Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M199m. My grandmother's spindle. 31.32.


man explains to the demon that heavy objects such as a harrow or millstone lying by the road are just things that his grandmother or mother uses, such as a spinning rod or a comb.

Finns, Latvians, Mari, Udmurts, Chuvash, Kazan Tatars.

Baltoscandia. The Finns [two older brothers are smart, the youngest is Tuhkimo {"Cinderella"; there is no gender category in Finnish} are lazy; the eldest received shearing scissors from his father, the middle one a cat, and the youngest an armful of oak measles; the elder came to the place where sheep were cut off their hair with an ax, sold scissors for silver; the middle one came to people tortured by rats and mice; the guy sold the cat worth its weight in gold; T. began to soak the bark in a forest lake; answers the son of the water that he is going to weave a seine and catch water from the lake with his family; the waterman sends his son to fight T. and overtake him on the run; he puts the elder instead brother (bear) and youngest - a hare; whoever throws a club higher; T. pretends to throw it on the cloud, the son of the water did not allow it - this is his father's property; the water pays off; T. makes a hole in hat and puts it on a hollow stump; tells the son of water to take all the gold to his home himself; on the way, the curtain is my mother's birdo; then the old punt is his mother's shoe; then the millstone is the godsend { =spinner?} mother; sending the water's son back, T. department the objects he saw on the way; he barely survived with a millstone around his neck]: Salmelainen in Concca 1991:252-259; Latvians: Brivzemniaks 1887, No. 51 ( Courland) [the guy hired to hell as a worker; can't lift a hammer, suggests pulling out the trees with the root; if he pulls it out, the tree will crumble, let the hell; he pulled it out; the guy suggests a line carry the tree by the top of his head, but don't look back; he rides himself sitting on his butt; the hive: this is my father's snuffbox; the gun is his pipe; the hell smells, tries to smoke; the bees bite him, the guy shoots, the hell says that strong tobacco; the harrow is his father's scallop (the devil is trying to comb his hair); offers to throw a hammer, the guy pretends to throw it into the sky; says that the bear is his grandfather, offers to hit hit him in the ass; the bear broke the line]: 55-56.

