M199f. The threat to wrinkle the lake with a rope, ATU 1045 (1).
The character pretends to want to deprive the devils (aquatic inhabitants) of their habitat (pull together the shores of the lake, two mountains, stir up the lake, dry the sea, build a church on the land of devils, etc.). To avoid this, devils (fish) fulfill the character's requirements.
Algerian Berbers, Italians (Calabria), Spaniards, French, Irish, Germans (Silesia), Hungarians, Bulgarians, Czechs, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Vologda, Novgorod, Pskov , Moscow, Smolensk, Gorkovskaya, Kostroma, Tula, Ryazan, Oryol, Kursk), Ukrainians (Galicia, Podolia, Volyn, Kharkiv), Belarusians, Finns, Setus, Latvians, Lithuanians, Mordovians, Mari, Udmurts, Chuvash, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Tofalars, Khakas, Shors.
North Africa. The Berbers of Algeria (Mzab) [the father died, leaving his son a dog, cat and bird {apparently a hunting falcon}; he hunted with them; the Jew invited the young man to go down somewhere, get the money and then share ; the young man saw a ring there, put it on; he offered to fulfill any wishes; the young man said to the Jew that he had found nothing; asked his horse's ring and good clothes, told his mother to marry him the princess; the king demands a golden palace, 40 blacks with burdens of gold and silver; the young man creates everything and gets a wife; while he is hunting, a Jew comes with a bunch of rings, asks the princess to show her his, replaces him, takes away the gold palace; the young man returns his wife to her father, goes in search himself; sends a bird to find the golden palace; then the bird brings a cat there, which tells the rats to enter the palace; they tickle the Jew's nose, he sneezes , the ring falls out of the nostril, the rats brought it to the cat; on the way back, the bird and the cat are arguing which of them will give the ring to the owner; the ring fell into the sea; on the shore, the cat rubs its tail against the sand; fish: what are you you doing it? cat: I want to dry the sea to kill the fish; the fish found the one on which the ring fell, brought the ring to the cat; after receiving the ring, the young man returned the palace, his wife, and after the death of the king he reigned]: Basset 1897, No. 116:138-144.
Southern Europe. Italians (Calabria): Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 1045:259; Spaniards: Aarne, Thompson 1961, No. 1045:351
Western Europe. French, Irish, German (Silesia): Aarne, Thompson 1961, No. 1045:351 {Uther 2004 combines 3 different motives; however, it can be assumed that Aarne, Thompson 1961 takes into account text from Silesia in Peusluk 1932, no. 96, which is referred to by Uther 2004}.
The Balkans. Hungarians [the gypsy did not seriously want his wife to have 12 children; so it happened; he decided to go to hell as a stoker; he dragged him there; one son grew up, went to look for his father; poplar to heaven, roots to hell, the gypsy climbed the poplar to heaven, threw his hat at the door, persuaded St. Peter let him take his hat, stayed in paradise; saw how the thief wanted to steal his mother's pig, threw benches on the ground; God kicked him out; he came to hell, pretended to build the entrance to the church, the devils gave him his father and the kidnapped queen; Pluto returned, sent the devil to take away the queen; the devil offers to compete in the run, the gypsy puts his younger hare brother instead; Pluto sent another trait, we must throw the mace; the gypsy pretends to throw it into another world to his blacksmith brother; the third line is told to compete for who clicks the whip louder; the gypsy puts everyone on heads hoops - the head will split at his click, the devil hurts; the fourth is given a pitchfork, and the gypsy has a spit, they stab each other through the wattle fence, the pitchforks are stuck; then: who sews better (the gypsy has a short thread, finished faster); chase pigs; gypsies: I will crochet those with a tail crochet, and you drive with a straight tail; I didn't find any; the gypsy married the queen]: Ortutai 1974, No. 33:382-390; Bulgarians [ a man (blacksmith) pulls a rope around a lake (river, swamp), telling the line that he is going to carry the lake (or that it belongs to him); the devil sends an imp to compete or tries to kill a person or pays off with money]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 1045:376.
