Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M199i. Who whistles louder, ATU 1084.


A person and a giant (hell, bear, etc.) compete to see who will make a louder sound (whistles louder, screams, sneezes, etc.). A person blindfolds his opponent and hits him with a heavy object; blows a trumpet; ties his head so as not to burst; etc. The opponent admits defeat or refuses to compete.

Catalans, Germans, Moldovans, Romanians, Hungarians, Slovenes, Germans (Schleswig-Holstein, Pomerania), Czechs, Slovaks, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Novgorod, Pskov, Voronezh, Kursk), Ryazan), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Ugric Russia, Hutsulshchina, Galicia, Volyn, Pokutye, Kiev, Poltava), Belarusians, Georgians, Persians, Tajiks, Veps, Lithuanians, Latvians, Livons, Estonians, Finns, Karelians , Western and Eastern Sami, Swedes, Norwegians, Kazan Tatars, Chuvash, Mari, Altaians, Japanese (including northern Ryukyu).

Southern Europe. Catalans (Mallorca included) [man and giant compete to see who whistles louder; trees bend at the whistle of a giant; a man tells the giant to blindfold his eyes and ears so that he does not whistle them burst; throws a stone in his ear; the giant admits defeat]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 1984:209-210.

Western Europe. The Germans [the village teacher went to the haymaking; hell wanted to grab him, he squeezed the cheese and said that the stone would also flow water from the devil; the devils offer a bag of gold coins if the teacher agree to serve them for a year; sent to bring water, he pretends to dig in and bring the whole well; they tell them to bring an oak tree, the teacher pretends to cut down the entire forest; the devils decided get rid of the employee before the deadline; they had to pay the money and bring it themselves; the teacher taught the students what to say; the children started screaming, "I want damn meat," the hell threw the bag, ran away; the young devil came to sort it out; the teacher to fight with his grandfather (the bear in the cage), the hell is just alive; run with his grandson (let the hare out); throw a hammer into the sky; teacher: I have a relative in heaven as a blacksmith, the hammer will come in handy; then the devil offered to throw a stone, the teacher released the goldfinch; whoever clicks louder; the devil clicks the whip; the teacher tells him to blindfold, hits him with a club; fight with swords; the teacher gave a line a long rod, and took a short one himself, stuck the line; then the devil asked for a short one; the teacher advised him to climb into the pigsty, stuck it through the gap; scratch ( the teacher took the brushes); the hell blew, the teacher was under the ceiling; says he darns the holes so that when he blows, the hell does not fly to the moon]: Cerf 1992:105-110.

The Balkans. Moldovans [the young king Trandafir Wheat Grain simultaneously married two princesses and a poor girl Ilyana; asks the hare king for advice - who to choose; one of the judges advises go to hell, he's involved; hell wants to face off and run around the fortress first; T. suggests that he first overtake his younger brother, the hare; the hare won; then carry the horse; T. "carries" the horse between his legs, i.e. jumps it; who whistles louder; T. blindfolded the line, the horse hit him with his hoof; the devil advises to marry the daughter of a poor man]: Moldovan tales 1968:420-428; Romanians [the elder brother is home, the youngest, Danila is stupid; he brought aspen, stuck it in the yard, told his wife that it was a quail to hang pots; but there are no pots; Danila was given the name Perepelyak; P. takes every time his brother's cart; he advises selling oxen, buying cheaper cart and oxen with this money; P. changes oxen for a cart when he sees a man rolling it down the mountain; his cart does not go, he changes it to a goat, a goat on a goose, a goose on an empty purse; borrowed his brother's cart with oxen to bring firewood; he knocked down a tree, it fell, crushing the oxen and breaking the cart; P. decided not to return, went to the lake, there were ducks, he threw the ax, the ducks flew away, the ax drowned; P.: for the devils to take you; voice out of the lake: thank you; the devil has come out, suggests a dispute, who wins the fist fight will be the master of the lake; P. pretends old uncle, a bear; hell climbed into the den, barely alive; who whistles louder; P. pretends not to hear the damn whistle at all; tells the devil to blindfold, hits him with a club, damn believes it whistle; the devils gave a bag of gold, P. had a hard time driving it home; P. bought new oxen and healed well]: Mirener 1958:38-49; Hungarians, Slovenes: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1084:31-32.

