Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M21. The fugitive hides at the defender. .10.-.15.19.-.23.25.-.29.31.-.37.39.-.43.45.-.

The character runs away from the pursuer. The person or animal that a person asks for help hides it.

, Russians (Tersky Bereg, Arkhangelskaya, Gorkovskaya, Bryansk),

South Africa. The Bushmen [women refused to marry Chief Kwantsikutshaa; one girl dreams that she married a baboon; scolded her crooked digger, Baboon ran up and said she laughed at him with a crooked tail; she ran to K., who hid her in his hair; Baboon came for his wife, K. beat him and drove him away; that girl refuses the young men, loves only K., they hated him, tried to poison him; K . became a snake, lives in water; taking off the skin of a snake, secretly comes to that girl's hut to eat the pieces of potion she left behind; the girl burns her skin, stays with K.; he revived the killed antelopes, took them out of their bodies Assegai, the rest of the people starved to death]: Kotlyar 1983, No. 73:124-127.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Isanzu: Kohl-Larsen, Allensbach 1937, No. 35 [the girl rejects Sval's antelope (and apparently other suitors), agrees to the limits]) loda a monster jumped out of her, eat everyone's mouth there is fat, threw a hot stone down his throat, his father died; the Elephant's laying; does not want to take his little sister with her, but she still goes; in the village of Elephants, he hears other Elephants asking if it is enough the prey is fed; the sister does not believe, the next night she hears herself; the sisters are running; the old woman, the Turtle refuse to swallow them, the Locusts swallow them; sitting on a tree, answers the Elephant that the sisters have disappeared into water; the elephant drinks water, threatens to swallow the Locust; she tells the tree to fly up, fly to the sisters' parents; there it belches them], 40 [Buffalo and Buffalo run away from the Lioness; the Turtle swallows them to hide; talks about it to herself; The lioness hears; The turtle rushes into the water; The lioness calls all the animals to drink the pond; the turtle was not found; she went out, regurgitated the hidden ones]: 47-48, 54-55; Klipple 1992 [ The cow and the Lioness live side by side; The calf accidentally kills the Lion; the Crown and the Lion cub run away, asking for protection from different animals, but everyone is afraid of the Lioness; The groundhog, after drinking cow's milk, promises protection; when The Lioness comes running, he shows the skins of various animals he has killed; when he sees the lion's skin, the Lioness leaves]: 71; gogo [the lioness tells the hare to watch her four lions; the hyena makes her give her the lion cub; when the lioness returns, the hare gives her one cub twice; when the last one is eaten, the hare runs, the lioness chases; giraffe, buffalo, rhino, elephant offer to scare off the lioness, but the hare does not believe that they can do this, stops at only three cuckoos; they give a voice, the lioness gets scared and leaves]: Arewa 1961, No. 855A: 58-59; bondei [lion chases ox; buffalo, elephant hesitate to help, rooster hides an ox, frightens the lion with his crowing, he leaves]: Arewa 1961, No. 1761:96; maragoli [Anakaguku is hunchback and ugly, and her sister is beautiful, rejects suitors and wants to marry a man without anus; the cannibal leader took the form of such a handsome man and the girl married him; she does not want A. to accompany her, but she went with the other girls; in the groom's house she wondered why they boil like this plenty of water; old woman: to cook you; showed her arms and legs: cannibals cut off her fingers; A. asked the cannibals to bring water in woven bags, told the girls to run; unable to collect water, cannibals set off in pursuit; A. asked the frog to swallow them; A. herself did not get into the frog's stomach, remained in her mouth, but the frog covered it with clay; the cannibals believed that the frog had only clay in its mouth, crossed the river, came to the village of the girls, found out that they had not come, ran back to the frog, but it had already hid in the reeds; the frog came to the girls' house, asked her to feed her, and then belched everyone; her gifted]: Kavaji 2005, No. 5:207-210; digo [The Lioness and the Cow live together; while the mothers are not at home, the Calf broke the Lion's arm while playing; the Cow came back, told the Calf to run; they hid in the house The hare; the Lioness came running, the Hare replied that he did not see anyone; since then, lions have been killing cattle out of revenge]: Arewa 1961, No. 125:20; Swahili [a lioness and a cow live together; a calf accidentally killed a lion cub, a cow and a calf are running; different types of antelopes do not dare to hide them from the lioness; the rooster says that the cow in his house is his, that he killed eight lions; carries the same dry skin seven times; on the eighth soaks once - the skin of the last lion is fresh; the lioness ran away and has been killing cows ever since]: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 100:233-236; Congo [Ngomba girl is covered with ulcers, the other three do not want to take her from catch fish with herself; she goes by herself, mpunia takes her away; heals ulcers, marries her; he has many prisoners; he ties a rope to his belt - if he stretches, he goes further, if he is weak, returns; N. tells everyone to weave a flying basket of matewa palm leaves; mpunia smells the unpleasant smell of these leaves, N. denies everything; after the first flight of the mpunia basket solders N. drunk, to pierce her with a hot rod in a dream, but her little sister turns into a cricket, sings, mpunia forgets everything, dances; when she leaves, N. and all the people fly to the village of Ngomba; mpunia comes behind his wife; he is planted over a disguised hole, he falls through, he is filled with boiling water]: Radin 1952, No. 72:266-268; shona (zezuru) [the chief's three daughters run away with their lovers, their younger brother with them; sees young men turning into lions, their servant turning into hyena; sisters don't believe; thin old mother of young men asks to wash her back; only the youngest girl washes; the old woman says her lion sons are pulling out she has pieces of meat; tells her to run, cooking pots of soup, porridge and rice, put flies into the soup, cockroaches into the porridge; lions chase, girls throw soup, porridge, rice, lions spend time licking flies, cockroaches, collect rice; by the river, the frog agrees to swallow the girls, turns their brother into a piece of wood; lions cannot grab it; in the chief's house, it belches the girls, turns a piece of wood into a boy; the chief gives her a bull; at home she kills him, flies gather, the frog eats flies; the hyena asks for it; the frog wraps a hot stone in meat, throws the hyena into its mouth, it dies]: Frobenius in Sicard 1952, No. 42:79-85 (translated to Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 136:322-331); ronga: Junod s.a., No. 8 [Macingue has 10 daughters; a bird calls them to the house of the Man with the Big Club (NBI); they don't want brothers with them the youngest, lousy, she goes; at the crossroads she advises to walk along a narrow path, they walk along a wide path; at night, the BBD asks the girls three times if they are sleeping, the youngest replies that mosquitoes do not give, he hides her; she tells you to run, put baskets instead; the BBD breaks them thinking that it is killing the girls; the Toad hides the girls, swallowing them, sends the bird to their father; the girls come back, everyone honors the youngest]: 84-87; Knappert 1977, No. 5 [the bird invites two sisters to Mr. Long-Knife; the eldest insists to go; the eldest eats the proposed porridge, falls asleep; the youngest does not eat, hides; the giant Long-Knife eats the eldest, the youngest runs away; the frog hides it in his mouth, the shepherd Piti in a pile of manure; offers the pursuer a beer, he falls asleep, P. rips his stomach open, pulls out his older sister alive]: 126-127.

West Africa. Hausa: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010 [husband brags that he is the strongest; wife says he is stronger than him; they walk, meet someone pulling trees, twisting stones into ropes; the husband says that it can also; they come to Midgin Maza ("husband of men"); he does not marry women, but eats, his wives are men, he carries a dozen buffaloes and elephants; a man rushes to run; making ropes, pulling out the trees cannot cover him; the Dove hides him; when MM demands that the Pigeon return his "wife", he tries to wake up his father by cutting off his ear; this does not help; The pigeon cuts off another, the sleeping man quacked in his sleep, MM fell dead]: 78-81; Abrahams 1983, No. 15 [a man can turn trees, tells his wife he is a husband of husbands; his wife warns him not to brag, he may have to run away from someone who stronger; she goes to get water, cannot collect water with a heavy bucket at the well; towards a woman with her young son, who easily lifts a bucket, collects water; a woman says that she is her husband's wife from her husband; The imaginary husband of her husband tells his wife to take him to the house where that woman lives; hides, sees the giant return, eats several elephants; runs away at night, the giant chases; three groups of people are ready first cover a person, but when they feel a hurricane wind, they tell him to run away; another giant eats elephants, keeps a person; two giants fight, go up into the sky; thunder is the sound of their struggle]: 86-89; Olderogge 1959 [a woman from the forest comes to a well, her little child easily takes a scoop that an adult man cannot lift; the child's father is a giant Namiji-Mijin-Maza; a man comes to his house; NMM's wife hides him, tells him to run; he runs, asks people to hide him three times; every time before the NMM approaches, a hurricane begins, people are afraid, the person runs on; the giant Dungun-Daji does not betray man fighting NMM; they are still fighting in the sky, they are thunder]: 206-211; mukulu [father gave Lolo as Death's wife; when he breathes in at night, he swallows L., and when he exhales, spits out; L. ran away; people in the field promise to protect L., but she runs far away; Death has come, killed everyone; the same with another group of people; the third is the Arabs; they heated the iron, threw Death into the open fall, he died {it is said that they threw blacksmith's fur, but the meaning must be the iron that was heated}; L.'s father came for her and returned it to his home; the dog and the rooster tell me not to eat peanut soup; L. gave to them, they died immediately; L. made soup herself, gave it to her father, who died {not entirely clear}]: Jungraithmayr 1981, No. 28:148-150; ikom [Okuni sorcerer demands that everyone sacrifice animals for his fetishes (ju-ju); everyone who comes must keep their legs closed, otherwise he will get elephant disease; the hare sat with his legs spread, and when he got up, it turned out that his organ became huge and heavy, to the ground; he asked the sorcerer to cure him, but he refused because the Hare did not sacrifice; the Hare asked Elephant Disease (SB) to get off him until he was relieved of his need, but he refused; then asked him to get off so that he was able to climb the tree and shed the fruits; Sat tears; the hare began to shed fruit further and further from the tree; when the SB rolled very far behind the fallen, the Hare went down, rushed to run; at home he told his wife to hide at the neighbor, he ran on himself; one, then the other group of people hide him, but they are afraid of the SB and indicate where the Hare is hidden; then he climbs into Krabiha's hole; she is not afraid of the SB; when the SB rushes at her, she is his kills with claws; while she goes to wash the meat, the Hare kills and throws her children into the cauldron; SB meat is also cooked; Krabiha finds her children's shells; The hare grabs the cauldron of meat, runs away; while eating meat, sitting on an anthill, ants have eaten half of his tail; when he returns to his wife, he tells her not to light a fire - supposedly he was undergoing military rituals, the woman should not look; but she sees his gnawed tail, leaves look for another husband; The hare runs ahead, each time pretends to be a different hare and says that all the Hares have undergone the ritual of shortening the tail; the Hare's wife returns to him; the Hare convinces the rest of the Zaitsev, who were grabbed by the long tail by a predator, decide to shorten their tails and themselves to miss them; since then, the hare's tail is short, and men, when going to war, do not trust their wives secrets, do not sleep with them or eat their food]: Dayrell 1913, No. 26:71-77; curls [the Wainyare hunter's wife asks for game she hasn't eaten yet; he saw an extraordinary antelope but only hurt her painfully; she chased him; he asks the young men who cover the roof with straw to hide it; but the antelope threatens them and they gave them away to V.; he ran again, asked for help from the wasp- to the mason; she hid it from her cell; refused to give it away; when the antelope swallowed it, the wasp easily came out; then the wasp swallowed the antelope; tells V. to prepare the rope; he tightened the wasp on his stomach knot, since then the wasp has a narrow waist]: Cardinall 1931:172-174; Dagomba [daughter brought water in a jug; her mother swept the yard; daughter: help remove the jug, old witch; mother turned the broom black a horse; the daughter threw off the calebass, she turned into a white horse; the mother rode after her daughter, sings a threatening song; the elephant was afraid of the witch, refused to hide the girl; the lion told me not to be afraid; the witch swallowed it, but he got out of it easily; then he swallowed the witch and called his sons to put a noose over her; she remained inside the hornet, whose thoracic and abdominal parts are connected by a thin a jumper; the witch was swallowed head forward and her sharp tongue became a sting on the back end of the hornet's body]: Cardinall 1931:174-177; self: Paulme 1976 [man planted pumpkins; people went to try, are they ripe; once the pumpkins sang "buruberere" ("you tap the line" and rolled after the man; he asks the workers in the field to protect him, but when they see the pumpkins approaching, they told him to run on; the same is another peasant; the blacksmith told the man to stay and cut pumpkins; they contained cowries that people had never seen before]: 296-297; Platiel 1984 [the hunter's mother says she has already eaten the liver of all animals, now he wants the liver of the forest spirit; the son approaches the woman's spirit, who gives the child a decoction; promises to watch him while she collects new herbs; cuts out the liver, runs; one, two farmers, blind they promise to stop the chase, they are frightened; The wasp tells not to be afraid, but to help make a thread; swallows the pursuer, she comes out of her ass, swallows herself, the Wasp also comes out; the wasp swallows again, tells the hunter to tighten the thread with a loop on her body; since then, the wasp's waist has been narrow; the person brings the mother's liver]: 261-267; kpelle: Westermann 1924, No. 20 [Spider received a dog as a gift on a visit, and boy chicken; The spider is unhappy, they changed; the boy swam across the river on the dog, and the rooster began to sink; The spider ate his wings, then ate the rooster, the boy sent the dog to transport it; The Spider climbed into the hollow for honey, the boy hit the stone, the Spider twitched in fear, his head was stuck, he pulled it out, ripping it off all his skin; both covered his head with white flowers; the Spider asked him to shave; complained that the boy shaved off the skin on his head, people gave the Spider a bull; Spider: Who can help slaughter him? hell: me; each of them wanted a head; The spider put it in the basket and ran away; asks people on the field to hide it; hell comes, threatens with terrible punishment, the Spider is given away, he runs again, the blacksmith agrees hide it in the barn; the devil threatens again, he is told where the Spider is; the devil climbs into the barn, they put hot iron in his ass; the devil ran away and became a forest neck], 22 [about like the second half of the narrative in (20 )]: 145-146, 149; Vute: Sieber 1921, No. 39 [When leaving for the field, the mother asked her daughter a job, including bringing water; the girl brought water, but a toad was in the jug; the girl threw her away, she again jumped into the water; the girl tore the toad in half; many toads chased her; the leopard, the buffalo, the elephant offer protection, but flee after the toads have pulled out the leopard's teeth, the buffalo's horns, the elephant had fangs; the turako bird ate all the toads], 40 [about (39)], 46 [Manje invited three friends to go fishing; they said it would be better to catch earthworms this time; while M. was looking worms, friends were fishing; laughed at her, left; they asked why M. was in such a hurry, why was she lagging behind; M. came back, threw her fishing rod, Mekir (a mythical animal) was hooked; gave her fish in exchange for a promise to marry him; M. promised to come tomorrow with her mother, Mekir gave her fish; friends at home said that M. was still fishing; when her mother came to the river, she refused to give Mekir her daughter; mother and daughter ran, Mekir after them; Antelope promised to protect them, but when she saw Mekir, she was frightened; they ran to Tukur (the dwarf deer); he ran Mekir, his mother gave him M.; T. said he little - that's why he won]: 208-210, 210-212, 222-225; dan [only the leader's 21st wife gave birth to him a son; he is disobedient and willful; demands that the child of rukh be delivered to him for play; the leader after the warriors, they caught a little spirit, either a man or a crocodile, from his mouth; they put fire in a cage; the spirit was growing; first he was fed chicken a day, then five chickens, then rams, oxen, horses, people; he was the last to eat the leader; the chief's son ran; the mouse agrees to hide him, but when he sees a huge monster (coming with rain and thunder, fire from his mouth), hid in a hole; the same rat; hare ; buffalo; elephant; panther; all others; lizard tells you to calm down; stabs: the fire in the monster's mouth goes out, its roar no longer looks like thunder; the lizard put a long sword in the way of the monster, he ran into him and the sword cut it; swallowed people and animals came out of the belly alive; that's why children should be well raised]: Tiémoko 2019:6-11.

Sudan - East Africa. Sarah (mbai) [when hungry, Su finds a tree with figs; threw a stick, but the fruit did not fall down; the stump teaches: make two sticks from different tree species; pretend to throw one and yourself throw another one; after that, the figs were raining; but then the spirit of a tree appeared with big eyes and tail and clawed legs; said that Su killed his children and wanted to kill him too; Su runs, asks Hide the elephant; he hid it in his trunk, but when he saw the spirit, he asked Su to go away; Su runs on, asking the scarab for help; he says to the spirit that he did not see Su; the spirit insists that Su is in the scarab in the basket; scarab: look at everyone but the one on my back; if I open it, I will die; tells the spirit to open his eyes wide and look through his fingers; lets a stream of poison into his eyes; scarab and Su killed the spirit, steel fry meat; scarab venom was used instead of salt]: Fortier 1967, No. 12:221-225; moru: Evans Pritchard, Mynors 1941, No. 32 [Kiden does not love her husband; went to get water, saw a snake with beautiful beads; the snake promises to give beads if K. invites her into the house; looking into the hut, K. was frightened: the snake has such huge rings; rushed to run; a dwarf deer, two types of antelopes, an elephant, a buffalo first ready to hide K. from the snake, but they are frightened when they see it; the bat dug a hole, there is fire at the bottom, covered it with its skin, the snake has failed, the bat killed her with an ax], 34 [after taking water, Kide met a man and asked for help to carry water; when she entered the hut to start cooking, a snake fell off the roof; K. ran; the Elephant could not help her; the Bat hid K. in his house and killed the Snake with an ax; married K.; they have a daughter Ariawa; she fell into the river; Hyena pulled her out of the water, raised her, and then invited other hyenas to a feast to eat her; the girl was placed on a platform, she turned to Eagle and Vulture, they picked it up and brought it to her mother, K.]: 81, 82; Zande [the young man shot a guinea fowl; she fluttered and fell on the old woman's site; she hid it under the leaves; young man: if you don't return it, it would be bad; the old woman took out a guinea fowl, called the young man; he ate manioc leaves, and she ate porridge with guinea fowl meat; told her to pick a small fruit and throw it on the ground at a fork in the road; she was in the fruit girl; called herself the daughter of an old woman and the wife of a young man; when she found out, Thur (a spider trickster) did the same thing, but ate meat and porridge himself, and the old woman ate manioc leaves; she ordered to pick a large fruit; from it An old woman jumped out with a knife, chased Thur; Thur ran to the man who was making the drum, asked him to hide him; he told me to go into the hut inside the lion; an old woman came running and sent her to the hut. lions tore her to pieces; Thur came out]: Evans-Pritchard 1966:273-276; kalenjin (marakvet): Chesaina 1997:66-68 [Zebra and Elephant are friends, each with a child; in the drought they dug two holes nearby, from who were drinking water; once Elephant saw Zebra and Zebra drink water from her pit and killed Zebra; Zebrenok ran home, killed Elephant, ran to their relatives; asks for baboons, then antelopes hide him, calling them mothers; they are afraid of the Elephant, refuse to help; the monkeys agree, raise Zebrenka to the tree; offer Elephant to pick her up; pick her up and throw it three times, pretending to have they have little strength; the third time Elephant broke all her bones and died; the monkeys escorted Zebrenka to his relatives], 80-81 [returning from the dance, the guys left first; told the girls that at the fork in the dance they would lay leaves on the path to take; the cannibal peeked, put the leaves on the path that led to her; the girls came to the cannibal, she took the form of an ordinary woman, fed her; it was 5 adult girls and a girl named Tamining; her mother did not want to let her in, then gave food with her; T. told the girls not to eat what the cannibal offered, gave her food; when the cannibal got ready at night eat the girls, T. jumped up; the cannibal took on the human image again, asked why the girl was awake; T.: Before going to bed, my mother tied a leather rope to my hand; next time: until they brought me the waters from the savannah; the cannibal ran into the savannah, and T. woke the girls up and told them to run; T. fell behind, asked her throat to bow the tree to get there; the cannibal ran by and then returned to her place; when T. returned home, at Gorlinka's request, father and brother T. sacrificed a goat, alcohol and honey by the tree]; zagawa [Jackal beats his wife, the old woman advises her to tell her husband that he is not like that strong as Ob-Zénaba; The Jackal goes looking for him, his daughter Zénaba meets at the well; she turns the Jackal into a pin, hides it in her hair; Oz says she smells a person; flies on; the Jackal runs back; Z. tells her father that she lied, saying that she was not with her; OZ is flying after the Jackal; the man spins cotton, agrees to hide the Jackal in a thread, replies that he did not see anyone; OZ smells the jackal , they fight killing each other; OZ is driven into the ground, only the finger is out; all the animals ate this giant finger and could not finish eating; the Jackal no longer hit his wife]: Tubiana, Tubiana 2004 (1), No. 18:110-115; saho [the partridge runs away from the lion; the shepherd, the farmer answer that they themselves are afraid of the lion, unable to help; the ant hides the partridge, tells the lion to leave; he swallowed it, the ant ate his heart, lion died]: Reinisch 1889, No. 12:196-197; Somalis (recorded in Arabic) [wife died, son and daughter ask father to marry; new wife takes an oath from him and turns out he has sworn to take an oath the victim of the son and the daughter; the son heard everything, told the sister to comb her hair, grabbed her comb, she seemed to run after the crest, they galloped away; the sister forgot the comb at the place of the night, the brother returned, the demon's comb, he gave it; brother and sister came to the demon's fortress; the young man agreed with the demon that he would remain in the room under lock and key; told his sister not to open the room; she opened it, asked the demon to lie down with her; he reluctantly agreed; the sister asks the demon how to kill her brother; he: he will be killed by a snake under a certain tree; the sister pretends to be sick, asks him to bring a branch of this tree; there the brother begins fall into the ground, but manages to hack the snake; brings a branch; the demon advises to ask for water from the source of life; the brother goes in search; asks the old woman for water, she gives only a little bit; the demon has closed the water gives on Fridays for cattle and for the princess; the young man falls asleep on the girl's lap, wakes up from a fallen tear; cuts off the demon's head, refuses to hit again; the young man sees a man with huge ears, in which he wrapped up; he sends to his brother, his ears are even bigger; the young man took water while the guards were sleeping; he hid in the ears of a big-eared man; he did not give him to his pursuers; the king will give his daughter to him who jumps to the high mark; only the young man jumped, got a wife; half a month later he went to his sister, the wife warns that this is dangerous; he left 16 vessels of live water to his wife, took one with him ; fell asleep with his sister, she told the demon to kill him, threw the chest of the body into the sea; the chest sailed to the young man's wife, she found the body, revived him; the young man came to his sister, told the demon to kill her, killed the demon himself, burned the bodies, returned to his wife]: Reinish 1900, No. 2:277-287; anuak [the woman went to fetch water, saw a snake, ran away; various animals do not dare to protect her from the chasing snake, the bat calls to her, kills a snake]: Arewa 1961, No. 2447:120; Sudanese Arabs [the strongman asks the mother if there are people as strong as him; on the advice of a neighbor, she replies that Eva is everyone's mother; the son goes to look for equals Eve's descendants; three people eat a camel at the well; they give him, he can eat only a little meat; they talk about a man who forcibly took their sister away from them; a girl takes out lice from him; the strongman hits him on the head with a stick; the lying man replies that he has three days, and on the fourth he will catch up with him; when the chase is near, the young man asks the shepherd to hide it; he hides it in a bag of millet that he has around his neck; the stalker does not believe that he did not see anyone; the shepherd takes a bull, hits him with a bull, killing both; the young man asks the axe to cut off the victim's head; unable to do so; the shepherd takes an ax with two with his fingers, cuts off; the young man can hardly carry his severed head; says to the three who killed their sister's kidnapper; sultan: since you are so strong, kill a monstrous bull, three cannibals and a clawed female animal; the bull chased him, he climbed the tree, the bull's horns were stuck in the trunk, he cut off the bull's head; he threw pebbles from the tree at the cannibals lying under the tree; they began to fight, killed each other; the young man began to blow , ordered the beast to stretch its paws, cut off his fingers, they had its strength; the Sultan appointed him a vizier]: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 33:159-162.

