Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M199g1. Hold on to the butt, ATU 1052.

.14.-. (.36.)

A person (a weaker animal) deceives a giant strongman (a trait, a stronger animal). One episode: both carry a tree, a strongman grasps the top of his head (butt), a person supposedly a butt (on the top of his head), sits on a tree carried by a strongman, or walks pretending to support the branches.

Morocco, Algeria, Catalans, Spaniards, Portuguese, Irish, French, Germans (Schleswig-Holstein, Grimms), Frisians, Flemish, Iraqi Arabs, Hungarians, Serbs, Bosnians, Greeks, Slovaks, Luzhitans, Poles, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonets, Vologda), Belarusians, Swedes, Danes, Faroese, Lithuanians, Latvians, Livonians, Estonians, Seto, Eastern and Western Sami, Finns, Karelians, Counselors, Veps, Kazan Tatars, Udmurts, Komi, Mari, Chuvash, (Yakuts).

North Africa. Arabs of northern Morocco, Algeria: El-Shamy 2004, No. 1052:699.

Southern Europe. Catalans (three entries) [a giant and a hero compete to see who is stronger, undertake to carry a pine tree - a giant is a trunk, and a man is a branch; a man sits on top of his head and a giant carries; carrying a pine tree, he wonders that a person is not tired]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 1059:207-208; the Spaniards (Murcia) [a man and a giant knock down a tree; a giant carries it, and the person only pretends to actually sit on a branch]: Herná ; ndez Fernández 2013, No. 1052:177; Portuguese [a giant brings down a tree and carries it home, and a man does not bear his end but sits on branches]: Cardigos 2006, No. 1062:258.

Western Europe. Irish, French, Germans (Schleswig-Holstein, Grimms): Friezes, Flemish: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1052:22-23.

Western Asia. Iraqi Arabs: El-Shamy 2004, No. 1052:699.

The Balkans. Hungarians, Serbs, Bosnians, Greeks: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1052:22-23.

Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Vologda), Belarusians [Carrying a tree: a devil (a bear) drags a tree, a man (a fox) sits on a butt behind]: SUS 1979, No. 1051:259-260; Russians (Olonetskaya: Shokshozero) []: Onchukov 2000, No. 33:183-184; Russians (Vologodskaya) [the poor man ordered three men as an employee, took a deposit from each; the men realized that he was theirs deceived, the poor man heard, went to hell; the devil gave him vodka, told him to rest for three days; on the fourth hell he cut down the aspen, carried it; the man ordered him to take the line to the top, sat down on the butt himself, urged him; hell threw aspen across the river to make lava, tired; the wife fed the worker; the devil and his wife decided to kill him at night - he is painfully strong; the man put his stupa in his place, lay down on the hay himself; at night hell hit the mortar with a 40-pound club; in the morning the devil saw a live worker; agreed with his wife to leave home, collect money in two bags - the worker climbs into a bag to the vert, cuts a hole when he sees that the hell walks across their field, threatens him out of the bag; the devil throws the bag in fear, not realizing that the man is there; throws the bag and the devil, both run; the man takes the money, gives it to the men, gets a household]: Burtsev 1895, No. 31:142-146 (=Gura 1965, No. 40:264-265); Russians (Vologda, Totemsky U.) [Damn steals cattle from the village. The shepherd contracts to stop this in three days. On the first day, C. leaves the lake and demands a "self-made cow", the shepherd refuses. When asked what he is doing, he says that he winds the rope "wrinkle the sea, and make you damn in one place." C. comes back and complains to his grandfather. He advises C. to run "hard" with the shepherd. The shepherd refuses ("I don't want to run!") , offering his "young two days" instead of himself, leads C. to a hare lying, C. cannot overtake the hare, tells his grandfather. He wants to hire a shepherd to work for him. The shepherd agrees for 300 rubles a year, works the agreed two days, then goes to the forest to cut aspen. H. quickly cuts it down, the worker weighs the entire weight on C., holds on to the bars himself. As a result, C. gets tired, aspen is not dragged, complains to his grandfather that the employee should either be calculated or killed. He hears a conversation, puts a trough in his place, and the murder fails. The devils count him and let him go, he gets lost in the forest, climbs into the "hollow" to explore the surroundings - he fails. Three days later, a man cuts the hollow, the shepherd makes a fuss - the man gets scared and runs away, leaving his three horses. The shepherd gets out, picks up the horses and goes home]: Burtsev 1895, No. 32:146-150; Slovaks, Luzhitans, Poles: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1052:22-23.

