M199E. The horse between the legs, ATU 1082. .16.27.-.29.31.32.
Theman and his opponent compete to see which of them will be able to carry the horse. The enemy can hardly lift the horse, the man rides on horseback, says that he easily carried it between his legs.
Germans (Schleswig-Holstein, Pomerania), Moldovans, Hungarians, Czechs, Poles, Slovaks, Russians (Samara and without localization), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Transcarpathia, Galicia, Volyn, Pokutye), Belarusians, Kalmyks, Ossetians, Latvians, Lutsies, Lithuanians, Karelians, Finns, Counselors, Estonians, Western Sami, Chuvash, Mari, Mordovians, Udmurts, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs.
Western Europe. The Germans (Schleswig-Holstein, Pomerania): Uther 2004 (2), No. 1082:30
The Balkans. Moldovans [the young king Trandafir Wheat Grain simultaneously married two princesses and a poor girl Ilyana; asks the hare king for advice - who to choose; one of the judges advises go to hell, he's involved; hell wants to face off and run around the fortress first; T. suggests that he first overtake his younger brother, the hare; the hare won; then carry the horse; T. "carries" the horse between his legs, i.e. jumps it; who whistles louder; T. blindfolded the line, the horse hit him with his hoof; the devil advises to marry the daughter of a poor man]: Moldavian tales 1968:420-428; Hungarians : Uther 2004 (2), No. 1082:30
Central Europe. Russians (Samara and without localization), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Transcarpathia, Galicia, Volyn, Pokutye), Belarusians [Who will carry a horse; a person sits on horseback]: SUS 1979; Czechs, Poles: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1082:30; Slovaks: Gašparíková1991, No. 1082:522
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks [when she dies, the old woman tells her three sons not to work for Khan Yad; the elder brother has been hired, the khan instructs him to clean up the manure behind Aranzal Horse; whoever gets angry will cut out belts from the back; the elder bart worked until dark, got angry, the khan cut out his belts; the same middle brother; the younger Shovara plugged the horse's anus, the horse died; the khan was angry, S. cut out his belts from his back; to the sheep did not run away, cut off their hooves; to make the cows drink less, he fed them pieces of leather, cutting a leather bucket, the cows died; drowned the last bull; killed the hanshu; the khan sent him to the mill where shulma; Sh. took a bear as a companion, caught two birds with one stone; Shulma offers competitions: wrestling (S. puts his old father, a bear, instead of himself); race around the lake (Sh. hare, stroking the other at the finish line - like the same one); carry the horse around the lake (S. rides on horseback); shulma grinded the flour, gave a pipe that plays 68 melodies of happiness and 108 melodies of sorrow; S. harnessed the bear, came, let the bear go to the cows for the night, he lifted them up; Sh. plays the pipe, the sheep are dancing and the khan with them, stepped into the hearth, screams, S. cut out the second belt from the khan's back; he runs into the reeds, Sh. hid in the chest carried by the khan; the khan ran away, S. took the chest, offered to cure the daughter of another khan; we must kill Shulma in the reeds; Khan Yada was killed, S. married the khan's daughter]: Vatagin 1964:223-230 ; Ossetians [after the death of his father, Dzibukka grew up, went on a journey; went into a hut, was going to eat, the old devil suggested to a dispute: who would carry the horse; hardly carried 10 steps, tired, D. easily carried the horse between his legs (i.e. rode it); who would drive the sheep without getting wet during a thunderstorm; Z. took off his clothes, hid it under his arm, had to give the line half of the sheep; hell suggests bringing a nose the handkerchief of his beautiful sister living in the sky; D. freed the deer stuck in the crevice, who threw it with horns, D. flew to the rope hanging from the sky and climbed into the sky; poured tobacco over his face sleeping girl, she began to sneeze, took out her handkerchief, dropped it when she fell asleep; the girl tells me to make a fire; from under the bed, a tied waig teaches him to cut off his little finger, blood splashes, only then will the fire catch fire; D. killed Waiga; old woman: his brother will come; D. defeated the one, Waig ordered his little finger to be cut off, blood should be dripped on the skulls of the dead, they will come to life; after reviving the dead, D. stabbed Waiga; Waiga's sister fell in love with D., they went down to earth, wedding]: Dzutsev 2011:144-149.
