hunting 1962:256-259; the goose [The hare tells Leo that thieves steal his cows, while eating Leo's lunch; he puts a sticky scarecrow in the place where he eats; the hare hits him, sticks; says he will die if throw him on a mole mound; runs away under the cover of rising dust]: Vinogradov 1984, No. G9:314; iramba [rabbit steals peanuts from a woman's garden; she asks her husband to make a sticky doll in the form of girls; the doll does not respond to the rabbit, it hits it, bites it, sticks]: Klipple 1992:100; nyamwanga [the rabbit steals the harvest from the garden, the owner puts a sticky doll, the rabbit sticks]: Klipple 1992:100; nyanja [only the rabbit manages to stomp water from the ground; the elephant is furious, has forbidden rabbits to use the reservoir; the rabbit is the first to guard; the rabbit brings honey, promises the elephant, he allows himself tie, the hare uses water; the turtle offers to smear it with glue; the rabbit thinks it's a stone, comes and sticks]: Klipple 1992:98-99; nika [the hare steals millet, sticks to the sticky a bench placed in front of a woman's figure; the owner gives the hare to his son, tells him to burn on fire, cook the liver; the hare convinces the boy that he should cook a rooster, eats a rooster, goes to bed]: Klipple 1992:99; beti bulu [when Kulutongo's wife, a ghost woman comes to her to ask if she will choose food or a son; the mother replies every time that her son, the ghost eats everything; the bird flies to K., shouts about it; K. guards, kills the ghost woman with spears, buries it in the field; then the field is trampled; the sorcerer explains that the ghost rises from the grave and tramples; K. makes a resin doll, The ghost sticks to her, is buried with the doll; everything is fine after that]: Binam Bikoï 197:96-98; mpongwe [the rat and the leopard hunt together, the rat has more prey, but the leopard takes the meat; the rat cuts the logs to look like elephant tusks, says it has found tusks in the river; the rat and the leopard smoke meat, go to pull out imaginary tusks; under some pretext, the rat comes back, changes his parcels of meat on leopard bundles; the sorcerer tells the leopard to place a resin doll next to the meat, the rat hits it, sticks, is forced to return the meat; the leopard carries meat home, and the rat fills its baskets with stones; quietly replaces meat with stones in leopard baskets; everyone leaves baskets in a secluded place at night, and in the morning, leopard people find only stones and bones in their baskets; the rat says doesn't know who might have stolen the meat, agrees to give the leopard a few pieces]: Nassau 1912, No. 2:18-25 (retelling in Klipple 1992:102); bulu [someone steals crops from a peasant's field; he did a wooden doll, smeared it with sticky juice; at night the thief called out to the doll, touched it with his hand, then with another, etc.; the owner left the thief to die]: Reuss-Nliba, Reuss-Nliba 2014:122-124; tumbuka (henga) [ a hare comes to eat beans in the garden; a man makes a wax doll, puts porridge and water next to him; the hare eats porridge, turns to the figure, she is silent, he hits it, sticks]: Klipple 1992:97; aunt (nyungwe ?) : Klipple 1992:97-98 [a man cut down trees on the site, they are standing again in the morning; he puts a wax figure, a hare sticks to it, which restored vegetation at night; a man puts a hare in a bag, gives the child, tells the mother to take it and tell her to cook a hare, not the chicken as they intended], 98 [the animals dug a well, the hare refused to work, but comes for water; the turtle managed to catch him: she was waxed and the hare stuck]; zigula [The hare refuses to dig a well with others, he is not allowed to use water; they send a frog to guard; she says that something big has come and she hid; then they make a figure, smear it with sticky juice; the hare comes, the figure is silent, he hits her, sticks it; says that he will die if he wraps a web around his face and his eyes turn white; animals do, the Hare runs away]: Dammann 1937, No. 6:153-154; ronga [the hare realizes the anxiety that enemies have attacked, at this time he is stealing peanuts; residents put a sticky doll on the field, the hare sticks to it; asks to be hacked down on the chief's back; runs away and the chief killed]: Junot, p. 285 in Dähnhardt 1912:33; scythe [during a drought, an elephant orders to build a stone rampart around the pool where it will gather rainwater; the jackal refuses to work; when the water fills the pool, goes to drink, bribing the animals left to guard with honey; the turtle smears the shell with glue, hides in the water, the jackal steps on it, hits, sticks; he gets killed]: Klipple 1992:35, 97; quiri [people steal bananas, spill tar around the site, the turtle sticks, they kill it]: Klipple 1992:102.