Baltoscandia. The Swedes [the shepherd met the giant; squeezed the cheese pretending to be a stone; also threatens to squeeze the giant himself; the giant: whoever throws the axe higher; the shepherd quietly hid the ax in his bag, he is so and did not fall to the ground; the giant offers to cut down an oak tree, tilted it, the shepherd grabbed, he was thrown up; he tells the giant that since he cannot jump like this, let him cut it himself; undertakes to carry a tree with the giant - he carries, and the shepherd sits on the branches; wonders why the giant is tired; goes with him to thresh in the dark, cannot raise his flail, hits the ground with a stick; the giant asks to take the bulls to the stall; there is no door; the shepherd cut them into pieces and pushed them out the window; at night, the shepherd put a pot of milk on his bed, the giant hit this place; in the morning the shepherd: the flea bit; who would eat more: the shepherd put everything in stomach bag; ripped it open, porridge fell out; the giant ripped open his stomach, died]: Suritz 1991:77-79; Latvians: Brivzemniaks 1887, No. 51 (Courland) [the guy was hired to hell as an employee; can't raise a hammer, suggests pulling out the trees from the root; if he pulls it out, the tree will crumble, let the hell; he pulled it out; the guy suggests carrying the line by the top of his head, but not looking back; he rides himself, sitting on a butt; hive: this is my father's snuffbox; the gun is his pipe; the hell smells, tries to smoke; the bees bite him, the guy shoots, the hell says it's strong tobacco; the harrow is my father's scallop (hell tries to comb his hair); offers to throw a hammer, the guy pretends to throw him into the sky; says that the bear is his grandfather, offers to hit him in the ass; the bear broke the line]: 55-56; Nierde 1952 [the fish tells the childless widow to cook and eat it; the maid ate the piece, the giblets are eaten by a mare; each gives birth to a son, the mare's son is the strongman Kurbad; all three go to free the house from evil spirits; on the first night, K. killed a three-headed giant on the bridge, a six-headed giant on the second night; on the third night he was nine-headed, his heads grow back, he drives K. knee-deep, then to his armpits into the ground; the brothers sleep, do not see what's in the bucket became blood; K. threw pastals (shoes) at them; the brothers came running, began to burn their severed heads; K. hears insects talking in the cracks: killed our husbands; let one wife become with a bed, the second with a spring, the third with a cannibal snake; K. does not allow him to lie down, get drunk, cuts a bed, a spring; the king lost three daughters when they were washing in the bathhouse; K. pinched a line in the door there, he gave a pipe ( 10 dwarfs would come out to do the job), said that there was a stone in the swamp, a hole under it, stolen there; K. threw off the stone, told the dwarfs to bring a rope; the brothers were afraid, K. went down, cut off the line; in the princess's silver, gold, diamond castles; they gave K. strong water, and the six-headed drank weak instead of her; the sisters turn their locks into diamond, gold, silver eggs, give K.; K. sent the girls are upstairs; the wife of the 9-headed giant cut off the rope and covered the hole with a stone; K. comes to the old man, who says that the cannibal sucked his eyes and beats the giant bird's children with hail; K. killed the cannibal, poted the old man's eyes with a potion, he saw the light; covered the chicks from the hail; the bird promises to carry K. across the sea, tells him to prepare meat; K. cut off the last piece from his caviar; K. opens his eggs, lives with the youngest queen in a diamond castle; the wife of the 9th head must be killed; K. came to the forge, where Debess Kaleis forged a golden crown, a silver belt and a diamond ring for the daughter of the Sun; forged a horse for K. to catch up with the witch, told me not to look back; K. looked around, thunder and lightning, the horse was gone; K. fell asleep, the witch changed the vessels with strong and weak water, K. drank, lost strength for a year; went to hell with the worker, who he will become angry, cut three strips of meat from his back; 1) herd hares, 2) cows; dwarfs collected everyone from the pipe; K. beat off each cow's leg; hell has to answer that he is not angry; 3) horses (the same; cut off their lips); 4) plow how much the white female will run (beat the female, she lay down); 5) clean the stable (the dwarfs cleaned); 6) bring firewood on the mare (the mare is the mother of the devil, K. threatens to cut her belts with sides, the mare is lucky); 7) slaughter the sheep that looks at you (everyone looks, stabbed everyone); 8) eat a pound of dumplings; K. puts the dumplings behind his shirt, but the hell ate his pound, it's bad with his stomach; K. pretends that ripped open his stomach, the dumplings fell out; 9) the devil leads K. to the forest to cut an oak tree; K. brings a hare, his younger brother; the devil can't catch up with him; agrees to carry the felled oak together; hell carries, K. rides an oak ; killed