Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M199b. He did not throw a rock, but released a bird, ATU 1062.



man and his opponent agree to test their strength by throwing a stone. The enemy throws a stone, and the person releases a pre-hidden bird. She does not return and her opponent admits defeat.

Xhosa, Morocco, Libya, Basques, Spaniards, Catalans, Portuguese, Maltese, Italians (Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria), Ladins, Germans (Schleswig-Holstein, Upper Palatinate, Grimms, Austria), Scots, Irish, Frisians, Dutch, French, Flemish, Germans (Mecklenburg, Upper Palatinate), Chrusso (aka), Zeme, Yemen, Romanians, Bulgarians, Greeks, Luzhitans, Poles, Czechs, (Russians), Belarusians, Persians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians, Livonians, Leaders, Finns, Swedes, Norwegians, Faroese, Kazan Tatars, Mari, Chuvash, Mordovians, Udmurts.

Bantu-speaking Africa. The scythe [elephant promises a daughter to whoever throws a rock across the river; the rat negotiates with its friend the bat; when it pretends to throw a stone, the bat flies out and flies to across the river; a rat gets a wife]: Klipple 1992, No. 1062:272.

North Africa. Morocco, Libya: El-Shamy 2004, No. 1062:700

Southern Europe. Basques: Barbier 1931, No. 4 [three brothers go to look for work; mother warns not to be hired by a red-bearded man; red-bearded; older brothers refuse, younger agrees; who is first he will get angry, the other one will peel off his back to make sandals; the guy is told to bring the straightest and most crooked firewood from the forest, he does everything (the curves are the vine); herd pigs, and in these places Tartar lives; the guy took a bird, a son, a skein of thread; T. offers to compete; who will throw the stone next (the guy released the bird); who will crush the stone by throwing it (the guy throws a piece of cheese, that flies into small pieces); you have to separate the guy's pigs, etc.; guy: all of them with two ears and one tail are mine; running away from T., the guy wrapped his pork intestines and then threw them, shouting that it's easier to run; T. tore out his guts and died; the guy cut off the tails of the pigs, put them in the swamp, and really drowned a few; the red-bearded began to pull - the tails come off, the guy pulls out pigs; the guy ripped off the skin of the red-bearded man's back, returned home rich]: 81-84; Webster 1879 [Errua ("madman"), leaves home, is hired by the owner; whoever of them will be dissatisfied with the other, the other rips off the skin from the back; the owner orders 1) to bring the crooked branches to the firewood (E. cuts down the vineyard), 2) drive the cows to the pasture without breaking the fence in which there is no passage (E. cuts the cows into pieces, pushes into the cracks of the fence), 3) herd pigs on the mountain where the cannibal Tartaro lives; T. offers to compete, 1) who will throw the stone further (the old woman advises releasing the bird), 2) who will throw the piece next iron (a bar of iron; say: from here to Salamanca; T. does not tell you to throw it, because his parents are in Salamanca), 3) pull out and drag an oak tree (E. ties the entire forest with a rope, T. is afraid where he will herd pigs) ; in the house of T. E. goes to bed next to him for the night; puts the dead man lying under the bed in his place; T. hits him with iron, in the morning E. complains that fleas have bitten; E. must separate pigs from T. pigs; E. says he will take those with one mark and two markings; all pigs turn out to be so; in the village of E. sells all but two pigs, cutting off their tails; cuts one, hides giblets under clothes; in