M22. The savior crane. .19.41.-.
Along-necked bird living near the water (crane, heron, bittern, swan) helps the fugitive escape from his pursuer (indicated in brackets). See J44-J46 motifs (a long-legged bird helps to cross the river, drowns the pursuer; the stalker is most often the Bear).
Melanesia. Vedau [mother tells two daughters to wash their brother and cook food for him; older sister insists that her mother told her brother to cook food; kills him, cooks meat; father is angry drives her daughters away; they starve, collect grasshoppers, lizards, snakes in a basket, come to a house where the man is in ulcers; the eldest sneaks to take his head to make a fire, but the spark falls on the man, he calls girls to themselves; eats everything by himself, makes girls work in the garden; they ask the Uapanipani crane to save them; they ask the Uapanipani crane to save them; he picks them up, brings them to their parents; they are happy]: Ker 1910:64-68.
Subarctic. Tutchoni [Wolverine pursues two sisters]; helmet [like tutchoni; Bird not named].
NW Coast. Hyda [Killer whales carry a woman who comes to the water, the man at the bottom of the sea marries her; the husband first gets to the floating seaweed, then goes down to the bottom; gives gifts to the Heron Watchman, who hides it; grabs his wife when steam envelops the room where she is sitting; returns home with her]: Swanton 1905:244-247 [see motive K27; the old man helps her husband find his wife's trace; advises giving Heron tobacco and wicker cedar branches; The heron hides her husband in his mouth; hides it again when he runs away from her captors with his wife], 338-340 [The marten takes her husband to the floating seaweed; he gives the Heron cedar branches, a drill, a whetstone; the heron hides it under his arm; the husband helps the slaves Raven and the Raven cut down a tree; they overturn the vessel with water on the hearth to fill the room with steam; at home, the husband hides his wife in a box; one day he finds it empty and there is a hole in the box].
The coast is the Plateau. Kutene [two brothers hunt; the elder kills a wild sheep, dries meat on fire, he doesn't like the taste; he cuts, gives and eats his flesh, eats himself completely; the younger brother comes up and hears , as the elder says that he loves his younger brother, so it will take him two days to eat him; stalks his younger brother, kills him with his guts; the older brother's wife goes to look for her husband, covers clothes with sharp creams; when the husband throws his intestines, they tear; she runs home, talks about what happened; people leave, the ogre's wife remains with the child; the cannibal comes, tears the child in half ; the wife offers to wash the meat, goes out, runs away; talks about all the people; The crane hides in a hole by the river cliff; when an ogre chases his wife, pushes him into the water, he drowns]: Boas 1918, No. 51:83-85; ne perse [the eldest of the five brothers hurts himself while hunting, tastes blood, eats his flesh; each of the three brothers throws a lasso from his guts, eats them; the fifth steps on a lark, heals his leg, he teaches him to tie flints to his leg so that the lasso breaks; a woman runs away with a living child; a Crane pushes him off a cliff]: Aoki 1979, No. 5:36-38; Thompson; clallam [cannibal chases children]; snohomish; skagit; Puget Sound [snail cannibal]; clackamas; catlamet [Malinovka chases the children of the Berry she ate]; takelma; clamath; tillamook [gluttonous cannibal chases brothers]; ne perse [Long-legged: probably a crane or stork]; upper coquil [Crane saves children Brown Bear by Grizzly]: Jacobs 2007:243-245.
The Midwest. Stalks sons. Menominee [dead mother]; western marsh crees [mother's head]; steppe crees [mother's head]; northern solto [mother's head]; chippewa [old man lives with eight sons; a fat boy comes, an old man leaves him; a young woman comes, says that her parents are dead; brothers notice that she is not eating anything; stays alone at home pretending sick, finds a human hand in her bag; a woman is sent for a dead deer, the old man and brothers leave; a fat boy directs them to a river that the pursuer cannot cross; he will the shore is swampy, will place thorns in the woman's way; they cross the river, the old man makes it wide, two pelicans at the waterfall will help; the woman asks the pelican to transport her, hurries, he throws her into the waterfall; Winabojo catches the corpse, pretends that the woman has just passed out, talks to her, then cuts off her head and leaves]: Densmore 1929b: 101-103.
Northeast. Mikmaq [an evil spirit stalks a girl]; mikmaq, passamaquoddy [Trickster stalks girls].
Plains. Assiniboine [like Cree]; throw off pawnee [like Cree]; wichita [cannibal stalks woman]; tonkawa [husband who cuts off his leg stalks his wife].
Southeast USA. Screams [Puma].