Baltoscandia. Latvians [Who will carry a horse faster. Damn carries, sweating, the guy takes the horse between his legs (sits on horseback) and "wraps" around the lake]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 1082:340-341; Lutsie (West 1893) [hell took a horse out of the lake: her, Christians, Catholics (kataligule): who will carry it faster; hell put a horse on his shoulders, walked around the lake three times and is barely alive; a Christian has rode it many times]: Annom et al. 2018:322-323; Finns [ the father inherited millstones to his eldest son, the middle son to the kantele, the youngest drills, a reel and a measuring rope; the eldest carried his millstone, spent the night under the roof of the barn; the robbers came and began to divide treasures; the youngest got the least; he said that God would punish them and throw a stone on his head; the boy threw the millstones, the robbers ran away, he took the treasure and brought them home; the middle one spent the night under the roof of an empty house, tied a rope to the door; began to play; wolves came, thinking that they could hear the piglets screeching; pulling the rope, the guy slammed the door shut, the wolves howled heartily; the merchants came and opened the door the wolves ran away; the boy said that at the command of the king he taught wolves to dance; the merchants were frightened, left the gold; the youngest came to the lake, drilled a hole in the pine tree, fixed the reel, lowered the rope into the water, began to twirl the reel; the son of the water came out; guy: I'm going to dry your lake; the chief waterman tells his son what to do every time; who will throw the golden hammer above; the guy pretends to want the waterman does not allow him to throw him on the cloud; who shouts louder; the guy pretends to make a hoop on the water's head, otherwise his scream will split the water's head; who will run the lake faster; guy offers to compete with his son first (this is a hare); fight - beat my old father (a bear) first; water father: give him as much gold as he can raise; guy: as much as I can I don't need to pick it up, what you bring is enough; that's how all three brothers got rich]: Salmelainen 1947:53-56; Finns [two older brothers are smart, younger Tuhkimo {"Cinderella"; not in Finnish genus categories} - lazy; from his father, the elder received shearing scissors, the middle - a cat, the youngest - an armful of oak bark; the elder came to the place where sheep were cut off their hair with an ax, sold scissors for silver; the middle one came to people who were tortured by rats and mice; the guy sold the cat worth its weight in gold; T. began to soak the bark in the forest lake; answers the son of the water that he was going to weave a seine and catch it from the lake waterman with his family; the water sends his son to fight T. and overtake him on the run; he puts his older brother (bear) and his youngest brother (bear) instead of him, a hare; whoever throws a club higher; T. pretends to be ready The son of water did not allow it to be thrown on the cloud - this is his father's property; the water ones pay off; T. makes a hole in his hat and puts it on a hollow stump; tells the son of water to take all the gold to his home himself ; on the way, the curtain is my mother's birdo; then the old punt is my mother's shoe; then the millstone is the godwit {=spinning rod?} mother; sending the water's son back, T. department the objects he saw on the way; he barely survived with a millstone around his neck]: Salmelainen in Concca 1991:252-259; Karelians, counselors: Kecskeméti, Paunonen 1974, No. 1082:245-246; Estonians, Lithuanians, Western Sami: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1082:30.