West Africa. Eve: Ellis 1890, No. 4 [the animals decided to cut off the tips of their ears, heat the fat, sell it, use this money to buy a hoe, dig a well; the hare refused to participate; at noon the Hare goes to the well, dragging the calebass with her, she rumbles, the watchmen run away; to find out who takes the water and muddies the well, they leave a scarecrow covered with lime; it does not respond to the Hare, he hits him, sticks; animals They beat the Hare but let go; since then he has been hiding in the grass]: 275-277 (=Olderogge 1959:154-156, =Abrahams 1983, No. 11:74-75); Spiess 1918, No. 2 [when the time is hungry, the Spider tells his children to bury when he dies, he is in a spacious coffin with enough food and everything he needs to cook; pretends to be dead, his children bury him; at night he leaves the coffin, steals yams in his neighbor's garden, brings him to for himself, cooks and eats; the neighbor puts the drummer's sticky scarecrow; the spider starts dancing, touches the drummer, sticks; when his neighbor frees him, the Spider hid under the roof and stayed there]: 108-109 (translation in Olderogg 1959:174-175); kachi [the Anansi spider has three sons, the eldest Ntrekuma; A. pretended to be ill; told his sons to consult a sorcerer; he portrayed a sorcerer himself, the children did not recognize him; let A. will be buried in the garden in an open grave, fish, meat, salt, pepper, etc. will be left to the deceased; and so on; at night, the imaginary deceased collects yams and eats it during the day; N. suspected something was amiss, put resin doll; in the morning the sons recognized their father; he did not die of shame, so now they do not die of shame]: Cardinall 1931:234-236; mamprusi [during hunger The Spider pretends to be dying, asks bury him in the field, shallow; at night he steals vegetables; The monkey suspects that this is a hoax, others do not believe; they guard but fall asleep; The monkey puts a scarecrow with sticky matter on the field, the Spider sticks; his ripped off, it shrinks, hangs on a web from the ceiling]: Anpetkova-Sharova 1966, No. 18:35-37; beta [The spider puts the resin doll on the field, asks the animals to work for him, go ask him for food" wife", if he doesn't let her, hit her; everyone hits, sticks, the Spider eats him; The monkey says he doesn't know how to hit the "wife"; The Spider shows, sticks, the Monkey eats him]: Paulme 1977, No. 135:68; ecoi [people cleared a plot of land, and at night someone spoiled it; Ise guarded him, shot shivetta; she was smoked and told Ise to guard the meat; Sonya (a man) got him drunk, ate meat, Ise killed, meat smoked; so with several watchmen (these are antelopes, boar); the latter is a big dormouse; pretended to be sleeping, and smeared the meat with resin, dormouse stuck, hitting him with his hands, then with his feet; everyone offers for him execution; he just asks not to be thrown at vertically standing spears; he flew up a tree; the tree was cut down, he moved to another; he was left alone; since then, the dormouse has been living high in the trees]: Talbot 1912:397-400; ikom [the hare proposed to allocate an inviolable area for a king who violated the ban on eating; makes a pogrom on the site, sends a forest cat there, and then accuses him of it was he who violated the ban; the cat was killed; the hare offered to entrust the cat's meat to the lazy animal Keroho, who does not eat meat; at night he steals meat, accuses the watchman of selling that meat; so one for others die many animals placed by guards; it is the turtle's turn, they just pretended to be sleeping, covered the meat with a sticky substance, the hare stuck first with one paw, then with all; the animals decide that the hare must pay a lot of brass rods, otherwise they will kill him, his mother and sister; the hare promised, but together with his relatives he climbed to the top of the tree and lowered the rope; all the animals climbed it, the hare cut off rope, everyone fell, crushing the turtle's shell left on the ground; since then it seems to consist of fragments]: Dayrell 1913, No. 2:3-7; vai [two options; the spider says it will die, asks to bury him in his uncle's rice field; at night he gets up, eats rice; in the kitchen they put a sticky figure in the form of a girl; when he comes to cook rice, the spider hits the figure, sticks to it, is taken to the city, where he is beaten or burned, and the ashes thrown into his "grave"]: Klipple 1992:104; kono [The spider tells his pregnant wife, if he dies, to bury him in a field where yams and cassava grow, putting everything you need in the grave cooking; dies the next day, buried as he wanted; the widow discovers that the corpse has disappeared from the grave and the field is ruined; the sorcerer advises her to put a glued doll on the field; imaginary a dead man asks a stranger who he hits and sticks without an answer; this is how his wife finds him]: Holas 1975:241; anyi [the spider (Kaku Ananze) wanted to eat all the yam; pretended to be dying ordered him to leave a mortar, pestle, pot, salt and oil on the grave; his son suspects deception, puts a sticky doll at the grave; in the morning his wife and children pretend not to recognize him and are going to burn him; resin from the heat melted, the spider rushed to his wife and children and dragged them with him into the river; since then, spiders have been visible on the surface of the water]: Paulme 1976:30-31; baule [the turtle puts the top in the middle of the river, and the hare is at the shore; every morning he comes first, takes the fish out of the turtle top and puts it in his own; the turtle suspects deception; the old man advises to put a clay figure on the shore and cover it with glue; the hare kicked the figure, then consistently stuck with all his limbs; the turtle beat him half to death]: Paulme 1976:30; dark [The spider steals vegetables from his mother-in-law's garden; the fortuneteller Malinovka advises putting a figure on the field women and wood resin; Spider talks to an imaginary woman, wants to hug her, sticks; in the morning mother-in-law found Spider and beat him so much that he has since become flat]: Turay 1989:44-47; Yoruba: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010 [in drought, the Pig invites everyone to dig a well; the turtle refuses to work, is not allowed to drink; every time she comes to the well at night, he sings a song about the kingdom of death, the watchman is afraid runs away; animals put a resin doll, the Turtle hits it, sticks; they felt sorry for him and let him go]: 46-48; Herskovits, Herskovits 1931, No. 7 [The turtle frightens the merchant at the market with the help of the Rat, picks up the goods; for the third time he does not share the prey with the Rat, she gives it away; the king orders to put a resin doll in the bazaar; the turtle persuades her not to execute, but to sell it; ends up in a village where there are seven kings; offers to execute anyone who can relieve himself in the market square; at night she does it herself, tells the excrement to say that this is the first king; the king's wife is conjuring, the excrement calls the true culprit; the turtle is thrown on a rock, half falls into the water, half on land; so turtles live both in water and on land]: 466; Parrinder 1967 [animals decide to cut off the ends of their ears, burn fat, sell, buy with this money hoes to dig a well; the hare dodged it; when the well is ready, he comes hitting the calebass; not understanding where the noise comes from, the animals run away; the hare drinks from the well, bathes in it; animals make figures girls, they smear with glue, the hare sticks, he is beaten; now he lives in the grass, his ears are the longest]: 131; raspberries [in drought, animals dig a well, the Hare refuses to work; comes to drink; Leo suggests putting a sticky figure, the Hare hits it, sticks; they want to burn him, but he says that the fire is his friend, and he is afraid of thorny bushes; the Elephant throws it into the bushes, the Hare runs away]: Herve 1936:86-87 in Paulme 1977, No. 813:63; bambara [animals dig a well, the Hare refuses to work, he is not given water; he comes at night, drinks and stains the water; animals put up a sticky scarecrow, the Hare hits him, sticks; says he is ready to be burned and quartered, just asks not to throw him into the dewy grass; the Elephant threw the Hare into the grass, he ran away]: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010:91-93; bambara (? "mande") [the hare uses the pond of other animals; they make a girl's doll, smear it with glue, the hare sticks; tells him to be thrown not into raw grass, but under the elephant's feet; they decide to throw him into the grass, he runs away]: Frobenius 1922b, No. 4:105-106; ash [Hare steals frogs from the Jackal trap; Jackal makes a tar scarecrow, Hare sticks]: Mendelssohn 1971:35-36; Ashanti: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 65 [spider Anansi tells his wife Ako that he is dying, telling him to bury him in the field, put kitchen utensils with him in the grave; at night he gets out of the grave, cooks, eats yam, corn; his wife and sons ask for their father's soul protect them from thieves; when this does not help, they put a resin doll; Anansi bickers with her, hits her, sticks; sons and wife took Anansi to court, he escaped, crawled into a dark corner, since then he has been hiding in similar angles]: 155-158; Herskovits, Herskovits 1937, No. 1a [Ananse comes to the heavenly god Nyame; asks that stories called "Nyame Stories" be henceforth called "Anance Stories"; N. I agree if A. brings a snake, ants and mmoatia; A. smears a wooden figure with resin, puts a plate of food on her hand; m. sticks]: 55; kuwaa [the forest spirit gave the spider the ability: if three times whistle on the bank of the stream, any food appears; the spider is getting fat and his children are starving; the wife went to the sorcerer, found out everything; said that an elephant had been killed somewhere; the spider ran there, and she came to the stream, got food; when the spider came there, the witchcraft did not work; his wife beat him and drove him out; they pretended to be dead, she buried him; at night he snuck into the kitchen, where food was lying, and eating; wife I went to the sorcerer again, found out everything; put the resin doll, the spider stuck; she beat him for a long time; when he escaped, he became a spider, climbed to the ceiling and still catches flies]: Pinney 1973:130-132; Sierra Leone (mande?) [the king puts a resin doll in the garden; the Rabbit comes to steal yam, sticks; asks the Ram to pour water on it, sticks off, promises to call the Ram to eat the stolen goods, and reports himself that the Ram is a thief; puts a bone on the Ram, he chokes, is speechless; The rabbit leads him to the king, the Ram is executed, the rabbit gets the skin, makes the drum]: Mudge-Paris 1930, No. 9:320; Hausa: Arnott 2000 [~like in Tremearne; leader instead of half man; after exposure, Spider hides under the roof of his house for a long time, his descendants stay there]: 17-22; Tremearne 1910, No. 9 [The spider buys seed peanuts, says his wife, who goes to plant, eats it himself; every time she comes back as if from work; the wife is going to harvest; the Spider says he will go by himself, steals peanuts from the Half-Man field; that makes a resin girl, the Spider touches her chest, sticks; Half Man whips him, threatens to kill him next time]: 214-215; borax [the squirrel deceived the crocodile; he makes a sticky figure puts on an anthill, the squirrel sticks]: Klipple 1992:106

