Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M198a3. Who stole the ruby?.


One of the brothers secretly takes away their valuables or is illegitimate. The brothers come to a powerful character to identify the kidnapper or illegitimate person. Usually, the character tells a story and identifies the culprit by the reaction of those who came.

Tunisian Arabs, Catalans, Scots, Irish, Lebanese Arabs, Iraqis, (Socotra), Khmers, Himachali Pahari, Hindi (Western Hindi), Punjabi, Sinhales, Slovenes, Bosnians, Greeks, Crimean Tatars, Kalmyks, Adygs, (Abazins), Ingush, Tatas, Dargins, Georgians, Turks {check}, Kurds, Turkmens, Tajiks, Tajiks of Sistan, Yagnobs, Pashtuns, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Uighurs, Shors, Khakas.

North Africa. The Arabs of Tunisia [all three sons named Mohammed; the father suspects that one of them is illegitimate; when he dies, he says: M. inherits, M. inherits, M. does not inherit; the brothers went to the judge, and he sent him to Cady Hiddy; on the way, one says that the camel on the road was tailless, the second that it was one-eyed, and the third that it was loaded with sweets on one side and sour on the other; the owner met him halfway; the brothers described his camel, he did not believe that they did not see him, went with them to the cadia; the brothers explain the basis for the conclusions: the camel did not throw manure with its tail; pinched the grass with one side of the road; midges were spinning on one side of the road and flies on the other; cadia let the camel owner go, left the brothers for the night, told them to feed them; overhears; one says that the meat is a dog, the other that the woman who brought dinner is sick; the third is that Kadiy is illegitimate because he did not stay for dinner with the guests; the shepherd explains that the lamb was fed by a dog, the woman admitted that she was not feeling well, Kadia's mother - that he is the son of a butcher, because her husband was weak; one brother replied to Kadia that the dog was fibrous, but camel meat was not; the second that the woman did not salt the food; cadia, pointing to the third brother: this M. must not inherit, because only an illegitimate son identifies an illegitimate son]: Stumme 1893, No. 13:123-126 (=Bushnaq 1987:345-348).

Southern Europe. Catalans (Mallorca) [after their father's death, three brothers went to the king to help them share the inheritance; to meet a man who lost a mule; older brother: one-eyed? medium: grey? younger: lame? No, they did not see it; the owner of the mule went with his brothers to the king; he ordered the brothers to be fed; younger: the pig is raised on female milk; medium: wine from {what?} grapes (Setzlings-Trauben); youngest: the king is an illegitimate son, his father is a Moor; the king began to ask; the pig died, the pig was fed by a female; the wine is really from Setzlings-Trauben; Queen Mother: that year I was captured by the Moors and became pregnant; a lame mule can be seen in the footsteps; blind because I pinched grass on one side of the path; wool is a mixture of black and white; the king invited the brothers to draw portrait of his father and shoot him; the most accurate will inherit; the youngest refused to shoot; the king gave him the inheritance]: Erherzog 1896:95-102.

Western Europe. The Scots [when they died, the father told his sons the place where he left the gold; when they went to get it, it was empty; they went to their father's friend to tell them which of them had taken the gold; that tells a story; the girl was passed off as an unloved one; after the wedding, the groom asks her what worries her so much; she told him everything and he brought her to his lover's house; he sent her back; she was attacked robbers; when he found out what was going on, he alone brought her to her husband; the elder brother said that everyone was nobler than her husband, the middle brother was a lover, the youngest was a thief; the old man said that he took the gold; he had everything return]: Campbell 1860 (2), No. 19:16-19; Irish: Uther 2004 (1), No. 976:608-609.

