Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M199c1. Who will throw the rock next, ATU 1063A.



man and his opponent agree to test their strength - who will throw the heavy object next. A person pretends to throw an object so far that those who are overseas, across the mountain, in a distant city, etc. (including enemy relatives) may suffer. He refuses the test.

Catalans, Portuguese, Basques, Spaniards, Italians (Ticino, Toscana, Calabria), Maltese, Germans (Lower Rhine, Switzerland), Irish, French, Bulgarians, Bosnians, Greeks, Hungarians, Turks, Uzbeks, Latvians, Danes.

Southern Europe. Basques [Errua ("madman"), leaves home, is hired by the owner; whoever of them is dissatisfied with the other will skin off his back; the owner tells 1) bring the crooked branches for firewood ( E. cuts down a vineyard), 2) drive the cows into the pasture without breaking a fence in which there is no passage (E. cuts cows into pieces, pushes them into hedges), 3) herd pigs on the mountain where the cannibal Tartaro lives; T. suggests competing, 1) who will throw the stone next (the old woman advises releasing the bird), 2) who will throw a piece of iron next (a bar of iron; say: from here to Salamanca; T. does not tell you to throw, because his parents are in Salamanca), 3) pull out and drag an oak tree (E. ties the entire forest with a rope, T. is frightened where he will herd pigs); in T. E. goes to bed next to him for the night; puts the dead man lying under the bed in his place; T. hits him with iron, in the morning E. complains that fleas have bitten; E. must separate pigs from T. pigs; E. says he will take those with one mark and two markings; all pigs turn out to be so; in the village of E. sells all but two pigs, cutting off their tails; cuts one, hides giblets under clothes; in full view of people He stabs a knife in his stomach, people believe that his intestines have fallen out, he runs after the last pig; people tell T. that E. released his guts to run faster; T. rips his stomach open, dies; E. drives the pig into the mud, puts his tails in the mud, tells the owner that the pigs have fallen into the mud; the owner sends him for a spade; E. beats the hostess, she yells, he shouts to the owner - "One or both"; the owner replies that both; E. beats the maid, brings a spade with a hoe, hits the owner with them, he can't stand it, E. rips off his skin from his back; var.: E. burns T.'s eye with a hot spit; presses with a crunch nuts, says they are Christian bones; whoever brings more water, E. is going to carry the entire source, T. is scared]: Webster 1879:6-11; Catalans (Mallorca included) [a giant throws a stone into the sea; the person pretends to shout to sailors to be more careful; the giant does not see the ship (it does not exist), thinks that it is terribly far away and is surprised at the strength of the opponent]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 1063A: 209; Portuguese: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1063A: 27; Maltese [a giant throws a huge rock; a man pretends to throw an even bigger boulder into the distance, but must warn residents remote village]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, № 1062A: 438-439; Italians (Ticino) [Marco and Clara are the owners of a castle above the valley; once a rickety humpback shoemaker Giovanni saw a fly lined with flies cheese, threw his shoe at him, killing many flies at once; attached a paper above the door with the inscription: a hundred in one blow; M. saw, offered to compete: who would bring a bunch of firewood heavier, the loser would pay 500 thalers; M. brought his own, J. no; M. returned to the forest, where J. stacks willow twigs: not to bring them, but what to make a rope out of them, tie them and bring the whole forest at once; knowing that without forest people are not they will live, M. paid 500 thalers; K. advised her husband to offer another test: to bring a huge bucket of water from the pond to the village; J. began to dig in the pond; received another 500 thalers; then who next he will throw a heavy iron ball into the lake; he threw it a mile from the shore; J. shouts to the villagers: go faster, I will throw the balloon across the lake, it will fall on the village; M. asked not to do it, again paid; J. bought a snack, began to take walks; hearing M. approaching, J. hid the horse and looked at the sky: he spurred the horse so much that it flew into the clouds; later explained to M. that the sky had returned to him horse]: Wildhaber, Uffer 1971, No. 68:248-253; Italians (Tuscany): Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 1963A: 261; Italians [giant offers to compete: who will throw mulinello next (heavy wooden part of the mill); throws far away; the young man warns that if he leaves, mulinello may fly across the sea and the inhabitants there will suffer; in fact, he wants to throw him into the sea; the giant asks don't do it - he needs mulinello]: Cosquin 1887:269; Spaniards: Hernández Fernández 2013, No. 1062 [the rogue says that the stone he throws can hit his (far away) mother opponent]: 178; Uther 2004 (2), No. 1063:26

Western Europe. Germans (Lower Rhine, Switzerland), Irish, French: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1063A: 27.

