Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M199c. Who will throw the club higher, ATU 1063.


A person pretends to have thrown or is about to throw an object to a place where it cannot be returned (often to the sky, to the clouds, to the sea). The enemy asks not to do this and stop the competition.

Spaniards, Portuguese, Italians (Tuscany), French (Lorraine, Upper Brittany), Irish, Scots, Germans (Brandenburg, Austria), Bulgarians, Greeks, Hungarians, Slovenes, Romanians, Slovaks, Czechs, Luzhitans, Poles, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Pskov, Vologda, Tula, Kursk, Oryol, Ryazan), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Ugric Russia, Hutsulshchina, Galicia, Volyn, Kiev, Poltava), Belarusians, Crimean Tatars, Ingush, Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians, Setus, Western and Eastern Sami, Livons, Veps, leaders, Karelians, Finns, Swedes, Norwegians, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Udmurts, Mordovians, Chuvash, Mari, Kazakhs, South Altai Tuvans, (Khakas).

Southern Europe. Portuguese [man shows a cannibal giant a donkey in the clouds he allegedly threw there]: Cardigos 2006, No. 1063:259; Italians (Tuscany): Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 1963:261 ; Italians [the giant offers to compete: who will throw mulinello (the heavy wooden part of the mill) next; throws far; the young man warns that if he quits, mulinello can fly across the sea and the people there will suffer; in fact, he wants to throw him into the sea; the giant asks not to do so - he needs mulinello]: Cosquin 1887:269.

Western Europe. The Irish [tailor Jack ate porridge, spooned flies, killing 70; ordered a sword with the inscription "70 with one blow"; came to the king; he cannot build a castle, someone breaks at night, kills builders; Jack climbed the tree; when the three giants came, he threw stones unnoticed, and they began to fight, for everyone thought one hurt the others; two killed each other, Jack cut off their heads, and the third believed that Jack killed them; brought them to his mother; offers to bring them a bull, Jack pretends to take the whole herd; going for firewood, he ties the forest with a rope, as if he wants to take everything at once; a giant He throws an anvil, catches it himself; Jack pretends to throw it far away, where his mother lives, the giant feels sorry for the anvil, tells him not to throw it; when they start eating, Jack placed it under his clothes a leather bag and then ripped it apart with a knife, the meat fell out; the giant decided to try it too and slaughtered himself; his mother ran away; the king generously rewarded Jack]: Danaher 1967, No. 32:91-97; Scots [giant throws a heavy hammer far, offers to throw it to the shepherd; he says that if he throws, the hammer will fall into the sea and drown; the giant asks not to throw it]: Cosquin 1887:269; Germans (Schleswig-Holstein, Austria): Uther 2004, No. 1063:26-27; Germans: Cosquin 1887 (East Germany, Lausitz; about the same in Tyrol) [a man settled in an abandoned mill; a dwarf came, offering to measure his strength; the man pretends to try on exactly where he will throw the hammer in heaven; the dwarf asks not to throw]: 270; Cerf 1992 [the village teacher went to the haymaking; the hell wanted to grab him; the teacher squeezed the cheese, and said that a stone - water will also flow out of the line; the devils offer a bag of gold coins if the teacher agrees to serve them for a year; they sent them to bring water, he pretends to dig in and bring everything a well; they tell me to bring an oak tree, the teacher pretends to cut down the entire forest; the devils decided to get rid of the worker before the deadline; they had to pay the money and bring it themselves; the teacher managed to teach schoolchildren, what to say; the children began to scream, "I want damn meat," the hell threw the bag, ran away; the young devil came to figure it out; the teacher to fight with his grandfather (the bear in the cage), the hell is just alive; run with his grandson (released a hare); throw a hammer into the sky; teacher: I have a relative in heaven as a blacksmith, he will need a hammer; then the hell offered to throw a stone, the teacher released a goldfinch; who will click louder; hell clicks a whip; the teacher tells him to blindfold, hits him with a club; fight with swords; the teacher drew a line with a long bar, and took a short line himself, stuck the line; then the devil asked for a short one for himself; the teacher advised him to get into the pigsty, poked it through the crack; scratch (the teacher took the brushes); hell blew, the teacher was under the ceiling; says he darns the holes so that when he blows, the hell does not fly away moon]: 105-110; Schönwerth 1981 (Pfalz) [forest is being stolen from the forester; he cursed so much that hell has come; forester: take this forest and anyone who comes to steal; a man making brooms came to break the birch tree ; hell: you are mine; the man asked me to feel sorry for him for his family; the devil agreed on the condition that the person would win three times; 1) race (the man let his eldest son, a hare, instead of himself); 2) climb a tall tree (the youngest son is a squirrel); 3) whoever throws an iron ball higher; the person pretends to be afraid that the ball will remain on the cloud; hell tells not to throw, left the person alone]: 17; French (Lorraine) [hell suggests playing skittles; Joseph pretends to throw the ball into the river; hell stops him - doesn't want to lose the ball]: Cosquin 1887:267; French (Haute-Brittany ) [Laurent killed 6 flies with the first blow of the broom and wounded 17 others with the second; everyone thought it was about humans, and the king called L. into his army; with the first drum hit, the horse carried and rushed after the others; L . tried to grab hold of something, pulled out the cross; the enemy decided that it was the messiah himself, and fled; the king orders to rid the country of the unicorn; L. makes holes in the trees, hides behind one of them, plants a unicorn his horn in the hole and gets stuck; a giant came; L. covered the holes and then began to pierce them with his thumb; the giant was amazed at his strength; offered to throw millstones; L. warns that will throw them for 10 leagues; giant: stop, I still need these toys; L. brought the giant into the press and put them under the press; he did not understand the danger and was crushed; L. brought the king to watch]: Sé billot 1894, No. 42:336.

