Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M198b3. The collapsed mosque. 17.29.30. (.33.)


imaginary fortuneteller accidentally manages to find the missing, he is awarded and close to the owner of power. One day, for some reason, he rude pushes him (or people at all) out of the room. After that, the roof of the building collapsed. Since then, the visionary's abilities have been no longer questioned.

Syrian Arabs, Arameans, Ingush, Tabasarans, Kurds, Persians, Tajiks, (Kyrgyz).

Western Asia. Syrian Arabs [a lumberjack named Asfour ("bird") has a wife named Jaradeh ("grasshopper"); she accidentally saw a duck on the lake grab and swallow the king's ring when he removed it to wash himself; told her husband to dress as a dervish and come to the palace as a clairvoyant; the ring was in the duck's stomach, A. was awarded; the king asks if his wife will give birth to a son or daughter; J. advises her husband to say that sometimes he thinks that a girl will be born, and sometimes he thinks that a boy is born; the queen has given birth to twins - a son and a daughter; the king calls A. to the bathhouse; he decides to kill the king, knocks him to the floor and drags him from one room to another; at that moment the roof of the building collapsed; the king believes that A. saved his life; once he decided to catch a grasshopper to test A.'s insight; at that moment a bird tried to grab the grasshopper, the king covered both turban; A.: if it were not for the Grasshopper, the bird would not have been caught; he means his wife and himself; the king gave A. half his kingdom and promised not to use him as a clairvoyant anymore]: Abu Risha 2015:61-64; Arameans [wife advises a lazy husband to get a book and mumble something during the funeral, he will be given money; the king's ring, which he gave the master to repair, accidentally fell into the imaginary shoe to the soothsayer, who became known as Molla Idris ("know-it-all"); I. pretended to find the ring, thanks to his book, was awarded a king; 40 thieves robbed the royal treasury, the king ordered I. to reveal it in 40 days crime, otherwise executes; I. bought 40 nuts to eat one a day; thieves eavesdrop; I. tells his wife to serve a nut, says "This is one of forty" (then "second", etc.); thieves think it's about them; the jewels were returned, I. was awarded; afraid of exposure, is going to pretend to be crazy; when the king comes naked and with his head soapy, grabs the king by the beard and pulls him out; the bathhouse is collapsing; I. pretends to learn it from the book when he washed himself at home, so he ran like this; but in a stir, the book fell on a hot stove and burned down; the tsar did not bother I. anymore]: Belov, Wilsker 1960:259-243 (=1972:420-424).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. The Ingush [Umi, Hampus and Akhi are thieves; H. and A. decide to make W. sheikh; stole a cow, W. told the victim where it is; the same with the horse; buffalo; the stepdaughter has lost money, he threatens to impose on file everything if the money is not found; people advise you to contact W.; on the third night, the soldier who stole the money himself guilty, asks not to give it away; W. tells the stepdaughter where the money is hidden, stipulating that Padchah should no longer make such requests and should not demand the name of the thief; after becoming rich, W. does not want to be a sheikh anymore; H. came up with the idea: during prayer, it is necessary to shout that the roof of the mosque is falling down , everyone will run out, but the roof, of course, will not collapse; W. will be removed from the title of sheikh; but the roof really collapsed; H. decided that W. should remain a sheikh]: Malsagov 1983, No. 73:226-231 (=Sadulaev 2004, No. 70: 204-209;); Tabasarans [Ahmed's wife complains that she is not respected, tells him to become a mullah or kadia; spread a rumor that her husband has received a gift; he was called Mullah the Grasshopper; the treasury of the padishah robbed, A.'s wife tells him to ask for 40 days of delay; baked 40 chureks, gives one every evening; each of the 40 robbers comes to eavesdrop; "Here's the first one"; "Here's the second"; A. counts chureks, and the robbers think they are; the leader decides to confess; A. reports that the treasury is buried in a forest in a clearing; the padishah took the mullah to the palace; once he knocked down a golden crown from him - it contained a snake; in another once he kicked the padishah, he flew to the side, and at that time the wall collapsed; while walking, the padishah caught and clenched a grasshopper in his fist; the mullah out loud: the first time they were not caught, the second time they did not solve it, and the third you, the Grasshopper, got caught; the padishah thought that the mullah had guessed; one night a man came to the mullah: I am your happiness, I set it all up; but when I broke the wall, my hump began to grow when I hit the wall, I'll die soon; after that, the mullah couldn't guess anything and was kicked out]: Aliyeva 2013, No. 40:192-195; Kurds [his wife advised the old man to make money by becoming an imaginary fortuneteller; he first sees how The alchik of the padishah's son rolled into the crack, then, as the daughter of the vizier picked up and hid the pearl of the padishah's daughter; both times he pretends to guess right, receives a reward; 7 thieves robbed the treasury; the old man stays at home, sees two of his seven chickens crawl through the hole into the room, says two have already come; this is heard by two thieves who climbed onto the roof to eavesdrop; then the others come to listen, and this the time has come and the other 5 chickens have come; the thieves confess to what they have done, ask not to give them away, the padishah gets their treasures back; standing on the ivan, the padishah and his wife go down to the old man, because they thought he was theirs calling; at this time Ivan collapsed, they believed that the fortuneteller saved them; another padishah sent a box in which he put earth and a rose, demanding to guess what was inside; old man: Oh, Gole! ("ah" is land, "gole" is a rose, as well as the name of the old man's wife; everyone thought the old man was right; he said that his saint forbade him to guess more, released with a rich reward]: Rudenko 1970, No. 15:40-43

