Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M198b4. Imaginary fortuneteller: the names of thieves.


The imaginary fortuneteller, while awaiting exposure, utters words that reflect his state of mind. Thieves nearby take some of the words as their names, believe that the fortuneteller has found out about them and ask not to give them away.

Vieta [Belly and Back], Kashmiris [Language], Kumaoni [Chunia and Munia], Hindi [Sweet Dream], Assamese [Ham Doi - Alas, Doi], Santals [Naidu and Not Find], Oraons [Belly], Bengalis [one of Durgi names], Tamils [language, nose and eye], Sinhalese [some female name], Chinese (Guangdong) [Nightmare and Horror], Chuan Miao [White and Yellow], Koreans [Willow Leaf], Hungarians [White, Black, Red], Russians ( Teresky Bereg, Olonetskaya) [Belly and Ridge], Russians (Vologda) [Ridge and Belly], Russians (Moscow) [Crow], Karelians [Mishka, Grishka, Ochce, Vacca], Khalkha Mongols [Belly].

(Wed. Tibet is the Northeast of India. There is no motive in the English version, but it may be in the original. Meitei [Temba is poor, stubborn, ugly; decided to marry the minister's daughter; snuck into her room and pretended to be dead; he was carried out; the father accused his daughter, gave T., but did not give money; T. decided to become soothsayer; let 10 fish into the pond, told the women who passed by that he knew how many fish were in the pond, and showed 10; stole utensils from the Minister, buried them in the garden; indicated where the stolen goods were; Minister recognized T. as his son-in-law, rewarded him; the neighboring owner sent two servants to say that his boat was missing; T. out loud: this incident would bring everything down! The servants who stole the boat thought the soothsayer meant them, were guilty, asking them not to be extradited; another owner called T. to cause rain; T. heard the frog croaking and realized that it was raining it will soon go; said he was praying to the god of frogs; on the evening of the third day it rained; T. is rich and happy]: Oinam et al. s.a.).

Burma - Indochina. Vieta [without income, the man decided to become a fortuneteller; he was lucky; after that he was demanded from the king: a golden turtle disappeared from the palace; while he was carried in a palanquin, the fortuneteller out loud lamented: he had a stomach and his back would suffer (this is a proverb); two porters named Belly and Back (Bung and Da) were thieves; confessed to what they had done, begging the fortuneteller not to give them away; he was them forgave generously and received a generous reward from the king]: Cosquin 1887:192.

