M187. Racing: the snail is a participant. . (.61.)
By racing, the snail defeats a faster opponent.
Vai [snail and deer], Portuguese [snail and wolf (hare)], Italians (Valle d'Aosta, Latius) [snail and hare], frets [snail and foal], French [snail and wolf, snail and fox, snail and hare], walloons [snail and fox], Germans (Switzerland) [snail and fox], Germans (Tyrol) [snail and fox], friezes [snail and fox], Dutch [snail and frog], khasi [snail and deer], garo [dwarf deer and snail], chiru [snail and tiger], Khmer [snail and hare], bru (wankieu) [snail and tiger], palaung [snail and hare], Thais [snail and hare], Burmese [snail and horse], Simalur [snail and monkey], Malays [snail and waxwing], Javanese [snail and dwarf deer], apayao [snail and deer], Tagals [snail and deer], visayas [snail and deer], Chinese [snail and hare], Poles [snail and fox], Estonians [snail and hare] and a fox (hare?)] , Japanese [snail and fox], napo or canelo [snail and deer].
West Africa. Vai [the deer and the snail agree to race; the loser will be the slave of the winner; the snail places other snails along the distance; a snail meets a deer at each river, asks move it to the other side; there is also a snail at the finish line; the deer ran away and has not wanted to meet snails ever since]: Ellis 1914, No. 16:199-200.
Southern Europe. The Portuguese [snail and wolf (hare) agree to race; the snail clings to the tail of a wolf (hare), wins]: Cardigos 2006, No. 275B: 50; Italians (Valle d'Aosta) [hare and snail]: Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 275A: 39; Italians (Latius) [when competing with a frog, the snail wins]: Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 275C*: 38; ladins [snail and foal agreed run up the slope; the foal was rushing back and forth, and the snail crawled stubbornly; when the foal reached the finish hut, the snail called him from the roof: Ich bin Käser und Käserlein!] : Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 95:254
Western Europe. French: Arnaudin 1967, No. 9 [the snail tells the fox that it is going to go elsewhere; the fox doubts that it will get there; the snail agrees to race with it, puts another snail at the finish line; the fox ran the distance several times; then understood the deception, ate both snails]: 120-124; Dähnhardt 1912 (Upper Brittany) [the fox laughs at the snail's slowness, that offers to race, places other snails along the furrow in the field; the fox falls dead from fatigue]: 72; Kabakova 1998 (Niverne) [the hare disdainfully speaks of the snail; she says that will overcome the field faster than him; they agree to race; the snail puts another snail at the finish line, the hare loses; then suggests who will reach Paris faster; the snail attaches to the wagon, gets to the appointed place; the hare comes running, it is already there; out of grief, the hare goes to drown; at the sight of his frogs, they jump into the water in fear; the hare came in a good mood and laughed so much that his lip burst ]: 56-57; Lopyreva 1959, No. 25 [the wolf stepped on the snail, she offered to race; stepped on a hornet's nest, wasps promise to drown the wolves; the snail placed girlfriends along the river, they are constantly respond to wolves, are considered winners; wasps began to sting wolves, they rushed into the river, drowned]: 87-88; Dähnhardt 1912:82 (Vosges) [the snail and the fox agree to run to the bridge; the snail clings to fox tail, replies that it is already here], 83 (Burgundy - Cote d'Or) [the wolf runs to Dijon, meets a snail, they argue who will come faster, the snail clings to the wolf's tail, crawls near the city wall under the gate, climbs the wall, shouts that it is already here]; the walloons [the snail and the fox are arguing about who will be faster in Liege; the fox comes running when the gate is closed; the snail clings to its tail foxes, crawls under the gate, wins the dispute]: Laport 1932, No. 275C: 37; Germans (Switzerland) [the snail and the fox agree to race to the city; the fox is resting until the evening, at this time the snail manages to cling to her tail; at the finish line she crawls under the city gate, replies that she is already here, the fox admits defeat]: Sutermeister 1869, No. 53:112-115; Germans (Tyrol) [snail and the fox argues who will run to the target before dawn; the snail clings to the fox's tail, answers it]: Dähnhardt 1912:83; friezes [snail and fox compete in running; the snail clings to the fox's tail, the finish asks: why are you taking so long]: Kooi 1984, No. 275:306; the Dutch (Maasland) [the snail and the frog are arguing about who will reach the city sooner; the frog comes when the gate is already closed, waiting until morning; the snail crawls later, but crawls under the gate and greets the frog in the morning]: Dähnhardt 1912:83.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Khasi [animals speak contemptuously of the snail, the deer flaunts in front of everyone; the snail invites him to race, places many snails along the distance; out of fatigue and despair the deer regurgitates its gallbladder; that's why deer don't have a gallbladder]: Rafy 1920, No. 15:81-84; garo [the dwarf deer speaks contemptuously of a snail that has no legs; it promises to get to targets are faster than him; places other snails at a distance; they respond to the deer, he hears a voice in front; fell into the abyss and crashed]: Rongmuthu 1960:134-135; chiru [the tiger and the snail agreed to run racing; the snail has spread other snails along the distance; while the tiger is running, the snails call out to him and he hears a voice in front of him; the tiger is so tired that it has fallen dead to the ground; the snails crawled onto the corpse tiger, since then his skin has been striped]: Grierson 1904a: 233.