full view of people He stabs a knife in his stomach, people believe that his intestines have fallen out, he runs after the last pig; people tell T. that E. released his guts to run faster; T. rips his stomach open, dies; E. drives the pig into the mud, puts his tails in the mud, tells the owner that the pigs have fallen into the mud; the owner sends him for a spade; E. beats the hostess, she yells, he shouts to the owner - "One or both"; the owner replies that both; E. beats the maid, brings a spade with a hoe, hits the owner with them, he can't stand it, E. rips off his skin from his back; var.: E. burns T.'s eye with a hot spit; presses with a crunch nuts, says they are Christian bones; whoever brings more water, E. is going to carry the entire spring, T. is scared]: 6-11; Zelikov 2016 []: 106; Catalans (Mallorca included) [giant throws a stone, and a person releases a pre-caught bird]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 1062:208-209; the Portuguese [an ogre giant throws a stone and a man releases a bird]: Cardigos 2006, No. 1062:259; Maltese [a giant throws a rock and a man releases a dove]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 1062:437; Italians (Abruzzo, Basilicata): Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 1062:261; Italians (Calabria): Mifsud-Chircop 1978:437; Ladins: Brunold-Bigler, Widner 2004, No. 44 [the tailor decided to become a shepherd; got cheese for work in the fall; when he woke up, he saw that the cheese was covered with flies; killed with one blow 50; wrote "50 with one blow" on his hat, went on a journey; the king tells him to defeat the giant, promises his daughter; the tailor fed the bird, put it in his pocket; the giant offers to crush a stone in his fist the tailor crushed the cheese; to throw a stone, released the bird; the giant bent the tree, the tailor climbed to the top of his head, the giant let go, he took off; invites the giant to learn to fly too; he fell into the ravine and crashed; now the king orders to kill the horned dragon; the tailor hid behind the tree, the dragon's horns are stuck in the trunk, the tailor has decapitated him; king: I have already promised my daughter to the minister; let her lie between you; whoever is face in the morning will marry; at the feast, the minister got drunk, he was full of fumes at night, and the princess turned towards the tailor; he received the princess, and after the death of his father-in-law, the throne]: 261-268; Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 45 [the tailor took her hat and killed 7 flies with one blow and wounded 7 others; wrote about it on the shield and went on a journey; the king tells him to kill the unicorn; along the way into the forest, the tailor picked up a half-frozen bird and put it in his pocket; towards the giant; decided to compete to see who would throw the stone higher; the tailor released the bird; the giant: who would carry the heavier bunch of firewood; the tailor climbs the spruce tree to make a rope out of the spruce to tie more firewood; the giant thinks he is stronger than himself; who eats more; the tailor lowers the food into the cut on his shirt; hides behind the Christmas tree, the unicorn pierced her with his horn, the tailor nailed his horn to the tree; the giant brought the tailor to his house; he put a straw scarecrow in his bed in his bed; at night the giant crushed him; in the morning the tailor seemed like nothing happened; brought a unicorn horn to the king, received a princess and then a throne]: 125-128; Spaniards: Hernández Fernández 2013, No. 1062 (Murcia) [a rogue deceives an opponent by releasing a bird]: 177; Uther 2004 (2), No. 1062:25-26