North Africa. Algerian Arabs: Bellarmi 1990 (eastern Algeria) [leaving seven daughters at home, the father went to the Hajj; the daughters must be guarded by the dog Zniber; the cannibal asks to be unlocked, calls herself the girls' aunt Z. replies that she will not let her in; then six sisters fulfill all her requests, the youngest does not believe her, but is powerless to influence her sisters; the dog was tied up; killed; burned; only a fang remained, he continues to answer the cannibal and she is afraid of him; but when the fang is thrown into the river, the cannibal is unlocked; the youngest asks how the "aunt" sleeps (she lets the air out of her ass so that the house shakes); tries to convince the sisters to run, they are not they listen, she runs away alone; asks the moon what is going on; she answers every time what the cannibal's sister eats now; when the cannibal begins to pursue, the girl calls the river honey and sugar, she parted; the cannibal calls the river dung and frog, almost drowned; the girl asks the snake to cover her; hides in his cave; the snake sprinkles poison in the face of the cannibal, killing her]: 73-79; Despart 1910 ( Blida) []: 229-234; Scelles-Millie 1963 (Souf) [Going to Mecca, the king tells seven daughters not to unlock the door; one day the youngest's matches got wet; she went out and saw a light in the distance; there was a cannibal; she gave fire, biting off his little finger for it; blood dripped from him on the way home, but the nightingale sprinkled all the drops with sand; the girl got entangled between her legs, she scolded him; the nightingale was offended and removed dust from the drops; on this trail the cannibal came to the girls' house; said that she was their aunt, asked them to unlock them; the youngest advised them not to do so, but the elders told her to open it; the youngest opened it, but hid behind the door and ran away, and hers The cannibal ate the sisters; on the run, the girl asks the sun whether the cannibal is far away; the green snake took the girl to his underground palace; blowing on the cannibal that ran up, turned her into stone; gave the girl the keys to all but one of the rooms; she unlocked this room, there is a ram; says that the serpent feeds the girl to eat; she confessed to the snake; he ordered the ram to answer: I will marry the son of the Sultan, and from yours I will make a rug of wool; when she heard this, the ram died of fear; the serpent passed her off as the son of the Sultan; he has many other wives; one put her new hand in boiling oil, but the snake gave his adopted daughter unusual abilities and oil did not damage; then the other wives put their hands in the oil, were left without an arm; the serpent turned into an old man, ordered him to cut off his head, put him under the bed, there would be a fragrance; other wives they also killed their fathers, put their heads under the bed, the stench spread; the wives pushed the youngest into the well, but she only got into the palace of her snake father; he killed other wives, his adopted daughter became the Sultan's only wife]: 299-304; Kabila [the father leaves, leaving seven daughters with supplies for a year and telling no one to unlock; Ceriel took the form of an old woman, knocking under the guise of their father's mother; the dog barks, C. runs away (C. is afraid of dogs); in the end, the 6 older sisters believed, unlocked the door, despite the warning of Lila, the youngest; the dog woke up and began to bark and say to C.: You don't have Leela will be able to eat; C. asks to kill the dog, the sisters do so, but the blood barks and C. leaves again; the next day the leash barks; then the peg to which the leash was tied; the peg was pulled out, C. came in, L. hid behind the seventh door and ran away; C. asks her first sister where to start eating her; "From a head that did not listen to Lila's warning"; L. runs and turns to the stars - where are my sisters? the stars say that now C. ate the first one; then the second; etc.; tell me to hide - C. is close; L. enters the cave; there is a serpent, he promises to protect it; L. agrees to be his daughter; L. goes out in the morning. comb her hair, she has it all the way to her toes; the shepherd sees this, tells the king; the prince spies, asks the father to marry him to his daughter a snake; the serpent asks for 50 wineskins of honey and 50 butter, as well as 100 sheep and lambs ; the king agrees; when sending L. to her husband, the serpent does not tell him to come to him anymore; but L. forgot something and returned; sees the snake drinking butter and honey; the snake says it will cost her dearly; L. gave birth gold-haired boy; went to the marab; at this time the serpent carried the baby and left the severed finger in the cradle; everyone believes that L. ate her child; so three times; the snake raised the boys, led them to the king; they ask what kind of woman she is in dirty rags; king: she ate her children; the serpent exposed the boys' heads, revealing their golden hair; everyone is missing one finger; everyone is happy]: Desparmet 1910: 229-234.

Southern Europe. Italians (Abruzzo) [the holy family flees to Egypt; on Friday, Mary asks a braided woman to hide her child in her hair; she refuses, M. curses those who braid braids Friday; the next day, another woman agrees to hide it but says her hair is very short; M. makes her hair long to the toes; the woman replies to the Pharisees that she saw the fugitives when her the hair was as long as a finger; the Pharisees are leaving; next Friday, M. asks the old woman cutting her nails to hide the baby under her fingernails; she refuses; M. curses those who cut their nails on Fridays]: Kabakova 2006, No. 31:65-67.

Melanesia. Wangun [mother and daughter work in the garden; daughter finds a snake egg; mother does not tell me to take it, daughter leaves; a snake hatched from it, grows; daughter believes that she listens to her; she goes swimming, telling the snake not to follow her; she crawls; the girl leaves the Snake on her clothes, says she will go to relieve herself, runs away; asks the coconut crab for help; he asks for food; agrees hide the girl in a hole when she gives a coconut; The snake comes, demands a girl, the Crab cuts off the Snake's head; the girl buries the corpse; finds her clothes, returns to her mother]: Solomon 1995:61-66; Kanaka: Leenhardt 1932:3-34 [the chief from Koné (K.) set up traps, went to check in the morning, pulling out the captured birds and rats; the last one was the Lizard from Boéxawé (B.); threatened kill if K. did not release him, then jumped to the back of his head; rejected K.'s valuables, wife and children, refused to get off; his wife first thought that her husband had two heads; B. eats and relieves himself without getting off B.; falls asleep at night, gets off; K. says goodbye to his wife, runs; B. pursues; the leader in Voh first hides K. under a pile of yams, then tells him to leave in fear of B.; the same elsewhere (7 episodes in detail, A dozen more are mentioned); Chief Poéréxo tells B., he obeys (a long explanation of why); K. returns home; sends a servant to present values to Chief P.], 60-65 [Chief Touho puts on the tree is a bird trap; Chief Tendo falls into it; jumps around his neck, refuses to get off; falls asleep at night, gets off; Chief Touho hides on top of a palm tree, Chief Tendo finds him, jumps on his neck again ; the next night, Chief Touho runs away again; comes to different people consistently; each cheers up at first, but when he sees Chief Tendo is afraid, he tells him to leave; on the southern tip of the island, two children tell the chief Touho dive with them, hide in an underwater house; Chief Tendo gathers all the birds, tells them to drink the sea, they drink; when they enter the house, two children throw axes on him, cut off his head], 187-205 [Chief Lerexou (L.) gets married, his wife is pregnant; at the party, another woman takes him to the night; the wife hangs; the spirit of a pregnant woman who has committed suicide is terrible (either in the form of a little boy or woman); L . jumps into the pond, his skin is covered with ulcers, he lies on the shore; the stalker does not recognize him, asks where L. has run; he sends her away, runs to his Crab Grandmother; she hides him; kills stalker with a knife (sink knife for cutting vegetables; the same word for a European knife)].

Micronesia-Polynesia. Ponape [Tai lived under a rock; he was gray, bags under his eyes, affected by elephant disease; swam to the leader's daughter, left gray hair, bags under his eyes, elephant disease on the way, was handsome; daughter the chief agreed to marry him; when they were sailing in the boat, he took back everything he had left behind, became an ugly old man; told the stones to fly in on the rock, the girl was locked in a stone house; at night he called other demons to eat the girl; sister T. Litepin Malekelek heard her cry; told her to become an ant and get outside; told her to run, politely addressing all the trees; but on the way, the girl wrote to one of the plants and it got angry; T. chased, asking the trees; everyone kept silent, because the plant said that the girl ran and rushed into the sea; the girl asked the sea to detain T., asked the reef to rise from the sea; climbed the reef, I met two women, asked me to hide her; when T. ran up, they threw ash in his eyes and then advised him to wash them, but muddied; T. went blind and died; the girl ran home]: Fischer 1954: 263-269; Marshall Islands (Aeloninae) [boy swims to the island for breadfruit; an ogre lives there; clings to a boy's boat, promises to swallow; Le Etao hides a boy under a pile coconut peel; calls the ogre to tell stories, puts him to sleep, burns in the house]: Tobin 2002, No. 51:222-227; Gilbert Islands [{the text seems to be authentic, but most of the other texts in the collection of European descent}; all three sisters were named after their mother - Ikuiku; parents live in the south of the island, they do not tell them to go north; they go, come to the house of old Atutababa; she tries them put insects to sleep, removing insects from their heads, then decapitating and eating them; the eldest is the first to understand the danger; A. does not let the girls out, otherwise she will kill them immediately; they ask to let them go to the beach to relieve themselves; A. goes with them, he also relieves himself, asks them to bring leaves to wipe themselves off; at this time, the sisters run away, climb a tree above the water; A. sees a reflection, dives, then hears laughter, notices the sisters; sings to make a trunk was cut and the tree fell; the youngest I. pees and sings her song, the tree recovers and grows taller; next time the tree restores the middle I., then the eldest; A. tells the heron to shake off sisters from the tree with their tail; the heron is forced to obey, the eldest falls, rushes to run, runs to the men; they tell A. first to listen to their song, lift it high into the air with a song, throw it on rocks, it breaks; the heron brings two younger sisters; everyone is happy]: Koru, Gullivan 1986:81-93; Tuvalu (Niutao Atoll) [Tuapa was born half-human, half-morite, his parents threw him into lagoon; then his wife gave birth to beautiful Sina; she was forbidden to go to the lagoon; one day her palm leaf ring fell into the lagoon; her moray brother said she would only be able to pick up the ring if she stayed with him in the lagoon; then let S. bring him food and eat herself; S. told his parents everything; they turned S. into a pole of the house, but the moray eel brother came, recognized her, took her to the lagoon; so twice; the third time her parents made a fire, S. rose to the sky with smoke; a black cloud told her not to sit on it, sent her to red, red to white; Mauimatua lived there, he promised to protect S.; when the moray eel brother came, he was offered to eat, S. put a hot stone in the broth, said that the guest should swallow food greedily; the moray eel brother died, M. buried his head, a coconut palm grew out of it; the coconuts fell to the ground, from they are current]: Koch 1966:108-109; Bellona, Rennell: Elbert, Monberg 1965, No. 41A (Bellona) [Kotu'akotu'a and her granddaughter find the ngosengose creature in the sea, put them in a scoop of coconut shells; N. grows up, he is transferred to larger vessels, it becomes huge; K. and his granddaughter run to Mutikitiki, who hides them in calebass, they tremble in fear, blow the winds; M. says that his Calebasa usually behaves this way; bakes tarot leaves, wraps bitter stones in them, lets them swallow n; when he dies, he says that black and red coconuts will grow on his grave; coconuts are empty, M. urinates on they tell them to have five flowers in the bunch; the new coconuts are full], 41B (Rennel) [Kotu'akotu'a and her granddaughter find fish on the reef; they bring it, it grows, it is transferred to increasingly spacious vessels; this is ngosengose; K. and his granddaughter run to Mautikitika, who hides them in a drawer, they make a sound, M. says N. that his box always does this; bakes tarot shoots, wraps hot stones in them, lets them swallow n.; when he dies, he promises that green and brown coconuts will grow on his grave; first the coconuts are empty, then they are stuffed]: 125-126, 126-130; Monberg 1966 (Bellona) [old Kotu'akotu'a and her granddaughter catches a creature that looks like a sausage (some kind of clam?) , bring home, grow; the creature grows, tries to swallow K. and granddaughter; they run to Mutikitiki, who hides them under a wooden vessel; kills the creature by throwing hot in its mouth instead of eating stones; the creature asks to bury it, watch the grave; coconut grows, but the nuts are empty; M. urinates on them, his urine turns into coconut milk, mucus from the penis into coconut pulp]: 87-88.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [the rabbit and bear live side by side, each with a son; the rabbit was better at digging up rhizomes; the bear was jealous and killed her; the rabbit's son saw the bear and her son its mother cooked and ate it; when the bear was away, she plunged a red-hot arrow into the bear's ear, took a bag of roots and ran away; the tiger hid it in his ear; the bear began to ask about the rabbit, but the tiger threatened to kill her herself; she left; the tiger hears the ring chewing something; he says he is eating his own eyes; he gave the tiger a spine, he liked it; he agreed to have the rabbit blind him , but then let him take care of him; invited the tiger to go to bed on the edge of the cliff; made a fire; the tiger moved away and fell into the abyss; the hare to the shepherd: a dead tiger below; a she-wolf: the shepherd left the herd unattended; crow: fly to peck out the eyes of the cubs, the she-wolf went to slaughter the sheep; after doing so much evil, the rabbit fled to another country]: Shelton 1925, No. 35:141-143; Tibetans (Sikkim) [The Hare and the Bear live side by side, both have a son; they dig wild potatoes together; The hare digs up large ones, the Bear demands them for herself; the third tuber of the Hare does not give them away, the Bear kills her, brings her tubers home; The Bunny asks the digging tubers where his mother is; the last one in the field says that the Bear killed her; the Bunny asks the Bear to hold the upper millstone while he licks the lower millstone (as if it were delicious); The bear also wants to lick the millstones, the Bunny releases the upper millstone from its paws, cooks soup from the crushed Bear; the returning Bear eats it, calls her son, the Bunny throws his head at her, runs away, asks the digger to hide the tubers, he hides it in a bag; then asks the Tiger, who hides it in his ear, is going to eat it later; kills the Stalker Bear; the hare says that he eats his eyes, gives The tiger likes the tuber; suggests that the Tiger eat his own; the hare runs away, the blind Tiger falls into the abyss]: Krapivina 2001:135-143; Tibetans (Amdo) [rabbit and yeti woman live together, they dig wild tubers, both have a son; the yeti takes the largest tubers from the rabbit; the latter does not want to give, the yeti kills her; rabbits report this to the rabbit; he offers his son a yeti lift the millstone, licks the flour under it; the son of the yeti also wants flour, the rabbit crushed him to death with a millstone; runs away; the shepherd hides him among the sheep, but at the sight of the fire-breathing yeti, tells him to run on; also herd; the wild yak hides it in his nostril, pierces the yeti to death with horns; the rabbit does not want to go out, the yak blows it out; the rabbit promises to praise the yak; calls his nostril golden; hiding in a hole, screams that he has crap there; yak tries to butt his hole, dislocated his back and dies; the rabbit stays with a married couple; they ask how he can herd their cattle, take care of the child; he first gives absurd answers, then says how he will caress the baby; cooked him, hangs his intestines, puts a pigeon in bed; returning parents have eaten their child; the rabbit comes every day and screams about it ; they smeared the stone with glue, the rabbit stuck; asks if they want to kill him kindly (crush his head with a stone) or maliciously: make a fire around, dust his ears, hit him on both sides with sticks; they want maliciously; the dust got into the couple's eyes, they killed each other with sticks, the glue melted from the fire, the rabbit ran away; but the tail came off, so the rabbits have it short]: Kajihama 2004, No. 21 : 82-88; Mustang [seven yaks are missing, parents sent their eldest daughter to look for them, she came to the old woman, spent the night; the old woman gave her brains to eat, the dog asks for her, the girl replies that she is hungry herself; at night, an old woman killed her; the same with her middle sister; the youngest gives food to the dog, she teaches her to put a pot of brains on her bed, run, answers the old woman instead of the girl; when the old woman finally comes in, she broke the pot, killed the dog, ran in pursuit; the girl asked the yoga to hide her, he chained her off the cliff; when the old woman came running, began to let her down on a rope and let her go, the old woman crashed, the girl buried her body; the yogi gave the girl a sieve of corals, she came home]: Kretschmar 1985, No. 38:216-217; Tibetans (Sichuan) [every day a bear goes to buy firewood and decides to find someone monitor his children; when he finds out that the bear is carrying bread in the bag and is ready to share, a crow, a kite, whose hare the bear meets one by one, offers its services; each bear asks how he will nurture his children; the bear does not like the voices of the crow and the kite, but likes the voice of the hare; the hare cut off the children's heads, put them in a row on the bed, covered them with a blanket, smeared their faces with milk, the rest cooked, offered to the bear; he ate and saw his child's finger; pulled off the blanket; the hare ran, the bear chased; the shepherd hid the hare in a bag, the bear threatens to eat it, shepherd released a hare; the same man who dug the zhumu is edible crow's foot roots (Potentilla anserina); then the hare asks the tiger to hide it, the tiger hides it in his ear; began to fight the bear and killed him; while the hare was sitting in his ear, he ate zhuma, which he took a little from the man who dug it; replies to the tiger that he ate his eyes; the tiger asks for a try, the hare gives zhum; the tiger allows him to pick one eye out; the hare hid it, and instead gave him zuma again; the tiger allows him to pick up the second eye; the hare promises to drive the blind man through flat and soft places; after that, the hare lets the tiger eat his eyes, that dissatisfied - watery; the hare brought the tiger to the edge of the abyss, made a fire, told him to move, the tiger fell, but managed to grab his teeth at the tree; hare: don't say: mm," but say: ah! the tiger said, with his mouth open, fell and crashed; the hare told the merchant that he had killed the tiger, let him take off his skin; tells the thief shepherd that the merchant left his goods unattended; tells the wolf that the sheep are shepherds left without supervision; tells the crow that the wolf cubs were left without supervision, let him turn off their eyes; sends an old woman who was spinning her hair to take a crow's nest for firewood; advises the wind to carry away the old woman's hair; when the hare saw a merchant, a shepherd, a wolf, a raven, an old woman chasing each other, the hare began to laugh and his lip burst]: Potanin 1914:430-433; lavrung: G.yu lha 2011:369-373 [at Chernaya The bears and the Rabbit has a daughter; both go to dig edible roots; one day the Bear returns alone; answers the Rabbit's daughter that she will eat her if she does not stop asking her where her mother is; she overhears how the Bear talks to her daughter, realizes that the Bear killed the Rabbit; invites the Bear's daughter to shoot at each other, puts a stone on her chest, and she puts paper on her chest; an arrow bounces off Rabbit's daughter's chest, kills the Bear's daughter; Rabbit's daughter runs; the shepherd hides her in the sheep's ear; she throws ash in the face of the Bear who arrives in time, runs on; the same with the horse; then hides in Tiger's ear, he swallows the Bear; Rabbit's daughter chews roots, replies to Tiger that he eats her eye; gives a spine, then takes out Tiger's eye, he says that his eye is not so tasty, asks take out the second one; asks him to drive him slowly along a bumpy road and quickly along a smooth road; Rabbit's daughter brings Tiger to the edge of the cliff, makes a fire, asks him to move, the Tiger falls, crashes; comes into the house tells the owners that a tiger lies under the mountain, promises to look after the baby and the cows; kills them, fills the baby with ash, the cows with straw; the hostess spanks the baby, tries to milk the cows, they fall apart; Rabbit's daughter invites the hostess to stand with a stone at the top of the stairs, the owner with a bow below, throw a stone at her and shoot at the signal; they kill each other], 375-381 [The Bear and the Rabbit go to dig roots; The bear eats them immediately, the Rabbit collects them; the Bear suggests looking for insects from the Rabbit, she warns not to touch the dark growth on her head, her life in it; the Bear pulls out her life cuts his body, cooks him at home; Rabbit's daughter spies; invites the Bear's daughter to play while standing under a threshing stone; throws him at her, runs away; seeing her dead daughter, the Bear rushes in pursuit; yak shepherds hide Rabbit in the yak's nose; the big yak butts the Bear, she runs away in blood; Rabbit's daughter first tells Yak that his eyes and nose are golden, then that they are crappy; runs away through a hole in the wall Yak gets stuck; Rabbit's daughter invites a woman to look after her child, let her and her husband go for a yak carcass; cooks the baby's legs, arms, puts her head in bed as if the baby is sleeping; the spouses eat the child's meat; the husband smears the stone with glue, the daughter of the Rabbits sticks; asks to pour ash into her ear before death, catches the person's eye, runs away]; bori [Tani married Doini-Alye, daughter of the Sun; them two sons see the mother sitting on the bunk beds above the hearth, on the platform, on the roof; each time she replies that their father did not repair the bunk beds, etc.; flies from the roof to her father; the brothers follow her; help Lesny in her work Birds, Wild Cats, Wild Boars, Old Woman, they show the way; the Old Man drives them into a tree, cuts it; brothers jump on others, the Squirrel hides them in his quiver; when the Old Man crosses the river across the bridge, the Squirrel advises you to jump on it, the bridge collapses, the old man is drowning; the Old Man's wife caught his bones, crushed him, blew; the dust that gets into the water became leeches, into the forest - all kinds of insects]: Elwin 1958a, No. 1 : 307-309; Apatani [people put the ogre under lock and key; he asks the sisters Biinyi and Biine to release him; Biinyi replies that he must go feed the chickens, pigs; Biine releases; the cannibal tells the sisters get into the basket, brings him, turning into different animals along the way; tells the sisters to get into the cauldron; Biinyi makes sounds like the water is already boiling, Biine says it's not true; the cannibal with his wife they go to the granary, the sisters get out, put the cannibal child in the cauldron; Biine shouts to the cannibals that they are going to eat their son; the sisters run away, ask the grasshopper mantis to hide them, he hides them in the ground; the cannibal turns into a dog, sniffs; the sisters run on, climb a tree; Biine admits that they have climbed the vine; Biinyi asks for help from a white chicken, he throws her sickle, she cuts off a vine, an ogre breaks, his wife cuts off his penis and testicles; cuts a tree; stupid Biine tells it to fall down the slope (if it were up, it would be easier to hide behind the mountain); sisters come running to the river; Popi Sa (the embodiment of wisdom) lets them across the bridge, brings it down when a revived cannibal steps on it; the water takes him away, he turns into a dangerous spirit; the sisters return home; their parents and older brother ask for feathers, fly away; sisters go look for them; a snotty boy tells him to wipe him off, says that the disappeared can be seen through a bamboo shoot; sisters see parents and brother ; Biine slides on chicken manure, falls under the house, the manure eater spirit eats it]: Blackburn 2008, No. 1:59-63; duffle [older sister sang loudly at night on the field; Appa Pili came, ate her, the youngest hid, found the eldest's nails and hair, ran; The grasshopper hid her under a pile of rice, spoiled her from above so that AP would not smell the man; sent the girl to Nya Loma, who promised to resurrect eaten, told his younger sister not to spy; she looked, the eldest came to life, but with her lip split; NL told the sisters not to drink on the way home; the eldest began to drink, turned into a wild banana; its fruits so they don't eat; after learning about her daughter's death, her mother began to dance, slipped, fell and died]: Bori 1995:61-64; Kachin [Ningkong wa decides to build a bridge over Ayeyarwady; his 9 brothers are jealous it is said that his brother, then sister, mother, etc. are dead; he continues to work; when he hears about his father's death, he cries, quits his job; he finds everyone at home in good health; promises to flood the land and burn 9 suns; puts an orphan brother and sister in a drum; every day they release a rooster, throw a vessel and a needle; 8 times they understand by the sound of a fall that there is water below; on the ninth day, the vessel and needle fall to the ground, the rooster crows; both come to nata (nats are mythical creatures), hear that he wants to eat them; they run away to another; he hides them under the roof, tells the first to come in 4 days when the beer is ready; a hot iron rod is thrown into his mouth; he rushes under the waterfall, his roar can still be heard; brother and sister give birth to a child, annoys the owner with crying; he kills the child, feeds his parents his heart cuts his body apart, pieces turn into Chinese, Shan, Kachin, Burmese, etc.]: Gilhodes 1908:683-886.

