M199a. Squeeze the brain out of the ground .
The man buried something soft and liquid in the ground, and when he stomped (fired an arrow into this place) and the buried one splashed onto the surface, he said that he had knocked out the brain (insides) of the earth.
Algerian Arabs, Crimean Tatars, Kalmyks, Karachays and Balkarians, Stavropol Turkmens, Chechens, Turks, Kurds, Turkmens, Mountain Tajiks, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Karakalpaks, Kyrgyz, Tuvans, South Altai Tuvans, Mongols (Ordos).
North Africa. Arabs of Eastern Algeria: Bellarmi 1990 [everyone fled from the ghoul, only old Akarak remains in the village; who will blow the wind more powerfully; when the drone, the house shakes; A. throws a stone at the wall, the wall falls on gulya; who will squeeze milk out of the ground; A. buried a wineskin with milk in advance; who will bring a larger bunch of firewood; A. begins to tie the entire forest with a rope; ghoul asks A. to take the letter to his sister; A. asks the jackal to read it; it asks you to break the giver's neck; the jackal replaces the letter: this old man is a doctor, he will cure you too if he happens; the cannibal has a neck to the side; she allowed herself to be tied, A. cut off her head; when the ghoul saw A. alive, he ran away and never came back]: 103-108; Scelles-Millie 1963 (Souf) [the ghoul eats everyone; 'Ammi Chekkarkar decided to get rid of him; buried his wineskins in the ground in advance milk, sawed trees; offered to compete to see who would squeeze milk out of the entrails of the earth; ghoul was struck by the power of AH; who would break more trees; ghoul was tired, and AH knocks down trees with a slight push; ghoul suggests fighting; AH advises to postpone the fight until dark; pulled a camel's skin on the ground, smeared it with soap, the ghoul slipped, AH stabbed him]: 193-198.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars: Kondaraki 1875, No. 5 [Mezula is a lazy and coward; his wife threatens to leave him; M. went on a journey; the shepherd complains that every three-headed monster coming from the clouds the day eats one shepherd and a thousand sheep; M. buried sheep intestines and milk, took hard cheese; offers the monster to squeeze water from the stone, the intestines out of the ground; the monster asks for mercy; tells him to catch a wild goat; M. hid in the hollow, the deer accidentally got entangled in the branches, the monster believes that M. caught him and hung him; asked for firewood; M. entangles the trees to bring the whole forest at once; the monster brought M. to his mother ; M. overheard them agree to overturn a 4-bucket of boiling water on him at night; M. lay down on a high shelf and in the morning said that the insects were biting; the old woman advises the monster to play with M. father's golden young; M.: I've already thrown it into the sky alone, now it's burning with a star; the monster gave me gold and agreed to bring it home himself; M.: wait: I'll tie my wife and children, or they'll eat you; the monster disappeared beyond the sky]: 46-52; Mirer 1940 [Ahmet-Achay Ozenbashsky was afraid of a mouse, his wife swears; but killed 40 flies with one blow; went to look for work; Kosh has one shepherd crying (7-headed deva with goat feet with a horse's tail will eat it today), the second laughs (eats tomorrow), the third dances (eats the day after tomorrow); AA: I am hero Ayu, son of Buke-Bugai, who keeps the ground on his copper horn; buried a ram's skin with a roll, a head with a beard and legs separately; suggests a deva 1) to hit the ground for the katyk to go, 2) for her legs to jump out, 3) a beard pops out; dev called for a visit, carried it to the mountain; whose stone core will fly higher; AA: I'll throw 7 cores with the gun, it'll stay at the top; dev: no need, the gun is expensive; deva's mother advises letting AA raise the deva's father's iron stool; AA: throw it on moon or sun? deva's mother: no need, the lights will fade; asks for water in a 40-bucket vessel; AA begins to dig in a well; dev takes AA home to Ozenbashi, gives you three bags of gold; why are you so light? AA: I keep my strength in the air; dev: show