Western Europe. Germans (Austria) [the tailor slammed nine flies, wrote "nine with one blow" on a piece of paper, put it under his hat; the king's servant noticed that the king told the tailor to kill three giants; they offer to throw a stone into the sky (a tailor releases a bird), crumble stones (a tailor squeezes water out of cottage cheese); who eats more (the tailor puts pasta under her clothes); in front of a woman she pretends to cut her stomach, to throw off the pasta, they prevent them from escaping; the woman told the giants they were slaughtered; the tailor brings their tongues to the king, receives an award]: Cerf 1992:247-250; Germans (Mecklenburg) [tailor Hans wondered how tedious it was to live and work; began to beat flies; wrote "50 with one blow" on a piece of paper, hung it on the wall of his house; in the kingdom, a giant takes 10 girls every year; the winner is a giant the king promises money, honor and a daughter; two nobles saw G.'s inscription, offered to fight the giant; G.: now I'm tired, it would be nice to eat at the king's house for four weeks first; G. fell in love with the princess and was ready to die; went to the giant's castle, climbed the apple tree, left the castle, the giant pulled him off the apple tree and asked him what death he would like to die; G. suggests first find out which of them is stronger; the giant crushed the stone with his hand; G. squeezed water out of a piece of cheese; the giant threw a stone, G. released a lark - he did not return; the giant invited G. to the castle as a guest; G. did not lie down on iron bed, and climbed under it; at the fullest the giant hit the bed with an iron club; G. as if through sleep: mosquitoes; after the second blow: flies; after the third: are you, giant? I'll show you now; the giant begs him to forgive him, G. threatens to destroy everything; gives life for promising to leave the kingdom; he did it immediately; G. released 10 prisoners did; the king does not give promised until G. kills the unicorn; he again demands 4 weeks to eat in the palace; in the forest, the unicorn rushed to G., who hid behind the bud, pierced the oak horn and got stuck; for the third time, the king orders to kill boar; 4 weeks later G. went into the forest, taking a bag of peas; scattered it along the path leading to the church; hid himself behind the door; the boar entered the church, G. jumped out and locked the door from the outside; made a hole in the roof and told the king that he had thrown the boar and he fell into the church, breaking through the roof; wedding and celebration]: Bartsch 1889, No. 14:501-507; Germans (Upper Palatinate) [the tailor found a ribbon that read "Seven One with a blow", attached it to him, met a giant; he decided to feed him cherries and then eat it; bent the tree, the tailor climbed, the giant let go of the tree, the tailor took off and landed imperceptibly; caught a bird; offered to compete who would throw a stone higher; released the bird himself; the giant squeezed water out of the stone, and the tailor squeezed milk from cheese; the giant brought them to his cave, where there are 12 giants; the tailor found the door, went down the aisle to the ground and entered a city where mourning; dragons, giants and snakes were rampant; it was the royal daughter's turn to be eaten by the dragon; the king gave the tailor a sword; the tailor knew when the giants were sleeping, he cut off their heads, took their eyes and tongues; brought the barrel to the tree where the serpent lived; he climbed into the barrel, smelling a man, and the tailor cut him down; hiding in an iron wagon, hacked him dragons; received a princess; she hears her husband muttering about scissors and cloth in a dream; the tailor guessed it and the next night only pretended to be asleep, and began to mumble about battles and victories; the king sent son-in-law against enemies; the horse was carried, the tailor grabbed the cross, carried it, the enemies thought that the Christian god himself was jumping on them and fled; they lived happily ever after]: Schönwerth 1858, No. 14:280-288;; Germans: Krainz 1880, No. 285 (Styria) [three giants grab citizens every week, take them home, eat them; the tailor came, saw a giant on a cherry tree, asked if the berries were ripe; he suggested that the tailor looked for himself; when the tailor climbed in, the giant bent and let go of the cherries, the tailor took off but landed successfully; said that the giant could also fly; the giant stuck his head at the fork in the tree; others two giants offer to compete; who will throw the stone further (the tailor released the bird), who will crush the stone in his hand (the tailor clenched his turnips); at night they hit the bed where the tailor slept with something heavy, but he moved to another place in advance, said in the morning that fleas were biting; the giants got scared and left these places]: 375-377; Cerf 1992 [the village teacher went to the haymaking; hell wanted to grab him, he squeezed cheese, but said that a stone - water would also flow out of the devil; the devils offer a bag of gold coins if the teacher agrees to serve them for a year; sent to bring water, he pretends to dig in and bring the whole well; they tell them to bring an oak tree, the teacher pretends to cut down the entire forest; the devils decided to get rid of the worker before the deadline; they had to pay money and bring it themselves; teacher I managed to teach the students what to say; the children started shouting, "I want damn meat," the hell threw the bag, ran away; the young devil came to figure it out; the teacher to fight with his grandfather (the bear in the cage), hell alive; run with his grandson (let the hare out); throw a hammer into the sky; teacher: I have a relative in heaven as a blacksmith, he will need a hammer; then the hell offered to throw a stone, the teacher released a goldfinch; who is louder He will click; the devil clicks the whip; the teacher tells him to blindfold, hits him with a club; fight with swords; the teacher gave a line a long bar, and he took a short line, stuck the line; then the devil asked for a short one; the teacher advised him to get into the pigsty, poked it through the crack; scratch (the teacher took the brushes); hell blew, the teacher was under the ceiling; says he darns the holes so that when he blows, the hell flew to the moon]: 105-110; the French [a poor shoemaker wanders complaining about fate; buys cheese and a ball of thread; enters a robber's castle in the forest; offers to compete: who will throw a stone higher ; the chieftain promises him a quarter of the castle if he wins; threw a stone, the shoemaker released a bird, is recognized as the winner; who can squeeze milk out of the oak; the chieftain squeezes the oak tree, something drips; the shoemaker hugs the oak, the cheese is squeezed, the milk pours; gets the second quarter of the lock; whoever breaks a larger branch; the chieftain breaks an oak branch, the shoemaker begins to thread the entire oak; he is stopped - we believe that you are stronger ; at night, the shoemaker puts a blood bubble on the bed and lies under the bed; three robbers come in, pierce the bubble with a knife; in the morning the shoemaker is alive and well; gets the whole lock, but agrees to change it to gold; takes gold, but other robbers took it away; the shoemaker, however, is happy; married a good girl and has healed well]: Cosquin 1886, No. 25:258-259; Scots, Irish, Friezes , Dutch, Flemish: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1060:24.