Central Europe. Czechs: Aarne, Thompson 1961, No. 1045:351; Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Vologda, Novgorod, Pskov, Smolensk, Gorkovskaya, Kostroma, Tula, Orlovskaya, Ryazan) , Ukrainians (Galicia, Podolia, Kharkiv), Belarusians [Threat to wrinkle the lake with a rope: a worker winds a rope to wrinkle the lake and make devils]: SUS 1979, No. 1945:258-259; northern Ukrainians ( Volyn, Zaslavsky University) [the older brother got a shovel from his parents, the middle brother got a cat, the youngest a bast; each went to seek uses for his inheritance; the elder found people who separated the grain from the sex with their hands, sold a shovel for a hundred rubles, returned, soon ran out of money; the middle one found a village where people's mice were eating; sold the cat for a hundred rubles, returned, too, the money soon ran out; the youngest came to the lake, began to wet and weave a bast; hell asks what he's doing; guy: hang a net of devils; devils pay off; the guy put a hole hat over the hole, the devils all wear gold, but they can't fill the hat; Satan wants compete; the guy invites him to race with his child (this is a hare), carry the mare 4 times around the lake (he jumps himself, but the hell carries); hell: who will throw a heavy mace higher; the guy looks at sun: this is my brothers' forge, they need iron; hell asks not to throw it away, gives money]: Malinka 1902, No. 2:265-267; Ukrainians (Kharkovskaya, p. Nizhnyaya Syrovatka, Sumy University, 1885) [The son and father are walking along the road, they see a man carrying a goat in his hands, the son promises to steal it. He takes off his boot, smears feces, leaves it on the road, the traveler picks it up but does not want to wash the paired one, then picks up another boot, also left by his son, ties the goat to the willow and returns for the first boot, while the son takes the animal away. At home, Anton wants to get the first piece of the goat he has cooked, his father refuses him, he runs out of the house, shouts that his father stole the goat, he is allowed to eat first. Anton raises the goat's head above the bush, gives a goat's voice, and the owner of the goat finds out the loss, Anton admits that he stole the goat and is called to steal the horse. Pan tells the workers to protect the horse, they fall asleep at night, Anton transfers the first from the horse to the matitsa, the one who held his feet gives pegs in his hands, those who held the mane - yarn, leaves the bridle, takes the horse . Pan demands that Anton steal oxen and send them to the field with workers all day long. Anton shows up and shouts as if he sees a miracle, invites half of the employees to look at it, the other half to watch the oxen, the other half does not wait for the first to return and leaves. Anton takes the workers into the forest, returns quietly, takes the oxen, puts the tail in front of everyone in their mouths, leaves them alone with their tails in their mouths - the workers decide that the ox has eaten the herd. Pan realizes the trick, demands that he steal his wife. Pan surrounds his wife with workers, falls asleep next to her. Anton ties braids to the workers, throws up a "kendyukha", spills kvass, glues the workers' hair with resin, puts a deck instead of his wife, and takes his lady away. Pan wakes up, girls scream for "", accuse each other, workers argue about who got dirty (?). Anton says he gave the hell his wife for 3 carts of pennies, and the man promises to give him a box of pennies if he returns it back. Anton weaves a rope by the pond, says to the line from the lake that he wants to measure the swamp in order to build a monastery, drive the devils out. He promises not to do that if they give up Mr.'s wife. The devil offers to resolve the dispute by running around the lake, Anton exposes the hare (like a son), wins, gets a wife, kicks the lord out, takes his place and lives with his wife]: Grinchenko 1895, No. 175: 214-218; Belarusians [Stepan steals a stallion, a box of money, a wife from Mr. Stepan for a bet; to steal his wife, he throws his boot on the road, and then the second; the coachman stopped the wagon, followed the first, S. stole a wagon from the lady; tells Mr. that he sold it to hell; he orders to return it; S. pretends to put up a church on the lake where the devils live, he will drag the devils ashore from the vine; the devil suggests trials; who will hang more (S. blindfolded the line, hit the stake); who will throw an iron mace higher (S. waits for the cloud to pass, there 12 