strength; AA stabs it with an awl; dev: better in the air; AA tied his three children with a rotten rope, tells them to shout "eat" and his wife "have lunch with a deva"; dev runs away; fox leads him back; AA fox: that's when I caught you; dev killed a fox, ran away]: 226-236; Kalmyks [grandfather in a quarter, a beard in 4 quarters buried a goat's brain, offered seven muses to bet: who will get to the brain of the earth; the Muses admit defeat, invite them for gold; they give them an iron tourniquet, send them for firewood; the old man begins to tie all the trees to supposedly bring everything at once; begins dig in a well to bring it whole; when the meat is ready, he sends mousse for salt, throws the meat into the river, says he has eaten everything; the same with the soup; at night, the old man covers a stone, mousse with his fur coat they try to stab this place with daggers, in the morning the old man says that the lice have bitten; negotiates with his wife to say that there are no supplies, and he will advise you to take Musa's giblets; the husband came and heard he started to run; the fox leads Musa back, tied with his tails; old man: my beloved yellow son leads Musa to death; the mousse killed the fox; the same with the wolf (gray son); the old man made fur coats from the skins of a wolf and a fox]: Dzhimbinov 1962:57-60 (=Egorov 1978:43-47); Balkarians: Baranov 1897, No. 2 [wives kicked the cowardly husband out the door; when he found out that the fox was running, he fainted; when he regained consciousness, the husband decided to show that not a coward; meets emegen, who sewed up cracks in the ground, invites him to go for wealth; emegen wants to compare their strengths, throws a rock far; a man squeezes juice out of a piece of cheese, emegen believes that it is a stone; a person squeezes ayran out of a buried wineskin, emegen cannot squeeze water out of the ground; emegen leads a man to his cave; a person says that he has vowed to eat little, otherwise a ram for him it would not be enough; emegen gave a man a bag of gold; man: according to our custom, the giver must carry the gift himself; a person runs up to the house before emegen; wives are taught to shout from afar to cook emegen kebab; emegen runs away in horror; the fox assures that the man is a coward, offers to contact with his tails; wives are taught to thank the fox for bringing emegen; emegen killed the fox, ran away, gold man got it]: 13-18; Kapiyeva 1991 [The cowardly cunning man decided to leave home to earn respect; took a wineskin with ayran and cheese; suggests that emegen squeeze oil out of the ground; stepped on a buried wineskin; crush the stone - the cheese presses; tells the emegen to bend the apple, catches on the branch, the apple tree has straightened; says he has climbed to support the rock; the emegens ask for water, he pretends to be going bring the river; got a chest of jewelry, emegen carries it; the man taught his wife how to answer; emegen hears: now I'm finishing emegen's thigh; emegen ran away; the fox leads him back, he holds her tail; cunning: why are you leading so thin? emegen killed the fox, all the emegenes are gone]: 114-116; Karachays or Balkarians [the boy takes cheese and wineskin with ayran; suggests that emegen squeeze oil out of the ground (presses the wineskin) and squeeze water out stone (presses cheese); emegen promises to do his will; the boy tells him to be carried across the river, he brings him to the emegens; they ask for a huge wineskin of water; the boy inflates his wineskin, by the cave releases air; at this time it rained; emegenes believe that a boy brought all this water; at night, emegenes pour boiling water over Kunatskaya, throw stones from above; the boy is unharmed under (magic?) burka; the boy demands gold, tells emegen to drag it; after agreeing with her son, the boy's mother says loudly that she will fry the guest's leg with emegen; frightened emegenes have left the valley]: Aliyeva, Kholaev 1983:68-71 ; Stavropol Turkmens [having come to divas, Jesus the hero (Ica-Behlewan), using various tricks - pulling trees in the forest, devouring an entire calf, squeezing brains out of the ground (jer