Volga - Perm. Marie [the man soaked his bast, began to weave a rope by the lake; the imp asks what he is doing; man: I'll tie the lake and take it away; the imp runs every time to ask his grandfather what to do ; he advises calling a person to race (a person puts his younger brother, a hare); whoever throws a double-pound club taller (the person pretends to throw it on the cloud); the devils promise pour a full hat of gold; a man made a hole in the hat and holds it above the hole; when the hole is full, he tells the imp to help carry gold; along the way he says that the millstone is a spinning rod, a harrow is a comb, a plow his grandmother's chopper, the imp can pick them up; bringing them to the lake, the imp almost drowned; it's good that his grandfather saved him]: Beke 1938, No. 11:39-41; Udmurts: Kralina 1960, No. 14 [man met vukusho offers to compete; whoever spits more (a person looks at a spruce tree - climb it so as not to drown in his own spit); whoever throws an iron club higher (a person is going to throw it a club on a cloud; vukusho asks not to do this, the club is the horn from his mother's washbasin; vukusho leads a man to the lake, a house appears on it, his father comes out of it, gives a bag of gold; his man do not pick it up; he calls Vukusho to visit and he carries gold himself; near the house there is a harrow - my grandmother's crest; the millstone is my grandmother's spindle, a boat (a horse for the elderly); the man gave it all to Vukuzyo; he took a harrow put a millstone on his leg, got into the boat and drowned], 15 [a man met a palesmurt; cut down pines in advance, knocked down five with one blow; offers to squeeze oil out of the stone, squeezes a piece of butter himself; in the house of p. the man left a block of wood on his bed, the palesmurts threw a stone there, he slipped to the side, they thought that the sleeper threw away the stone; the man leads p to himself, he carries gold, the man offers pick up a pine tree (mother's spindle), a millstone (weight from his wife's spindle), a harrow (sister's scallop); when he reached home, he fell and died of fatigue]: 57-59, 59-60; Wichmann 1901, No. 1 [a small one came out of the lake the man asked what the Votyak was doing on the shore; he replied that he was weaving a rope to throw it into the water and pull everything out; the water promised gold; the man made a hole in the hat, the water man began to pour gold in a hat, there was not enough gold; the water bar suggests throwing an iron bar across the lake; the man pretends to throw it on the cloud, the water took the bar and threw it back into the water; took a horse out of the lake, dragged on his back around the lake; the man rode the same way on horseback; went home and told the waterman to carry the bag of gold himself; when he saw the millstone, the man says that it was his mother's spinning rod; the harrow was my mother's harrow comb; plow - mother's hoe; the water picked it up and carried it all; at the house a man told him to wait, he would tie his servants (i.e. dogs); negotiates with his mother; she replies loudly that there is no food, only his head a big line and little legs; when he heard this answer, the waterman ran away, tore off the door, and the dogs cut off his clothes]: 54-55; Chuvash [the old man knocked down the birch tree, an imp came out from under the stump; the old man speaks to him that a tree would carry on his shoulders, that he was not afraid of devils; the devils tell the imp to invite the old man to visit them; they put hot iron for him for the night; he pushed it away, said in the morning that fleas they bit; in the morning the old man pretends to stay for a long time; the devils give him gold; the old man dug a hole, puts a bag in it, makes a hole in his hat; the devils think they have poured a hat of gold, and the old man took a full bag; an imp carries the old man home with his gold; the old man sees a millstone: let's grab an old woman's ring; at home, the old woman knows what to say: the imp has welded the last rib; the imp ran away, devils They did not interfere with the old man anymore]: Sidorova 1979:152-155; Kazan Tatars: Bashirov, Yarmukhametov 1956 [=Yarmukhametov 1957:195-200; father tells his eldest son not to hire Musa; the guy comes refuses to hire M., but he gets ahead of himself, meets the guy again; the guy thinks that everyone in the village has the name M., is hired; if the employee expresses dissatisfaction, he will receive not a fee, but a hundred whipping; it happened to him; the same happened to his middle brother; the younger one slaughters M.'s cattle himself; he sends him for horses to a forest lake; the guy weaves a rope by the lake, answers the wonder that he wants to hang the lake to the sky; the diva dives, pulls out a horse, promises to give it back if the guy can carry the horse around the lake; shows how to do it, is very tired; the guy rides around the lake on horseback; the elder diva offers throw it to the sky and catch an iron club; the guy says he will throw it on the cloud, the divas ask not to do so; agree to take the guy home; he calls the fallen oak and millstone a spindle and a spindle to his mother; divas bring them to M., he is frightened; at night M. and his wife pour boiling water into the place where the guy sleeps, but he bounced, says in the morning that it was raining warmly; M. and his wife decided to run; the guy took them out a bag of pies, sat down himself; they go to bed by the river; the guy goes out, M. is angry, the guy hits him with a whip]: 115-123; Nasyrov, Polyakov 1900, No. 6 [the father inherits a millstone to the first son, a drum to the second, the third son goes to the forest, pulls his bast from the linden tree growing near the lake; the waterman asks what he is doing; the man replies that he is winding a rope to hang the lake from the sky ; the water tells his grandfather about this; he tells him to arrange a competition: whoever carries the lake around five times will get the lake; the water brush carries the brush, gets very tired; the person puts the brush on the ground, looks at the sky; says to the waterman that he wants to throw the brush behind the cloud; the water begs not to do this - they have the only brush; the water's grandfather gives a horse: whoever carries it around the lake, to him the lake will get it; the waterman carries it five times; a man jumps on a horse, goes around the lake five times; the waterman tells his grandfather that the man is stronger - he carried the horse between his legs; the grandfather tells him to arrange a competition in the form of a struggle; a man tells the waterman that he has no time and that his old grandfather, sleeping behind the bushes, will fight instead of him; tells the waterman to hit his grandfather's ear; a bear sleeps behind the bushes; waking up, enough water; the waterman complains to his grandfather; he tells him to offer money; the person agrees not to touch the lake, provided that his hat is filled with money; makes a hole in the hat, digs a hole in the hat, digs there is a hole under it; the water fills it with gold; the man tells the waterman to take the hat and the ground under it to his house; on the way they see a pole, a harrow and a plough; the man says that it is his staff, comb and toothpick grandfather; at home, a man tells his wife to treat a guest; the wife starts stabbing a water pitchfork; the waterman runs away to the lake]: 55-59 (=Nasyri 1977:125-128).