blacksmith brothers will eat a mace; hell asks not to throw); hell gave it to the lady; S. tells his pansky sons that his wife helps him get rich: you have to rinse her left armpit with a knife, bad blood will flow out; negotiates with his wife, tied a blood bubble under her clothes; the panychi stabbed their wives, carried S. to drown in a bag; the lake froze, went to make an ice-hole for an ax; S. shouts that he does not want to be king; the clerk climbs into the bag instead of him, S. takes three horses; panychi also ask them to drown in order to get their horses; drowned]: Vasilenok et al. 1958:197-201; Russians (1907, Ust-Tsylma, Lower Pechora, Pozdeeva, wife of P.R. Pozdeev, a storyteller, remembers content) [The man sat down in the lake with a trick to make money. He put the rope into the water, a demon appeared, asked not to wrinkle the lake, and gave the man money for it. The man framed a hat with holes for money. The demon spared the money and offered the man to throw his club up, the demon threw it high, the man cannot raise the club, so he says he will wait for the cloud to leave so that he can throw it into the sky, the demon is frightened , "he starts to scold." Then the demon offers to give money to someone who can sing on a sled longer. The man is not lucky for long while the demon sings, when the demon was carrying the man, listened and did not stop for a long time, the man's song turned out to be longer. The demon offers to pierce the birch tree with his fist, the man found a birch tree with a hole in advance, covered it with bark and easily pierced, the demon could not. The demon and the man went to the village, when asked by the demon what is glowing in the village, the man replies that it is demons who survive, the demon gets scared, runs away, falls and dies]: Onchukov 2008, No. 32:140-141; Russians ( Vologodskaya) [Ivan began to twist ropes by the river; imp: what are you doing? Ivan: I'll wrinkle the sea, let me make you devils; the elder imp suggests running first; Ivan sends a blue old man instead of himself - a hare; whoever throws a stick higher; Ivan: when I throw it, out of sight; to fight; Ivan sends his grandfather, 75 years old, a bear; devils are ready to give gold; Ivan stretched a hat with holes over the pit; the imp gives gold and a ring that makes wishes come true; the king demands to build for night house, church, crystal bridges - everything is done; after the wedding, M. found a ring, ordered herself to be moved far away to the fiftieth kingdom; Ivan goes in search, from one baba yaga to another; they - sisters; the third hides Ivan in a chest, M. comes; Ivan, who ate three prospirs on the way, broke three iron canes, realizes that M. loves him; Baba Yaga gave a ball, a sword, a tablecloth; for Ivan buys these items three times a night with Masha from her nieces; they gave her a drink twice, she sleeps, the third time she does not drink; after throwing a ring, Ivan and Mary are at home, the tsar is happy to have them returned]: Smirnov 1917 , No. 35:192-196; Russians (Vologda, Totemsky District) [Damn steals cattle from the village. The shepherd contracts to stop this in three days. On the first day, C. leaves the lake and demands a "self-made cow", the shepherd refuses. When asked what he is doing, he says that he winds the rope "wrinkle the sea, and make you damn in one place." C. comes back and complains to his grandfather. He advises C. to run "hard" with the shepherd. The shepherd refuses ("I don't want to run!") , offering his "young two days" instead of himself, leads C. to a hare lying, C. cannot overtake the hare, tells his grandfather. He wants to hire a shepherd to work for him. The shepherd agrees for 300 rubles a year, works the agreed two days, then goes to the forest to cut aspen. H. quickly cuts it down, the worker weighs the entire weight on C., holds on to the bars himself. As a result, C. gets tired, aspen is not dragged, complains to his grandfather that the employee should either be calculated or killed. He hears a conversation, puts a trough in his place, and the murder fails. The devils count him and let him go, he gets lost in the forest, climbs into the "hollow" to explore the surroundings - he fails. Three days later, a man cuts the hollow, the shepherd makes a fuss - the man gets scared and runs away, leaving his three horses. The shepherd gets out, picks up the horses and goes home]: Burtsev 1895, No. 32:146-150; Russians (Moscow) [if the worker does not get along, the owner will cut off the belt from the