Burma - Indochina. Karen [a strange creature chases a person, tells him to kill him, cook him in a pot, eat him; the man does not eat, runs away; Buffalo, the Cow lie that they did not see the person; The squirrel hides him in the hollow, he climbs there through a stream of urine; when the Pot climbs, the Squirrel breaks off the stream, the Pot breaks; pieces of meat that fell into the water became leeches, to the ground became gadflies]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 159:392-394; Thais [Poor Non brought 12 bananas to the monastery (option: 7), he had 12 (7) daughters, had nothing to feed them, he took them to the forest, they came to see the cannibal Santaman; the older sister found a pile of human beings bones, the girls rushed to run, asked elephants, bears, tigers, horses, and other animals to cover them; climbed the banyan; the king's humpback maid went to fetch water, saw a reflection, decided that it was she returned, breaking the jug; the king gave her a silver bucket, she broke it too, the leather bucket could not break it; one sister laughed, King Raja Sith married her sisters; Santaman took the form of a girl, met the king, he fell in love with her, she pretended to be sick, demanded the eyes of 12 queens; pulled out both eleven eyes, and the youngest one, sent the eyes of her daughter Kang Ri; blind queens were walled up in cave, each gave birth to a child, they ate them; the youngest hid the meat, then gave it to others, keeping her son Raja Sen; he grew up, went out of the cave and brought food; began playing backgammon with the king, who recognized his son; to get rid of MS, S. orders to bring from his daughter a mango that yawns, and a lemon that screams gives a letter asking him to kill the bearer; the hermit replaced the letter with an order to leave married MS; after marrying the Kyrgyz Republic, RS found the eyes of queens, took talismans, set off to flee; KR catches up, he throws talismans, fire, mountains, forest, desert, river appear; KR dies asking for the next incarnation make her human; S. also died of grief, and MS returned sight to his mother and aunts]: Kornev 1963:14-21; lao [it is difficult for parents to feed 12 daughters; the father poured ash into the basket, rice on top, led sent his daughters to the forest, sent them to fetch water, gave them leaky bamboo vessels, left himself; the sisters found ash in the basket, fell asleep; when they woke up and saw a young woman, she brought them to her place; when leaving, forbids entering one courtyard; the sisters went in there, saw human bones; ran; asked the cow to hide them, she hid them in her mouth, sent the pursuer to the other side; the same with the elephant; but one of the sisters's clothes remained hanging from the elephant's mouth; the cannibal saw her and told the elephant's lower lip to hang the same way from now on]: Fleeson 1899:29-32; Khmers [the peasant has nothing to feed 12 daughters, he takes them to the forest; the giantess brings them to her; sisters find human bones in the corner, realize that they are in the cannibal, run; the cannibal turns into a garuda, flies after them; an elephant, then buffalo hides them in their stomach (the youngest's sarong has been hanging from the elephant's mouth, his lower lip has been hanging since then); the banyan hides his sisters, the garuda flies by; the royal warriors see the reflection of girlish faces in waters, girls are brought, the king takes them as wives; the witch turns into the same girl, becomes the thirteenth wife's beloved; creates the illusion that 12 wives are not faithful, sleep with other men; sisters their eyes are pulled out, thrown into the well; the youngest gives birth to a boy named Rithisen, he grows up, hunts for his mothers; the witch tells him that she knows how to restore women's eyes, sends him to his daughter , giving a letter ordering him to kill the bearer; the hermit replaces him with a letter asking him to marry R.; the witch's daughter Neang Kang Ray marries R.; R. finds a vessel with 12 pairs of eyes under the stone, takes it away; the hermit gives R. a wand, he throws it behind him, and Oz appears. Tonle Sap; the NKR turns into a mountain from grief; R. returns the eyes of women, kills a sorceress, takes the throne instead of his deceased father]: Marunova 1971:37-41.

South Asia. Himachali plowman (kullui) [rani wore a ring in her nose; Raja said every day: Pick up the ring, I want to shoot it with a bow; rani: will you shoot me in the eye someday; she went to get water and there are a lot of women there; they asked me why Rani was so weak; she talked about the raja and the ring; that the Raja asks every day if there is anyone greater than me, and she says no; women: tell me what to eat; she said; the Raja went to look for someone greater than him; the leopard, the Raja ran away from him; the jat plowed on the bull, the Raja asked him to hide; the jat hid it in his bast (some wicker shoes); jat plowed all day, and then his wife brought 40-50 cakes and a bunch of vegetables; jat: not enough, I have a guest; moved his leg, Raja fell out of his bast shoes; ate only one cake, the rest was eaten by jat; in the evening we went home; jat to his wife: usually you put one man of rice, today put two; the wife gave 80 kg of rice and 4 bean gravy; the raja ate a little; fell asleep at night; jat's stomach It began to boil, and he made a drrrr; this wind carried the raja to the door; then the Jata's wife, drrrr; the raju was carried to the well; he tried to get out all night, he could not; in the morning the Jats began to think where the guest had gone; looked into the well; jat to his wife: in the evening you put not enough rice for him, he stayed hungry and went to drink water; the raja was pulled out; jat wife: put one man (26 kg) of rice; jat raje: you ate little in the evening, stayed hungry; Jata's wife opened her mouth to the Raja and jat began to put rice in Raja's mouth; when released, Raja went home; said rani: you're right, there's cooler than me in the world]: Krylova, Renkovskaya 2017, field materials.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Javanese [the monkey tells the tiger that he is friends with buffalo in vain - it is better to eat it; doe, deer, bull, rhino, kentus refuse to help; the kid knocks down a rotten banana trunk, the tiger believes that the kid is strong; the monkey convinces him that this is not the case, the tiger agrees to go with her tails; the kid asks the monkey why it leads only one tiger; the tiger runs away, tearing it apart bushes and thorns to pieces for a monkey; since then, monkeys have been drawn by lot to the tiger every day, and the kid is friends with the buffalo]: Ostrovsky 1956:65-81.

Taiwan - Philippines. Bagobo [Tuglay is married to Tuglibung (the names of the first people); he dreams of a boy who tells them to go to live in the upper reaches; from there they see the whole earth, smoke in the distance; Tuglay comes there, there are big bananas; he asks Chief Buso (evil spirits) to allow them to be taken in exchange for two children; he has no children, but during this time his ena gave birth to a boy and a girl; the couple leave leaving the children at home; they are fleeing, 3000 Buso is chasing; brother tells her sister to keep quiet near ripe bananas; the girl says she wants a banana, dies; her brother leaves her on a tree whose mother-of-pearl leaves and fruits are imported Chinese tools; runs to the cliff, asks for help; inside the house, with the Black Lady in it; the axes are blunt on the rock; the boy comes out with a sword, kills them all; marries the owner of the cliff]: Benedict 1913, No. 4:24-26.

China - Korea. Chinese (Liaoning; wu. Liaozhong, Fangzi County, village Kula, a Manchu peasant, illiterate; spoke Chinese) [the blind woman has a 10-year-old daughter Xiaohua; her mother says S. had an uncle, but he left a long time ago and never returned; the wolf overheard when S. went to dig wild roots, the wolf introduced himself as a returning uncle; S.'s mother said that the voice was not the same, but the imaginary uncle replied that his voice had changed over time; he led S. through the mountains to his hole, told the blue one move the stone away; there is a big house; the woman promises to help: the wolf also kidnapped her, but made her wife; the wolf will sleep until midnight, you must tell the stone to open, run; the wolf catches up three times; the first time S. the mat seller hides, wrapped in a mat; the second is the vat seller, putting him in a vat; each guides the wolf on the wrong road; the owner of the butter mill tells the wolf that he fried S. in oil, suggests lean over the cauldron, pushes there, the wolf is fried in oil]: Liaoning 1994, No. 180:391; Chinese (Hebei, wu. Funing) [there were 10 suns in the sky, as soon as one went down, another immediately rose; it was constantly light; the heat scorched the earth and trees, the rivers dried up; the city's patron gods reported The jade emperor, who sent the god Erlan-Shen to catch the suns; the suns were worried because E. had unlimited power; some decided to give up, others to flee, but one sun said that there is nothing to fear: our light will burn his eyes, the heat will turn him to ashes; one day E., holding a double-edged trident and taking a growling heavenly dog with him, arrived at Mount Kunlun; the first sun attacked, releasing his heat, but E. was in his divine body and was not afraid to fry; opened his third eye between his eyebrows and a strong ray of light shot in the direction of the sun, blinding him; with a trident He killed the sun, threw it on the ground and pressed it down with his foot; E. caught the sun one at a time, but each rolled; he wanted his mother to help him; she descended from heaven to marry Father E.; for this she was punished and was imprisoned under Mount Taishan; E. began to catch suns one by one, pressing down with the Kunlun, Huashan, Henan, Taishan Mountains and going from west to east; so he caught 9 suns, and chasing the latter, reached the coast of the Bay of Bohai; the tenth sun was the smallest and most arrogant; it asked the peasant who was plowing the land to hide it; he hid it under an armful of rotten straw and told E. saw the sun; then explained that the last sun cannot be killed; E. to the sun: "For the sake of an old man, I will spare you, but you will only go out during the day and sleep at night; the two peaks of Mount Tuarshan are a mountain that brought E. on his rocker arm and which flattened because he threw it too hard]: Bai Gengsheng 2007:73-74.

The Balkans. Serbs [the bear stole a woman, she gave birth to a son, ran away; the bear let the young man go on a journey after he was able to pull out a beech; Medvedovich eats food brought for many ploughmen, they give him iron from the plows, he tells the blacksmith to forge a club, hides that half of the iron, M. throws a club into the sky, it falls on his back, breaks; he kills the blacksmith, takes what he has stolen iron, goes to another; the club does not break; M. likes the girl, her father says that she was promised to Barbel; from behind the mountain, he first shows a mustache, he has 365 bird nests, W. puts his head on the girl's knees, M. hits him three times with a club, it seems that insects are biting; W. chases M., the man throws him across the river with a shovel, the other hides him in a seed bag, tells Usachu that M. is long gone; W. stops chasing; the sower throws M. into his mouth with a handful of seeds, M. hides in the hollow of a tooth, daughter-in-law picks up the stuck tooth with two stakes, the sower remembers M.; tells how he ruined the tooth; he I went to get salt as companions, they spent the night in a cave, it turned out to be a human skull in the vineyard; the watchman threw it from his sling at the starlings, and then the man ruined his tooth; "Here's a whole box of lies for you"]: Karadzich 1853 in Dmitriev, Volkonsky 1956:9-15.