the devil's children; pulled out his mare's eyes; put a pot of sour cream in his place for the night, hell with his mother think they broke K.'s head; hell and his mother run away to the witch, K. hid in his belongings, here again; at night they decided to drown K. in the river, K. swapped places, the devil drowned his mother; K. killed the devil; the power returned, K. killed the witches, threw the ogre into the fire, killed the ogre eagle; enemies attacked; the witch poured out bile on K.; K. killed her and the ogre, but died himself]: 116-146; Livs [Ants is hired as a servant to hell (Vanapagan); he goes to the funeral, tells him to take care of the children, and come to the funeral in the morning too, throw an eye at the stove where the hell will sleep; A. gutts the children, hangs their bodies on the walls, takes his eyes out, comes to hell, throws them to him; on the way home, the devil pulls an oak tree: let A. carry the top, and he, hell, he'll take up the butt; A. says that he is stronger, chooses a butt, sits on an oak tree, which the devil drags without looking back; at home, the devil threw an oak tree, A. jumped up and grabbed a bird from the blow; suggests compete who will throw the stone further; releases the bird, it did not return, A. won; offers to drill oak bark with his penis; hell could not, But drilled it with a drill hidden in his pants; A. agrees leave if the hell gives him a bag of money; there's a hole in the bag, the devil sprinkles all the money he has; the horse laughs, A. says it's his father who pulls on his pants; damn scared; hell offers his wife and A. to spend night in bags by the river; A. persuades his wife to change the line, the devil throws a bag with his wife into the water; now A. agrees to leave]: Setälä 1953 in Kippar 2002:68-71; Estonians (Viljandi) [hell ( vanapagan) hired Hans on condition not to be angry; whoever gets angry first will cut off his other nose; when the hell began to rip out the spruce trees, H. pretended to have a stomachache; suggested that the devil carry Butts, and he is on the top of his head, sat on the Christmas trees himself, the devil carries him with them; H. pretends to count wolves; hell runs with urine and does not look back; hell tells me to cook beer in three days; H.: while they were running, twisted his leg; hell brings barley to the brewery himself; H. sold barley, bought tar, damn drank it instead of beer and praised it; in haymaking, H. mows braids with a pen; hell I have to say he's not angry; but then gives X. the best pieces, before that, only bones; hell: let the tools work themselves; while the hell slept, H. mowed his plot; hell called the devils and they did everything for him; hell offered to fight; X .: first with my older brother; set a bear on the line, the hell barely escaped; hell: race; H. offers a younger brother, a hare, the hell did not catch up with him; began to throw stones; the stone fell back by noon; H. threw the sparrow, three days later the hell thought stone X. was stuck on the cloud; hell with his grandfather's club, he threw it almost to the cloud; H. can't pick it up; pretends to wait for clouds will swim up, throw it at it; it's a pity for the club line, tells you not to throw; the devil offers to choose part of the crop; H. chooses the tops of wheat, then the roots of the turnip; both times the devil loses; in the forest both wanted to drink, H. offered to drill holes in the birch trees to drink juice; we'll drill with his penis; H. has a drill with him, the hole is ready, the poor devil is suffering; in the forge he taught H. to fuse pieces of iron; hell to the wedding, ordered H. to clean and bring his children, would also look at him {in the sense of looking}; H. gutted the children, washed their intestines, strung his eyes on a rope, brought a line, threw his eyes in his chest; hell remembered that he should not be angry; decided to get rid of X.; told the old woman to climb under the window on a birch tree and cook {this means that the term of employment has come to an end}; H.: it's too early for the cuckoo, took gun, shot; hell: Where do you sleep? H.: on the stove; he lay down where the grain was dried; at night, the devil threw a knife on the stove, there were dishes with milk, everything spilled; hell: I'm in cockroaches; the same the next night (H. said he would sleep on a bench near stoves, on the stove myself); hell: I scared the cat; the same on the third night (I lay down not where the grain is dried, but on the bench by the stove); hell decided to run away from H., took a bag of money with him, H. hid in it; Halt H. slowly got out: he barely caught up with you! I had to pay the line, he became impoverished himself, and H. bought a farm; in winter he cut down the forest; devil: I also froze; H. offered to put his hands in a half-split log, knocked out a wedge; freed me for promise to bring a bag of gold; hired H. as a shepherd; fell asleep on a hot day, the cattle rushed home, trampled the line to death]: Kippar 1910, No. IV.6:78-85; Seto [the fourth son of a peasant Ants is a lazy ; devil (vanapagan) offers him a job, and first measure his strength; 