Volga - Perm. Chuvashi [when he dies, the father bequeaths his three sons an old wooden spatula, a broken pestle, a piece of wet; the first teaches those who blew their hands to wind grain, the second to grind millet with pestle, and not with his fists, both are given wealth; the third at the lake viet from the wet rope, answers the imp that he is going to catch everything in the lake; the devil advises the imp to summon the man to race; he offers to compete with his younger brother, the bird; the bird flew away, the imp is shamed; to fight - go fight with my old grandfather, this is a bear, the imp is a little alive; raise a heavy brush; man pretends to throw a brush to get stuck between heaven and earth, feels sorry for the imp's brush, does not let him throw it; carry a horse around the lake - a man jumps, an imp carries; devils agree fill a person's hat with money; there's a hole in it, money falls into a big bag from below; the man got rich]: Eisin 1993:306-309; marie [old Miron was fishing, an imp came out of the water; M. says he makes a rope to pull all the devils out of the lake; the imp told his grandfather, who sent him to offer M. to race around the lake; M.: I have a younger brother Ahat in the bush - go to him, shout , Gasp, gasp, he will run; the imp did not catch up with the hare; M.: who will carry a mare around the lake; the imp hardly picked it up and brought it, and M. rode on horseback; M. pretends to be ready to take money, fill it hat, made a hole in it, the money filled the kul, the imp carried the kul M. to the house; M. tells me to take a millstone and a harrow - a spinning rod and a comb for his grandmother; M. agreed with his wife; wife: nothing to cook dinner from; M .: I'll cut off your head and legs, the devil ran away]: Chetkarev 1948:168-170; Mordovians, Udmurts: Kecskeméti, Paunonen 1974, No. 1082:245-246; Tatars: Bashirov, Yarmukhametov 1956 [ the father tells the eldest son not to hire Musa; the guy comes, refuses to hire M., but he gets ahead of himself, meets the guy again; the guy thinks that everyone in the village has the name M., is hired ; if the worker expresses dissatisfaction, he will not receive a fee, but a hundred blows with a whip; this is what happened to him; the same happened to his middle brother; the younger one slaughters M.'s cattle himself; he sends him for horses to a forest lake; the guy weaves a rope by the lake, answers the wonder that he wants to hang the lake from the sky; the diva dives, pulls out a horse, promises to give it back if the guy can carry the horse around the lake; shows how to do it, very tired; the guy jumps around the lake on horseback; the elder divas offers to throw him to the sky and catch an iron club; the guy says he will throw it on the cloud, the divas ask not to do so; agree to take the guy home; He calls the fallen oak and millstone his mother's spindle and spindle; the divas bring them to M., who is frightened; at night, M. and his wife pour boiling water into the place where the guy sleeps, but he bounced, in the morning says that he was walking warm rain; M. and his wife decided to run; the guy took the pies out of the bag, sat down himself; they go to bed by the river; the guy goes out, M. is angry, the guy hits him with a whip]: 115-123; Bashkirs: Barag 1992, No. 4 [ overtake the younger hare brother; defeat the bear grandfather; carry the mare around the lake]: 28-30; Bessonov 1941, No. 36 [the old woman tells the old man to twist a rope on the lake; the diva comes out of the lake, asks what the old man is doing; old man: view the rope to drag the lake to his home; the diva brought the mare, put it on his shoulders, carried it around the lake; the old man galloped on the mare: carried it between his legs; the divas gave gold for the old man left the lake; he carried the gold to the old man's house; the old man goes forward, negotiates with his wife; asks her if the meat of the slaughtered diva has already run out; the diva has run away; the fox leads him back; the old man fox: thank you, this diva ran away from us, let's slaughter him; the diva killed the fox and ran away], 54 (Chelyabinsk Uyezd) [after the old man died, the eldest got a cat; he came to a village where there were many mice; he was given a cart of gold for the cat; The middle son got a shovel; he came to the village, where they did not know how to wind life, received a cart of gold for a shovel; the youngest bald man got a bast; began to twist the rope; told the owner of the water that he was going to drag the lake; the water offers gold, the bald one does not take it; offers to run, the younger brother will run for him; the waterman rushed after the hare in vain; offered to fight; the bald man pretended to be his grandfather, the bear; that hit the water; the waterman offered to encircle a mare around the lake; the bald one galloped on it; the watermen gave a cart of gold]: 202-203, 273-274.