Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M185. At the tail of the fastest (animals), ATU 275B. .11.-.13.15.-. (.52.) .62.72.74.


fast-footed animal (a flightless bird) and a slow character agree to compete in running or jumping. The slow one quietly clings to the fast-footed (or to the vehicle) and at the finish pretends to run simultaneously with him (jumped just as far) or before him.

Gogo [chameleon and hare], (mbundu [turtle and swallow]), yao [turtle and lion], ha [dwarf deer and elephant], biafada [chameleon and lion], ashanti [chameleon and hare], hausa [chameleon and kongoni antelope], wai [spider and deer], wolof [turtle and antelope], mangbetu [chameleon and elephant], malgashi [chameleon and boar; frog and boar], Portuguese [snail and wolf, snail and hare], Aragon [turtle and boar] fox], Catalans [bream and whale], Spanish (Murcia, Ciudad Real, Navarra) [frog and fox], Basques [frog and fox], Galicians [frog and fox], Italians (Emilia Tomagna, Tuscany) [cancer and fox; cancer and wolf], Irish [crab and fox], French [snail and hare; snail and fox; snail and wolf], walloons [snail and fox], Germans [cancer and fox; snail and fox; hedgehog and fox; hedgehog and fox (Pomerania, Tyrol) [snail and fox], friezes [snail and fox] fox], (Dutch [snail and fox]), walloons [snail and fox], Aramaeans [crab and fox], Fijians [butterfly and crane], Tibetans [frog and tiger], Burma's naga [frog and tiger], Meitei [frog and elephant; frog and elephant; frog and tiger], Vieta [toad and tiger], Vietnamese thai [toad and tiger], Khmer [toad and tiger], minahasa [leech and deer], fox [toad (frog) and tiger], chuan miao [toad and tiger], Koreans [crab and fox], Greeks (Lesbos) [cancer and tiger] fox], Serbs (Bosnia) [cancer and fox], Luzhitans [frog and fox], Poles [snail and fox], Russians (Tverskaya, Tambov) [cancer and fox], Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Galicia, Hutsulshchina) [cancer and fox], Belarusians [?] , Armenians [cancer and fox], Turks [cancer and fox], Tajiks [ant and fox; flea and fox], Yazgulyam [flea and fox], Baluchis [turtle and fox], Danes [cancer and fox], Lithuanians [cancer and fox], Latvians [ruff and bleak ( or smelt?) ; crayfish and fox], Estonians [cancer (frog, flea, snail) and fox (hare)], Lutsi [crayfish and fox], Finns [crayfish and fox; ruff and salmon], Finnish Swedes [ruff and pike], Western Sami [sea bass and salmon], Komi [crayfish and salmon] fox], Chuvash [finger boy and rider], Kazakhs [tick and fox], Kyrgyz [ant and fox], Mongors [frog and tiger], Khalkha Mongols [turtle and fox], Ordos Mongols [frog and fox], Nanai [frog and fox] elk], nivhi [mollusk abalone and fox], Udege [frog and deer (moose)], wilta [mollusk and fox], Ainu [fox and tiger], Japanese [snail and fox; fox and tiger; louse and flea], (chontal [fox and crab]); mestizos Tabatinga [tick and deer], nivacle [tick and nandu], araucans [horsefly and fox].

Bantu-speaking Africa. Gogo [the chameleon and the hare race, the sameleon clings unnoticed to the hare's tail; the hare stops to rest three times, sees a chameleon, admits defeat]: Arewa 196:75; yao [the animals are offered a running competition, the winner will receive four elephant tusks; all are eliminated, the lion is sure of victory; the turtle clings to his back and gets tusks]: Dähnhardt 1912:74; (cf. mbundu [the turtle and the swallow both marry the same girl; parents will give it to the groom who comes faster; on the way, the swallow left, the turtle climbed into her bag; when she arrived at the scene, got out quietly, got a wife]: Dähnhardt 1912:115).