back and with a hammer in the head; if get along, then with the owner; the owner sent to bring the bear, the worker brought him; the owner: harness him into the cart and collect the debt from the water in the pool; on the shore, the worker began to weave ropes; the imp: and to squeeze the shores and destroy your pool; water imp: ask him what he needs; the worker dug a hole, above it a hat with a hole: a gold hat; an imp: race; the worker has kicked out a hare ("boy with a finger"); now to fight (the bear threw the imp into the air); who would throw a stick higher; the worker quietly threw it into the bushes, said that the stick had not returned from heaven; the imp filled the hole with gold, the worker brought it on a cart, pulled by a bear; the owner is confused - where to put the burka; let him go to the horse; the bear ate the horse; the owner and wife are running; the worker climbed into the bag with the crackers; got out at rest; made peace with the owner , began to live like relatives]: Khudyakov 1860, No. 27:107-110; Russians (Kursk, Leninsky District) [The governor has a clever son "a red sun in his forehead, the moon in the back of his head." The boy's extraordinary strength is manifested in children's games - he tears off other children's arms and legs. The king orders him to be expelled from the state. The son cannot choose a horse for a long time, finds him in the last stable, tied in three chains, and the horse calls him his master. The mother gives her son a talisman ring as a goodbye (she makes wishes come true). At the crossroads, the governor's son chooses the road on which he is destined to die. He drinks water and falls asleep by the stream, the mermaids steal his ring for the old devil. He cries, goes into Baba Yaga's house (a hut with chicken legs), she is surprised, feeds him and drinks him, puts him to bed and wakes him up on the third day, promises to help him find a ring, and gives him a guide - a cat. They return to the place where the governor's son slept, wind the ropes, when asked by the imp, explain that they want to pull the two banks together to crush the devils. He offers to fight, the young man points at the bear, says that it is his grandfather and offers to fight him. The bear grabs the imp, he runs away. The old devil takes a ring to the young man, says that the governor asked the king for permission for his son to return to the kingdom. The young man asks to marry one of the mermaids, the devil is angry, hits the ground, becomes a "fierce beast", the cat hits and becomes a lion, they fight, the lion wins and the young man gets the best beautiful girl, returns home]: Aristov, Pavlov 1939:82-85.
Baltoscandia. The Finns [the father inherited the millstone to the eldest son, the middle son to the kantele, the youngest drills, the reel and the measuring rope; the eldest carried his millstone, spent the night under the roof of the barn; the robbers came began to share treasures; the youngest got the least; he said that God would punish them and throw a stone on his head; the boy threw the millstones, the robbers ran away, he took the treasure and brought them home; the middle man spent the night under the roof of an empty house, tied a rope to the door; began to play; the wolves came, thinking that they could hear the piglets screeching; pulling the rope, the boy slammed the door shut, the wolves howled heartily; the merchants came opened the door, the wolves ran away; the boy said that at the behest of the king he taught wolves to dance; the merchants were frightened, left the gold; the youngest came to the lake, drilled a hole in the pine tree, fixed the reel, lowered rope into the water, began to twirl the reel; the son of the water came out; guy: I'm going to dry your lake; the chief waterman tells his son what to do every time; who will throw the golden hammer above; guy pretends to throw him on the cloud, the waterman does not allow him; who shouts louder; the guy pretends to make a hoop on the water's head, otherwise his scream will split the water's head; who is faster the lake will run around; the guy offers to compete with his son (this is a hare) first; fight - first defeat my old father (this is a bear); water father: give him as much gold as he can raise; guy: how much I can lift I don't need, what you bring is enough; that's how all three brothers got rich]: Salmelainen 1947:53-56; Finns [two older brothers are smart, younger Tuhkimo {"Cinderella" ; there is no genus category in Finnish} - lazy; the elder received shearing