The Balkans. Bulgarians [a person pretends not to know which star or cloud an iron (apple) should be thrown at, or only pretends to throw an object and hide it himself - the object still does not fall, means he flew very far; or says that his father threw such a heavy object over the clouds]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 1063:380; Romanians: Nortines 1935 [=Kremnitz 1882, No. 1:1-16; y a shepherd named Stan-le-Roc has no children; he met God and St. Peter, they are ready to fulfill his wishes; he asked for children three times; when he returned home, he saw a house full of children, everyone was hungry; he sold everything, left; the shepherds say that they are tyrannized by the dragon, ready to give a third the herd to the one who kills him; S. tells the dragon that he is stronger than him; the dragon offers challenges; S. squeezed the cheese, the water has flowed, the dragon could not squeeze water out of the stone; the dragon hired S. to serve, promising gold; the dragon threw an iron club; S. pretends to wait for the moon to be gone, otherwise his brother, a blacksmith, will take the club; the dragon tells him not to throw; tells him to bring water, S. begins to dig in the well, to take everything at once; refuses to carry a tree, but begins to tie the forest with a rope to take everything at once; hears the dragon negotiating with his mother to hit him at night with a club; puts himself under the blanket is a log; in the morning he says that the fleas have bitten; pretends to stay for another two years; he is given not 1, but 3 sums of gold; the dragon agrees to take him to S. home; when they approach, S. explains that children scream because they want dragon babies; the dragon ran away; those S.'s children who did not die still live]: 113-124; Mirener 1958 [shepherds complain that the dragon is stealing sheep; Stan promises it win; the dragon offers to squeeze water out of the stone; S. squeezes a piece of cheese; the dragon takes S. to serve for three days, promises gold; the dragon's mother offers to test the servant's power first; the dragon throws the iron a mace beyond 5 mountains; S. looks closely to throw the mace on the moon; the dragon asks not to be thrown; S. pretends to dig a well so as not to carry water in the wineskin; ties the forest with a rope to carry away all at once; at night he puts a stump in its place, covers it with a blanket; the dragon hits him with a mace; in the morning S. says that flies tickled; the dragon pays money for the year and carries it himself; S.: my kids love dragon meat; the dragon comes, the kids scream what they want to eat; the dragon left the gold, ran away]: 19-26; Slovenes, Greeks: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1063:26-27.

Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Pskov, Vologda, Tula, Kursk, Oryol, Ryazan), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Ugric Russia, Hutsulshchina, Galicia, Volyn, Kiev, Poltava), Belarusians [Who will throw the club next: a man is waiting for a cloud to throw a club at him; the devil admits he is defeated]: SUS 1979, No. 1063:261; Belarusians [Stepan na an argument steals from Mr. Stallion, a box of money, a wife; to steal his wife, throws a boot on the road, and then the second; the coachman stopped the wagon, followed the first, S. stole the wagon from the lady; says to Mr. that sold it to hell; he orders to return it; S. pretends to build a church on the lake where the devils live, drag the devils ashore from the vine; the devil offers trials; who hangs harder (S. blindfolded the line, hit him with a stake); who will throw an iron mace higher (S. is waiting for the cloud to pass, there 12 blacksmith brothers will eat a mace; hell asks not to throw); hell gave the lady; S. speaks pansky sons, that his wife helps him get rich: he must rinse her left armpit with a knife, bad blood will flow out; negotiates with his wife, tied a blood bubble under her clothes; the panychi stabbed their wives, they carried S. in a bag to drown; the lake froze, went to make an ice-hole for an ax; S. shouts that he did not want to be king; the clerk climbs into the bag instead of him, S. takes three horses; the panychi ask to drown them, to get horses; drowned]: Vasilenok et al. 1958:197-201; Western Ukrainians (Hutsulshchyna) []: Zinchuk 2006a, No. 107:343-347; northern Ukrainians (Volyn, Zaslavsky district) [the older brother got a shovel from his parents, the middle brother got a cat, the youngest a bast; each went to seek uses for his inheritance; the elder found people who separated the grain from the sex with their hands, sold a shovel for a hundred rubles, returned, soon ran out of money; the middle one found a village where people's mice were eating; sold the cat for a hundred rubles, returned, too, the money soon ran out; the youngest came to the lake, began to wet and weave a bast; hell asks what he's doing; guy: hang a net of devils; devils pay off; the guy put a hole hat over the hole, the devils all wear gold, but they can't fill the hat; Satan wants compete; the guy invites him to race with his child (this is a hare), carry the mare 4 times around the lake (he jumps himself, but the hell carries); hell: who will throw a heavy mace higher; the guy looks at sun: this is my brothers' forge, they need iron; hell asks not to throw, gives money]: Malinka 1902, No. 2:265-267; Ukrainians (Poltava, Piryatinsky, ca. 1878) [Gypsy falls asleep on the grave, kills a hundred flies with his hand, asks the clerk to write a table "Ivan the Great Warrior beats a hundred souls in one fell swoop" (not a quote). He lies down on the road, the king passes by, demands to move, he does not move, telling him who he is. The king asks to beat the overseas army, he agrees if there is lard. Gypsies are fed, given a regiment of soldiers, everyone has an armful of straw in their hands, when they set fire to them, enemies see a fire army, flee into the sea, and drown. The king rewards the gypsy, asks to defeat three dogs, he asks for bacon, he is fed. He lies down at the gate, the dogs cannot enter, they notice the gypsy, they recognize him and invite him to go with them, he agrees on the condition that he becomes the main one, he blindfolds them in front of the river, as if He's going to order the river to cross them, kills them. The king rewards the gypsy, asks to exterminate the snake, he eats up, lies down at the gate, the snake recognizes him (the text of the sign). The serpent offers to be comrades, says that he is Luta (evil spirits), the gypsy says that he is Pra-Luta. They come to the Serpent's father, he