West Africa. Ga [animals ask the creator which of them should be king; the creator tells him to run to the throne: whoever sits on it first is the king; the dwarf deer quietly clings to the elephant's tail, the first to sit on throne; therefore, its skin is only allowed to be used to dress the ruler of Accra]: Dähnhardt 1912:75; biafada [at a time when people rested their heads against the sky and animals lived among people, beautiful promises to marry someone who can reach her house faster; so that the lion does not overtake everyone, his sleeper will be tied up; the animals ran, the lion rushed in vain, the chameleon offered to untie him, quietly clung to the tail; Seeing a chameleon at the finish, the lion hit him, since then the chameleon has a flat head]: Nikolnikov 1976:47-49; ashanti [animals choose a king, are afraid to choose a large predator; decide to make the victor king in running; the hare was far ahead of everyone, but the chameleon quietly clung to its tail, was the first; however, the animals did not want such a king, they parted; at night, on top of the tree, the chameleon gives a voice, calling its own subjects]: Barker, Sinclair 1917, No. 30:155-157; hausa [the chief promises a daughter to someone who will process the field faster; the chameleon's hoe works by itself; then the leader demands victory in the race; the chameleon turns into a needle, clings to the tail of the Kongoni antelope (Alcelaphus buselaphus), gets a wife; there are still tears in front of the antelope's eyes]: Rattray 1913, No. 4:74-78 (translated into Okhotina 1962:276; cit. in Permyakov 1972:55-56; retelling in Klipple 1992:116); vai [the man will give his daughter for the first to reach her; the Fox offers to tie the Deer, otherwise he will probably be the first; The Spider comes to A deer, unties his first daughter from his future wife for promising to marry him; Deer sits quietly on his horns, jumps off at the finish line, says that he won; the judge gave the girl to Spider]: Ellis 1914, No. 5: 189-190; Wolof [the turtle tells the antelope it will reach the top of the hill faster; quietly grabbed the antelope's tail; when the antelope reached its target and looked around, the turtle was in front her; after that, the antelope and the turtle were invited to the lion party; everyone had to bring plates with them, but they didn't have it; antelope turtle: although I run faster, you live closer, run for plates; while the antelope was gone, the king finished his meal (he has a large plate with only two grains on it); the turtle took advantage of his plate and ate everything that was given to her and the antelope; said to the one who came running the antelope, that she did not eat anything herself either; the lion offered a wrestling competition and, in order not to have rivals, appointed the elephant as a judge; rushed to the antelope, which ran away; at the turtle, but she hid in her shell, and then grabbed the lion's finger; the lion howled in pain, the elephant declared the turtle victor and king of animals; the antelope thanked the turtle for saving it from the lion]: Reuss-Nliba, Reuss-Nliba 2018:157-160.

Sudan - East Africa. Mangbetu [the chameleon and the elephant agree to race; the chameleon places other chameleons along the distance; clings to the elephant's tail; the elephant is barely alive from fatigue, admits itself defeated]: Dähnhardt 1912:74-75; malgashi: Dähnhardt 1912:73 -74 (merina, betsimisaraka; cf. Klipple 1992:116) [=Permyakov 1972:56-57; the boar laughs at the clumsiness of the chameleon; offers to race; the chameleon quietly clings to its stubble, every time he is near; the boar falls dead of fatigue], 74 [the boar and the frog go to visit each other; the frog has little food, the boar is dissatisfied, offers to race; the frog quietly clings to its stubble, every time it finds itself near].

Southern Europe. The Portuguese [snail and wolf (hare) agree to race; the snail clings to the wolf's tail (hare), wins]: Cardigos 2006, No. 275B: 50; Aragon [turtle and fox agree to race, the turtle clings to the fox's tail, it admits defeat]: González Sanz 1964, No. 275:73; Spaniards: Camarena, Chevalier 1997, No. 275 (Ciudad Real, same Navarra, Basques [the fox laughs at the frog, it says it will overtake it; clings to the fox's tail, says it's already here at the finish]: 403-404; Hernández Fernández 2013, No. 275 (Murcia) [ the fox and the frog agree to race; the frog clings to the fox's tail, wins]: 81-82; the Galicians [the fox and the toad cultivated the field together and harvested; fox: you have straw, and I have grain ; the toad does not agree; then the fox suggests that the grain be taken first to reach the top of the mountain; the toad quietly clung to the fox's tail, and when it reaches and turns back to see where the toad is, called her in front]: Contos 1972, No. 10:21-22; Italians: Dähnhardt 1912:79 (Emilia Romagna: 15th century, Piacenza) [cancer and fox agree to race; cancer: giving you a head start on the length of your body, tell me when you start; clings to the fox tail, the fox admits defeat], 79-80 (Tuscany: Pistoia) [the wolf speaks contemptuously of cancer, they agree to race; wolf: let's start when I wave my tail; cancer clings to the wolf's tail, he's exhausted, the cancer is not tired, the wolf admits defeat]; Del Monte Tammaro 1971 (Abruzzo) [cancer clings to the wolf's tail and wins the competition in running], No. 1:5.