Burma - Indochina. Khmer [the snail tells the hare that the water belongs to it, let the hare not drink from the pond; hare: if you swim across the pond faster than I run it, you're right; the snail puts other snails along shores, they respond to the hare; since then, hares have been drinking only dew]: Marunova 1972:169-170; bru (vanquieu) [coming to the stream, the tiger speaks contemptuously of snails; the snail promises to overtake him, negotiates with other snails; the tiger runs along the stream, but the snail's voice always sounds in front of him; the tiger is exhausted, has taken several snails in his mouth, but a sharp shell pierced its gum; man he picked it up with a knife; since then, tigers have not swallowed snails or attack Vankieu people]: Nikulin 1990:271-273; Thais [at the stream, a hare asks a snail if it can walk; in response, the snail suggests race, place other snails at a distance; believing that the snail was ahead of him, the hare made a grimace so that his lip burst]: Coyaud 2009, No. 9:82-83; Burmese [the snail suggests horses competition conditions: run while you have enough strength, call out to each other after 200 m; places other snails along the road; the horse died of fatigue, the snails ate it]: Aung 1957:7-8; palaung [snail and hare]: Esche 1976 in Taube 1978:365; Palaung (Yunnan) [The hare ate grass and branches and wanted to try something else. I saw bees in the tree. A tiger came up. Hare: "There is a manga (several connected gongs) on the tree that I inherited from my grandfather, and I'm guarding it. The tiger said, "Is this manga sound good?" "Sure, it's excellent! The best in the world!" The tiger got even more interesting, he asked the hare to hit him once, but he said, "No, grandpa will be angry." The tiger started asking again, and the hare pretended to have mercy: "I'll go ask my grandfather if he allows me, I'll scream at you and you can hit you three times." The hare ran to the mountain and shouted: "Tiger, hit!" , - he hit, bees flew out of the hive and bit him. He wanted to bounce, but the hare had tied him to a hive before. Seeing the tiger's suffering, the hare ordered to hit harder. The tiger knocked the hive down to the ground, and the bees bit it. The tiger decided to take revenge. The hare wet his fur and rolled over the flower petals, getting stains. When I met a tiger: "I did not deceive you, that hare was white and I was spotted." The tiger agreed. The hare untied the tiger and asked him to eat the honeycombs in half. He took half of it for himself with honey, and gave the tiger his honeycombs. The empty honeycombs pricked the tiger's mouth, and the hare ate. He showed his mouth full of honey: "Look, my mouth is all over in porridge." Now the hare has decided to try beef. I met another tiger and said he offered to become friends. Let the tiger get a cow and we'll celebrate our friendship!" The tiger bit to death the cow and they started butchering it. The hare broke off its horn and gave it to the tiger to eat, which screamed from the god in the stomach. Hare: "Don't scream, the meat will go bad." The tiger listened and suffered in silence. The hare cut the meat and let the tiger go for water, the pumpkin must be full, otherwise the meat will deteriorate. Wild pigeon: "The tiger has a leaky pumpkin." The tiger mistook sincerity for a mockery and threw a stone at the pigeon. The hare hid the meat, divided the leftovers into two parts, and gave the bad one to the tiger. This meat was salty and bitter, but the hare said that it went bad because the water was not up to the brim. The next day, the hare saw people returning from picking bananas, lay down by the road, pretending to be dead. People put it in a basket full of bananas. The hare ate them, jumped out and ran away. I fell into a hole and couldn't get out. The tiger asked what the hare was doing in the pit. Hare: "Today the sky will fall, my grandfather told me to hide." Pointed to the movement of the clouds, the tiger believed that the sky was trembling. He promised not to touch the hare and jumped into the hole. The hare began to poke the tiger in the side with a stick. He began to swear, and the hare promised not to poke again. Same thing over again. For the third time, the tiger threw the hare out of the hole. I told people there was a tiger in the pit. People slaughtered a tiger and cut meat. The hare set fire to