Sudan-East Africa. Sarah (mbai) [Su tells the goat to give him one kid, he will take him to school; does not tell the kid to take a spoon with him - hardly anyone will give us food; there is porridge, Su sends the kid for a spoon , eats everything by himself; tells him to jump over the fire, the kid falls into the fire, Su ate it; said that the kid died of smallpox; the goat gave another; he slowly takes a spoon with him, eats porridge with Su; did not fall into the fire; then Su put up the bag; catching a goat in it, says that he died of smallpox; but the kid jumped out; to catch Su, the donkey tells the goat to feed him sweets; approaches Su's house, defecates; Su's wife tried it - sweet; Su also hit the donkey to make it sweet, but his hand got stuck in the anus; then the second hand, then his legs; the goat beat Su to death with a stick]: Fortier 1967, No. 19:275-277; lango [The hare goes to sow beans, tells his mother to cook them first, eat them; when it is necessary to harvest, he steals and brings beans from the Elephant's field to his mother; he puts resin doll, the Hare sticks; persuades the Rat to join him, she also sticks; asks the Rat to tell the Elephant that the Hare is already dead; the Elephant carries the Hare and the Rat home in the basket; The hare eats beans, puts the husks on the Rat's mouth; The elephant thinks the Rat is alive, hits her head against a tree; while the women in the Elephant's house are arguing about who to cook, the Hare runs away]: Wright 1960:100; bari [when leaving, a woman tells her daughter take care of her father, she forgets, her father is thin; her mother sends her sycamore for fruit; she climbs a tree owned by animals; animals stop under a tree, decide to eat the girl in the morning; hare offers to save her for promising to give him chickens; takes him home, gets chickens, eats them, collects blood on a tray, smears the face and paws of a sleeping hyena; in the morning not everyone believes that the girl was eaten by a hyena; a hare suggests making a fire in the pit, jumping over, the fallen one is guilty; everyone jumped and fell, the hare did not jump, ran away; together with the fox began to steal fruit from the tree; the owner made a sticky figure of the girl; the hare, then the fox hits it, sticks; their owner beats, the fox screams, is killed; the hare is silent, pretends to be dead; the owner carries them in the basket along with the fruit; the hare eats the fruit, pretends to be dead again; a man puts a fox and a hare to cook in the cauldron; the hare jumps out and runs away]: Basset 1903, No. 52:142-146 (=Meinhof 1921a, No. 78:310-312); anuak [hyena steals beans from the old lady; she asks the boy for help ; he made a wax doll; the hyena is angry that she does not know her refuses to talk to her; hits her, sticks; the old woman came out with a pestle, the boy with a spear; the hyena: I won't die from blows or by a spear, but if I water it hot water on me, I'll die; the old lady started pouring water, the wax melted, the hyena ran away]: Evans Pritchard, Mynors 1941, No. 23:70-71 (Katznelson translation 1968:237-239); joluo [the spider stuck, his set on fire, he escaped, and the hyena burned down]: Kronenberg 1960 in Paulme 1976:31; malgashi (betsimisaraka) [the monkey annoyed the turtle; it puts a sticky figure, the monkey sticks to it, the turtle cooks it alive, the monkey lifts the boiler lid, runs away]: Klipple 1992:108.