Western Europe. The Irish [fox and crab compete to run; the crab clung to the fox's tail and wins]: Jackson 1936:285; French: Dähnhardt 1912:72 (Upper Brittany) [fox laughs at With the slowness of the snail, she offers to race, places other snails along the furrow in the field; the fox falls dead from fatigue], 82 (Vosges) [the snail and the fox agree to run to the bridge; the snail clings to the fox's tail, replies that it is already here], 83 (Burgundy - Cote d'Or) [the wolf runs to Dijon, meets a snail, they argue who will come faster, the snail clings to the wolf's tail, near the city the walls crawl under the gate, climbs the wall, shouts that it is already here]; Kabakova 1998 (Niverne) [the hare speaks disdainfully of the snail; she says he will overcome the field faster than him; they they agree to race; the snail puts another snail at the finish line, the hare loses; then suggests who will reach Paris faster; the snail attaches to the wagon, gets to the agreed place; the hare comes running, it is already there; out of grief, the hare goes to drown; at the sight of his frogs, they jump into the water in fear; the hare is in a good mood and laughed so much that his lip burst]: 56-57; Lopyreva 1959, No. 25 [ the wolf stepped on the snail, she offered to race; stepped on the wasp's nest, the wasps promise to drown the wolves; the snail placed girlfriends along the river, they constantly respond to wolves, they are considered winners; wasps began to sting wolves, they rushed into the river and drowned]: 87-88; walloons [the snail and the fox are arguing about who will be faster in Liege; the fox comes running when the gate is already closed; the snail clung to the fox's tail, crawls under the gate, wins the dispute]: Laport 1932, No. 275C: 37; Germans (13th century) [the fox despises cancer's slowness; they negotiate to race; the cancer clings to the fox's tail, the fox admits defeat]: Dähnhardt 1912:80; Germans: Dähnhardt 1912:80 ( Brandenburg) [fox and cancer race, cancer clings to fox tail, wins], 80-81 (Pomerania) [fox and cancer (var: hedgehog) race, cancer clings to fox tail, wins], 82 (Transylvania ) [the fox speaks contemptuously of the snail, they agree to race, the snail clings to the fox's tail; by the river it says it has been waiting for it for a long time]; Germans (Switzerland) [snail and fox they agree to race to the city; the fox rests until the evening, at which time the snail has time to cling to its tail; at the finish line it crawls under the city gate, replies that it is already here, the fox admits defeat]: Sutermeister 1869, No. 53:112-115; the Germans (Tyrol) [the snail and the fox argue who will run to the target before dawn; the snail clings to the fox's tail, answers it]: Dähnhardt 1912:83; friezes [the snail and the fox compete in the run; the snail clings to the fox's tail, at the finish it asks: why have you been taking so long]: Kooi 1984, No. 275:306; (cf. Dutch (Maasland) [snail and frog argue about who will reach the city first; the frog comes when the gate is closed, waits until morning; the snail crawls later, but crawls under the gate in the morning welcomes the frog coming in]: Dähnhardt 1912:83).

Western Asia. Aramei [crab and fox harvested and threshed wheat together; fox: whoever runs first gets everything; the crab clings to the fox's tail, takes wheat, the fox gets straw]: Dä hnhardt 1912:78.