offers to compete in the run, the gypsy exposes his "son" - the hare, who overtakes. Father Snake offers to compete in throwing a mace, the gypsy barely carries the mace in the field, the Serpent throws it up - it returns in 2 hours, the gypsy is afraid that if she does, she will not return. The serpent discourages him from throwing: his father has only 2 maces, it's a pity to lose. Father Snake offers to compete in whistles, the Serpent whistles - leaves fall from the trees, the gypsy blindfolds him - so as not to get out of his whistle, hits his forehead, his eyes come out of his orbits. The gypsy realizes that the Serpent wants to kill him, puts a bag of straw where he sleeps, covers him with his robe, the snake hits the bag, the gypsy says "the mosquito bit". The serpent collects a bag of money for the gypsy, he is met by gypsies, the gypsies say that it was the devils who came for the soul of the Snake. He throws the bag and leaves, the gypsy receives an award from the tsar]: Rudchenko 1870, No. 45:185-187; Russians (1907, Ust-Tsylma, Nizovaya Pechora, Pozdeeva, wife of P.R. Pozdeev, a storyteller, remembers content) [The man sat down in the lake with a trick to make money. He put the rope into the water, a demon appeared, asked not to wrinkle the lake, and gave the man money for it. The man framed a hat with holes for money. The demon spared the money and offered the man to throw his club up, the demon threw it high, the man cannot raise the club, so he says he will wait for the cloud to leave so that he can throw it into the sky, the demon is frightened , "he starts to scold." Then the demon offers to give money to someone who can sing on a sled longer. The man is not lucky for long while the demon sings, when the demon was carrying the man, listened and did not stop for a long time, the man's song turned out to be longer. The demon offers to pierce the birch tree with his fist, the man found a birch tree with a hole in advance, covered it with bark and easily pierced, the demon could not. The demon and the man went to the village, when asked by the demon what is glowing in the village, the man replies that it is demons who survive, the demon gets scared, runs away, falls and dies]: Onchukov 2008, No. 32:140-141; Czechs [gypsies went to serve the line; pretended to dig in a well to bring a lot of water at once; to tie the forest with a rope, to bring all the trees at once; the old devil advised the young night to kill the gypsy with an iron stick; he lay down in another seat, leaving his sheepskin coat on the bed; hell hit, the gypsy sighed: the flea bit; the old devil advised him to pay off the gypsy with money; the young man offered first compete; 1) kick a stone (the gypsy poured water under the stone, she splashed, the hell believed that the gypsy squeezed water out of the stone); 2) who would throw an iron stick higher (gypsy: I have two blacksmith brothers in the sky, hell tells you not to throw); 3) run for distillation (the gypsy offers a younger brother instead of himself, this is a hare); 4) fight (instead of a gypsy, his father is a bear); 5) who whistles louder (the gypsy tells the line to blindfold, hits him in the ears with an iron club); hell left the money and left]: Erben in Lifshitz-Artemyeva 2017:148-152; Slovaks, Luzhitsy, Poles: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1063:26-27.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars: Kondaraki 1875, No. 5 [Mezula is a lazy and coward; his wife threatens to leave him; M. went on a journey; the shepherd complains that every three-headed monster coming from the clouds is a three-headed monster the day eats one shepherd and a thousand sheep; M. buried sheep intestines and milk, took hard cheese; offers the monster to squeeze water from the stone, the intestines out of the ground; the monster asks for mercy; tells him to catch a wild goat; M. hid in the hollow, the deer accidentally got entangled in the branches, the monster believes that M. caught him and hung him; asked for firewood; M. entangles the trees to bring the whole forest at once; the monster brought M. to his mother ; M. overheard them agree to overturn a 4-bucket of boiling water on him at night; M. lay down on a high shelf and in the morning said that the insects were biting; the old woman advises the monster to play with M. father's golden young; M.: I've already thrown it into the sky alone, now it's burning with a star; the monster gave me gold and agreed to bring it home himself; M.: wait: I'll tie my wife and children, or they'll eat you; the monster disappeared beyond the sky]: 46-52; Mirer 1940 [Ahmet-Achay Ozenbashsky was afraid of a mouse, his wife swears; but killed 40 flies with one blow; went to look for work; Kosh has one shepherd crying (7-headed deva with goat feet with a horse's tail will eat it today), the second laughs (eats tomorrow), the third dances (eats the day after tomorrow); AA: I am hero Ayu, son of Buke-Bugai, who keeps the ground on his copper horn; buried a ram's skin with a roll, a head with a beard and legs separately; suggests a deva 1) to hit the ground for the katyk to go, 2) for her legs to jump out, 3) a beard pops out; dev called for a visit, carried it to the mountain; whose stone core will fly higher; AA: I'll throw 7 cores with the gun, it'll stay at the top; dev: no need, the gun is expensive; deva's mother advises letting AA raise the deva's father's iron stool; AA: throw it on moon or sun? deva's mother: no need, the lights will fade; asks for water in a 40-bucket vessel; AA begins to dig in a well; dev takes AA home to Ozenbashi, gives you three bags of gold; why are you so light? AA: I keep my strength in the air; dev: show strength; AA stabs it with an awl; dev: better in the air; AA tied his three children with a rotten rope, tells them to shout "eat" and his wife "have lunch with a deva"; dev runs away; fox leads him back; AA fox: that's when I caught you; dev killed a fox, ran away]: 226-236; Ingush [the old man felt sorry for the hare and the bear, then met a devil named Tank Tank; he offered 1) to fight ; the old man offers to defeat his younger brother first, woke up the bear, TT is barely alive; 2) compete in the run; the old man offered to overtake his son, TT did not catch up with the hare; 3) throw the club; younger devil Munk -Munk threw so high that he fell in the afternoon; old man: last year he punched a hole in the sky with a club, the hole is covered by a cloud; let the cloud come down so as not to break through new holes; devils are afraid of losing golden maces and gone]: Malsagov 1983, No. 96:247-249.

