Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M204. Shiva and Parvati fly over the house .23.29.

A male deity and his wife, or a rich man and his wife, see a poor man. The wife persuades her husband to give him money and the husband finally agrees. Despite the unlikely combination of circumstances, the poor either gets the money or does not get it, as it is written in the family.

Himachali plowmen, (Bengalis), Kannada, Malayalis, Kurds.

South Asia. Himachali plowmen [Shiva and Parvati are flying above the ground; P. reproaches S. for their cruelty; he replies that the unhappy poor are to blame for their suffering, this is karma; but P. does not agree; then Sh. threw a gold brick in front of the poor; but the beggar just decided to practice walking with his eyes closed in case he went blind; S. was right, and P. could only keep silent]: Seethalakshmi 1960, No. 2:20- 21; (cf. Bengalis [prince and son of Kotvala (chief of guard) are friends; Kotvala's son suggests visiting their father-in-law and first going to his father-in-law; when he enters the house, he says that his servant is with him; orders him to be sent mow the grass for the horse; the prince does not know what to do; taking his sickle, he almost cut off his finger; Shiva and Durga were just flying by, Durga asked Shiva to stop, told the prince to say, "In the name of Shiva and Durga, close tightly", the finger is intact again; the prince enters the house; tells the pipe to stick to the mouth of the son of the cat; his wife sticks to her husband, then all members of the household; sends for the brahman; the brahman's wife asks her husband to take her too; asks him to take her across a small river; the prince told them to stick together; with his wife on his shoulders, the brahmana comes to the father-in-law of the son of the Kotval; the father-in-law understands that it is an imaginary servant, asks for mercy ; the prince says that the owner of the house's son-in-law is to blame; but he puts up the adhering ones; then surrounded by respect and attention]: McCullock 1912, No. 22:212-217); kannada [a hardworking poor man honors Shiva; Parvati asks her husband to give him money; Ganapati Temple (=Ganesha) is nearby; they ask G. to give the poor man 5,000 rupees; G. promises to do so tomorrow; at this time a wealthy merchant was in the temple to steal the necklace from the statue, and heard everything; comes to the poor man and offers to give him 3,000 rupees if he promises to give him all the money he will receive tomorrow; the poor man agreed; in the morning the merchant waited for G. ; without waiting, he went to the temple, knocked out the door, but his leg was stuck and there was no way to pull it out; Shiva and Parvati ask G. if he gave the poor man the money; G. says he gave 3000 and will give the remaining 2,000 tomorrow; the merchant asks G. to release him, promises 2000 rupees; G.: OK, but give the money to the poor man, otherwise his leg will get stuck again; thus, the poor man got his 5000]: Ramanujan 1997, No. 50:137-139; Malayali [sitting on the terrace of his house, a successful man and his wife often see a poor man; his wife asks for help; husband: maybe he is proud and will not want to take it or his fate is like this - he's nothing does not ask; but the wife persuades everything; the husband left money on the road in front of the poor man; when approaching this place, the poor man decided to practice whether he would be able to walk if he went blind; passed by money; husband: this a person is poor by God's will]: Menon 1995:47.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. The Kurds [the vizier and the vekil reproach the Sultan for not helping his poor brother; Sultan: tried, but he is cursed by God; puts a purse of gold on the bridge that the brother must walk along; brother: but how do blind people walk? I'll try to cross the bridge with my eyes closed; I didn't notice my wallet]: Jalil et al. 1989, No. 72:334.