Melanesia. The Fijians [the butterfly and the crane agree to fly to Tonga - who is faster; the butterfly sits quietly on the crane's back, each time answering that it is here; the crane falls into the sea from fatigue; without support, the butterfly also dies]: Dähnhardt 1912:77.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [an old tiger named Tsuden was hunting; the frog was scared of him, but climbed on a bump and asked where he was going to go; tiger: I'm hungry and I'll probably eat you; frog puffed up: I'm king frogs and I can jump any distance; we will compete to see who will jump across the river; quietly grabbed the tiger's tail, and when he jumped across the river and started looking for a frog in the water, called out to him; the tiger amazed; the frog offers another test - to compare vomiting; the tiger has not eaten anything for a long time and only regurgitated some water, and the frog regurgitated its tiger's hair (she had just held on to the tiger's tail); said that just yesterday she killed and ate a tiger; the tiger ran away; towards the fox; when she heard the tiger's story, she laughed and said she could easily press the frog with her paw; the tiger agrees to return, but only if they will contact the fox with their tails; frog fox: you did not repay the debt and did not bring meat; and are you taking this dog for me for lunch? the tiger fled, dragging a fox with him; if they don't die, they still run]: Shelton 1925, No. 2:21-25; Burma's naga [the tiger invites the frog to gnaw the stone, gnaws it into powder; the frog only hurt its mouth, but quietly spit out the stone and showed blood: it squeezed blood out of the stone; the tiger offered to jump across the lake; the frog clung to its tail and was also on the other side; the frog regurgitates the tiger hair that falls into its mouth, says that frogs used to eat tigers, they just get tired of it; the tiger runs away]: Zapadova 1977:242-244; the Meitei [elephant and tiger began to fight and the tiger won; the tiger was full, left the elephant for later; the elephant responds ruelly to the frog; she offers to race: the winner will be recognized as the strongest; quietly jumps on the elephant's back, and at the finish He jumps quietly in front of him; he does the same to the tiger; he admitted defeat and leaves; this is how the frog saved the elephant]: Oinam et al. s.a.

Burma - Indochina. Vietnam: Cadière 1955 [the toad and the tiger agree to race; the toad clings quietly to the tiger's tail, is in front; the tiger goes to drink, the turtle advises him to tie it to the tail a stone to prevent the toad from clinging; under the weight of the stone, the tiger drowns in the river]: 243 (narrated in Dähnhardt 1912:76); Gil 1906 [the toad tells the tiger to get out, mocks him; the tiger suggests compete: who will be faster on the other side of the river; the toad grabbed his tail, the tiger waved it, the toad flew to the other side in front of the tiger; who can eat more; tiger: wild boar and dog; toad: and I'm a tiger; the tiger ran away in horror; the monkey leads him back, the tiger tied his tails to her for courage; toad: your grandfather owed me a lot of tigers, ten would not be enough, and you only carry one; the tiger dragged the monkey; when he looked around and saw its mouth grinned after hitting a tree: and laughs again!] : 82-88 (retelling in Dähnhardt 1912:76); Knorozova 2000 [it did not rain for three years; the animals decided to send the Hare to the Jasper Emperor; the Hare advised to send not him, but the Toad; she agreed the condition that the Fox, the Bear and the Tiger will be given to help her; the Tiger agrees only if the Toad jumps across the lake and back before him; she quietly clung to the Tiger's tail; the Tiger regurgitated to prove his power the meat of the animals he ate, the Toad was the tiger hair that she swallowed while holding the tail; the Tiger was frightened; in the sky, the Toad began to beat the drum; the Jasper Lord sent the chickens to peck it, but she released the Fox on the chickens; sent the dog, released the Bear; the Lord had to listen to the Toad; when he learned of the drought, he told the rain god the ambassador rain; the Jasper Lord told the Toad from now on only to shout: he would understand that it needs rain, no need to go to the sky]: 37-40; thai Vietnam [the tiger asks the toad if it can drag a tree to build a house; in response, the toad offers to jump long; clings to the tiger's tail, which believes it is in front; asks what the toad eats to be so strong; suggests belching what it has eaten; the toad asks the tiger to regurgitate first; this is meat; the toad regurgitates something green, white red; says white is elephant tusks, red is tiger pupils; the tiger runs away; the monkey convinces him to come back, offers to tie him with a rope; toad: monkey, you promised me nine tigers, why only one? the tiger runs, dragging the monkey; the dead monkey grins as if laughing; the tiger is furious; ate a monkey]: Degeorge 1925:972-973; Khmers [the tiger tells the toad she can't jump; suggests jump over the river; the toad grabbed the tiger's tail, is on the other side in front of it; suggests comparing the prey; passes off the shard as the horn of the rhino it ate, the fish bone as the elephant's tusk, the seed is behind the tiger's eye; the tiger runs away in horror; the toad chases the tiger with the turtle; the tiger climbs the tree, the turtle pretends to cut it; the tiger hides with the blacksmith, who tells him to tie himself to furs to be less afraid; the turtle grabbed the blacksmith's penis, the tiger ran away in horror, dragging its bellows; the toad screams to the turtle: don't let the tiger go into the water, the trail will disappear; the tiger jumps into the water, the furs dragged it to the bottom] : Gorgoniev 1973:89-95.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Minahasa [the deer speaks contemptuously about the speed of the leech's movement; she offers to race to Mount Soputan; imperceptibly at the deer, calls out to him all the time, he is exhausted admits defeat]: Kratz 1973, No. 43:210-212.