the grass near the village and said that the village was on fire. They ran to the village, and the hare ate meat. I climbed a tree and people started cutting it down. Hare: "I won't die if I fall out of the blue. People cut down the tree so that it fell towards the cave, and the hare disappeared into it. People closed the entrance. An old man lived in the cave and had a manga (combined gongs). People told the old man to hit the manga three times when he caught a hare. Hare to an old man: "I'm going to die soon and I only want this golden cup, will you give it to me?" The old man leaned over the hare, the hare bit his ear, the old man backed away, tripped over the barrier that blocked the entrance to the cave, it broke, the old man fell on the rocks and crashed to death. The hare hit the manga three times. People hurried to the cave, but the hare was gone. I ran to the edge of the field, where there are lots of snails. "We're going to honor the snail king." The hare began to laugh: they were too slow. The snails offered to compete in running. The hare reached the end of the field, called out to the snails, but answered from the beginning of the field: "We've been here for a long time, you're behind!" The hare ran back and forth until he died of exhaustion]: Chen, Wang 1989d: 529-533 (retelling the same or similar text in Riftin 2007:56-57).
Malaysia-Indonesia. Simalur [the monkey is sure that the snail will not be able to reach the upper reaches of the river; the snail offers to compete in running, places other snails at a distance, which are responsible for it every time, being in front of a monkey; a snail tells the monkey not to brag anymore]: Koehler 1964:133-134; Malays [the waxwing invites the snail to race to the mouth of the river: if he loses, he will become its slave , if he wins, by the master of the river; the snail places other snails along the shore, they respond to the flying waxwing, now the waxwing is a slave to snails]: Skeat 1901:33-35; Javanese [dwarf deer mocks the snail's slowness; it offers to race, places other snails along the shore, the deer admits defeat]: Dähnhardt 1912:62.
Taiwan - Philippines. Apayao [the deer laughs at the snail's slowness; it offers to race; it moves along the river, and the deer cuts turns, but each time it hears the voice of the snail in front; asks to stop approaches the snail, hits it with its hoof, it splits, the deer dies; therefore, the hooves of the deer are split; {it is not said that the snail places relatives along the distance, but apparently this motive should was}]: Wilson 1947b: 100-101; Tagals [the deer speaks contemptuously of the snail, she offers to race; the deer took his time, fell asleep, the snail was ahead of him]: Rybkin 1975, No. 122: 276-277; visayas [the deer laughs at the slowness of the snail; she invites him to race; places other snails in each well, each telling the deer that it has been waiting for him; the deer in rabies smashed his head against a tree]: Maxfield, Milington 1903:315.
China - Korea. The Chinese [the hare laughs at the slowly crawling snail; it offers to race tomorrow; puts his relatives at a distance; the hare always hears the voice of the snail in front of him; exhausted, so surprised his lip burst]: Riftin 2007:56-57
The Balkans. Germans (Transylvania) [the fox speaks contemptuously of the snail, they agree to race, the snail clings to the fox's tail; by the river it says it has been waiting for it for a long time]: Dähnhardt 1912:82.
Baltoscandia. Estonians (rare, but all over Estonia except in the southeast; the snail variant is most likely rare, more common than cancer) [fox (hare) and cancer (frog, flea, snail) have agreed to race; cancer (snail, etc.) clung to the fox's tail and was the winner]: Kippar 1986, No. 275:167
Japan. The Japanese (from Tohoku to the north of Ryukyu) [a fox and a snail go to worship in Ise; decide to flee - who is faster; the snail clings to the fox's tail when it reaches the temple, jumps off, says it has come first; the fox hits the stone with its tail, the snail's shell breaks, it says it's out to cool]: Ikeda 1971, No. 275:62.
(Wed. Western Amazon. Euro borrowing? Napo or Canelo [the deer speaks contemptuously of the snail's slowness; it offers to race, places other snails along the distance; the deer tries to jump over the river, falls into the water; the snail wins]: Orr, Hudelson 1971, #24:73).