meillici), extracting the stomach and intestines of the earth, digging up an entire well of water misleads divas about their strength; the divas could not kill I. with either boiling water or a hammer and decided to get rid of it by giving a bag of gold and let him go home; the hero pretended to throw a heavy bag right from the forest into his house, but he was offered to go on the diva's back; this diva was surprised at the hero's lightness, but begged "not to impose weights," as soon as the hero began to poke him in the back with an awl; having taught his wife to intimidate the diva when he arrived in the house, I. turned him to flight; the fox wanted to help the diva, but she also died from the hero's cunning]: Samoilovich 1914, No. 16:; Chechens [cowardly Neznai accidentally killed three flies with a sword; wrote on it "This is the Unknownable saber that killed 63 Nart Erhustoyans"; went to bed under a pear, burying their bag in the ground; 7 sart-erhustoyans came up, read the inscription, asked them to show art; N. stomped, dust rose from the buried bag, sledges believed that it was smoke from the impact; the sledges gave him their sister and half of the land; a rhino started in the forest, his wife drove N. to kill him, he climbed onto a pear in fear, fell on a rhino that came up, N. rushed with him to the village, the rhino was killed from guns, and N. shouted that he wanted to tame him; enemies attacked, N. chose an old mare; she carried him, he tried to grab hold of the plane tree, uprooted it, crushed his enemies, sledges made him the main one]: Gren 1897:9-12 (=Dirr 1920, No. 21:103-105); the Turks [hero (pahlevan - ironically), afraid to leave the house at night, looked at a monkey at the bazaar, and when he came home, his wife had already locked the door; went into the world, there is a tavern; people say that a dev will come and take one to eat; the pahlevan digs a hole, tells them to fill it with cheese and sprinkle it with earth; suggests that the deva stomp to squeeze it out of the ground water; then squeeze the water out of the stone (the pahlevan squeezed the cheese again, and the dev only crushed the grindstone); dev offered to go to him, where the other 40 devas are; pahlevan: only if you carry me; dev: something you are light; shawned: if I fall down, it will be hard (I put a knife into the deva's neck); the devas pretend to eat 40 bulls and throw the meat into the hole; the devas ask for water and firewood; the pahlavan pretends to is going to move the entire spring; the mountain with the forest on it; Dev bent the cherries to pick berries, they straightened up, threw them into the air, he fell next to the hare and grabbed it; says that on purpose jumped to catch a hare; dev wants to fight, pahlevan pretends to throw him into heaven; the devas give the pahlevan a horse, a bag of gold, send him home]: Dmitriev 1967, No. 71:373-378; Kurds [Kezerkanun was afraid of the fox; to lure him out of the house, his wife told her son to throw pies from the roof, sent K. to pick him up and locked the door; K. asked for a bag of flour and an awl, and went on a journey; came to the house of 7 devas, called himself a hero; having buried an egg, offered to test his strength - who stomps so that yellow clay splashes from under his heel; going for firewood, he pretends to tie everything with a rope trees in the forest to drag at once; inflating his wineskin, pretends to fill it with water from the river and immediately drinks (the devas are afraid that he will drink their river); K. overheard that they want to hack him with an ax, put a block of wood on his bed instead of himself, complains of insect bites in the morning; devas give K. treasures, carry them to his house; dev is surprised that K. is light; K.: I don't want to fall all the weight; dev: try it; K. stabs an awl in the back of the deva, he asks him not to fall down anymore; at home, K. loudly asks his wife to let the mace deal with the devil, he runs away; the fox says that K. is afraid of her, contacts the devil with a rope and leads him back; K.: holds the deva, I will help now; dev runs, dragging the fox, she died]: Farizov, Rudenko 1959:73-78.