China - Korea. The fox (the fox of China): Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994 [the tiger suggests to the elephant: whoever makes a louder sound will eat another; the tiger roars louder, the elephant starts to run; the toad told him to dig a hole hide so that only the tip of the trunk sticks out, sit down in this place; told the tiger that she had already eaten the tiger herself, which could become big; the tiger suggests jumping: whoever is next will eat the other; the tiger jumps twice, a toad clinging to its tail both times in front; the tiger offers to give a voice; the toad's voice is louder; suggests comparing vomiting; the tiger regurgitated the grass (he did not eat anything else that day), the toad - small fruits; told the tiger that these were the pupils of his ancestors, which she swallowed; the tiger started running; the monkey: let's go back; the tiger agreed only after they had tied their tails; heard it again the toad screams, the tiger ran; he thinks that the red and white on the monkey's face are the betel and the rice it chews; ran until the monkey's tail comes off; since then, the tails of the tigers are long, monkeys short]: 302-306; Zapadova 1977 (Burma's fox) [the frog invites the tiger to jump over the stream, quietly clings to its tail, finds himself on the other side with him; they agree to run to top of the mountain; the frog places other frogs along the distance, the tiger died of tension]: 167-168; chuan miao [they want to slaughter a chicken for the wedding; she says she is rushing, there's a rooster; the rooster crows ; the goose warns if thieves come; the toad and the tiger decide to compete in the run: the loser will be stabbed; clung to the tiger's tail; the man has decided not to slaughter anyone]: Graham 1954:287-288.

China - Korea. Koreans [the fox went down to the sea, saw that the crab has many legs, offered to race; each time she sees the crab right behind her, as it grabs its tail; the fox leaves, counting defeated, because the crab has many legs]: Choi 1979, No. 35:15.

The Balkans. The Greeks (Lesbos) [the cancer and the fox cultivated the field together, harvested wheat; decided to give it to the first to run to the current; the cancer clings to the fox's tail, gets wheat]: Dähnhardt 1912:79; Serbs (Bosnia) [cancer and fox agree to race; cancer clings to fox tail, fox falls dead from fatigue]: Dähnhardt 1912:79.

Central Europe. The Luzhitans [the fox comes to the pond for a drink, snaps at the croaked frog; it asks it to be less arrogant; they agree to race to the city; the frog grabs the fox the tail jumps off at the city gate; when the fox enters the gate, the frog is already there]: Romanenko 1962:133-134 (retelling in Dähnhardt 1912:83-84); Poles [snail fox: you can't walk around lakes; the snail offers to race; fox: if I catch up, I'll eat it; the snail clung to the fox's tail, and unhooked at the finish; the fox admitted defeat]: Shcherbakov 1980:21-22; Russians ( Tverskaya, town Kalinin, 1986) [the fox invited the cancer to race; the cancer grabbed her tail; at the finish she tells the fox that she has been waiting for her for a long time]: the archive of the Center for Tver Regional History and Ethnography, sent by V.E. Dobrovolskaya; Russians (Tambov) [the only known Russian version; the fox and the cancer agreed to race; the cancer clung to the fox's tail, saying at the finish it is already waiting for it]: Afanasiev 1958 (1), No. 35:52 ; Ukrainians: Berezovsky 1979, No. 453 (the place of recording is not known) [the fox mocks the slowness of cancer, he offers to race, clings to the fox's tail, she has reached - the cancer is nearby; no longer laughed at him], 454 (Hutsulshchina) [~ (453)]: 459-460; Ukrainians [turtle and hare]: Berezovsky 1979:544; Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Galicia, Hutsulshchyna), Belarusians [ Fox (lion, hare, etc.) and cancer (hedgehog, turtle): racing; cancer clings to the fox's tail]: SUS 1979, No. 275:97.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Armenians [the cancer and the fox cultivated the field together, harvested wheat; decided to give it to someone who runs away from the mountain faster; the cancer asks the fox to hit it with its tail to know when to start running; clings to tail, ends up on a pile of wheat]: Orbeli 1956, No. 69:93 (=Dähnhardt 1912:78-79); Turks [turtle, crayfish and fox decide to cultivate the field together; the fox shies away from work and then offers give the harvest to the fastest; loses both times: the turtle places other turtles along the distance, and the cancer clings to the fox's hair]: Dor 2002, No. 19:61-62; Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 4:29.