Western Asia. The Arabs of Iraq and Lebanon [the merchant has three sons, each named Ali, one of them is illegitimate; after the death of his father, the brothers read the will: Ali inherits, Ali inherits, Ali does not inherit; the brothers go to look for someone who can explain the meaning of what is written; the Bedouin is looking for a camel, the brothers tell him signs, but claim that they did not see the camel; the Bedouin leads them to the cadia; they explain why they learned the characteristics of the camel; the cadian also does not understand the meaning of the will; the brothers turn to the Bedouin emir; he tells the story and, from the reaction of each brother, understands which of them illegitimate; he gets killed and two legitimate children share the inheritance]: Nowak 1969, No. 479:380-381; (cf. Socotra [the man has two sons, his wife is dead; he remarried and died after copulation with his wife; she demanded that the property be divided after giving birth to a son; the older brothers do not want to share with the youngest; they go to the chief to ask them to resolve their dispute; when they see the camel's tracks, the brothers determined that he was blind in one eye, without a tail, carrying lead; the camel owner asks the brothers, who describe the camel and he does not believe that his brothers did not see him; the chief ordered meat and rice to be served; brothers: meat is forbidden, rice is unclean, the leader is illegitimate; the maid confessed to the chief that the lamb was fed by a female; cook: mine the baby peed himself and I did not wash my hands when I was cooking; the leader's mother: there were no children from the former leader and when he died, she met with the servant; as for inheritance, the leader sent the brothers to the Sultan; he tells the youngest to go to his daughter, carry the sheep and bring it to him; locks the sheep in one room and the young man in another; the daughter came running, the sultan asks to describe the thief; the girl: he had the girl's face and the back of his head old man; brothers: yes, the father was old and the mother was young; the Sultan ordered the inheritance to be divided equally between the three brothers and they agreed]: Naumkin, Kogan, vol. 1, No. 17).

Burma - Indochina. Khmers [the brahmana left gold to four hermits for storage; one stole it and hid it; when the brahmana returned for gold, the hermits asked the king to identify the thief; King Vitiet's daughter Serey began to tell a parable; the girl, out of gratitude, promised the teacher the first night; said it to the groom, who let her go; the tiger wanted to eat her, the robbers wanted to rob her, but when she heard what was going on, he did not touched; the teacher let go in peace; one hermit called her husband the noblest, the second the tiger, the third the robbers, the fourth the teacher; the princess guessed that the gold was stolen by the one who praised the robbers; pretended to marry someone to bring her money; the hermit who praised the tiger already understood where the money was and brought it; the brahmana took part and gave the rest to the king]: Gorgoniev 1973:264-268.

South Asia. Himachali plowmen [when he died, the king gave his three sons rubin each; they put them in a box, and then it turned out that one was missing; the brothers went to the priest; the man asks if they saw him camel; brothers: blind (in one eye), without a tail and carried vinegar? they did not see; the owner came with them to the priest; the brothers explain: the grass was plucked on one side of the road; sitting, the camel did not leave a tail print; the smell of vinegar remained; the priest ordered the brothers to eat, began to listen to what they were saying; brothers: grain from the cemetery, meat not from a slaughtered animal; indeed, the grain came from the cemetery, but the meat of a goat that fell and crashed; the priest spoke of two men and a thief, asked who the brothers liked best; each named their own character; priest: the one who liked the thief and took the ruby; the young man took out the ruby, returned it to the brothers, all came home together]: Dracott 1906:115-118; Punjabi (Western Punjabi) [when he died, the king of Egypt told his three sons that he had hidden three rubies for them, ordered them to hide them in case the kingdom passed into other hands; when enemies they seized the kingdom, the brothers found rubies, but one was missing; they went to the casia; met the owner of the lost camel; replied that the camel was blind in one eye, without a tail and carried vinegar; the owner I did not believe that the brothers did not see the camel himself and also went with them to the casia; the brothers explained that the leaves were plucked only on one side, the fallen drops of vinegar swollen the ground; when the camel sits down or gets up, he hits his tail, but this time there was no trace on the ground; ("whoever wants to know how the ruby was found, let him watch Vol. 9, Pt. 1 (Grierson 1916:442-443, Western Hindi)]: Grierson 1919a: 277-279; Western Hindi (Bundeli dialect) [the banker divided the inheritance equally between four sons and kept four rubies to death; the brothers put them in the basket; when the elder looked into it again, one ruby was missing; the brothers came to the king and asked him to determine which of them had stolen the ruby; the king told the vizier to resolve the matter; the vizier's daughter promised to rely on her; sent servants to inspire the brothers faith in her visionary abilities; told them to bring rubies and throw them into a basket that already contained her own rubies; there were one more rubies, because the kidnapper was frightened and planted his own; so the ruby was returned, but the kidnapper did not lose face]: Grierson 1916:443-444; the Sinhales [Big, Medium, and Little Hetty were mining gems; once they found one stone, put it in a small one the basket, hers into the middle one, the middle one into the large one; each has the key to only one basket; but MX forged the other two keys and stole the ruby; all three came to the king; the queen ordered her to entrust the matter; each of the three began to beat; MX confessed at the first blows; returned the stone; it was sold, BH and CX divided the money, and MX received nothing]: Parker 1914a, No. 96:98-100 (transfer to Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 226:478-479) .