North Africa. Kabila [the jackal brags that you can't deceive him twice; he pees in the lamb's ear, he runs after him, the jackal kills him in the forest; the shepherd smears the sheep with glue, the jackal rushes at the sheep, sticks; the shepherd hits him, the jackal pretends to be dead (or loses consciousness); in the morning he shouts to the shepherd that he has bitten to death; steals birds caught in the snare of the shepherd's children; he tells the children to make a big trap The jackal got caught in it; his children beat him, hold his tail, the jackal gnaws off his tail, hides in a hole; dogs dug a hole, three jackals immediately bit to death, caught up with one, killed, the third ran, drowned]: Frobenius 1921b, No. 8:26-27; Algeria, Egypt [jackal?] : El-Shamy 2004, No. 175:72.

Western Asia. Algeria, Egypt [jackal?] : El-Shamy 2004, No. 175:72.

Burma - Indochina. Zhuang [the hare had blue eyes and short ears; he climbed into the melon field and ate melon; the owner saw him, grabbed a stick, hit the hare on the head, but missed and ran away; the owner cooked rice, bored it into porridge and made a sticky doll out of porridge; when the hare came back to eat melons, he tried to talk to the doll, she did not answer, the hare was offended and got into a fight until it stuck; when it the owner of the field found, the hare promised never to steal his melons again; he took pity and began to pull the hare's ears from the doll; the hare's ears stretched out very much and his eyes turned red with blood]: Chen, Wang 1989d: 361-363; (cf. Khmer [by the pond, the hare sits on a stump, it is covered with resin, the hare sticks; shouts to the elephant that Indra has set him to protect the pond, let the elephant leave; Elephant comes, enraged enough a hare, rips it off the stump and throws it away; this is what the hare wanted]: Marunova 1972:170-171).