1) throw a club; hell threw it, fell half a day later; A. pretends to throw it on the cloud, hell tells him not to throw it; tells him to bring water ; A.: the well must be cleaned first; hell went down, A. put a millstone on it, thought the hell would drown; hell: I have a ring; A. took a gun: I have a pipe; hell: let me light it; A. shot a line in the throat; hell: strong tobacco, you sneeze; A. began to melt lead: I cook eye medicine; hell: treat me too; A. ordered me to bring a big stone, chained a line to it and told him not to scream, said his name was Sam ( Eis); others ask the devil who poured (pigs) into his eye; devil: Myself; A.: I told him not to scream, that's why it turned out wrong; hell sends A. to the forest for firewood; he starts weaving a rope: I'll tie it the forest and I'll bring it all at once; hell: no need, then there'll be nowhere to get firewood; hell knocked down a pine tree: they carried it; A.: take it by the top of my head, I'll take up the butt; he doesn't drag it, but he goes; hell: why are you so tired, I had hard end and nothing; hell: you're stronger than me]: Kippar 1910, No. IX. 16:128-130; Karelians [men give a goblin, but one did not; the goblin invites him to measure his strength; says he can knock down all the trees; man: can I push the sky against the ground if they had staples; the goblin squeezed the stone so that the water splashed; the man squeezed the baked turnips, it became porridge; the man suggests that the goblin carry the tree at least for the top, he is ready to carry butt himself; sits on a tree, the goblin drags; the goblin takes the man to work; tells him to bring water, he begins to dig in the entire well; cut down trees - the man ties the forest with a rope; he hears a goblin and his wife agree to throw a weight on him at night; a man puts a sheaf of straw on his bed; in the morning he says that he dreamed that he was bitten by a mosquito; they threw a heavier weight - the man is unharmed again; the goblin and his wife ran away from home]: Konkka 1959:73-75; Western Sami [the guy hired a giant's worker; chose the biggest tree; the giant climbed to the top, the guy sat on butt; replies that he is not tired at all; bringing a tree, the giant tells the guy to go into the barn, but not to the stable; horse: tomorrow you will be asked to launch the boat; say that if you venerate it, the boat will fly to pieces; the giant lowered it himself; asks me to take the oars; guy: if I take them, they will break; the same goes on (all the fishing gear will tear); when they return, the horse tells me to go into the barn, slaughter the cow, cut the heart in half; a cow has a giant's life; if not dead, cut it into small pieces; then they'll gallop away, taking a box (Bühse), a sword, a piece of sulfur, a flint, a comb; when they galloped, the horse asks if the guy hears and sees something behind; as if the wind is whistling; horse: this giant has come to life; throw sulfur: water; the giant ran home for a scoop, drank with the help of a ladle I wanted to leave water to pick it up on the way back, but the bird: if you leave it, I'll take it; I had to run home again; the flint is the mountain; the giant runs after the storm (again about the bird); the crest is the forest, ran for an ax (bird); the guy on horseback rode to a world where the giant does not go; there is a copper forest ahead, you can't break branches; the guy broke the last one, a giant in copper clothes appeared, the horse defeated him; the same with the silver forest and the giant; with the gold one; now the horse told the young man to hire the king; he always wears a copper hat so that he could not see the gold (Goldhut); told the king that he had scab; became as a gardener, the youngest of three princesses saw him take off his copper hat; she asked her father to pass her off as a young gardener; her sisters chose noble young men; her younger son-in-law called a horse and shot a lot of birds , gave them to the elders, and brought them only an owl himself; wedding; horse to a young man: you forgot about me, cut off my head; he cut off, the horse himself turned into prince charming {the end without details, ordinary in one-story fairy tales}]: Poestion 1886, No. 21:84-92; Eastern Sami [the imp brought the boy to his place, suggests competing who shouts louder; the boy begins to tie his head - so that when he screams did not burst; the imp asks not to scream; the devil tells me to bring a big tree; the imp drags, the boy rides behind on the butt; the devil offers to throw an iron stick; the boy pretends to throw it to the cloud; running competition: the boy caught two birds with one stone, lets one go around the lake - this is his younger brother; hell gave the boy an award and he returned home]: Yermolov 1959:74-76; Veps, counselors: Kecskeméti, Paunonen 1974, No. 1052:243; Norwegians [a man and a giant carry home a fallen tree; a person says he will push from behind and sit down on top; or a giant pulls butt and man holds on to branches]: Hodne 1984, No. 1052:216; Danes, Faroese, Finns, Lithuanians: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1052:22-23.