scissors from his father, the middle - a cat, the youngest - an armful of oak bark; the elder came to the place where sheep were cut off with an ax, sold silver scissors; the middle one came to people who were tortured by rats and mice; the guy sold the cat worth its weight in gold; T. began to soak the bark in the forest lake; answers the son of the water that he was going to weave a seine and catch water from the lake with his family; the water sends his son to fight T. and overtake him on the run; he puts his older brother (bear) and his youngest hare instead; whoever throws a club higher; T. does The appearance that he was going to throw it on the cloud, the son of the water did not allow it - this is his father's property; the water ones pay off; T. makes a hole in his hat and puts it on a hollow stump; tells the son of water to take everything himself gold to my home; on the way, the curtain is my mother's birdo; then the old punt is my mother's shoe; then the millstone is the godwit {=spinning rod?} mother; sending the water's son back, T. department the objects he saw on the way; with a millstone around his neck, he barely survived]: Salmelainen in Concca 1991:252-259; set: Vanahunt 2015 [(story from first-person; Ivvan is the youngest of five brothers; the eldest goes to hire a farmhand; the pop promises 1000 a year, but if the farmhand swears, he will cut off his nose and drive him away without paying; and if he swears himself, he would pay twice as much and cut off his nose; three days before the end of his term, his brother grinded all day, but they did not bring him food; he swore, the pop cut off his nose and drove him away; the same with the other brothers; I. went; did not grind and went to bed; the pop swore, I. cut off his nose; the popadya offers to send I. to the swamp for hay, there are devils; I. says hell he came to measure the land to build a church; hell reported it The main feature, he suggested: let him race with I.: first overtake my younger brother around the lake; let one in and the other in his bag; when the hell ran, the hare supposedly had been here for a long time; the same is to fight; I. offered the line to fight with his grandfather, it is a bear, who ripped off the line; the same: throw a hammer; when the devil threw and the hammer fell back, he went deep into the ground; I. pretends to throw the hammer on the cloud; the devil does not tell me to throw it, for the elder devil ordered the hammer to be returned; the elder devil decided to pay off, I. asked for three bags of gold and three hay; the ass had to pay what he promised, I. brought gold home; the king promises to give his daughter to someone who would cure her; I. came to heal her, asked for three decks of cards, three cast-iron cauldrons and a bucket of vodka as a reward; became wait in the princess's room; that devil from the swamp came in, I. began to play cards with him at clicks; I. lost, put three cauldrons on his head; hell clicked three times, breaking three cauldrons; the rooster sang and the hell was gone; in the morning the princess is better; told her father that I. played cards with himself, and then the cauldrons broke; the next night I. asked for cards and a hammer; gave the devil a drink, beat him, hit with a hammer; the princess is even better; on the third night I. asked for 10 rolls of leather; hell won, began to beat I., but pierced only 9 skins, and then the rooster sang; in the morning the princess recovered; on the fourth night, I. got the line drunk again, tied it to the bench, and ran away in the morning together with the bench; on the fifth night, I. asked the blacksmith to make Iron Man and, before starting to play cards, ordered him to tear out the line; the iron man closed his jaws, I. began to beat him with a hammer; the devil promised to leave the princess alone; I. received the princess and the kingdom; and then the war broke out, his wife and children were killed, and I., under the name of Fyodor, remarried and began to live in the village Lytina]: 20-24; Normann, Tampere 1989 [the younger brother inherited a grain shovel from his father, the middle brother inherited a skein of bast, the elder brother a cat; the eldest came to the owners who did not know shovels, those they gave three shovels of money for a shovel; the middle one sat down by the lake, began to unwind the ball; answered the waterman that he was going to braid the lake so that no one would come in or out; the water man paid off in gold; the youngest came to a village where there is no