South Asia. Ancient India: Espinosa 1930:141 (=1938:173; Samyutta Nikaya, Pali language) [in the Himalayas, hunters leave glue on the monkey path; smart ones bypass the trap, and foolish ones stick consistently with all limbs and head], 142 (=1938:174; Paricistiparvan, 12th c.) [after competing for the female and defeated, the old male monkey came to the cave where there were bitumen outlets; thought it was water, glued first with his head and then with all four legs]; 1938 (Jataka 55) [Buddha, when he was a young prince, is not told to go to the forest where a cannibal giant with sticky hair lives; Buddha walks, glued his limbs and head consistently]: 174; Nepali [jackal screamed "hawk", while he was stealing chickens; people agreed to see if the jackal was grabbed, dragged to execution; when dragged along the grass, he screams "hurt", when he pretends to be happy on the stones; his they deliberately drag along the grass; hang it, hit it, it swells; a bear is walking, the jackal pretends to be happy; apparently reluctantly allows the bear to untie it, hangs it instead of himself, runs away; the bear heavy, the noose immediately strangled him; the jackal found the elephant's soaked carcass, climbed inside and ate; the sun came out, the carcass dried up, the jackal could not get out; Mahadeva and Parvati came up; the jackal screams from the elephant's carcass that it was he is M., and if he wants to prove otherwise, let it rain; the rain poured in, the carcass got wet, the jackal ran away, climbed into a hole under the wall; M. grabbed his leg, the jackal asked why he grabbed the root; M. let go of the jackal's paw, he ran away; M. put a figure smeared with bird glue in his way, gave sugar in his hand; the jackal began to ask for sugar, the figure is silent, he hits her, stuck with all his limbs; at the request of P. M. freed the jackal and made him his companion]: Heunemann 1980, No. 24:166-169; Marathi (Mumbai) [a neighbor gave the poor old woman's son melon seeds; when he was about to collect melons, they were not there; the young man made a wax doll; a fox came, mistook the doll for a man, began to ask, beat him, glued himself with all his paws and teeth; asked the young man not to kill him, promised to marry the princess; came to the master, who was finishing making a gold bench; pinching his child, told the master that the baby was crying, the master rushed there, and the fox brought the bench to the royal palace; refused to sit in the proposed chair, said that he sits only on his own; offered his son to marry his royal daughter; seeing the bench, the king agreed; the fox told the young man to collect rice husks everywhere for several days and throw rice husks into the river; the king believed that cooking for hundreds of people; the fox went to the mountain and started screaming, Ishvara and Parvati asked what was going on; he talked about everything; they created a palace and a wedding tent for the newlyweds, food in the palace and darling clothes; but there were no guests from the groom's side; the fox called the other foxes, tied a bunch of palm leaves to each tail; they raised columns of dust on the way to church; the king believed that the groom was leading thousands of guests; asked to take only a few to the palace; but in the morning the palace and everything else disappeared, and soon the king should come to visit; the fox shouted that the bride's legs had brought misfortune; the king believed, giving it to his son-in-law half the kingdom; when the fox died, a grand funeral was held]: D'Penha 1890, No. 5:29-32; konkani (Goa) [a fox steals yam from the field; a peasant made a stuffed animal out of straw, coated it with glue; the fox hit him with his paw, stuck, then with his other paws; the peasant has already raised his stick to kill the fox, but he promises to marry him to the princess; on the condition of providing him with a royal funeral; brought a hundred elephants, horses and peacocks; ordered jewelry for the princess to the jeweler; in a luxurious outfit and sitting on an elephant, he came to the king; said that elephants, horses and peacocks are given by the king who rules in the West; tells his forest friends build a palace for the royal son-in-law; wanting to test the former peasant, the fox pretended to be dead; he tells the servants to throw away the carrion; the fox accuses him of ingratitude; forgives; when he really died, he was buried with honors]: Rodrigues 2020:189-191; chhattisgarhi (Bilaspur) [the elephant invited the jackal to ride it to find something to eat; he noticed a sugar cane field; the jackal was full and thirsty; the elephant offered to see if the cranes were visible (they are where the water is), but the cranes were not visible; then he offered to climb into his belly, there was water; warned him not to look up; the jackal climbed through his nose, got drunk, saw the heart, liver, etc., began to eat; the elephant died, the jackal continued to feed on it from the inside; the carcass dried up, the jackal could not get out; Mahadeo and Parbati were walking by; M. said that he was M., asked who was inside; jackal: and I'm Sahadeo, father M.; if you are M., then cause a downpour; the rain soaked the carcass, the jackal ran away; M. decided to take revenge, hid in the water, the jackal came up, M. grabbed his leg; the jackal said he was holding root, M. let him go; pretended to be dead; jackal: the corpse must let out gases; M. did it, the jackal ran away; M. made the figure of an old woman out of wax, a basket of sweets in his hands; the figure hit him with his hand, then the other, he stuck; M. tied the jackal in his yard, whipped him every day; another jackal came; the first said he was being fattened here, the other swapped seats with him; M. began to beat him; when he found out that made a mistake, M. let the jackal go and made him his guard; when the jackal howls at night, he serves for M.]: Gordon 1908:61-64; baiga [Jackal and Elephant came to the field, ate; Jackal is thirsty; Elephant invites the Jackal to get inside him, there is a lot of water; the Jackal crawls through his trunk, drinks, eats the Elephant's liver, he dies; Mahadeo and Sahadeo walk by; the Jackal replies that he is M.'s father; he suggests make rain on a bet; The Jackal cannot, M. causes rain, the Elephant's carcass gets wet, the Jackal gets out; M. and S. made a wax doll; the Jackal asked her for food, she is silent, he hits, sticks; they gave him to a baiga youth to beat him every day; the tied Jackal is swollen; replies to another Jackal that he is well fed; the other changes places with him; the other Jackal promises to marry the baiga young man the bride; his daughter Ahir brings him; then his father-in-law throws his son-in-law away, buries him, wants to get along with his daughter; falls ill with leprosy, dies; Baiga's wife digs up her husband, revives]: Elwin 1944, No. 23.5:463-465; Santals: Bodding 1925, No. 12 [the jackal and the chicken became friends, the jackal came to visit, the chicken got drunk, the jackal ate it; the chickens said they sleep in a niche in the wall at night, put knives and razors there themselves; then: we sleep in the hearth; the jackal cut himself; burned his paw, pulled it out, the hot coals fell on his belly; the chickens ask him to eat them outside, on a rock; they run away, left alone, covered in litter, advises the jackal to wash it and give it to dry; spoiled the jackal in the mouth, disappeared into the termite; the jackal waited for a long time, the termites ate his ass; he goes to catch crabs and fish; swallows fish, it falls out on the other side; the old woman sends to Pay the shoemaker; he put it, now the jackal can't relieve himself; the shoemaker sends him to the blacksmith, who pierced his ass with hot iron; he goes to the village for chickens, the residents think that Turks came, ran away; there was only one old woman left, the jackal knocked her teeth out; people made a wax figure; the jackal thinks it's that old woman, beats, sticks; people hacked him down]: 165-186 (translated into Zograf 1971, No. 4:32-39); Bompas 1909, No. 112 [as in Bodding; the jackal says in the village that Mughal cavalry is coming]: 322-325; ho: Bompas 1909 [the jackal and the kite told the residents that a Raja with an army was coming to the village; the jackal began to hit the empty pot, the kite screamed, the people ran, the jackal and the kite began to feast; one sick old woman stayed and called people; the jackals began to beat, but he said that he was not afraid of being beaten, he could destroy only with fire; a rag drenched in oil was tied to his tail and set on fire; he burned down the village and rushed into the pond; since then, the jackals have a scorched tip of their tail]: 471-472; Halder 1916, No. 13 [peasant plows; jackal: when these eggs fall off (referring to the bull); man: when water flows out of this stone; a man knocked down the top of a petrified anthill, and the jackal sat there; white ants gnawed a hole in his ass; jackal swallows a mouse, and it immediately jumps out of his ass; peasant: goes to the shoemaker, he will pay you a patch; the shoemaker put a patch, and the jackal realizes that it will make a good drum and started knocking; came to the village, started hitting his "drum" and shouting that the Indians would come and rob everyone; people ran, all the chickens went to the jackal; but one old woman could not escape and that's it I saw; people left the old woman's wax figure; the jackal told her to get off the road, hit her; stuck with all her paws and muzzle; jackal: execute me in the forge with hot iron; he was dragged into the forge, the wax melted and the jackal ran away]: 287-290; northern India, Hindi []: Crook 1900:400.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Simalur [dwarf pelanduk deer (P., Tragulus Kantjil Raffl.) steals a sugar trustnik from a plantation; the owner makes a cat out of sticky resin; P. calls out to her, she is silent, he hits it, sticks; he was locked in a chicken coop; he tells the dog that he is sitting because he refuses to marry; the dog takes his place; the servants stabbed the dog so as not to answer to the owner, served meat; P. tells the owner that he ate; offers to tie dry leaves to its tail and set it on fire, only this will destroy him; P. burned down the estate, the owner died, jumped into the pond himself, ran away]: Koehler 1964:125-127; Malays [in a Malay fairy tale about The pelanduke appears a stuffed bird glue]: Koehler 1964:159; Javanese [dwarf canchil deer (K., Tragulus Kantjil Raffl.) steals cucumbers; the owner makes a scarecrow with sticky resin; K. calls out to the figure, hits him, sticks; the owner put him in a cage to fry him tomorrow; K. tells the Dog that they want to marry the owner's daughter - the prophet Suleiman wrote that with everyone who enters it, this will happen; The dog changes places with K.; the peasant beat the Dog]: Ostrovsky 1956:25-29.