The Balkans. Slovenes, Bosnians, Greeks: Uther 2004 (1), No. 976:608-609.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. The Crimean Tatars [when they died, the khan tells their three sons to share the jewelry; when they wanted to get them, the cache was empty; they went to the wise elder to determine who their thief was; he tells a story; the girl was passed off as an unloved one; when she found out, her husband sent her to her lover, and he sent her to her husband; she was kidnapped by a robber, but when he heard her story, he let her go; who is more noble? younger brother: robber; old man: so you stole the money; younger brother returned the money, the old man divided it equally]: Zarubin, Zarubin 1991:58-63 (Birzgal 1992:75-81); Kalmyks [dying, father speaks three sons, that there are three poplars in the south, and then falls silent; the younger brother found poplars, dug a precious Erdni stone; the brothers found only a hole; the youngest does not confess; they went to court to Khan Balak; they see camel trail: his humps hang to the left, he does not have a right eye, it is a camel, she is wearing a pregnant woman; the camel owner does not believe that the brothers saw only a trail; the khan serves food to the brothers and overhears: this is not koumiss, but blood, not lamb, but a dog, a black-bone khan himself; the woman admits that when she cooked koumiss, her nose bleed; shepherd: the lamb was fed by a dog; Khan's mother: got along with a commoner after the death of her husband; the khan says that he has no right to resolve the dispute, sends him to a wise girl; she asks: the man went to the Dalai Lama, met a wolf, and he did not touch him, which of them sinless; the youngest replies that man; girl: you took the stone; you had to return it and divide it into three parts; the khan's daughter does not talk, whoever talks will receive it and the khanate; the elder and middle brothers do not were able to talk, thrown into the abyss; the youngest found a dead Toti bird, revived it with living water; hiding it in his sleeve, tells the khan's daughter stories; 1) the carpenter roughly carved a human figure out of the log, the second one finished it, the llama revived the girl; probably she should belong to the lama; the girl: no, to the first carpenter; 2) (hiding the Toti under the pillow); why did the khan's daughter fall silent again? Toti from under the pillow: if he speaks, words will be heard from every place where the air comes out; girl: what is this? younger brother got a girl, freed everyone who was thrown into the abyss]: Vatagin 1964:216-222; the Adyghi [judge (prince, khan, etc.) must find out which of the three brothers is a thief; the story of the noble deeds of the groom, lover and robber; whoever calls the most noble robber involuntarily betrays himself and is exposed]: Tkhamokova 2014, No. 976:191; (cf. Abaza [two hunters shot one deer; divided the carcass in half, but could not divide the head and spine; went to the old man; after eating, they said that the meat was given to the dog, and the basta (cool porridge) cadaveric smell; the old man explains that the lamb was fed by a female, and the barley for the basta comes from an ear that grew on the grave; (other stories); to separate the deer, the old man tells everyone to take a jaw, Break the skull in half, divide the spine into three parts, and then divide each part in half]: Tugov 1985, No. 62:184-188); the Ingush [dying, the prince informed his three sons about the buried pearls; the youngest secretly dug a treasure, went to the prince to identify the thief; along the way, the elder says that the horse was passing blind in one eye; middle: honey ran down on one side, oil on the other; the youngest: the mare was a stallion; they told the prince about the mare; convinced that everything was so, the prince was surprised: what other advice such intelligent people needed; the brothers were given food, began to eavesdrop; the prince was born of a slave, dumplings they smell like blood, meat smells like a dog; prince's mother: her husband had no children and allowed her to join the slave; when she mixed the dough, she cut her finger; shepherd: saw how a sheep met a dog; the prince's daughter asks me to tell me how the brothers recognized everything (the horse pinched the grass on one side of the path; a bee on one side, a fly on the other; the front legs were heavier than the hind legs; the prince met the guests with the gate unbuttoned; in dog broth fat from below, and broth on top); the prince's daughter talks about a girl who was not married for love; her husband allowed her to go to her ex-lover, who sent her back, the robbers she met let her go; Which one is nobler? younger brother: robbers; girl: so you stole pearls]: Malsagov 1983, No. 56:203-207 (=Sadulaev 2004, No. 58:153-157); Dargins [dying, the father told his three sons where he buried the gold, told them it split; there was no gold in place, the brothers went to the khan to find out who their thief was; they met a man who was looking for the missing camel; asked if the camel was lame, crooked, and loaded with honey and oil; said they did not see; the owner did not believe it, took them to the khan; the elder: identified the lameness by the footsteps; middle: the camel pinched the grass only to the left of the path; younger: on one side of the path flies gathered, and beetles on the other; the khan ordered food to be served to the brothers, began to eavesdrop; they said that the meat smelled of a dog, wine smelled of blood, and the khan the son of a baker; the shepherd said that the lamb