South Asia. Kashmiris ("Ocean of Tales") [poor brahman Hariçarman serves a rich man; offended that he was not invited to his master's daughter's wedding; takes the groom's horse into the forest, tells his wife to say that hers the husband is a fortuneteller; "finds" a horse; the king tells him to find the missing treasures; in the evening in the room he says out loud: What did you do, tongue, for a good piece; a servant named Language heard, confessed What he did, H. shows the king where the kidnapped is hidden; the courtiers want to check the fortuneteller; suggest guessing what is under the lid; there is a toad; the fortuneteller calls himself the Toad (as his father called him when he was a child) and says he's gone in that pot now; everyone thought he was right]: Cosquin 1887:194-195; Kumaoni [grandmother's fool: if mother-in-law asks what I ate, how do I answer? grandmother: say that hichadi (spiced chowder) and repeat along the way; a fool sees a person's birds pecking rice, says "hee, chadi" (eat, bird!) ; the man beat him, tells him to say, "go, fall into the net"; he says this to thieves; those: you must say "come and get it"; he says this to the participants in the funeral procession; those, I must say, "whatever Who did not happen to"; he said this to the participants of the wedding procession; everyone beat him; hid in his father-in-law's house; saw what the children were eating; at home he said: I know everything who ate what; the news of his knowledge spread; The king summoned him, hid a grasshopper in his fist, told him to say what was there; fool: Oh, Pilagant, your death has come! ("pilaganta" means "grasshopper" and was also the name of a fool); the king tells us to find the missing necklace; P.: Oh, Chunia, oh, Munia! and that was the name of the maid thieves; they said where the necklace was, the king awarded the fool]: Minaev 1966, No. 29:78-80; northern India, Sultanpur, Hindi [Raja hired a Farsi teacher, he died, and the Raja ordered to be his son's teacher, who knew nothing; the nickname was Tadda ("fool"); Raja lost his ring, he locked T. up, ordering him to find the ring by morning; T.: "Come, sweet dream!" ; and that was the name of the maid who stole the ring and eavesdropping; thought that the fortuneteller found out everything, said that the ring was under Raja's bed; T. received the reward; then the Raja camel disappeared, and T. accidentally saw it and indicated where he was; wanting to test the fortuneteller, the Raja clenched a worm called tadda in his fist, ordering him to guess what was in his fist; T. aloud: "Tadda, Tadda, your hour has come"; to avoid revelations, T. decided to kill the Raja; at night he dragged him into the garden to slaughter there; at this time the roof of the palace collapsed, the Raja gave T. half of the possessions]: Crooke 1895, No. 427:159; Assames [peasant by named Foring ("Grasshopper") went to get rice; one man checked the rice; when he finished, F. pretended to have colic, began rolling on the ground, the grains stuck to his clothes, he brought them to his wife; wife baked cakes, but ate most of them; said that whoever gets up first in the morning should eat a third and the other two thirds; F. got up, was surprised that there were so few cakes, and calculated how many they were there, said it to his wife; she was shocked by his ingenuity, told her neighbors; the cow disappeared, and F. just saw her; pretended to determine where the cow was, thanks to the ability of a predictor; his fame spread, his name was Sarabjan ("The Soothsayer"); the king asks to find the missing precious necklace; the king's wife Madoy and younger Hadoy, stole the necklace by H.; doy (cottage cheese) was brought to S.'s palace , he exclaimed Ham doy! ("Alas, Doy"), and H. heard and decided that she was exposed, admitted that S. told her to put the necklace in its place; said that the necklace was in the box; his fame became immense; one day the king clutched a grasshopper in his fist and asked S. to guess; S. thinks out loud: once he guessed it, two, three, and now you, the Grasshopper, are caught; the king did not know that the real name of the imaginary soothsayer was Grasshopper, and rewarded him again]: Borooah 1916:75-83 ( about the same in Goswami 1960:98-99); Bengalis [when a poor brahmana asked his wife for tortillas, she drove him out; the hermit forced him to learn to read and write; when he returned and went to the house, the brahman I heard the sound of cakes fried in butter; when he came in, he told his wife that he had mastered the arts, although she did not believe it, otherwise he would offer me cakes; my wife believed in her husband's visionary abilities; the laundress asked find the missing