Baltoscandia. Latvians: Arys, Medne 1977, No. 1063 [Damn a guy compete in throwing a hammer. The guy promises to throw a hammer into the sky, hell doesn't allow it]: 340; Brivzemniax 1887, No. 51 [the guy was hired to hell; he can't lift the hammer, suggests pulling the trees upright; if he if he pulls out, then the tree will crumble, let the hell pull it out; the guy suggests carrying the line by the top of his head, but not looking back; he rides sitting on his butt; the hive: this is my father's snuffbox; the gun is his pipe; hell sniffs, tries to smoke; bees bite him, guy shoots, hell says tobacco is strong; harrow is father's scallop (hell tries to comb his hair); offers to throw a hammer, guy pretends to throw him into the sky; says that the bear is his grandfather, offers to hit him in the ass; the bear broke the line]: 55-56; Lithuanians [Vyalneasu's man: "My brother is a blacksmith in heaven, and Now he needs iron; he's sitting on the other side of the clouds waiting for me to throw this stick to him"; "I'm looking at the cloud that's floating towards us. My brother Saint Peter, a blacksmith, lives there, so I'll leave him, so the thing he needs will come in handy"; the Vyalnyasi are frightened when a person wants to throw a stick or other object at the clouds or sky]: Laurinkene 2004:237; Karelians (South Karelia) [Timka suggests eating peas, eating peas himself, giving a line of pebbles; hell calls to him; the eldest son suggests throwing a stone up, throwing a weight; T. pretends to throw a hammer at the cloud, they stop him; the devil offers to scream; T. says that when he screams, even the stones will burst, the hell stops him; they carry a felled spruce: hell carries, and T. sits on it; at night T. leaves a deck in his bed, the devil hits with a hammer, T. is unharmed in the morning; quietly got out of the barn, which the devils set on fire; the devils decided to run away from T., he quietly got out of the barn, which the devils set on fire; the devils got into their bag of breadcrumbs; shouts: caught up; devils threw their property, Timka got everything]: Konkka, Tupitsyn 1967, No. 56:378-381; Estonians (Viljandi) [devil (vanapagan) hired Hans on condition not be angry; whoever gets angry first will cut off the other nose; when the devil began to rip out the spruce trees with roots, H. pretended to have a stomachache; suggested that the devil carry the butts and he should sit on the Christmas trees himself the devil carries it with them; H. pretends to count wolves; hell runs with urine and does not look back; hell tells me to cook beer in three days; H.: while they were running, he twisted his leg; the devil brings him barley to the brewery; H. sold barley, bought tar, damn drank it instead of beer and praised it; in haymaking, H. mows his braids with a handle; hell I have to say he's not angry; but then gives X. the best pieces, before that - only bones; hell: let the tools work themselves; while the hell slept, H. mowed his plot; hell called the devils and they did everything for him; hell offered to fight; H.: first with my older brother; put a bear on the line, the devil barely escaped; hell: race; H. offers his younger brother, a hare, the hell did not catch up with him; they began to throw stones; the line fell back by noon; H. threw a sparrow, Three days later, hell thought that stone X. was stuck on a cloud; hell with his grandfather's club, he threw it almost to the cloud; H. couldn't pick it up; pretends to wait for the clouds to float, throw it at him; sorry for the devil, tells me not to throw it; the devil suggests choosing part of the crop; H. chooses the tops of wheat, then the roots of the turnips; both times the hell loses; in the forest both wanted to drink, H. offered to drill holes in the birches to drink juice; we will drill with a penis; H. has a drill with him, the hole is ready, the poor devil is suffering; in the forge he taught H. to fuse pieces of iron; hell went to the wedding, ordered in order for H. to clean and bring his children, he would also look at him {in the sense of looking}; H. gutted the children, washed his intestines, strung his eyes on a rope, brought a line, threw his eyes at his chest; hell remembered that he should not be angry; decided to get rid of H.; told the old woman to climb under the window on a birch tree and cook {this means that the term of employment has come to an end}; H.: it's too early for the cuckoo, took a gun, shot; hell: Where do you sleep? H.: on the stove; he lay down where the grain was dried; at night, the devil threw a knife on the stove, there were dishes with milk, everything spilled; hell: I'm in cockroaches; the same the next night (H. said he would sleep on a bench near stoves, on the stove myself); hell: I scared the cat; the same on the third night (I lay down not where the grain is dried, but on the bench by the stove); hell decided to run away from H., took a bag of money with him, H. hid in it; Halt H. slowly got out: he barely caught up with you! I had to pay the line, he became impoverished himself, and H. bought a farm; in winter he cut down the forest; devil: I also froze; H. offered to put his hands in a half-split log, knocked out a wedge; freed me for promise to bring a bag of gold; hired H. as a shepherd; fell asleep on a hot day, the cattle rushed home, trampled the line to death]: Kippar 1910, no. IV.6:78-85; setu [(first-person narrative; Ivvan - the youngest of five brothers; the eldest goes to hire a farmhand; the pop promises 1000 a year, but if the farmhand swears, he will cut off his nose and drive him away without paying; and if he swears himself, he will pay twice cut off his nose more; three days before the end of his term, his brother grinded all day, but no food was brought to him; he swore, the pop cut off his nose and drove him away; the same with the other brothers; I. went; did not grind, but lay down sleep; the pop swore, I. cut off his nose; the popadya offers to send I. to the swamp for hay, there are devils; I. says hell he came to measure the land to build a church; hell told this to the main feature , he suggested - let him race with I.: first overtake my younger brother around the lake; let one go and the other in his bag; when the hell ran, the hare supposedly has been here for a long time; the same - fight; I. suggested a line to fight with his grandfather, it was a bear, who ripped off the line; the same: throw a hammer; when the devil threw and the hammer fell back, he went deep into the ground; I. pretends to throw the hammer on the cloud; the devil does not tell me to throw it, for the elder devil ordered the hammer to be returned; the elder devil decided to pay off, I. asked for three bags of gold and three hay; the ass had to pay what he promised, I. brought gold home; the king