Taiwan - Philippines. Visayas [the monkey steals the cobs from Juan's field; he puts a figure covered with sticky wax; the monkey thinks it's H. himself, is angry that he is silent, hits the figure, sticks; promises to marry H. to the royal daughter, if he lets her go; steals a few coins, borrows a sieve from the king, returns it with coins - her owner measured the money with a sieve; pretends to dig the ground, says to the Burincantadam cannibals, that enemies are coming, everyone will be killed, we must hide; they jump into the well, the monkey throws a stone from above, cleans the palace of bones, frees the prisoners, tells them to answer that their master is H.; the shepherds are the same ; H. gets the princess; the king will amaze his son-in-law with wealth, died of joy; H.'s wife died of grief that she had such a dirty and ugly husband; H. became king, the monkey became the first minister]: Rybkin 1975, No. 99: 241-247; Tagals [the monkey takes supplies from the turtle, climbs a tree, eats everything; ran away from the hunter, he caught a turtle, tied it; when he found out that a person was feeding it, the monkey changed from in some places with a turtle; a man shot her]: Rybkin 1975, No. 126:280-281.

China - Korea. The fox [in drought, the wolf invites the hare to dig a well; he readily agrees, but on the first day he says that he has a headache, on the second day he has a stomach, and on the third, what he needs first change the roof of the house; the wolf dug alone, the bear helped him put a roof above the well; said that the hare is quite healthy; the hare goes to use water without permission; the wolf makes a wooden figure boy, smears resin; the hare consistently hits her with his paws, sticks; tells the wolf that he agrees if he roasts him, drowns him, tortures him in Chinese, but let him not throw him into the prickly bush; wolf does it, hare ran away]: Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994:286-292; Chinese (Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region) [the hare had blue eyes; he found a field of melons, the owner drove him away; angry that the hare ate the seed melon, the owner made a scarecrow, covered it with glue and left it in the field; the hare saw the man, turned to him, he was silent, the hare touched him with his paw, it stuck, he tried peel it off with the other paw and finally stuck completely; the eyes turned red because of the strain; the owner took pity and let the hare go, but since then his eyes have been red]: Zhou Yang 1999, No. 121:162-163.

Iran - Central Asia. Tajiks (Sina, the border of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, mountains) [the fox eats the dekhanin's melons; he makes a scarecrow, smears resin; the fox calls out to the resin figure, hits with one leg or the other, etc., sticks; the deckhanin and his wife tie a fox in a basket, go for firewood; the fox tells the dog that he will become the owner's son-in-law, offers to change with him; the owner found the dog, beat him for a long time, kicked him out]: Levin et al. 1981, No. 338:259; kohistani [the jackal stole Indian corn from the field; people smeared the stone with glue, the jackal sat on it, stuck, people beat him to death]: Grierson 1919b:520.

(Wed. The Midwest. Steppe Cree [The rabbit steals nuts, is caught sticking to the resin; he is asked if he is afraid of being thrown into a bush or into a well; he replies that the shrub is worse; thrown there, runs away]: Bloomfield 1930, #29:280).

(Wed. Plains. African borrowing. Osage [the rabbit comes to the well to drink; people put a picture of a girl at the well and the rabbit sticks to it]: Dorsey 1904c, No. 20:24-25; tonkava [rabbit eats melons on melons; Mexican does a resin doll, a rabbit sticks to it, a Mexican locks him in a bath; the coyote believes the rabbit says he has been locked because he does not want to marry a Mexican girl; the coyote dies but has come to life; the rabbit lured him into a bag (it's going to rain now, you'll stay dry), kills him with stones]: Hoijer 1972, No. 1:9-10.

(Wed. Southeast USA. African borrowing. Natchez [animals dig a well; Rabbit does not work but comes to drink; animals make a resin doll, the Rabbit hits it, sticks; when he catches the Rabbit, although he is thrown into the fire, he replies that he is not afraid; pretends to be afraid of being thrown into the bush; he is thrown there, he runs away]: 258-259; teals: Mooney 1900, No. 21, var. 1 [in the drought, the animals decided to dig a well, the rabbit refused to work; seeing plump and cheerful, the fox and the wolf realized that he was stealing water; they put a resin wolf at the well; the rabbit stuck; ran away as soon as it was stuck], 21, var. 2 [in the drought, the animals decided to dig a well, the rabbit refused to work; seeing him fat and cheerful, the animals realized that he was stealing water; they put a resin wolf at the well; the rabbit stuck; the fox and the wolf began to think what to do with it; cut off their heads; rabbit: they did this to me more than once; this is how different methods of execution were tried; when they offered to throw the rabbit into the thickets, he pretended to be concerned; he was thrown into the thickets and ran away]: 271-272, 272- 273; yuchi [the rabbit steals beans; the owner puts a resin doll, the rabbit sticks; the owner puts it in a box to throw it into the river; the rabbit persuaded the owner's son to climb into the box instead of him; man drowned his son]: Speck 1909, No. 19:152-153; screams [a rabbit steals peas from a peasant; the owner puts a resin doll, catches a rabbit; tied it to a pig's pole to scald it; the rabbit speaks a wolf who is attached for refusing to eat all the pigs; the wolf took his place; the owner believes that the rabbit only took the form of a wolf, began to pour boiling water; the wolf eventually escaped and ran away]: Swanton 1929, No. 75:68 ; hitchiti [rabbit steals vegetables from the garden; owner put up a resin doll, the rabbit stuck; the owner beat him to death]: Swanton 1929, No. 33:110; alabama [rabbit stole potatoes; humans they put a resin doll, the rabbit stuck; it was coated whole with resin and he died]: Swanton 1929, No. 57:161; koasati [rabbit steals melons, onions, etc.; the owner put a resin doll, a rabbit stuck; he was put in a box and left by the river with the intention of drowning him; he tells a black man that they want to force him to marry a girl; the black man took his place, drowned; the rabbit brought a herd of sheep and said that he it was given at the bottom of the river; now everyone wants a bottom, they are thrown one by one; when one box was caught and found drowned in it, people chased the rabbit; the rabbit hid in the hollow, the crane was put up as a watchman; the rabbit asked him to look inside, threw a noose around his neck and strangled him; the rabbit ran away, followed by a dog; so dogs chase rabbits]: Swanton 1929, No. 59:208-209; biloxi [rabbit with they planted potatoes as a Frenchman; the rabbit chose the tops; the next time they sowed wheat, the rabbit chose the roots; the rabbit refused to help the Frenchman dig a well - I would get dew; the Frenchman put it the well was a resin doll; the rabbit stuck; when the Frenchman found it, the rabbit pretended to be afraid of being thrown into the thickets; the Frenchman left him, he ran away]: J. of Amer. Folklore 6:48 in Dähnhardt 1912:39-40).