donkey; after speaking out time (the goddess is not in good spirits), the brahmana waited for the donkey to come by himself; when the Raja's daughter lost her diamond necklace, the brahmana was summoned; left alone, he mourned her recklessness when addressing Mother Juggodamba (one of Durga's names); the gardener's wife who stole the necklace bore this name, heard it, thought the astrologer knew everything, asked not to give it away; brahman told her to put the necklace in a large clay vessel and put it in the pool; in the morning the vessel was not found, the brahmana was chained, but he continued to insist; when the pond was drained, the necklace was in a small vessel at the bottom; the brahmana was made the head of the wise men, the raja and rani put flowers at his feet]: Bradley-Birt 1920:196-19; Tamils [two brahmana brothers, a younger astrologer; the elder's wife tells her husband learn at least something; he bought cookies in the form of eyes, mouths and tongues, ate them and told his wife that he had learned astrology; the laundress lost his donkey; wife: ask my husband; husband went and accidentally found a donkey; The Raja lost the necklace; it was stolen by maids named Tongue, Nose, Eye; the astrologer was given 8 days; at the end of the term: and why did I eat cookies tongue, nose, eye? the maids gave him a necklace; he put the necklace in a certain place and told the Raja to check it out; Raja made the fortuneteller chief astrologer]: Blackburn 2005, No. 6; Santals [three were stolen from the Raja a jug of money; he promises half of the money to the one who found it; the thieves were two servants who were assigned to take care of arriving clairvoyants; a local crook went to his father-in-law's house, but fascinated by a random woman, went to to him in the dark and overheard a conversation about a rooster ready for dinner; when he came in, his son-in-law explained that he had come so late because he had received a revelation: they had prepared a rooster; his father-in-law was amazed and stabbed the second a rooster for his son-in-law (the first one was not intended for him); after that, the imaginary fortuneteller was called Raja; the servants were called Find and Fail; the fortuneteller: I will find it or not, but they bring food; the servants decided that he knows everything and they are guilty; the imaginary fortuneteller was awarded]: Bompas 1909, No. 68:206-208; Oraons [the old man is dissatisfied that when he comes from the field, his wife just starts cooking; looked and saw that during the day she cooks for herself; pretends to recognize it by his hand; the old woman told everyone that her husband was a clairvoyant; Raja's daughter lost her necklace - left it on the lake shore and carried away by a crow; The old man was told to find it; he went into the bushes, saying: Oh, my boti ("belly"), you will soon be beaten with a stick; the girl who found the necklace was Boti; she said where it was; the Raja rewarded the clairvoyant; during The Raja drought called the predictors again; the old man hears a rat telling the rats that it will rain on Monday and rain on Tuesday; as it happened, the Raja gave the old man even more generously]: Elwin 1944, No. XXVI. 5:489-491 (translated into Zograf 1971, No. 79:289-291); the Sinhalese [the poor man came to live in another village; he was jokingly nicknamed knowledgeable; everyone went to sell something at the bazaar, he had nothing, so he carried coconut husks; accidentally noticed a cowhide team entangled in branches in the forest; it had the name of the owners on it; in the village, a man pretended to find out about the loss thanks to his unusual abilities; received half the value of oxen; elsewhere, staying overnight, says a phrase that can be understood as a woman's name; a maid with that name gave the money she stole; the fortuneteller became famous, the king summoned him to the palace and ordered him to find the stolen treasures; the fortuneteller was going to hang himself, but unsuccessfully: "The rope is short and the height is insufficient"; the thief hears and understands this a phrase as containing his name; brings the stolen goods and begs not to tell the king; to test the fortuneteller again, the king clenched fireflies in his fist: what is there? the fortuneteller hit his head in despair against the tree: oh my God, like a hundred fireflies (meaning sparks) out of his eyes; next time he caught a bird; fortuneteller: the birds are flying, the power of Appu (the name of the fortuneteller) is over; the king gave the fortuneteller a house and official positions; he set fire to the house and said that his books had burned down, and with them an opportunity to guess]: Parker 1910, No. 23:179-185.