Central Europe. The Czechs [the gypsy went to serve the line; pretended to dig in a well to bring plenty of water at once; who tied the forest with a rope, bring all the trees at once; the old devil advised the young kill the gypsy at night with an iron stick; he lay down elsewhere, leaving his sheepskin coat on the bed; hell hit, the gypsy sighed: the flea bit; the old devil advised him to pay off the gypsy with money; young offered to compete first; 1) kick a stone (the gypsy poured water under the stone, she splashed, the hell believed that the gypsy squeezed water out of the stone); 2) who would throw an iron stick higher (gypsy: I have two in the sky blacksmith brother, hell tells me not to throw); 3) run for distillation (the gypsy offers a younger brother instead of himself, this is a hare); 4) fight (instead of a gypsy, his father is a bear); 5) who whistles louder (the gypsy tells Blindfold the line, hits him in the ears with an iron club); the devil left the money and left]: Erben in Lifshitz-Artemyeva 2017:148-152; Slovaks [the father has three sons; he takes them to the forest to get to know them inclinations; the elder says that this tree could be used to make a wheel, the middle one is like a trough, the younger Klinko says that a club; K. came to the king, he wants to check what he is good for; 1) unnoticed steal two oxen from a team of four; K. picked up the chickens, released them, everyone rushed to catch them, and he cut off the tails of the two front oxen, put them in the mouths of the two rear oxen, took the front ones away; 2) steal everything grain from the current; K. planted a scarecrow, the threshers threshed it and went to bed, and K. took the grain away; 3) steal bacon from the royal reserves; K. lowered the bagpipes down the chimney, the watchmen began to shoot, the bagpipes groaned , and K. stole bacon; 4) steal the main hussar's horse; K., under the guise of an innkeeper, brought a plum brandy, said that K. did not pay him, made friends with the guards, gave them a drink, took the horse away; the devil stole the princess; K. promised to return her if the king married her; when he came to hell, he began to smoke incense and pretend to be building a church; the devils first brought an armless girl, then a legless girl, then 12 of the same - choose; K. I chose the one that was not afraid of incense; but the devils first offer a running competition; K. I'm tired, but my brother is in the bushes; the hare ran to the top of the hill before the devils followed; they suggest fight; K. put out his older brother, the bear; hell: the girl of the one who whistles louder; whistles; K;. begins to cut birch trees to cover the girl and himself when he whistles; the devil asks not to whistle; K. received a princess and half the kingdom]: Dobšinský 1970, No. 26:140-145; Russians (Arkhangelsk, Novgorod, Pskov, Voronezh, Kursk, Ryazan), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Ugric Russia, Hutsulshchina, Galicia, Volyn, Pokutye, Kiev, Poltava), Belarusians [Who hangs louder: a person blindfolds a line and hits him on the head with a club instead of whistling]: SUS 1979, No. 1084:263; Russians (Arkhangelskaya: Pinega) [the serpent arrives in the village, has already eaten everyone, the last man is left; a gypsy has come, goes to the snake's hut; he offers to whistle; whistles, the hut shuddered; the gypsy blindfolded the snake, warmed it with a club; the serpent sends the gypsy to bring water in reindeer skin; he began to dig in the well, the snake brought water himself; orders to uproot and bring the tree; the gypsy pretends to bring the whole forest; let's go to the gypsy's house; gypsy: my children are hungry, they'll eat you; the snake ran away; the gypsy got the carriage and three horses]: Nikiforov 1915, No. 15:149-150; Russians (Voronezhskaya, p. Bolshaya Vereyka, 1925) [A gypsy stays with an old man in a village where Pakarym ate snakes. The serpent arrives to eat the last old man and is greeted by a cunning gypsy. The serpent shows its strength by breaking a stone, the gypsy squeezes water out of the cottage cheese, as if out of stone. The snake whistles so that leaves fall from the oak tree, the gypsy blindfolds the snake (otherwise they will jump out) and hits the forehead with a club, the snake's ears ring. The serpent sees the power of the gypsy and offers to put up, invites him to visit him. The gypsy kills the bull, removes the skin, the snake flies for firewood, the gypsy realizes that he cannot bring water in the bull's skin, tries to "dig the well around". The serpent arrives and brings water in its burden by itself, saying that one is enough. The gypsy accidentally spills a quarter of the vodka, tells the snake that he drank it. The gypsy pretends to drink and eat, actually pours out vodka and throws away pieces of meat. The serpent is surprised at the gluttony and strength of the gypsy. The gypsy is going home, warns the snake that his children are hungry and can eat it. The serpent arrives with the gypsy to the village, sees the gypsies "black, smeared, torn off", gets frightened and flies away, leaving three horses. Gypsy tells his wife about his adventures]: Baryshnikova 2007, No. 35:156-158; Ukrainians (Hutsulshchina) []: Zinchuk 2006a, No. 99:299-301; Ukrainians (Poltava, Piryatinsky District, ca. 1878) [Gypsy falls asleep on the grave, kills a hundred flies with his hand, asks the clerk to write "Ivan the Great Warrior beats a hundred souls in one fell swoop" (not a quote). The gypsy lies down on the road, the king drives by, demands to move, he does not move, says who he is. The king asks to beat the overseas army, he agrees if there is lard. Gypsies are fed, given a regiment of soldiers, everyone has an armful of straw in their hands, when they set fire to them, enemies see a fire army, flee into the sea, and drown. The king rewards the gypsy, asks to defeat three dogs, he asks for bacon, he is fed. He lies down at the gate, the dogs cannot enter, they notice the gypsy, they recognize him and invite him to go with them, he agrees on the condition that he becomes the main one, he blindfolds them in front of the river, as if He's going to order the river to cross them, kills them. The king rewards the gypsy, asks to kill the snake, he eats up, lies down at the gate, the snake recognizes him (the text of the sign). The serpent offers to be comrades, says