Central Europe. Russians (Teresky Bereg) [The deer stayed on the farm, called her friends; one spindle rolled underground; she went down, where the robber threatens: don't tell me! she told others, but O. no; the girls separated, the robber went out, demanded to give the go-ahead, O. hacked him down, gave the body parts in bags to the robbers who came - as if it were prey; the robbers had come to her to marry under the guise of good suitors, her parents gave her; they gave her to a fool before slaughtering her; she asked to go to the yard, tied a rope to the goat, ran away; the man carries skin, the other carries troughs, the third hay, everyone hides, the robbers searched but did not find it; O. ran home; the robbers were matchmakers again; they were captured]: Balashov 1970, No. 68:233-237; Russians (1927, Arkhangelskaya, Mezen, d. Lebskaya) [The wealthy merchant has three daughters: with a crooked leg, with a crooked hand, and the youngest, beautiful (M.). My father gave 3,000 dowries for the first, two for the second, and 200 rubles for the third. Grooms come, everyone marries the eldest, she is happy. The father marries the eldest daughter, the young promise to come to visit the interstate. When asked where their yard is, the groom's brothers say "for three villages, the mountain is high." The youngest daughter notices that some of the groom's brothers don't have fingers and ears. Young people do not come to the interstate, but new matchmakers come to their middle daughter, brothers of the previous groom, 39 people. Her father married her too, and the young promised to come to visit Lent. While the guests are feasting, M. goes alone to the specified place in the courtyard of the married brothers, and it is empty, not at home and has never been. On the way back, M. meets the grooms' aunt, who shows her the way to their real home in the woods. M. returns home and manages to hide in the luggage of the grooms who take her sister away. M. hears a bird squeaking three times warning her sister not to go on the way, one of the men kills the bird. They come to the house, fortified, with guns and locks, M., not found, is carried into the house along with their luggage, and the atmosphere is rich inside. The dowry is put in chests for other riches. The young husband orders to show his wife the house, the next room is covered with blood, has human arms and legs, and the older sister's corpse hangs on the front pole. The robbers take off the bride's clothes and cut her head, but they can't take off her wedding ring, the severed finger with him bounced into her luggage, right to M. The thieves decided to look for him in the morning. M., taking his sister's finger, runs; the robbers wake up to the creaking of the door and go in pursuit. The bird helps M. choose the direction at the crossroads; the sellers of pots and boxes hide M. in the goods. Instead of guests and sister, robber grooms come to Lent to marry M. She gathers the king and colonels for a feast, tells everything she knows about the robbers, and shows the ring and dead finger as evidence. The robbers confessed, the tsar executes them, marries M.]: Karnaukhova 2008, No. 142:337-341; Russians (Gorkovskaya) [Alyonushka left for a while, at which time the robber entered and hid underground; she I noticed, called people, the robber was beaten; he promised revenge; when A. became a bride, he came as a groom; A. asks not to extradite her, but her mother does not believe and betrayed her; the robber brought her home, there are many of them there; old lady: you heat the stove and they will fry you; tells you to spit three times; A. runs away, saliva is responsible for it; when the robbers catch up, A. asks the person carrying the cart to hide it under the hay; he hid it; another carriages are carrying; the same; A.'s mother warned at home; she gave the robbers foam from the ravine instead of kvass; they intertwined and left]: Eremina et al. 1979, No. 13:184-185; Russians (Bryanskaya) [the youngest of sons - Ivan Pópyalov, lay in ash ("in the pit") until the age of 12; the sun hid the serpent; IP asks his father to make him a club, throws him up, puts his forehead, the club breaks; the third club for 15 pounds does not crash; kills three-, six-headed snakes; 12-headed snake cuts off 9 heads; the snake asks the Raven to fly to call his Snake for help, IP asks to call his brothers, promises snake meat; The raven flies to brothers; brothers came, killed a snake, his head was broken in his house, light appeared in the world; halfway through, IP returned for his mittens, becoming a cat, overheard the conversation between his wife and daughters of the snake; the brothers want to rest on pillows in the meadow, IP hits pillows with a club, blood flows; there are golden and silver apples on the apple tree, IP beats them, blood flows; the spring is the same; they were snake daughters; a snake is flying, a mouth from earth to sky; brothers they throw three pounds of salt, the snake thinks it's an individual entrepreneur, tries, loses time; the IP hides in the forge of Kuzma and Demyan; they offer her to lick 12 doors with her tongue, then take the IP; they grab her tongue with ticks, killed with hammers, burned]: Afanasiev 1958 (1), No. 135:264-266; Ukrainians: Wozniak 1992 [Sucic and his brothers hid from the Serpent in Kozma-Demyan's forge; the serpent demands the extradition of the fugitives, threatens to burn them forge; CD offers to lick the door with his tongue, grabs his tongue with hot forceps, assistants hit the Snake on the head with hammers; the Snake was harnessed into a plow, the CD led him by the tongue, and S. goes after the plow; wanted to fan all the land; serpent rivers drank like puddles; the sea began to drink, burst, reptiles, contagion, pestilence spread from it around the world; the recessed layers of land have since been called the Serpent Wall; Stugna since then, where the sands, dried up, the Serpent drank it there]: 87; Verkhovyna's Tales 1970 (Transcarpathia) [the fisherman caught a goldfish, took it to the king; the cook fried the queen, tried it herself, gave the rest to the dog, all three gave birth, the son of a dog Ivan is the strongest; he left a knife in the tree, if blood flows, the brothers go to the rescue; on the bridge he fights a 12-headed serpent who came on a 12-legged horse; the severed heads of the snake all grow back, with the knife flows blood, the brothers come, hide their heads, the snake dies; the mother Snake turns into an iron rope, I. does not tell you to touch it, cuts it, blood flows; does not allow the brothers to drink, cuts the spring - blood flows (this there was a snake); the 18-headed Serpent pursues the brothers, they hide at the blacksmith, the Serpent becomes entangled in chains, I. tells him to open his mouth, throws hot iron, the Serpent dies]: 203-206; Czechs [ a peasant puts his son and daughter in a bag, hangs a beech tree in the forest, leaves a mallet swaying in the wind next to him, as if he were cutting wood; the boy cuts the bag with a knife, the children come to the cannibal's house; she fattens them nuts; the boy asks to show how to roast in the stove, the old woman is fried, her daughter recognizes her, her sons are chasing the children; the widow hides them, when asked by cannibals, answers whether they brought her flax to scratch, they they think she's stupid, they leave]: Bogolyubova, Talova 2000:185-187; see L42i motif: Russians (Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Ryazan, Kursk), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Transcarpathia, Galicia, Kherson), Belarusians [Sister (three sisters) goes to save her brother: she treats her cat, apple tree, birch tree, stove, doors, etc. affectionately and attentively; they help her escape from Baba Yaga (and take away her kidnapped brother); rude sister dies (she fails to carry her brother away)]: SUS 1979, No. 480A*: 141-142; Poles, Slovaks: Uther 2004 (1), No. 300A: 175-176.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians: Morina 1939 [Khzgeri is defeated when meeting the giant adau, finds protection from an armless ploughman; the ploughman asks H. to tear his hair out of his head to tie a., H. not in able to do this; the ploughman tells how he became crippled; together with his friends he took refuge from the weather in a cave; it turned out to be a sheep's skull; the shepherd's dog took it to its owner; he forged it with a stick and threw; companions die, the ploughman remains crippled]: 28-29; Shakryl 1975, No. 61 [the prince sent a strongman for wine, he poured several barrels into his wineskin, carried it; the rider asked for a sip, drank everything in one sip ; they began to quarrel, a passerby put both in his pockets, brought them to his wife; she tells her husband that there are many people who can defeat him; the husband went to look for them, the wife sent a witness with him; both crossed the river, at which time the man who was watering the field accidentally picked them up with a scoop of water, threw them into the field; the woman picked them up, carried them in a cup over her head, spoke from the adaua; the companions ran away in fear, asked the sower to hide them, he put them in a bag of grain, then accidentally, along with a handful of grain in his mouth; took them out of a crack in his tooth; told how he and his three companions drove the cattle into the cave; when he heard a stranger approached, they drove the cattle asking, and he threw a stone from afar, since then there has been a crack in the tooth]: 295-299; Abaza: Tugov 1985, No. 58 [the boy carried food to the field workers; the oncoming man asked give a try, swallowed everything; they started fighting; the rider put both of their boots on the bootlegs, came home; the wife said that there were many men stronger than him; he came to the sea, the fisherman asked him to hold him the fishing rod, he could not hold such a log; the old mother of the fish carried the rider and the horse in the basket; he ran away, asked the sower to hide it in the seed bag; when the old woman left, the sower threw it away him and his seeds; when he returned to his wife, he bit off three fingers, for three men were much stronger than him], 59 [the man came to ask for sour milk; the owner stabbed two bulls and made wineskins , the man who came carried them; the man he met asked for a sip, drank everything in one sip; they got into a fight, the rider put them by the bootlegs, brought them to his wife; his wife told him not to sleep, her father did more; he went to look for his father-in-law to kill him; by the fire, Ainizh and his wife; the man threw a stone at the woman, she thought it was a fly; then he killed her with a bullet, ran, the ploughman hid it under the seed basket wheat, shouted at the Ainizh, who ran away in horror; the ploughman told how, dying of his wounds, his father told them not to go hunting to the east of the sun; seven sons still went there; the one-eyed Ainizh took them to the cave, closed the entrance with a rock, first ate their horses, then ate one of the brothers every day, frying on a spit; the narrator was eager to get out of the fire, but one arm and one leg burned down; he put on he burned himself a goat skin, burned the Cyclops's eyes with a spit, went out with the sheep, but was left without an arm and leg; the man returned home, getting rid of his pride]: 174-176, 176-179; Ossetians: Dzagurov 1973, No. 31 [strongman Dombay untwisted the fallen buffalo by the tail and threw him somewhere; his wife brags about her husband; another woman: there is even stronger than him; D. goes to look for the strongest; the giant sends him to his brothers - she cannot to fight without their permission; the middle one refers to the elder, the eldest to their mother; her fang touched the sky, the other went underground; D. rushed to suck her breasts; the mother of the giants says that her sons were going to make kebabs out of D., told them to run; the giant pulls 20 arb of salt, hid D. in the hollow of his tooth; tied the pursuers with his hair when they ran up; D. asks why the old man is one-eyed; that said that there were 12 brothers, they went into the cave to spend the night, it turned out that it was a skull; the dog grabbed the skull, ran up to the house; the girl went out, put her foot on the skull; the brothers died, the narrator lost eye; D. no longer boasted of strength], 42 [the husband threw the bull away with a stick, the wife said that there would be someone stronger than him; he goes to look for a stronger one; meets a Waiga fisherman (giant) who has the bait is a cow, the next has a bull, the third has a buffalo; the third leaves the man a fishing rod, he cannot hold it, the waig covers him with his hat, tells his mother to fry the "bird", the mother of the Waigs tells the person to run; the waig curve pulls 12 arbs and salt with one hand, hides the man in the arba, asks him to pull out his hair to tie the pursuer, the person is unable to do it; the giant easily binds the stalker with one stubble; the man asks why he became crooked, so strong; he says that he spent the night in a cave among 12 hunters, it turned out to be a human skull, picked up by a dog , the shepherd put it on his staff and threw it, those inside were maimed; the opponent's seeker returned home]: 76-79, 142-146; Liberinsky 1978:123-127 [Soslan brags about his strength, throws the bull over the river, goes to look for an equal; the mother of three Waigs hides him under a sieve, releases him at night; the Waigi chases him; the one-armed and one-eyed Waig hides him in her mouth, ties the three pursuers with her hair; tells how he, his father and six brothers entered the cave; she turned out to be a horse skull that the giant faked on a stick and threw it against the horns of a goat; the skull crashed, the giant killed Waiga's father and brothers, he took his arm off and knocked out his eye; S. returns to the sledges]% Karachai residents [a poor man named virgins saved a cow from the wolves, but they chase him to the fence of the house; he threw the cow over the fence and jumped over the fence himself; surprised at his own strength, went in search of a stronger one; sees a fisherman who has a log instead of a fishing rod; he says that there is more powerful than him; the second fisherman is stronger than the first, the third stronger than the second; D. came to the old woman; she dug a hole with a spindle, put D. in it and threw pillows so that her sons would not find him; when they arrived, they and the old woman began to blow, causing D. to fly on in the room until he flew down the pipe; he ran; saw a man dragging the arba, asked him to hide it; he hid it in his boot, put it on the arch; tied the pursuers with hairs from his beard; said that he was not the strongest either; he had a pupil, he went with him to pick up his fiancée for him; at night he saw trees falling down from the young man's breath; on the way back, the young man grabbed his rival, blew at the narrator, he flew up and hung on the rock; the young man took him off; the bearded dwarf jumped on the horse and carried him away; holding the logs into the crack, began to fry, cut the meat and eat; the young man fought, the horse cried, the dwarf woke up and beat her; the horse taught the young man to cut off the head of the dwarf; he jumped up without a head, but the horse hid the young man; the young man grew hair in the burnt places; he killed everyone he met]: Aleinikov 1983, No. 3:148-155; Ingush [the wife does not like that her husband brags about her archery skills, he drives her and her son out to look for an equal; she met Toto, who was separating him from the mountain with his hands blocks of stone and shaped them; the wife calls her husband, who shoots through T. without harming him; T. goes to the shooter with a tree on his shoulder; the shooter runs, hides him by a huge shepherd, placing him in his mouth for a broken tooth; when T. comes up, the shepherd pierces a crevice in the ground with his forehead, pushes T. into it; tells the shooter the story of how a one-eyed giant carried him and his six brothers to his cave, blocking the entrance with a rock; ate his brothers; the giant storyteller burned the Cyclops's eye with a spit, stabbed the goat, hid under its skin; leaving with the goats, he called out to the Cyclops from the eighth mountain; he threw a rock, broke off a piece of tooth for the narrator with it; the shooter returned home]: Baranov 1903, No. 2:32-36; Chechens [the husband shoots an egg, placing it on his wife's head; she says that there are well done and hunters better than him; he comes to seven sledges, who throw him from hand to hand; their mother tells him to run, the sledges are chasing; the sledge Hound plows 8 wild boars, the man asks him to hide it, G. hides it in the hollow of his tooth, lets wild boars at the pursuers, they ran away; G. says that he was the weakest of the seven brothers, their sister was stolen by a one-eyed Sargan; they came to him, he put them on a spit and went to bed; G. from the edge, was only wounded, gouged S. out with a red-hot spit of his eye, ran away; S. threw after the rock, knocked out a tooth with a shrapnel]: Malsagov 1983, No. 24:124-125; Chechens or Ingush [wife tells Govde that eat stronger than him; G. wanders to check it out; seven giants are going to fry him, their mother lets him go; he comes to a blind giant who hides him in his bosom with a horse and a weapon, tells his pursuers that G. galloped on; tells how he and his six brothers escaped from other giants; the fugitives hid in a human skull, but the shepherd giant picked it up and threw it about stone; six died, the narrator went blind]: Dalgat 1972:278-280; Ingush [a man lifts a cow by the tail, a neighbor's wife says there are stronger people beyond the mountain; there fishermen throw a bragger to each other to a friend; he runs away, a one-armed and one-eyed giant hides him in his pants, ties his pursuers with his hair; tells how seven brothers, including him, climbed into a horse's skull; dog brought it to a one-eyed shepherd; he roasted the six brothers on a spit; the narrator burned the sleeping giant's eye with a spit, put on a goat skin, stole the herd, called out to the blinded man; he threw the rock Tearing off the narrator's hand and knocking out his eye]: Dalgat 1972:280-281; Avars, Kumyks, Lucks [sartu say that there are people stronger than him; he comes to the giants, they play them like a ball; he runs, meets two more (var.: ploughman), one drags 9 arbs with salt with one hand, crumples a bull's skin with the other; hides the fugitive, usually in the hollow of a tooth, drives away the pursuers; tells how he lost an eye (tooth), spending the night with my brothers in the skull, which they mistook for a cave; a giant on horseback hit him with a whip (var: forged with a stick), he was the only one who survived, although he lost his eye (tooth)]: Gamzatov, Dalgat 1991: 22-23; Avars [khan could not find an equal in strength; came to the sledges, one blew, the khan hung from the ceiling; ran away, the one-eyed giant hid him, putting him in his pocket, tied him up the stalker sledges hair torn out from under his arm; told how he and his six brothers hid from the rain in a cave; a shepherd threw a wolf there trying to steal a sheep, the brothers died, the narrator lost an eye; the cave turned out to be a skull]: Abakarova 1985:24-25; Dargins [Bizbizi, "daughter of seven mothers" (i.e. seven women took care of her) goes with three girls to the forest for grass; falls asleep, girls tie her braids go to the thorns; crows, pigeons refuse to help, eagles free her; a huge bull appears, B. is afraid, climbs a tree; the bull orders him to take silk clothes and shoes out of his ears, takes him to the fork; B. asks loudly which road to take, the old biazhuk (witch) guides along the one that leads to her; goes to sharpen the knife, the mouse tells her to run, taking a jug of water, a needle, salt; B. throws a jug (sea), a needle ( thorny forest), salt (mountain of salt); runs into mothers' house; cotton wool runs up, gives her poisoned honey, she eats, dies]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 71:584-586; Georgians: Virsaladze 1973, No. 63 [giant Khecho drank The king has all the wine, the rest is taken away in his wineskin; the stranger offers to carry his wineskin to the top of the mountain, immediately drinks everything; they quarrel; Kaji ("flint") puts them in his pockets, brings them to his wife; she says that There is a giant in the world, in front of whom K. is a bug; K. goes to look for an opponent; shoots at the forest man Ndia, who is much larger than K., chases him; the ploughman hides K. in a seed bag, easily cuts off I.'s head dries; tells how 60 brothers spent the night in a cave in the mountain; the mountain turned out to be a horse's head, the shepherd threw it, everyone died except the narrator]: 108-110; Chikovani 1986 [the hunter pulled it out the mud is all the stuck arbs, drank all the loaded wine, shoved the arbs by the bootlegs, offers a hand to the woman who threw the buffalo over the wattle fence; she agrees if he finds out why the river is bleeding; there, in order not to fall asleep, the knight leaned his forehead on the edge of his sword, bleeding; if he falls asleep, he will carry the woman for a month, and now the devil will carry the woman; the hunter promised to wake up, he hardly did it, the knight grabbed the devil; asks the hunter to stab him with a dagger; the hunter killed the deva, and then the knight; the woman agrees to marry him if her nine brothers agree; the devil pours water on the ground, the hunter is washed away, he picked him up; he and there is one of the woman's brothers; their mother carried the hunter and the horse across the river; the brothers have an evil father; the hunter struck him three times with a sword, cut off three hair; when he woke up, he found the severed hair, chased the hunter; by the river, a fisherman hides him in a hole in his tooth, a horse in another; a dev ran up, a fisherman easily killed him with a net handle, took out the hunter; tells how he lost two teeth; he and his brother took refuge from the weather in the eye sockets of the skull; the shepherd threw him into the wolf, his brother disappeared, the fisherman himself hit the rock, lost two itches; the hunter finds bones, asks God to revive this creature for a minute, but not give him an eye; a freak appeared to the sky; instead of a hand, the hunter gave him a rock, which easily broke it; turned back into his bones; the hunter found that shepherd, asked him to show how he launched that skull; the shepherd was tired, he threw a mountain hunter who killed himself; they began to shame the shepherd, but nothing can be done]: 266-270; Turks: Aganin et al. 1960 [the bragger hunter shoots an arrow through his wife's earring; he really hunts only hares; the neighbors dressed up the boy as a bear, the hunter was frightened; the old woman advises the hunter's wife to send him to an Arab beyond Mount Kaf, who supposedly shoots better; the gorge is guarded by a lioness; the old man gives magic bread to tame it; the hunter throws pieces to the lioness, the birds, the dragon; the Arab is a monstrous giant; the hunter ran away from him, threw bread to the diva, who hid it in a hollow of a tooth; told the Arab that he did not see anyone, he went back; the diva tells him who broke his tooth; there were 40 brothers; they were met by a giant knee-deep in the sea; he caught whales, cooked them in the sun, swallowed; chased his brothers, killed several, and broke the narrator's tooth with a stone; the hunter swore that he would no longer brag, received diamonds and gems from the diva; the firebird brought him home; he lived happily with his wife]: 80-85; Stebleva 1986, No. 12 [Keloglan ("Bald") tells his mother that she will marry a giantess; rushes to suck the old deva's breast; she hides him from her sons, turning him into a broom ; they promise not to eat their brother; at night K. does not sleep, asks him to cook new food; when she is away from need, the old woman ties a rope to him; K. bandages him, runs away; the Frog hides him in a hole in water, sits down on top himself; The turtle hides it under the shell; the hedgehog under the millstone; does not answer the old woman's questions; furious she swallows it three times, he holes in her stomach three times, goes out; she dies; K . brings home the giantess's ears, says he married her]: 35-39; Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 161 [poor children come to the giantess; she waits for them to fall asleep, but the youngest always comes up with reasons why does he not sleep (he wants halva, pilaf, fried lamb, bring water in a sieve), she has to fulfill his whims until morning; the giantess puts the youngest in a bag, but he replaces himself with a foal; climbs onto a roof or a tree; the giantess asks how he got in; he comes up with different ways (putting various objects on top of each other; putting hot iron in his ass, etc.), a giantess dies; or the boy runs away on horseback; a frog, a toad, a hedgehog hide him; the giantess swallows a hedgehog three times, it gnaws through her stomach, she dies]: 177-179.