Western Asia. Yemen: El-Shamy 2004, No. 1062:700

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Hrusso (aka) [Mr. Siksilia-ao (SA) has the daughter of Siksilia-Sam; one day she went ashore and saw a young man Turu-Lebou, he married her; SA sent a frog demanding the return of his daughter, T. refused; the SA offers to compete, orders to carry bamboo from mountain to valley; T. does it, but SA cannot carry the tree from the valley to the mountain; go through the fire; T. slipped through, scorching his hair, since then people hardly grow hair on their bodies; SA could not get through the fire that T. made; SA threw a stone; T. released a bird that he caught unnoticed, it did not return; the SA recognized the power of his son-in-law; says that the fish is afraid of T.'s beard, let him put his beard on a stone; T. did so, and SA swallowed it, T. fell ill; SA ordered his daughter to give it to her husband: let him sacrifice a pig and a chicken; T. did so, recovered; T. and daughter SA had two sons, they are ancestors of Hrusso and Bangui]: Elwin 1958a, No. 11:169-171; zeme [text titled "The Birth of Spirits"; there was no land, a tarot leaf floated on the water; Bangklawong fell from the sky, said that if his feet did not touch the water, he would be king; one leg was on a leaf and the other fell into the water; he realized that it would be a long time before he became king; became all ask who can make land, but only King Worm (CC) replied that he could do so, but on the condition that every day a thousand people die to be eaten by him; B.: but then there will be no people left; CC: but every day, a thousand will be born; went down to the bottom, began to do worm casts (what the worm leaves on the sand or soil, like a cast of a worm) until land appeared; raven (mr., crow, but, perhaps a crow) leveled it, but when he began to level the hills, I was tired, so there are rocky hills, and there are plains; in a dream, Tingwong came to B. and told B. to cut off two fingers, from one there would be a wife, another sister; the sister did everything so quickly that she returned with water before B. could retire with his wife; then B. scattered katsing seeds in the grass and told his sister to collect everything, otherwise she would hack her machete (dao); she completed the task and entered when B. was copulating with his wife; the sight excited her so much that she was about to lay an egg; B. told her to go to the upper reaches of Barak to Tallaurok, taking a machete, a banana and a gibbon with her and laying her eggs there; she laid 8 eggs at the waterfall, left a machete, planted a banana, and told the gibbon to guard; Katsingpeo was the first to hatch, but was frightened and climbed back; Tsiuperai was the second; then K. came out again, they began to argue who was first and in charge; five more eggs hatch, one remained intact; T. found a banana and a machete, cut down a banana for them, served them a banana, served them a banana, but Gibbon quietly took them for himself; T. hit Gibbon with a machete, smeared blood on his and his brothers' eyes, now they had sight; the brothers thought the last egg was spoiled, threw it into the river; decided to count the main one who will throw the stone across the river; all the stones fell into the water, but T. accidentally threw the bumblebee and it flew to the other side; then they began to throw grass stalks; T. threw the snake and it crawled far; the brothers flew to her mother in the form of crows; when she saw that there were only 7 of them, she decided that they were not her children; but T. called her mother, talked about the eighth egg; the mother explained that whoever of him will hatch, be wiser and stronger than others; a boa constrictor was born from it; to determine who was in charge of the seven, the mother sprayed milk from her breasts; the jet went to K., but rolled and fell into T.'s mouth, and from him back to K and then to the others]: e Nagajournal Oct 27, 2013.

The Balkans. Romanians, Greeks: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1062:25-26; Bulgarians [the giant threw a stone and it fell back; the hero released a sparrow, it did not return]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 1062 : 380.