Iran - Central Asia. Tajiks: Levin et al. 1981, No. 15 (Muminabad) [=Amonov, Ulug-zade 1957:33-34; an ant and a turtle grew wheat; before harvesting, the fox brings it to a share, promises to work hard; says that the nearby clay hill may fall, it will hold it while the ant and the turtle reap; sleeps all day; offers to give the harvest to the fastest; the ant clings to the fox's tail three times, every time he says he's waiting for him; the fox has to admit defeat, the ant gives half to the turtle], 53 (Dukoni, next to Nurek) [the flea and the fox threshed the wheat, the fox offered to give the harvest to the one who wins the run; the flea clung to the fox's leg, says at the finish that it ran before her; took the wheat]: 119-121, 153; the yazgulyams [the fox gave the flea and the frog a stick - let them sow; and herself went to the foot of the mountain so that the mountain would not collapse; when they began to harvest, the fox demanded a share - gave a stick, held the mountain; they disagree; fox: the one who runs faster will get the harvest; the flea she clung to the fox and when the fox came running, said that she had been waiting for it for a long time; the fox burst with anger; the frog remained in a damp place; the flea built a mill, stayed on its head; in the spring its avalanche took it away]: Edelman 1966, No. 4:193; Baluchis [fox, rooster and turtle cultivate the field together: the rooster drags the plow, the turtle sows, and the fox supports the hill to prevent it from falling; to share the harvest, the fox offers to run racing; the turtle grabbed her tail and pretended to be ahead]: Porozhnyakov 1989:129-131.

Baltoscandia. Finns: Rakhimova 2000:174 [the fox laughs at the slowness of the cancer; he offers to race up the mountain; quietly clings to the fox's tail, turns out to be the winner]; Dähnhardt 1912 ( Kivima, Kaari, Loppi) [fox and cancer agree to race; cancer clings to the fox's tail, fox admits defeat]: 81; Danes [fox laughs at cancer's slowness; they negotiate race; cancer clings quietly to the fox's tail, turns out to be the winner]: Dähnhardt 1912:81; Lithuanians [the fox laughs at the slowness of the cancer; they agree to race; the cancer clings quietly to the fox's tail, at the finish it asks why it is so late, the fox admits defeat]: Dähnhardt 1912:81; Lutsie (West 1927) [the old woman answers the hare what she is looking for a shepherd for his three geese; towards a wolf; old lady: how do you sing? wolf howls; old lady: no, you will scare all geese; the fox sings a song, the old lady is happy; the fox ate the goose, the feathers are under the threshold; says that she is called for christening, to the attic herself, there is a barrel of oil; what was the name? fox: Beginning; ate another goose; again for christening; called Half; ate the third, again for christening, ate butter, called the hostess to the cold bath and told everything; her mistress with a broom - she stuck, with Since then, the fox has a tail; it pretended to be dead, the fisherman carried the fish and picked it up; the fox threw it all off, eats, tells the wolf that it caught, putting its tail into the well; the tail froze, the fox called the people, they ran to beat wolf, fox head in sauerkraut, full, head in the test; tells the wolf that the brains have leaked; the beaten unbeaten is lucky; the wolf: how beautiful the woodpecker is; the fox: I'll do the same, get into the haystack; set fire to the haystack, the wolf burned; the fox carries bones in a bag, tells the man that she exchanged the money for his horse; open the bag when you go beyond that blue forest; the fox killed the horse, eats; says that if anyone gets to this horse meat faster than her, then she will cry; cancer caught on the fox's tail; when she runs up, he is already eating horse meat; the fox has tears from her eyes; old woman: you will recover if you eat the meat of a 9-year-old bear; the fox walks, knocks on the Christmas trees, on each bear, she asks how old she is; 3, 6 are not needed; 9; well, turn around; the bear turned, fell, the fox eats it; the fox tells the people she meets that she is going to repent of their sins, asks what sins they have; the cat ate sour cream, the hare poisoned the sheep, the wolf ate the sheep, the bear lifted the horse; the fox: we cross the hole on the perch; the cat crossed, the rest fell; whose voice is weaker, we will eat it; ate the hare, then the bear; the fox hides under giblets himself, tells the wolf that he eats his own; the wolf pulled out his own, died; the fox ate the wolf, spring has come; the fox to the woodpecker: you can't pour sawdust, eat your chicks; the woodpecker poured, the fox got out; the fox demands for the woodpecker to make her laugh; the husband carries bread, the wife carries porridge with eggs; the woodpecker pretends to be knocked down, they rushed to catch, the fox ate everything; asks for water; the woodpecker punched a hole in the beer keg; asks her to mock; father and sons are threshing grain; woodpecker on their heads; sons wanted to hit the woodpecker, killed their father; the fox laughs; climbed into a hole, asks body members what they did; everyone helped, only the tail behind the bushes clung; she stuck it out to the dogs, they pulled out the fox and tore it]: Annom et al. 2018:289-298; Estonians: Kippar 1986, No. 275 (rarely, but throughout Estonia except the southeast) [fox (hare) and cancer (frog, flea, snail) agreed to race; the cancer (snail, etc.) clung to the fox's tail and was the winner]: 167; Mälk et al 1967, No. 40 (Otepää) [the pond is almost dry in the heat; the fox is contemptuous speaks of cancer; he says that she probably walks better than runs; the fox offers to run to the mountain, the loser will pay a golden stick; the cancer clings to the fox's tail, pretends to come first; the fox paid the disputed]: 86-87; Normann, Lätt 1968 [the fox and the cancer agreed to race; the cancer clung to the fox's tail, at the finish line says that the fox is tired of waiting; since then, the fox and cancer have not communicate]: 87.