Baltoscandia. Norwegians [stepdaughter and own daughter spin; agree that whoever breaks first will climb into the well; stepdaughter breaks, i.e. she does not spin flax, but thistle; she goes down to a well, walks through a green meadow; at their request, 1) gently climbs over the wattle fence without damaging it; 2) milks a cow, drinks milk, pours the rest on its hooves; 3) shears the ram, wraps its neck with wool; 4) she tears apples from an apple tree, eats, puts the rest at the roots; comes to the old woman, she tells 1) to bring water with a sieve; birds at the well are advised to cover the holes with clay and straw; 2) sweep out the manure, milk the cows; the birds tell them to take revenge with the broom handle (everything is clean right there), give them a drop of milk (the cows stop kicking); 3) wash the black wool white (the birds tell them to dip the wool into the barrel); the birds tell you to choose the reward is not red, not green, but a blue barrel; when leaving, the girl dodges a red-hot iron bar thrown by a witch (the birds warned); the witch and her daughter are chasing, Apple Tree, Ram, Cow , The wattle fence hides the girl, the pursuers stop chasing; the stepmother sends her stepdaughter to live in the pigsty; she opens the keg, there is gold, the pigsty turns into a beautiful home; now her own daughter is spinning thistle, thread breaks, girl goes down into the well; breaks the wattle fence, drinks all the milk, takes all the wool with her, breaks apple tree branches; does not listen to birds, cannot complete the old woman's tasks, chooses red barrel; opens at home, reptiles and parasites crawl out of it, snakes and toads fall from her mouth]: Dasent 1970:113-124; Lithuanians [the strongman went to look for someone to fight with; came to the elderly, those they said that the sons would return now; one brought two plants of firewood and the other one, but on top of an elk; at night, the strongman deliberately farted to be released from the hut, rushed to run; climbed into the hole, there was honey ; the bear put his tail in there, the strongman grabbed it and got out; asked the ploughman to hide it for one hand and one leg (in one version, the ploughman puts it in his pocket); when the pursuers ran up, the ploughman killed them with one hand; the strongman returned home and did not fight anyone else]: Kerbelite 2014, No. 39:91-92; Latvians: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 327A [The witch's brother and sister. At the instigation of the stepmother, the father takes the children to the forest. They return home twice along a pebble trail. On the third evening, abandoned peas (breadcrumbs) are pecked by birds. Children come to the hut with an edible roof. A witch lives there, she takes the children: she puts the boy in a fence for fattening, and makes the girl work around the house. The witch makes sure that the boy is well fed, tells him to show his finger, the boy shows his wand. When the witch is finally going to fry the boy, she shows how to lie on the shovel. The boy pushes it into the oven. The witch's son chases children, helped by birds and animals], 650B [The strongman is looking for equal opponents. She stays overnight with an old lady, whose sons are also strong. They eat four cakes, drink a barrel of beer, and at night, because of their cough, the guy throws the guy from one end of the hut to the other. The next morning, the guy runs away, meets a man who promises to save him from his pursuers. He puts his strong brothers in his pockets and keeps them there until the guy runs so far away that he can't catch up with]: 277, 307; Finns [a good fist fighter shows off his strength and goes looking for someone to go with to fight again; stopped in a house where he had a barrel of herring, a barrel of salt, a pole of bread (everything on a pole under the ceiling) and a barrel of beer; in the evening the hostess's sons came and ate this portion; at night, the guy in He ran away in horror; Kalevanpoika is fishing on the shore, the guy climbed into his pocket; K. threw his pursuers one behind the northern lights and the other towards the midday sun; the guy promised nothing more who not to fight]: Concca 1993:142-144

Volga - Perm. Marie [sister goes to save her brother: she treats the stove, apple tree, milk river with affection; they help her escape from Vouver Kuva, her geese and carry her kidnapped brother]: Sabitov 1989, № 480A*: 30; Mordovians (Erzya) [parents tell their daughter to watch her brother; two wild geese took him away; the girl rushed to catch up; the oven asks for bread, the wild apple tree asks for apples, dairy the river with jelly banks is jelly; the girl does as asked; the hedgehog shows the way; Yaga sleeps in the house, his brother is playing with the golden testicle; his sister grabbed him, ran back; again fulfills the river's requests etc., they hide from pursuing geese]: Evseviev 1964, No. 41:288-289; Tatars [the son of an old woman, Ubyr, took the girl Gulchechek to the forest; once Ubyr forgot to lock the hut, G. ran home, taking it away and then after eating belyashi; looking like a wolf in pursuit; G. asks the elm tree to hide it, the elm opened, hid G. in the hollow, left in the morning; the next evening - the same (the lake surrounded G. for the night); near G.'s house climbed into birch, ubyr tries to knock it down; G. gives the starling two hair from a braid, older brother G. finds it at the gate, takes it for horse, makes violin strings; his brother's wife plays, the violin tells him not to play; brother plays, violin talks about what happened; brother killed Ubyr with a club, returned his sister]: Yarmukhametov 1957:72-75 (=Zamaletdinov 2008a, No. 60:283-286).

Turkestan. Uighurs [the bear has two cubs, the rabbit has one hare; the bear invited the rabbit to sit with the cubs and she will bring prey; on the first day the bear left, the rabbit took one bear cub with her and walked across the river across the log bridge to call a bear cub; he fell into the river and drowned; the rabbit bear said that the bear dabbled and ran to the river by himself, climbed onto the bridge and fell; the next day, the rabbit took the second bear, the same thing happened to him as the first one; when she heard the rabbit tell that the bear was to blame, the bear chased her; running past the yak, the rabbit begged to save her, as he allowed her to hide under his hair between his horns; told the bear that he had not seen the rabbit, but she had already noticed her; they began to fight and yak killed bear; asked the rabbit to get out of the shelter and sing praise to him; the rabbit hid in the hole and sang about how she deceived the yak; he tried to get it, but the horns were stuck in the ground and the yak died; the rabbit met a family of shepherds with a child, they grazed sheep; said that she killed a yak and promised to look after the herd and child; when they went to get the yak carcass, she drove the herd to the cliff, and threw the child into boiling pot; the shepherd and his wife tried to kill her, the rabbit was saved again; continued her evil pranks; so people cursed her - let her be underground; since then, rabbits have been living in holes, and when they come out, vultures peck out their eyes]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001a, No. 260:370-372; salars (Altiuli, Xunhua-Salar Autonomous County) [the hare and the wolf went to get a sweet root; the she-wolf dug up and ate it, and left the hare for the bunny; when they returned home, the she-wolf had nothing to carry with her, so she ate the hare and took its sweet root; the hare decided take revenge; called the wolf cub to play, invited him to fight; stuck a knife in the ground, threw the wolf cub at him and ran away; the wolf went in pursuit; the hare met the shepherd, who agreed to hide it among the sheep; the she-wolf demanded to tell us where the hare was; the shepherd sharpened the sickle, the she-wolf ran away; the hare met the deer, praised it for its beauty; he hid the hare in his nose, and then killed the she-wolf; the hare climbed into a hole in the ground and began to insult the deer; the deer hurt himself furiously; the hare cut off a piece of reindeer meat, became related to a fox and a wolf; they consulted, chose the hare as their elder brother; he suggested: "Wolf, fox, that's where the salesman came from. I'm going to pretend to be lame. [Wanting to] catch me, the salesman will put his chest [on the ground] and chase me. When he runs, grab the chest and run!" ; doing so, they got the chest; the hare handed the fox a drum: "Take this home. Play behind the kids' ears one morning. They're going to grow up fast day by day!" , and gave the wolf a pair of boots: "Take this away. Put them on, go to the mountains, creak [them]. All the sheep will run to you"; the fox played the drum - the children were scared and died; the wolf put on his boots - the sheep ran away; the fox and the wolf wanted to eat the hare; he pretended to be sick and closed his eyes; said that ate his eyes; the wolf said, "Take my eye out, I'll eat it!" ; the hare pulled out and sprinkled it with sugar; the wolf ate it, ordered the second one to be pulled out; the hare pulled out, the wolf said that this eye is not as tasty as the first one; the hare: "You're already full!" ; the same with the fox; the hare brought the wolf and fox to the edge of the cliff; made a fire there, threw it first at the fox, then at the wolf; they stepped back and fell off the cliff]: Tenishev 1964, No. 22:50-53.

Western Siberia. Northern Khanty (Obdorsk, son dialect) [three brothers live in a hut, take turns cooking; the elder hears three swans flying in; three women enter and scooped up hot meat the cook on his stomach; when the brothers returned, he replies that the cauldron overturned; the same with his middle brother; the younger Kemyas hid between the beams, burned his swan clothes, three women became the brothers' wives; leaving, men tell them not to play cards; they play, the seven-headed Menk-Iki comes, plays, wins, takes women away; K. goes in search, consistently sleeps with three old men, each forges iron; the last says that M. has an employee, a man-with-tail, a squirrel, who has an iron club; he must be told that he is lost, throw a club at him, take his form, bring seven into M.'s house in armfuls firewood weighing 7 sledges; it happened; he feeds M.; he lowered the ring into a cup of water, the eldest of the women recognized him; in the morning the women ran away; K. fed M. so crazy; 7 knives hung in the sky K. cut them off, M.'s heads fell; his torso is chasing K.; those old men pierce him with iron walks; then they put them on the iron top, people throw it into the Ob; the brothers got wives back; they were beaten, from the eldest and the middle one fell on a white pebble, the youngest one was not to blame; K. and his wife went down the Ob River, the middle one went up, the eldest to the Urals]: Steinitz 2014, No. 3:219-226; nganasany [{the first part of the text is not agrees with the second}; the sister of the seven brothers is alone in the plague; an ogre comes and offers to dance; she dances with him, says that troops are coming, he looks around, she kills him with a knife, cooks meat; throws him up jaw: if the notch falls up, eat your older brother; the older brother arrives, she stabbed him, cooks him in the cauldron; the same with the other brothers; the younger one senses bad things, goes away from the plague, cannibal { an ogre who comes to the girl, and a girl who has not become an ogre} chases; the brother comes to the shaman, who puts on his horns, rips open the cannibal's belly, 6 brothers and sister go out alive; the shaman gives his seven daughters for seven brothers, a girl, a son marries a girl]: Porotova 1980:5-7.

Eastern Siberia. Kiren Evenks [hell Asahi wants to marry a girl; she runs away from him in reindeer; he tells one, then the other, third leg of the deer to fall off; he rides a shovel himself, the girl tells the shovel broke; the girl turned into foam, the swans hide her under her wing; A. frightened them, put foam in his mouth; the bird bites him, he opens his mouth, the girl escapes; A. drowned, the bird became a young man, he married the girl]: Pinegina et al. 1952:54-56; Evens of Kamchatka [two sisters and a needlewoman live; decided to migrate; the pupil took a handbag with a needle, thread, comb in it; old lady invites you to the yurt; younger sister {pupil?} does not sleep, sees how the old woman took an ax to hack the girls; grabbed her purse, rushed into the tundra, threw the comb (the forest, the old woman cut through the forest with an ax), threads (rocks, the old woman smeared them with larch resin, climbed upstairs); the giant hid the girl in his pocket, replies to the old woman that he ate her, the old woman rushed at him, he overcame her, threw her into the thickets; took the girl out, told her to go to the yurt and wait for him there; she cooked food there, the giant came and ate; the wind blew out, a herd of deer appeared; one deer turned into a young man, the giant invited him into the house; the giant himself turned into a handsome guy, they got married]: Kasten, Avak 2014:13-23.

Amur - Sakhalin. Udege people: Feeder 1998, No. 1 [older sister goes for firewood; Dzangdalafu enters the house; head - marsh bump, hair with smoke, eyes - green beads, tick hands, fingers, skewer legs, abdomen - blacksmith's bells, buttocks - shielded stones in the blacksmith's furnace, scrotum - bells, penis file; scoops up a bowl of ash, blows winds, hidden does not laugh, D. leaves; the next day, the older sister stays, laughs; D. looks for lice from her, asks her to pick it up, pulls it out, puts a sewing in her hands, a tube in her mouth, takes her heart away; the youngest comes running to mother D., who gives her heart , she revives her sister; both return to D.'s mother, ask him to put her son to sleep in a leather; the girls crumple him, he sleeps; they run to the river, ask for a good man to transport him; he throws a bridge, the youngest hides in his pants, the eldest in the hallway; when D. crosses, well done, turns the bridge over, D. drowns; tells the intestines to become reaches, the testicles to scratch (?) , tibia bones (?) - drowns, ass - disintegration; well done married sisters, the old woman became their mother]: 104-108; Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 41 [the older sister went for brushwood, the youngest at home; Dyangdalafý came; his head is a hammer, his stomach is furs, his hands are ticks, his legs are skewers, his buttocks are a blacksmith's stone, an animal penis, his testicles are ringing like bells; releases gases - the girl does not laugh; next time the older sister remains, laughs, D. finds her, looks for her in her head, offers her louse into her tongue, pulls out her tongue, leaves her sit as if she is doing needlework; the youngest comes to mother D.; she suggests D. lie in a leather jacket, she and the girl beat him, run away; the endyga sent them across the river, hid their grandmother under a bowler hat, the girl under his robe; suggests D. to fix him, pierces his head, throws him into water; a hummock grew out of his head, water grass from his intestines, river thickets from his bones]: 281-285; Podmaskin, Kireeva 2010:90-91 [two sisters are lonely, looking for babies in the hollows, the eldest finds it; he constantly finds it; he constantly mischievous, spoils, throws away, burns their property; chases them with a spear, they hide at the blacksmith; the child demands to give his sisters; the blacksmith puts him on a spear, throws him across three seas], 153-155 [Ediga meets a fiery woman, runs away from her; an ice woman, a lead woman, a tin, a bronze, a copper, a stone man invites everyone into his home, goes out to fight, melted; Mamaka tells foam in the cup pour into the fire if she turns black; E. pours out, the fiery woman is defeated, dies; E. marries M.]; nivhi [six sisters lived, the eldest found the baby in the cradle; each consistently notices that left alone, the child swings in the cradle, licks the wall with a long tongue; they cover the house with grass, set fire, run away; the demon consistently catches up and gutts the four eldest, the younger two they resort to the river, ask their tall grandfather for help; he tells him to pick up and bring him a bunch {grass?} , stretches out his leg like a bridge, the sisters cross when they step on their knees, he pulls his foot, they jump to the shore; he tells us to enter the house, it's empty, they resort to the rock, they understand the crack the man at the top, becomes small, he tells them to hide in a crack; the man throws a sword at the demon, cutting off his head; takes both sisters as wives; turns into a bear, the sisters cling to him wool, he comes to a woman's house, they live there; they come to the house where they first went; the husband puts iron chains on wolves, harnesses them into iron sledges, flies to heaven with thunder and lightning, fights with with wind, thunder, lightning; gives his eldest wife to a Venus man; fought where Mars, Orion, Ursa Major; lowered Pegasus to the ground, he was torn; the informant does not remember further]: Ulita 2011:38-40.

SV Asia. Forest Yukaghirs: Jochelson 1900, No. 27 (b. Yasachnaya) [The fabulous Old Man caught up and ate his older sister, the youngest ran to another SS who was fishing; he hid it in a flint bag; killed the pursuer by tearing him in half; became beautiful young man, took the rescued woman as his wife]: 70-72; Zhukova, Chernetsov 1992 [two sisters lived; a fabulous old man came to their house; they ran; the youngest shouts that the fabulous old man was chasing; the eldest: no, these are ermines, clutching their tails, they gallop; the cannibal caught up, swallowed his older sister; the youngest ran to the cape; there another fabulous old man is fishing; she asks to hide it; he hid it in a flint bag; two SS steel fight; the one who was fishing killed the pursuer, turned into a handsome young man, married a girl]: 66; Chukchi: Baboshina 1958 [The hare runs away from the Devil; the Goose hides him under his wing; the other Goose offers the Devil to ride it; throws it to the ground, it breaks; the Hare Geese is brought home]: 28-29; Belikov 1982 [kele catches the girl, fattens her at home, she runs away; a big woman hides her in her hair ; the old man says that the girl flew to the sun, flies with it; when the ground is no longer visible, she drops it; brings the girl to her parents]: 35-38; Portugalov 2009 [the elderly have four daughters; the old man stayed in the sea has turned into a monster; every night she comes, calls her daughter, eats; the eldest hid; went to the sea, (another?) the monster took her away, told her wife to cut it up; the wife, the daughter of the sun, explained how to get to her brother; the monster comes after her, the sun incinerated him with its rays]: 45-46.

The Arctic. Aleuts (Unalashka) [people disappear; the young man goes to find out the reason; comes to the river, its banks converge and diverge, the river flows with the bones of the dead; the young man throws off the dead man's fat (cadaveric fluid - a common witchcraft), the shores stop, the young man jumps over the river; sees a giant, kills him with an arrow sleeping; comes to his family, where they are concerned where his brother is; a woman puts the young man to bed with his daughter, he changes places, a woman cuts off her daughter's head, drinks blood; a young man runs away, people hide him; a cannibal falls into a trap pit, a young man finishes her off with arrows]: Jochelson 1990, No. 41 : 317-323.

Subarctic. The upper pieces [the girl rejects the grooms; goes to cut the grass, finds a living Head, takes it with her; at night, the mother hears laughter from her daughter's bed; finds the Head, burns her eyes, throws her away , Her head has rolled; the girl rushes into the water, finds herself in another world, walks up the river in the footsteps of the Head; at the entrance to the house there is a man covering his eye with his hand; he advises to follow the path from the fork, where a piece of white caribou wool is familiar, do not go where a piece of wool is tied to something; she goes along the second path (a path where the white tuft is too steep); comes to the lake, where a person crochets first along one piece of her clothes, then herself; brings her into the house, there is an old woman, insects on her face, she says that she should have obeyed; tells her to run along the path uphill to another old woman, she will protect; the old woman invites you to his house, closes all entrances tightly, touching them with his hair; tells them to sew garments; when they are ready, tells you to go further up the path, throw objects to the pursuer one at a time clothes; each time the pursuer picks up an object, looks for a pond, admires his reflection; the last one is thrown a bag of ocher, the pursuer paints; the girl runs into the house to the old woman, she closes the entrances (like the first one); the stalker climbs a fir tree near the house; the old woman blows at her (with scraps of hair?) , the fir is engulfed in flames, the stalker burns; the old woman's son returns, refuses to lie next to the girl; the old woman bathes the girl in hot caribou fat, each time she stole in childhood (scraps of skin, dried fish, etc.); after the third cleansing, the old woman's son takes the girl as his wife; the old woman shows the girl the ground through the hole, she sees her parents; the old woman weaves a rope for her from her tendons, a girl goes down to her parents; an Eagle (this is her husband) arrives, demands his wife back; she refuses to go out; in the evening, a red sunset means that the old woman who helped her is killed; the Eagle carries away wife, says mother died because of her, leaves, picks up, throws again, she breaks]: Ruppert, Bernet 2001:290-295; tsetsot [two brothers notice a bag hanging on a tree, open it ; a man with a huge penis falls out from there; brothers cut off the penis, cook caribou with meat, give it to their wives; they say they ate their lover; wives grab clubs, chase husbands; brothers leave the contents of the caribou stomach, it turns into ravines and gorges; wives overcome an obstacle; brothers ask for help from a bear-like horned monster, wives kill him; brothers throw the contents again The caribou stomach is the same; the second horned monster kills women; husbands return home]: Boas 1897, No. 2:259-260.

NW Coast. Hyda [Killer whales carry a woman who comes to the water, the man at the bottom of the sea marries her; the husband first gets to the floating seaweed, then goes down to the bottom; gives gifts to the Heron Watchman, who hides it; grabs his wife when steam envelops the room where she is sitting; returns home with her]: Swanton 1905:244-247 [see motive K27; the old man helps her husband find his wife's trace; advises giving Heron tobacco and wicker cedar branches; The heron hides her husband in his mouth; hides it again when he runs away from her captors with his wife], 338-340 [The marten takes her husband to the floating seaweed; he gives the Heron cedar branches, a drill, a whetstone; the heron hides it under his arm; the husband helps the slaves Raven and the Raven cut down a tree; they overturn the vessel with water on the hearth to fill the room with steam; at home, the husband hides his wife in a box; one day he finds it empty and there is a hole in the box].