Iran - Central Asia. Turkmens [Aldarkose went for brushwood; the fox offered to collect firewood for him if he gave her his chorek; having received a churek, she ran away; after running after the fox, A. picked up a pheasant, pheasant eggs, a turtle, the tail of a dead donkey; came across devas; they suggest comparing lice, A. shows a turtle; fleas - releases a pheasant; hair - donkey tail; squeeze oil out of the ground - tramples on pre-buried pheasant eggs ; the devas offered him food, left the cauldron full of meat; A. ate, threw the rest of the meat into the hole, said he was still hungry; A. put his fur coat on the bush for the night and hid himself; the devas threw stones at his fur coat, A. unharmed; he was sent for firewood, given an ax (which he can't pick up); A.: I collect firewood without an ax; began to tie trees to pull everything out at once, the devas ask him not to do it; at night, the devas poured on A. fur coat; A.: it rained warmly at night; the devas rushed at A., (the wind lifted him from their nostrils to the ceiling of the cave; A.: I think which one of you would break your anger; dev raised A., he was bulged eyes: I see where to throw one of you; one dev carried A. and the hum of gold that the devas gave him; wonders how easy the man is; A.: I hold on to the sky; dev: let go of the sky; A. stuck an awl in the back of his head; wife at home: only devas heads are left for lunch, which one should I serve - black or white? the devas rushed to run; the fox led them back, offered to tie them with a rope so they wouldn't be afraid; A.: why are you leading only two devas, your father owed me 40; the devas ran again, dragging the fox, it was torn apart to shreds]: Kekilov, Kosayev 1962:88-93; mountain Tajiks [the donkey and camel fell behind the caravan; the donkey got drunk and decided to sing; the camel warned him that a lion would come, but the donkey still began to sing; a lion came; a donkey: whoever reaches the earth's brain will eat another; the donkey has buried a pot of sour milk in advance, pulled it out, said that he will eat the lion; he fled; the wolf persuades him to return; he I agree only if they contact them with a rope; when he saw them, the donkey roared; the lion got scared and ran, dragging the wolf; he died]: Semenov 1903, No. 1:98-99; Uzbeks [people ask Aldar Kusa to protect them from divas; he went to his married sister, took a bottle of sour milk with him, picked up a rope, a bird's egg, and a turtle on the way; when the diva appeared, AK buried a jar of milk in one place, a rope in another; says I wonder that he is Azrail and came for his soul; offers to measure strength; 1) knock the brain out of the ground (hits the place where the krynka is buried with a stick); 2) squeeze oil out of the stone (presses the egg); 3) twist a rope out of clay ( pulls out a buried rope); the divas pulls out a louse the size of a locust, AK shows a turtle; the divas lead the AK to him, the divas offer to destroy the rocks; AK pretends to think: if he hits, it's either the mountain it will block the way for the rising sun and the world will fall into darkness; either it blocks the way for the setting sun, it stays in the sky and burns everything; or the way will be closed to the cold wind, everything will go out; or the warm one will be closed everything will freeze; either the earth will fall or the sky falls to the ground; divas ask not to do anything like this; at night, AK puts a wooden stupa instead; divas hit with a club; in the morning AK says that a flea bit; divas collected gifts, brought them home AK; AK to his wife: give roast from yesterday's divas; divas run away, meet a mullah, he leads them back; AK: mullah liar, you borrowed me 10 oil divas, and now you only drive three! The divas pulled out the mullah's tongue, fled to the desert]: Rogov 1980:193-198.
Turkestan. Kazakhs: Nasyrov, Polyakov 1900 ["Collection of materials for statistics in the Syr-Darya region, vol. 6, Tashkent, part 2, p. 107"; the poor old man offers a diva to compete; knock the brain out of the ground ( buried a jug of milk, stomped); compare the size of the lice (pulled out a turtle from his sinus); uproot trees (if he vomits and throws it up, the sun also kills, the divas asks not to do so); the divas brought the old man to his house; the old man overheard the conversation between the diva and his wife, lay down in another seat; at night the diva cut with a sword, in the morning the old man says that fleas were biting; the diva gives gold, the old man tells him brought him to his house; teaches his wife to ask whether to cook the brisket of the former diva or the head of it; the diva ran away, the fox leads back - she gives out the old man's goat and then she is not afraid; old man to the fox: you lead the diva about the old parents' debt? The diva ran, hit the fox on the ground, killed]: 92-93; Sidelnikov 1971 (1) [old Kanbak ("tumbleweed") decided to move to a new