end to mice; he suppressed all the mice, the owner gave him as much money as the cat himself; forgot to ask what the cat eats when the mice ran out; sent the boy after, the owner the cat replied that the cat was eating liha ja rasva (meat and lard); the boy heard linna ja rahva (city and people); the owner drove the cat away and he returned to his older brother]: 113-116; Latvians [Threat to tighten lake with a rope. A shepherdess on the lake shore winds a rope, telling the line that he wants to tighten the lake. Damn scared, because the lake is his home]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 1045:339; Lithuanians [when dying, the father left his eldest son a millstone, the middle cat, the youngest a handful of hemp; everyone went to look for happiness; The eldest came to the old woman, she has 12 robber sons; she hid him in the attic, and there is a blow over the table; the robbers share the gold, one says: let the thunder hit you! the guy threw the millstones, the robbers ran away, the guy took the money; the middle one came to the owner, who was tortured by rats; sold the cat for gold; the youngest at the lake shore began to twist ruffles of bast shoes out of hemp; answers the line that he has ruffles to pull the lake together; agrees not to do so if the devil gives him a hat full of gold; holes in his hat and dug a hole; the devil has poured three bags of gold on him]: Lobite 1965:262-264.
Volga - Perm. Mordva: Evseviev 1964, No. 54 (Erzya) [the son of the cook Antipka is a skillful thief; he stole his lady, threw him into the sea to demons; the master orders to return; on the way he spared a hare, a bear; says to demons that viet stir up the rope; hopeless grandfather: our sea is bottomless; Antipka: the rope is endless; the demon tells the demon to race, then fight; Antipka sends his little hare brother, grandfather bear; demon suggests throwing a baton up; Antipka pretends to throw it on the cloud; the demon gives the lady]: 360-364; Paasonen 1941 [father inherited the cat's eldest son, the middle shovel, the youngest bast; the eldest came to a city where they did not know about cats; he was locked up for the night to be eaten by rats, but the cat strangled all the rats; the merchant began selling cats; the older brother asks for 100 rubles for each instruction (show what the name is, how to call, etc.); the merchant forgets that the cat should be called "kitty kitty", comes back, pays another 100 rubles; the same with the middle brother, who rows grain with a shovel from people, oh shovels who do not know; the youngest sits down by the lake to twist a rope out of his bast; answers the imp that he is going to hang the devils; the imp jumps into the water every time to ask for advice from the old devil; 1) fight (young man: with my 7-year-old sick grandfather is a bear); 2) race (with my brother born yesterday, this is a hare); 3) who will carry the horse (the imp carries, the young man jumps); 4) who will throw the club further (the young man does looks like he wants to throw it on the cloud); 5) hell gives gold, the young man tells me to pour it into the hat, there's a hole; 6) the devil gives a pipe; the young man meets the Tatars, blows, everyone dances, goes to complain about the ass, pop with a hit too they dance, gave birth to and trampled a child]: 324-331; Marie: Bakulevsky 1973 [At the shore of the lake, a man began to weave a rope to climb a linden tree and get honey; hell got out of the lake, asks why does a man need a rope; man: I'll cover the lake with a loop and take it away; hell asks not to do this, runs for advice from his mother; she advises calling a man to a competition on the run; the man rides a horse, overtook the line ; damn mother: we have to run through the woods through the dead; the man exposes his younger brother: we must call that one, Agach, Agach! hell calls, the hare jumped out and ran away; damn mother: we have to fight; the man exposes his grandfather, the bear, the hell escaped; damn mother: who will throw the club next; the man is going to throw a club on the cloud hell asks not to do this - a club is needed; who whistles louder; the man shot a gun, the hell fell off the Christmas tree in fear; the damn mother advises to pay off; the man asks for a hat of money, put a hole in his hat into the hole, three pounds of money came out; the man tells him to take him home with all the good things; at home tells his wife to cook dinner; wife: nothing; man: at least from this line; hell ran away]: 72-75; Chetkarev 1948 [old