(Wed. California. African borrowing, except for the last episode. Chumash [a rabbit steals a melon from the field; a man makes a resin doll, a rabbit sticks to it; a man is going to cook it alive; a rabbit tells a coyote that they want to marry a man's daughter; a coyote willingly takes his place; struggles to escape, but his tail has been scalded; the rabbit pretends to support the edge of the ravine; the coyote agrees to hold him, the rabbit promises him two chickens, runs away; having lost last strength, the coyote bounces off the edge, nothing happens; the coyote dances to distract the fish, catches them, roasts them, walks away for a while; the hawk stole the fish with its tails in the coals]: Blackburn 1975, No. 108:311- 315).

(Wed. Big Pool. African borrowing. Utah [a coyote steals melons from a rabbit; he smears the gate with resin, the coyote sticks; the rabbit hits him, lets him go]: Lowie 1924 (Southern Utah), No. 32:59; Smith 1992 (Utah's uncompagre)]: 32.

(Wed. The Great Southwest. African borrowing. Navajo [the skunk steals corn; the owner makes a resin doll, the skunk stuck; tells the coyote they want to marry his master's daughter; the coyote has taken his place, the owner scalded him with boiling water; the owner's wife sick; they think the coyote is a sorcerer, letting him go; the coyote is chasing the skunk; he pretends to support the rock on which the crows are sitting; if the crows fall, something terrible will happen; the coyote agrees to hold, falls from exhaustion, the rock remains standing]: Hill, Hill 1945, No. 17:333-334; Western Apaches: Goddard 1918 (San Carlos) [fox steals melons; peasant puts up a resin doll, the fox stuck, the peasant is preparing to skin him; the fox persuaded the coyote to take his place]: 74; Russel 1898 [the rabbit steals melons, sticks to a resin doll, persuaded the fox to take his place; a Mexican ripped off fox skin]: 268; teva [rabbit steals melons; stuck to a resin doll; owner killed and ate him]: Espinosa 1936, No. 23 (San Juan): 92; Parsons 1926, No. 69 (New Mexico): 165; Tiwa: Espinosa 1936, No. 48 (Isleta) [like a teva; a rabbit steals pepper from the garden; the owner puts a resin monkey figure]: 117; Parsons 1932c, No. 27 (Isleta) [the rabbit steals melons from the garden of elderly spouses; they leave watchmen with a gun eating a slaughtered rabbit]: 416-418; 1940 (Taos), No. 23 [contrary to her younger sister's warning, the Apache woman says that the bison's skull was handsome, she would marry him; the bison takes her away; The opossum gives her husband magic remedies, warns that the bisons sleep with their eyes open; the husband finds his wife in the herd, takes her away, they climb a tree; she urinates, a calf notices her; when her husband kills with the arrow of the bison chief, the woman cries; he kills her too; bakes her head; tells her son and daughter to go eat meat; the head hisses; the children are hungry, they eat meat; the head chases them; the tribe migrates; the dog (on in fact, this is a witch doctor) hides a fire for them, gets them food; an old possumic woman reports that their father married a coyote; gives them good luck, an awl, a brush, a mirror; the children come to the old woman; her leg is swollen to crush a sleeping girl; the boy asks them to spare them; the crow says that the old woman needs to bring rotten water, wet firewood; the brother pretends that the sister needs to pee, runs away, carrying her on crooked; throws an awl, the old woman takes him for a boy, grabs it, her arms and legs stick (the "resin doll" motif); she can hardly free herself; the thrown brush turns into a thicket, the mirror into ice; an old woman falls on the ice, crashes to death; children come to people, they are starving; children refuse to stay with them], 75 [1) a rabbit steals vegetables from the garden, sticks to a resin doll; the owner tells his wife cook the rabbit; a drop of blood fell to the ground, the rabbit came to life; 2) as in (1); the old man Black Stick and the old woman Round-Stocky planted pumpkins and corn; the bat steals the crop, stuck to the resin doll, it was cooked, but a drop of broth fell to the ground, the bat came to life; 3) as in (2); three rabbits steal cabbage and corn from a Mexican garden]: 64-70, 136-137; ceres: Espinosa 1936, No. 9 [like tiva; steals corn], 14 (Paguate) [the rabbit provokes the fox to touch the resin doll; he releases it himself]: 82, 85.