The Balkans. Hungarians [the gypsy did not seriously want his wife to have 12 children; so it happened; he decided to go to hell as a stoker; he dragged him there; one son grew up, went to look for his father; poplar to heaven, roots to hell, the gypsy climbed the poplar to heaven, threw his hat at the door, persuaded St. Peter let him take his hat, stayed in paradise; saw how the thief wanted to steal his mother's pig, threw benches on the ground; God kicked him out; he came to hell, pretended to build the entrance to the church, the devils gave him his father and the kidnapped queen; Pluto returned, sent the devil to take away the queen; the devil offers to compete in the run, the gypsy puts his younger hare brother instead; Pluto sent another trait, we must throw the mace; the gypsy pretends to throw it into another world to his blacksmith brother; the third line is told to compete for who clicks the whip louder; the gypsy puts everyone on heads hoops - the head will split at his click, the devil hurts; the fourth is given a pitchfork, and the gypsy has a spit, they stab each other through the wattle fence, the pitchforks are stuck; then: who sews better (the gypsy has a short thread, finished faster); chase pigs; gypsies: I will crochet those with a tail crochet, and you drive with a straight tail; I didn't find any; the gypsy married the queen]: Ortutai 1974, No. 33:382-390; Bulgarians [ a person warns that if he throws a rock, he may hit a village behind a mountain]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 1063A: 380-381; Bosnians [the gypsy stole a bag of corn, began to grind on an abandoned one to the mill; a giant came; the gypsy squeezed the cheese, the giant believed that he had squeezed water out of the stone; brought an ox, telling the gypsy to bring firewood; he pretends to bring a whole beech, the giant broke off the branches himself ; the gypsy hides pieces of meat, the giant believes he ate more than him; the giant bent the cherries, then lets go, the gypsy threw it up, he grabbed the daw, said he jumped after it; he cannot bring a wineskin of water, pretends to move the spring; ties the forest with a rope, pretends to bring it whole; at night he put a saddle on the bed instead of himself, the giants hit him with a hammer, in the morning the gypsy said that fleas they bit; giants compete to see who will throw the stone next; the gypsies pretend to aim at a distant tower; the giants stop him - their king lives there; the giants themselves brought a wineskin of gold to the gypsy's house; gypsies says that his chimney will answer; the giants are frightened, they run away, gold remains for the gypsy]: Golenishchev-Kutuzov 1991:72-76; Bosnians [have a mill; whoever goes there will not return; The peasant has three sons in the village, the youngest fool; decided to go to the mill, taking a bag of ash, cheese and a drill; a giant came in, the guy threw ash into his eyes; the giant offered to face off; crushed his hand a stone, but did not squeeze the water; the guy squeezed the cheese; the giant offers to make holes in the log with his finger; the guy drilled 5 holes in advance; the guy climbed the cherry, and the giant tilted and held it; decided also collect it, let it go, the guy flew far and fell on the hare; brought it - they say, caught it; to make a cow pen, the guy breaks branches, and does not pull trees - says it will be stronger; fried cow - who will eat more; guy quietly throws meat behind him; who will throw a stone next; guy pretends to throw over the ninth mountain; giant: no need, there's my house; brought home; guy He was supposed to get into the vat for the night, but hid behind the vat; at night, the giants poured a pot of boiling water into the vat; in the morning the water cooled down and the guy lay down in the vat; the next night the boy was sent to the stable, and he hid behind the barn; the barn was set on fire, the boy was unharmed in the morning; on the third night, the giants blew out of the gun to where the guy was supposed to sleep, but he lay down elsewhere; on the fourth night, the giants poured boiling water over the vat, and the guy slept inside the vat; the giants loaded the guy with ducats and let him go home, then chased after him; guy: 9 giants robbed and robbed nine more; the giants returned to their homes]: Eschker 1992, No. 12:68-73; Greeks: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1063A: 27

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Turks: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1063A: 27

Iran - Central Asia. Uzbeks [people ask Aldar Kusa to protect them from divas; he went to his married sister, took a bottle of sour milk with him, picked up a rope, a bird's egg, and a turtle along the way; when the divas appeared, AK buried a bottle of milk in one place, a rope in another; says the wonder that he is Azrail and came for his soul; suggests measuring strength; 1) knock the brain out of the ground (hits the place where the pot is buried with a stick); 2) squeeze oil out of the stone (presses an egg); 3) sew a rope out of clay (pulls out a buried rope); a diva pulls out a louse the size of a locust, AK shows a turtle; divas lead AK to him, divas offer to destroy rocks; AK pretends to think: if it hits, either the mountain will block the way for the rising sun and the world will fall into darkness; or it blocks the way for the setting sun, it stays in the sky and burns everything; or the way will be closed to the cold wind, everything will go out; either the warm wind will freeze; or the earth will fail, or the sky will fall to the ground; the divas ask not to do anything like this; for the night, AK puts instead of himself wooden stupa; divas hit with a club; in the morning AK says that the flea bit; the divas collected gifts, brought them to the AK house; AK to his wife: give roast from yesterday's divas; divas run away, meet a mullah, he leads them back; AK: Mullah liar, you borrowed 10 oil divas from me, and now you're only driving three! The divas pulled out the mullah's tongue, fled to the desert]: Rogov 1980:193-198.

Baltoscandia. Latvians [hell and a guy compete to throw a hammer. The guy promises to throw a hammer into the sky, hell doesn't allow it]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 1063340; Danes: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1063A: 27.