The coast is the Plateau. Ne perse [five Bear Sisters kidnap the girl, mistreat her; her brother Woodpecker puts them to sleep and burns them, takes their sister away; tells them not to take anything from the Bears house; she takes bear teeth, She turns into a Bear herself, chases her brother; five Mountain Goat sisters dig roots; hide the Woodpecker under a bunch of roots when he agrees to call them wives; in their house he puts sticks in the fire; these are their children, sisters are chasing him; the one who urinates hides him in the back of his head kills the Goats with urine; his five sisters marry the Woodpecker; tell him not to walk over the mountain; the woodpecker goes, he is attacked dwarfs, he hides from them in a tree; kills many with a stick, returns to his wives]: Phinney 1934:106-112; coutenay [The frog warns his granddaughter Chipmunk not to go to the river; she goes, meets Owl; Owl tries to seduce her by saying that one or another of her relatives wants her to go with him; The chipmunk replies every time that this relative has already died; asks Owl to close his eyes, runs away ; Owl manages to run her paw over the Chipmunk's back, leaving stripes on the skin; the chipmunk asks her grandmother to hide it; she hides it in the basket - the granddaughter makes noise; puts it in her mouth - falls out; hides it in a pot of soup; answers Owl that she did not see the Chipmunk; Owl asks for a drink, finds soup, drinks, kills the Chipmunk at the bottom; The frog washes the granddaughter's bones, revives her]: Boas 1918:306; curdalen [Grizzly shoots Rabbit in the eye, but he puts a bubble to his eye in advance; shoots Grizzly in the eye, who howls in pain; The rabbit comes to the woman, that daughter; The rabbit kills her, is fresh; The daughter's husband's arrow broke, he realizes that his wife is dead; the Rabbit runs, leaves the baked camas croutons behind him so that the victim's chasing husband stops eating them; asks the Coyote to hide him; he hides a cereal plant in the knee; the stalker has a Grizzly dog; one of the advisers to Coyote (his excrement) also turns into a dog, Coyote puts a knife in the back of his head; Coyote quarrels with As an absorber stalker, they decide to have their dogs fight, the Coyote dog climbs under the Grizzly, rips his stomach off with a knife; the Absorber swallows the Coyote; there are many people inside, as if not understanding that they have been swallowed; the Coyote tickles the Absorber's heart, he regurgitates him; the Coyote says he swallows people; suggests closing his eyes, regurgitating what has been swallowed; swaps those regurgitated by the Absorber humans and his own regurgitated mice; the Absorber swallows the Coyote again, who cuts his heart with hoops in his mouth and nostrils; through them swallowed people come out; the Coyote tells the Rabbit to slaughter the giant's body, throws pieces, saying which one will give birth to which people; when a piece falls, smoke comes, a dwelling appears; blacklegs come out of their legs, they are tall; ne perse is made of ribs, they have good heads (I mean - beautiful hair); belly - pot-bellied grovanter; heart - curdalen, they are evil (mean); wiped your hands on the grass - they will be calm, they are poor]: Reichard 1947, No. 2:68-71.

Northeast. Mikmak [1) two sisters sleep outside; the eldest wants a big, younger, dim star as her husband; they wake up in the morning with two men; the youngest's husband is ugly; the sisters run away, go into a teepee; the youngest pees on the vertebra from the elk's neck; this is Sinamazhu (Sucker); the sisters are running again; Vanamekuli hides the youngest in her hair; S. stops chasing; sisters return home; 2) two sisters go into the teepee, where the talking bones lie; the eldest pees on the cervical vertebra; S. sucks it out, leaving only the bones; the youngest runs; Kigwaju hides her in her hair; the girl goes on, S. Chases her again; the Crane asks her how she likes the parts of his body; she praises them; he puts his neck like a bridge over the river, the girl crosses; S. says that the Crane has a crooked neck; he throws him into water]: Parsons 1925, No. 5:65-68.

Plains. Blacklegs (piegan) [every evening, the older sister goes to the forest; the mother tells the youngest to see her sister copulate with a bear; father and men shot him; older sister asks the youngest to bring her paw, call the young people to play bear; asks not to push her in the hips; the girl pushes, the older sister turns into a Bear, devours everyone, turns her younger sister into a maid; she meets seven brothers who have returned from the campaign; they ask her to know how to kill the Bear; she replies to her sister that she has injected her with an awl in her paw; the brothers give her sister a rabbit; the bear tells her to eat herself, then wants to kill him for not leaving half of her; runs out, attacks the awls; the brothers burn the corpse, a piece of finger flies off, the Bear revives, chases; the older brother blows on a feather, it takes off, they follow it, become the seven stars of the Ursa Major; the sister runs to the old man, who hides her under a stone, cuts off the Bear's ears and tail]: Michelson 1911b, No. 2:244-246; grovantre [every night two sisters find an animal carcass; see that Tebianthan (severed head, aka Nashantz, protruding teeth) is hunting for them; run away, leaving bone awl and porcupine needle straightener; they take the form of sisters, are responsible for them; T. rolls on them, but only pierces his face; chases sisters; they create fog, swamp, thorny bushes , cacti thickets; a man sitting on the shore hid his sisters under his arms and covered him with his long hair; The Bald Eagle puts his sisters on his wings, flies; T. flies after him; the Nishant trickster tells his two sons to make a steam room, the Eagle flies through it, T. flies in, the young men close the exit, I. dies of the heat]: Kroeber 1907b, No. 3:61-64; kiowa [when hungry, the husband kills in the forest the wife, roasts, eats, gives meat to their three sons; the mother's meat or skull asks: Why do you eat me; sons (and husband?) run away, the skull chases them; var.1: the dead bison (skin and bones) gives them various giblets; thrown back, they turn into mountains, rocks, gorges; var.2: the old man hides the boys in his hair; beats the skull with an onion, breaking it into pieces; the bow gives it to the boys]: Parsons 1929a, No. 34:71-74; tonkawa [the hunter cannot get game; cuts off his leg, lets his wife cook; she runs; the crane stretches her neck across the river like a bridge; jerks back when a one-legged man steps on the bridge; he gets to the shore; the Skunk hides the woman in his anus; throws a stream into Odogom's face when he looks there; see motif L3]: Hoijer 1972, #18:62-67.

Southeast USA. Yuchi [four men want to know if there is death, they kill their wives; they go to look for them, come to heaven; the old sun woman hides them under her clothes from a monstrous cougar]: Speck 1909, No. 8:145-146; natchez [The wolf asks the Deer how he became Friday; he explains to bake himself in an earthen furnace; after killing the Wolf, he makes a necklace out of his vertebrae, sings about it; other Wolves chase him; Skunk hides it in a hole, streams it into the Wolves; the Vulture hides it in its nose, but the leg can be seen from the nostril, the Vulture sneezes, the Deer runs on; climbs a tree; Wolves wait a long time for the Turtle to make arrows; The turtle knocks down the Deer with an arrow, the Wolves refresh him; under various pretexts, the Turtle refuses all the pieces offered to him; Wolves take everything away, the Turtle brings only a drop of blood to his wife; the wife is in the hearts throws it in his face, turtles have red eyes ever since]: Swanton 1929, No. 23:249-252 (=1913, No. 6:198-201); Alabama [Wolves chase the Deer, which hides in the back of Beaver who made the boat; Wolves they notice something sticking out under Beaver's tail, the Deer jumps on a tree; the turtle hits him with an arrow, refuses all the parts offered to him, brings drops of blood to his wife, and she throws it in his face since then turtles have red eyes]: Swanton 1929, No. 52:158-159.

Big Pool. Western shoshones [a mountain spirit woman chases a man she made her lover; a woman hides a fugitive in a seed basket; a Coyote at her arrowhead]: Smith 1993: 138-139; Valapai [three brothers flee from a dangerous blind man; five female snakes hide them in their vessels one by one]: Kroeber 1935:270; Utah (Utah) [Gorlinka tells little daughter to watch her brother; a Spirit Woman (JD) comes, tells the girl to give her a baby, takes him away; the mother returns, kills her daughter; the boy grows up, hunts deer for the railway, she regularly copulates with him; Gorlinka's brother Eagle tells the young man to leave the killed deer high in the tree, gives him a feather, liver, stomach; the railway loses time pulling the deer (she manages to catch the carcass with a loop of her pubic hair); the young man leaves a resin penis on her bed; ZhD uses it, pieces of her lungs stick to the resin; she chases Gorlinka and her son, who throw their pen (fog), liver (ice), stomach (rocks); resort to to the grandfather of the young Rattlesnake; he hides the fugitives in his bag; sits with his penis out; the railway rushes to copulate with him; he throws things and fugitives out of the house, tells the walls to converge; the railway remains in the rock, turns into a mountain echo]: Sapir 1930, No. 6:507-513.

The Great Southwest. Hicarilla [a monster chases a girl; the Spider hides her in his braid on his head]: Goddard 1911, No. 17:210; lipan [Coyote kills a deer many times, leaves meat for three women- insects; wants to feed and eat them; women leave nits in the cracks of the pole in the tipi, tell her to cry like a baby, run away; throw the cactus, it turns into many cacti; the crane stretches out its leg like a bridge across a river; the Coyote crosses the river on the bottom, continues to chase, swallows two women; the Cardinal cuts a tree with an ax, hides the third in his hair; Coyote stops the persecution]: Opler 1940, No. 62:181-183; Hopi: Malotki, Gary 2001, No. 6 [Kachina Pongoktsina lives with her grandmother, marries a beautiful woman from Oraibi; Grandma P. has many Kachin relatives, they send rain, give game; the young go to live with their wife's parents; they have two sons; a man from Kiisiwu kidnaps a woman, takes her away on a flying shield; P. and his sons (they are still young, but accompany him) go to look for a wife; the old woman teaches what to do; when P. finds his wife, returns with her, sends the children forward, he puts her to sleep after copulation, kills her with a knife, runs away; she pursues him; in a kiva in the east he is made small, hidden under a dice; the deceased is about to find him, he runs to a kivu in the west, becomes one of the dancers; in another kiva in the West, the ritual participant hides him in his flute; in the fourth Kive P. hides in a sunflower flower growing in the middle of a pond; the dead notices its reflection, rushes after it, drowns; P. observes rituals for several days; the wife is reborn as a normal living woman; his They warn not to look back until he and his next wife reach a certain milestone; P. looks around, his wife rushes to run; the wife and P. turn into two stars, one forever chasing the other]: 30-54; Voth 1905, No. 14 [girl rejects suitors; marries kachina; gives birth to twins; goes to another kachin, leaving children; husband and children follow her footsteps; kills by piercing her throat with a wand; husband with returns to her mother as children; his wife's skeleton pursues her husband; women hide him under pottery clay; in another kiva he is given a tambourine disguised as one of the dancers; in the third, a woman puts a fugitive on his knees, hides under a tray that he makes; in the fourth person hides in a sunflower flower that grows in a spring; the skeleton sees her husband's reflection, jumps after him into the water, disappears; later on returns to the holiday in the form of his bride; both turn into stars, one forever chases the other]: 65-70; tiva (Picuris) [The Old Giantess finds the boy and girl Deer; brings fattens; they run; Big Nostrils hide them in his nose; an old man making a plow hides them in a plow crack; Beaver transports them across the river, dumps the Giantess in the middle of the river; she gets out; Rattlers Snakes hide the Deer in their house, frighten the Giantess, she leaves; tell the Reindeer to go to the mountains but to different places; they disperse in disappointment; there are now many deer in the mountains]: Harrington 1928:331-338; 1989:31-37 ; Tiwa (Isleta) [see J52 motif; Wolf chases Reindeer; Rooks (Blackbirds) hide them in the ball, play football with them, Wolf runs past]: Parsons 1932c, No. 16:403-404.

Mesoamerica See M21A motif. Chatino; chinantecs; cuicateques [the old woman found two eggs, put them in a vessel, which were born to the Sun and the Moon; every day she went to feed the deer corn porridge, told the twins to sit at home; called the deer the father of twins; when she returned, the house was a mess; once I sent them to feed my father themselves - call him, Kundo, Kundo! ; they called, the deer came, they killed him, the Moon took her right eye, the Sun took his left eye; fire was needed to cook the meat; they sent a fox to the old woman; she set fire to her tail, ran away; so that the tail would not burn, the fox placed fire in the stone {obviously in the flint}, the twins cut fire out of it; brought the old woman roasted venison, and made a scarecrow out of the skin, filling it with wasps and other stinging insects; old woman she ate, and by the river, the frogs told her that she ate deer liver; the twins told the old woman to pour sand on the frog's ass, so it was rough; the black vulture also told the old woman that she ate deer; she accused the twins of killing their father; went to check it out for herself; the deer did not respond; she went to the scarecrow and hit him with a stick - why she did not answer; insects bit her; she returned home and promised the twins call their uncle; this is a jaguar; they dug a trap hole, the jaguar fell into it; then the old woman called the twins' aunt, an eagle with two heads; they made a cage, the eagle sat on top, they grabbed her by paws (and killed); the old woman called another uncle; this is an aquatic animal with a shell, but big; the twins ran, met Thunder, asked them to hide them behind her cheek; Thunder replied to the beast that his teeth hurt and his cheek swollen; the beast tried to get into Thunder's mouth, but the Sun asked to hit, Thunder smashed the beast to pieces; while Thunder was working, the twins opened three vessels in his house: water, wind and hail; The soaked Thunder came back, closed the vessels and drove the twins away: that's why your aunt kicked you out; they found honey, the Sun ate a little, and told the moon to eat more, she was thirsty; the Sun gave water only after how they changed their eyes; the Sun did not tell them to drink everything, but the Moon drank everything; the Sun told them to regurgitate some of the water, otherwise it would not be on earth; the moon regurgitated, but the dirty water stained her face, so she was wearing it stains; the woman has a chest; the Sun gave her ripe cherimoyi and said that there are many of them in the forest; she left, and he asked the rat to gnaw through the chest; the woman hears and asks, Sun: don't worry; the same with the woodpecker; agouti gnawed, a wheel with a rope in the chest, the Sun and the Moon rose to heaven, agouti followed; asks what to do; Sun: cut the rope above you; Aguti fell, buried in the ground; the woman managed spanking the moon; so when the moon looks like a sickle, women are menstruating; woman to the Sun: remember me when I cover your face with my underskirt]: Weitlaner 197:56-62 (=Bartolomé 1984:6-9); mihe; mihe [old woman stalks; Aguchi woman hides]: Miller 1956, No. 3, 4:82, 91; kekchi, mopan [Mahanamatz forest spirit asks a person for honey; eats with wax; when a person climbs a tree, M. makes it tall, leaves; various animals refuse to help because a person hunted them; coati form a chain, tell him not to step on a pregnant female; man comes, but manages to jump to the ground; runs, gets to Chuck, who hides the man, tells the cougar and the jaguar to tear M.; makes the man his assistant; tells him to work in the garden, but not look under the roots; a man looks, sees his house on earth, brother, wife through the hole; goes down a rope, but hangs between heaven and earth; Chuck pulled him out; C. is waiting for guests, tells them to sweep, man sweeps frogs, but they were guests and musicians; in C.'s absence, the man puts on his clothes, opens a bag of wind, takes a calebass of water, a drum, thereby causing a hurricane, rain, thunder; falls into the sea C. revived him, sent him home, giving him a calebass with endless wax and honey; allowed him to go to heaven if he didn't say hello to anyone; his wife followed the man; Chuck asks her about the names of parts of his body ; when she points to the genitals, she wants to respond, but the hurricane takes her and her husband away]: Thompson 1930:146-150; soke (Chapultenango): Montemayor 1996 (2) [older sister 15 years old, youngest 12, they went picking beans; met the eldest groom, he agreed with the bride when he would come to their house; the cannibal overheard the conversation; the younger sister suspects that it was not the eldest's fiancé who called them in the evening; she lies down sleep downstairs, the eldest with the imaginary groom under the roof; at night the youngest hears the cannibal say, What a tasty udder; a bunch of beans tell her to hide under her, not run; the cannibal says that the girl ran away; in the village, men asked the girl to scream to lure the cannibal; put calebasses on her heads; an ogre came, thought that the men were shaved, asked him to shave; he was told to bring firewood (from shaving, supposedly cold), tied (so as not to cut themselves), thrown into the fire, it burned down]: 69-72; Sulvarán López 2007 [two nieces went with their uncle to the field; he went home; in the evening they became his call, a forest cannibal came; called them to play in his hut; one went, he ate it, the other hid under a bunch of bean pods; the cannibal asked a bunch of pods, she replied that the girl was not there; in the morning the girl ran to the village; people came to the mill, the girl called "uncle" again, the cannibal went out, he was asked to cut his long hair, tied him to a stool, cut off his head, his head and body were burned] : 59-60.

The Northern Andes. Kogi [Mother combined her pubic hair with her menstrual blood, so she created the first man; he was boneless; the second was without a body, the third was powerless, the fourth was normal, it was Sintana, he was born in the "Sea Foam" house in the middle of the sea; Mother did not have a husband, she satisfied herself with a wooden stick; this is how Sintana, Seihukúkui, Seyänkua, Kímaku, Kynchavitauéya, Aldahu&# were born 237; ku, Jantäna and Duesängui; The mother looked like a man, had a beard and mustache, a handbag and a coca vessel; she told her sons to do all women's jobs; there were no women, instead of wives The brothers had objects: a vessel, a loom, a mortar; they masturbated, but thought it was sex; then Mother gave birth to 9 daughters, i.e. 9 types of land: White, Red, Yellow, Blue, Sandy, Burned, Ash, Rocky, Black; the sons pushed the water away, the Mother drank the middle of the sea, land appeared; S. and the other sons began to ask the Mother for her daughters; she gave everything, and the youngest daughter Black hid; S. began to sing and dance in the middle of the world, Black Earth came out, S. carried her away; Mother sent a crocodile in pursuit; Seijánkua hid the fugitives first in his lime vessel and then in his heart; where the Black Earth set foot, fertile soil appeared; this is how the earth hardened; dance and music to steal a girl's land from her mother]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985 (2), No. 1. II: 19-21; yupa [Sun invited a person to his place, offers to drink tobacco; he intends to drink the guest; the person replies that he only smokes tobacco; the son of the Month comes, warns that the Sun wants to kill and eat the person; he runs to For the month; the Sun and the Vulture come for him; the man hides in one of the vessels in which the daughters of the Month hide during menstruation; the Sun goes away, the Vulture takes one of the daughters of the Month; a person marries another; wants to go home; A month sends a sparrow to carry a man to earth; warns not to eat hot; he ate, died]: Halbmayer 2004:41-42.

Guiana. Pemon {arecuna?} [while the Makunaima brothers were in the caiman's stomach, the old toad burned down, exploded, the stones scattered, and since then the caiman skin was cracked; while lulling away from the Jaguar, the M. brothers asked chiriyau to save them; he dug a hole, told him to put sharp stakes on the bottom; told Jaguar he was playing by jumping over a hole; the Jaguar jumped, ran into stakes, died]: Armellada 1988, No. 28:82-83; makushi: Roth 1924, No. 601 [ Maichoppa wanted to see the chief of the vultures; the inhabitants of two community houses quarreled, killed each other; M. lay down among the dead bodies; urubu vultures flocked, took off their feathers and wings, and M. took possession of them with an outfit, but could not fly by himself; the Spider tied one end of her thread to the top of the tree and gave the other M.; lengthening the thread, she lifted M. to the mountain of vultures behind the clouds; M. wants to marry the leader's daughter vultures; he demands 1) build a house on a bare rock (eel drilled holes, animals and birds built a house); 2) make a bench with his image; the young man climbed onto the web, relieved himself on his head a vulture; he ordered to bring fire to understand what had fallen on him, M. saw two heads; a bird and an ant were carved out of the bench; the vulture's daughter sent the karaka bird to grab M.; he runs away from home to the house, runs to the Spider, she hides it under cotton yarn, does not allow K. to stir it up so as not to confuse the yarn; M. goes down to the top of the seiba, lets go of the web thread, does not know how to get down on ground; sits on the lizard's back, she is going to eat it, runs down and up the trunk; M. manages to jump to the ground; M. comes to Aguti, at home his wife, all cassava is stolen from M.'s garden, Aguti's wife says she made it especially for him; M. is happy, returns home]: 486-488; Soares Diniz 1971, No. 17 [people died from diseases, a young man is left; urubu vultures ate rotten meat; young man rises to heaven, marries the daughter of the vulture leader; father-in-law demands 1) dry the lake (battleships took water, birds caught fish), 2) build a house (birds and animals helped), 3) make a stone a bench depicting his father-in-law (the lizard relieved the vulture on his head, who asked his daughter to shine, the young man saw two heads, the termite and the woodpecker were carved with a bench); Urubu still decided to kill his son-in-law; his daughter warned the young man; when Urubu sat down on the bench, the tião lizard hiding behind her killed him; Urubu's sons chased the young man; he hid in a basket in the Spider's house; the Caracara bird cut thread, the young man fell to the top of the samaumeira tree; a lizard lived there, she offered to sit on her back, ran along the trunk, wanted to eat it, but he jumped to another tree, returned to the ground]: 92-94.

