Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M20. Torn off beak, J2138. .39.41.-.43.

The character removes fish or bait from the hooks; he is caught, his beak or jaw is damaged. Usually (except for Koryaks) people keep a torn jaw in their home, and the character comes and picks it up.

Koryaks, Kuchin, Upper Tanana, Tagish, Taltan, Inner Tlingits, Eyak, Tlingits, Haida, Tsimshian, Kwakiutl, Quarry.

SV Asia. Koryaks [Kuikynnyaku's raven tries to remove meat from the fishing hook, is caught; after rushing, he breaks off the forest, the hook gets stuck in his jaw]: (Jochelson, p. 651) in Bogoras 1902:679.

Subarctic. Kuchin [The raven takes the fish off the hooks; the fisherman hooks it, tearing off its beak; the raven makes people out of moss, puts them on rafts; the villagers run to greet the guests who have come; to whom the Raven's beak was given to keep, gives it to him without recognizing it; in a hurry, the Raven puts his beak backwards; that's why it's so big and that's why the raven can only croak]: McKennan 1965:95; upper tanana [The raven offers fishermen hair instead of their tendon lines; turns into grayling, breaks the hooks; one person catches in a solid forest; the raven is caught, hardly swims away; coming to camp, tilts his head so no one notices a piece of hook in his mouth]: McKennan 1959:193-194; tagish [people catch halibut with pieces of fat; Raven dives, takes off the bait; one person hooks it off, tears it off, brings it like an amulet, decorates it with feathers and down; the raven makes his nose out of poplar wood, glues it with resin, comes with others to look at the curiosity; leans over fire to melt the resin; when the fake nose falls off, puts its own back; before flying away, he smoked over the fire, turns white black]: McClelland 2007, No. 73b: 360-361; internal the tlingits [the raven quietly takes the bait from the fishermen, eats it; two brothers caught him, threw him into the boat, his beak came off, the raven sank into the water; when he emerged, glued bark to his face with resin, came to people asked to show that they caught unusual things, put their beak back, flew away; people managed to smoke it]: McClelland 2007 (3), No. 168c: 740-741; taltan [The raven steals the bait; the fisherman quickly hooks , the Raven's beak breaks off; the raven makes a new one out of resin; comes in the guise of a stranger to look at an amazing object caught from the water; puts its beak back]: Teit 1919, No. 1.33:224-225.

NW Coast. Eyak [the fisherman replies to the Raven that he is fishing with seal fat; the raven dives, eats the bait, the fisherman cuts it, tears off its beak; the raven makes a resin beak, comes to the fisherman's house, asks if anyone brought anything unusual; asks him to show him his severed nose, puts him back, flies away]: Johnson 1988:2; Tlingits: Boas 1895, No. XXV/1 [Yetle (Raven) dives, takes off the bait, gets caught, his beak comes off; he turns into an old man, comes to the village; he is told that people have caught his nose; he goes to see, grabs his beak, runs away]: 314-315; Edmonds, Clark 1989 [The raven dives, biting off the bait; Huscana catches him, his jaw breaks off; he comes to the village, covering the bottom of his face with a cloak; asks him to look at his jaw, puts it back flies away like a crow]: 15; De Laguna 1972 [people fish with pieces of fat; The raven dives, taking off the bait; caught by the beak, the beak breaks off; people keep it in their house; the raven makes a new one out of resin, comes look at an amazing object, puts it back, slips through the chimney]: 871-872; Swanton 1909, No. 1, 31 [few details]: 8, 84-85; Hyda (Masset) [Raven dives, eating fishermen's bait; in the village is told that the bait is gone; next time the Raven is caught by the jaw, she comes off; people examine it; the raven appears in the guise of a woman, covering his face with a blanket; says what when Last time, people barely escaped; residents leave everything and leave; Raven eats supplies, puts its jaw in place]: Swanton 1908a: 338-340; Hyda (Skidgate) [people catch salmon caviar flounder; The raven turns into flounder, eats the bait; hooked, its beak comes off; in the village, players examine its beak; the raven comes, says it is made of salmon play; tears off its beak Owl, puts it on, and Owl gives another]: Swanton 1905 in Boas 1916:685; Tsimshian [people catch halibut; Chamsen (raven) dives, eats the bait off the hooks; caught by the jaw, it's torn off; in the village, players are going to look at it; C. comes, covering his face with a blanket, asks him to show his jaw, runs away with it]: Boas 1916, No. 19:74-75; quakiutl (tlatlasicoala neveti) [ Omeatl (Raven) dives, biting the bait; the chief takes a strong tench, O. cannot cut it off, his jaw comes off; he turns into an old woman, says he wants to see what the chief has caught object; grabs the jaw, puts it back, has difficulty squeezing through the chimney]: Boas 1895, No. XVIII/1:172.

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry [Estees turns into salmon, picks the bait off the hooks; people make a strong hook, pull E. out of the water, his jaw comes off; he makes a new one out of maple; comes to an old woman, kills her, stretches her skin; comes to the dancers, the imaginary old woman is allowed to look at her jaw; E. takes her away]: Jenness 1934, No. 39:207-208.