man Miron was fishing, an imp came out of the water; M. says he winds a rope to pull all the devils out of the lake; the imp told his grandfather, who sent him to offer M. to race around the lake; M.: in a bush near my younger brother Ahat - go to him, shout, gasp, gasp, he will run; the imp did not catch up with the hare; M.: who will carry a mare around the lake; the imp hardly picked it up and brought it, and M. rode on horseback; M. pretends to take the money, fill his hat, hole it, fill it, the money filled the kul, the imp carried Kul M. to the house; M. also tells him to take a millstone and a harrow - a spinning rod and a comb for his grandmother; M. agreed with his wife; wife: nothing to cook dinner from; M.: I'll cut off your head and legs of the line; hell ran away]: 168-170; Beke 1938, No. 11 [the man soaked his bast, began to weave a rope by the lake shore; imp asks what he is doing; man: I'll tie the lake and take it away; the imp runs every time to ask his grandfather what to do; he advises calling the person to race (the man exposes his younger brother - hare); whoever throws a double-pound club taller (a person pretends to throw it on a cloud); devils promise to pour a full hat of gold; a man holes in the hat and holds it above the hole; when the hole full, tells the imp to help carry gold; along the way he says that the millstone is a spinning rod, the harrow is a comb, the plow is his grandmother's chopper, the imp can pick them up; bringing them to the lake, the imp almost drowned; it's good that his grandfather saved him]: 39-41; Udmurts [a little man came out of the lake and asked what Votyak was doing on the shore; he replied that he was weaving a rope to throw it into the water and that's it pull out; the water promises gold; the man made a hole in the hat, the water began to pour gold into the hat, there was not enough gold; the waterman suggests throwing an iron bar across the lake; the man pretends that wants to throw it on the cloud, the waterman took the bar and threw it back into the water; took a horse out of the lake, dragged it on his back around the lake; the man rode the same way on horseback; went home and told the waterman himself carry a bag of gold; when a person sees a millstone, he says that it is his mother's spindle; the harrow is my mother's comb; the plow is my mother's chopper; the waterman picked it up and carried it all; at the house the man told him to wait, he will tie servants (i.e. dogs); negotiates with the mother; she replies loudly that there is no food, only the head of a big devil and the legs of the little ones; when he heard such an answer, the waterman ran away, tore off the door, and the dogs cut off clothes for him]: Wichmann 1901, No. 1:54-55; Chuvash [when dying, the father bequeaths three sons an old wooden spatula, a broken pestle, a piece of wet; the first teaches those who blew their hands to breathe grain, the second - grind millet with pestle, not fists, both are given wealth; the third at the lake viet wetted a rope, answers the imp that he is going to catch everything in the lake; hell advises the imp to call a man race; he offers to compete with his younger brother, the bird; the bird flew away, the imp is ashamed; to fight - go fight with my old grandfather, it's a bear, the imp is a little alive; raise a heavy brush; a person pretends to throw a brush to get stuck between heaven and earth, feels sorry for the imp's brush, does not let him throw it; carry a horse around the lake - a man jumps, an imp carries; devils agree to fill a person's hat with money; there is a hole in it, money falls into a large bag from below; the man has become rich]: Eizin 1993:306-309; Kazan Tatars: Bashirov, Yarmukhametov 1956 [=Yarmukhametov 1957:195-200; father tells his eldest son not to hire Musa; the guy comes and refuses to hire M., but he gets ahead of himself, meets the guy again; the guy thinks that in the village, everyone has the name M., is hired; if the employee expresses dissatisfaction, he will receive not a fee, but a hundred blows with a whip; this is what happened to him; the same with his middle brother; the younger one slaughters cattle M.; that sends him to a forest lake for horses; the guy weaves a rope by the lake, answers the wonder that he wants to hang the lake to the sky; the diva dives, pulls out a horse, promises to give it back if the guy can carry the horse around lakes; shows how to do this, very tired; the guy jumps around the lake on horseback; the elder divas offers to throw him to the