Ecuador. See M21A motif. Cañar.

Western Amazon. See M21A motif.

Aguaruna; shuar [Tsuna (stinky tree) chases; snake hides in its mouth]: Pelizzaro 1993:131-132

NW Amazon Desana [see motive J12; two sisters go to marry Inamba (Crypturus sp. Forest Feather), get to the Possum; run to Inamba; Crane, Duck refuses to transport them because of an unpleasant smell; Cayman can't smell them, they transport them; the Opossum pursues them; the people of Inambu (Herons) wash them, hide them; refuse to give them Opossum; kill him]: Kumu, Kenhiri 1980:161-184; kabiyari [Yedjia turned into a forest chicken, trapped in cucarron (Mutu -cricket?) ; smeared with sewage, M. thinks that the excrement is a laid egg, ate it, took it to his children, they also ate; Y. ran away, hid at Yapuri, he replied to M. that he did not see Y.; Y. stayed with Yapuri; he hid kept his daughters in a box; Y. became ill, did not go with the owner to the station, opened the box, sisters Krakhmal and Cassava came out; Y. killed their father, took them home]: Correa 1989:76-77.

Central Amazon. See M21A motif. Manao? (Rio Negro) [Rapariga ate fried Curupira while he was swimming; what was eaten from his belly answers K.'s call; R. asks the Toad to pick it up into her hollow; K. left; the same Istria with Rapagão; Marten suggests K . eat honey, not people; K. is gone, does not want honey, wants human]: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890:68-69; maue [a jaguar who later turned into a caimana pursues]: Pereira 1954 [the old woman hides first at himself in the genitals, then under his arm, then on the back of his head; the hero is a toad man]: 105-106; Ubbe 1991, No. 6 [toad women hide on the back of their heads]: 179; munduruku [Karuekabyo eats another son-in-law, when he goes out to urinate and returns to the house; Amabet is small, enters the house through a hole in the wall; K. tells him to make a bird-hunting shelter in the tree, is going to eat it when he will get down; A. puts four birds as guards, they warn of K.'s approach; fires an arrow, asks K. to pick it up, has time to go down; K. tells them to climb another tree for fruit; A. sends him for a new climbing ring, manages to get up himself; creates parrot chicks, throws them to K., who picks them up; getting off, A. throws a sticky mass of chewed fruit into K.'s face, runs away; people hide first under his elbows, then under his knees, then on the back of his head; they ask K. to open his mouth, throw hot stones there, K. dies; his body is thrown into the river, it turns into a caiman]: Kruse 1949, No. 20 [ a person hides under his foot]: 627-628; Murphy 1958, No. 37:116-117.

Eastern Amazon. Anambe [a young man climbs a tree above the river to fish; an old woman Seushi (Pleiades) sends mews to force him to go down; brings him home; her daughter puts waxed in the fire instead of him Pest, helps her escape; he throws palm leaves behind; they turn into animals, S. devours them; throws her baskets of fish; Monkeys hide it in an empty pot; Snakes hide them in a hole, want to fry and eat; he asks Falcon for help, who kills snakes; the stork brings him in a basket to his mother's garden; the mother sees that her son has become an old man]: Couto de Magalhães 1882:63; tenetehara: Nimuendaju 1915, No. 10 [Cayman pursues, Crane hides in a fish basket]: 299-300; Wagley, Galvão 1949, No. 15 [Wiraí boy went with his mother to the site, got lost, the river split, he found himself on an island; the Nighthawk ("night hawk") refused to move it, the Woodpecker could not, Cayman offered to sit on it; on the opposite bank he went under water; the Socó bird {apparently the pelican} dived, swallowed V., hid it in his throat bag, Cayman sailed away; V. spent the night under a rock, in the morning it turned out to be a huge Toad; saw hummingbirds dancing and singing "I'll make a calebass out of his head", V. them frightened him; the snake Moizuhú invited him to her house, wanted to eat him, but V. began singing Hawk's song "Hawk Eats Snake Eyes", the snake got scared and disappeared; V. slept again by the huge toad, who repeated "Sleep with on the other hand", where V. found a path, walked along it to a fruit tree; on the other hand, V. ate so many fruits that he began to go bald; the bakers brought him to the yam field; V.'s father frightened off the Bakers, grabbed his son; at home he He hugged his mother so tightly that they could not split up (var.1: called a shaman to separate them; var.2: could not separate because V. was a shaman]: 140-142; urubu: Ribeiro 2002:463-466 [ the boy chased the nightjar, found himself on the other side of the sea (he carried him there with a nightjar); Toucan, a toucan with a red beak, the duck is offered to be taken home, the boy replies that they are too weak; The duck gives the crossing boat is Cayman; on the way, he asks if his back, tail, teeth, digging leeches are pleasant; the boy praises them every time; when he jumps ashore, shouts that they are disgusting; Cayman pursues the boy, he asks for help from the Pelican (Socó-Ramoui - Owner of the Pelicans); the Pelican regurgitates the fish, hides the boy in his goiter, threatens Cayman, he has to leave; the boy returns to his mother] 571-573 [a handsome man came, married two girls, one had her first period, the other many times; it was Tapir, or rather the Ancestor of Tapirs; brought them to his village; they think that everything is like humans; Tapir cut off and fried his own meat, gave it to his wives under the guise of game; the eldest ate, the youngest refused, because only turtles can eat during the first period; Tapir left, leaving the girls in his care mothers; they ran away; Tapir began to whistle, his flesh in his elder wife's belly began to swell, he caught up with her, took a little tapir out of her womb, took his wife back, chased the youngest; she asked the Woodpecker for help, he hid it under an overturned boat; Tapir came, turned the boat over but the wrong one, the Woodpecker drove him away, sent the girl to her house; people came to kill the tapirs but found nothing; the older girl was missing].

The Central Andes. Ferregnafe (Quechua, dep. Lambayeque): Toro Montalvo 1989:311-314 (1980) [two children lost their herd of sheep in the thickets, their mother began to call out, the cannibal Ačkay answered them, called them to the house, she cooks stones in the cauldron, not potatoes; at night A. puts the children in her bed, ate boy, in the morning his sister saw his skin, penis and heart on the chair; asked for time off to go to the yard, refusing to relieve herself of the need for a house, A. tied a rope to her; the girl tied a rope to a tree, ran away, taking a rope brother's heart; A. pulled the rope, the tree fell; the deer cultivated the field, hid the girl in the furrow, A. ran, they ripped open her stomach with horns; A. chases again, holding her intestines; the skunker hid the girl in her hole, stunned by A. with her jet; the hawk hides the girl under her wing, says he is limp when he fell off a cliff when he was chasing prey; refuses to show the wound, otherwise she will not heal; he pulled A. eyes; girl and A. ran to the creator; A. says she is running after the girl to look in her head; a revived boy sits next to the creator; all cannibals gathered together with A., the creator tells them to tell them to appear, mountains to appear; tells them to say that mountains fall; mountains collapse, burying cannibals under them except two; from the boy's heart, the creator created two dogs, ordered the girl let them on those cannibals, they tore them up; the girl returned to her mother's house, said that two dogs were her brother], 316-319 (1993) [brother and sister are herding sheep; night has come, one ram is lost, the children call their mother, someone shouts to them that the ram is here, the children are coming to the old woman; she ate the girl at night, tells the boy to watch the cauldron in the morning with potatoes, stones are cooked in it; the boy replies that the stones are still raw, the old woman looks for herself - they have turned into mashed potatoes for her; the boy asks to go to the yard, refuses to relieve the need for the house, old woman ties a rope to him, he ties it to a tree; the old woman pulls, the tree falls; the condor hides the boy under his wing, replies to the old woman that he was injured in a fight, refuses to show the wound - he will worse; pecked out one eye from the old woman; she runs to the skunker who hid the boy in her hole, releases her stream into the old woman; deer plant potatoes, hid the boy, pierce the old woman with horns; in the sky St. Joseph looks in the boy's head, an old woman comes running; St. Joseph tells her to gather all her relatives, turned the reeds into two dogs, who tore up all the cannibals and cannibals, but some remained; St. Joseph took the boy home]; Quechua dep-ta Lambayeque [the boy and girl went to search for the missing sheep, got to an old woman Achakay {la achakay, i.e. A. - not really their own name, but the category of demonic creatures}, she offered boiled potatoes, but it was only yellow clay, A. eats it; at night the girl fell asleep, A. ate the boy, he gave a voice; A. came out, the girl found a heart ( brother), hid it; A. sniffs her hands; the girl says that she needs to go to the yard, A. offers to relieve her need in her arms, she refuses, A. lets her go with a rope tied to her belt; the girl ties a rope to the plant, runs away; tuyu answers A. that he is not ready yet; the skunk hides the girl in the hole, he and A. agree to let the winds go, the skunk lets A. in the face, tells the girl to run to the deer; two deer they dig up a potato field, one hides the girl under lumps of earth, butts A. in the eye, tells the girl to run to Gallinaso, who hides her under his wing like a hunchback; explains to A. who ran up that he worked, his pushed; A. wants to look under her wing, Galinaso bites her eye, sends the girl to the eagle; he brings her to God in heaven; the girl shows him the liver (it was said above that the heart), it turns into two dogs, a male and a female; A. runs up, God rips off the girl's finger, gives A.; she chews it, calls "the lame, the blind," and God tells the girl to repeat, "Grow up, mountain, grow!" ; God asks if all those called by A. have come; when everyone shouts, "Eat it!" ; they rush at the girl, but the mountain falls on them and everyone disappears; the girl and her two dogs remain; A.'s gray-haired head appears; at God's hint, the girl commands the dogs, "Grab, Toteres, grab, Bolberes"; God says A. will be pricked; the dog is covered in blood, returns to the girl]: Weber, Meier 2008:37-49; Pariarca, Tantamayo County, Prov. Huamales, dep. Huanuco [famine time husband asks his wife where to fry corn; children answer; parents put children in a basket, leave them hanging on a rock above the abyss; condor, vulture {urubu?} , domshnico bird, warak bird refuse to help (children called them an eater of cows (fallen), donkeys, worms; the sparrow descended to the plain where the wild eye (Oxalis tuberosa) grew; they asked for their skunk feed them, he made a fire for them, it went out; he lit it again, ordered them not to go out, not to go across the river where the cannibal Achkay lives; the fire went out, the children came to Achkai; she invited them, cooked stones, mashed them like potatoes, but the children can't eat stones; took the boy to bed with her, the girl upstairs with Martina, daughter A.; the boy screams, A. explains that he is taking out her lice; in the morning she says that sent the boy for firewood; told me to bring water; the girl hears A. telling M. to throw a flower into the boiling water, and when the girl leans down to look, push her into the cauldron; the girl herself pushes M. into the cauldron, finds his brother's bones in bed, runs away, taking them; asks the ploughman to hide them, he hides them under lumps of earth; A. comes, eats meat, calls M., she answers from her stomach; A. curses his bowel movements to turn into M., but it does not work; A. rushes in pursuit; the ploughman whips her; the girl asks the skunk to hide her, he streams into A.'s face; the girl runs to the deer, who hits A. with a digging stick; St. The maiden washed clothes, ordered God to lower the gold chain, he lowered it, pulled the girl to the sky; for A. he lowered the rope and mouse, the mouse gnawed the rope, A. fell, shouting that she would become nettles and various thorns; there have been nettles and thorny shrubs ever since]: Howard-Malverde 1986:6-9 (=1989, No. 1:9-15); Margos County, Dep. Huanuco [when hungry, the husband asks his wife at night where to fry corn; the children ask again; the parents ate corn secretly from them, so the father hung the children in a bag over the abyss; those consistently ask flying birds for help; falcon (cernícalo), pajaros dominicos (small colorful birds), another falcon, galninaso vulture answer that there is no time, whoever is flying will help then; Condor brings the children to the plain, says that the cave has everything they need; the matches are over, the children see smoke, the girl came to old Achkay; when she found out that the girl has a brother, she tells him to bring him so as not to run after fire every time; cooks and eats stones, calling them potatoes; at night, the sister hears her brother's screams, A. explains that she takes out his lice; kills him herself, puts him to cook; tells the girl bring water in the basket; she cannot; A. goes to get water by herself, tells the blackberries, toads, huaychau to raise the alarm if the girl looks into the vessel; they themselves tell the girl that her brother is cooking in the vessel, they say pick up his bones, run; dominico, skunk, gallinazo, falcon, deer answer A. that they did not see the girl (she asked them to do so); Condor replied that the girl was close; the girl asked God, he let him down the gold chain, picks it up; for A. lowers the chain with the rat, it gnawed, A. fell, turned into thickets of prickly blackberries; God placed the boy's bones in a box, left it in the church, ordered not to be ahead of time peek; sister looked in, brother is almost alive but turned into two puppies; since then dogs have been smart as humans, and people love puppies; the girl has turned into the moon, so we say mother moon]: Weber, Meier 2008:117-140; prov. Huamales, dep. Huanuco [when the parents are going to eat secretly, the husband asks where the brazier (tiesto) is, the son suggests; realizing that the children have heard everything; they leave them hanging in a basket on a rock; they call the eagle refuses to help - he was called a "chicken thief"; the same with the falcon; with the dominico bird ("giblets eater"); with galinazo ("dead dog eater"); warning him not to touch his wounds, The condor brings him to the hut, where there is plenty of food; but the rain fills the fire; the children see smoke in the distance; Maria sends Brother Jose to get the fire; there Achkay prepares food, asks her to stay with her and bring her sister; the girl says that A. has stones in the cauldron, and for her these are potatoes, she presses and eats them; at night A. eats the boy, answers his sister that she is cleaning his head; in the morning she sends the girl to bring water to basket; she comes back, notices that A. is cooking her brother; A. puts a stone covered with straw on the mountain, as if it were the girl's brother; the girl cannot bring water with a basket, A. goes by herself, telling all the birds and scream to animals if the girl looks into the cauldron; she takes out the cooked brother, runs away, everyone screams, A. rushes in pursuit; the girl asks God to lower the rope, rises to heaven; A. asks the people she meets, did the girl run; the farmer deer hits her with a plough; the fox hits her face; the skunk starts his stream; A. asks God to lower the golden rope; he lowers the rope with the rat, she gnawed it, A. fell, yelling what would become thorns; there have been thorny plants ever since]: Weber, Meier 2008:101-116; Conchukos, dep. Ancash: Mejia Xesspe 1952 [four versions; during a drought, parents put their son and daughter in a bag, throw them into the abyss; the bag clings to the thorny bush; The swallow can't, Condor brings the bag to the valley, in Chavin de Huantar; the swallow shows the children a potato field; its owner is old Achkay; she fattens a boy, gives the girl stones to eat; kills a boy, he screams, she explains what he is looking for in his head; tells his daughter to send the girl to bring water in a vessel full of holes, push her into a boiling pot; the frog teaches the girl what to do; she plugs holes, brings water, and pushes her daughter the old woman in the cauldron, puts her brother's bones in the bag, runs; A. eats his daughter; Condor hides the girl under her wings, the Skunk in the hole; the Fox, the Deer, and other animals also hide; The dove puts the bones in the basket , tells me not to open it; the girl opens it; there is a living brother, but he turns into a white dog; Vicuna gives the girl a golden rope, she and her brother climb to heaven; she turns into the Evening Star, he is a Pleiades or the Morning Star; the old woman Vicuna gives a straw rope; the parrot cuts it; A. falls, asks his own to spread a cloak for her; her screams can still be heard - an echo; her blood turns into a lake, her body - uphill; hands and feet in cacti; blackberry nails; nettle hair; eyes in potatoes, ulyuku; teeth in corn; toes in eye and mashua; etc.]: 238-242; prov. Korongo, north of Ancash [when hungry, parents are going to secretly eat corn; children hear, ask for it; parents put them in a bag, throw them into the abyss, the bag catches on a thorny bush; they ask for a sparrow, which is too weak, the condor agrees to take it to the pampa, where the potatoes grow; there is no fire, the children go to look for it; they come to the old woman Achkë; at night the girl left to sleep downstairs, she hears her brother screams; in the morning the girl hears an old woman teaching her son Antuk Tubuk to push the girl into the boiling pot; she pushes him herself, the old woman eats her son; the girl runs, taking her brother's bones, meets St. Virgo; she tells me to put the bones in the box, not to open it, the boy will be reborn; but the girl opened, the bones have turned into a dog; the fox promises to tell the stalker if the girl ran if the old woman will bring water in the basket; someone else if she peels the stones like potatoes; the girl throws earrings, needles, necklaces behind, the old woman spends time collecting them; God lowers a chain and a straw rope from the sky, a girl with a dog climbs a chain; an old woman climbs a straw rope and thinks it's gold; the rat gnawed the rope, the old woman fell and crashed]: Weber, Meier 2008:71-78; Caruas, dep. Ancash [widow died; left alone, little brother and sister saw a sparrow with a potato flower in its beak, followed him; Achiqueé lived in the same village, decided to kill the children and take possession of it herself with potatoes, called him into her house; at night she tried to kill the boy; the girl grabbed him and ran; Gallinazo hid them under her wings, hit the stalker in the face to blood; the girl promised him excellent eyesight and plenty of food; the same is Puma and other animals (all awarded); the last is the Fox, refused to help (it will smell disgusting, hunters will easily find it); Jan Jerónimo descended from the sky rope, brother and sister got up, they still live in the sky, there are a lot of potatoes; CX lowers a rotten rope and a rat for A.; the rat gnaws through it; A. asks to fall into the pampa, but falls on a rock; tells her blood became rocks, her blood dried up the vegetation; this is how the Andes and the sands of the coast appeared]: Arguedas, Izquierdo Rios 1947:130-134; Callejón de Huilas, dep. Ancash [parents secretly cook corn when they are hungry; when they realize that the children have found out, they put them in a bag, throw them into the river; the children escape, come to Achik; at night the girl hears moans brother; A. explains that she cleans his head; the girl grabs his brother, runs with him; Condor hides them under her wings, pushes A. into the ravine; the fox hides in the hole, frightens A., grinding her teeth; Skunk hides them in a hole, streams into A.; The lamb throws a rope hanging around her neck to the sky, the children climb it into the sky; A. climbs sludge; the parrot cuts the rope with its beak, A. falls, breaks]: Jiménez Borja 1937, |№ 15| ; Caraz, Callejón de Huilas, Dep. Ancash [Achik has a son and daughter; she does not find another child for dinner, eats her own son; the girl wakes up screaming of her younger brother; in a dream he tells her to run; she puts his body in bag, runs; Condor hides it under his wing, hits A.; Skunk hides it in a cave, streams into A.; angels pull a rope from the sky, take the girl to heaven; for A. they lower the rope with rats; they cut off rope; A. screams, Not to the plain, but into the swamp; falls on rocks; turns into prickly plants]: Angeles Caballero 1990:22-24 (24-27: other versions with Achik, Achkai, Mama-Galya in Tarika (Caruas, Ancash), Jauja, Pomabamba, Chavin de Huantar, Alto Marañon, Canta, Comas (Jauja), Paccha (Jauja); no versions from southern Peru); Callejon de Huailas, dep. Ancash [during the earthquake, the witches were happy - I wish they could always dance; during the hail of fire, they walked covered with long stones; one saw a weaver with oil on his face; said that came to eat it; he advised me to close all the holes in the house, burn coal below, he would jump from the second floor, the witches would eat it; when everyone gathered, poured out pepper and salt, everyone suffocated, only one slept through a hole in the wall, settled in a cave; two orphans came there; at night the girl hears her brother crying; the witch replies that she was taking out his lice; in the morning she told me to bring water in the basket; she can't the witch goes by herself, tells her not to open the cauldron; the girl lifts the lid, finds her brother, puts the witch's son into the cauldron, runs away, carrying her brother's body; the witch eats meat, calls her son, he answers from her belly, she chases; the old man hides the girl in a loom, the witch looks for her, he hits her, the girl runs away; the ploughman hides in the field, beats the witch, tells the girl to run to where the green cross is, under him a spring with with blood, a basket will descend from the sky; the girl goes to heaven; the witch also asks, a dilapidated basket on a rotten rope descends to her, the parrot cut it, the witch fell on the rock; her blood spread around the world, especially ravines that weren't there before]: Weber, Meier 2008:79-90; prov. Wari, dep. Quechua del Sur de Conchucos [parents got angry with the children, put them in a bag, threw them into the abyss, the bag caught on blackberry bushes on the rock; they ate blackberries; asked for gallinazo, the falcon, the condor, took them out of the abyss; the condor carried the boy first, then the girl to where the potatoes were; the girl noticed the smoke, came to the witch for the fire; she ordered her brother to be brought and potatoes brought; cleaned them, let the girl clean the stones; lay down, taking the boy, the girl lay down with the witch's daughter; the boy cries; the witch replies that she was taking out his lice; that the beard of her vulva had pricked him; in the morning the girl hears a witch promising her daughter that they will now eat her sister; the girl herself pushed the witch's daughter into the cauldron, took her brother's bones, ran; the witch calls her daughter, "Rosa!" She answers from her belly; Galinazo, the falcon, says they didn't see, the condor said he saw the girl; God lowered that gold chain; the witch lowered the straw with the parrot; the parrot gnawed, the witch fell on the rocks Her vulva's stubble became blackberry spines]: Weber, Meier 2008:91-99; Pusacpampa, Comas County, Prov. Concepcion, dep. Junin [husband asks his wife where the corn brazier is, the children hear and answer; then their father threw them into the abyss, they are stuck on a cliff covered with straw; the sparrow brought them a grain corn; the condor carried across the river; there was an old woman's house; the old woman told the girl to bring water in the basket; she could not; the old woman went by herself, telling her not to wake her brother; the girl found him in a boiling pot; he says to her, "Sister, pok, pok"; the girl grabbed the cauldron, ran, saw a weaver weaver weaving colored cloth, who hid it under the cloth, told the old woman who ran up to walk, dancing, on the green plain, the girl will appear; the mountains closed, crushing the old woman]: Arguedas 1953:230-232; San Miguel Village, Arauay County, Prov. Kant, dep. Lima: Arguedas, Izquierdo Ríos 1989 [The cannibal Pistaco on Mount Pishta Machay demands a child for lunch every week; when everything is eaten, he brings a widow with a son and daughter; names the children Wilka, grandchildren; tells me to bring water in the basket; when the children return, they find their mother's meat in the cauldron; P. asks to take out his insects, falls asleep, the children run away; ask the Weichau bird to wake up P., when they are behind the fifth mountain; a peasant hides them in the nostrils of an ox; a woman makes chicha, gives water to P.; his drunk is invited to dance, pushed into the abyss; Willka makes guns out of deer antler, they harvest a big harvest]: 22-23; Ortiz Rescaniere 1973:45-46 [old Saloma lived with her grandson and granddaughter; the children went to herd cattle, Va-Kon rushed to them from the mountain; the children ran to the old woman, who hid the children under a bunch of manure and a bunch of cobs; VK asked where Willkas was; S. replied that they had gone to Huaraz, told me to dance; the boy looked out, saw that Va-Kona had fangs and horns; VK came to Huaraz, where all the women began to give he should eat his children and hair to fix his clothes; this is how they avoided droughts], 186-187 (Huaros County) [Huajunes went out to look for children to eat; in winter, a widow with two children went out for firewood; to meet him Huajun, took them to his cave; sent the children to bring water in the basket, ate them by their mother, told the children who returned without water that she would come soon; W. himself went to get water with a basket, the children saw them in a boiling pot mother's head; W. came, began to eat stones, children could not eat them; he fell asleep, they tied his hair to a stone, ran away; when W. woke up, freed, the children were already far away], 187-189 [the area was devastated Willka, a poor widow with two children, was starved; wandering in search of food, a woman with her children met the cannibal Wa-Qon; he invited them to his cave; sent the children to fetch water, giving them a basket, He killed the woman, put it in the pot to cook; the children returned without water, Wa-Kon went to bring water in the basket himself, but it was not enough, the boy noticed his mother's breasts protruding in the cauldron out of the water; while Wa-Kon was sleeping, the children tied his hair to a stone, ran away; Wa-Kon woke up, set off in pursuit; met a weaver, farmhand, female skunk, everyone replies that the children had been running for a long time, and the weaver and farmhand threatened to beat Va-Kon; he leaves, the children stay with the skunker; she feeds them with her milk; one day she went to the mountains with them, fell, crashed; Vilka became husband and wife, began to cultivate the fields, the Cullhuay Indians are their descendants]; aymara (dep. Puno) [cannibal chases; donkey hides in his stomach]: Ortiz Rescaniere 1973:26