California. A bear, if not otherwise. Yurok [stalker old woman]; kato; lassik; shinkion; maidu; wappo; vintu [+ Horned Serpent]; pomo; kasha pomo; (cf. Oloni [during the flood, the eagle, hummingbird, and Coyote climbed to the top of Pico Blanco; when the water reached there, the eagle carried the hummingbird with the coyote to Sierra de Gabilan; the water descended and the eagle sent the Coyote to find out , whether the earth has dried up; he came back and said it was dry; the Eagle tells Coyote to marry a girl; he asks how to conceive children; consistently suggests (inserting the penis) under the knee, under the elbow, into the eyebrow , in the back of the head; The hummingbird points to the lower abdomen; Coyote wants to kill Hummingbird, but he hid under Eagle's wing and Coyote did not find him; came to the girl, asks him to look in his head; she finds a tick, throws it away in fear; Colitis tells her to see it, swallow it; she swallows it, becomes pregnant; runs in fear; Coyote creates a good road for her, but she runs through the bush; Coyote creates flowers along the edges of the road so she can stop picking them; she doesn't want to; he almost grabs her, but she runs to the sea, rushes into the waves; turns into a shrimp or a sand flea]: Kroeber 1907a, No. 1:199-200).
Big Pool. Northern Payutes in Owens Valley [Player]; Eastern Shoshones [Ogre]; Goshiute [Bear].
The Great Southwest. Western Apache [Bear]; Lipan [Coyote; see also M21]; Taos Tiwa [cannibal stalks children].
NW Amazon. Desana [see motive J12; two sisters go to marry Inamba (Crypturus sp. Forest Feather), get to the Possum; run to Inamba; Crane, Duck refuses to transport them because of an unpleasant smell; Cayman can't smell them, they transport them; the Opossum pursues them; the people of Inambu (Herons) wash them, hide them; refuse to give them Opossum; kill him]: Kumu, Kenhiri 1980:161-184.
Eastern Amazon. Tenetehara: Nimuendaju 1915, No. 10 [Cayman pursues, Crane hides in a fish basket]: 299-300; Wagley, Galvão 1949, No. 15 [Wiraí boy went to the site with his mother, got lost, the river split, he found himself on an island; the Nighthawk ("night hawk") refused to move it, the Woodpecker could not, Cayman offered to sit on it; on the opposite bank he went under water; the Socó bird {apparently , pelican} dived, swallowed V., hid it in his throat bag, Cayman sailed away; V. spent the night under a cliff, in the morning it turned out to be a huge Toad; saw hummingbirds dancing and singing "I'll make it out of his head calebasu", V. frightened them off; the snake Moizuhú invited him to her house, wanted to eat him, but V. began singing Hawk's song "The Hawk Eats the Eyes of Snakes", the snake was frightened and disappeared; V. slept again by a huge toad, that repeated "Sleep on the other side", where V. found a path, walked along it to the fruit tree; on the other, V. ate so many fruits that he began to go bald; the bakers brought him to the yam field; V.'s father frightened off the Bakers, grabbed his son; at home he hugged his mother so tightly that they could not separate (var.1: called a shaman to separate them; var.2: could not separate because V. was a shaman]: 140-142.
Bolivia - Guaporé. Pauserna [the man got lost, came to a wide body of water; the duck offered a caiman as a boat; the caiman sailed with the man for three days; - Say that I stink and ugly; the man kept silent; when the shore was close, the man grabbed the tree, ran; asked the uru (flightless) bird to hide it from the caiman pursuer; she sent it along the way to the herons, they hid it in a basket under the fish; Cayman put his paw in the basket, pricked himself against thorny catfish, left; the man became a heron, flew along with other herons to his relatives, became human again; after a week or two he died]: Snethlage 1936:287- 288; the synth larga [the Kaboêp girl loved the Owl, but at the festival she met the Paxis bird (blue, considered the son of the Jaguar), asks to leave a sign for her on the path to his house; this is his feather; Sister K. says that Owl's feather is on the path to Owl's house; K. and his sister come to Owl {sign substitution is not mentioned, sister is no longer mentioned before the Mutum bird episode}; Owl's mother says he should bring game to his wife; he brings rats; agrees to give corn; leads for honey, K. does not see bees, Owl climbs a tree, knocks out his eye (? ; quebrou olho), the liquid poured out, Owl says it's honey; K. replies that she will go for the vessel, goes to Pxit herself (took her hammock with her in advance); asks Pomi (Rolinha; bird?) , who eats fruit on a tree, does not say he saw it; comes to the Crane (Socó), who hides it in his throat; Pomi, Socó tell Sova that they have not seen his wife; Owl asks what kind of bloating Socó has a throat, he replies that his teeth hurt; K. sleeps under the wing of Mutum, becomes pregnant with him, sister K. and Mutum did not get along; K. came to Paxit, Owl demands her return, K. does not want to, Paxis kills the Owl with an arrow, he comes to life, returns home; Jaguariha's mother-in-law asks K. to remove the splinter from her leg; there is no splinter in her leg, Jaguariha kills K., sister K. saves the egg, Sunkip was born from it, grew up; his father tells him to kill Mutum so as not to shout (letters. "cried"); Mutum tells S. not to kill him, says that he is his father, that his mother killed Jaguariha; brings a snake to hide it among edible larvae; she bites Jaguariha, but she does not feel anything; then C . asks Jaguariha to catch nuts that he will throw from the tree, she catches; Mutum asks to check if Yaguariha feels the heat of the fire; advises her to get the larva thrown there out of the fire; S. pushes Jaguariha into the fire, it burns; the ashes have turned into harmful insects; more about the Jaguar and the Turtle; see the full text in motif J12]: Leonel Queiroz et al. 1988:63-69.