China - Korea. Chinese (Guangdong) [the husband is unable to earn anything, his wife sends him to look for work in other parts; he finds nothing, comes back and sees his wife bringing various food from the bazaar; When she sees her husband, the wife is outraged that he has come again without money, but the husband says that he has found an amazing sense of smell; he demonstrates this by saying what kind of food is in the house now; the rumor has spread, The emperor called on the man to find the missing jewelry; he begins to mumble out loud, Oh nightmare, oh horror! Two courtiers, who had similar names, thought they were exposed; show where the jewelry is hidden and give a reward; the emperor offers service, but the man only asks for a portion of toffee for his wife; she again considers him an idiot; the Empress wants to test the fortuneteller's abilities, hides a kitten in a basket, wrapped it in cotton wool, asks him to say what is there; the man out loud, referring to himself: the cat died in basket! The Empress opens the basket - the kitten turns out to be suffocating; after that, everyone decided that man is a god, his place in the sky; he was thrown so high that when he fell, he fell into many particles that have turned into ants; so ants immediately feel where to eat food]: Fielde 1893:21-26; chuan miao [while the husband is in the field, the wife secretly eats the rice she cooks for both of them, and when cooking meat and vegetables, he does not wash his hands after the restroom; the husband accidentally noticed this; pretended to go to bed and sleep; told his wife that he had previously dreamed of her; the wife believed that the husband knows everything she does without him; once her father-in-law lost a pig; the husband found a pig in the grave hole, she gave birth to piglets; said that he saw it in a dream; the boss's seal, the fortuneteller, was stolen called; he tells his wife to hang a large rice pest on the roof; in the boss's house he begins to mutter that things are bad: the pest climbed onto the roof; then tells his wife to set fire to the house; says that fire from heaven on him went down, ran to the house, put it out; then the fortuneteller mutters at random about white and yellow cranes; White and Yellow are the names of the servants who stole the seal; they ask not to give them away, they will put a seal on the magpie's nest ; fortuneteller: the seal climbed the tree, spends time with the magpies; to check the fortuneteller for the last time, the boss wrapped the baby in cloth and asked what he had in his hands; the fortuneteller became mumble about red and blue (fabric colors), which sounds like a word for a boy; the fortuneteller's reputation is finally established]: Graham 1954:271-272; Koreans [Dori boys ( stone) and Dukubi (toad) are friends; Dory is rich and has figured out how Dukubi can also get out of poverty; he will hide his father's silver spoon, and Dukubi will pretend to be clairvoyant and find it; Dukubi became famous; The Emperor of China lost his seal, he summoned Dukubi from Korea; he asked for 100 days; on the 99th day, when he was washing his hands, a willow leaf with a hole fell into his basin; Dukubi exclaimed Yu-Kun-Yup (Iwa-Dyra-Liszt); A giant came in and was guilty: he was the one who stole the seal and his name was Yu-Kun-Yup; the seal on the bottom of the pond; the next day the pond was drained, the seal was found; but the courtiers doubted; the chief minister asked what was inside stone vessel; Dukubi: Oh, innocent Toad, you're trapped thanks to the Stone; the minister picked up the stone cover and showed the toad; gave Dukubi generously, he lived a prosperous life]: Cho 2001, No. 35: 65-68.