promises to give his daughter to someone who would cure her; I. came to heal her, asked for three decks of cards, three cast-iron cauldrons and a bucket of vodka as a reward; became wait in the princess's room; that devil from the swamp came in, I. began to play cards with him at clicks; I. lost, put three cauldrons on his head; hell clicked three times, breaking three cauldrons; the rooster sang and the hell was gone; in the morning the princess is better; told her father that I. played cards with himself, and then the cauldrons broke; the next night I. asked for cards and a hammer; gave the devil a drink, beat him, hit with a hammer; the princess is even better; on the third night I. asked for 10 rolls of leather; hell won, began to beat I., but pierced only 9 skins, and then the rooster sang; in the morning the princess recovered; on the fourth night, I. got the line drunk again, tied it to the bench, and ran away in the morning together with the bench; on the fifth night, I. asked the blacksmith to make Iron Man and, before starting to play cards, ordered him to tear out the line; the iron man closed his jaws, I. began to beat him with a hammer; the devil promised to leave the princess alone; I. received the princess and the kingdom; and then the war broke out, his wife and children were killed, and I., under the name of Fyodor, remarried and began to live in the village Lõtina]: Vanahunt 2015:20-24; Western Sami: Pollan 2005, No. 8 [Stallo killed a man, his wife gave birth to a child, S. asked what gender, his wife deceived him by saying that she was a girl; a boy grew up, became a farmhand for S.; he offers to compete; pretends not to know which cloud to throw a spear on; S. asks not to throw; offers to compete: who will knock down the spruce with his head; guy at night sawed the spruce, knocked it down easily; S. broke his forehead; the guy said his name was "Sam"; S.: why do you have keen eyes? He made himself out of lead; filled S.'s eyes with lead; S. called his brother, who asked who did it? Hearing that "I am myself", brother S. left; guy: let the sheep go; S. waited at the exit with a hammer; the guy threw a ram's skin, walked between S.'s legs; offered to make lamb sausage; into sausage for S. put ash; S.: why does the sound differ when we eat? I have farmhand sausage, you have a master's sausage; S.: when do you sleep best? guy: at midnight; S.: and I'm in the evening and in the morning; the guy put stones and ash in his place, climbed onto the roof himself; at midnight S. hit the place where the guy was supposed to sleep with a hammer; hears laughter: this is me girls tickle; S.: I also want to go to girls; the guy lifted S. to the roof and threw it, S. broke his leg, so several times; next time his leg, the third time his back; the guy said he was the son of the one S. killed; finished off by S.]: 59-62; Poestion 1886, No. 22 [the guy was hired as an employee for a giant; he suggests first testing his strength by hitting his head against a pine stump; the guy made a hole in him in advance, his head went into stump; the giant just scratched the bark; now: who shouts louder; the guy makes a wooden hoop: you have to put it on your head, otherwise my scream will burst it; the giant refuses to compete; who is taller he will throw a hammer; the guy looks at the sky: which cloud is better to throw it at; giant: don't throw it at all, this hammer is my grandfather's legacy; at night the guy put wooden blocks on his bed instead of him , and he lay down elsewhere; at midnight, the giant began to hit the bed with an iron hammer; when he left, the guy threw away the logs and lay down; in the morning the giant asks how he slept; guy: the louse bit; the next night the giant set fire to the bed; the guy in the morning: the sound of the wind seemed to be heard; the giant decided to send the boy, gave him a bag of silver and then more gold; going to the house, the guy left half, because he could not carry it; when he saw this, the giant and his wife chased; the boy threw a leaf behind, it turned into a forest; a chair: a mountain; a giant ran after the storm; a piece of sulfur was a lake; the giant, along with his wife and daughter, tried to drink it; there is not much left, the giant tells his daughter to shut his ass; then the crow jumped so funny that the daughter laughed, the water poured out of her and the giant himself, and they all drowned]: 93-97; oriental Sami: Yermolov 1959 [the imp brought the boy to his place, offers to compete to see who shouts louder; the boy begins to tie his head so that his scream does not burst; the imp asks not to scream; hell tells me to bring a big tree; the imp drags, the boy rides behind on the butt; the devil offers to throw an iron stick; the boy pretends to throw it on the cloud; running competition: boy caught two birds with one stone, lets one go around the lake - this is his younger brother; hell gave the boy an award and he came home]: 74-76; Kert 1961, No. 21 (Kildin dialect) [the guy does not listen to his parents, he is idle, they send him to hell; the hell took him away; the eldest son of the old devil (the pass is probably something indecent); the middle son of the old devil offered to throw the sword - who is taller; the guy pretends that afraid to throw his sword on the cloud, the devil asks not to throw it; the youngest son of the old devil offered to carry a log; the guy sat on him, carrying the hell; the old devil tells his son to make a horse out of the log and send the guy back to his parents; after eating at their place, he went on a journey; when he noticed two hunters, he removed the boiling pot from the fire and put it on the snow; the hunter believed that the pot was cooking himself, bought it for an expensive price; the guy began to live at the grandmother; tied a bubble of sheep blood under her arm; when the hunters come to kill him, let the old lady pretend to contradict and the guy seems to stab her; the hunters bought a knife and two sticks, with which the guy allegedly revived the imaginary victim; killed his wives]: 75-78; Swedes: Liungman 1961, No. 1063 [a man and a giant agree to throw an ax or a club; a person pretends to be going throw the object on the cloud]: 260; Suritz 1991 [the shepherd met the giant; squeezed the cheese pretending to be a stone; threatens to squeeze the giant himself as well; giant: who will throw the ax higher; the shepherd unnoticed hid the ax in his bag, it never fell to the ground; the giant offers to cut down the oak tree, tilted it, the shepherd grabbed it, threw it up; he tells the giant that since he cannot jump like this, let him cut it himself; undertakes to carry a tree with the giant - he carries it, and the shepherd sits on the branches; wonders why the giant is tired; goes with him to threshing in the dark, cannot