Southern Amazon. Trumai [Cayman pursues, Crane hides]: Monod Becquelin 1975, No. 53:175.
Araguaia. Karazha [people catch too many pirarucu fish; the old man tells me to stop fishing, the fishermen do not listen; they disappear; fish in their guise come to their wives; looking for her sleeping husband in her head, the wife notices needles from fins; runs with children; tells the parrot to be responsible for her; Pirarucu pulls out his feathers, the parrot admits that the woman hid in the Heron's goiter; the Heron replies that she is fat because she is full fish; Pirarucu checks Heron's excrement; woman runs farther, loses her way, suffers from thirst; Electric Eel gives water when she agrees to lie down with him; another Eel deceives, he doesn't give water ; the child turns into a bird out of thirst; Unze asks what the woman painted her (second?) baby; - With melted wax; - Paint me too; the woman scalded Unze to death; the woman's sister put Unze fat in the hollow; contrary to warning, she comes back twice, eats fat, herself turns into Unze; a woman throws her into a tree; asks Cayman to transport her; promises to surrender to him on the other side, runs away herself; Cayman guides the pursuer in her footsteps; she throws in The pursuer is hot coals; then salt, a large river forms; Pirarucu cannot cross it, stops chasing, returns to his lake]: Ehrenreich 1891, No. 8:43-45.
Eastern Brazil. Kayapo: Wilbert 1978, No. 145 [the old man Teeth on his head calls girls to look for his hair; there are hidden teeth with which he bites off girls' fingers; after trying blood, he kills and eats girls; one bitten runs; the battleship digs the passage from her house into the forest, the Parrot covers the entrance with its wings; the Heron hides the girl, swallowing her, only the necklace outside, then regurgitates; Cayman carries her across the river; the stalker sees traces to the water, rushes into the river, is eaten by piranhas; his lice are left to torment people], 151 [(Metraux 1960:30-32); kayapo was attacked by Europeans, Sakawāpö alone escaped, came to the shore Shingu; Cayman offered to transport him; swimming to the shore, accuses S. of calling him "protruding eyebrows", "sawtooth tail", calling him long-toothed and fat; S. grabbed a branch, jumped, ran, hid in the Heron's basket, which covered it with fish; Cayman began to rummage through the basket, but his paws were short, he didn't get S.; S. wanted to shoot a deer; he said he had shot him once, the arrow is still in his body; went with S., but went to graze, S. did not wait for him; the same with Tapir; with Obezhiana; with Coati; S. came to a recently abandoned village; then met his brother, who showed him the way home; S. said that the others were killed; the mother and other women held mourning ceremonies], 152 [(Lukesh 1968:60-63); Kayapo attacked the village of other Indians, but they killed the attackers Tčakamandapá escaped alone; the monkey asks not to shoot, promises to bring C. to his house; but she often stopped looking for food, C. went by himself; the same with Tapir, with the Deer; at nightfall he met a bird with fire under its feathers; the bird allowed it to warm up, but warned it not to push; when C. moved, it flew away; then returned; in the morning C. came to the river, Cayman offered to transport it; in the middle of the river, he suggested saying that he had a nasty face, a thick belly, and a tail like a saw; C. replied no; at the shore he grabbed a branch, shouted to Cayman that he was fat; the Heron shot onion fish, hid C. in the basket under the fish; Cayman could not find C.; The fox asked C. not to shoot, took C. to the house, C. spoke about his adventures]: 346-347, 361-362, 363-367; Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 150 (shikrin) [Vidal 1977:248; the jaguar ate a man; people left the jaguar a poisoned cake; it was eaten by a woman, died; the woman's mother and grandson and granddaughters went to the forest; one granddaughter climbed a tree, threw genipa fruits on her sisters, the sisters turned into capybaras, jumped into the river; the rest in the tree became a monkey; Cayman transported her grandmother and grandson across the river; they jumped ashore, Cayman chased them; the stork hid the fugitives in his goiter, Cayman passed by; the Pom-pom Indians hid them in the basket under the fish; the fugitives reached their own, the people drove Cayman away, burned them with fire]: 441-442.
SE Brazil. Botocudo: Schaden 1947a (State of São Paulo) [similar to Nimuendaju]: 260; Nimuendaju 1946b (Espirito Santo State) [Mutum bird (Nothocrax urumutum) pretends to be dead; Vulture brings fry her fire; Mutum told the fly larvae not to crawl into his nose and ears; the vulture son noticed that the mutum opened his eyes, but the father did not believe it; Mutum grabbed the smut, ran, Stjervanik behind him; the Heron hides Mutuma in a bag, putting his wife on top; Vulture stops pursuing; Heron scattered fire everywhere; seeing this, Vulture decided to eat raw food]: 111-112;.
Southern Brazil. Mbia [Cayman pursues; Heron hides]: Cadogán 1959:158.