Volga - Perm. Komi [fox and cancer race, cancer clings to the fox's tail]: Korovina 2012, No. 275:78; Chuvash [lightning struck the oak tree, a man as tall as a thumb but stronger came out of it a bear and smarter than a fox; uprooted the forest, plowed a field on a hedgehog, harvested spelt and oats; officials arrived in the spring and wanted to take away the plot; the little man agreed to give it away if he was overtaken by horse; he got into her ear unnoticed, and when the horse stopped, he jumped out unnoticed and was three steps ahead]: Chuvash Tales 1938:95-99.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [fox, turtle and tick sowed millet; the fox lay in the shade, saying that it would support the cliff, the tick and the turtle worked; the fox offered to give the harvest to the winner in the run; the flared clung in the fox's paw, said he was the first to run; a turtle came, said that hunters were coming with golden eagles and hounds; the fox ran away, leaving grain to the turtle and the tick]: Kaskabasov et al. 1979, No. 47:108-109 (=Bosingen 1984:35-36); Kyrgyz [fox and ant sowed wheat; the fox complained every day that it was in pain, went to drink koumiss; when the harvest was ripe, suggested that whoever received it runs faster; the ant clung to the fox's tail, the fox admitted defeat, starved all winter]: Brudny, Eshmambetov 1981:274 (quoted in Permyakov 1972:52).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Mongors [the frog tells the tiger that he is the king of the earth and she is the king of water; the tiger looks into the pond, sees its reflection, thinks that it is a mighty creature; the frog claims that it runs no worse than a tiger ; the tiger runs, the frog clings to its tail; it has tiger hairs in its mouth; the tiger wants to compare belching, sees that the frog's belching is tiger hair; the frog says it wanted to regurgitate tiger's head, but it's already digested; the tiger has been keeping away from frogs ever since]: Stuart, Limusishiden 1994:127-128; the Mongols (Ordos) [fox, frog and hedgehog agreed that the eldest would be jumped over the hole; the frog quietly grabbed the fox's tail; when it jumped over, he saw a frog; the boy became the elder brother, and the hedgehog became the youngest]: Mostaert 1937, No. 28 in Solovyov 2014; The Mongols of Inner Mongolia [fox, wasp and frog found a piece of butter; fox: whoever jumps into the hole and jumps out of it further will take; the frog clung to the fox's tail and ended up further; then: who older; wasp: I'm 100 years old; fox: I'm 1000 years old; frog cries: my eldest son was as old as a fox is now; youngest grandson is like a frog now; fox: whoever gets drunk faster will get oil; wasp: from one glass; fox: from the smell of alcohol; frog: from talking about alcohol]: Coyaud 2012, No. 76:215-217; Mongols (recorded by C.J. Zhamtsarano in Russian in 1904 in Urga by Ilbek Gabzhi, 58 years old, in Gandan; the text was kindly sent by D.A. Nosov) [Turtle, Fox, Wolf found a jug of wine, let the older one drink it; the Wolf replies that he is 100 years old, the Fox is 120, the Turtle is crying, says that remembered her sons, the eldest is 120 years old, the youngest is 100; the one who gets drunk faster will drink; the Wolf gets drunk with the smell, the Fox from the sight of wine, the Turtle from the word "wine"; decide to jump who is next; the Fox jumps then Wolf, the Turtle clung to its tail, fell on; the Wolf and the Fox decided to eat the Turtle; she agrees, but it has no hair, the upper meat is dirty, it must be washed; it was thrown into the river, it swam away]: Jamzarano 1904.