(Wed. NW Mexico. African borrowing. Bark [an opossum steals a sugar strostnik; a farmer puts up a wax doll]: Preuss 1912:289.

(Wed. Mesoamerica African borrowing. See Wichman 1996:382-383. Mountain Totonaks [a person cuts trees to clear a field; at night the Rabbit revives them; a person puts a resin doll, the Rabbit sticks to it; the man cuts off his tail, since then it has been short; The rabbit reports that there will be a flood, orders to make a box, take food, fire, and a parrot; the parrot hits its head against the sky (since then it has been red with blood), screams; therefore, the person has time to hide his head; people turn into fish; they die after the flood; the rabbit offers to fry fish; smoke is understood to the sky; the gods decide to punish people for this; before it was enough to look up to die in peace; Now death is painful; the gods send Vulture to find out who started the fire; the vulture eats fish with man; the gods tell him to eat carrion from now on; they send the Hawk to raise man to heaven; gods turn him into a monkey with his head to his ass]: Ichon 1969, No. 1:44-46; Nahua (Tustepec village, north of Oaxaca) [two options; rabbit deceives coyote]: Mechling 1912:199-203; tricks [rabbit, old woman, fox]: Hollenbach 1980, No. 8, 20:461; wawe [rabbit steals pepper from an old woman's garden; she puts a wax image of a monkey; the rabbit stuck; persuaded the coyote to change in some places; the old woman stuffed the coyote into the box, put it in the fire; the coyote jumped out, ran away]: Radin 1929, No. 5:14; zapoteci [like a wawe; a woman steams a coyote with boiling water]: Radin 1929, No. 11:24-26; chooh [like a wawe; a coyote steals melons from a priest's garden; he put up a resin doll, the coyote stuck; the priest put a red-hot iron rod between his legs]: Kunst 1915, No. 3:356; juice: Sulvará n López 2007:70-73 [melons are disappearing from the garden; the hostess consulted with the priest, made a wax doll, Opossum came for melons, asked the doll, hit him, stuck; priest advised him to put a hot head in his ass; the hostess tied him up and left him; he told Ocelot that they wanted to force him to marry; Ocelot agreed to swap with the Possum; Opossum told him open the vessel when she hears a noise; the hostess untied Ocelot, he opened the vessel, the bees flew out from there, the noise comes from the fire, i.e. the hostess set fire to the vegetation around him; Ocelot burned; Opossum said that The pond was not the moon, but cheese, offered to drink water, Ocelot almost burst; Ocelot threw the ripe sapote fruit from the tree, and then the green fruit, which was stuck in his throat; Ocelot wanted to eat the Possum, he gave he had a banana, said that he had been deceived by another opossum; the possum advised the hostess not to throw it whole into boiling water, but first to chop it into pieces; the pieces fell out of the pot, turned into all kinds of possums and rats], 140-141 [The rabbit steals fruits and vegetables from the garden; the housewife makes a wax doll, it sticks; the hostess stretched out his ears as punishment]; zapoteci [rabbit steals crops from the garden; owner makes a resin doll, the rabbit sticks, the owner chains him; the rabbit tells the coyote that he is well fed here; promises to bring chicken and the coyote changes places with it; the man beats the coyote, he hardly escaped; (then the rabbit asks the coyote to hold the rock)]: Parsons 1932a, No. 11:296-299).

(Wed. Llanos. African borrowing. Sicuani [The rabbit steals melons, the owner puts the wax doll, the Rabbit hits it, sticks with all its paws and head; he is hung in a bag; he convinces the jaguar to take his place (supposedly well fed); The jaguar is thrown into boiling water; scalded, he runs away; the rabbit hides in the hole; the jaguar leaves the Caracaru falcon to guard; the rabbit tells him to open his eyes, throws garbage at them, runs away; the jaguar wants to kill Caracara ; he promises that he will get fat if he is thrown away; he flies away; the jaguar pretends to be dead; the Rabbit asks if he did not let the winds go, if he did not let him in, he was alive; the jaguar makes an indecent sound, the Rabbit says The jaguar is alive; persuades the jaguar to dive for cheese (this is a reflection of the sun); after a series of antics, kills the jaguar with a club]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 74:280-283.

(Wed. Guiana. African borrowing. Varrau [the rabbit steals bananas; the peasant put up the resin doll and the rabbit stuck; the farmer was going to boil it with boiling water; when he left for a while, the rabbit ran away]: Wilbert 1970, No. 194:453-454; vapishana [the jaguar made a wax doll to catch the monkey; brought the captured monkey to his wife and told him to cook it; instead, the monkey killed and cooked the jaguar's wife himself; the jaguar ate his wife]: Wirth 1950:180).

(Wed. Ecuador. African borrowing. Kanyari [the rabbit steals vegetables from the garden; the farmer made a wax doll, the rabbit stuck; the farmer put it in a box; the rabbit tells the fox that they want to marry his master's daughter; the fox occupied him place; when the peasant understands the deception, the fox promises him to find the rabbit if the farmer lets him go; when he sees the fox, the rabbit pretends to support the rock, otherwise the world will collapse; the fox takes its place, and the rabbit runs away]: Zaruma 1993:285-293).

(Wed. Western Amazon. African borrowing. Napo [the rabbit steals sugar cane from the field; the farmer makes a wax doll, the rabbit sticks; the farmer puts it in a bag; the rabbit persuaded the wolf to switch places while he goes to relieve himself; a peasant puts a hot rod in the wolf's ass; since then, wolves have a smooth anus]: Mercier 1979:201-202).

(Wed. Central Andes. African borrowing. Quechua in mountainous Bolivia [rabbit steals corn; stuck to a wax doll; caught; tells the fox that they want to marry his master's daughter, the fox swapped places with him; he was scalded with boiling water]: Paredes 1953:28-30).