sucked the dog; storekeeper that the vineyard was laid out at the scene of the massacre; Khan's mother, that she gave birth to a daughter and changed with the baker's wife; Khan's sister promised to find out which of the brothers was a thief, told the story; the girl was not given for beloved, but for the rich; the groom sent her to his beloved; he to the groom; the robber let her go; the elder brother: the husband is the noblest, the middle is the lover, the youngest is the robber; the Khan's sister: here you are took gold]: Osmanov 1963:139-145; taty [the hat is old, the wife is dead, three sons and wives do not care about him; he tells everyone where the pot of gold is hidden, tells not to tell brothers; after that, the sons treated him well; when the father died, the brothers met at the hiding place, but the pot was gone; they went to the padishah, let him judge; when they arrived, the owner of the missing person appeared camel; older brother said that the camel was crooked in one eye, the middle brother said that there was a wineskin with honey on one side and butter on the other; younger: a pregnant woman was riding it; explained why they think so ( the grass is plucked on one side of the road; flies on one side by the road, bees on the other; getting off the camel, the woman leaned her hands on the ground); the padishah ordered them to serve them the best dishes; older brother: gives meat dog; medium: rice has a cadaveric smell; younger: padishah is not the son of a padishah; cook: the lambs were fed by a dog; rice grew up in the cemetery; the young man advises the padishah to ask his mother to bake a cake and press it against the hot flatbread her hand, then the mother confesses; the mother of the padishah: her husband did not have a child, gave birth to one of her close associates; to resolve the dispute between the brothers, the padishah called the daughter of the vizier; she tells the story; Khan's daughter loved the poor shepherd, she was married to another; on her wedding night she threatened to kill herself and her husband; he let her go; the shepherd ordered her to return to her husband; she went wherever she looked, got to the robbers; to whom she was should belong? older brother: husband, middle brother: shepherd, younger: robber; Khan's daughter: you took gold; younger brother gave brothers their share]: Aliyeva 2013, No. 35:160-164; Georgians [the tsar bequeathed the state to his sons and the magic stone; the youngest took it secretly; the brothers went to the judge; on the way the elder: a one-eyed camel was walking (pinching the grass on one side), the middle one: a vessel of kerosene on one side, honey on the other (where honey flies, where kerosene grass withered), younger: he was wearing a pregnant woman without a middle finger (where she was sitting, there was an imprint); the camel owner took them to the king's trial, they explained everything easily; the king served dinner, ordered to eavesdrop; the elder: the king is the son of a miller, the middle one: there is human blood in the bread, the youngest: the lamb is fed by a dog; the king grabbed the mother by the nipple with his teeth, she admitted that after her husband's death she came together with miller; baker: henchmen got into a fight, someone injured an arm, blood fell into the bread; sheepdog: a lamb was fed by a dog; to identify a thief among the brothers, the king's wife tells a story; the youngest says that if he were a hero, I could not resist stealing; Queen: You have a stone; brothers: we knew it, but did not dare to tell him]: Kurdovanidze 1988 (2), No. 90:120-125; Turks []: Walker, Uysal 1966:114f; Kurds [the padishah visited the female half once a year; the vizier came in the third year, the wife thought it was the husband; soon the padishah came, the wife was surprised, the husband understood everything; three sons were born, each Ahmad; the padishah bequeathed: A. inherits, A. inherits, A. does not inherit; the brothers went to judge them to the padishah of a neighboring country; the elder: a lame, crooked camel without two front teeth passed here; middle: loaded with oil and honey; younger: a pregnant woman was riding it; the camel owner was driving towards him; the brothers described the camel, the owner does not believe that they did not see it, took him to the kazi; brothers: the camel dragged his leg, pinched grass on one side of the road, where there are no teeth, blades of grass remained; where oil spilled, there are ants, where honey is flies; when a woman sat on the ground, she got up with both hands; kazi ordered to cook Brothers dinner; brothers: kebab smells like dog, pilaf smells like iron, wine smells like blood; shepherd: lamb sucked female; there was a nail at the bottom of the cauldron; winemaker: a thorn pierced my leg, a drop of blood fell into the grapes ; in the morning, Kazi's daughter tells a story: a girl went to a shepherd for the missing sheep, he let her go on her wedding night before she got together with her husband; the padishah's son is predicted die as soon as he gets married; he saw this poor girl, decided to take her - let her at least become rich; let her go to the shepherd; the shepherd called her sister, let her go to her husband; the archangel Jebrail came for her soul the son of the padishah; the father, the mother did not want to give their soul in return, the wife gave it; J. gave her 140 years of life, she divided them - herself and her husband; who is more noble? younger brother: shepherd, I would not let the girl go; daughter kazi: here you are illegitimate]: Rudenko 1970, No. 30:68-73.