place; left his property, the wind carried it to the mountains; the giant hits each other friend of the mountain; threw a huge stone; K.: I'm afraid to throw: the sky may turn over or the earth may split; the giant tells not to throw; K. suggests gutting the belly of the earth; stomped where he buried fish tripe; the giant recognized the power of K., K. invited him to visit; negotiates with his wife; three giants come; K. to his wife: cook the head of one, the brisket of the other, and our friend can be fried; the fox leads the giant back; K.: your father owed me, and your grandfather, and you want to pay off with one giant; the giant killed the fox]: 129-132; 1971 (3) [=Potanin 1916, No. 55:172-173; Bayashal suggests not to fight, but to pull it out trees; dyau could not; B.: I can pull it out, but then I'll knock out the sun or moon's eye with a tree; dyau asks not to do this, suggests squeezing water out of the stone; B. squeezed the egg; B.: who will squeeze the intestines out of the ground? buried lamb's intestines in advance, dyau is amazed, gives gold; B. tells him to bring gold himself, agreed with his wife, invites her to cook yesterday's head and the brisket the day before yesterday; fox diau: hold on my tail and let's go back; B.: thank you fox for leading diau; dyau killed the fox and ran away]: 89-91 [peri offer to squeeze the oil out of the black stone, the young man smeared his hands with greasy oatmeal in advance; at night he carries his the bed, the peri throw the stone back in its original place, in the morning the young man says that the fleas have bitten; the peri give the young man gold, carry it themselves; the young man sees the log: pick it up for my grandmother's spindle; the peri picked it up, they brought gold and left in fear]: 37-40; Potanin 1916, No. 39 [the fox lay down on the road, pretended to be dead, the old man was carrying fish, picked up a fox, it ate the fish and ran away; the old woman beat the old man; dhow goes, pulls out trees; the old woman told the old man to tell dhow he was looking for a rival; buried his fish intestines; the old man suggested: whoever removes the earth's brain is stronger; dhow stamped - nothing, old man - buried intestines came out, dhow recognized him as the strongest; goes to visit the old man; the old woman teaches the old man what to say; the old woman: there is nothing to give to the guest; the old man: cook the head of the first dow or the chest of the last, or the dhow itself; dhow ran away]: 143- 144; Sidelnikov 1964 [Kurai grandfather is fishing; he is afraid every time he sees a fox; he swat a hundred mosquitoes, thinks he is brave, went on a journey; found and buried duck eggs; speaks to the person he met a one-eyed giant who killed a hundred with one blow; offered to knock his brain out of the ground; stomped where the eggs were buried; the giant brings it to his yurt, which is the size of a mountain; K. refuses to eat (just now ate 10 bulls); suggests bringing the entire well of water at once; puts a stupa in its place at night; the giant hits with an ax; in the morning K.: fleas did not let sleep; K. brings the giant to his house; wife: nothing feed; K. I left you 7 one-eyed giants; the giant ran away, the fox leads him back, K.: thank you for bringing him; the giant killed the fox; K. began to skin it, could not turn it over to the other side]: 112-117; Karakalpaks: Volkov, Mayorov 1959 [Yeshamak told his brother Doshamak to take care of the foal, he died, D. ran, saw a horse stuck in the swamp, tore off its tail, picked it up partridge eggs, a frog; began to herd the old woman's goats; climbed on an apricot, began to shake off the fruits, told the goats to eat half, but they ate everything, he stabbed them, ran away; returned to his brother, towards two giants, D. offers competitions: squeeze oil out of the ground (presses eggs), pull hair out of the armpits (shows a horse's tail), race lice (lets the frog in); the giants ran away, the brothers took them riches]: 145-147; Privalov 1970:88; Kyrgyz: Brudny 1954 [Macmuth herds goats, the giant wants to pick them up; they agree to knock a tree down the mountain; the giant knocked down; M.: my mountain is in the center of the world , you can't touch it; the same is to break down trees; M.: my poplar is the padishah of trees, if broken, all the trees will fail; they agreed to drown so as to break through the ground; M. buried a bag of sour milk; said that he had knocked out the brain of the earth; the giant invited M. to his place; at night M. put a block in his place, the giant hit him with a club; in the morning M.: at night he bit the mosquito; M. agreed with his wife, called the giant to visit; tells his wife to cook the brisket of two other giants; the giant ran away; the wolf and the fox lead him back; M.: thank you for leading the fugitive; the giant killed the wolf and the fox; the giant jumped off the cliff in shame and crashed]: 65-68 (=Ledenev 