lift his flail, hits the ground with a stick; the giant asks take the bulls to the stall; there is no door; the shepherd cut them into pieces and pushed them out the window; at night the shepherd put a pot of milk on his bed, the giant hit the place; in the morning the shepherd: the flea bit ; who will eat more: the shepherd put everything in a bag on his stomach; ripped it open, the porridge fell out; the giant ripped open his stomach, died]: 77-79; Norwegians [the giant throws his club up; the man shows him a club on the clouds (supposedly abandoned by him), or says he threw it so high that the club will no longer fall to the ground]: Hodne 1984, No. 1063:216; the Finns [the father inherited the millstone to his eldest son, the middle one - a kantele, a younger drill, a reel and a measuring rope; the eldest carried his millstone, spent the night under the roof of the barn; robbers came and began to share treasures; the youngest got the least; he said that God would punish them and throw a stone on their heads; the boy threw the millstones, the robbers ran away, he took the treasure and brought them home; the middle one spent the night under the roof of an empty house, tied a rope to the door; to play; wolves came, thinking they could hear the piglets screeching; the guy pulled the rope and slammed the door shut; the wolves howled heartily; merchants came, opened the door, the wolves ran away; the guy said he taught wolves to dance on at the command of the king; the merchants were frightened, left the gold; the youngest came to the lake, drilled a hole in the pine tree, fixed the reel, lowered the rope into the water, began to twirl the reel; the son of the water came out; the boy: it's me I'm going to dry your lake; the chief waterman tells his son what to do every time; who throws a golden hammer above; the guy pretends to throw him on the cloud, the water hammer does not allow it; who Shouts louder; the guy pretends to make a hoop on the water's head, otherwise his scream will split the water's head; who will run the lake faster; the guy suggests competing with his son first (this is hare); fight - beat my old father (this is a bear) first; water father: give him as much gold as he can pick up; boy: I don't need as much as I can lift, what you're enough you'll bring it; this is how all three brothers got rich]: Salmelainen 1947:53-56; the Finns [two older brothers are smart, the younger Tuhkimo {"Cinderella"; there is no gender category in Finnish} - lazy; the eldest received from his father shearing scissors, the middle one a cat, the youngest an armful of oak bark; the eldest came to the place where sheep were cut off their hair with an ax, sold scissors for silver; the middle came to people who were tortured by rats and mice; the guy sold the cat worth its weight in gold; T. began to soak the bark in the forest lake; answers the son of the water that he was going to weave a seine and catch water from the lake with his family; the waterman sends his son to fight with T. and overtake him on the run; he puts his older brother (bear) and his youngest brother, a hare; whoever throws a club higher; T. pretends to throw it into the cloud, the son of the water did not allow it - this is his father's property; the water pays off; T. makes a hole in his hat and puts it on a hollow stump; tells the son of water to take all the gold to his home himself; on the way, the curtain is my mother's birdo; then the old punt is the mother's shoe; then the millstone is the godwit {=spinner?} mother; sending the water's son back, T. department the objects he saw on the way; he barely survived with a millstone around his neck]: Salmelainen in Concca 1991:252-259; Livs, Veps, counselors: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1063:26-27.

Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars [when dying, the father gave his eldest son an ax, a middle shovel, the youngest got wet; the elder came to a village where there are no axes; servants carry sunlight in a sieve; elder brother cut through windows, got a lot of money; so did the middle brother (he came to where the grain was blowing with his hands, began to work with a shovel); the youngest weaved a rope, promised the peary to hang their lake to the sky; tied the ends of the rope, pearies do not find an end; they offer to run around the lake; the young man caught two birds with one stone, let him go, his second is his "two-month-old son" overtook Pary; pary-grandfather offers to fight, the young man exposes his "grandfather" , i.e. a bear; the peary suggests throwing an iron staff; the young man pretends to throw it on the cloud; the peary suggests filling the hat with silver; there is a hole in it, the peary filled the hole]: Zamaletdinov 2009, No. 69:282-285; Nasyri 1977 [the father inherits the first son a millstone, the second a drum, and the third son inherits bast pads and cochedyks; the third son goes to the forest, pulls his bast from a linden tree growing near the lake; the waterman asks what he is doing; the man replies that he is winding a rope to hang the lake from the sky; the waterman tells his grandfather about this; he tells him to arrange a competition: who brushes five times around the lake he will carry, he will get the lake; the water one carries the brush, gets very tired; the man puts the brush on the ground, looks at the sky; says to the water that he wants to throw the brush behind the cloud; the water begs for this do not do it - they have the only brush; the water's grandfather gives a horse: whoever carries it around the lake will get the lake; the water carries it five times; a man jumps on a horse, goes around the lake five times; the waterman tells his grandfather that the man is stronger - he carried the horse between his legs; the grandfather orders to organize a competition in the form of a struggle; the man tells the waterman that he has no time and that his old grandfather will fight instead of him, sleeping behind the bushes; tells the waterman to hit his grandfather's ear; a bear sleeps behind the bushes; waking up, there is enough water; the waterman complains to his grandfather; he tells him to offer money; the person agrees not to touch the lake, provided that his hat is filled with money; makes a hole in his hat, digs a hole under it; the water hat fills it with gold; the man tells the waterman to take the hat and the ground under it to his house; on the way they see a pole, a harrow and a plough; a man says it is his grandfather's staff, comb and toothpick; at home, a man tells his wife to treat a guest; the wife begins to stab the water with a pitchfork; the waterman runs away to the lake]: 125-128; Bashkirs [orphan Kalmakkul was hired as a farmhand for bay; no fee is needed, but in two years he will click the bay on