Iran - Central Asia. Turkmens [the old man promises a buried treasure to one of his sons who will take good care of him; when he died, there was no treasure; sons argue which of them took it, go to the padishah; he tells a story; the girl loved the poor man, she was given to another; when he found out what was going on, he let her go; when she went to her former lover, she was captured by a thief, but also let her go; her former lover ordered return to her husband; who is more noble? younger brother, replies that he is a thief; padishah: so you stole the treasure, since you like the thief; the younger one shared it with the elders]: Stebleva 1969, No. 59:327-329; Tajiks [dying, father to each of the three sons tells the brothers not to tell them; he was upset to learn that they had done so; while they were burying his father, the younger brother hid the gold; the brothers went to the judge; the elder sees the camel's trail: the camel is blind in one eye, the thorns are combined on one side of the road; middle: on the left side of the camel there is a jug of honey (wasps are flying on the left), and on the right side with vinegar (midges are flying); younger: there was also a rider, here is a crumpled grass, where he cried to rest; the camel owner met, did not believe the brothers that they knew the signs of the lost animal without seeing it; the judge asks to guess what was under the handkerchief; the older brother: it is round; medium: sweet; younger: apple; brothers are cleared of kidnapping a camel; the judge brought them to the padishah; they guard his sleep; the elder, the middle did not notice anything, the youngest killed the snake, hid it under bed, the padishah woke up, saw a man with a sword, ordered to be executed; the elder brother tells the story of a parrot that brought a seed to the padishah; an apple tree grew, an envious vizier poisoned an apple, offered to give the dog died; the padishah killed a parrot; the gardener's parents tasted the apple, were younger; the padishah also ate, younger, repented of his haste; the middle brother talks about a falcon that spilled water; the owner killed a falcon, and then saw the venom of a killed snake dripping into the spring; the youngest talks about the snake he killed; the brothers came to the girl; she tells the story of a girl with whom a merchant is a padishah and the robber treated nobly; younger: better than others, a robber; girl: so you hid your father's gold; the youngest shared it equally with his brothers]: Ulug-zade 1967:235-243; Tajiks Sistan [when he dies, the king orders his three sons to share the wealth fairly, and if they argue, to contact his uncle (i.e. the king's brother), who is king in another city; the brothers went to their uncle; the counter a man is looking for a missing camel; the older brother says that the camel was blind in one eye, the middle brother was carrying honey and molasses, the younger brother says that a pregnant woman was riding it; the camel owner goes with them to to the local king; the king served pilaf and listened to what the brothers were saying; the elder: the meat in the pilaf is filthy; medium: wheat for bread grew on bones; the youngest: the king is the son of a shepherd; the king's mother admits that she gave birth girls and exchanged children with a shepherd's daughter; shepherd: a dog fed a sheep for pilaf; stolnik: the wheat field was plowed in the cemetery; the king asks the brothers to protect it for three nights; guards on the third night the younger brother, kills the dragon, the king sees the sword, wants to execute the young man; the elder talks about a talking parrot: he warned about thieves, the king did not listen, killed the parrot, the thieves looted the treasury; middle brother: the king got lost hunting, the falcon did not allow him to drink water, the king killed him, and then noticed that the blood and poison of the killed dragon were dripping into the water; the king apologized, the brothers went on to their uncle; he tells his daughter's nephews to settle an argument; she tells the story of a young man letting a girl go in exchange for a promise to come to him the night after her wedding; her fiancé let her go, and a lover too ; the older and middle brothers said they would do the same, and the younger ones would take a girl; girl: you want a larger share in the inheritance, marry me better; wedding; the elder brother became king, middle and younger by viziers]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1981, No. 11:141-149; Yagnobes [one of the four day laborers stole a gem from another; he complained to the king; the king's daughter promised to find thief; (unclear, hereinafter referred to as her story or what was really happening to her); the shepherd killed a snake that was ready to bite her; asked her to come to him on the night of the wedding; her husband, the prince, let her go ; a tiger, then a thief, too; that shepherd too; she summoned four: which of them is more courageous? one replied that he was a thief; the princess ordered him to be searched, the stone was found]: Andreev, Peschereva 1957, No. 19:108-111; Pashtuns [when dying, the father buried three pots of money, put a ruby on each; the youngest son secretly took one ruby; the brothers went to the Shah's clever daughters - let them decide which of them took the ruby; along the way they noticed: a woman was sitting under this tree; pregnant; ran away from her husband; a crooked camel was walking along the way without one tooth; on the one hand there was a pack of butter, on the other hand, with honey; they described the woman's signs to her husband who was looking for her; he accused them of kidnapping; the same was the owner of the missing camel; the brothers explain to the Shah : a woman was sitting, leaning her hands, which means she was pregnant, and when she went, she went in the opposite direction, so the fugitive; the camel ate grass on one side of the road, some blades of grass remained intact; where the flies were, there oil, where the bees are, there is honey; the first princess undertook to find the ruby thief; served pilaf; meat is human (the lamb was fed by a woman); princess: these people are too smart; another princess sent a maid take the food and pass it on: seven heavens, the sky is in the clouds, but there are many stars; brothers: the sky is five, the sky is clear, there are no stars; the princess to the maid: how dare she eat two loaves and meat? disguised as a man, the princess tells a story; the vizier's daughter agrees to the gardener's request to come to him on her wedding night when she marries; told her husband about it and he let her go; on the way ran into a tiger, then a robber, asked her to eat it or pick it up when she returned; the gardener released the woman, the robber and the tiger too; the Shah's daughter asks the brothers which of the participants to whom liked it; older: husband, middle: tiger, younger: thief; princess: younger and took the ruby; go home, your business is resolved, return the ruby]: Lebedev 1972, No. 22:192-198.

Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars [three brothers found gold, buried it, the younger one secretly took it for himself; the elder suggests going to the old man - let him judge; he tells how he sold apples to the girl for a promise surrender on her wedding day; her husband let her go, and so did the tramp she met; who was nobler? older brothers praise everyone; younger: if he were the groom, I would let his wife go only in the morning, and if he were a tramp, I would take off the girl's clothes; old man: so you took gold]: Zamaletdinov 2010, No. 37:113-114; Bashkirs [the old man found gold in the field, carried it to the king, three took away the gold; denied all the old man's accusations; the princess promised to solve the case; told a story; the girl wanted a flower, the old man took it out, asked that she came to him right after marriage before she got together with her husband; her husband let her go, the wolf she met on the road did not touch her, the old man praised her and did not touch her either; each of the listeners calls the protagonists stories by fools; princess: so you are thieves; they returned the gold, then beheaded them]: Bessonov 1941, No. 73:322-323.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Malyuga 1962 [when he dies, Nurzhan tells his three sons to share 99 gold in a fraternal way; the brothers hid them in a cave; the younger Hamit went bankrupt; the brothers discovered the treasure, it turned out that the coins became less; the elders Sabit and Gabit accuse each other, H. reconciles them; all three go to trial Beltekey, the father's friend; he tells everyone to dig their father's grave and bring three hairs from the beard of the deceased; only H. agrees; B.: you took it, since you are ready to desecrate the grave; H. galloped away, S. and G. lived together]: 92-96 (=Marchenko 1993:93-97); Sidelnikov 1952 (Zmeinogorsky U., Tomsk Gubernia) [=1958:294-303; dying, Nurzhan tells his three sons that he left the gold; let them take it if necessary; the brothers buried gold in a cave; in winter they went broke and dug money, but a third part disappeared; the brothers went to the wise Bayu Baltekey; on the way, Akyt sees the trail of a tired camel, Sabit says that the camel was crooked in his right eye, Hamit, that he was carrying a bucket of honey; the owner was looking for a camel; after learning that the brothers knew the signs camel, goes with them to B.; after serving pilaf, B. began to eavesdrop; S.: rice grew in the cemetery; A.: the ram sucked the female; H.: the owner was illegitimate; B. learned from the shepherd, the field owner and his mother that everything was so yes; the brothers explained how they guessed it (the