1987:48-52); Brudny, Eshmambetov 1977 [seven rich people offend the poor man; the Bai son drove seven oxen to a watering hole; agrees to give them to the poor man if he knocks his brain out of the ground; the poor man stabbed the only bull, buried his brain; drowned, his brain splashed, the Bai son gave the oxen; the poor man said that he had divided the bull's meat into 7 parts, buried it, told the oxen to stand up, and an ox appeared from each buried piece; the rich slaughtered their bulls; beat the poor man and took away his oxen; the poor man brought a bag of ash and a bag of coal on a camel to the palace of the khan's daughter; said that the bags were filled with gold and silver, but watch it is impossible, otherwise they will turn into ash and coals; the khan's daughter opened her bags, filled it with silver and gold; told seven rich men that she had burned her yurt and sold ash; the rich burned their yurts, went to sell them, they were put in a cold basement]: 297-299 (=1968:181-184); Kyrgyz [an old man is fishing; a huge hero comes up, offers to fight; old man: I can accidentally kill you, it's better to pull you out of the ground trees; the hero cannot pull out an oak tree; the old man feels the roots: if you pull it out, you can knock out the eyes of the moon and the sun; suggests squeezing water out of the stone; the old man crushed the egg, the hero could not squeeze water out stone; squeeze the guts out of the ground; the old man buried the fish intestines in advance, began to stomp, the intestines came out; the hero gave a piece of gold; the old man asks to bring gold to his house so that they would not think that he had stolen it; coming to the house, tells the old woman to cook the head of yesterday's hero and the thigh of the day before yesterday; the hero ran away; the fox laughs and leads him back, and so that he is not afraid, tells him to hold on to her tail; old man: thank you, fox, if at the expense of debt; the giant grabbed the fox's tail, threw his head against the tree, ran away]: Muchnik 1944:91-92.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tuvans [the old man dreamed that a mangys rode to his yurt and promised to eat him and his wife; the old man caught and killed a bird and a mouse, hid it under white and black stones; mangys came again and offered measure his strength; the old man stabbed his cow, offered to squeeze water out of the white stone, blood from the black stone, and get the heart of the earth; mangys crushed the stones into dust, but did not squeeze out water or blood, and did not find the heart of the earth ; the old man crushed the bird and the mouse, took out the mouse heart hidden there from the dung; the mangys believed, brought the old man to him; he does not eat; says he will not be full even if he eats all the cattle; the old man he slept outside and overheard Mangys's wife promise to kill him at night; put a stone woman in his place, hid in the karagan bushes; a mangysikha hit a stone with an ax; in the morning the old man says as if he dreamed that he was hit with an ax; mangys gave the old man a lot of gold and silver and left these parts]: Taube 1978, No. 53:265-268; South Altai Tuvans [the old man herded 7 black cows, saw three black mangys; they suggest throwing a stone; old man: there (i.e. in the sky) a place where he can get stuck; the old man has buried his gut with blood, suggests playing the game "Crush the stomach of frozen earth"; when an old man beats, blood is flowing; he brought the mangys, agreed with his wife: where is the back of the middle mangys, where is the ham of the latter? Mangys undertakes to bring water in a huge wineskin instead of the old man; he blew the winds, the old man is thrown away, he clung to the stump; "I want to shut up your ass with them"; the mangys are gone, the wolf tells them to come back, they are pretending put a leash around his neck; old man: wolf, hold the mangys tight; the mangys ran, dragging the wolf, he's dead, his teeth grinned; mangys: he's still laughing!] : Taube 1978, No. 58:282-285 (=Taube 1994, No. 31:240-244); the Mongols (Ordos) [the old man is lazy; to force him to leave the house, she carried a jar of oil to the mountain, sent the old man to see why Magpies gathered, he brought butter; next time she scattered coppers; then the old man went to prey himself; the mangus wants to eat it; the old man: he will eat another who knocks out the giblets of the earth with an arrow; the old woman teaches him to bury the insides of the goat; fearing that the old man will eat it, the mangus runs away; the fox leads him back, tired, the mangus drags her by the belt; the old man to his wife: cook the stomach of the mangus from the west, the lungs of the mangus with east, the head of what appeared; the mangus runs again, dragging the fox; the mangus is outraged that she is grinning her teeth, but then sees that the fox is already dead]: Mostaert 1937, No. 22 in Solovyov 2014.