that he is Luta (evil spirits), the gypsy says that he is Pra-Luta. They come to the Serpent's father, he offers to compete in the run, the gypsy exposes his "son" - the hare, who overtakes. Father Snake offers to compete in throwing a mace, the gypsy barely carries the mace in the field, the Serpent throws it up - it returns in 2 hours, the gypsy is afraid that if she does, she will not return. The serpent discourages him from throwing: his father has only 2 maces, it's a pity to lose. Father Snake offers to compete in whistles, the Serpent whistles - leaves fall from the trees, the gypsy blindfolds him - so as not to get out of his whistle, hits his forehead, his eyes come out of his orbits. The gypsy realizes that the Serpent wants to kill him, puts a bag of straw where he sleeps, covers him with his robe, the snake hits the bag, the gypsy says "the mosquito bit". The serpent collects a bag of money for the gypsy, he is met by gypsies, the gypsies say that it was the devils who came for the soul of the Snake. He drops the bag and leaves, the gypsy receives an award from the tsar]: Rudchenko 1870, No. 45:185-187.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Georgians (Kakheti) [the royal servant decided to learn a craft and chose to steal; the king ordered him to steal a horse, put one guard on a horse, and ordered the other to hold the reins; servant brought them food and drink, they fell asleep, he took the horse away; stole the bulls; the servant put his dirty boot on the road, clean by the water; the thieves did not take the dirty one, but when they saw the clean one, they went for the first boot, leaving bulls; the servant took them away; steal the king's wife; the thief dressed the deceased in his dress, put them at the gate; the guards started shooting; the king thought that the servant was killed, removed the guards, the thief took the queen away; the devil asks him sell; the servant asks for a hat of gold; the thief dug a hole, made a hole in his hat; the devil poured gold until the hole is filled, took the queen; the king promises the thief of half the kingdom if he returns the queen; hell offers to compete in the run, the thief exposes a cousin, this is a hare, he hides the other in his bosom; who shouts louder; the thief tells the devil to cover his ears with cotton wool, blindfold, hits the line on the head with a club; fight; The thief exposes an old uncle, a bear, who has destroyed the line; the thief received the queen, gold and became king himself]: Chikovani 1954, No. 50:259-261.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians: Ottomans 1958 [the mother is forced to put food in her lazy son's mouth; she spread the apples so that he got out of bed to collect them and went out the door for the first time; her mother locked her; gave her son an egg, a handful of flour, a skein of wool yarn and a horn; the lazy man went, got caught in the rain; took off his clothes, sat on them, and when the rain stopped, put on the dry one; the diva asks why he is not wet; lazy: and I am Satan; divas offers to crumble a stone with his hand, the lazy man sprinkles flour; squeeze oil out of the stone; the lazy man crushed the egg; the diva ran away; the lazy man came to the castle of the king of divas; he pulled out his hair and showed that the lazy man showed a skein wool; the diva shouted, the lazy man blew the horn, came out louder; near the village, a lazy man climbed a tree above the spring; the black slave took the reflection for her own, thought she had turned white; the lazy man laughed, said that he Satan came from the dead; the slave asks whether their dead man was taken to heaven or hell; lazy: to hell and he does not have enough money; the slave ran to the mistress and she gave the money to her late husband; the lazy man took also a horse to get to hell; when they found out what was going on, the woman's sons rode after the lazy man; he told the man washing the demand that the guards were jumping after him; gave him his horse, and began to wash him demand; the horsemen jumped after that man, and the lazy man brought money home]: 104-108; Romaskevich 1934a, No. 14 (Jews of Isfahan) [smart brother is rich, married; stupid bought a bull, took him to the mountains, asks if he will buy bull mountain; echoes for the answers of the mountain, leaves the bull; comes, asks where the money is; found chervonets under the stone; seeing that the stupid man returned with profit, the rich went with him; guli came up; stupid climbed onto the plane tree, the smart one stayed downstairs; the guli climbed one on top of the other; stupid to the clever: cut out the lower eyes with a knife; he ran, the guli fell; the wife is unhappy that her husband did not kill his brother, but he explains that his brother saved him; the stupid brother bought a goat, a horn, a wineskin of sour milk, goes to the steppe; ghoul: I am a ghoul; a stupid brother: and I am a ghoul over the guli; a ghoul throws a spit the size of a dish, a stupid brother pours out a wineskin of milk; a ghoul pulls out a huge louse, a stupid brother shoves a goat at him; a ghoul makes an indecent sound, a stupid brother blows a horn, its sound is louder; he tears up the ghoul and comes back]: 81-83; Tajiks [start as separate text in Niyazmukhamedov 1945:46-48; when he set off, the weaver picked up a turtle, a horse's tail, a bull's horn; came to the divas fortress; the divas offered to measure his strength; threw his louse from behind the wall (she the size of a cockroach); the weaver threw the turtle; the other threw the hair off his mustache, the weaver threw the horse's tail; who sneezes louder; when the diva sneezed, the weaver was thrown into the corner; he says he plugs the cracks so that the diva does not deafened; sounded into the karnay; the diva was horrified and ran away; the weaver entered the fortress, took the captured girl out of there; in the village they thought that the weaver was a hero, they asked to kill the bear; the weaver began to guard the pit when he saw the bear, cried out, the bear jumped, stuck his head between the branches of the tree; the weaver was asked to defeat the robbers; he ordered himself to be tied to a skinny horse; the horse carried, the weaver grabbed the poplar and pulled it out, the enemies retreated in horror; at night the weaver returned home unnoticed]: Amonov, Ulug-zade 1957:317-319.