Volga - Perm. Tatars [the tailor killed seven flies, attached the inscription "seven with one blow" to his chest, went on a journey, met a batyr; squeezed the damn, the batyr could not crush the stone; released a bird, it did not returned, and the stone thrown by the batyr fell; offers to carry a tree - the batyr carries a butt, and the tailor sits at the top; while the tailor sleeps, the padishah sees the inscription on his chest, tells him to bring it from the forest the heads of two batyrs; the tailor climbed a tree under which two batyrs slept, threw a stone; they began to accuse each other, seriously wounded them, the tailor finished them off; the padishah made him a batyr]: Zamaletdinov 2009, No. 65:270-273; Udmurts: Kralina 1960, No. 75 [poor Akmar offers himself a line of work; he is ready to take it if A. works no worse than him; A. only knocks on trunks, damn trees, A. every time he says that he has knocked down more trees; undertakes to carry the top of the spruce tree, sits on it, if he carries it with A. sitting on it; at home, the devil and his wife agree to kill the strongman at night; A. hears He puts a bunch of clothes on his bed, hides himself in a chest of gold; hell and his wife throw millstones on the bed, leave carrying a chest; A. gets out, hell and his wife jump into the river, gold went to A.]: 223-225; Kippar 2002 [a man cuts an oak tree in the forest; Alangasar comes up on the third day; says he drives an elk for the third day, asks for help; the man says that he has just begun to cut the oak; drives stakes around the sleeping moose , frightens him, the elk jumps up and attacks the stakes; the man says that he is tired, let A. drag the moose himself; and let him help to knock down the oak tree as a reward for his help in catching the moose; A. pulled out the oak tree, undertook to carry the top of his head; the man allegedly took a butt, and sat on an oak tree and an elk carcass with him; at home, A. tells the oak tree to fall into logs in a day; the person tells A.'s children to do this, otherwise he will kill; A. and his wife are afraid of this strongman, decide to kill; offer to spend the night in a neighboring hut; the man put a log in his place, hid behind the stove; at night A. pierces something into this place; in the morning a person says that fleas bit; the next night A. collides the millstone, man: the pot fell on me at night; A. asks the man to leave; that: if you give me a moose full of gold and take it home; negotiates with his wife; when A. with they come up as a man, a man shouts to his wife to cook soup; wife: what; husband: we still have a piece of water breast and A.'s head; A. jumped over the roof, dogs behind him; A. wife: the man at home is still younger brothers, almost tore me up]: 189-191; Komi, Marie, Chuvash: Kecskeméti, Paunonen 1974, No. 1052:243.

(Wed. Eastern Siberia. {Russian borrowing}. Yakuts [Vodyanoy (devil) and peasant. A person agrees with the devil (water) to sow bread together. A person treats a trait that chooses meat bones, cottage cheese liquid and egg shells. They share the harvest. The devil takes roots from wheat, and tips from potatoes. Damn drags a log, a man sits on it. They compete in running. A person lets a hare instead of himself. They compete in wrestling. A person puts a bear instead]: Ergis 1967b, No. 255:231).