Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M183a. Who eats more: one against many. 11.12.

Two are arguing which of them will eat or drink more. One of them is constantly replaced by his relatives, the enemy does not notice the substitution, loses.

Mpongwe, Congo, Banen

Bantu-speaking Africa. Mpongwe [the gorilla king will give his daughter for someone who can drink a barrel of rum; even an elephant is unable to do so; the little monkey asks permission to move away from the keg after every sip; her next relative pops up instead of her, the barrel eventually gets drunk, the monkey gets a wife; the animals attack the monkey, she escapes by climbing a tree; since then, these monkeys have lived on trees]: Nassau 1912, No. 14:65-68; Congo [father promises his daughter Nkende to whoever eats nine bundles of cassava; Shiverr Cat dies full of fat; Monkey asks permission every time take a dip, she is replaced by another monkey, so eight times; The monkey gets a wife]: Struyf 1936:7-15.

West Africa. Banen [the big bushback antelope and the dwarf antelope argued who would eat and drink more; the dwarf hid her relatives nearby; after eating another portion, she went out to relieve herself, Another came in her place; Bushbok lost]: Dugast 1975:236-238.