his forehead; and an agreement not to be angry; asks which sheep to slaughter; buy: which he would run up to the stern; everyone ran up, K. stabbed everyone; to get rid of K., bai sent him to the forest to look for the missing stallion; K.'s horse was eaten by a bear, but K. harnessed him into the cart himself: here, he brought the stallion; buy tells you to put them to the rest of the horses, the bear lifted them up overnight; K. must guard bags of bread in the yard; he lay down in the hayloft and put a block of wood instead of himself; buy and his people cartilaged under this place and threw the body (i.e. a block) into the basement; in the morning K. allegedly left the basement; K. was sent to the lake to collect two hats of gold from the devils; K. sat down on the shore, pretended to weave a rope to hang the lake from the sky; the devils offer to compete in running (K. releases his younger brother, the bunny); fight (offers a grandfather, a bear instead); who will throw the weight higher; K. pretends to throw it on clouds; K. made holes in his hats, inserted two bags hidden under water into the necks; brought home two bags of gold; when he saw K., bai and his wife decided to flee; K. hid in a bag of breadcrumbs; changed at night in some places with his wife, he pushed his wife into the water; K.: just two years old; bay clicked on the forehead with a gun]: Barag 1992, No. 2:23-26; Udmurts: Kralina 1960, No. 14 [man met vukuzo, that offers to compete; who will spit more (a person looks at a spruce tree - climb it so as not to drown in his own spit); who will throw an iron club higher (a person is going to throw a club on the cloud; vukusho asks not to do this, the club is the horn from his mother's washbasin; vukusho leads a man to the lake, a house appears on it, his father comes out of it, gives a bag of gold; a man cannot lift it up; he He calls Vukusho to visit and he carries gold himself; near the house there is a harrow - my grandmother's crest; the millstone is my grandmother's spindle, a boat (a horse for the elderly); the man gave it all to Vukusho; he took a harrow, put a millstone on leg, got into a boat and drowned], 43 [someone steals peas from his priest; pop guards, finds a child in peas; Mikhailo Popov grows unusually strong, maims other children; pop sent him to bring sheep out of the forest with wolves and lock them up to the sheep; M. brought the wolves, they ate the sheep; the same is to bring bulls (brought bears); the men advise sending M. to the lake, collecting the devil's rent; the devil suggests racing, M. sent a hare instead; throw weights; M.: I'll throw it on the cloud; hell asks not to throw; devils give money; M. tells me to pour into the hat in which he made a hole, filled a large bag; hell suggests to fight, M. sends a bull instead of himself, i.e. a bear; M. harnessed a bear and a devil into the cart, brought money to his ass; M. left them to work at the mill, went on, met, took Usinya as a companion (twists Kama's mustache), Gorynya (shakes the mountain with his little finger); they take turns cooking; a man with a fingernail, a beard hits the cook from his elbow, goes underground again; when M. stayed, he beat the peasant, pinched his beard, he cut off his beard, he cut off beard, went down the hole; only M. decided to go down on a rope; the girl sews a paper dress, walks with M., rolled her hut into an egg; the same is a girl with a woolen one; with a silk dress; that man is their grandfather, left grow a beard; Usynya and Gorynya picked up the girls, did not lift M.; M. wants to kill a cat; a duck; they ask not to kill; then they transport M., pretend to throw him off; M.: I didn't kill you; so three times; cat: I have no strength, I want to eat; M. cut off meat from caviar, gave it to the cat; on earth M. changed clothes with an old man; came to Usyna and Goryn, drove them away, began to live with three girls]: 57-59, 108-118; Wichmann 1901, No. 1 [a little man came out of the lake and asked what the Votyak was doing on the shore; he replied that he was weaving a rope to throw it into the water and pull everything out; the water man promised gold; the man did in the hat has a hole, the water began to pour gold into the hat, there was not enough gold; the water one suggests throwing an iron bar across the lake; the man pretends to throw it on the cloud, the water took the bar and threw it back into the water; took a horse out of the lake, dragged it on his back around the lake; the man rode the same way on horseback; went home and told the waterman to carry the bag of gold himself; when he saw the millstone, the man says that this is my mother's spindle; the harrow is my mother's comb; the plow is my mother's hoe; the water picked it up and carried it all; at the house the man told him to wait, he would tie his servants (i.e. dogs); negotiates with his mother; she loudly replies that there is no food, only the head of a big devil and the legs of the little ones; when he heard this answer, the waterman ran away, tore off the door, and the dogs cut off his clothes]: 54-55; Mordovians: Evseviev 1964, No. 54 (erzya) [ the son of the cook Antipka is a skillful thief; he stole his lady, threw it into the sea to demons; the master orders to return; on the way he spared the hare, the bear; tells demons that he winds the rope to stir up the water; hopeless grandfather: our sea is bottomless; Antipka: the rope is endless; the demon tells the fiend to race, then fight; Antipka sends a little hare brother, a bear grandfather; the demon suggests throwing a baton up; Antipka pretends to throw a baton up; Antipka pretends to is going to throw it on the cloud; the demon gives the lady]: 360-364; Paasonen 1941 [the father inherited a cat, a middle shovel, a younger bast; the eldest came to a city where they did not know about cats; his locked up for the night to be eaten by rats, but the cat strangled all the rats; the merchant began to sell the cat; the older brother asks for 100 rubles for each instruction (show what it is called, how to call, etc.); merchant forgets that the cat should be called "kitty kitty", comes back, pays another 100 rubles; the same with his middle brother, who rows grain with a shovel from people who do not know about shovels; the youngest sits down by the lake to twist a rope out of bast; answers the imp that he is going to hang the devils; the imp jumps into the water every time to ask for advice from the old devil; 1) fight (young man: with my 7-year-old sick grandfather, this is a bear); 2) run racing (with my brother born yesterday, this is a hare); 3) who will carry the horse (the imp carries it, the young man jumps); 4) who will throw the club further (the young man pretends to throw it on the cloud); 5) the devil gives gold, the young man tells me to pour into