Amur - Sakhalin. Nanais: Kile 1996, No. 2 [The elk invites the frog to race; she jumps quietly on his head, at the finish line says that she has been waiting for him for a long time; so three times; the elk died of fatigue]: 71-73 ; Hodger 2011 [the frog offers the elk to race, who wins, kills the other (if the frog, the elk suffocates with blood himself); the frog sits quietly between the horns, the elk suffocates; the frog says Pudin that he killed the moose, which brings meat home, leaves the frog on the cana; at night he sees a handsome man, puts a frogskin in a mouse hole; Mergen says he was hidden in a frog the skin of evil spirits; P. replies that he is now strong himself; M. kills evil spirits, he and P. have many children]: 80-81]: 80-81; the Udege [deer (moose) invites the frog to race; they agreed to run around the Great Sea and the Small Sea; the frog sits quietly on the deer's head and finds himself with him all the time; the deer died of fatigue]: Nikolaeva et al. 2003, No. 15:104; nivhi [ just like the Japanese; fox and abalone shell]: Ikeda 1971:62; wilta [the fox collected shells from the shore; the heron took it to a distant island; the sea lion asks why she is crying; the fox: I'm not crying, but I sing; suggests counting who has more comrades; while the sea lion was collecting sea lions, the fox ran along the shore, leaving many traces; when the sea lions lined up in a chain, the fox ran ashore along them - supposedly thought; took the shell again; she offered to race: if the fox wins, she could eat it; the shell clung to the fox's tail, the fox believed that it had lost; the old man checked the traps, fell asleep; The fox thought he was dead, but from what? If he is hungry, he has a jukola, if it is cold, he has insoles in his shoes; squirrels, foxes, sables, deer and other animals took the old man and brought him into his house; the old woman closed all the holes in the house and they Many animals were killed by an old man]: Ikegami 2007, No. 12:46-50.

Japan. Ainu [the fox and the tiger agree to race, the winner will be the master of peace; the fox clings to the tiger's tail, and at the finish line rushes forward; asks the tiger where he has been for so long; so there are no tigers in Hokkaido]: Batchelor 1888, No. 14 (=Dähnhardt 1912:84); Japanese: Ikeda 1971, No. 275 (from Tohoku to North Ryukyu) [fox and snail go to worship in Ise; decide who is faster to run; the snail clings to the fox's tail when it reaches the temple, jumps off, says it came first; the fox touches the stone with its tail, the snail's shell breaks, it says it got out cool down], 275B (Tohoku to Kyushu, 6 entries) [Japanese fox and Korean tiger race; tiger doesn't notice that the fox is sitting on his back, so the fox wins], 175C (Kansai, North Kyushu, 2 versions) [a flea and a louse go on a pilgrimage to Ise; the louse clings to the traveler's clothes, gets ahead of the flea; confesses to deception; the flea turns red with anger, the louse hits, the stain on the back is still visible]: 62, 63, 63-64.

(Wed. Mesoamerica {Euro borrowing} Chontal [the fox invites the crab to race; it clings to its tail and jumps off at the finish stone; says he's tired of waiting for it]: Pérez Gonzälez 2013: 98-100).

NW Amazon. Tabatinga mestizos (?) [The turtle and the tick agree to race; the tick clings to the deer's tail, the deer hears the voice directly behind it, falls dead from fatigue]: Pimentel in Hartt 1875:11.

Chaco. Nivakle [nandu offers the tick to race, promises to pay him if he wins; the tick clings to Nandu's eyelashes, jumps off at the finish line and wins]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 206 : 499.

The Southern Cone. The Araucans [fox and horsefly (gadfly) agree to compete in running; the horsefly quietly clings to the fox's tail, says it has won; the fox wants to eat it, the horsefly calls other horseflies, they bitten a fox to death]: Lenz 1896, No. 10:44 (retelling in Dähnhardt 1912:75-76; =Pino Saavedra 1987, No. 17:54-55).