sky and catch an iron club; the guy says he will throw it on the cloud, the divas ask not to do this; agree to take the guy home; he calls the fallen oak and millstone his mother's spindle and spindle; the divas bring them to M., who is frightened; at night M. and his wife pour boiling water into the place where he sleeps the guy, but he bounced, says in the morning that it was raining warmly; M. and his wife decided to run; the guy took the pies out of the bag, sat down on his own; they go to bed by the river; the guy goes out, M. is angry, the guy hits him with a whip]: 115-123; Gilyazutdinov 2015, No. 332 [the man began to twist ropes on the bank of a river or lake; Su iyase asks what he is doing, the man replies that he wants to hang water to the sky and drain the river; the waterman begged not to destroy him and his people; the man demanded a hat of money; dug a hole, put a hat with holes in it; Su iyasy filled both the hole and the hat with money; glad that the watermen will remain alive]: 318; Nasyrov, Polyakov 1900, No. 6 [the father inherits the first son a millstone, the second a drum, the third son inherits bast pads and cochedyks; the third son goes to the forest, pulls his bast from the linden tree growing near the lake; the waterman asks what he is does; the person replies that he winds a rope to hang the lake to the sky; the waterman tells his grandfather about this; he tells him to arrange a competition: whoever carries the lake around five times, the lake and he will get; the water brush carries, gets very tired; the person puts the brush on the ground, looks at the sky; says to the waterman that he wants to throw the brush behind the cloud; the water begs not to do this - the brush has they are the only one; the water grandfather gives a horse: whoever carries it around the lake will get the lake; the water one carries it five times; a man jumps on a horse, goes around the lake five times; the waterman says to his grandfather, that a person is stronger - he carried the horse between his legs; the grandfather orders to organize a competition in the form of a struggle; the man tells the waterman that he has no time and that his old grandfather, sleeping behind the bushes, will fight instead of him; tells the waterman to hit his grandfather's ear; a bear sleeps behind the bushes; waking up, there is enough water; the waterman complains to his grandfather; he tells the person to offer money; the person agrees not to touch the lake provided that his hat will be filled with money; makes a hole in his hat, digs a hole under it; a water hat fills it with gold; a man tells the waterman to take the hat and the ground under it to his house; on the way they see a pole, a harrow and a plough; a man says it is his grandfather's staff, comb and toothpick; at home, a man tells his wife to treat a guest; the wife starts stabbing the water with a pitchfork; the waterman runs away to the lake]: 55-59 (=Nasyri 1977:125-128); Bashkirs [hang the lake from the sky; fill their hat with gold; overtake their younger brother, the hare; defeat their grandfather, the bear; whoever throws the weight higher, Kalmakul pretends that wants to throw her into the clouds; K. swapped places with Bai's wife, who pushed his wife into the water]: Barag 1992, No. 2:23-26.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tofalars [the man answers the owner of the water (Sug ezi) that he is setting up a net to catch and eat him; he tried to fight, but the man defeated him; promised to send his own the next day younger brother; pointed to the bear, the water rushed to the one, the bear had defeated him; the waterman said that he had thrown his whip on the clouds; the man promised to throw the talina, quietly threw it away; the waterman recognized defeat, promised not to leave the water anymore]: Kaganov 1907:618-619; Khakas [{the text is almost identical to that published by Katanov as Tofalar}; the person replies to the owner of the water (Sukh ezi) that sets up a net to catch him; he tried to fight, but the man covered him with a net; offers to fight with his younger brother; pointed to the bear, the water rushed to see if the bear had defeated him; the waterman said that he threw his whip at the clouds; the man promised to throw the talina in the sun, threw it away unnoticed, the waterman could not look at the sun for a long time; allowed him to catch as many fish as the fisherman will want]: Balter 1986:52-54; Shors [{the text is very similar to Tofalar and Khakass]: Chudoyakov 2002:127-128.