The Balkans. Hungarians [two crooks Bumblebee and Mokhnach deceive each other; they see gallows; they are executed fortunetellers who could not find the missing royal ring; Bumblebee points his finger at books says white, here's black, here's red; three servants with similar names who stole the ring think the fortuneteller has exposed them; Bumblebee says, "this is the first one," referring to the waiting day and the lunch he has they brought it; the thieves take over again; the servants returned the ring, paid the money, and the Bumblebee told them to feed the ring to the royal peacock; the queen caught the bumblebee: what's in her hand? Bumblebee about himself: here, Bumblebee, got caught; Queen decided he guessed right; again: who is in the hole; Bumblebee: no matter how the fox dodges, but gets caught; Queen: yes, there is a fox; Bumblebee: you can't guess more than three times; Bumblebee and Mokhnach came to the forest, saw the robbers loading treasures; they pretended to be dead rebels, the robbers ran away, friends shared the treasures and parted]: Ortutai 1974, No. 32:372-382.

Central Europe. Russians (Tersky Bereg) [the old man bought the old woman cards to guess, and stole the spread woven canvas himself; sent the woman to his old woman - she is guessing well; she laid out the cards: the canvas was stolen , but my old man will find it; he "found"; the same with the cow; the rumor of the fortuneteller reached the king, he summoned the old woman to him: the queen lost her ring; the old woman was brought, the king tells her to give her crow meat - will he know ; old woman: A crow flew into wide mansions! the king is delighted; the king tells two workers to heat the bathhouse; one is called Belly and the other is Ridge; the old woman: what happens to the belly is the ridge; they beg not to give them away: the ring will be returned; they promised to feed his lamb ; the old woman spoke about the lamb, a ring was found in his stomach; after rewarding the old woman, the king put chicken eggs in the carriage: will he find out; the old woman was brought to the carriage; she said: The chicken sat on old eggs; the old man sees that an old woman in an old carriage is being taken {apparently decided that she was not a good fortune teller} and strangled himself; the old woman began to live richly]: Balashov 1970, No. 140:387-392; Russians (Olonetskaya) [wife orders to her husband to steal the neighbor's cows, pretends to be a sorceress, tells me where the cows are, the neighbor gives a pound of flour; the Tsar has lost his gem, he sends two footmen named Belly and Ridge for a guesser; they stole it; to check the guesser, they put eggs in the carriage; when the old woman sits down, she says: it was like a chicken to sit on eggs; she came with the old man, asked for a separate room; old man: The crow flew into high mansions, will we get something? Old woman: both the belly and the ridge; the footmen heard, brought a stone and more money; she says that the stone in Moscow will get {and he is with her} in a week; a week later there was a stone; Tsar Zedro awarded old woman]: Onchukov 2008, No. 193:358-359; Russians (Vologodskaya, Kirillovsky Ul.) [the old woman advises her husband to steal a cow, tie it in the forest, they will look for a cow, and the old man will pretend to be knowledgeable; after that, the master asks to know who the lady will give birth to; the old man: he will lead from the shop to the door - girl, from door to shop - guy; master: I know this myself; the lady gave birth to twins: a boy and a girl; the king lost his ring, the old man was summoned and put in the kitchen; he aloud: both to the ridge, then to the belly; and from two cooks, one called Krebto and the other Belly; they were guilty; the old man ordered to feed the ring to the goose, and they found it there, the king rewarded him; towards the boyar with a beetle in his hand: what do I have? old man: a bug hit the boyar's hands; in the carriage, the old man and his wife were put on a pillow, and the coachman gave a damn under her; and his wife's name was Domna; old man: sit down, Domna, on thick crap; the coachman was guilty, asked not tell]: Sokolov, Sokolov 1981, No. 55:209-210; Russians (Moscow) [maid and janitor stole; old woman to her husband: steal a horse, and I'll tell you where; there was a rumor that the old woman is a guesser, gentlemen called for help, dressed like a lady; she aloud: Oh, the crow, which mansions she flew into; the maid's name was Raven, she overheard, guilty to the old woman; she showed that the stolen goods were under the porch]: Vedernikova, Samorodova 1998, No. 93:234-235.

Baltoscandia. Karelians (Kalevalsky District) [the princess lost her rings; recommended her witch grandmother; sent a wagon for her, the tsar hid a chicken egg in his pillow; the coachman must check if he guesses it witch; grandmother says that she spins like chicken on eggs; asks to leave her alone in the room; says: "What Mishka, Grishka, Occe, Vacca" ("both forehead and stomach"); four servants eavesdropped on them The names Mishka, Grishka, Occe and Vacce, they were frightened and brought rings; after receiving the award, the grandmother asked the king not to call her again for divination]: Onegin 2010, No. 61:498-499.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Mongols [Tsartsa Namgil ("tsartsa" is a locust family) did not master the wisdom of monastic, he was expelled; goodbye, the Lama advises to closely monitor what is around him; C. repeats the bird's cry "Tsva-a, uva-ah", the cry of the antelope "Joron, Joron", the squeak of the mice "Buvs, Buvs"; Chinese merchants tried to ask what piece of meat Ts wanted, for this they raised their thumb up, lowered their little finger down; C. nothing understood, but remembered the gesture; Khan tells C. to find the missing ring; C. tells him to leave it for three days with plenty of food; he is eavesdropped; he repeats what he heard from birds, etc., this is understood as a sign of his wisdom; C . ate, says: it doesn't matter to you, your stomach, comes to an end; the pregnant maid who stole the ring returns it, asks it not to give it away; llamas ask how big the world is, etc., and C. moves the big with a finger and little finger, everyone is surprised by his wisdom; the khan caught locusts on the third time, clenched it in his fist, asks C. to say what he has; T.: the first time the khan did not catch locusts, the second time and caught the third; Ts. means himself, Khan is a locust; made C. a court sage]: Mikhailov 1962:35-38.