illegitimate person speaks with his eyes down); told how they learned about the camel's signs; then B. talks about a girl who was passed off as an unloved one; the groom allowed her to go say goodbye to her lover; he let her go back; thieves attacked, their chieftain let her go; B. asks: who is nobler? H. says he is a thief; B. tells him to return the money, which he did]: 191-198; Kyrgyz [when he died, the father told his three sons where the treasury was buried; when they came to divide it, they saw that the treasury was gone and they began to accuse each other; then they went to the kazy (i.e. kadiy); he tells the story; the bay's wife gave birth to a daughter, and the worker's wife gave birth to a son, they grew up and fell in love, but bai married the daughter for another; the girl promised her beloved that she would come to him before going to bed with her groom; told the groom about this and he allowed her to go to the young man; on the road she was met by robbers, but when she heard her story, her chieftain let her go; she went to that young man, but he brought her to her husband himself; which of the three is nobler? the older brother says that the husband (kazy: you are jealous), the middle brother is a dzhigit, the youngest is a robber; kazy: you stole the treasury; return it now and share the inheritance equally]: Sabyr uulu 2008:221-223; Uighurs [ The three brothers hid the money left after their father in a secret place; when they dug up, they found no gold; asked the wise elder to identify which of them stole the gold; the old man tells a story; after learning that the daughter loves the poor man's son, bai passed her off as a rich man; after the wedding, the groom let her say goodbye to her lover; robbers attacked on the way, but when they found out what was going on, they let her go home alone Beloved; he sent back to the groom - now he is his friend; the elder brother replied that the noblest of all is the lover, the youngest is the groom, the middle brother is a robber; the elder said that he stole gold middle, he was guilty]: Kabirov 1963:247-248.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Shors [the old man took his three sons to bury the gold, ordered him to divide him equally after his death; when the brothers decided to dig, there was no gold; they went to Almas Kaan; the eldest: a horse was walking along the road tired; medium: there was honey in the bag; younger: it was a white mare blind in one eye; they told the khan, who asked how they found out; the tired horse lacks its front legs; along the road there were dead flies, husbands smelled of honey; the horse pinched the grass only on the left side, white hair fell from the tail - the mare's hair does not hold well, the urine decays; the kaan ordered to feed brothers; younger: barley grew in the cemetery; meat from a ram that sucked the dog; the youngest refused to drink surazov wine, because kaan is suraz; Kaan's mother confirmed everything, including that she gave birth to him from suraz after the death of the first husband; kaan to him: you stole gold, why did you come? younger brother: to announce that the kaan is suraz; out of shame, the kaan ran away from home]: Chudoyakov 2002:97-99; Khakas [when dying, the father took out the hidden gold and silver, divided it between three sons; fearing to keep the money at home, they buried it at the owaa; when they went to check, there was no money; blaming each other, the brothers went to the khan; on the way they saw hoof marks; elder: piebald, middle: mare, younger : loaded with honey; then they see traces of maral; elder: one-eyed, middle: one-horned, younger: limping on his right back leg; khan tells the brothers that he is leaving now and their case will be considered tomorrow; let the wife will slaughter a lamb, feed his brothers; older brother: gives meat with a dog; middle: human; younger: the roll gives a human; the wife told the khan, who asked the maid; the maid: the lamb is fed with dog milk; drank water from a well where human remains were found; wheat was sown in the cemetery; the owners of the mare and maral came when the brothers said they knew about the mare and accused them of stealing; recognized by their fallen fur; mares urinate differently than stallions; flies accumulated on drops of honey; maral pinched grass on one side of the path; bark ripped off the bark from trees with a horn on one side; hoof marks on the back legs across; then the khan tells how he went to a wealthy merchant with a daughter; she left money on the table (not afraid that the khan would take it), put it next to her (not afraid that the khan would take it) will master it); older and middle brothers: a decent girl; younger: I would take the money and hug the girl; the khan tells me to beat my younger brother with a rod, he immediately confessed and gave the money]: Torokova, Sychenko 2014, No. 26:437-447.