Central Europe. Belarusians [Who will throw a stone higher: a bird instead of a stone]: SUS 1979, No. 1062:260-261; (cf. Russians (Lithuania and Saratov only; there is an incorrect reference to Nikiforov 1915, so you have to watch the originals): SUS 1979, No. 1062:260-261); Luzhitans [Pumpot and the hell saw who would quit then the stone; P. caught and released the swallow; then they argued who would pick the cherries more dexterously; P. quickly climbed on the cherries, and the hell bent them down, picked the cherries, and then let them go; P. flew to the nearest village]: Schulenburg 1882:9; Poles (Simonides 1979, No. 281): Uther 2004 (2), No. 1062:25-26; the Czechs [Ondra's son, his father sent him to study the craft; the counter offered to study to be a robber; in as a test: steal a horse; O. sits on a tree, cries; tells the rider that his robbers had robbed him; he dismounted, O. jumped into the saddle and rode away; steal the ox directly from the plow; O. scattered copper the plowman began to collect money, went into the forest; R. took the ox, and put a piece of wool in the horse's teeth; the ploughman believes that the horse ate the ox; the robbers offer to show strength: who will crush the stone and who will throw next; O. released a lark, crushed a bag of cottage cheese; O. returned home; master: if you take my horse away, you will get a hundred gold; O., under the guise of a cook, brought plum brandy to the guards, and when they fell asleep, he took the horse away; now the master tells him to remove the ring from his wife's finger; at night O. put the doll out the window, the master hit him, thinks he has killed the man; at this time O., disguised as his master, asked the lady to preserve the ring, took it away; the master orders to deceive the manager; O. appeared under the guise of an angel and brought the manager's master and his wife in a sack]: Nemtsova 1978:154-162.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians [when dying, the old man gives his eldest son a drum and his youngest zurn; he went on a journey, picked up a oxtail, a sparrow, a wineskin; comes to the garden; there are divas Zangala, the young man replies that he divas Jangala; shows a oxtail, Z. believes that J.'s hair; decides to throw stones, the young man releases a sparrow; whoever pours out more urine, the young man pours water out of his wineskin; whoever shouts louder, the young man plays zurne; divas run away, killed a sleeping young man, took the treasures; the fox assures diva Z. that the young man is a man, he has a oxtail, a sparrow, a zurna; connects to the diva with a rope and leads him back; the young man plays Zurne, the divas runs away in horror, dragging the fox; she died]: Osmanov 1987:281-283.

Baltoscandia. Latvians [Damn it with a guy in throwing stones: the one whose stone falls faster loses. A guy throws up a bird that doesn't come back at all]: Aris, Medne 1977, #1062:340; Swedes [man and giant compete to see who will throw the stone next; giant throws stone, man releases a bird]: Liungman 1961, No. 1062:260; Norwegians [a giant throws a stone, a man releases a bird]: Hodne 1984, No. 1062:216; Lithuanians [an orphan met a giant; he clutched a deck of cards the middle is boiling; the orphan is cottage cheese, the juice has flowed, the giant believes that the orphan has clutched a stone; the giant threw a stone into the distance, the orphan released the bird; at night, the giants hit the bed with an iron strip, but the orphan changed his place in advance, leaving a pot on the bed; giants are fleeing, an orphan is home]: Löbite 1965:293-294; Estonians, Livs, Counselors, Finns, Faroese: Uther 2004 (2 ), NO. 1062:25-26.

Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars: Zamaletdinov 2009, No. 65 [the tailor killed seven flies, attached the inscription "seven with one blow" to his chest, went to wander, met the batyr; squeezed the damn, the batyr could not crush stone; released a bird, it did not return, and the stone thrown by the batyr fell; offers to carry a tree - the batyr carries butt, and the tailor sits at the top; while the tailor sleeps, the padishah sees an inscription on him breasts, orders to bring the heads of two warriors from the forest; the tailor climbed a tree under which two batyrs slept, threw a stone; they began to accuse each other, seriously wounded them, the tailor finished them off; the padishah made it batyr], 66 [the tailor killed seven flies, attached the inscription "seven with one blow" to his chest, went on a journey, met two giants; clenched his sponge, water flowed, and the giant could not crush the stone; the giants offered to throw the stone so that it turned into a bird; the tailor actually released the bird; lay down elsewhere at night; the giants threw a log into bed, but in the morning the tailor went out to them; The king promised a daughter to whoever would kill the giants; the tailor climbed a tree, threw a stone, the giants accused each other, exhausted them, the tailor finished them off; the king orders to kill the horned beast; the tailor dodged, horns stuck in a tree; tells to kill a wild boar, a tailor lured him into the hut; got a princess]: 270-273, 274-276; Marie, Chuvash, Mordovians, Udmurts: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1063:26-27.