Baltoscandia. Latvians [The guy blindfolds the line with a handkerchief and hits him on the forehead with a hammer]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 1084:341; Lithuanians, Estonians, Finns: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1084:31-32; Veps [the gypsy measures the snake by force - whoever whistles harder; blindfolds the snake and hits it with a stick; the serpent sends a gypsy for water, he digs around the well to bring the entire well at once; the gypsy outsmarted by a snake]: Onegin, Zaitseva 1996, No. 135:210; Norwegians [man and cannibal compete to see who shouts louder; the man ties the cannibal's head so that his scream does not burst; cannibal scared, asks not to shout]: Hodne 1984:216; Swedes [boy and giant compete to see who whistles louder; the guy tells the giant to cover his ears with his hands and hits him in the eyes]: Liungman 1961, No. 1084:261; Eastern Sami [the imp brought the boy to his place, suggests competing to see who shouts louder; the boy begins to tie his head so that his scream does not burst; the imp asks not to scream; hell tells me to bring a big tree; the imp drags, the boy rides behind on the butt; the devil offers to throw an iron stick; the boy pretends to throw it on the cloud; running competition: boy caught two birds with one stone, lets one go around the lake - this is his younger brother; the devil gave the reward to the boy and he returned home]: Yermolov 1959:74-76; Western Sami [the guy was hired as an employee for a giant; he suggests first to test his strength by hitting his head against a pine tree stump; the guy made a hole in him in advance, his head went into a stump; the giant only scratched the bark; now: who shouts louder; the guy does wooden hoop: you have to put it on your head, otherwise my scream will burst; the giant refuses to compete; who will throw a hammer higher; the guy looks at the sky: which cloud is better to throw it at; giant: don't throw it at all, this hammer is my grandfather's inheritance; at night, the guy put wooden blocks on his bed and lay down elsewhere; at midnight, the giant hit the bed with iron with a hammer; when he left, the guy threw away the logs and lay down; in the morning the giant asks how he slept; the guy: the louse bit; the next night the giant set fire to the bed; the guy in the morning: it seemed like the sound of the wind was heard; the giant decided to send the boy, gave him a bag of silver, and then more gold; going to the house, the guy left half, because he could not carry it; when he saw this, the giant and his wife set off in pursuit; the guy threw a leaf behind, that turned into a forest; chair: mountain; the giant ran after the storm; a piece of sulfur is a lake; the giant, along with his wife and daughter, tried to drink it; there is not much left, the giant tells his daughter to shut his ass; here is a crow I started jumping so funny that my daughter burst out laughing, water poured out of her and the giant himself, and they all drowned]: Poestion 1886, No. 22:93-97; Karelians, Livs: Kecskeméti, Paunonen 1974, No. 1084:246.

Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars [the gypsy invites Azhdaha to whistle - who is louder; tells you to blindfold, hits with a club; Azhdaha crushed a stone, and the gypsy suzma squeezed out the water; Azhdakha sends a gypsy to catch a wolf, the gypsy pretends to catch 40 wolves, Azhdaha catches one himself; tells him to bring an oak tree, the gypsy pretends to bring 40 oaks; to bring water, he digs in a well; does not eat lupus; they came to the gypsy; gypsies: what are we going to eat; gypsies: azhdakh; Azhdakha ran away, three horses went to a gypsy]: Zamaletdinov 2009, No. 72:294-296; marie [at the lake shore, the man began to weave rope to climb a linden tree and get honey; hell got out of the lake, asks why the man needs a rope; man: I'll cover the lake with a loop and take it away; hell asks not to do it, runs for advice from his mother; she advises to call a man to a running competition; a man rides a horse, overtook the line; damn mother: you have to run through the woods through the vallezhins; the man exposes his younger brother: we must call that one, Agach, Agach! hell calls, the hare jumped out and ran away; damn mother: we must fight; the man exposes the grandfather, the bear, the hell escaped; damn mother: who will throw the club next; the man is going to throw a club on the cloud, hell asks not to do this - a club is needed; who whistles louder; the man shot a gun, the hell fell off the Christmas tree in fear; the damn mother advises to pay off; the man asks for a hat of money, put a hole in his hat into the hole, three pounds of money came out; the man tells him to take him home with all the good things; at home tells his wife to cook dinner; wife: nothing; man: at least from this line; hell ran away]: Bakulevsky 1973:72-75; Chuvash: Kecskeméti, Paunonen 1974, No. 1084:246.

Southern Siberia. Altaians [Nur walks through the taiga, whistles hazel grouses; meet the bear; suggests who will hang worse; Nur agrees if they whistle from the top of the Christmas trees; when the bear whistles, the forest swung; Nur asked permission to whistle at the pipe; shot his gun and the bear fell down]: Katash 1958:86-87.

Japan. Japanese (South Honshu, Kyushu, North Ryukyu) [a hunter meets Yamajiji in the forest; he suggests fighting or competing tomorrow to whoever shouts louder; the village elder promises a daughter to the one who saves people from Ya., ruining millet fields; a young man is summoned, takes a pot with him; the hunter invites the monster to shout first, puts a pot over his head so as not to go deaf; when it's his turn, shoots the monster in the ear, who says it was a little noisy; after the competition, the hunter feeds the monster instead of rice cakes hot white pebbles and pours hot oil down his throat; Ya. suggests drive a chisel in each other's head; the hunter puts on a pot, Ya. is wounded; the hunter follows a bloody trail to the cave, finds a huge wounded spider there; the young man marries (to the elder's daughter); the hero hears that Ya. will come in the evening to take revenge on the hunter; the spider is being killed]: Ikeda 1971, No. 1084:226-227.