Montagna - Jurua. See M21A motif. Chayahuita; kachinahua [Naimbo builds a ladder, the end reaches the sky; the storm breaks it, takes N. far from the village; he follows the hunters, but is afraid to step on poisonous ants goes the other way; gets stuck in the hawk cannibal trap, falling into it first with one leg, then with the other, with one hand, with the other head (=tar-baby); Hawk has huge testicles, and carries his penis in bag; N. puts it in the same place, brings it home; goes for firewood; Hawk's wife is N.'s ex-fiancée, whom Hawk stole; she hides him under a vessel; Hawk asks their pet parrot what happened; a woman tells him to kill a parrot if he gives it away; the Hawk tells his ants, wasps, snakes to look for them, but the woman recalls them or presses them every time; at night, Hawk's penis crawls towards his wife, ejaculates between knees; now she sleeps with N., gives birth to a boy; N. goes to the forest, locks himself in the genip tree; The hawk finds him, leads him down; N. throws him fruits, tries to throw them further and further; goes down, resorts to the river; animals fish there, hide it in the sand, covering their faces with a basket; the Hawk blows the wind, but N. manages not to cough; the Hawk returns home, the animals show N. the way to his mother's house; he loses hers, but she ends up getting home]: d'Ans 1975:214-232.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana [the husband is good at cultivating the garden, but a bad hunter; brings only frogs that he rips off alive; one day he returns bloody, throwing his skin behind his back; at night, his wife and children run away; ask Stork, Cancer not to tell where they ran; the stalker promises to eat the fugitives, kicks Cancer to death; the old woman hides the fugitives in a vessel, the pursuer does not find them, leaves; a woman with children come to the village and talk about what happened]: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 223, var.1:356-357; eseeha [Docuei'ai (guazo, small deer) was the first to cut down the forest on the site, ordered them to work and Anteaters (ana, oso bandera); they saw that D.'s site was small, cut down the forest around; when D. was on his site, the Anteaters set fire to their own; D.'s cries were heard by his father Edósiquiana (owner) animals, now translated as "devil"), saved his son, but since then he has a dark skin and little hair; E. moved D. to where the Anteater's mother lived; D. asks why the pot is on fire; Cook a deer ; D. asked her to show her how she would do it, put her in boiling water; almost ate it when the Anteaters arrived; he fell into their trap, stuck with all his limbs and head, since then they have been flat, thin; became a deer; the Vultures thought D. was dead; when Condor pecked his heart, D. came to life, grabbed the Vultures, began to torment them, since then they had their current appearance; let them go for promising the biggest to give their daughter ; he brought his daughters, D. chose the one he liked; became a deer, still lives in the forest; his wife (Vulture's daughter) went to look for another husband; Pucarara's snake, she had no teeth, asked insert a thorn, bit the girl to death; the girl's sister {practically, it's herself} escaped, the snake behind her, the man hides her in his daquidei, killed the snake, cut the current snakes out of pieces; husband turned into an animal, his wife was pregnant, left, went to the Jaguars; Jaguariha tells her brother that a pig girl has come; the one who came hid under a tacuara (basket?) , her tooth ornament clapped, the Jaguar found her, ate it, the baby fell out of her ass, got to her grandmother, she put it in a calebass; the boy grew up instantly, the grandmother told me to be careful not to eat it like a mother ; the arrows did not harm Jaguar, he killed him with a gun]: Verna 1985:69-71; synth larga [the Kaboêp girl loved the Owl, but met the Paxit bird at the party (blue, considered a son Jaguar), asks to leave a sign for her on the path to his house; this is his pen; sister K. says that there is an Owl's feather on the path to Owl's house; K. and his sister come to Owl {the substitution of signs is not mentioned, about sister before Mutum's bird episode is no longer said}; Owl's mother says he must bring game to his wife; he brings rats; agrees to give corn; leads for honey, K. does not see bees, Owl climbs a tree, knocks out his eye (? ; quebrou olho), the liquid poured out, Owl says it's honey; K. replies that she will go for the vessel, goes to Pxit herself (took her hammock with her in advance); asks Pomi (Rolinha; bird?) , who eats fruit on a tree, does not say he saw it; comes to the Crane (Socó), who hides it in his throat; Pomi, Socó tell Sova that they have not seen his wife; Owl asks what kind of bloating Socó has a throat, he replies that his teeth hurt; K. sleeps under the wing of Mutum, becomes pregnant with him, sister K. and Mutum did not get along; K. came to Paxit, Owl demands her return, K. does not want to, Paxis kills the Owl with an arrow, he comes to life, returns home; Jaguariha's mother-in-law asks K. to remove the splinter from her leg; there is no splinter in her leg, Jaguariha kills K., sister K. saves the egg, Sunkip was born from it, grew up; his father tells him to kill Mutum so as not to shout (letters. "cried"); Mutum tells S. not to kill him, says that he is his father, that his mother killed Jaguariha; brings a snake to hide it among edible larvae; she bites Jaguariha, but she does not feel anything; then C . asks Jaguariha to catch nuts that he will throw from the tree, she catches; Mutum asks to check if Yaguariha feels the heat of the fire; advises her to get the larva thrown there out of the fire; S. pushes Jaguariha into the fire, it burns; the ashes have turned into harmful insects; more about the Jaguar and the Turtle; see full text in motive J12]: Leonel Queiroz et al. 1988:63-69; surui; guarazu [caiman pursues; heron hides in its beak]: Riester 1977, No. 33:280; pauserna [man got lost, came to a wide body of water; duck offered caiman as a boat; caiman sailed with a man three days; - Say that I stink and ugly; the man kept silent; when the shore was close, the man grabbed the tree, ran; asked the uru (flightless) bird to hide it from the caiman pursuer; she sent on the way to the herons, they hid it in a basket under the fish; Cayman put his paw in the basket, pricked himself on thorny catfish, left; the man became a heron, flew to his relatives along with other herons, became again human; a week or two days later he died]: Snethlage 1936:287-288; chiriguano [twins chase a double-headed jaguar, Moon hides it]: Cipolletti 1978:50 [under clothes], 52 [in a bag].

Southern Amazon. See M21A motif. Paresi; trumai [Cayman pursues, Crane hides]: Monod Becquelin 1975, No. 53:175; kamayura [Fire pursues; mollusk hides in its shell]: Münzel 1973:115; vaura [like a camayura]: Schultz, Chiara 1971:123; Rickbacza [a group of men went to war with Sintas Largas; one recently married, put his hand in all holes; put his hand in a hole in the Black Jaguar termite, could not pull it out; the Jaguar came, called the Owl to fry the prey; the owl tied it up and began to fry; the fire was weak; the man wrote and pumped it, the Owl ate it, the fire went out, the man untied the vine, ran away; the Jaguar became chase; Spider, Snake, another Spider hid the man; the man climbed into the hollow of the Toad; she sprayed poison into Jaguar's eyes, the Jaguar ran to wash them; the man returned home; went to the forest for fruit, climbed on a palm tree, a Jaguar came, the man asked him to close his eyes, threw a bunch instead of the fruit, killed him; the corpse rotted, the finger remained; the man took it, killed animals with it; climbed a tree, gave a finger to his wife, she sent it the macaw parrot, pressed too hard, the finger killed both the parrot and her husband; told others that her husband fell from the tree; then confessed; the finger lost its strength, the widow was left alone]: Pereira 1973, No. 6:40-42 (=1994, No. 5: 67-73).

Araguaia. Karazha [people catch too many pirarucu fish; the old man tells me to stop fishing, the fishermen do not listen; they disappear; fish in their guise come to their wives; looking for her sleeping husband in her head, the wife notices needles from fins; runs with children; tells the parrot to be responsible for her; Pirarucu pulls out his feathers, the parrot admits that the woman hid in the Heron's goiter; the Heron replies that she is fat because she is full fish; Pirarucu checks Heron's excrement; woman runs farther, loses her way, suffers from thirst; Electric Eel gives water when she agrees to lie down with him; another Eel deceives, he doesn't give water ; the child turns into a bird out of thirst; Unze asks what the woman painted her (second?) baby; - With melted wax; - Paint me too; the woman scalded Unze to death; the woman's sister put Unze fat in the hollow; contrary to warning, she comes back twice, eats fat, herself turns into Unze; a woman throws her into a tree; asks Cayman to transport her; promises to surrender to him on the other side, runs away herself; Cayman guides the pursuer in her footsteps; she throws in The pursuer is hot coals; then salt, a large river forms; Pirarucu cannot cross it, stops chasing, returns to his lake]: Ehrenreich 1891, No. 8:43-45.

Eastern Brazil. See M21A motif. Crash; kayapo: Wilbert 1978, No. 145 [the old man Teeth on his head calls the girls to look for in his hair; there are hidden teeth with which he bites off the girls' fingers; after trying blood, he kills eats girls; one bitten runs; Battleship digs a passage from her house into the forest, the Parrot covers the entrance with its wings; the Heron hides the girl, swallowing her, only the necklace outside, then regurgitates; Cayman transports her across the river; the stalker sees traces to the water, rushes into the river, is eaten by piranhas; his lice are left to torment people], 151 [(Metraux 1960:30-32); the Europeans attacked the kayapo, Sakawāpö alone escaped, came to the shore of Xingu; Cayman offered to transport him; swimming to the shore, accuses S. that he called him "protruding eyebrows", "sawtooth tail", called it long-toothed and fat; S. grabbed a branch , jumped, ran, hid in the Heron's basket, which covered it with fish; Cayman began to rummage through the basket, but his paws were short, he missed S.; S. wanted to shoot a deer; he said he once hit it shot, the arrow is still in his body; went with S., but went to graze, S. did not wait for him; the same with Tapir; with Obezhiana; with Coati; S. came to a recently abandoned village; then met his brother, who showed him the way home; S. said that the others had been killed; his mother and other women held mourning ceremonies], 152 [(Lukesh 1968:60-63); Kayapo attacked a village of other Indians, but they killed attackers, only escaped Tčakamandapá; The monkey asks not to shoot, promises to bring C. to his house; but she often stopped looking for food, C. went by himself; the same with Tapir, with the Deer; with at nightfall, he met a bird with fire under its feathers; the bird allowed it to warm up, but warned it not to push; when C. moved, it flew away; then returned; in the morning C. came to the river, Cayman offered to transport it; in the middle of the river he offered to say that he had a nasty face, a thick belly, and a tail like a saw; C. answered no; at the shore he grabbed a branch, shouted to Cayman that he fat; Heron shot fish with a bow, hid C. in a basket under fish; Cayman could not find C.; Fox asked C. not to shoot, took C. to the house, C. spoke about his adventures]: 346-347, 361-362, 363-367; Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 150 (shikrin) [Vidal 1977:248; the jaguar ate a man; people left the jaguar a poisoned cake; it was eaten by a woman, died; the woman's mother with her grandson and granddaughters went to the forest; one granddaughter climbed a tree, threw genipa fruits on her sisters, the sisters turned into a capybaras, jumped into the river; the one left on the tree became a monkey; Cayman transported her grandmother and grandson across the river; they managed to jump ashore, Cayman chased them; the stork hid the fugitives in his goiter, Cayman passed by; the Pom-pom Indians hid them in the basket under the fish; the fugitives reached their own, the people drove Cayman away, burned them with fire]; sherente [while the father is hunting, his sons send the younger Asaré to bring their mother to the mansion to cut their hair; raped their mother, A. told their father about it; the brothers set fire to their parents' hut, they became with falcons, flew away; the brothers left, A. followed, they left him water in walnut shells, it was not enough; one dug a well, water poured in, filled the sea; A. swam to the other side for a forgotten arrow; on the way back, he asked the Cayman to transport him, he refused, A. scolded him, managed to swim ashore, Cayman was chasing, A. asked Dyatlov to hide it, they hid it under pieces of bark; the same when crossing the second and third rivers, he was hidden from the pursuer under the skins of partridge fruits, then monkeys; A. hid at Skunk, who killed the caiman with his jet; the brothers turn into Seven Stars ( probably the Pleiades), still like to swim in the sea]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 10:40-41.

SE Brazil. Botokuds [Mutum bird pretends to be dead; Vulture brings fire to fry it; Mutum steals fire; Heron hides Mutum in a sack, planting his wife on top; Vulture stops persecution]: Nimuendaju 1946b: 112.

Chaco. Chorote [Sákiti's harpy eagle lived high in the sky near vultures and an eagle; it has four chicks; when he came to them, it sounded like the wind; killing small game and killing people ; his children played with their bones; Wiskilióte ("laughing falcon") lives with his grandmother, hears this knock; painted himself beautiful yellow paint, took the head of a rattlesnake with him; tells the chicks what to give Bite the snake's tongue, then you'll turn yellow; the chicks die; S.'s wife shows V. where he holds his spears; S. is surprised why you can't hear the children making noise; makes his wife admit where V. is; pokes there with a spear but V. turned into many butterflies and S. does not know what kind of butterflies they are; V. turns into flowers, hummingbirds; no longer able to turn, asks his grandmother a bottle tree to hide it; she replies that she has only one root, let her grandson hide in the one with five roots; V. hid in a tree, S.'s head is stuck; he began to tear, four of the five roots cut off, then V. cut off his head; S. said this to his wife, she was happy, because S. wanted to kill her; V. came to his grandmother, asked him to look for lice, she saw S.'s red feathers on him; all the people with knives went to slaughter S., Woodpeckers in front; no one the ax could not pierce the hole, the little piculet pierced; blood gushed; all the bird people were smeared with red, yellow, blue, green, taking on its current color; and the piculet was pushed back, he was offended and left]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 100:194-195; nivakle [Stavuun (royal vulture) kills people, his children play with their bones; Ajti't'a trains to run fast; the sky used to be in the place of earth and on the contrary; the sky wanted to be clear, and the earth decided that people would not stain it; they swapped places after two menstruating women had relieved themselves and wiped their anuses; now these are two spots on sky {Magellanic clouds? Coal Sacks?} ; The Milky Way is a place where S.'s children played with bones; A. killed S.'s children; when S. approaches, the sound {thunder?} , it's raining; A. hides with his wife S., asks to send S. alternately to four directions of the world; S. returns each time and hurries in a new direction; finally notices the hole in which A. hid; digs it up, he releases the butterflies he has taken with him, S. eats them (thinking that A. ate?) ; finds a snake, shows it to his wife, asks if it is A.; meanwhile A. runs away through another exit; successively turns into a tree, into another plant, into a flower; S. does not recognize him, flies by; A. wants to hide in a bottle tree, it replies that it can't hide it, suggests hiding in Palo Mataco; he hides; when S. tries to penetrate the same hole, the tree pinches him; animals and birds came to share his flesh; the deer was well suited; the birds also bathed in blood, took on color; some immediately shook off the blood, leaving only specks, others kept their red color]: Wilbert 1987b, No. 164:388-391; poppy: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 9 [At the boy's insistence, the grandmother says that his father was killed by Sinj (y) ena'x (royal vulture); the boy is training on the run; paints himself red, comes to S.'s children, says that he has become beautiful, pierces his tongue and smeared with blood; piercing his tongues, kills; saves the younger one, tells him to consistently indicate father on four sides of the world, zenith and nadir, when he asks where the man ran; hides in the sky among red butterflies; runs away from S., hides in trees, one of them clutches a hollow around his neck the pursuer, the man finishes off S.; comes to the grandmother; all the birds try to punch a hole in S.'s body; only Little Woodpecker succeeds; inside white, yellow, red; all the birds are colored, and pieces of flesh S. attached to their bodies], 10 [the young man asks the yellow bird Quistawá who killed his parents; he says that two water snakes, male and female; the young man lets the male swallow himself, cuts off his heart, then the same with the female; comes to the grandmother, she says that his father was killed by Sinjenaj (royal vulture); further as in (9)]: 35-42, 43-45.

Southern Brazil. Mbia [Cayman pursues; Heron hides]: Cadogán 1959:158