Iran - Central Asia. The Persians [the poor man's wife laments that she is beautiful, but there is no money, while the ugly wife of the chief fortuneteller is solemnly taken to the bathhouse as a servant; tells her husband to sell the spade and shovel, buy old ones books; the merchant's camel with the money loaded on him is missing; the poor man points the direction at random, the servant finds a camel; the merchant made him the chief fortuneteller; 40 thieves robbed the treasury; the wife commands ask for 40 days of delay, buy 40 dates, eat one each day; a servant comes in, the fortuneteller eats the date and says that this is the first of 40; the servant takes what has been said personally, he is one of robbers; like this every day; robbers ask not to extradite them, indicate where they buried the treasury; the fortuneteller and his wife think how to get rid of their duty; wife: the merchant will go into the bathhouse, break in and drag him out, you will be mistaken for a madman; he did so, after which the bathhouse collapsed; next time your wife told you to steal a merchant with a chair; a scorpion was under the chair; the merchant called the fortuneteller to hunt, clenched his fist grasshopper, offered to guess what was there; fortuneteller: this time you're caught, grasshopper (name means yourself); you won't go against God's desire]: Christensen 1971, No. 6:60-68; Tajiks [the poor man went to Maktab, took the book and thought he had become a mullah; his wife advised me to sit at the crossroads and pretend to read (my husband could not read); saw a crow pulling a stolen bull to the cave, and then the owner of the bull; the man pretended to find out what had happened in the book; the owner gave the cloth, the wife made a turban out of it for her husband; next time he told the caravan where his camels were; robbed the Shah's treasury, called everyone fortunetellers; man and wife are locked in waiting for him to identify thieves; wife gives three grenades one after another; husband eats, says there is one; thieves hear, think about them; thieves asked them do not betray, the fortuneteller told them to take the treasury to where he was; the Shah decides to test the fortuneteller for the last time, asks what is in his fist (there is a grasshopper there); the man says out loud: he jumped once, jumped twice, and he got caught on the third; the Shah thinks he is talking about a grasshopper, made him the eldest sheikh; when he enters the mosque, he does not know what to do; he began to shout, Allah is great! and left the mosque; people followed him, then the roof collapsed; the Shah richly rewarded the fortuneteller and his wife, and they returned home]: Amonov 1972:260-265;

(Cf. Turkestan. Kyrgyz [Khan Omorbek has lost his treasury; he promises half of his wealth to whoever returns it, but executes everyone if the treasury is not found; people asked Alymkul for help; he took 40 apricots and asked to leave him in the room for 40 days; every day one of the 40 robbers overhears; A. eats an apricot: here is the first (the second the next day); the third robber asks not to give them away, says where the treasury is buried; the khan is happy, but does not want to pay; asks to know where the horse went; the shepherds told; the khan catches a fly, tells him to say what is in his hand; A. aloud: once saved, the second, and the third like a fly got caught; the khan invited A. to the bathhouse; the khan thought, hit his head against the lintel, the roof collapsed and failed the khan]: Brudny 1954:95-99 (=Brudny, Eshmambetov 1977:212-215)