the hat, there is a hole; 6) the devil gives a pipe; the young man meets the Tatars, dudes, everyone is dancing, they go to complain about the ass, the pop also dances, the popadya gave birth and trampled the child]: 324-331; Chuvash: Meszaros 2000 (1906-1908) ["One of the South Chuvash fairy tales I have collected is about how the hero of a fairy tale competes with an imp. They should throw up a heavy iron baton. The hero of the fairy tale takes it one way and tells the imp that he will throw it so much that she will wedge between the earth and the cloud"]: 57; Eisin 1993 [when dying, the father bequeaths three sons an old wooden shovel , a broken pestle, a piece of wet; the first teaches those who breathed their hands to wind grain, the second to grind millet with pestle, not fists, both are given wealth; the third at lake viet from wet the rope, answers the imp that he is going to catch everything in the lake; the devil advises the imp to call the man to race; he suggests competing with his younger brother, the bird; the bird flew away, the imp is shamed; fight - go fight with my old grandfather, it's a bear, the imp is just alive; pick up a heavy brush; the man pretends to throw a brush to get stuck between heaven and earth, imp it's a pity for the brush, does not allow you to throw; carry a horse around the lake - a man jumps, an imp carries; devils agree to fill a person's hat with money; there is a hole in it, money falls into a large one placed from below bag; the man got rich]: 306-309; Marie: Bakulevsky 1973 [At the lake shore, a man began to weave a rope to climb a linden tree and get honey; the hell got out of the lake, asks why the man needs a rope; man: I'll cover the lake with a noose and take it away; hell asks not to do this, runs for advice from his mother; she advises calling the man to a race competition; the man rides a horse, overtook the line; damn mother: I must run through the woods through the valleys; the man exposes his younger brother: we must call him, Agach, Agach! hell calls, the hare jumped out and ran away; damn mother: we have to fight; the man exposes his grandfather, the bear, the hell escaped; damn mother: who will throw the club next; the man is going to throw a club on the cloud hell asks not to do this - a club is needed; who whistles louder; the man shot a gun, the hell fell off the Christmas tree in fear; the damn mother advises to pay off; the man asks for a hat of money, put a hole in his hat into the hole, three pounds of money came out; the man tells him to take him home with all the good things; at home tells his wife to cook dinner; wife: nothing; man: at least out of this line; hell ran away]: 72-75; Beke 1938, No. 11 [ the man soaked his bast, began to weave a rope by the lake shore; the imp asks what he is doing; the man: I'll tie the lake and take it away; the imp runs every time to ask his grandfather what to do; he advises call a person to race (a person puts his younger brother, a hare); whoever throws a double-pound club taller (the person pretends to throw it on the cloud); the devils promise to pour gold a full hat; a man holes in the hat and holds it above the hole; when the hole is full, he tells the imp to help carry gold; along the way he says that the millstone is a spinning rod, the harrow is a comb, the plow is his chopper grandmothers, an imp can pick them up; bringing them to the lake, the imp almost drowned; it's good that his grandfather saved him]: 39-41.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [old Kanbak ("tumbleweed") decided to move to a new place; left his property, the wind carried it to the mountains; the giant hits each other mountains; threw a huge stone; K.: I'm afraid throw: the sky may turn upside down or the earth split; the giant tells not to throw; K. suggests gutting the belly of the earth; stomped where he buried the fish tripe; the giant recognized the power of K., K. invited him to visit ; negotiates with his wife; three giants come; K. wife: cook one's head, another's brisket, and our friend can be fried; the fox leads the giant back; K.: your father owed me, and your grandfather, and you want to pay off with one giant; a giant killed a fox]: Sidelnikov 1971 (1): 129-132; (cf. Nasyrov, Polyakov 1900 ["Collection of materials for statistics in the Syr-Darya region, vol. 6, Tashkent, part 2, p. 107"; the poor old man offers a diva to compete; knock his brain out of the ground (buried a jug of milk, stomped); compare the size of lice (pulled out a turtle from his sinus); uproot trees (if he vomits and throws it up, the sun also kills, the diva asks not to do so); the diva brought the old man to his home; the old man overheard the conversation between the diva and his wife, lay down in another seat; at night the diva cut him with a sword, in the morning the old man says that fleas bite; the diva gives gold, the old man orders him to carry it to his house himself; teaches ask the wife whether to cook the brisket of the former diva or the head of it; the diva ran away, the fox leads back - she gives out the old man's goat and then she is not afraid; old man to the fox: are you leading a diva about the old debt of your parents? The diva ran, hit the fox on the ground, killed]: 92-93).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. South Altai Tuvans [an old man herded 7 black cows, saw three black mangys; they suggest throwing a stone; old man: there (i.e. in the sky) a place where he can get stuck; the old man buried his gut with with blood, offers to play the game "Crush the belly of the frozen earth"; when the old man beats, blood flows; brought the mangys, agreed with his wife: where is the back of the middle mangys, where is the ham of the latter? Mangys undertakes to bring water in a huge wineskin instead of the old man; he blew the winds, the old man is thrown away, he clung to the stump; "I want to shut up your ass with them"; the mangys are gone, the wolf tells them to come back, they are pretending put a leash around his neck; old man: wolf, hold the mangys tight; the mangys ran, dragging the wolf, he's dead, his teeth grinned; mangys: he's still laughing!] : Taube 1994, No. 31:240-244; (cf. khakas [{the text is almost identical to that published by Katanov as Tofalar}; a person replies to the owner of the water (Sukh ezi) that he is setting up a network to catch him; he tried to fight, but man covered him with a net; offers to fight with his younger brother; pointed to the bear, the water rushed to the one that the bear defeated him; the waterman said he threw his whip on the clouds; the man promised to throw his whip at the clouds Throwing in the sun, threw it away imperceptibly, the water cannot look at the sun for a long time; allows you to catch as many fish as the fisherman wants]: Balter 1986:52-54).